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CHAPTER > 21 Neural Control and Coordination NEET Key noTes + Neural/Nervous system provides an organised network of point t point connections for quick neutal coordination and Fastest means of communication between organs. + Coordination isthe process through which two or more ‘organs interact ancl complement the functions of one another. + The neural system is composed of highly specialised cells called neurons. These are the basic structural and functional unit of neural system that can detet, receive and transmit different kinds of stimu, Human Neural System Itis derived from embryonic ectoderm and is composed of 1. Central Neural System (CNS) includes brain and spinal cord and isthe site of information processing and control Peripheral Neural System (PNS) comprises of al the nerves of the body associated with the CNS (brain and spinal cord), The nerve fibres of PNS are of two types Afferent fibres transmit impulses from tissues to cs, = Efferent fibres transmit impulses from CNS to tissues + The two divisions of PNS are * Somatic neural system relays impulses from CNS to skeletal muscles = Autonomic neural system transmits impulse from CNS to involuntary organs and smooth muscles, It is further classified as sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. eral nervous system is a part of PNS that comprises whole complex of fibres, nerves, ganglia and plexuses through which impulses from CNS are transmitted to and Neurons and Nerves A neuron is a microscopic structure composed of three major parts, ie cell body, dendrites and axons, * Cell body or Cyton or Soma It possesses certain granular bodies called NissI's granules in their cytoplasm along with other cell organelles. + Dendrites are short, branched projections ofthe cell body, also containing Nisl's granules, These transmit impulse towards the cll body + Axon isa long fibre, with branched distal end. It terminates into a bulb-like structure called synaptic knob containing neurotransmitter, It functions to transmits impulse away from the cell body. + On the bass of number of dendrites and axons, neurons are of following types ' Multipolar One axon, two oF more dendrites, found in cerebral cortex. * Bipolar One dendrite and ane axon, found in retina of + Unipolar Only one axon, found in embryonic stages. * Axons re mainly of two types, ie. myelinated (found in spinal and cranial nerves) and non-myelinated (found in Autonomous and somatic neural system) nerve fibres. Schwann cells form the myelin sheath around the axon, + The gap between the two adjacent myelin sheath is known as nodes of Ranvier. Generation and Conduction of Nerve Impulses Nerve impulse canbe defined asa wave of depolarisation of thenerve cell membrane travelling along a nedron and Uroughout the nervous system. “The nerve impulse generation curs in the following steps 1. Resting Potential + The axonal membrane is polarised and do not conduct impulse at this stage. There isa difference in the cconcentration of fons across the axonal membrane. ‘Axoplasm inside the axon contain more K" and low Na*ions. Outside the axon, fluid contain more Na* and low Kons. ‘The ionic gradient is maintained by Na-K pump which transport 3Na* outward for 2K" ions into the cells ‘Thus, outer surface is positively charged, while the inner surface is negatively charged. The state of resting membrane iscalled polarised state. ‘The electrical potential difference aerss the resting plasma ‘membrane is called as the resting potential 2. Action Potential + Due to the stimulation of nerve fibre, membrane become highly permeable to N°, leading to rapid influx of Na*and thus, polarity of membrane is reversed. The membrane is said tobe depolarised, + Action potential or nerve impulse i the electrical potential difference across plasma membrane. + Nerve impulse is conducted along the whole length of axon, 3. Repolarisation + Soon, permeability of K* ion increases and membrane again ‘become polarised due to the difusion of "ions outside the ‘membrane, ie. epolarisation Transmission of Nerve Impulse + Anerveimpuise flows from one neuron to another through synapses whichis formed bythe membranes ofa presynaptic neuron and postsynaptic neuron, which may ot Inay not be separated by» pap eae synaptic cleft. «There ae two types of syrapaes present, a follows + Hacticl epnapee In thos th gap betwen presynsplic and post-synaptic neuron neglighle and thus the lecrc caren flows a faster ate fron one neuron io mother These are rae in human body + Chemical synapse thes, Presynaptic and posbeyruphcnienbwanea are eepersid by chemical led ynaphc deft. These chemicals ae called ‘eurottansmiters which are responsible fr generation of {ction potential. ts nerve conduction i slower as compared ockectrical synapse. ‘Ata chemical synapse, when an impulse arrives at the axon terminal, the synaptic vesiles move towards the plasma membrane, where they fuse and release their ‘eurotransmitters in the synaptic clef. Sapte: Syrneccn |f resonate ocetos Diagram showing axon teinal and synapse ‘+ The neurotransmitters bind to receptors an [post-synaptic membrane, open fon channels and allow the entry of ions, so as to generate action potential in post-synaptic membrane. The new potential is either excitatory or inhibitory in nature. Central Nervous System + controls various voluntary and involuntary _movements in human body. Its parts, ie. brain and the spinal cord are covered by three protective connective tissue sheaths, the cranial meninges. The inner ‘meninge is called piamater, the middle arachnoid ‘membrane and the outer duramater, ‘+ Both brain and spinal cord are composed of two types ‘of nervous tissue grey matter and white matter. Brain can be divided into three major parts, i.e. forebrain (cerebrum, thalamus and hypothalamus), midbrain and hindbrain (pons, cerebellum and medulla). Forebrain + Tthas cerebrum which is divided into two halves forming left and right cerebral hemispheres. The cerebral hemisphere are connected by a tract of nerve fibres called corpus callosum, Diagram showing sagital section ofthe human brain + Cerebral cortex i the layer of cells cavering the cerebral hemispheres. It contain motor, sensory and mixed regions (association areas) which are neither motor nor sensory in functions, + Thalamus is major coordinating centre for sensory and motor signalling. Hypothalamus is present below the thalamus and it contain neurosecretory cells which secrete hypothalamic hormones. This region control body temperature, hunger, et ‘+ Limbic system or limbic lobe isa complex stricture formed of nner parts of cerebral hemispheres and group of associated deep structures like amygdala, hippocampus, ee Limbic system along with hypothalamus regulate sexual behaviour, expression of emotional reactions (eg ‘excitement, pleasure, rage and fear) and motivation. Midbrain ‘© Midbrain is located between hypothalamus of forebrain and pons of hindbrain, Cerebral aqueduct is canal which passes ‘through it. Corpora quadrigemina are four round swelling (lobes) at the dorsal portion of midbrain, Hindbrain + TItcomprises of the following parts * Pons, consisting of fibrous tract which interconnect different regions of brain, + Cerebellum, possessing convoluted surface, s0as to accommodate maximum number of neurons, + Medulla oblongata, which is connected to spinal cord, control respiration, cardiovascular reflexes and gastric secretions, «Brain stem forms the connection between brain and spinal cord. Itis formed of midbrain, pons and medulla, Reflex Action and Reflex Arc «+ Reflex action is the involuntary functioning or movement of ‘any organ or part ofthe body in response to peripheral ‘nervous stinilation. The reflex pathway consists of at least ‘one afferent neuron (receptor) and one efferent neuron (effector), + Thenervous pathway taken by nerve impulses ina reflex action is called reflex arc e.g knee-jerk reflex given below ooo foro patway Termes 0 Motor nut | Diagrammatic presentation of refx acton (Ghowng knoojerkrefex) Sensory Organs ‘Various sensory organs in human body are as follows 1. Nose + Itcontain mucus coated olfactory receptors which are specialised for receiving the sense of smell, ‘+ These receptors are made up of olfactory epithelium containing, three types of cell, ie. receptor cells, supporting cells and basal cells. * Olfactory neurons extend from outside environment to olfactory bull which i turn in an extension of limbic system, 2. Tongue ike nose, it ean detect dissolved chemicals Gustatory receptors are fund in taste buds which can detect different taste. 3. Eyes ‘+ These are located in the sackets ofthe skull called orbits. ‘The three layers of eyeball are * Sclera external layer of dense connective tisssue. + Comea isthe anterior portion ofthis layer. + Choroid middle layer, containing blood * Ciliary body is the anterior thick portion of choroid and itcontinues forward as pigmented opaque structure, iris (visible coloured portion of eye). ‘Lens isa transparent crystalline structure whichis held in place by ligaments attached to ciliary body. ‘Pupil isan aperture surrounded by iris in front of lens. ‘Structure of mammalian eye «+ Retina isthe inner layer of eye. It contain three layers of neural cell namely ganglion cells, bipolar cells and photoreceptor cells. t consists photoreceptor cell, rods and cones. + Rods Contain rhodopsin or visual purple protein containing a derivative of vitamin-A. It provide twilight (scotopic) vision. = Cones Respond to red, green and blue light. It ‘provide daylight (photopie) and colour vision, Sensation of white lights produced when all cones are stimulated equally. Blind spot Optic nerves leave and retinal blood vessel center the eyeball through this region. It da not contain ‘photoreceptor cell, ‘Macula lutea Found at the posterior pole of eyes lateral to the blind spot. This yellowish pigmented spot contain 2 central pit, fovea. The latter contains densely packed ‘cones only and isthe point of greatest visual acuity (resolution). [Aqueous chamber isthe fluic-filled space between lens ‘and comea, while vitreous chamber is present between lens and retina Mechanism of Vision ght rays rom —+ Focus on ——+Light induces sociation outsde tine retina parent psi ‘Acton potenalls __Potortalaerence | Sructe of eneatedin. — fegenaated ny * opon changes tergionc cols phesnecepr cal Seough Bp Neualimpuses image's ‘Acton penal i — ftaamedie val 0anabed fecopsed coer mocap ibe byopterene 4. Ear It performs very important function of hearing and maintenance of the body. Ear is divided into three major sections, which are as follows |. External Ear Tteonsists ofthe pinna and extemal auditory meatus (canal). The pinna collects the sound waves and channel them inwards through the external auditory meatus leading up to the tympanic membrane the eardrum). Il. Middle Ear + Ttcontains tympanic cavity, which communicates with the pharynx by a passage called eustachian tube. + It-contains three ossicles called malleus, incus and stapes, which are attached like a chain and increase the efficiency of transmission of sound waves tothe inner Il. Inner Ear + Italso called labyrinth which consists of two parts the bony and membranous labyrinths + The space between the membranous and bony labyrinth is filled by a watery fluid, perilymph ane membranous labyrinth is filled with endolymph. + The membranous labyrinth is divided into cochlea (main hhearing organ) and vestibular apparatus \ Somictouar Membranous Tweane Sisy ien \\ ete Fete Keen lt ay | J Eustachian ‘eneral eer Medeor rieralaar Diagrammatic view of ear + The membranes constitute cochlea, the Reissner’s and basilar membrane. The organ of Cort isa sensory ridge located on the basilar membrane, which contains hair cells, ‘which act as auditory receptors. Abave the rows ofthe hait cells isa thin elastic membrane called tectorial membrane, * Vestibular apparatus, composed of three semicircular «canals and the otolith organ, consists of the saccule and utrile. + Vestibular apparatus has no roe in hearing, but is influenced by gravity and movements, + The base of canals is swollen and is called ampulla with a projecting ridge called erista ampalaris + The saccule and utricle contains a projecting ridge called macula, + The crista and macula are the specific receptors ofthe vestibular apparatus, which are responsible for the maintenance of balance of body and posture. Mechanism of Hearing Sound _, External Ear —+ Vivatons wansmited ‘um towearossicis and ten rales 120i! windom Sound is ecogniced | t Impulse wanstored to xciory cone of brain The this of cocoa generate waves nthe : Sen (Nee ise u Ge se ea cle a mantane creams peepee tee sate inane {ecto membrane Mastering NCERT MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS orice 1 ~ Human Neural System 1 The functions ofthe organs/organ systems in our body must be coordinated to maintain (@) muscularactivity (b) homeostasis (6) respiration (4) neural coordination 2 The process through which two or more organs interact and complement the functions of one another, is called {@) coordination () homeostasis (6) chemical integration (Q) transmission of impulse 3 Which pair of systems jointly coordinate and integrate all the activities of organs, so that they funetion in a synchronised fashion? (@) Noural and respiratory (©) Neural and digestive system (6) Neural and endocrine system (4) Neural and circulatory system 4% The system, responsible for providing an organised network of point to point connections for a quick coordination, is called (a) endocrine system (6) digestive syste 5 Identify the basie functions of neural system, (@) Receiving sensory input from internal and extemal envieonment by nerves (6) Processing the input information (6) Responding to stimuli (@) Allofthe above 6 The neural system is composed of highly specialised cells called neurons that can (a) detect stimuli (6) transmit stimuli (©) cireulatory system (@) neural system () receive stimuli (@) Allof these 7 In Hydra, neural organisation comprises (@) network of neurons (6) CNS and PS, (6) brain and neural tissue (4) ga 8 The humans, neural system comprises (@) Only PNS, (&) Only CNS. (6) Both (a) and () (4) None ofthe above 9 Which of the following is known as the site of information processing and conteol? (a) Brain and spinal cord () Somatic neural system and autonomic neural system {€) CNS and PNS (@) Neurons 10 The wo types of nerve fibres of PNS found associated with brain and spinal cord are (a) efferent fibres; mixed fibres () sensory fibres; mixed fibres {) afferent fibres efferent fibres (2) afferent fibres; mixed ib TI The afferent nerve fibres transmit impulses (a) fom tssuesiorgans to the CNS (b) from the CNS tothe concerned peripheral tssueslorgans {) fom the CNS to skeletal muscles (2) from one tissues to another 12 The efferent nerve fibres transn (a) fom tssuesiorgans to the CNS (6) from the CNS tothe smooth muscles {) fom the CNS tothe concerned peripheral tissuesorgans (@) from the CNS to the involuntary organs 1B The PNS includes (@) central neural system and sympathetic neural sytem (©) somatic neural system and autonomic neural system (6) sympathetic neural system (2) somatic neural system 16 The system that transmits impulse from the CNS to skeletal muscles is (@) sympathetic neural system (©) parasympathetic neural system {) somatic neural system (@) autonomic neural system 15 The system that transmits impulse from the CNS to the involuntary organs and smooth muscles of the body () sympathetic neural system (b) parasympathetic neural system {) somatic neural system {@) autonomic neural system impulses 16 The diagram given below is the functional ‘organisation of the human nervous system. Identify 4, B,C, Dand E in the figure Brain Spinal cord omen Nera ‘System (a) A-PNS, B-CNS, C-ANS, D-Sympathetic nervous system, E-Parasympathetic nervous system (8) A-ANS, B-CNS, C-PNS, D-Sympatheti nervous system, E-Parasympathetie nervous system ” 8 (6) A-CNS, B-PNS, CANS, D-Sympathetic nervous system, E-Parasympathetic nervous system (@) A-ANS, B-PNS, C-CNS, D-Sympathetic nervous system, E-Parasympathetic nervous system How do parasympathetie neural signals affect the working of the heart? (CBSE-AIPMT 2016 () Reduce both heart rate and cardiac output (b) Heart rate is increased without affecting the cardiae output (6) Both heart rate and cardiac output increase (@) Heart rate decreases, but cardiac output increases Visceral nervous system found in human body (a) is a part of peripheral nervous system (©) comprises the complex of nerves, ganglia and plexuses {) constitutes the connection berween CNS and the viscera (@)Allof the above ( TOPIC 2~ Neuron as Structural and Functional Unit of Neural System 19 A typical neuron is composed of (a) cell body and dendrite (6) dendgites and axon {) axon and nucleus (@) cell, axon and dendrites 20 Select the correct option to represent 4-£ in the given structure of a neuron. A e (a) A-Dendrites, B-Cell body, C-Axon, D-Node of Ranvier, E-Synaptic knob (®) A-Axon, B-Myelin sheath, C-Schwann eel, D-Node ‘of Ranvier, E~Axon terminal (©) A-Dendrites, B-Cell body, C- ‘of Ranvier, E-Synaptic knob (@) A-Axon, B-Cell body, C-Dendrites, D-Node of Ranvier, E-Axon terminal 21 The eytoplasm contained within the cell body of neuron is characterised by the presence of (a) cell granules () neuro cells {) Niss’s granules (@) neurogranules chan cell, D-Node 27 \NissI’s bodies are mainly composed of NEE 2018 (a) mvcleic acid and SER (b) DNA and RNA {) proteins and lipids (6) free ribosomes and RER Dendrites of neurons are (@) highly branched, short fibres containing Niss's granules (©) unbranched, long process of cell body {) unbranched, short and do not contain cytoplasm (@) branched, long process without eytoplasm Dendrites transmit impulses towards the (a) cell body (6) axon (6) Both (a) and (b) ——_(@) body tissues Synaptic knob is bulb-like structure which is present (a) atthe end of axon terminal () atthe node of Ranvier (6) inthe cel body (@) atthe end of dendrites Synapii vesicles contains chemicals called (a) synaptic Nuid (b) neurotransmiters (6) vesicular uid (@) Allof these ‘The axons transmits nerve impulse (@) away from a eal body to a synapse (©) towards the cell body from a neuro-muscular junction {) away from cell body to viseeral organs (2) towards the cell body from a synapse Multipolar and bipolar neurons differ in (a) number of axons {(b) presence or absence of Nis!s granules {) number of dendrites (@) Both (a) and (c) 29 Multipolar neurons are found in the {a) retina of eye () cerebral cortex (©) embryonic stage (@) None of these 30 Bipolar neurons are found in the (a) embryonic stage (b) cerebral cortex {c) cerebellum (@) retina of eye ‘31 Unipolar neurons ean be seen in the (a) embryonic stage (b) cerebellum {) cerebral cortex (@) retina of eye 32 Nerve fibres enveloped with Schwann cells are (a) myelinated fibres (b) nonsmyetinated fibres {) afferent fibres (4) efferent bres Schwann cells, form a myelin sheath around the (a) dendrite () cell body {) axon (4) Both (a) and (b) '34 The gaps between two adjacent myelin sheaths ae called (a) synapse () synaptic gap (6) nodes of Ranvier (dl) sheath gap ‘35. Myelin sheath is produced by (a) Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes {(b) Astrocytes and Schwann cells {) Oligodendrocytes and osteoclasts (@) Osteoclass and astrocytes 36. Myelinated nerve fibres are found in the nerves of (a) cranial region (b) spina {) spinal; muscular region (d) muscular region 37 Unmyelinated nerve fibres, are commonly found in (a) central peripheral region {(b) autonomous; cranial region {) somatic; peripheral region {(@) autonomous; somatic region 38 In resting stage, the axonal membrane is comparatively ‘more permeable and nearly impermeable to {a) sodium; potassium, respectively {(b) sodium: caleium, respectively {) potassium; sodium, respectively {@) potassium: calcium, respectively 39 In resting stage, the axonal membrane for neg: ‘charged proteins found in axoplasm is (@) permeable (©) parially permeable {) impermeable (4) selectively permeable In the resting stage of a neuron, concentration ‘gradient generates due to the (a) high concentration of K* and low concentration of Na” inside the axon | (b) high concentration of Na" and low concentration of "inside the axon {) low concentration of Na” outside the axon {@) high concentration of K" outside the axon, NET 2017 ively 40 a 42 45 47 “9 Maintenance of the ionic gradients across the resting membrane is done by () active transport of