G-7, Mathematics, LPs

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Academic Year





Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Rationale for the 'COVID-19 Accelerated Response for Education':

The world has faced an unprecedented grim situation (COVID-19) starting from the end of 2019,
continuing in 2020, that has played havoc and has left bitter marks which will be etched on the memory of
mankind for centuries to come.
The repercussions of this pandemic have been felt in all disciplines of life including economy, education,
habits, cultural norms, health care services, etc. so severely that the world finds itself helpless. Institutes
imparting education had to modify and adapt their educational services strategies to cope with the new
challenges after the closure of these institutes for about 6 months in Pakistan. Under the directions of the
Government of Punjab, the Curriculum & Textbook Board of the province decided to initiate an
'Accelerated Learning Program' to speed up the teaching and learning activities and to make up for the
time lapse the education field has had to face due to (COVID-19).
Journey from ALP to the need-based and time-bound COVID -19 Accelerated Response for Education:
The first step in responding to the challenge of school closure due to COVID 19 was to devise an
Accelerated Learning Programme for grades 1 to 8. It was deemed important to select three major subjects
of study vis a vis English, Mathematics and Science and address all major and important skills and concepts
within these areas of study in the most effective manner. Subsequently, it was the Herculean task to
squeeze a nine-month syllabus of study into a five-month period, keeping in view skills development,
conceptual understanding, horizontal and vertical alignment of the Student Learning Outcomes and a
gradual but logical progression of concepts for all grade levels.
Lesson Plans as a manifestation of the Accelerated Learning Programme:
In the next step, SLOs were aligned with the material and exercises of the textbooks which ultimately
culminated into the development of Lesson Plans. These lesson plans will be shared with you on a rolling
basis. It is expected that these plans will act as a ready resource for teachers to achieve learning outcomes
in an efficient and effective way. Along with the Lesson Plans, it was decided to develop age-appropriate
and engaging worksheets that would benefit students and act as a reservoir for reinforcement of skills and
concepts taught in class. Therefore, subject experts were engaged to undertake the daunting task of
reshaping and reconfiguring the syllabuses for Mathematics, Science and English.
It has been ensured that the lesson plans are aligned with the level of students and the demand of the
Student Learning Outcome. The focus, during this entire exercise, has also been to oversee that classroom
instruction is aligned with the goals and objectives of curriculum. Every effort has been made to help foster
positive attitudes among students towards learning. Yet another purpose of this exercise is to help
teachers create a healthy learning environment in classrooms that is lacking due to the pandemic.
It is a known fact that proper and well thought out lesson planning serves as a checklist that guides
teachers to be systematic in the effective delivery of their lessons. Equipping teachers with a systematic,
cohesive and an organized breakdown of the syllabus and providing them with well-planned lessons is in a
bid to help them be prepared to take on any unforeseen challenges during the process of teaching and
learning. Notwithstanding, lesson plans serve as historical documents of teaching practices whereby
teachers have a point of reference to look back, reorganize and update their lesson for future usage.
Moreover, well thought out lesson plans help teachers to address challenges during lessons and employ
pedagogies that enhance and consolidate learning. Not only this, but a good lesson plan minimizes the
negative effects of learning on students, in case of teacher absence, as a cover teacher can deliver the
lesson using the guidelines elaborated upon in the plan. Just like every good game needs a plan to win,
similarly, every teacher needs a good plan to achieve lesson objectives. Last but not the least lesson
planning prevents the over-reliance on textbooks, as direct and the only material for teaching.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

The newly developed lesson plans are a highly effective, contextualised and easy to use resource that will
serve as a practical tool for public sector teachers. It is hoped that teachers find the lesson plans highly
productive and that they are able to experience visible outcome-oriented learning that is concrete and
enduring. Also, these plans are based on collaborative, interactive, and inquiry-based methodologies and
approaches to make the classroom learning more effective, vibrant and engaging. Based on low cost, no
cost material, these lesson plans can be applied with little effort and gain a lot of benefit for both teachers
and students in terms of learning and conceptual understanding.

