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arigi24, 1:51 PM ‘Current Session: SOL Roll No: Name Father's Nam: ‘Course Name: Address Exam Centre: ei SEELEY EE OEY: OF LACUtl aa Teket Hall Ticket 2ons-2024 SACHIN SIKANDER Exam Roll No. 22345303682 B.COM_NEP, Part HOUSE NO C73, Man 1 Pur 110083 INDIRA GANDHIINST OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION & SPORT SCIENCES B BLOCK VIKAS PUR NEW DELHI 110018, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND NEW aeroracon| W Monday | ovoraoze | 1420 [cosTAccouNTING vionzeea| w Wednesday | auriaoze [140 ‘COMPANY LAW etaoeraea_w Thursday | earanae | 1430 INTERNATIONAL BUSES zva0re403_W Fray | ernone [1430 HUWAVRESOURSE MANAGEMENT 2412091203 Saturday | oooraze | 4:30 TANOA:vaVAHARIKHNOI—___zostnzoon_W Monday | ovoriaoze [1430 Sc COMMITEE PERSONALITY Seve.oement aN Losoveeos| Wednesday | oor0ze | 1430 Ptaromteon COMMERCE: FMANCIRL———esgroaacos_ Fray | trons | 1490 NDIA: Godiva Vikas Ke Viidhossonzcos|_ Sunday | wore | 30 oN Principal (Schoo! of Open Learning) Instructions / 8: fra = Controller of Examinations (University of Dal) 41. The examinees are requested to kindly verify the date, time and venue ofthe examination from the Admit Caré and “date sheet published. by the Examination Branch, University of Delhi available on the website hitpsifsolduae in ntps:ifacmission sol du.acinvAdmissionTickevExam_pmHalTicket_POF. aspx 48 erngi24, 1:51 PM Hall Ticket afl wit oe afer anther ote wa a Pret of Reins We aa a, wa argu, eA Reha tite) re ea A rer eT HA HA. TEE tps: OE TAL A (8 Profee ee are 3. The candidate must bring hisiher Admit Card along with one Wentity CardiVoter Identity Card or any other valid proof of identiation while appearing Inthe examination. abt Brace BAB rg wf WH ore a ere Ae ee eT TEM BR ATTEN GATT STE soré) ara Qu ugar era eT 4.The Candidates are, admitted to ‘ofthe Univers, yxamination under the conditions laid down in the Ordinances and ‘connection, a copy of the Code of Conduct for Examinees, directions to of Ordinance X 4 XA dealing with General Rules for Examinations and jeans can be obtained from SOL office, edn e, ReyReera aca ate PAP Pres wal ah Prot omere we ft anf rar oat BL ge alter ft fe rarer Fh, fhe fr Pa ale ree x a xa) au ae a 8 era eae HR TE SIN Ye eA eee eS i 5. Candidates are advised to read the contents carefully Immediately on recat of Admit Card wee haere et Fee bee se Ae Gera ee a ag 6. Candidates must not bring wth them any electronic gadget like transistor, mobile phone, wireless set, Bluetooth ‘device ete: to the examination centre, otherwise helshe will Hable to be prosecuted under Unfair Means (UFM) lald down by code of Conduct of Examination, afta et ilar dg A fore oh were wate Pre swore OR gre, ange wis, aTae He, wg PeeTER 3a arch ae er aA eT EN eT eet ewe Tet wa Bs Rc fa A oa aT a hips aamission Lau. n/AdmissionTickeExam_proHaliicket_POF aspx erngi24, 1:51 PM Hall Ticket 7. Students are adv not to get the Admission Ticks laminated. adler hare het Pe tan er Are a TEL 8.1m caso SOL: The deck iecrepancyiproblem regarding Admit Card, students may contact Assistant Registrar (Exam. nf the University In this regard al be final swe ee re ot ee Ha A, eT ee gree wea, OAT a aE THR BI Te eR reer a Pre 8.Entry In the examination hall will not be allowed after 30 minutes from the time of commencement of ‘examination, aft ree AB 30 fre are ter ear Ber aA rg 10. Examinges are not allowed to leave the Examina ‘of the Examination edt hea ee Ba 30 frre aks ew le wey tA A ae EY EM rrr pas ha wa aa | la ce TT Rea ET hips aamission 01.04.20 n/AdmissionTickeExam_proHaliicket_POF.aspx 35 erngi24, 1:51 PM Hall Ticket 12. The Superintendent of Examination, the Invglaton Staff, the Members of the Visiting Teams and the Observer's ‘at any Ume during the course of examination or before entering to ensure that they do not have any unauthorised matorial i Heir possession, ‘tar after, ween eee, ffir de ge a sere whan Ber when wee A wet a3 BTA wba reat fg excl B ens etc wh ae Pr a bart Ew aeagpar ett 81 eee FR ee re Ferd rere elf eh rae ear eB rer esa fers ew aera & Pp re eT FRAT Ter Ye aT re FRR we Tere fy rere Fare Et eT 4 is Admit card, downloaded from the website, will be valld subject tothe verification ofthe competent authority ‘ofthe Examination Centre exec Barareh rarer fhe were war fg era eT re tan ee ese Ber gerer ree fre oT erat ‘Superintendent of the Examination Contre must onsure the authenticity of the candidate on the basis of nt documents available with th candidate edt ureter refer eect Be ee we Ela aa ra oeenfrera area aPC a hips aamission 01.04.20 n/AdmissionTickeExam_proHaliicket_POF.aspx 45 erngi24, 1:51 PM hips aamission 01.04.20 n/AdmissionTickeExam_proHaliicket_POF.aspx Hall Ticket 55

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