ions () passive transport of ions {) active transport of neur (@) passive transport of neurotransmiters For the maintenance of ionie gradients across the resting membrane, the sodium-potassium pump transports (a) 3Na” outwards for 2K* int the cell (b) 2Na® outwards for 2K "into the cel (6) 3Na” inwards for 2K* out the eal (@) 2Na* inwards for 2K* out the cell ‘The electrical potential difference across the polarised ‘plasma membrane when concentration of K~ is high inside the axon and low outside, itis known as (a) action potential (b) resting potential () refiactory potential (@) Allo these When a stimulus is applied at a site on the polarised ‘membrane, the membrane at that site becomes freely permeable to (a) Na* Ke (©) Kean cr (@) Na* and K* During the propagation ofa nerve impulse, the action potential results from the movernent of | () K* ions from intracellular uid to extracellular Quid (b) Na” ions from extracellular Mud to intracellular uid {¢) K* fons ffom extracellular fuid to intracellular fui (@) Na’ ions from intracellular Mud to extracellular uid During the transmission of nerve impulse through a nerve fibre the potential on the inner side of the plasma membrane has which type of electric charge? {) Fitst positive then negative and continue tobe negative (©) First negative then positive and continue tobe positive () First positive then negative and again back to positive (@) First negative then positive and again back to negative ‘A wave of action potential is termed as (a) sensory impulse (b) nerve impulse (6) activation impulse (@) motor impulse Saltatory conduction of impulse occurs in (@) livercolls| (b) non-myolnated nerve fibres {) myelinated nerve fbres (€) None ofthe above A nerve impulse is transmitted from one neuron to ‘another through the junctions called {@) neuromuscular junetion (6) neuroreceptor junction {) synapse (@) neuroglandular junction 50 The synaptic clef is found between the membrane of (9) pre-synaptie neuron and a postsynaptic neuron (b) pre-synaptie dendrite and post-synaptic axon () pre-synaptic dendrite and post-synaptic dendrite (@) None ofthe above '51 The two types of synapses are () neuron-neuron, chemical (©) electrical, chemical (6) neuron-neuron, electrical (8 electrochemical, neuron '52_ Impulse transmission across an electrical synapse is (@) allways equal to that eross a chemical synapse () always slower than that across a chemical synapse (6) always faster than that across a chemical synapse (G) either faster or slower than that aerossaehemical synapse 53 The fluid-filled space, synaptic cleft contain neurotransmitters (0) released from ves () found at chemical synapse (6) found at chemical and electrical synapse (@) Both (a) and (6) 54 Unidirectional transmission of a nerve impulse through nerve fibre is due to the fact that (a) nerve fibre is insulated by a medullary sheath () sodium pump starts operating only atthe eyton and then continues into the nerve Fibre (6) neurotransmiters are released by dendrites and not by axon endings (@) neurotransmitter are released by the axon endings and not by dendrites '55_A diagram showing axon terminal and synapse is given, Identify correctly atleast two of 4-D. NEET 2013 (a) A-Receptor, (€-Synaptic vesicles (6) B-Synaptic connection, D-K* (©) A-Neurotransmitter, B-Synaptic cleft (@) C-Neurotansmiter, — D-Ca"* 56 When an impulse arrives at axon terminal, it stimulates synaptic vesicle to move towards the ‘membrane, where they fuse with plasma membrane and release neurotransmitter in (a) receptor (&) pre-synaptic membrane (6) synaptic cet () post-synaptic membrane 57 Receptor sites for neurotransmitters are present on (@) membranes of synaptic vesicles ‘NET 2017 () pre-synaptie membrane (6) tips of axons (@) post-synaptic membrane 58 On post-synaptic membrane, the new potential developed is (2) always inhibitory () always excitatory () may be excitatory or inhibitory (@) neither excitatory nor inhibitory (roric 3~ Central Nervous System and Reflex Arc 59 Brain controls the (a) voluntary movements (b) balance ofthe body {) functioning of vital involuntary organs (@) Allofthe above 60 Inside the bony structure skull the brain is covered by () arachnoid () cranial meninges (6) piamater (@) duramater 61 Cranial meninges from outer layer to inner layer are called (a) piamater, arachnoid, duramater (b) duramater, arachnoid, piamater {) arachnoid, duramater,piamater {@) arachnoid, piamater, duramater 62 The forebrain consists of (@) cerebrum (6) hypothalamus () thalamus (@) Allof these 63 Which part constitutes the major part of the brain? (a) Cerebrum (6) Hypothalanus (6) Thalamus (4) Corebellum 64 Corpus callosum connects two () cerebral hemispheres () ventrieles of {) cerebellar hemispheres (@) optic thalamus 65 The folded layer of cells that covers the cerebral hemisphere is called as (a) association area (b) cerebral cortex () amygdala (@) cerebral medulla 66 Cerebral cortex consists of (a) motor areas () sensory areas () association areas (@) Allo these 67 Association areas of the brain are (a) always sensory areas {(b) always motor areas {) neither Sensory nor motor areas (@) None ofthe above 68 Functions of association areas in cerebral cortex. includes (a) inersensory associations (6) memory {€) communication (0) All ofthese 69 The cerebral cortex is referred to as (@) grey mater (6) white matter {€) Both a) and (b) (@) non-myelinated nerve fees 70 Thalamus in human brain is {) a major centre for motor and sensory signaling (b) surrounded by cerebrum {) found above the hypothalamus (@) Allofthe above 71 Which part of the brain is responsible for thermoregulation ? [NEET 2019, JIPMER 2019 (a) Hypothalamus (©) Corpus callosum {c) Medulla oblongata (@) Cerebrum 72 Injury localised to the hypothalamus would most likely to disrupt (CBSE-AIPMT 2014 (a) short term memory {(b) coordination during locomotion {) exceutive function, such as decision making (a) regulation of body temperature ‘7B The inner parts of cerebral hemispheres and a group of associated deep structures like amygdala, hippocampus, ete, form a complex structure called. (a) arbor vitae () limbic lobellimbic sytem (6) corpora quadrigemina (A) reticular system ‘7a Which of the following structure or region is incorrectly paired with its function? NET 2018 (@) Hypothalamus Prodaction of releasing hormones nd regulation of temperate, hunger and thirst (6) Limb system | Consists ofl acts that interconnect diferent regions of ain cons (©) Medula Controls respiration and cardiovascular oblongata reflexes (0) Cospus Band offs connecting If and right callosum cerebral hemispheres 75 Which part of the human brain controls the urge for ‘eating and drinking? (a) Forebrain {) Hindbrain (©) Miabain (4) Spinal cord "76 Four rounded lobes in midbrain are (a) occipital condyles (b) corpora quadtigerina (6) corpora allata (4) cerebral aqueduct 77 Hindbrain includes (@) pons (6) cerebellum {) medulla oblongata (@) All ofthese ‘7B Which of the following regions of the brain is incorretly paired with its function? CBSE-AIPMT 2015 (a) Modulla oblongata-Homeosttic contra {(b) Cerebellun-Language comprehension {c) Cops callosum-Communication between the left and right cerebral cortices (@) Corebrum-Caleultion and contemplation 79 Cerebellum is concemed with the {) contraction of voluntary muscles (©) coondinating and regulation muscles tone {c) maintaining posture, orientation and equilibrium of body (@) Allofthe above 80 The medulla contains centres which control (a) respiration () cardiovascular reflexes (6) gastric seertions (@) Allofthe above ‘81 Brain stem is formed by (a) cerebellum medulla and thalamus () cerebrum and cerebellum {€) midbrain, pons and medulla {@) medulla snd spinal cord 82. View the diagram of the lateral view of the human, brain and choose the correct option in which 4-D has been indicated. A o A B © D (a) Cerebral Spinal cord Corpus Cerebellum omisphere allo (©) Corpus Cerdval_—Cevchllum Spinal end tallosim hemisphere (©) Cerebral Corpus Pons Spina eon hemisphere callosum (@) Spinal cord Pons Corpus Cerebral callosum hemisphere ‘88 Identify the part of brain which is represented by A in the given diagram, (2) Medulla oblongata (b) Cerebellum (6) Pons (@) Midtrain {84 Tho process of response to a peripheral nervous stimulation that occurs involuntarily is called (a) reflactory potential (b) action poentil (6) reflex action (@) activation potential 85 The reflex pathway comprises (a) one afferent neuron (©) one efferent neuron (6) one afferent and one efferent neuron {@) motor neurons 8G Identify the part labelled as 4 to E and choose the correct option forthe given diagrammatic representation of reflex action showing knee-jerk (2) A-Dorsal oot ganglion, B-White matter, C-Grey ‘matter, D-Afferent pathway, E-Efferent pathway (©) A-Dorsal root ganglion, B-White matter, C-Grey matter, D-Efferent pathway, E-Afferent pathway (6) A-Dorsal oot ganglion, B-Grey mater, C-White ‘matter, D-Eferent pathway, E~Afferent pathway (€) A-Ventral oot ganglion, B-White matter, C-Grey alter, D-Efferent pathway E-AfTerent pathway 87 The reflex arc is shown in the diagram below. Choose the correct label for the pathway ofthis reflex are a8 > ow SZ) _ Pe? A Bb c¢ bp 8b F (@) Stimulus Efzcor Sensory Motor Receptor Response (6) Stimulus Receptor Sensory Motor Effector Response (@) Stimulus Efecior Motor Sensory. Receptor Response (a). Stimulus Receptor Motor Sensory Effector Response 88 Reflex action is controlled by (@) ANS () CNS (6) Both (a) and (6) (4) None ofthe above {89 Which of the following is not a reflex action?” (a) Salvation (6) Sweating (6) Withdrawal of hand when pinched by needle (@) None ofthe above 90 Given below are different components of reflex arc. I. Effectorneuron H, Dorsal nerve root IL CNS IV. Afferent neuron, V. Sensory receptor VI, Effeetororgan Arrange these in correct order of action potential that follows a sensory receptor stimulation (@ VAY, vi (©) Voth IV, 11h VI orice 4~ Sensory Reception and Processing ‘91 ‘The signals detected by sensory organs are processed ‘and analysed in (a) sensory organs () CNS (©) PNS (@) ANS 92 ‘The mucus coated olfactory receptors in nose () are madeup of olfactory epithelium comprising three kinds of cells (b) posses neurons that extend from outside environment {6 