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CHAPTER > 22 Chemical Coordination and Integration @ NEET Key noTES ‘+ Human body is made up of several organs. These organs work together in a coordinated manner, so that the human, body can function properly. These coordination and intogration are developed and maintained by two special systems, ie. nervous system and endocrine system Endocrine Glands and Hormones + The endocrine glands are ductless glands, ie. lack ducts They pour their secretion into the surrounding blood for transport tothe ste of action or distantly located target organ. + Their secretions are called hormones or internal secretion. + Hormones are specific non-nutrient chemicals, which act as intercellular messengers and are produced in trace amounts. These hormones regulate metabolism, growth and development of our organs, the endocrine glands or certain cals, + The organised endocrine glands also secrete a number of new molecules in addition to the hormones. + Vertebrates have Inge number of chemicals acting as hormones that provide coordination, while invertebrates possess very simple endocrine system with few hormones, Human Endocrine System + The endocrine system is composed of hypothalames, pituitary and pineal, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, parathyroid, thymus and gonads (testis and ovary) + In addition to these, some other organs, e.g gastrointestinal tract, kidney, heart, et. also produce hormones. * Abrief account of the structure and functions ofall major endocrine glanls and hypothalamus ofthe human body is ‘ven in the following sections Hypothalamus + Its the basal part of diencephalon, forebrain and it regulates 2 wide spectrum of body functions I contain several {roups of neurosecretory cellscalled nace which produce + The hormones produced by hypothalamus ae of two types + Releasing hormones (hich stimulate secretion of Piitary) eg, Conadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnR. + Inhibiting hormones (which iit secretions of + These hormones reach the pituitary gland through a portal circulatory system and regulate the functions ofthe anterior pituitary, The posterior pituitary is under the direct neural regulation ofthe hypothalamus. Pituitary Gland +The pituitary glnd also referred as master gland islcated imnabony cavity called sella ursiea and iattached to hypothalamus bya stalk + Anatomical itis divided into an adenohypophyais (anterior pituitary) anda neurohypophyss (posterior pituitary) + Various hormones secreted by different parts of pituitary glands are as follows Hormones Functions Parsdisials Growth Hommone = ‘Stimulates body growth, an Ee + Hyposerton cases dwarfism, ested growth ypersecetion consssonntion, + aces sceretionof GH in adults ‘scr acromegaly. Prolactin PRL) Stimulates the growt of mammary ‘lind, ntaton and maintains Of owpus acum, “Troi Stimulating Sythe and secretion of hyd Hormone TSH)" hormones T, and, fom toil shind ‘Arenoconicoopie Synthesis and sertion of Hormone ACTH) glucocorticoids fom the adrenal Lainizing + Inmates, sists the mts ormane(Lt) " gafscercion of androgens fom + tn enn, induces ovltion and ain corpus uous Folie tilting” + tg males, FSH and androgens Hormone FSH)” seule peat + In emles, simul the sow nd development of aia fails, Parson Melina + Acton melanocytes ad eplnte Hormone (MSH). ypescretion cases hyper Pigmentation. 2 NearahypopyssOryacn + Acton he smooth msces and (Pas sero) ila the eotaton Sng shin, + Scimuates ik jection rm tbe mammary lands Yemen, + Actes ads nd ps intO and estos rsoption tnd prevents dues. Hormone cr ADH) Pineal Gland + Ttis located on the dorsal side of forebrain. Ie secretes melatonin ‘which functions to regulate biological clock, Le. 24 hours sleep-wake cycle. + Temaintains sleep-wake cycle, body temperature metabolism, pigmentation, menstrual cycle, et. + Serotonin is also seeeted by the pineal gland which helps in ‘vasoconstriction of blood vessels, Thyroid Gland + composed of two lobes located on either side of the trates interconnected with isthmus +The thyroid gland is composed of follicles and stromal Gates + The thyroid follicular cells synthesise tetraiodthyronine or thyroxine (T,) and. tuiiodothyronine(T,) and iodine is essential forthe normal rte of thyroid hormones. + Thyroid hormones regulate the basal metabolic rate of body and influence water and electrolyte balance. + Hypothyroidism and goitre (enlargement of the thyroid gland) result due to the deficiency of iodine indict + Hypothyroidism during pregnancy causes cretinism in babies, * Inadult women, hypothyroidism may cause menstrual cycle to become iregular. + Exopthalmic goitre, also called Grave's disease isa form of hyperthyroidism characterised by enlargement of thyroid gland, increased basal metabolic rate and weight loss + Thyroid gland also secretes Thyrocaleitonin (TCT), which regulates the blood calcium levels Parathyroid Gland + tis presen as fur smal pouches, Present on the bac side of thyroid gland. Two each embedded in the posterior surface of each lobe of thyroid gland + Tesectetes peptide hormone called Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) + increases the Ca levels in blood + tacts directly on bones to inrease bone resorption and mobilises Ca" fon, “= Itstimulates the reabsorption of Ca®* ion by renal tubule and increase Ca?” absorption from the cigested food. Its known as hypercalcemie hormone Thymus Gland + tis found betwen lings behind sternum on the ventral ede of wort It secretes peptide hormones called thymosins. + Thymosins playa major role in the differentiation of Flymphecytes, which provide cellmediated immunity and production of antibois vo provide humoral immenity. + tis degenerated in ol individuals due to which the inufanerespanes become week Adrenal Gland « Pairof adrenal glands are found at the anterior part of each kidney. «+ Ttis composed ofthe centrally located adrenal medulla and the outer adrenal cortex. ‘Adrenal medulla secretes catecholamines- adrenaline (epinephrine) and nor-adrenaline (norepinephrine). These are emergency hormones or hormones of fight or fight. They increase heart rate, respiration rat, sweating, slycogenolysis, lipolysis, proteolysis, alertness, pupilary dilation, piloerection, et ‘Adrenal cortex is divided into three layers, zona reticularis (nner), zona fasciculata (middle) and zona glomerulosa (outer, It secretes three types of hormones commonly called + Glucocorticoids, eg, cortisol, regulate carbohydrate metabolism, stimulate ghiconeageness, lipolysis, proteolysis, inhibit utilisation of amino acids, maintain heart and kidney functions. + Mineralocorticoids, eg. aldosterone, maintain water and electrolyte balance by stimulating reabsorption of Na" and H,Oand excretion of K" and phosphate ions at renal tubules + Androgenic steroids promote growth of axial hair, pubic hair facial hair during puberty. Pancreas «+ Itisa composite gland, which acts as both exoerine and endocrine gland + Exocrine part includes acini, which secretes pancreatic juice. + Endocrine part consists of islets of Langerhans. The two :main type of Langerhan cells are * aces * freells + occells secrete ‘glucagon’ a peptide hormane, which plays an important role in maintaining blood glacose level + Teacts on hepatocytes liver cells) and stimulates slycogenolysis, ie. breakdown of glucose. + Itresults in increased blood sugar level, ie. hyper slycemia. Thus, also known as hyperglycemic hormone. reduces the cellular glucose uptake «+ frcells secrete insulin which acs on hepatocytes and adipocytes and enhances cellular glucose uptake + Ttconverts glucose into glycogen known as glycogenesis. * Rapid movement of ghucose from blood to hepatocytes results in hypoglycemic condition. + Increased concentration of glucose in blood leads to hyperglycemic condition called diabetes mellitus. tis associated with the loss of ghicose through urine and formation of harmful ketone bodies, Testis ‘In male, individuals a pair of testis is present in the scrotal sac. I is primary sex organ and functions as endocrine gland aso. * Itis composed of seminiferous tubules, stromal/intestial tissue oF leyig eels * Leydig cells are present in intertubular spaces and produce sex hormones called androgens mainly testosterone. + Androgens mainly testosterone plays an important role inthe process of spermatogenesis, ie. formation ‘of spermatozoa, + Teeegulates the development, maturation and functions of male accessory sex organs like epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicle, prostate sland, urethra, etc + This hormone also stimulates secondary sex characteristics ike muscular growth, growth of facial and axillary hair aggressiveness low pitch of vwoice, etc. + Ttactson the central nervous system and inflgence male sexual behaviour (libido). These hormones also produce anabolic (synthetic) effects on protein and ‘carbohydrate metabolism, Ovary + Its the primary female sex organ located in the abdomen + Tealsoactsas exocrine gland by synthesising two groups of sterol hormone aestrogen and progesterone. + Each ovary prodaces one ovtim daring each menstrual ele + Iti composed of ovarian follicles and stromal Hssues, + Growing ovarian follicle secretes oestrogen. It stimulates the growth of * female secondary sex organs + mammary gland development + itregulates female sexial behaviour. + itstmulats female seconday’sex characters + Progesterone secreted by corpus luteum, which isa ruptured flict. + Progesterone supports pregnancy tacts the ‘mammary gland and stimulates the formation of alveolt and milk