The primary focus of the 'COVID-19 Accelerated Response for Education' has not only been on developing
lesson plans that address Student Learning Outcomes and allow teachers to help students discover
concepts, it has been ensured that plans are sequentially sub-divided in three major domains:
Ÿ Teaching
Ÿ Assessment
Ÿ Reinforcement
To ensure that the plan is executed in the best possible manner and that both teachers and learners get the
most out of the plans, it is suggested that time to each domain is allocated in the following percentage
while delivering them:
Ÿ Teaching 75%
Ÿ Assessment 15%
Ÿ Reinforcement 10%
An emphasis on bolstering concepts and skills through Worksheets:
Further to the above, worksheets have also been prepared to supplement and complement all SLOs
mentioned in the textbook. Like the lesson plans, the worksheets will also be shared with you on a rolling
basis. Each worksheet provides practice and strengthens conceptual clarity. Moreover, these worksheets
are aimed at keeping the students engaged in positive and productive activities while at home.
Gaining the most out of the Worksheets:
As mentioned above, the purpose of the worksheets is to consolidate and clarify concepts, but they can
also be used as:
Ÿ Assessment for learning
Ÿ Additional resource to be used in class
Ÿ Sample activities for teachers to replicate and devise their own worksheets on similar line.
Tips for Teachers:
To optimize these developed lesson plans, it is advisable for teachers to:
Ø go through and comprehend the relevant lesson plan well (Read and understand the text at least
Ø keep the relevant textbook with you when going through the plan
Ø read and comprehend the relevant chapter
Ø make notes if required
Ø ensure the availability of mentioned resources
Ø highlight the SLO's, progression of activities, stages, transitions, and key points
Ø visualize your actual classroom, space, seating plan and challenges
Ø foresee the organization of group, pair or individual work
Ø play the role of facilitator, leader and manager
Ø try your best to execute the lesson plan in its true spirit
Ø ensure proper time management
Ø adapt activity, if it is unavoidable
Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Ø Use teacher's discretion in implementation of the lesson i.e if you feel that a concept needs more
time, you may extend the lesson to the next period
Ø Wrap up the lesson with good spirit leaving a positive message.

Components of Lesson Plans:

Common elements in plans for lessons or units of study are a title/topic/problem, identification of Student
Learning Outcomes (SLOs), a sequence of learning activities including introductory, developmental and
concluding activities, a list of materials to be used and assessment strategies.
Choosing the Topic:. You can choose a topic from the textbook, a skill such as information gathering, a
value such as peace, a current affair topic or an area of special concern such as the environment.
Identifying Student learning Outcomes (SLOs) from the Curriculum. The national curriculum has
identified the Student Learning Outcomes to be achieved for each topic (if you do not have access to the
National Curriculum document for the subject you are teaching you could develop SLOs yourself).
Identifying the Student Learning Outcomes helps you to clarify the knowledge, skills and attitudes/values
to be developed. Choose only one to three SLOs to develop your lesson (many more for a unit plan).
Development: Learning Activities:
Introductory Activities:
Introductory activities are designed to introduce the topic, a sub-topic or to establish connection with the
previous lesson. They are designed to build readiness, create interest, raise questions and explore what
children already know about the topic, recall relevant information, motivate students and focus their
attention on the topic/theme/problem to be studied. Introductory activities can include and arrangement
of pictures and other times that stimulate interest and questions. It may be based on the teacher posing
questions, stating a problem or a dilemma, reading a poem or story, or inviting a guest speaker.
Developmental Activities:
Developmental activities should grow out of the introductory activities. There should be smooth
transitions between the activities to provide a smooth learning sequence. These activities are designed to
realize the Student Learning Outcomes. They introduce new concepts, skills and values or build on past
learning and should be linked with each other. They should flow from data gathering or intake activities to
data organizing activities, to demonstrative or applicative activities, and move on to creative and
expressive activities. Data gathering or intake activities provide the needed input to handle questions and
hypotheses. Organizing activities helps structure and summarize information. Applicative or
demonstrative activities extend learning and develop the ability to use concepts and skills. Creative and
expressive activities enrich learning and develop the ability to improvise and apply learning in original
Concluding Activities:
Concluding activities are activities that serve to consolidate, summarize, or facilitate students' application
of knowledge and skills to a new situation. They are generally related to the main idea of the lesson.
Material Resources:
A key part of planning is to ensure the resources required to impart the lesson effectively. Resources are
planned, identified, developed, or adapted for both teachers and students
Assessment of Learning: Assessment strategies tell us how well or to what extent the student learning
outcomes have been achieved. Assessment of learning is important in all phases of the lesson/unit from
introduction to conclusion. A variety of tools can be used to assess the realization of the chosen Learning
Outcomes. Some of these will be prepared as part of the learning activities, for example, the drawing and
labelling of a map, the checklist for evaluating a discussion, the final written report. Other tools such as
tests can be prepared ahead of time as well.
Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans


This section focuses on ensuring that your students have arrived at their intended destination. Teachers
need to gather some evidence that they did.

A teacher, at this stage, should ask herself/himself:

Ÿ 'How will I evaluate Student Learning Outcomes that were identified?'

Ÿ 'What mode of assessment will give me the most accurate and clear picture of my students' learning
and progress?
Ÿ 'What gaps have I identified in learning that need to be rethought, and reassessed?'
Ÿ 'How can I make my assessment of students reliable and valid?'