contain olfactory bulb which isan extension of limbic system (@) Allofthe above 93 The gustatory and olfactory receptors (@) detet dissolved chemicals (6) are functionally similar and inter-related (©) Both a) and (b) {@) are highly evolved and controled by ANS. 96 The wall ofthe human eyeball is composed of (a) sclera, choroid and retina () sclera, comea and choroid {) sclera, comea and ciliary body (@) sclera, choroid and iris 95 Sclera of human eye is composed of {a) blood vessels (6) ganglion cells {) photoreceptor cells (@) dense connective tissue 96 Comea transplant in humans is almost never rejected. This is beause (a) itis composed of enucle (b) it is a non-living layer {c) its colls are least penetrable by bacteria, {@) thas no blood supply 197 The part of human eye which contain blood vessels ‘and appear bluish in colour is (a) sclera (6) choroid {6) ciliary body (@) comea 98 The choroid layer of human eye is, (a) thin over the posterior 23 of eyeball (b) thick over the posterior 4/3 of eyeball {) coloured over the anterior 2/3 of eyeball {@) opaque structure over the anterior 4/3 of eyeball 99. The thick anterior part of choroid in human eye form sells (a) itis (©) ciliary body (6) popil (4) lens. 100 Which is the visible coloured portion ofthe eye? (a) Pupil (6) Lens (@) Iris (@) Ciliary body TOT The transparent lens in the human eye is held in its place by NEET 2018 {a) smooth muscles attached tothe ris (b) ligaments attached tothe iris {) ligaments attached to the ciliary body {(@) smooth muscles attached tothe ciliary body 102 Pupil is the aperture surrounded by the (a) ciliary body (6) connective tissue (6) itis (4) choroid 103 Arrange the layers of neural cells in retina of human ‘eye from inside to outside. {) Photoreceptor cells» Ganglion cells > Bipolar eels, {(b) Ganglion cells Photoreceptor cells > Bipolar cells {€) Ganglion cells > Bipolar cells —> Photoreceptor cell (@) Bipolar cells-+ Photoreceptr cells —> Ganglion cells 104 Why is it difficult to differentiate between red and green colour objects in dark or in night? {a) Rods work well only during daytime {(b) Cones work well only during daytime {) Rods work well only during nighttime (2) Cones work well only during nighttime 105. Rhodopsin is also known as visual (a) red (6) yellow (@) brown () purple 106 There are different types of cones in human eye that responds to (a) red and green lights {) red and blue lights () green and blue lights (4) red, green and blue lights 107 When different cones of human eye are stimulated ‘equally, a sensation of ..... light is produced. (@) red ©) white (6) green (@) blue 108 Blind spot is called so because of (a) the presence of photoreceptor cells {() the presence of optic nerves {) the absence of photoreceptor cells (2) None ofthe above 109 At blind spot (2) optic nerves eave the eye and retinal blood vessels (b) retinal blood vessels leave the eye and optic nerves (6) there is no involvement of optic nerves at all {@) there is no involvement of retinal blood vessels at all MO At the posterior pole ofthe eye lateral to the blind spot, there isa yellowish pigmented spot called () compas Hatem () fovea {€) macula quadrigemina (@) macula lutea TW Choose the incorrect pair. (@) Sclera_— Dense connective tissue (©) Choroid ~ Blush in colour (©) Iris —Opaque structure (@) Fovea _~ Point where resolution is low M2. Aqueous chamber which is filled by aqueous humour is the space (a) behind the fens (b) between selera and retina {) between comea and fens (€) between choroid and seers TIS Vitreous chamber containing vitreous humor is found (a) behind the blind spot (b) between lens and retina {) between fens and comea (d) within retina andl comea 4 Parts 4, B, Cand D of the human eyes are shown in the diagram. Select the option, which gives correct identification along with its functions/characterstis, ‘NEET 2015 Lens (a) A-Retina-contains photoreceptors-rods and cones (©) B-Blind spot-has only afew rods and cones {(€) C-Aqueous chamber-refleets the light, which does not passthrough the lens (€) D-Choroid-its anterior part forms ciliary body TIS Arrange the given structures in the correct sequence ‘of pathway of light from outside to inside the eyeball ‘of human eye, 1. Pupil(through ens) I Aqueoushumour I, Vitreoushumour IV. Comea V. Retina ‘Choose the correct sequence. (a) V1 1. Mland V(b) 1.1, V and V (©) IVI, Land V—@) LAV, Hand V TG Photosensitive compound in human eye is made up of NEET 2016 (a) opsin and retinal (b) opsinand retinol {) tansducin and retinene () guanosine and retinol 17 A potential difference is generated in the photoreceptor cells due t0 (a) light rays of visible wavelength {(b) dissociation of retinal from opsin {) change in membrane permeability (@) Allofthe above 8 Outer ear of humans consists of (a) pinna () extemal auditory meatus {) Both (@)and(b)——(@)tabyrin 19. The function of pinna is to {a) collects the vibrations inthe air which produce sound (b) secrete wax, {) increase the frequency of transmission of sound waves to the inner ear (@) Allofthe above 120 In humans, tympanic membrane (eardrum) separates tympanic cavity from (@) inna (6) Eustachian tube 121 Middle car of humans contains ossicles, ic (a) malleus () incus {e) stapes (@) Allof these 122. The ear ossicles found attached to the tympanic ‘membrane and to the oval window ofthe cochlea are and...» Fespectively. {a) malleus, stapes (&) malfes,ineus {) stapes, malleus {4 incus, stapes 125 Function of ear ossicles in humans is (a) to equalise the pressure on either sides of eardrum. (b) collets the vibrations in the air which produce sound {) to increase the efficiency of transmission of sound waves tothe inner ear (@ Allofthe above 126 Eustachian tube connects {) outer ear and pharynx {€)pinna and pharynx (6) auditory meatus (4) cochlea () inner ear and pharynx (@) middle ear and pharynx 125 Given is the diagram of car. Identify 4 to H. ‘Choose the correct option. {@) A-Temporal bone, B-Malleus, C-Ineus, D-Stapes, E-Cochlea, F-Eustachian tube, G—Tympanie ‘membrane, H-External auditory anal (©) A-Tympanic memirane, B-Malleus, C-Incus, D-Siapes, E-Cochlea, F-Eustachian tube, Temporal bone, H-Extemal auditory canal (©) A-Tympanie membrane, B-Incus, C-Malleus, D-Siapes, E-Cochlea, F-Eustachian tube, G-Temporal bone, H-Extemal auditory canal (@) A=Temporal bone, B-Malleus, C—Incus, D-Cochiea, E-Stupes, F-Eustachian tube, G-Tympanie membrane, H-Exteral auditory canal 126 Coiled portion of the labyrinth is called (@) cochlea () eardrum (©) pinna (@) carcanal 127 Identify the incorrectly matched pair. (a) Bony labyrinth ~ surrounded by perilymph, filled with endolymph (©) Scala media — space within coche, filled with endolymph (6) Scala vestibuli~ Found at the pase of cochlea, ends at oval window (@) Scala tympani ~ Terminate at round window which open to mile ear 128 The structure located on the basilar membrane which contains hair cells act as auditory receptors is (a) Eustachian tube (6) organ of Cont () semi-circular canal (@) otolith 129 The gelatinous, elastic membrane covering the sensory hair cells ofthe human ear is known as (a) basilar membrane (b) tectorial membrane () Reissners’s membrane (@) neuro-sensory membrane 130 Below is the diagram of the sectional view of cochlea ‘of human ear. Identify 4 to E. Choose the correet option. (a) A-Scala media, B-Organ of Cori, C-Basilar ‘membrane, D-Scala tympani, E-Seala vestibuli (b) A-Scala vestibuli, B-Organ of Conti, C-Basilar ‘membrane, D-Scala tympani, E-Seala media (6) A-Scala vestibuli, B-Basilar membrane, C-Organ of Cori, D-Scala tytnpani, E-Scala medi (4) A-Scala vesibuli, B-Basilar membrane, C-Scala «tympani, D-Organ of Cort, E-Scala media In the internal ear of humans (@) three semi-circular canals lies i different plane at right angle to each other and suspended in peilymph (©) cristaampullaries i formed atthe base of semi-circular canals as a projecting swollen ridge (6) saccule and utricle contain projecting ridge, macula ‘whieh helps inthe maintenance of body’balance (@ Allo the above Which of the following receptors are specifically responsible for maintenance of the balance of body and posture ? NET (Odisha) 2019 (@) Basilar membrane and otoliths () Hair colls and organ of Cort (6) Tectorial membrane and macula (@) Crista ampullars and macula 12 1185 Which part of the human ear plays no role in hearing, as such but is otherwise very much required? CBSE-AIPMT 2012 () Organ of Cort (@) Bar ossicles () Eustachian tube {) Vestibular apparatus 134 A gymnast is able to balance his body upside down ‘even in the total darkness because of CBSE-AIPMT 2015, (@) cochlea (b) vestibular apparatus {) tectorial membrane (2) organ of Con 18S Identify the correct sequence of organs/regions in the ‘organisation of human ear as an auditory mechanoreceptor organ, (a) Pinna-Cochlea-Tympanie membrane canal-Malleus— Stapes-Incus-Auditory nerve (©) PinnaTympanic membrane—Auditory canal-Incus Malleus~ Stapes-Cochlea-Auditory nerve {) Pinna-Malleus-Ineus-Stapes-Auditory canalTympanie membrano-Cochlea-Auditory nerve (@) Pinna—Auditory eanal~Tympanic membrane-Malleus Incus-Stapes-Cochles-Auditory nerve NEET SPECIAL TYPES QUESTIONS 1. Assertion and Reason = Direction (Q. No. 136-144) In each of the following ‘questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by corresponding statement of Reason (R). Of the statements, ‘mark the correct answer as (@) Iboth A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (©) Ifboth A and R are true, but Ris not the correct explanation ofA (6) IA is true, but Ris false (@) IEA is false, but Ris true 136 Assertion (A) The pre-synaptic neuron transmits an impulse (action potential) across the synaptic cleft to the post-synaptic neuron, Reason (R) For the transmission of impulses at synapses, ‘chemicals called nourotransmitters are responsible. 