secretion. Hormones of Heart, Kidney and Gastrointestinal Tract ‘Various hormones secreted by non-endocti follows e glands areas Hormones Sources Functions Atrial Natraretle Atl wall of Faetor(ANF) heat Decrease Hood pressure by ling blo veel Erythropoietin Joxilomarar Stimulates erytrope fsllsorkdney” Formation of RBCS Gastin timer Acts the asi nds and ‘Nimes the section oF HCL ind pepsinogen. Secretin Gtinet Assn the exon pancreas ‘td stile cereton of ‘enter and rbot ons Choleysokinin Gat ‘Acts. both pancreas ad all ‘ade to stimulate the ‘oymes and bil ie Gaarie tinct Ini asi ssretion and Inhibitory Peptide iP) Growth factors Several ssn forthe normal on-nocrine growth and rept tenes ‘egmmeation of sus Mechanism of Hormone Action + Hormones produce their effects on target tissue by binding to specific hormone receptors found inthe target tissues only. They are of two types + Membrane bound receptors present onthe cell membrane ofthe target cells = Intracellular receptors present inside the target ell mostly nuclear receptors (present inthe nace) Hormone-receptor complex is formed by the binding dof specific hormone tots specifi receptor leading 40 biochemical changes in the trget Hse + On the bass oftheir chemical nature, hormone can be divided into following groups * Peptide, polypeptide, protein hormones (insulin, slicagon, pituitary, hypothalamic hormone, etc) + Steroid hormone (eg, cortisol, testosterone, estradioe, progesterone) + lodothyronines (thyroid hormones) + Amino acid derivatives (eg, epinephrine). + Hormones act through receptors that are present either intracellularly for hydrophobic hormones, eg testosterone, aldosterone or extracellarly for hormones that being hydrophilic cannot cross cell membranes, eg, follicle stimulating hormone, growth hormone, + Hormones, which interact with membrane bound receptors and ditectly donot enter the target cell contol the cellar ‘metabolism. They generate second messengers like IP, Ca?" cAMP, et, + The hormone which enter the cll and interact with intracellular receptors (eg, steroid hormones, ‘dothyronines, et.) mostly regulate gene expression or chromosome function by the interaction of hormone receptor complex with the genome, Cumulative biochemical ations result in physiological and levelopmental effects. Hormone (e.g. FSH) Formation of hormone receptor complex a Re020I0" yaran cellmembrane Response! Genet of cand essenge ‘eyo uP or Ca) 7 Socom eporse < Prysicogtal response (eo verano a terns cal membrane Nucleus N Genome t mwa, a) Prateins Physiological responses (tissue growin Homone-ecepter ~ — andeentiaion) complex ® Diagrammatic representation of the mechanism of hormone ‘action: (a) Protein hormone (b) Steroid hormone. Mastering NCERT MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (TOPIC 1 ~ Human Endocrine system : Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Pineal, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Thymus, Adrenal and Pancreas Gland 1 Hormones are non-nutrient chemicals, which are produced in trace amount and acts as (@) intercellular messengers (b) intracellular messengers (6) extracellular messengers (d) None ofthese 2 Identify different endocrine glands in human (4-1). A a c (@) A-Pineal, B-Hypothalamus ,C-Pituitary, D—Thyrotd and Parathyroid, E-Thymus, FAdrenal, G-Ovary HeTestis (6) A-Hypothalamus, B-Pineal, C-Pititary, D-Thyroid and Parathyroid, E-Thymus, F-Adrenal, G-Ovary, H-Testis (©) A-Hypothalamus, B-Pineal, C-Pituitary, and Parathyroid, E=Thymus, F-Adrenal,' T-Ovary (4) A-Hypothalamus, B-Pineal, C-Pituitary, D-Thyroid and Parathyroid, E~Adrenal, FThymus, Testis, H-Ovary. 3 Hypothalamus is the (@) anterior part of diencephalon (©) posterior part of diencephalon (6) interior part of diencephalon (4) basal part of diencephalon 4 Hypothalamus contains several groups of hormone producing neurosecretory cells called (a) parietal eels () oxyntic cells (6) mucte (@) Gell 5 Hypothalamus releases two types of hormones known, (@) stimulating hormones and releasing hormones () stimulating hormones and inhibiting hormones {) exocrine hormones and inhibiting hormones {(@) exocrine hormones and stimulating hormones 6 GnRH (Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone) stimulates the (a) pituitary to release the gonadotropins () pituitary for synthesis and release of gonadotropins {c) testis to release the gonadotropin {(@) hypothalamus to release the gonadotropin 7 GnRH, a hypothalamic hormone, needed in reproduction, acts on ‘NEET 2017 () anterior pituitary gland and stimulates ssoretion of LH. and oxytocin| (©) anterior pituitary gland and stimulates seen and FSH (6) posterior pituitary gland ad stimulates secretion of oxytocin and FSH (@) posterior pituitary gland and stimulates secretion of LH and relaxin 8 Somatostatin from hypothalamus gland (a) activates te release of growth hormone from the adrenal gland (©) inhibits ther pituitary () inhibits the release of enzymes inthe digestive tract, () activates the release of enzymes from the pineal gland 9 The posterior pituitary gland is nota true endocrine sland because NEET 2016 (@) itis provided witha duct ()itonly stores and releases hormones (6) itis under the regulation oF hypothalamus (a) itsecretes enzymes 10 The pituitary gland is located in a bony cavity called (a) centrum () cranium () sella tursica (@) pars media jon of LH ase of growth hormone from the 1 Identify 4 to D in the given figure and choose the ‘correct combination, (a) A-Hypothalamie neurons, B-Hypothalamus, C-Portal irculation, D-Posterior pituitary (6) A-Hypothalamus, B-Hypothalamie neurons, C-Portal ‘circulation, D-Posterior pituitary Hypothalamus, B-Hypothalamie neurons, Posterior pituitary, D-Portal circulation (@) A-Hypothalamus, B-Hypothalamie neurons, ‘C-Posterior pituitary, D-Neurolyypophysis 12 Consider the flowchart given below and identify 4, B and C, © Pituitary gland 4 Neurohypophysis c B Pars intermedia a B c (@) Adenohypoptysis Pars erosa Pars dsalis (©) Hypophysis Parsdistalis Pars nervosa (©) Posteriophysis Pars nervosa Pars dsalis (©) Adcaohypoptysis Pars distalis Pas nervosa 15 Which of the following hormones are produced by pars distals or anterior pituitary? {) Growth hormone and pro (b) Thyroid stimulating hormone and adrenocorticotropic hormone {) Luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone (@) Allofthe above ‘Ve Oxytocin and ADH are produced by hypothalamus and released from ‘AIIMS 2019 (a) anterior pituitary {b) posterior pituitary {6) pineal gland (2) thymus 15 What will be the effect of removal of posterior pituitary? {a) Oxytocin and ADH will not be synthesised (©) Oxytocin and ADH willbe synthesised but could not be stored (©) Only oxytocin willbe symhesised (@) Only ADH will be synthesised 16 Gigantism and dwarfism are the disease related to {@) prolactin hormone of mammary gland (b) growth hormone of adenohypophysis {) luteinizing hormone of pituitary {@) thyroid stimulating hormone of thyroid 17 Acromegaly is caused due to (a) excess secretion of GH in adults {(b) lyposeeretion of MSH in children {) reduced secretion of gonadotropins in adults (@) hypersecretion of PRL in adults 18 Hypersecretion of growth hormone in adults does not ‘cause further increase in height because NET 2077 {) growth hormone becomes inactive in adults (©) epiphyseal plates close after adolescence {) bones loose their sensitivity to growth hormone in adults (@) musce fibres donot grow in size ater bith 19 Which of the following pituitary hormones works indirectly? JIPMER 2018 (a) MSH () TSH («) GH (@) Oxytocin 20 Like TSH stimulates thyroid gland, the target ‘organ/gland of ACTH is, (a) adenohypophysis(b) kidney {) adrenal cortex (4) adrenal medulla 21 In males, the spermatogenesis is regulated by (@) FSH () androgens (6) Both (a) and (by (a) hypothalamus 22 Function of oxytocin isiare (a) smooth musele contraction (©) contraction of uterus at the time of chilabirth {) milk ejection from mammary glands (@) Allofthe above 23 The activity of formation of milk and the ejection of | milk is controlled by {) oxytocin and prolactin, respectively (©) prolactin and oxytocin, respectively {) prolactin and prolactin, respectively (@) oxytocin and oxytocin, respectively 24 Reabsorption of water and electrolytes by distal tubules of kidney s0 as to reduce the loss of water through urine (diuresis) is done by (@) oxytocin () vasopressin (e) FSH (@ LH 25 Pincal gland is located on the (a) ventral side of forebrain {() lateral side of forebrain {) dorsal side of forebrain (2) back side of forebrain 26 Artificial light, extended work time and reduced sleepetime disrupt the activity of NET (Odisha) 2019 (a) thymus gland () pineal gland {) adrenal gland (4) posterior pituitary gland 27 The amino acid tryptophan isthe precursor for the synthesis of (CBSE-AIPMT 2015 {@) thyroxine and triiodothyronine {(b) oestrogen and progesterone {)conisol and cortisone (@) melatonin and serotonin 28 Idemtify the hormone with its correct matching of source and function. ‘CBSE-AIPMT 2016 (a) Oxytocin—Posterior pituitary, growth and maintenance ‘of mammary glands (b) MelatoninPineal gland, ‘of sleep-wake eyele () Progesterone—Corpus luteum, stimulation of growth and ‘activities of female secondary sex organs (@) Atrial nateiurete fector— Ventricular wall nereases the blood pressure 29 Identify 4, B, Cand D in the given diagram and ‘choose the correct combination. slates the normal rhythm (a) A-Thywoid, B-Trachea, C-Voeal cord, D-Parathytoid lands (b) A-Trachea, B-Thyroid, CVoeal cord, D-Parathyroid ‘lands (©) A-Trachea, B-Vocal cord, C-Thyroid, D-Parathyroid