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Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Education

Region VI- Western Visyas
Division of Negros Occidental


S.Y. 2019-2020

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer. Use the musical score to answer
questions 1-3.

1. What kind of rest is found in the third measure?

A. eighth rest B. half rest C. quarter rest D. whole rest
2. Dotted half note is found in the following measures except ….
A. 4th measure B. 2nd measure C. 8th measure D. 12th measure
3. How many are there in 5th measure?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
 Identify whether the time signature used in each rhythmic pattern is 2 , 3 , 4
Write your answer in your paper. 4 4 4
4. ___

5. ___

6. ___

7. In 2, 3, 4 time signature, what note receives one beat in every measure?

4 4 4
A. B. C. D.

8. How many beats are there in every measure in 3 time signature?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
9. Which of the following time signature is a compound meter?
A. 6 B. 4 C. 2 D. 3
8 4 4 4

10. In 2, 3, 4, 6 time signatures, the upper number means…

4 4 4 8
A. the number of notes in each measure
B. the number of rests in each measure
C. the number of beats in each measure
D. none of the above

11. What time signature the rhythmic pattern shown below?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 6
4 4 4 8

12. Which of the following time signatures below is in 4?

A. B. C. D. 4 5
2 1 3
13. Based on the illustration pattern in no. 12, which one is in 3 time signature?
A. B. C. D.

Direction: Answer the following with TRUE or FALSE.
_______1. Personal logos are used to brand possessions, achievements or one’s identity.
_______2. Logo design is not an art.
_______3. Elements and principles of art are applied in making a logo design.
_______4. Logo design is an important field of graphic art.

Directions: Identify the following logos:

( Personal logo, Crest logo, Business and Product logo ) Write your answer in your paper.

5. ____________ 6. ________________

Directions: Write check ( / ) in your paper if the following are important factors in making
logos and cross (X) if not. Answer only.
7. words, texts
8. fonts
9. size

Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. Answer only.
10. Cartoon is a form of visual communication that became popular with the invention of
modern newspaper and motion picture in the 20th century.
11. Comic strip is not a series of little drawings arrange box by box.
12. Caricatures are often drawn in an unkind way which exaggerate certain things about

Direction: Read carefully and write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Tom is watching videos all day long. Which of these physical activities does it involve?
a. light activity b. moderate activity c. vigorous activity d.minimal activity

2. Jogging and dancing are __________________ exercises.

a. Light b. moderate c. Vigorous d. Minimal

3. Which of these activities usually done twice/thrice a week?

a. Push-up b. bicycling c. swimming d. watching TV

4. __________________ is the weight of a person. One must have more weight from lean muscles and bones
than fat weight.
a. Endurance b. Flexibility c. Strength d. Body Composition

5. __________________ is the ability to move your body parts quickly while applying the greatest force of
your muscle.
a. Power b. Coordination c. Agility d. Balance

6. __________________is using your five senses with body parts involved in the physical fitness.
a. Strength b. Balance c Coordination d. Speed

7. Which of these activities illustrate zipper test?

a. b. c. d.

8. Which of the following games does not belong to Target Game?

a. Tamaang tao b Syato c .tumbang preso d. tatsing

9. Which of these games is a Striking Game?

a. Palo sebo b. basagang palayok c .luksong baka d. billiards

10. What do you need in order to avoid injuries?

a. Focus and Concentration c. Attire
b. Stretching d. Equipment

11. Complete the sentence: Observe _____________ precautions while playing games.
a. Healthy c. casualty
b. Safety d. injury

12. Mrs. Reyes is measuring the height and weight of her pupils, which of the related fitness it belongs?
a. Health related fitness c. Skill related fitness
b. School related fitness d. Equipment

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which can cause overweight or obesity?

a. Too much eating habit c. nutrient deficiency
b. food Inadequacy d. Excessive physical activities or exercise

2. What skin problem is caused by too much exposure to sunlight with ultra violate rays?
a. Calluses c. Parasites infestation
b. Dandruff d. Sunburn

3. What gum disease damage the soft tissue and destroys the bone that support the teeth?
a. Gingivitis c. Cavity
b. Bad breath d. Mouth sore

4. How can you prevent tooth decay?

a. Drink soda
b. Eat soft food only
c. Brush your teeth every after meal
d. Eat too much sweet
5. This can tell if a person is underweight, overweight, or normal.
a. Height
b. Weight
c. Age
d. Body Mass Index
6. It is a common eye condition experienced by many young people. This condition can be corrected by
eye glasses.
a. Hyperopia c. Blurred vision
b. Myopia d. Astigmatism

7. Which picture shows obesity?

b. Myopia
a. c. Astigmatism
C. d. Blind

b. D.
8. It is also known as farsightedness?
a. Hyperopia
9. This refers to the supplemental evaluation of vision, hearing, blood pressure, height and weight, and
any other screenings locally determined.
a. Current Status
b. Family History
c. Screening Procedure
D Health history

10. These are doctors, nurse and dentist who provide the prevention, curative and rehabilitative to the
a. Medical Professional
b. Health Facilities
c. Barangay Health Station
d. School Clinics

11. Which of these services provide health to the pupils?

a. Medical Professional
b. Health Facilities
c. Barangay Health Station
d. School Clinics

12. Which of these health facilities found in the Barangay?

a. Medical Professional
b. Health Facilities
c. Barangay Health Station
d. School Clinics

Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas
Division of Negros Occidental


Learning Objectives/Competencies No. Of Days Weight No. Of Item Placement
1. Identify the kinds of notes and rests in 3 30% 3 1,2,3
2,3,4,6, time signatures
2.Creates Rhythmic patterns in 2 3 4 6 time 2 20% 3 4,5,6
signatures 4448
3.Differentiate among 2,3,4,6 time
signatures 4448 2 20% 3 7,8,9
4.Demonstrate the conducting pattern of
2,3,4,6 time signatures 3 30% 6 10,11,12,13,14,15,
4 44 8
TOTAL 10 100% 15 15


1.Realizes that Art processes elements and 1,2
principles are still applied even with the use of 2 20% 2
new technology

2.Appreciates the elements and principles 3,4

applied in commercial arts 2 20% 2
3.Creates personal or class logo as visual 5,6,7,8,9
representation that can be use as product,brand 3 30% 6
or trademark

4.Appreciates the elements and principles 10

applied in comic art 1 10% 1
5.Applies concepts on the steps or procedure in 2 20% 2 11,12
cartoon character making

TOTAL 10 100% 12 12

Learning Objectives/Competencies No.of Days Weight No.of Item Placement
1.Assesses regularly participation in 1 10 2 1,2
physical activities based on PPAP
2.Describe the Phil.Physical Activity 1 10 2 3,4
3.Explains the indicator of fitness 3 30 3 5,6,7
4.Explains the nature/ background of the 2 20 2 8,9
5.Observe safety precautions 2 20 2 10,11
6.Explains health and related fitness 1 10 1 12
TOTAL 10 100% 12 12

Learning Objectives/ Competencies No.of Days Weight No.of Item Placement
1.Describes personal health issues and 2 20% 3 1,2.3
2.Demonstrates self-management skills 1 10% 2 4,5
3.Discusses health appraisal procedures 2 20% 2 6,7
during puberty
4.Explains the importance of undergoing 3 30% 3 8,9,10
health appraisal procedures
5.Identifies community health resources 2 20% 2 11,12
and facilities that maybe utilized to address
a variety of personal health issues and
TOTAL 10 100% 12 12

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