187 Assertion (A) Neurons are excitable cells Reason (R) Membranes of the neurons are ina polarised slate which is responsible forthe excitability 138. Assertion (A) Neuroglial els are known asthe packing cells of bain Reason (R) A type of neuroglial calls forms the ‘myelin sheath around axon. Assertion (A) Arrival of an impulse atthe axon terminal, stimulates the release of| neurotransmiters in the synaptic clef. Reason (R) These neurotansmiters are responsible forthe opening of ion channels, Assertion (A) The membrane of @ neuron remains in polarised state Reason (R) lon channels on the neural membrane are selectively permeable to different ions. Assertion (A) The axoplasm inside the axon contains high concentration of K and negatively charged proteins. Reason (R) The axonal membrane is impermeable to Na” and negatively charged proteins 139 140 wa 142_ Assertion (A) The cerebral cortex is referred to as the White matter of the brain. Reason (R) It is due to the high concentration of neuron call bodies in it. 14S _ Assertion (A) Iris muscles show both dilation as well as constriction of pupil Reason (R) It is due to sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system which have antagonistic funetions. 146 Assertion (A) Muscles of iris regulate the diameter of pupil Reason (R) Iris surround the pupil in the front side lens. Il, Statement Based Questions 14S Select the correct statement (a) Neurons regulate cdocrinesctivity but not vice-versa (©) Endocrine glands epulate neural ctiviy bat not (Endocrine glands regulate neural activity and nervous Systm replates endocrine glands (@ Neither hormones control neural activ nor the neurons contol te endocrine ati 146 Consider he following statements 1 Neural system setter organised in insccts duet the presence of bran, ganglia and neural sues 1, Nerual organisations very simple intower invertebrate Seleet the correct option (a) Listruc, Iis false (b) Both Land If are wus {6) lis false, Tis true (@) Both Land tae false 167 Which of the following statements are correct regarding electrical synapses? 1. Preand post-synaptic membrane neurons are in very close proximity atelectrie synapse. I, Electriceurrentare involved inthe transmission of impulses. II, Transmission ofan impulse across electrical synapses is very similarto impulse conduction alongasingle IV, Impulse transmission isalways faster inclectrie synapse than that across a chemical synapse V. Electrical synapsesare rare in oursystem, ‘The correct option is, (@) 1.1 Mand v (b) LLM IV and V fe) Land IV (@) LIL MLV and V 148. Consider the statements as Truc/False regarding when ‘neuron is at rest and no impulse is conducting. 1. Theaxoplasminsie theaxon contains high concentration of K" and negatively charged proteins 1, Theaxoplasm side the axoncontanslow concentration of Na* IIL The fluid outside the axon contains alow concentraionof K* IV. The fluid outside the axon contains alow concentration of Na” and negatively charged proteins. ‘The correct option is, 1 " mow (a) Tre Fale False True () Tue True False False (©) Te True True False (@) False True False False 149 Which of the following statement(s) is/are incorrect regarding synapse? 1. Synapse isa junction between axon endings of one nerve fibre and dendrite ofthe other. IL Atasynapse, the membrane ofaxon and dendrite are not in physical contact with each other. IL, Transmission of nerve impulse through synapse isonly one way. IV. Neurotransmitteris always eleased from axon endings and.notby dendrites, Select the correct option. (@) Only 1V. () Only (©) 1, Mand I (4) None ofthese 150 Which ofthe following statements is/are cotrect about resting state? 1. Neuron isnot conducting any impulse. I, Plasmamembrune is eletrcally positive outside and negative inside. II, Thenerve fibre is stimulated andleonduct mechanicalor cleetrical impulse IV, Plasma membrane is negative outside and positive inside ‘The correct option is (@) Mand lv () Landy (e) Mand tL (@) Land it 151 Conider the following statements, 1. Increased permeability of Na" ions due tothe sein stimulasisshor lived 1, Theresting membrane potential ofmembrane atthe siteofexcitation restored by Na "and I~ ions. Select the comect option. {@)lis tue, Ils fase (6) lis alse, Histrve () Both | and I are ue (4) Both | and I are false 152 Grey matter of the brain is 1. present outside the white matter, 1, contain medullated nerve fibres, MIL. greyincolour. IV. contains cell bodies ofnerve fibres. Which of the statement(s) mentioned above is/are correct? {) Only! b) Only IL () 1llland 1V (@ M1, Mandiv 155 Consider the following statements regarding white ‘matter of the brain, 1. White matter ofthe brs appearance. IL White matter of thebrain is white in colourbut sometimes iis found tobe grey. IIL, White matterof the brain is mostly formed of smedullated nerve fibres, IV. White matter ofthe be isusually opaque in i formed of cell bodies of nerve fibres ‘Which of the statement(s) above is/are correct? (@) Vand Il (©) Wand IV () Land 1V (@) Wand I 154 Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct about the cortex of cerebrum? Choose the correct ‘option from the codes given below. 1. Iteonsists of grey matter. I. Itshows prominent folds IIL, Itconsists of white mater IV. Itcontains motor areas, sensory areas and association (a) Only (b) Land it (©) Land IV (@) [land Iv 155. Which ofthe following statements are correct about the midbrain? 1. Located between the thalamus/hypothalamus. IL, Possessesacanal named cerebral aqueduct which passes through it IL, Dorsal part consists of 4 lobes. ose the correct option, (a) Tand tt (b) Mand I {) Vand I (@) Allofthe above 156 Consider the following statements and choose the ‘correct option from the codes given below. 1. Nearly 502% ofall brain cells are neuroglia, IL. Oligodendrocytes playsarote in the maintenance of blood brain barrier. IL, Microglia engulf microbes and cellular debris IV. Astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and microglia, arethree differenttypes ofneuroglial cells (@) Land IV are correct (b) Tand IV ate correct {) Allare correct (@) Allare incoreet 17 Which ofthe following statements are correct about functions of hypothalamus? 1. Urge for eating and drinking. IL Thermoregulation, TIL, Hormones production thatregulates the sceretionof pituitary gland, IV. Creative thinking and consciousness (@) Land I () Hand tt (e) Land I (@)1, Wand ur 158 Which one of the following statements is not correct? ‘CBSE-AIPMT 2014 (a) Retina isthe light absorbing portion of visual photopigments (b) In retina the rods have the photapigment rhodopsin, while cones have three diferent photopigments () Retinal is a derivative of vitamin-C {(@) Rhodopsin is the purplish red protein present in ods only 159 Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct for rods? 1. Twilight visionis the function ofthe rods. IL Therods contain protein called rhodopsin. I, Rods are photoreceptor cells, (a) Only (©) Only 11 () Land It (@) 1.ttand i 160 Which of the following statements is not correct? NET (Odisha) 2019 (a) An action potential in an axon does not move backward because the segment behind isin a refractory phase (©) Depolarsaton of hair eels of cochlea results inthe opening ofthe mechanically gated potassium-ion channels (6) Rods are very sensitive and contribute to daylight (Inthe knee-jerk reflex, stimulus isthe stretching of ‘muscle and response is its contraction 161 Which of the following statement is correct? NEET 2019 {a) Cornea consists of dense connective tissue of elas and can repair itselP (©) Corea is convex, transparent layer which is highly vascularised {€) Corea consists of dense matrix of collagen and isthe ‘mast sensitive portion of the eye (@) Corea isan external, transparent and protective proteinaceous covering ofthe eyeball 162 Good vision depends on adequate intake of carotene rich food. NET 2017 Select the best option from the following statements, 1. Vitamin-A derivatives are formed fromearotene. IL. Thephotopigments are embedded inthe membrane dises ofthe inner segment. IIL, Retinalisa derivative of vitamin-A. IV. Retinal isa light absorbing part ofall the visual photopigments (a) Land () Land I (1, ana (@) 1, Mand tv 165 Following are the steps of mechanism of vision in random order. 1. Neural impulsesare analysed and image formedon retina is recognised by visual cortex. 1. Membrane permeability changes. II. Ganglion cellsarcexcited IV. Bipolar cells are depotarised. V. Action potential impulse) is transmitted by optic nervesto visual cortex, ‘VI. Potential differences are generated in the photoreceptor cells. VIL Lightenergy causes change shape of rhodopsin, leading the dissociation of retinal (analdehyde of vitamin-A) from opsin (aprotes VILL. Structure ofopsinischanged. Choose the correct sequence. (@) 1,1 1V, V, Vi, Vil, VL (b) VIL, VIL, VI, VV, 1, 1h 1 ©) 1.1V 10h 1, VIL, VIL, VI, V (@) VU, VIL I, VIAIV, MV, 1 166 Consider the following statements. 1. Thehaircellson intemal sie of organ of Cot are in close contact with afferent nerve fibres and possess stereecili, I, Sacculeand utrcteare the otaliths which possess macula Select the correct option (a) Both [and I are true () Lis tue, Ils false {) Both land Il are false (2) Lis false, His tue 166 Choose the correct statement. 165 Arrange the following events ina correct order that lead to the formation of an auditory impulse in human ‘eats from the steps given below. 1. Vibrations transferred from the malleus tothe incus andthen to stapes. 