lands (@) A-Parathyroid glands, B-Thyroid, C-Vocal cord, D-Trachea 30 The thyroid gland is composed of (a) fllcles () stromal tissue (6) trachea (@) Both (a) and [31 By which part of thyroid gland, T, and T, hormones are synthesised? (a) Follctes (6) Isthmus () Stromal tissue (@) Both (a) and (o) 32. Hypothyroidism and enlargement of thyroid gland, i.e. goitre is caused due to the deficiency of (@) iodine (6) calcium {6) proteins (4) carbohy '33_A pregnant female delivers a baby, who suffers from stunted growth, mental retardation, low intelligence quotient and abnormal skin. This is the result of NET 2015 (a) deficiency of iodine inthe dict (b) low secretion of grow hormone {) cancer ofthe thyroid gland {€) over secretion of pars distalis 34 Irregular menstrual cycle in adult women and ‘retinism in children are related to {) hyperthyroidism () goitre {) hypothyroidism (@) Both () and (e) 35 Graves’ disease is caused due to the {@) hyposecresion of thyroid gland (b) hypersecretion of thyroid gland {) hyposecretion of adrenal gland (@) hypersecretion of adrenal pland 36 Congential removal of thyroid will cause (a) myxoedema (6) cretinism {€) Both a) and (b) (@) exophihalmie go 137 The function of thyroid gland is to (a) regulate te basal metabolic rate (©) suppor the process of RBCs formation {) regulate the blood caleium level (@) Allofthe above 3B Blood calcium level is regulated by (a) Tana, (©) T, and thyrocaeitonin (6) thyrocaletonin secreted by thyroid gland (@) thyrocaletonin secreted by parathyroid gland ‘39. In humans, parathyroid glands () are four in number present on the back sie of the thyroid gland () secrete steroid hormones {) Both (a) and (b) (@) None ofthe above 40 Secretion of PTH is regulated by the circulating levels of (@) Na* ions NEET 2016 (6) T ions ions (©) Fe ions ‘41 Which of the following conditions will stimulate parathyroid gland to release parathyroid hormone? NEET (Odishe) 2079 {@) Fallin active vtamin-D levels (©) Fallin blood Ca" levels {6) Fallin bone Ca" levels {6) Rise in blood Ca” levels 42 PTHisa {@) hypereateemie hormone (b)hypoceleemie hormone {6) endocaleemic hormone (4) exocaleemic hormone 43 Hormone that stimulates Ca°* reabsorption by renal tubules and increases Ca absorption from the digested food is (a) calcitonin (©) parathormone (6) insulin (@) ACTH 44 Which of the following hormones ean play a significant role in osteoporosis? NEET 2018 {a) Oestrogen and parathyroid hormone {(b) Progesterone and aldosterone {) Aldosterone and prolactin {(@) Parathyroid hormone and prolactin. 48 Increase in bleeding time and delay in blood ‘coagulation is due tothe deficiency of which hormone? (a) Adrenaline (6) Noradrenaline {) Parathormone (@) Thyroxine 46 Thymus gland is (a) found on the ventral side ofthe aorta {(b) involved in the development ofthe immune system {c) degenerated in old individuals (2) Allof the above 47 The thymus gland secretes the peptide hormones called (a) antibodies {©} thymosins 48 Major role of thymus gland in humans is/are (a) ditferemiation of T-lymphocytes to provide cell mediated immunity (b) differentiation of B-lymphocytes {) enhanced production of antibodies to provide humoral immunity (@) Both (a) and (e) 49 A child with a weak immune system could have problem in which ofthe following glands? (@) Thyroid gland () Parathyroid gland (6) Thymus (4) Pituitary gland 50 Adrenal gland is present at the (a) lateral side of each kidney {(b) dorsal side of each kidney {) posterior side of each kidney {@) anterior side of each kidney (b) androgens (2) oestrogens S51 Identify 4 to £ in the following figure and choose the ‘correct option. A ¢ ) B® : ! sees oe mpc (Axe bf ay D-At 52 igor figh nas eae sant CBSE-AIPMT 2016 nds, leading to increased metabolic (a) the parathyroid rate () the kidney, leading to suppression of renin angiotensin-aldosterone pathway () the adrenal medulla, leading to increased secretion of epinephrine and nor-epinephrine (4) the panereas leading to & reduction in the blood sugar levels '53-The heartbeat increases atthe time of interview due 10 (a) seeretion of adrenaline (b) corticotropic hormone () hypersecretion of renin (@) antidiuretic hormone secretion ‘54 A chemical signal that has both endocrine and neural roles is (CBSE-AIPMT 2015 (a) melatonin (calcitonin {) epinephrine (@)contisot '55_A person entering an empty room suddenly finds a snake right in front on opening the door. Which one of the following is likely to happen in his neurohormonal control system? CBSE-AIPMT 2072 (a) Sympathetic nervous system is activated releasing epinephrine and norepinephrine from adrenal medulla (6) Neurotransmitters diffuse rapidly across the cleft and transmit a nerve impulse (6) Hypothalamus activates the parasympathetic division of brain (2) Sympathetic nervous system is activated releasing epinephrine and nor-epinephrine from adrenal cortex ‘56 The layer of adrenal cortex from outer to inner region {) zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, zona reticularis {(b) zona reticularis, ona glomerulsa, zona fasciculata {) zona fasciculata, zona reticularis, zona glomerulosa (@) zona reticularis, zona fasciculata, zona glomerulosa 57 Gluconeogenesis, lipolysis and proteolysis processes are stimulated by {a) glucocorticoids (b) mineralocortcoids {) Both (a) and (b) (@) None ofthe above 58 Cortisol is involved in (a) maintaining the cardio-vascular system and kidney functions (b) produces ant-nflammatory reactions {) stimulation of RBCs production (@) Allofthe above ‘59 Islets of Langerhans are (a) endocrine calls of adrenal medulla {(b) exocrine cells of adrenal cortex {6) endocrine cals of pancreas (2) exocrine cals of pancreas 6O A patient of diabetes mellitus excretes glucose in urine even when he is kept on a carbohydrate free diet. I because (a) fats are catabolised in adipose tissues to form glucose {(b) amino acids are eatabolisd in kidney to form glucose {) amino acids are discharged in blood steam from liver {(@) glycogen from muscles is released in blood stream 61 The two main types of cells inthe islets of Langerhans called e-cells and B-cells secrete (a) glucagon and insulin, respectively () insulin and glucagon, respectively {6) insulin and glycogen, respectively (@) glycogen and insulin, respectively 62 Which of the following given features are appropriate for glucagon? (a) Peptide hormone which act on hepatocytes () Increases the blood sugar by stimulating glycogenolysis {) Reduces the cellular glucose uptake and utilisation (@) Allofthe above 63 Insulin, a peptide hormone is (a) mainly acts on hepatocytes and adipocytes (b) enhances cellular glucose uptake and uilisation {c) stimulates conversion of glacose t glycogen in the target cols (@) Allofthe above 64 Study the following table and select the correct option for endocrine gland, its hormone and its deficiency disorder. Deficeney Endocrine glands Hormones efiiene (@)_Nearohypophysis (6) Adrenal conex YVesopressin Dieter melius CConicosteroids Addisons disease Co) Parayroid (@ Thyroid sland ind Parathonone Myxoodema Calcitonin Acromegaly (TOPIC 2~ Human Endocrine System : Testes, Ovary and Hormones of Heart, Kidney and GIT 65 The Leydig or interstitial cells found in the intertubular spaces produce a group of hormones called (a) Leland FSH (8) Gonadotropins (6) Androgens (@) Allofthe above 66 Which of the following given features are appropriate for androgens? () Regulates development and maturation of accessory sex ‘organs (b) Stimulate muscular growth and influence libido {) Stimulate the formation of spermatozoa (@) Allofthe above 67 Androgens produce synthetic effects on {@) protein metabolism (b) carbohydrate metabolism (€) Both (a) and (6) (@) lipid metabolism 68 The steroid hormones, oestrogen and progesterone are secreted by which parU/structure of ovary’? (a) Ovaand Leydig cells, respectively (b) Ovatian follicle and compos luteum, respectively {€) Corpus luteum and corpus albicans, respectively (@) Graafian follicle and ova, respectively 69 A temporary endocrine gland in the human body is NEET 2017 (©) corpus eardiacum (4) corpus allatum (@) pineal gland () corpus luteum 70 Study the following table and identfy 4, Band C. ‘75 The peptide hormone, *Atrial Natriuretic Factor’ (ANB) is secreted by Glands Secretion Functions 2 eneans Stancters {(c) Both (a) and (b) ai i Od oe CRE oeerd ols son ° 76 ‘ANF ie termone hich (oneal sepa cent BP ocno Oasem i oe aes Ccnoamecs! 171 fragamern ct eee eames oar on 11 Whichof de folowing sven anus sce mops) a Genoa Trost? 