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4 —— { Pace Ho } Thermodyamics First law AU=Y+W ees Heat (9) ? va a “Heat capacity (ce) 2 fee scah Ket J | Specific Heat capacky (a= TKg cal k=Ig-! a Molar Heat Capactty (Cm) = /TK-! ol"? ‘cal Krol i rout 1 ' 7 Rhee ae J G= C47 = c (Ta-t) } : avorBesh A G | q= f4TXM = ME (Tr-T) 3= HA 9 = CmAT XO = NCm (2-H) 3-| Work (Ww) + + | Isothermal Reversible process W = —Pext (V2-W) TAN ad atm 01-3 J = 24-3 cal 1bar = 1007 W = = 2:303 MRT 109 10 (2) vi) p= 6 ~ 2-303 PV 109 10 (2) T ori Niw dk Pap ya es w ~ 2-303 ORT: 10g 10 { pi \: Po) Internal energy (0) tt ee 1 , (aus g+w Tsothevmal process (Ideal gos) . ba oon) ve} AT=0 ; OU=07 Au = nCviAT v= molat heat capacity at constant volume . “1 O| Hs vt Pv : O| ans ‘au + 4(-) An = au + ADRT ak eonstant preseio 5.| Enthalpy CH): ty pa ‘AHS AU + PAV @| an= ncpat — Cp- roolox Heat aaa constant psa @| In isothermal process es ged i AH =O 5 " 6-| For a chemical Reaction : AH = AU + ADRT wr=l—ADIRT ito Lb Tout f E { 7-| Entvopy (5)! kT caulk? | 45= qrev T a , @| (AS) system = Povo (Ta 2\ + DR Ao Ti) v or 1) (48) systern = NCpio / T2\ + DR Ln’ oon bait te (i BE x + @ | In scthermal’ processy AS = nRIn (v2\ = ‘oRin [Pr tk i ee For isochoric OPA _, as = NCVko (Te) = napio ——}__ pobaric process anette (a) (BE) —— sible Grose ‘adiabatic yeuersible process y Ag eoy lt mmo : eet ee eames Meats ivreversible process, as #0 — 4 ~ INA t Reversible process Ineversible process (AS) sys + (48) sun zo CAS) system + (4S) gury 7 0 (4S) curt = 4 sue 1© “At equili brium= OS = AH U . fr 8.| Gibb’s Pree energy: 3 - 3{3-8) @| G= H-TS © 46<0 spontaneous ©| 4G= 4H- alts) 4G>D _nen= spontaneous ak constant temp. 4G=0 —— equilibyium AG= AH- TAS | ee @ | At equilibrium Ag=o 1” An= TAS Bust be AS = AH T= 4H T as | © 4H 4s a = + - always spontaneous - + - + abvays nop spmtaneouds I a + Spontanepus at high termpeccture _ = Spontaneous at low temperature _ At eg. 4G=0 ee ‘Therroochernistry TF Formation ebthalpies given in problem peau 7 | ane © (4fh)p- € (4FH)R Vy ole wit veg Slots * Tf enthalpy of combustion ave given yu ; sy b) ©) Ro 9) A AW = EC AcH)ps SCAcH)p TF data is given ip term of B-E then (goed) 5 4H = =(BE)R- € (BE)P "Hess laus : Rxp Reverse AH Ka sign Badal joo bain. = 14 Rxn multiply AH KO bhi _roultiply korn . Rxn Ko add AH Ko bhi add katna.

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