1, Basilarmembranemoves up and down. TI, Nerve impulseis transmitted by cochlear nerve to auditory cortex of brain forimpulseanalysisand recognition, IV, Sound wavespass through ear canal 'V. Stereociliaofhaircells of organ of Cor rub against tectorial membrane ‘VI. Sound waves causes eardrum to vibrate VII. Nerveimpulseis generated. VIII. Vibrations move from fluid of vestibularcanal tothe uid of tymapaniceanal IX. Membrane at oval window vibrates, Codes (@) IV, VI, 1 1X, Vill Mh, V, VIL (b) 1.1 1,1, V, VI, Vil, VIN IX {) IX, VIL, VIL, VI, V,1V, I Th, 1 (@ 1V, VU, VIN 1X, HL, V, VU, IE NEET 2016 (a) Nociceptors respond to changes in pressure (©) Meissner corpuscles are thermorseeptors {) Photoreceptors in the human eye are depolrised during darkness and become hyperpolarised in response tothe light stimu {(€) Receptors do not produce graded potentials Ill. Matching Type Questions 167 Match the following columns Column 1 Column tt (Neuron type) (Feature) ‘A. Mulkipolar neuron 1. One axon, ne dendrite B. Bipolarneuron 2 One axon, mulple dendrites C. Unipolar neuron ‘One axon and cell body Codes ABC A Bc @2 301 1 3 2 2 13 @3 2 1 168 Match the following columns Column Colum tt ‘A. Synaptic vesicles 1. Resting potential Electrical potential diffrence across 2. Acton potetiat the esting plasma membrane Generation ofa nerve impulse 3. Neuroransiner D. Granulrbois found inthe cell 4. Nis ramus body of neuron Codes Codes AB C DAB CD ABC D @3 12 4 @2 3 1 4 @423 1 4 3 2 1 @io4 3 2 1 4 2 3 169 Match the following columns @3 1 4 2 @23 1 4 Colume Column 1 172. Match the following columns. AL oN 1 rom tiselongan fo CNS Column Column . PNS 2 From CNS wotheusongan es enna Alfie fbes 3. Comprises ofan and spinal eond eS D, Efren bes 4. Comprises of mares of aly Mareen won Codes C Midilayerofeyeball 3. Solara ABC D A Bc D D. Socket of the skull 4. Retina @23 4 1 ml 23 4 ©3 4 1 2 m1 2 43 en 70 Match the Column I (the parts ofthe human brain) ABC D with Column Il (the functions) and identify the i243 correct choice from the given option. Oana o Column 1 Colum 1 ©3412 (Parsottesiny —__(Fanetos) @4321 A. Conebram 1. Contos the piitary YTS Match the following columns 1. Cerebellm 2. Contos vison i arin mn Column C Hypotalamas 3. Mains ody postire Soe D.Michrsin 4. Site of iteizence A. Labyrinth 1. Coiled part, possess reissner and Cotes tslormembrance ee ee B Caches _—_-2._‘Harcell containing smctre on @3 4 2 1 m4 3 21 trol nembrane @3 4 1 2 @4 3 12 . Organ Con 3. Contin sical canals and TT Match the following columns. co aa = D. Vesibular 4. Fd filed, cons of bony and (Parts of brain) (Features) —— ao A. Pons 1. Nearoscrtory sl Codes . Cercbellum —2.-Intconnet ein eons hough ABC D — @23 4 1 CC. Hypotalamas 3. Conolted surfs to accomodste @14 3 2 nears 41 2 3 D. Medulla Conese spinal ond CEs NCERT Exemplar MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 174 Chemicals which are released atthe synaptic junction are called (@) hormones (©) neurotransmiters (6) cerebrospinal uid (4) lymph V7 Potential difference across resting membrane is negatively charged. This is due to differential distribution of the following ions. (a) Na" and K" ions (8) COF" and ions 176 Resting membrane potential is maintained by {@) hormones (6) neurotransmiters (6) ion pumps (4) None ofthe above 177 The function of our visceral organs is controlled by (a) sympathetic and somatie neural system (6) sympathetic and parasympathetic neural system (6) central and somatic nervous system (4) None ofthe above 1178 Which of the following is not involved in knee-jerk reflex? {@) Muscle spindle (6) Motor neuron (©) Brain (4) Intemeurons 179 180 181 182 184 ‘An area in the brain which is associated with strong ‘emotions is (a) cerebral cortex (b) cerebellum {6) limbic system (@) medulla Mark the vitamin present in rhodopsin. (@) Vitarin-A () Vitamin-B (6) Vitarin-C (@) Vitmin-D Human eyeball consists of three layers and it encloses (a) lens, irs, optic nerve (lens, aqueous humor and vitreous humor (6) comea, lens, iris (2) comea, lens, optic nerve Wax gland present in the ear canal is called () sweat gland (©) prostate gland 6) Cowper’s gland (@) ceruminous gland ‘The part of internal ear responsible for hearing is (a) cochlea (©) semicirelar canal ()uriculus (@) sscculus The organ of Cort is a structure present in () extemal ear (b) middle ear (6) semicirelar canal {(@) cochlea (@nswers > Mastering NCERT with MCQs 16 2@ 30 4 sam N@ 2 Bm He Ba 2 2d) Ba) Ww 2 a 3@) Bw Be WO 3a 1 2wW BH Hw Ba) 51) 52 53) SE tw) 610) 62d) 63 (a) Aw) 8S) 71a) 72) 73) 74) 75 ww) B82) 8H) BEG BW Ob) 92d) BO) OE) 95) 101 (@) 102 fe) 108 fe) 104 (b) 105 ta) md) 120 13) 1 @ Sw) 121) 22 @) 123) 124) 28 tw) 131 (@) 132 @) 133 @) 134) 135 a) > NET Special Types Questions 136 (a) 137 (a) 138 (a) 139 (@) 140 @) 146 (b) 147 (a) 148 (0) 149) 150 Ga) 156 (0) 157 fd) 158 (6) 159 (l) 160 @ 16 (0) 167 (0) 168 (a) 169 Ge) 170 (a) > NCERT Exemplar Questions 174 (b) 175 (a) 176 (@) «177 (W) «178 184 (i) 6m) 7m 8 9m) we 60 7a ww BM ww 26) 27) A) 29H) 30 Wd) 36) 7) BO) |) Hw 6) 7b) BH) OH) 50) 560) ST) 58) 59) 60) 66 id) 67) 68) 69 Ga) 70 76) 77d) 7B) 79d) BO) 86 0) 87h) BBO) 89.6) 96d) 97h) 9B fa) 99 (b)——100) 106 (i) 107 (b) 108 (@) 109 (a) 110 a) 116 (@) 17) 8 (19 @) 120 126 (a) 127 (a) 128 0) 129) 130 (a) Io) 2) @) Ew) 18 @) 151 (@) 152 ©) 158) 154 @) 135 a) T6l (@) 162) 163 fd) TOK (a) 165 (a) mW) 120 1B 179) 180 (a) 181) 182 Gd) 183 (a) Answers & Explanations 1(b) Homeostasis is the ability of our body to maintain its intemal environment at equilibrium. Its achieved by coordinated fanetions of different organs and organ systems, ' (c) The neural and endocrine system together coordinate tnd work in synchronised fashion. The neural system sense stimulus through neurons and endocrine system provides chemical integration through hormones, 7 (a) In Hydra, neural organisation comprises of network ‘of neurons called nerve net. Nerve nets connect sensory photoreceptors and touch sensitive nerve cells loeated in the body wall and tentacles. £8 (c) The human neuralinervous system comprises of both Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) and Cental Nervous system (CNS). PNS consists of al the nerves (cranial nerves and spinal nerves) associated with CNS. 9 (a) Central nervous system isthe main site of information processing and contol It includes brain and spinal cord 17 (a) Parasympathetic neural signal reduces both heart te and cardiac output, through the postganglionic fibres. Autonomic nervous system consists of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. ‘These are antagonistic to each othe. 22 (a) Niss’s granules are found inthe cell body of neurons. These granules are composed of Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) tht beas free ribosomes, The later aes as the site of protein symthesis, These granules were named after its discoverer Franz Nist 25 (a) Dendrite of neurons are highly branched, short fibres containing Niss's granules. Shot fbres which branch repeatedly and project out ofthe cell body also contain Niss’s granules and are called dendrites, 25 (a) The axon isa long fibre, the distal end of whichis branched. Each branch tenminates as bulb-like trature called synaptic knob which possesses synaptic vesicles 28 (d) Both options (a) and (c) ae correct. ‘Neurons are divided on the basis ofthe numberof axon and the numberof dendrites. The neurons ate multipolar (vith one axon and two or more dendrites, bipolar (with ‘ne axon and one dendrite) and unipolar (cell body with ‘one axon. 35 (a) Myelin sheath originated from Schysann cells inthe peripheral nervous system and oligodendrocytes inthe central nervous system. The myelin sheath is a greatly extended and modified plasms membrane wrapped ‘round the nerve axon i a spiral fashion, ‘36 (b) Myelinated, nerve fibres are covered by myelin sheath and these fibres are found in eranial and spinal region. Due to the presence of myelin sheath, the transmission of nerve impulse oceur faster as compared to non-myelinated fibres. 37 (d) Unmyelinated nerve fibre, that do not possess a riyeln sheath around the axon, is commonly found in ‘autonomous and the somatie neural systems, [38 (c) In esting stage, the axonal membrane is comparatively more permeable to potassium ions and nearly impermeable to sodium ions. Due t this, the inside of neuron remain negatively charged, while the other side remain positively charge. 45 (b) During the propagation of nerve impulse, when the stimulus of adequate strength is applied toa polarised ‘membrane, the action potential results from the ‘movement of Na” ions from extracellular Haid to intracellular fui. This is because the permeability ofthe membrane to Na* ions is greatly increased atthe point of stimulation tnd since Na ions are more in the extracellular fui at resting state, there occurs influx of Na* ions through sodium ion channels by the diffusion. Since, there are ‘more Na" ions entering than leaving, the electric Potential ofthe membrane changes from-7Om towards #30 mV, ie action potential 46 (d) During the transmission of nerve impulse through a nerve fbr the potential on the inner side of the plasma ‘membrane is fist negative then positive and again back to negative 47 (b) A wave of ation potential is termed as a nerve impulse. When a nerve fre receives stimulus inside the cell, plasma membrane become positively charged with respect to outside. The change in polarity across the plasma membrane is known as action potential “The membrane with this reversed polarity is said to be polarised. 48 (c) Saltatory conduction of impulse occurs in myelinated nerve fibres. The fatty myelin sheath of myelinated nerve fibres prevents the flow of ions between extemal fluid and fluid present within the axon, At the node of Ranvier, the insulating myelin sheath is absent and thus, the jonic flow occurs at these Points only. Therefore the action potential jumps fom rode to nade, due to whieh the trinsmission of impulse is more rapid in myelinated fibres, This called the saltatory conduction of nerve impulse. {50 (a) A synapse is formed by the membrane of a pre-synaptie neuron and postsynaptic neuron. The space between these two membrane a synapse is called synaptic clef. 51 (b)_ Synapses are of two types ic. electrical synapses and chemical synapses, Electrical synapse is mediated by electrical impulse. Itis very fast but rare in humans (On the other hand, chemical synapse is mediated by chemicals such as neurotransmitter. {52 (c) Impulse transmission across an electrical synapse is always faster than that across a chemical synapse. Transmission of an impulse across electrical synapses is very similar to impulse conduction along a single axon, Electrical synapses ae rare in our system. ‘55 (d) The Muid-Silled space, i. synaptic cleft has neurotransmiters (chemicals) released from vesicles and is found in chemical synapse. Elecrieal synapses do not have neurotransmitrs ‘55 (a) Option (a)is correct. The labels inthe figure are ‘A-Post-synaplic receptor B-Synaptic cleft ‘C-Synaptie vesicles containing neurotransmitters D-Synaptic knob ‘57 (d) The post-synaptic membrane ofthe synapse of neuron contains the receptors for neurtransmites. ‘58 (c) On postsynaptic membrane, the new action potential developed can be excitatory o inhibitory, ‘depending upon the action of neurotransmitter. ‘59 (d) Brain controls the voluntary movements, balance of the body, functioning of vital involuntary organs (eg Jungs, hear, kidneys, et.), thermoregulation, hunger and thirst, circadian (24-hour) chythms of our body, activities of several endocrine glands and human behaviour. tis the site for processing of vision, hearing, speech, ‘memory, intelligence, emotions and thoughts. {60 (b) The human brain is well protected by the skull. Inside the skull, the brain is covered by eranial meninges, comprising of duramater, arachnoid and Piamatr. 