78 Thepepidetomone,etropin (9 Soa in pmassgovig inside 7% Tn perehrmoos sveem (@) Allofthe above 72 Which ofthe following given features are appropriate gg for progesterone? (a) Supports the pregnancy {6 Aas onthe mammary hands and sina the Sof akaneaeeesierericl formation of alveoli () Stimuanes mill secretion {@) stimulates the breakdown of pepsin hormone (@) Allofthe above 80 Which hormone acts on the exocrine part of pancreas ‘and stimulates the secretion of water and bicarbonate {@) stimulates plateet formation Gastrin hormone acts on gastric glands so as to (a) stimulates the seeretion of HCl an pepsinogen () inhibits the secretion of pepsinogen TS Which of the following pairs of hormones are not antagonistic (having opposite effects) to each other? ree @insin Ghwagen NET 2OIG (Gases (©) Seen {b) Aldosterone ‘Atrial natriuretic factor (io O0e. @ GP {) Relaxin Imhibin 81 Cholecystokinin (CCK) acts on {) Paratbormone Calcitonin (@) pancreas (b) gallbladder ‘7% Which ofthe following peptide hormone is secreted {6 Both (a)and (>) @) liver by non-endocrine gland? ‘82 GIP (Gastric Inhibitory Peptide) (@) ANF and erythropoietin (@) inhibits the gastric secretion and motility (©) Gastrin and secretin {(b) inhibits the gastric secretion {) Cholecystokinin and gastric inhibitory peptide {6) stimulates the gate seeretion and motility (@) All ofthe above (6) stimulates the waste secretion (toric 3~ Mechanism of Hormone Action 83 Hormones produce their effects on target tissue by [85 Among the following sets of hormones, which one binding to specific proteins called as ‘contain only peptide hormones? (@) target proteins anywhere in body (a) Epinephrine, cortisol, pituitary hormones (©) activator provens in musces and glands (©) TSH, hypothalamic hormones, oestradiol {) inhibitor proteins in blood (6) Insulin, progesterone, cortisol (@) ormone receptors on target tissues (@) Insulin, glucagon, prolactin 86 Hormones of which ofthe following endos lacks peptides, amines and sulphur? (a) Testes (&) Thyroid and adrenal glands {c) Anterior pituitary (€) Posterior pituitary and pancreas 84 Intracellular receptors are mostly © glands (@) cytoplasmic receptors (b) membrane receptors {c) nuclear receptors (@) ER receptors 87 Which of the following is an amino acid derived hormone? NEET 2018 (a) Estradiol () Ecdysone (6) Epinephrine (@) Bstriol 88 Inhibin is composed of JIPMER 2018 (a) lycoprotein {() lipoprotein {e) steroid (@) amino acid derivative 89 Hormones, which interact with membrane bound. receptors normally (a) enters into the cell membrane {(b) dosnt enter the target cell {) generate secondary messengers {(@) Both (b) and (e) 90 How does steroid hormone influence the cellular activities? NET (Odisha) 2019 (a) Binding to DNA and forming a gene-hormone complex (b) Activating cyclic AMP located on the cell membrane {) Using aquaporin channels as second messenger (@) Changing the permeability ofthe cell membrane 91 Steroid hormones typically alter the activity of target cells by (a) activating primary messenger (0) activating secondary messenger {) interacting with intracellular receptors (@) None ofthe above 92 What is the mechanism of action of steroid hormones? (a) They enter into the target cells and bind with specific receptor and activate specific genes to form protein (8) They bind to cell membrane {) They catalyse the formation of AMP (@) None ofthe above 93 Which one of the following is not a second messenger in hormone action? (@) Calcium (6) Sodium (©) cAMP (@) cGMP 96 Which one of the following pairs of hormones are the ‘examples of those that can easily pass through the cell membrane of the target cell and bind to a receptor inside it (mostly in the nucleus)? CBSE-AIPMT 2012 (a) Insulin and glucagon (b) Thyroxin and insulin {) Somatostatin and oxy (@) Cortisol and testosterone 95 Oestrogen and testosterone hormones bind to {a) cytoplasmic receptors {(b) Geprotei linked membrane proteins {) enzyme inked proteins (@) membrane receptors 96 Ifreceptor molecules are removed from target organs, ‘then the target organ will (a) continue to respond to the hormone without any Aitference (©) continue to respond to the hormone, but wil require higher concentration () continue to respond to the hormone, but inthe opposite (€) not respond tothe hormone 97 Identify 4, B and Cin the diagrammatic representation of the mechanism of hormone action. NET (Odisha) 2019 Pry espnses Select the corret option from the following {@) A-Steroid hormone, B-Homone-reeptor complex, Protein (©) A-Pratcn hormone, B-Reseplr, C-Cyelc AMP (©) A-Steroid hormone, B-Revepir, CSecond messenger {) A Protein hormone, B-Cyclie AMP, C-Hormone-recepor complex 98 Identify 4 to D inthe given diagrammatic representation ofthe mechanism of hormone action ‘and choose the correct combination. Une ‘et memtrane A oN) rene Frysilogical responses (issue grow and ‘iferensaton) (a) A-DNA, B-Nucleus, C-Hormone-receptor complex, D-Hormone (@) AcMRNA, B-Nucleus, C-Hormone-receptor complex, D-Hormone (©) AcmRNA, B-Nucleus, C-Hormone-receptor complex, D-Protein (@) A-DNA, B-Nuclous, C-Hormone-receptor complex, D-Protein NEET SPECIAL TYPES QUESTIONS 1 Assertion and Reason = Direction (Q. No. 99-108) In each of the following ‘questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by corresponding statement of Reason (R). Of the statements, mark the correct answer as (@) IPboth A and R are true and R isthe coreet explanation of () both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A (6) IFA is trac, but Ris false (4) IFA is als, but Ris true 99 Assertion (A) Endocrine glands are called ductless lands. Reason (R) Hormones produced by endocrine glands are released into the blood and transported to distant target organs. 100 Assertion (A) GnRH stimulates the pituitary synthesis and release of gonadotropins. Reason (R) Hypothalamic hormones regulate the synthesis and secretion of pituitary hormones. TOT Assertion (A) Grave’s disease is due to the enlarged adrenal gland, Reason (R) Grave's disease leads to protusion of the eyeballs, increased basal metabolic rate and weight loss. 102 Assertion (A) Diabetes insipidus is marked by excessive urination and too much thirst of water. Reason (R) ADI is secreted by posterior lobe of pituitary 103 Assertion (A) Our body secretes adrenaline in intense cold. Reason (R) Adrenaline raises metabolic rate. 104 Assertion (A) In old persons, there is gradually ‘weakening of immune system, Reason (R) It is because of degeneration of thymus sland. 105 Assertion (A) Pancreas is a composite gland. Reason (R) It acts both as an exoerine and an endocrine gland, 106 Assertion (A) CCK acts on both panereas and gall bladder. Reason (R) It stimulates the secretion of pancreatic enzymes and inhibits the secretion of bile juice. 107 Assertion (A) The physiological functions of target tissues are regulated by hormones. Reason (R) The hormone-receptors complex formation leads to certain irreversible changes in the target tissue that leads to lysis of target tissue. 108 Assertion (A) Hormones interacting with membrane bound receptors normally do not enter the target cells. Reason (R) They generate second messengers like cyclic AMP, IP; and Ca.?* I, Statement Based Questions 109. Choose the correct statement. {@) Unorganised endocrine gland includ pines! gland pituitary gland, pancreas, ivr, ovary and testis () In nervous system, the response is for long duration whereas in endocrine system is for short uration (6) Invertebrates possess very simple endocrine system Whereas a large numberof chemicals act as hormones in Nertebrates (@) Hormones are produced in trace amounts by ducted lands TO Which one ofthe following statements is correct? (@) Endocrine glands regulate neural activity, but not (6) Neurons regulate endocrine activity, but not vice-versa {6) Endocrine glands regulate neural activity and nervous system regulates endocrine glands (@) Neural transmission is slow whereas endocrine transmission i fast 11 Which ofthe following statements is corret in relation tothe endocrine system? ‘NEET 2015 {@) Adenohypophysis is under direct neural regulation of the hypothalamus (6) Organs inthe body lke gastrointestinal tract, hea, kidney and iver do not produce any hormones {) Non-nutient chemicals produced by the body in ace amount that act as intercellular messengers are known as hormones (@) Releasing and inhibitory hormones are produced by the Pituitary gland M2_ Which ofthe following statements is incorrect? (@) Pituitary gland is under the contol of hypothalamus (©) All glands inthe human body ae hetroerne glands {6) Testes and ovaries are endocrine glands (Pancreas gland performs dual functions TIS Which ofthe following statements is incorrect regarding hypothalamus? {@) Hypothalamus isthe basal prof mesencephalon (6) ltregulates wide spectrum of body functions {6) Neuroscertory cells o hypothalamus sercte hormones {@) Hormones of hypothalamus regulate the synthesis of pituitary hormones Mis Select the incorrect statement {@)Sleep-vakeeyele nd pigmentation are regulated by hypothalams | (©) Insulin plays a major oe in glucose homeostasis (6) Thor are about 1-2 milion islets of Langerhans in a normal human pancreas (e) Adrenaline increases alertness and pupilry dilation TIS Select the incorrect statement. {@) Proteinacoous hormones are composed of chains of amino acids (6) Glycoproteinaccous hormones are composed of proteins and carbohydrates {6 Adrenocotcoids are steroid hormones {6 Melatonin and adrenaline re polypeptide hormones MUG Select the incorrect statement {@) The thywoid gland play anglgile role inthe regulation ofthe basal metabolic rat (©) The thyroid gland seeretes thyroxine (T,) and tciodothyronine (T,) {6 The lobes of thyroid gland are interconnected witha thin fap of connective issu called ths (@) The thyroid gland is composed of two lobes which re located on either side ofthe achea Which statement is incorrect about inhibin? (@) Kisalipoprotein JIPMER 2018 (b) Decreases FSH secretion (6) Molecular weightis between 10K-30K Dalton (6) Secreted by Serio cells MB Select the incorect statement. {@) Sted hormones donot interact wi receptors (6) Hormones which interact with intracellular receptors (€2 steroid hormones, odothyonines, te.) mostly regulate gene expresion {Steroid hormones can interaet with genome through hormone-recepor complex {(@)None of the above NO Select the incorrect statement {@) IP isa secondary messenger, while cAMP sa primary messenger (©) Cyclic AMP is generated by hormone which interact with membrane bound receptors {6 Hlomone receptor complex is formed by membrane bound recepors (6) IF, and cAMP are secondary messengers that can regulate cellular metabolism intracellular 120 What is correct to say about the hormone action in humans? ‘CBSE-AIPMT 2012 {a) Glucagon is secreted by B-cells of sets of Langerhans and stimulates glycogenolysis (©) Secretion of thymosin with ageing {) In females, FSH frst binds with specific receptors on ‘ovarian cell memirane (G) FSH stimulates the seretion of oestrogen and progesterone 121 Consider the following statements. |. Hypothalamic hormones originate inthe hypothalamic ‘neurons, ass trough axons and release om their nervecndings |. Hypothalamic hormones reach he pituitary gland through the portal circulatory system Select the correct option {@) Fiste, lisse (b) Boh andif are twue (6) Lis false, isirue —(@) Both Ind Il are false 122 Consider the following statements 1. Ty and, aresynthesisedby fllcularcells of thyroid sland I, TCTand PTH play significant role incaleium balances thebods: Select the correct option (@ Both Land I are ve (6) listrv, Mis false 123 Consider the following statements 1. Parathyroid gland regulate caleiumand phosphate levelin the blood. 