61 (8) The correct sequence of meninges from outside to inside is Duramater-> Arachnoid -> Piamater {64 (a) A doop cleft divides the cerebrum longitudinally ino two halves, which ae termed asthe let and right ‘ercbral hemispheres. The hemispheres are connected by atract of nerve fibres called corpus callosum, {68 (4). Association areas are the regions of bran that are neither clearly sensory nor motor in function. These are responsible for complex function lke intersensory associations, memory and communication 69 (a) The cerebral cortex is refered to as the grey matter. ‘Thisis due to its greyish appearance. The neuron cell bodies are concentrated here giving it its grey colour. ‘71 (a) Hypothalamus inthe brain thermoregulation, water balance and control of hormone funetions. I is located below the thalamus and isa part of limbic system. 72 (d) An injury localised tothe hypothalamus will disrupt the complete regulation of body temperature. This is because thermoregulation isthe ability of an organism to regulate its intemal body temperature. Iti under the control, of hypothalamus region of brain 74 (6) Option (bis incorrect par and can be corrected as. Limb system consists of four major components namely hippocampus, amygdala, septal nuclei and ‘mammilary bodies. Ie controls the emotional behaviour, food habits and sex behaviour ofan organism. tis not involved in controling overeat. ‘The rest tee options are corretly paired wit thle functions. 175 (a) Forebrain consists of hypothalamus, which controls the urge for eating and drinking 76 (b) The dorsal proton ofthe midbrain consists of four round swellings (lobes) called corpora quadrigemina ‘The midbrain is located between the thalamus! hypothalamus of the forebrain and pons of the hindbrain. A canal called the cerebral aqueduct passess through the midbrain ‘78 (6) Option (b) is incorrectly matched and ean be corrected as ‘Wericke’s area of brain is involved in language comprehension including understanding of speech and ‘written words. It requires input of sensory information (Grom hearing and vision), processing of the information indifferent centres of cerebral cortex and the coordination of motor output. Cerebellum is concerned ‘with posture balance, coordination and speech. Rest other options are correct 481 (c) Three major egions make up brainstem, Le. ‘midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata, Brain stom orm the connections between the brain and spinal cord £86 (c) The entire process of response toa peripheral nervous stimulation, that oecurs involuntarily, Le. without conscious efforts or thought and requires involvement of apart of the central nervous system is called a reflex action £85 (c) The reflex pathway comprises atleast one afferent neuron, ie. receptor and one efferent (efector or excitor) neuron appropriately arranged ina series. 88 (c) Reflex pathway involves both ANS and CNS. In tease of CNS, it may be spinal cord (spinal reflexes; ‘more common) and bran (cerebral reflexes ess common}. {89 (6) Sweating is nota reflex action. It isthe action under the control of brain to lower down body temperature, i.e homeostass. Salivation and withdravl of hand when pinched by the needle ae reflex actions not canroed by brain, 90 (6) The correct pathway of reflex are is Sensory receptor—> Afferent neuron —> Dorsal nerve root > CNS» Effector neuron —> Effector organs 91 (b) The sensory organs detect al types of changes inthe environment and send appropriate signals to the CNS, ‘where all the inputs are processed and analysed, Signals, fare then sent to different parts/centres of the brain, This is how you sense changes inthe environment {92 (a) Option () is correct as the nose contains mucus coated receptors which are specialised for receiving the sense of smell called as olfactory receptors. These are ‘made up of olctory epithelium that consist of three kinds of cells. The neurons ofthe olfactory epithelium extend from the outside environment directly into a pair of broad bean-sized organs called olfactory bulb, which js extensions ofthe brais's limbie system, ‘95 (c) The gustatory (tongue) and olfactry (nose) receptors are functionally similar and inter-related. These detect dissolved chemicals The tongue detects tastes through taste buds, containing gustatory receptors, The nose receives sense of smell through olfactory receptors {96 (a) The eycbal s enveloped by three layers, ic. sclera layer, choroid layer and retinal layer. Outermost sclerotic layer is white portion of eye which merges \with transparent round window called comea in center. Midale choroid layer lie close to retina and contain light absorbing pigments. Infont, it form ciliary body, which ‘is hidden by iis. Retna, the innermost thin transparent Jayer appear purplish due to the presence of eye pigment rhodopsin, 95 (d) Sclera isthe extemal layer of eyeball is composed ‘of dense connective tissue, Ie is protective in nature 96 (d) Corea transplant in humans is almost never rejected. This is because it has no blood supply. Comea 's continuous with the sclerotic, that forms the front part ofthe vertebrate eye, over the iris and lens. 98 (a) The middle layer choroid, contains many blood vessels and looks bluish in colour. The choroid layer is thin over the posterior two-third ofthe eyeball, {99 (6) Ciliary body isthe thick anterior part of choroid in the human eye The ciliary body itself continues forward to forma pigmented and opaque structure called the ii 101 (c) The eyeball contains a transparent crystallin lens ‘which i held in place by ligaments attached teiliary body. 702 (c) Iris surrounds the aperture known as pupil inthe human eye, The diameter ofthe pupils regulated by the muscle fibres of rs. 103 (c) The iner layer is the retina and it contains thee layers of neural cells from inside to outside-ganglion cells, bipolar cells and photoreceptor cells. There are ‘so types of photoreceptor cell, namely rods and cones, These cells contain the light-sensitive proteins called the photopigments 104 (b) vis dificult wo differentiate berween red and green colour objects in dark or in night because cones whieh arc ells of daylight (photopic) vision and colour vision ‘work well only during daytime. Rods and cones are two types of photoreceptor eels, out of which rods are responsible of twilight (scotopic) vision. 108 (a) The rods contain a purplish red protein called the thodopsin (photosensitive substance) or visual purple, ‘which contains a derivative of vtamin-A. 106 (a) In the human eye, there are three types of cones ‘which possess their own characterise photopigments that respond to red, geen and blue lights. The sensation of different colours are produced by various, combinations ofthese cones and thei photopigments. 108 (c) Blind spot is the region as retina where there is absence of photoreceptor cells, hus called blind spot. ‘Atthis region, no image is formed. 109 (a) The optic nerves leave the eye and the retinal blood ‘esses enter it at a point medial to and slightly above the posterior pole ofthe eyeball known as blind spo. 11 (d) Option (A) is incorrect part can be eorected as The fovea isthe thinned out portion of retina where only the cones are densely packed. Ii the point where te visual acuity (resolution) isthe greatest. M2 (c) Aqueous chambers the space between the lens and the comes. This spac is filled with agueous humour which sa transparent, gelatinous ud similar plasma, but it contain ow-proten concentration, Is, Scereted from the ciliary epithelium, a structure Supporting the ens. 114 (a) Option (a is corectas ‘A-Retina—contains photoreceptor, ie. rods and cones, The day igh vision is function of cones and twilight vision is related rods Other options ean be corected as follows 'B-Blind spot—photorceptoe cll are not present in this pare (C-Aqueous chamber-contains thin watery uid called aqueous humour. It reflect light, so tat it can passthrough the lens. D-Selera is the extemal layer of ee having dense 16 (a) The photosensitive compounds (photopigments) in the human eyes is composed of opsin (a protein) and retinal (an aldehyde of vitamin-A). 177 (4) Option (4 is corret which canbe explained as ‘when the light ays of visible wavelength focussed on the retina through the comea and lens, the photopigment (Chodopsin) dissociates into opsin and retinal. This auses membrane permeability change. AS a result Potential diference are generated inthe photoreceptor cells 19 (a) The pinna collects the vibrations i thea, which produce sound. There are present very fine hairs and ‘wax seretng glands in the kin of pinna 120 (5) The ympanie membrane (eardrum) separates the tympanic eavity from the extemal auditory meatus. The "ympanie membrane is composed of connective tissues covered with skin outside and with mucous membrane inside, 121 (d) The middle car contains thee ossicles namely malleus, cus and stapes, These are attache © one another ina chainlke fashion, 126 (4) A Eustachian tube connects the mile ea cavity with the pharynx. The Eustachian tube helps in equalising the pressures on ether sides ofthe eardrum. 127 (a) Option (a is incoret pa. It can be corrected as The fuieflled inner ea called labyrinth consists of two parts, the bony ad the membranous labyrinths. The bony labyrinth is a series of channels. Inside these channels lie the membranous labyrinth, whichis surrounded by «fluid called perilymph, The ‘membranous labyrinth i filled with a fluid ealled endolymph. 128 (b) The organ of Cort is a structure located on the basilar membrane which contains hair cells that at as auditory receptors, The har cells are present in tows on the internal side ofthe organ of Cort 31 (d) Option (4) is eorrect, which can be explained as the inner ear contains vestibular apparatus composed of three semicircular canals and the oolith, Each semi-circular canal lis in a different plane at right angles to eachother. The membranous eanals are suspended inthe perilymph ofthe bony canals. The base of canals i swollen and is called ampulla, which ‘contains a projecting ridge called erstaampullaris ‘which has har cells. The saccula and wtricle contain a projecting ridge called macula. The crista and macula helps in maintaining balance of body and posture. 