1, PTHstimulatesreabsorption of Ca?* by renal tubules and increases Ca** absorption fom digested food. Select the correct option. {@ Bosh Land it reve (b) Both and I are false (©) istrve, Mis fase (Tis false, His true 124 Consider the following statements 1. ACTH, GH, MSH and oxytocin ate polypeptide hormones. 1 Ocstradiol and progesterone areamino acid derivative hormones. Select the correct option (@) Both Land Maree (6) Both | and Hare alse (list, Mis fase (@)Tis false, Mistme 125 Consider the following statements 1. LH causes ovulation of Graafian follicle and maintains corpus teu females. I. LH1do not performany funtion in males. Select the correct option. (@) Both Land fare true (6) Both and I are false (©) Histnve, lis false) Lis false, (b) Both I and I are false (@) Lis false, His true 126 27 128 129 130 ‘Consider the following statements. 1. Adrenaline increases blood pressure during emergency situations. IL Nor-adrenaline has no ole in regulating blood pressure, Select the correet option. (a) Both Fand I are ve (b) Both Land I are false (6) Tistrue,Iis false (@) Lis false, His ture Consider the following statements. 1. The glucose homeostasis in bloodis maintainedby insulinand glucagon, IL Glucagon reduceseellular glucose uptake and utilisation, while insulin enchances the same, Select the correct option. (a) Both Land I are tue (6) Both I and Il are false {) Liste, Is false (2) Lis false, is true ‘Consider the following statements, 1. PTH increases Ca?” absorption from digested food ‘and thus increases blood Ca" level IL. Addison’ sdisease is caused dueto the ‘underproduetion of hormonesby adrenal cortex Teadingto impaired carbohydrate metabolism. Select the correct option. (@) Both Land I are tue (b) Both Iand Il are false {) Tistrue, Is false (@) Tis false, is tue Consider the following statements. 1. Diabetes mellitus is characterised by oss of glucose through urine and the formation of ketone bodies. I, Diabetes mellituscan be treated with insulin therapy. Select the correct option. (a) Both Land I are true (b) Both I and Il are false {) Tistuc, Is false (@) Tis false, Mis tue ‘Consider the following statements. 1. Double vision, irritability and hypoglycemiaare caused due to hypersecretion of glycogen. IL In hypoglycemia, there is rapid movement of glucose {rom blood to hepatocytes and adipocytes. Select the corret option. (a) Both and If are tue (6) Both Land I are false (6) Listrue,Iis false (0) Lis false, Iis tue BI 133 ‘Consider the following statements. 1. Diabetes mellitusis caused due to prolonged hyperglycemia, I, Diabetes insipidus is caused due to deficiency of insulin, Select the correet option. (a) Both Land tae true (©) Both I and Il are fase (c) Tistrve, Ili false (@) Tis fale, Is tue 1. Hypothyroidism may cause regularity of menstrual cycle IL. Hyperthyroidism characterised by inereased synthesis and seeretion of thyroid hormones due tothe cancer of thyroid gland or due todevelopment of nodules of thyroid glands, IIL, Grave’sdiseaseis characterised by ineveased ‘matabolic rate, weight loss, enlargement of thyroid gland and hyperthyroidism, IV, Hypothyroidism causes goitre, while the exophthalmie goitreisa formof hyperthyroidism. Which of the above statements are correct? (@) Mand lv () Lt and1V (6) IeMand It (2) Allofthe above 1. Somatostatin inhibits intestinal absorption of glucose, IL, Leydig cellssecrete progesterone. IL, Melatonin issceretedby pineal gland, IV. Myxoedema isa thyroid disorder. \V. ACTH isseereted by neurohypophyss, Select the correct statements and choose the option (@ L.lllandV () Il, lllandV (©) L1VandV (@ t1VandV ‘Consider the following statements. 1. Caleitonin regulates the metabolism of calcium. I, Oxytocin stimulates contraction of uterine muscles. I, Graves’ disease is caused by excess seeretion of hormones of thyroid gland. IV, Vasopressinstimulatesthe absorption of water inthe renal tubules. \V. Adrenaline and nor-adrenaline are called asthe emergency hormones of hormones, Select the correct statements and choose the option, (@) LMM IV andV (6) MTV and V (©) Land V (@ 1, Mandiv SS Consider the following statements 1. Increase of heartbeat I, Increase of respiration rate, IL, Stimulate breakdown of glycogen. IV. Stimulate breakdown of lipid and protein, Which of the following are correct functions of ‘catecholamines? (a) Only It () Tang tt (c) Mand IV (@) LI, tana tv 136 _ 1. Theadrenal cortex secretes many hormones called cortioids, IL. Corticoids involved in carbohydrate metabolism are called as glucocorticoids. ILL, Glucocorticoids pay arole inthe growth of sxial hair, pubichair and facial hair during puberty. IV, Aldosterone is the main mineralocorticoid, which helps in the maintenance of electrolytes, body uid volume, et Select the correct combination from the given options. (@) 1, Mand () Ht and tv (©) Llland IV (@) LU, Mand Iv 187 Consider the following statements 1. Pituitary glands called master gland anditis attached tohypothalamusby astalk. 1. In humans pas intermedia s almost merged with pars II. Oxytocin is synthesised by hypothalamusandis transported axonally to neurohypophysis. Select the correct option. (a) Only (6) Only th (6)1, Mand (@) Land tt ‘Choose the statements which correctly indicates the functioning of thyroid hormones. 1. Regulation of the basal metabolic rate, I, Stimulate the process of RBCs formation. I, Regulating the blood phosphorus levels. IV. Maintenance of pH and lipids balance. ‘The correct option is (@) 1, Mand IV () Land (©) LU landIV——@) Hand IV ‘The events in the mechanism of protein hormones are listed below. Arrange them in correct sequence. 1. Hormone binds toreceptor on plasma membrane. I. Physiological responses. IL, Biochemical responses. IV. Generation of secondary messenger. 39 140 at 42 ‘Choose the correct option. () 1, Mand IV () HLL Mandy (©) LIV, Mand (@) M1, Handy Read the statements given below and mark the option ‘containing the correct statement, 1. Catecholamines decrease the heartbeat, the strength of heart contraction and the rate of respiration, I, Aldosterone acts on collecting duct to increase absorption of water along witheleeteolytes. IIL, Androgenic steroids secreted by the adrenal cortex stimulate growth of axial hair, pubic hairand facial bai during puberty, IV. Aldosterone isthe main glucocorticoid, whereas cortisol isthe mein mineralocorticod. (a) Only (6) Only It () Only It (@) Only 1V ‘Choose the statements which correctly indicates functioning of gonads. 1. Androgens stimulate growth of facial hairs and axillary hairs, muscular growth, low pitchof voice, te, inmales, I, Ovary produces one ovum during each menstrual eyele and produces three groups of steroid hormones called androgens, oestrogen and progesterone. IL. Androgens influence both male and femalesex behaviours. IV, Androgens produce catabolic (synthetic) effects on carbohydrate and protein metabolism. (a) Only () Mand I (©) Only It (@) Land Vv Read the following statements and mark the incorrect, option. 1. Epinephrine donot produce secondary messengers. I, Insulin deficiency and fo insulin resistance result ina disease called diabetes mellitus IL, Thymosins inerease the production of interferons to provide cell-mediated immunity. IV. The pituitary hormones regulate the growth and evelopment of somatictissuesand activities of peripheral endocrine glands. (@) Land It () Wand I () Vand il (@) Land IV Ill. Matching Type Questions ws. 46, 4s 46 Match the following hormones with the respective disease. NET (National) 2019 Columa 1 Colao tt AA. tnslin 1 Addison's disease Thyroxine 2. Diahees nspidos C._Coniccids 3. Acromegaly Grow hormone 4. Goi 5._ Dishes mellitus Codes A BC D ABCD @2 43 1m 5 4 1 2 41 3 @ 5 1 2 Match the following columns, Column 1 Column tt (Hormones) unctions) A FSH 1L_ Sytesises the mit in breast BL MSH 2. Regulates he pigmentation ADH 3, Provens dress D. PRL 44 Stimulates the development of ovarian folic Codes ABC D AB CD @i 2 3 4 m4 2 3 4 41 2 3 M4 3 2 1 Match the following columns. Colum 1 Colum (rons) ureti ‘A. Gasuin 1. Inhibits gst seretion 1B. Scortin 2. Acts on gall bladder C. CCK 3. Stimulates secretion of H,O and HCO; D. GIP <4 Secredonof HCL Codes ABC D AB CD @4 2 3 1 mr 2 3 4 43 2 1 @4 3 4 2 Match the following columns. Column olan tt ype) (Examples) AA. Protein hormones 1. Epinephrine B._ Steroid hormones 2. Testosterone, progesterone . lodathyronineshommones 3. Thyroid hormones D. Amino aid derivative 4. ‘Insulin and glucagon hormones Codes ABC D AB CD @1 2 3 4 m4 3 2 1 42 3 1 M4 2 13 167 Match the following columns and choose the correct ‘option from the codes given below. Column Column tt (Types) A Exocrine gland BL Endocrine gland 2 3.__ Salivary glands A BC m2 13 @ rt o2 3 148. Match the following columns, Come (oon ea Column gland) (Functions) A Mibenocoiils 1, Sipyeos kame apie (niotcon 8 Conist 2 Groth pbiir an ai ‘iraing ry Andie seis 3. ceased blo co fatalcance sents D Catecholamine 4. Runes uae o 0 and Sees coves ABC OD @s'i? O23 4 1 O21 23 @123 4 149 Match the hormones with its soures of secretion Column Comat Moms) (oust ston A Sonatosain 1 Poca gd 5. Memon 2 Cos acum (© Altseone 3. Pena D. Protons 4 Ate sone eco 5 et ofLangans odes RBC DE @s ts 35 M1245 3 O25 413 @3 1433 150 Match the fllowing columns Column 1 A. Adrenaline 1 Myxoedema B._Hyperpurathyroidsm 2. Accelerates heartbeat © Oxytcia 3. Saltwater balance D. Hypothyroidism 4. Childbirh E,_ Aldosterone 5, Demineraist Codes 153 Match the following columns. Column Column tt (Actions) (Hormones) A. Maintinthe normal blood 1, Cortisol slucose level BL Regulation of glucose 2. Aldosterone omenstsi C_Maintenance of electrolytes 3._ Insulin ._Antiinflammatory responses 4. Glucagon Codes A Bc D @3 42 1 mi 23 4 43 2 1 @2 1 43 154 Match the following columns Column 1 Column 11 ormonss) (Related processes) AL Glucagon. Glucogenlysis. B. Insulin 2. Spormatogenesis Androgen 3. Ovulation DL Progesterone 4. Glyeogencsis Codes A BC D @43 21 @1 4 2 3 3 21 4 @2 13 4 NCERT & NCERT Exemplar MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS ABC DE @1 23 45 @s 43 2 4 25 4 13 @2 5 4 3 1 151. Match the following columns. Column Colum IE (ores) (Eunctions) A. ANE 1. Regulates blo calcium levels MSH 2._Decreases blood pressure © GP 3. Pigmentation D_ ter 44-bit gastric secretion Codes ABC DAB CD @4 12 3 m2 1 43 2 3 1 4 @2 3 41 152 Match the following columns. Column 1 ‘Colum tt Hormones) (Eurtions) A. ADH 1 Syntesis and secretion of lucoconticoids B ACTH 2. Minerloconticoide Aldosterone 3. Diabetes melas D._ Insulin 4. Diabetes insipidus Codes A BC D ABCD @!o4 2 3 m4 2 13 @4 12 3 @4 1 3 2 NCERT ISS Which ofthe following is not a deficiency related 156 disorder? (@) Cretnism (6) Diabetes insipidus (6) Diabetes mellitus (4) Cushing's syndrome Hormones involved in maintaining Ce human body includes all except (@) consol (6) aldosterone (©) parathormone (4) thyrocaleitonin balance in 157 Gradual atrophy degeneration with ageing is shown by (pina gland (©) adn cortex (6) thymosin (4) Both (a) and (b) 158 Demincralisation of bones in females is observed after they attain menopause. This is due to lack of (a) progesterone (©) thymosin {€) melatonin {(@) oestrogen 159 Gonadotropins essentially target all glands listed below except. (@) Ovarian follicles {) Sertoli cells () Leydig cell (4) Posterior pituitary NCERT Exemplar 160 Which of the following hormones is not secreted by anterior pituitary? {) Growth hormone (b) Follicle stimulating hormones {6} Oxytocin {(€) Adrenoconticotropic hormone 161 Mary is about to face an interview. But during the first five minutes before the interview she experiences sweating, increased rate of heartbeat, respiration, ete. Which hormone is responsible for her restlessness? {a Oestrogen and progesterone (0) Oxytocin and vasopressin {) Adrenaline and nor-adrenaline {@) Insulin and glucagon 162 Leydig cells produce a group of hormones called (a) androgens {(b) oestrogens {) aldosterone {@) gonadotropins 163 Which ofthe following conditions is not linked to deficiency of thyroid hormone? (a) Cretiism (b) Goitre (c) Myxoedema {(@) Exophthalmia 164 Select the right match of endocrine gland and their hormones among the options given below. Column 1 Column tt A. Pinca 1._Epiepbrine B._Thymid 2. Melatonin Ovary 3. Osirogen Adrenal medulla, Tetsodothyronine Codes A BC D @s2 1 3 m2 4 1 3 @3 2 1 4 @2 4 3 4 GS. The steroid responsible for balance of water and clectrolytes in our body is (a) insulin () melatonin {) testosterone (4) aldosterone 167 170 m 172 v3 1% ‘Thymosin is responsible for (a) raising the blood sugar level (©) rising the blood calcium level {) differentiation of T-lymphocytes {decrease in blood RBCS In the mechanism of action of a protein hormone, one ‘of the second messengers is (@) Cyclic AMP. (6) Insulin or, (@)Gastin ‘Corpus luteum secretes a hormone called (@) prolactin () progesterone (6) aldosterone (@) testosterone Cortisol is secreted from (a) pancreas (thyroid () adrenal (@) thymus A hormone responsible for normal sleep-wake eye (@) epinephrine (0) gastrin {€) melatonin (@) insulin Hormones are called chemical signals that stimulate specific target tissues. Their action depend on the presence of receptors on the respective target tissues. Which of the following is the correct location ofthese receptors incase of protein hormones? (a) Extrcelalar matrix (b) Blood (¢)Plasma membrane (@) Nucleus Match the following columns. Column 1 Colum tt A. Epinephrine 1. Stimulates musle growth B, Testosterone 2 Decrease in blood pressure . Glucagon 3. Breakdown of liver glyeagen D. Atria natriuretic factor 4, Increases hoatbest Codes ABC D AB CD @2 1 3 4 m4 1 3 2 12 3 4 M1 4 2 3 Which of the following do not play any role in calcium balance in the human body? (@) Vitarnin-D (6) Parathyroid hormone (6) Thyrocaleitonin —_(@) Thymosin Which of the following organs in mammals does not ‘consist of central ‘medullary’ region surrounded by ‘cortical region? (a) ovary (liver (©) adrenal (a) kidney (@nswers > Mastering NCERT with MCQs 1@ 20 3@ 40 5H no) 2) Bw Wo) 15 a) 2e) Bw Bey ww) Be 31) 32) 33) HO 35) 16) 2) 8H) He 45% SI) 52) 53m) 54) 55 fw) 6) 2M 68) mH 68) 7d) 2) Be Aw 70 81) 82) 8B) EOD) — 8S) 9) 92 (a) — 938.) 94) 95) > NEET Special Types Questions 99 (a) 100 (a) 101 fd) 102) 108 a) 109 ©) 0) 2) @@) 119 (a) 120 (¢) 120 Gb) 122 fa) 128) 129 @) 130d) 131 (132d) 133 (a) 139 ©) 140) 14D (a) 142 (148) 149 (i) 150 (0) 1ST (i) 152 158 > NCERT& NCERT Exemplar Questions 155d) 156 0) 157 (a) 158 159 (a) 165 (i) 166 (0) 167 (a) 168 (6) 169 6m) 7H 8% 9H we 16) 17 @) 18) 19H) — 2 26) 7) 2) 2 La) 30) 36 0) 37) 38) 9) 40 6) 70 BH) 9) 50) 56 (a) 57 (a) SB) 59.) «60 fw) 66) 6) BD) 6D) —- 76d) 77 (d) 78 (a) 79 (a) 80) 86 (a) 87 (0) BB) 89.) Bw) 96 id) «97 0) 98) 104 () 105 () 106 (107 @) 108 (a) 14 @ 15) 6 (@) 1) 25) 126) 134 (e) 135) 136) 140) 5) 146) 154 ) 17 @) 18 127 (@) 128 ) 137 (i) 138 @) 147 @) 148) 160 (@) 161 (@) ‘162 (a) 163 a) 164 (a) 170) 171 @) «172 (W) 173) ITO) Answers & Explanations 4 (©) Hypothalamus contains several groups of reuroseerety cells called nuclei, which produce hormones. These hormones regulate the synthesis and sceretion of pituitary hormones. 5 (b) Hormones produced by hypothalamus are of two «types the releasing hormones (which stimulate secretion of pituitary hormones) and the inhibiting hormones (which inhibit secretions of pituitary hormones). 7 (6) GoRH isa hypothalamic hormone. It stimulates the anterior lobe of pituitary gland to secrete LH and FSH, ‘which in tur stimulates the gonadal activity £8 (#) Somatostatin or growth hormone inhibiting hormone is released from the hypothalamus to inhibit adenohypophysis of pituitary gland to secrete growth hormone, {9 (6) The posterior pituitary gland isnot a true endocrine sland because it only sores and releases two hormones, ‘oxytocin and vasopressin. These are actually synthesised by the hypothalamus and are transported to the posterior pituitary through the hypophyseal portal system. 10 (c) Piwitary gland is located ina bony cavity called sella tursica and is attached to hypothalamus by a stalk, 12 (a) Option (a) is correct. Pituitary gland is divided anatomically into an adenohypophysis and a neurohypophyis. Adenoliypoplysis consists of t¥0 portions, pars distalis and pars intermedi. The pars distalis region of | pituitary, commonly called anterior pituitary. ‘Neurohypophysis (pars nervosa) also known as Posterior pituitary 16 () Gigantism and dwarfism are disease related to Growth Hormone (GH). As overseeretion of GH. stimlates abnormal growth ofthe body leading toa condition ealledgigantism and low secrstion of GH. results in stunted growth resulting in dwarfism, 17 (a) Excess secretion of growth hormone in adults especially in middle age can result in severe Aisigurement (especially ofthe face) called actomevaly, which may lead to serious complications and premature death if unchecked. The disease is hard to diagnose inthe early stages and often goes undetected for many years, until changes in external features become noticeable. 18 (b) Option () is correct and can be explained as follows CChronie hyperseeretion of Growth Hormone (GH) leads ‘o gigamism or acromegaly depending on the age ofthe individual If ts hypersecretion oocurs before the ossification of epiphyseal plates, it eauses exaggerated and prolonged growth in long bones. I results in gigantism. Inadults, hypersecretion of GH leads to acromegaly. Hence, hypersecretion of growth hormone in adults doesnot cause further increase in height beeause epiphyseal plates close after adolescence 19 (b) Among the given hormones, TSH (Thyroid ‘Stimulating Hormone), seeeted by anterior lobe of pituitary gland, works indirectly. This hormone controls the growth and activity ofthe thyroid gland, WinfTuences the uptake of iodine and synthesis ofthe hormones; thyroxine and t-iodothyronine by the thyroid gland, Rest ofthe hormones, ie. MSH (Melanoeyte Stimulating Hormone), GH (Growth Hormone) and ‘oxytocin work directly on their target organ. They do not stimulate any other gland, 20 (c) ACTH stimulates the synthesis and secretion of| steroid hormones called glicocorticois from the aurenal corte. 