152 (4) Crista ampullars and macula present in the inner eat ae the specific receptor ofthe vestibular apparatus. Which are responsible for maintening balance of the body and posture, 135 () The vestibular apparatus (located above the ‘cochlea hes no role in hearing, but tis ialuenced by gravity and movement, Is specific receptors called Crista and macula are responsible forthe maintenance ‘of balance of the Body and posture, thus are very much required 134 (b) A gymnast is able to balance his body upside down even in total darkness because of vestibular apparatus. It isan intricate series of interconnected and flud-filled canals whieh regulates balance and spatial orientation, Inthe absence of vision, the movement of body is regulated by vestibular apparatus 136 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion The presynaptic neuron transmits an impulse (action potential) acrosses the synaptic cleft tothe post-synaptic neuron. This occurs via a sequence of events occurring atthe synapsis and due tothe presence of neurotransmitter. As the impulse comes atthe pre-synaptic membrane, the neurotransmittrs get attached to neuroreceptors on the presynaptic ‘membrane and thereby changing its potential and ‘opening the fon channels This allows Ca ons to get into the pre-synaptic lobe which causes the release of neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft These then moves towards the post-synaptic neuronal membrane. Here, again the reuotransmites bind tothe complementary receptors ‘onthe post-synaptic membrane. The inerease inthe ‘concentration eases the ion channels of postsynaptic neuron to open allowing Na* ions o diffuse into the post-synaptie neuron thereby erating potential tifference and generation of action potential in Post-synaptie neuron, 137 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the comet explanation of Assertion Neurons are excitable cells because their membranes are ina polarised state. This means that there is an electrical diference across the cell membrane, ie the clectrcal charge onthe outside ofthe membrane is Positive, while the electrical charge on the inside of "he membrane is negative. 138 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason Is the correct explanation of Assertion ‘The neuroglial cells are of three types, i. astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and microglia. Out of these, oligodendrocytes are the cell which form the myelin sheath around axon, this are also called the packing cals ofthe brain. The other eels lke astrocytes are responsible forthe separation of two neurons by providing insulation and microglia are phagocytic cells, Nearly 50% of all brain cells are neuroglia 159 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the corect explanation of Assertion Aival ofan impulse a the axon terminal, stimulates the release of neurotransmiters in the synaptic cleft because neurotransmittrs bind to specific receptors on the membrane and change the membrane potential of the neuron which opens the ton channels 140 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion. ‘The plasma membrane ofthe neuron is polarised i. there is positive charge outside ofthe membrane and regative charge onthe inside ofthe membrane, This dierence in charge in due tothe selective permeability ofthe membrane, ie. the Na-K pump transfer 3Na” outside for 2k" ions inside the neural ‘membrane, The difference in the positive poreatial treated due to this makes the membrane less positive inside which is normally termed negative inside with respect to outside 141 (b) Both Assertion and Reason are true, but reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion ‘The axoplasm inside the axon contains high concentration of K* and negatively charged proteins because the voltage gated Na-K channels ar closed at resting state and axonal membrane is impermeable to Na" ions and negatively charged proteins 142 (a) Assertion is false, but Reason is tue and ‘Assertion ean be corrected as, ‘The layer of cells which covers the cerebral hemispheres is called cerebral cortex and is thrown {nto prominent folds. tis reerred to as the prey ‘matter. Its ealled grey matter due tits greyish appearance. Neuron cell bodies are concentrated here \hich give it the greyish appearance. 143 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion Autonomic nervous system includes sympathetic ‘nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system, ‘These two systems have antagonistic functions. Iris ‘muscles, under sympathetic nervous system dilate pupil, wile under parasympathetic nervous system constricts pupil 146 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion Iris isthe muscular covering in the font of the eye between the eomea and the Tens tha is perforated by an ‘opening called the pupil Irs is made up of two groups of smooth muscle that regulates the diameter of pupil i. decrease of constrict the sizeof the pupil in order to control te light entering the eye 145 (a) Statement in option (a is correct, ‘Neurons regulate the endocrine activity, but endocrine activity do not regulates the neural activity. Rest statements are incorrectly writen, 148 (c) Statements 1, IL and II are true fora neuron not conducting any impulse, ie. resting Statement IV is false and ean be corrected as ‘The Mui outside the axon contains alow concentration of K’, ahigh concentration of Na* and thus, forma concentration gradient, 150 (a) Statements I and Il are correct because ‘A neuron is said to be in resting state when it do not conduct an impulse and possess positive charge ouside ‘with respeet tothe inside ofthe plasma membrane. The Statements II and IV are incorrect for neuron at resting state, 151 (a) Statement Li tue and Is flse and it ean be corrected as| ‘The resting membrane potential atthe site of excitation is restored by K" fons and_not by Na and Cl ions These ions diffuses rapidly outside the membrane and thus, the outer surface become positively charged, while the inner surface become negatively charged 152 (c) Statements I, Il and IV are correct. Statement IL is Incorrect and can be corrected as For grey mater of brain as it does not contain medullated portion of neve fibre, rather have cell bodies of nerve fibres. Grey matter is grey in colour and is present ‘outside the white matter in bra, 154 (c) Statements I, I and IV are coreet. Statement IL is incorrect for the cortex or outer part of cerebrum, Itcan be corected as This is because white matter refers tothe inner par of cerebral hemisphere or erebrum and grey matter refers to the outerpart or cortex of cerebrum, 155 (a) All statements are correct. Midbrain is located ‘between the thalamus! hypothalamus ofthe forebrain and pons ofthe hindbrain. A cana, called the cerebral aqueduct passes through the midbrain. The dorsal portion ‘ofthe midbrain consists of four round swellings (lobes) called corpora quadrigemina, 158 (c) Staetment in option (¢) is incoreet and can be corrected as Retinal is a derivative of vitamin-A. Retinal pigment of epithelium shields the retina from excess incoming light supplies omega-3 fatty acid and glucose to the retina, 160 (c) Statements in option (is incorrect and can be corrected a8 Rods and cones are photoreceptor cells in our eyes. The rod cells contain a purple pigment rhodopsin tht is ‘useful in night vision or scotopic vision. Daylight (photopie) vision and colour vision are the functions of 161 (c) Statement in option (c) i correct. Comea consists of dense matrix of collagen and is the ‘most sensitive portion of the eye Rest statements are incorrect and can be corrected as ‘+ Tho outer layer ofthe wall of eyeball sclera, consists of a dense connective tissue containing mainly collagen and some elastic ir, + Comea is convex, transparent layer which i on-vasculrised. +The comen is the clear part of eye's protective covering. 162 () Statements IIT and IV are comet, Statement Is Jncorret and can be corrected as The photopigments (e.g rhodopsin) are embedded inthe ‘membrane dises of the outer segment in the retina 166 (c) Statement in option (c) is correct. Other statements are incorrect and can be corrected as Nociceptors are pain receptors and meissner’s corpuscles ae light sensitive. Receptors produces graded potentials. 176 (b) Neurotransmitters, eg. acetylcholine are the chemical ‘which are present in the synaptic vesicles at axon terminals, These are involved in the transmission of | impulses atthe chemical synapses 176 (c) The ionic gradients actos the resting membrane are ‘maintained by the ative transport of ions by the sodium-potassium pumps (or fon pumps) which transport 3 Na* outward for every 2K* int the cel, 177 (b) Sympathetic and parasympathetic neural system contro all the funetions of visceral organs of the body. These two systems are the part of autonomie nervous system. 178 (c) Bruin isnot involved in knee-jerk reflex as it is an ‘example of spinal reflex. While the muscle spindle, {inter neuron and motor neuron are the par of reflex 179 () The limbie lobe or limbic system, along withthe hypothalamus, is involved in the regulation of ‘emotions eg. excitement, pleasure rage, fear and 180 (a) Option (a) is correct. The rods contain a purplish-red protein called the thodopsin It sa photosensitive compound in eye that Js composed of opsin ( protein) and retinal (an aldehyde of vtamin-A), 181 (b) Human eyeball consists of three layers, ie sclera, choroid and retina. These layers enclose les, aqueous humor and vitreous humor 183 (a) Cochlea isthe part of internal eat responsible for hearing, Its connected with saccule and sa spirally coiled structure that resembles snail shel in appearance. 184 (d) The organ of Cont isa structure present in cochlea CCochtea bears the most important channeVcanal called scala media, which has an upper membrane, the Reissner's membrane and a lower membrane called basilar membrane. Organ of Cort are present on the sensory ridge of basilar membrane.

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