25 (b) Prolactin egulates the growth ofthe mammary lands and formation of milk. Oxytocin acts on the Smooth muscles of our body and stimulates their contraction. In females, it stimulates a vigorous contraction of uterus atthe time of ehildbeth and milk jection from the mammary gland, 24 (b) Vasopressin released by te posterior lobe of Pituitary ats mainly on the kidney and stimulates reabsorption of water and electrolytes by the distal tubules and thereby, reduces the loss of water through urine (diuresis. Hence, iti also called Anti-Diurctic Hormone (ADH), 25 (c) The pincal gland is located on the dorsal side of forebrain. It secretes a hormone called melatonin, \which plays a very important role in regulating the 24 hours (diurnal) rhythm of our body. It also influences pigmentation, menstrual cycle as well as our defence capability 26 (b) Artificial light, extended work time and reduced sleep time disrupt the activity of pineal gland, This is because the cireadian rhythm or sleep-wake cycle is regulated by pineal gland. Thus, any external change inthe rhythm eyele affects the pineal activity 27 (d) The amino acid tryptophan isthe precursor forthe symhesis ofhormone melatonin and neurotransmitter 28 (6) Option (b) represents the correct matching of hormone with ts sources and functions. Rest of the options are incorrect and can be corrected as ‘+ Oxytocin stimulates contractions of urine walls to facilitate childbinh + Progesterone maintains pregnancy helps inthe ‘mammary gland development and milk secretin, (Oestrogen is responsible forthe development secondsry sexual characters + ANFis secreted by the atrial walls ofthe heart, which ‘decrease blond pressure 29 (a) Option (ais correct. The thyroid gland is composed of two lobes which are located on ether sce ofthe trachea. Vocal cords are flaps present over the trachea. There are four parathyroid lands present on the buck side of thyroid gland, one pair teach inthe two lobes ofthe thyroid gland. 50 (d) The thyroid gland is composed of follicles and stromal issue, Thyroid gland is the largest endocrine land composed of two lobes connected by an isthmus, It has some 3 millon follicles, aeranged in lobules (40 follicles in each fobule) and embeded in stromal tissue rich in blood capillaries. Each thyroid follicle is composed of follicular cells, enclosing a cavity. [31 (a) The fllcl colls of thyroid gland synthesise wo hormones, tetraiodothyronine or thyroxine (T,) a tr-iodothyronine (T), 32 (a) Hypothyroidism occurs duc to the deficiency of jodi. In this enlargement of thyroid gland occurs, as & consequence of distress development by the body to rope in whatever iodine is available in the det and produce ‘more thyroxine, Iodine i essential for thyroxine hormone production. 33 (a) Deficieney offodine inthe diet causes hypothyroidism, If this condition occurs during pregnancy, the baby will suffer from defective ‘devefopment, stunted growth (eretnism, mental retardation, low intelligence, abnormal skin, deaf-mutism, 34 (c) Inadult women, hypothyroidism may cause iregular ‘menstrual eycle and in infants or children it causes 35 (b) Graves’ disease or hyperthyroidism is caused duc to the excessive seeretion of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland, Its also called exophthalmie gotre and is characterised by an enlarged thyroid gland, protruded eyes, increased BMR, weight loss, ete. ‘36 (6) Cretinism is eaused by the deficiency of thyroid hhormone in infants therefore, congenial removal of thyroid will cause eretnism. It will also cause dwarfism and mental retardation slow body growth and reduced metabolic rate of body, 39 (a) Inhumans, four parathyroid glands are present onthe back side ofthe thyroid gland, one pair each in the wo lobes of the thyroid gland. The parathyroid glands secrete «peptide hormone called Parathyroid Hormone (PTH), £40 (c) The parathyroid glands secrete a peptide hormone called Parathyroid Hormone (PTH). The secretion of PTH regulated by the circulating levels of ealcium ions (Ca Jin the blood ‘41 () Fal in blood Ca levels wil stimulate parathyroid land to release parathyroid hormone, Ths hormone exerts its effects on bones and kidneys, When calcium levels ae low, parathyroid hormone is released by the Parathyroid glands into the blood and causes the bones to release calcium ions and inerease calcium level in the bloodstream, 42 (a) Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) isa hypercalcemic hormone, i. i increases the blood Ca” levels. 44 (a) Ocstrogen and parathyroid hormones can play @ significant role in osteoporosis Its caused dic tothe deficiency of oestrogen and excessive activity of parathormone. Oestrogen helps to promote the activity of osteoblasts (helps inthe formation of bone cells) and inhibits osteoctast activity. On the other hand, parathormone promotes the mobilisation of ealeium rom bones ino blood and hence, causes sdeminealisation, 45 (c) Parathormones (PTH) regulate Ca°* ions level in body. These ions plays a significant roe in blood clotting. Thus, deficiency of PTH would lead t0 deficiency of Ca™ ions. Due to this, the process of blood clotting would be delayed and bleeding time would increase, 46 (d) The thymus gland is lobular structure located between lungs behind sternum on the ventral side of sorta The thymus plays a major role in the ‘development ofthe immune system, Thymus is ‘degenerated in old individuals resulting ina decreased production of thymosing. Asa result, the immune responses of old persons become weak. 48 () Thyrnus gland secretes the peptide hormones called {hymosins, Thymosin plays a major ole in the Aiffereniation of T-lymphocytes, which provides cell-mediated immunity. In addition, thymosins also promote the production of antibodies to provide humoral immunity, 49 (c) Thymus gland provides antibody-mediated msmunity or humoral immunity. Thus, a ehild with weak immune system could have problem in his thymus alan ‘51 (a) Option (a is correct and can be explained as (Our body has one pair of adrenal glands, each atthe anterior part ofeach kidney. The gland is composed of ‘wo types of tissues, The centrally located tissue is called adrenal medulla and outer region i adrenal cortex. ‘52 (c) Fight or flight reactions cause activation ofthe adrenal medulla, It secretes adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (not-epinephrine) hormones under the canltions of stress, these honmones are secreted in high concentration and stimulate, sweating, increased heartbeat and breathing rate These also cause dilation of the coronary artery, bronchioles end pupil ‘56 (c) Epinephrine acts both asa hormone and asa ‘neurotransmitter, Thus, it has both endocrine and neural roles ‘55 (a) Epinephrine and norepinephrine are secreted by adrenal medulla (under the control of sympathetic ‘nervous system) in response to stress of any kind or during emergency situations. ‘These ae also called emergency hormones or hormones of flight and fight. Thus, i'a persons on suddenly fentering a room finds a snake right in font of him, his sympathetic nervous system would get activated leading to the release of epinephrine and nor-epinephrine from the adrenal medulla. 57 (a) Glucocorticoids are steroid hormones secreted by zona glomerulosa of adrenal cortex. The hormones are involved in metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, ‘These function in gluconeogenesis or synthesis of glucose from sources other than earbohydrtes, breakdown of fats (lipolysis) and proteolysis (Formation ‘of amino acids from proteins), {58 (d) Contsot is involved in maintaining the cardio-vascular system as well as kidney function, Glucocorticoids, panculaely cortisol, produces antiinflammatory reactions and suppresses the ‘immune response. Cortisol also stimulates the RBCs production. ‘59 (c) The endocrine pancreas consists of islets of Langerhans. There are about Ito 2 million islets of [Langerhans in a normal human pancreas representing only 1 to 2 percent of the pancreatic tissue. The two ‘main types of cells inthe iles of Langerhans are called cells and ell 60 (a) A patient of diabetes mellitus exeretes glucose in urine even, when he i kept on a carbohydrate free dit, Tis because fats ate catabolised in adipose tissues to {orm glucose. Glucose moves from hepatocytes and adipocytes into the blood ina patient of diabetes melitus, which increases blood glucose level (hyperzlyeemia). {62 (a) Glucagon isa peptide hormone which plays an {important role in maintaining the normal blood glucose level. Glucagon acts mainly on the liver cells (hepatocytes) and stimulates glycogenolysis, resulting in ‘an inreased blood sugar level (hyperglycemia) {63 (d) Insulin is peptide hormone, whieh plays a major role in the regulation of glucose homeostasis, I acts ‘mainly on hepatocytes and adipocytes (ells of adipose tissue) and enhances cellular glucose uptake and ulsation ‘Asa result, there isa rapid movement of glucose from blood to hepatocytes and adipocytes resulting in decreased blood glucose levels (hypoglycemia). Insulin also stimulates conversion of glacose to glycogen (elycogenesis) inthe target eels {64 (b) Only option (b) is correct. Others are incorrect and «ean be cortected as Endocrine glands Hormones Deficiency disorders Neurobypophysis Vasopressin Diabetes insipdus Prthyroid gland PTH Hypocsleemic tetany Thyroid gland Calcitonin Osteqprosis 65 (c) The Leydig cells or interstitial eels, which are present in the interubular spaces produce a group of hormones called androgens mainly testosterone. {66 (a) Option (disconect. Androgens regulate the development, maturation and functions ofthe male aeessory sex organs lke epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate sland, et. ‘These hormones stimulate muscular growih, growth of facial and axillary hair aggressiveness, low pitch voice, ete. Androgens play a major stimulatory role in the process of spermatogenesis formation of spermatozoa) ‘Androgens act on the central neural system and influence the male sexual behaviour (libido). £69 (c) Corpus luteum sa temporary endocrine gland in the hhuman body. It seeretes small amount of oestradio and significant amount of progesterone hormone. Inthe absence of ferilsation, the corpus luteum degenerates. 71 (d) Option (is core. Oestrogen produces wide ranging actions such as stimulation of growth and activites of female secondary sex organs, development of growing ovarian folic, appearance of female secondary sex characters high pitch voice, ete.) mammary glands development, Oestrogen also regulates the female sexual behaviour. 173 (c) The pur of hormones given in option () are not antagonistic to eachother. Relaxin hormone which is Secreted by the posterior pituitary plan relaxes the pubic symphysis during parturition, while inhibin ‘decreases the secretion of FSH from anterior pituitary. Rest pars of hormones are antagonistic (having opposite effects) to each othe: 76 (a) Atvial Naviuretie Factor (ANF) isa hormone which decreases blood pressure, ANF is secreted when blood pressure is high and causes dilation ofthe blood vessels. This reduces the blood pressure. Thus, option (A) is correct. 77 (a) The justaglomerulr cells of kidney produce a Peptide hormone called renin, which increases blood pressure through angiotensin- and erythropoietin ‘which stimulates the formation of RBCS. 78 (a) Erythropoietin of EPO, isa glycoprotein hormone that controls erythropoiesis o red blood cells production. It is a eytokine (protein signaling molecule) for eryracytes (red blood cells) precursors inthe bone £80 (6) Secretn, a digestive hormone secreted bythe wall of the upper part ofthe small intestine (the duodenum) acts on the exoerine pancreas and stimulates seretion of water and bicarbonate ions. Seretin is polypeptide made up of 27 aminoacids £81 (©) CCK acts on both pancreas and gall bladder and stimulate the secretion of pancreatic enzyme and bile juice, respectively. £82 (a) Gastic inhibitory Polypeptide (GIP), function to neutralise stomach aid to protect the small intestine from acid damage It reduces the rate at which food is transferred throug the stomach and inhibit the GI railiy and seretion of hydrochloric aid. £84 (c) Hormone receptors present on the cell membrane of the target eels are called membrane bound receptors and receptors present inside the target cells are called intracellular receptor, which are mostly nuclear receptors (present inthe mcleus) £85 (2) Set ot hormones given in option (@) contain only Peptide hormones, These are insulin, glucagon and Prolactin (a pituitary hormone) Rest sets are incorrect and canbe corected as Progesterone, oestradiol, comtiso, testosterone are steroid hormones. Thyroid hormones, eg. T, and T, are iodothyronines and epinephrine is an amino avid derivative hormone £86 (a) Hormones of testes lack peptides, amines and sulphur. These hormones are steroid in nature. They are derived from cholesterol. £87 (c) Among the following, epinephrine is an amino acid ‘derived hormone. Its catecholamine whieh is produced inthe chromaffin eels of adrenal medulla fiom the amino acid tyrosine, On the other hand, estradiol and estriol are steroid hormone that are involved in the regulation of estrous and menstrual cycles edysone is als a steroid hormone tat eontols rmoulting in insets, £88 (a) tohibin are dimeric glycoproteins composed of an cesubunit and ether, (inhibin A) or ay subunit (inhibin B). They are mainly produced in gonads and provide negative regulation of FSH secretion, {89 (d) Hormones, which interact with membrane bound receptor normally do not enter the target cell, but enerate secondary messengers (e.eyelie AMP, IP, Ca", ete), which in tur regulate cellular metabolism 90 (a) Steroid hormones are able to bind to DNA and frm a gene-hormone complex. These hormones can easily ‘ros the lipid bilayer ofthe cel and do not require secondary messengers forthe same, Steroid hormones bind to intracellular receptors inthe nucleus to form hormone receptor complex, which in tum interacts with the genome, 91 (c) Steroid hormones ate the lipid soluble hormones and ate categorised as hydrophobic hormones. They directly passthrough the cell membrane and interact with intracellular receptors present inside thee (generally within the nucleus). '93 (b) Sodium is nota second messenger in hormone action, Second messengers are cyclic AMP, IP, calcium ions, ec 96 (d) Cortisol and testosterone are lipid soluble hormones, which ean directly passthrough the cell ‘membrane of the target cell and bind withthe intracellular receptors, 95 (a) Oestrogen and testosterone are female and male sex hormones, respectively. Chemically, these are steroid hormones (lipid soluble) which easily pass through the cell membrane and bind to specific (toplasmic) intracellular receptors. 96 (d) Binding ofa hormone to its receptor leads to the formation of'a hormone receptor complex which ‘causes certain biochemical changes inthe target tissue, Thus, if receptor molecules are removed from the target organs, then the target ongan will mot respond tothe hormone. 99 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the eorect explanation of Assertion. The endocrine glands are ductless glands, i. lack ducts, They potr thei secretion into the surounding blood for transport tothe site of action or distantly located target organ. Their secretions are called hormones, 100 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion ‘The hypothalamic hormones regulate the synthesis snd secretion pituitary hormones. Like GnRH (Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone) is released into the pituitary through a portal cieulating system where iteauses the anterior pituitary to release hormones like LH and FSH, These two hormones stimulate gonadal activity and hence called gonadotropin TOF (a) Assertion is false, but Reason is true, Assertion can be corrected as Grave's disease caused by the enlargement ofthe thyroid gland due to hyperthyroidism 02 () Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is not the corect explanation of Assertion ADI is sereted by the posterior lobe ofthe pituitary land. It mainly acs onthe kidneys and stimulates absorption of water and electrolytes by distal tubules and thereby, reduce diuresis An impairment affecting synthesis or release of ADH. results i the diminished ability ofthe kidneys to conserve water leading to water Ioss and dehydration. ‘This condition is knovn as diabetes insipidus, 703 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are tre and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion Adrenaline is secreted in our body during cold, which raises metabolic rate, I causes vasoconstriction of ‘essentially all the blood vessels of the body and increased activity ofthe heart which prevents heat loss, Shivering \which isa rhythmic contraction of skeletal muscles produces heat, Adrenaline, nor-adrenalne, et, increase the metabolic rate by stimulating the breakdown of fats. 106 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason isthe correct explanation of Assertion In old persons, there is gradually weakening of immune system because of degeneration of thymus gland. Thymus scoretes a hormone named thymosin which stimulates the development of certain kinds of WAC involved in generating immunity tis prominent atthe time of birth, but i gradually trophies in adults and its disappearance causes ageing 108 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion Pancreas is « composite gland because tacts both as an ‘exocrine gland and an endocrine gland, The endocrine pancreas consists of islets of Langerhans, which have two ‘main types of eels called aveels and B-cells. The cells secrete a hormone called glucagon, while the Bells secrete insulin ‘The exocrine part ofthe pancreas consists of rounded Tobules (acini) that secrete an alkaline pancreatic juice with pl¥ 8.4. The pancreatic juices help in the digestion of. starch, proteins, fts and nucleic acids. 106 (c) Assertion is tue, but Reason is false, Reason can be corrected as| Cholecystokinin (CCK) stimulates the secretion of both the pancreatic enzymes as wel as the bile juice. 107 (c) Assertion is tue, but Reason is false. Reason can be corrected as| A hormone-receptor complex is formed when a hormone binds to its receptor. This leads to certain biochemical changes such a target tissue, metabolism and regulates various physiological functions of the target tissues or organs, 108 (a) Both Assertion and Reason are tre and Reason isthe correct explanation of Assertion Hormones interacting with membrane band receptors ‘normally do not enter the target cells because they generate second massengers lke cyclic AMP, IP, Ca?*, ete. These are responsible fr the amplification of signa ‘The hormone is called first messenger and cAMP is termed as second messenger. 109 (c) Statement in option (cis correct, Rest ofthe statements are incorrect and can be corected as + Organised endocrine glands include pineal gland, pituitary pland, pancreas, liver, ovary and ests

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