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Table of Contents
Lesson Plan No. Topic Page No.
1 Continued Ratio 01

2 Proportion 5

3 Time, Work and Distance 10

4 Relation between Time and Distance 14

5 Relation between Time and Distance 19


1 Tax 22

2 Profit and Markup of Profit / Markup per Annum 26

3 Zakat 32


1 Algebraic Expressions 36

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Table of Contents
Lesson Plan No. Topic Page No.
2 Polynomials 40

3 Operations with Polynomials (Addition) 44

4 Operations with Polynomials (Subtraction) 47

5 Multiplication of Polynomial 50

6 Multiplication of Binomial with Binomial / Trinomial 54

7 Multiplication of Binomial with Binomial / Trinomial 58

8 Algebraic Identities 62

9 Algebraic Identities 67

10 Algebraic Identities 72

11 Algebraic Identities 78

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Unit 1 Grade 7
Lesson 1

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Solve real life problems (involving direct and inverse proportion using unitary method and
proportion method).

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes /1 period

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Teacher should have understanding of:

Ÿ A ratio is a numerical relation between two or more quantities.
Ÿ If the two ratios a : b and b : c are given for three quantities a, b and c, then a:b:c is called
continued ratio

Material/Resources Required

Textbook, writing board, marker, duster

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask the students that ratio is comparison between two or more quantities of the same kind.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 1
Ÿ ask the students about continued ratio, given a : b and then b : c, a : b : c is called
continued ratio.
Ÿ teacher will ask the students about unitary method as a method which is used to
calculate the value of number of things by finding the value of one (unit) thing.
Ÿ 20 pens cost Rs. 400. Find the cost of 30 pens.

Cost of 20 pens = 400 Rupees

Cost of 1 pen = Rupees

= 20 Rupees

Cost of 30 pens = 20 × 30

= 600 Rupees

Development 20 minutes

Activity 1 10 minutes

The teacher will solve the problem on the writing board

Ÿ We have three quantities a, b and c such that a : b = 1 : 2 and b : c = 2 : 3. b is common number , so

a : b : c
1 2

2 3
1×2 : 2×2 : 2×3
2 : 4 : 6
Dividing by 2 1 : 2 : 3

a:b:c=1:2:3 This is con nued ra o.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 1
Activity 2 10 minutes

Ÿ Students in groups will find a : b : c if a : b = 3 : 5 and b : c = 5 : 6

a : b : c
3 5

5 6
3×5 : 5×5 : 5×6
Dividing by 5 3 : 5 : 6
a:b:c=1:2:3 This is con nued ra o.

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

Ÿ We have learnt unitary method which is used to calculate the value of number of things by
finding the value of one thing.
Ÿ We have learnt to find continued ratio among three quantities a, b, c as a : b : c.

Assessment 12 minutes

· Students with even Roll Numbers will find p : q : r when p : q = 1 : 2 and q : r = 1 : 2

· Students with odd roll numbers will found continued ratio of marks obtained by Zara, Mona and
Komal in math test when:
Zara to Mona 4 : 5
Mona to Komal 4 : 3

Homework 1 minute

Ask students to solve:

Ÿ Exercise 6.1, Q:4
Ÿ In a bakery, the ratio of sale of bread to eggs is 2 : 3 and the sale of eggs to milk is 3 : 1. Find
continued ratio of bread, eggs and milk.
Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 1

This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 7, MATHEMATICS, WORKSHEET # 1, Lesson Plan # 1 Unit # 1).
Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and every
student is given a worksheet before you finish lesson. Please also make sure that explain the instructions of
attempting the worksheet to the students.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Unit 1 Grade 7
Lesson 2

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Solve real life problem related to time and work using proportion.

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes /1 period

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

The teacher should revise the concepts of mentioned points:

Ÿ Ratio · Continued Ratio · Common Member
Ÿ Corresponding Elements · Proportion · Means
Ÿ Extrems · Product of Means · Product of Extrems
Ÿ Unitary Method · Direct Proportion

Material/Resources Required

·Textbook, writing board, marker, duster

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ divide the class in pairs and will ask each pair to take three examples of proportion of two ratios

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 2
that are equivalent to each other. Here is an example
5 20
7 28
Ÿ call a student to check, the both of the ratios like
5 ´ 4 20
7 ´ 4 28
Ÿ here we can see that a scale factor of 4 was used on both top and bottom the same number was
used to multiply both 5 and 7 in proportion.

Development 20 minutes

Activity 1 10 minutes

Teacher will solve a real life example to make students understand time and work using proportion:
Ÿ Take an example
¦ Ahmed earns Rs. 7000 in 2 weeks. What amount will he earn in 2 days if he works 6 days a week?
Ÿ Call a student to write on the writing board.
1 week = 7 days
2 weeks = 14 days
Method-I: Unitary Method
Ahmad earns in 14 days = 7000
Ahmed earns in 1 day = By simplifying, we get
= 500
Ahmed earn in 2 days = 2 × 500
= Rs. 1000

Total Amount = 7000
How many days he earns = 14 days

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 2
Amount earned in 1 days =
= Rs. 500
Required amount in 2 days = Rs. 500 × 2
= Rs. 1000
Ÿ Example, the cost of 5 Kg of Rice is Rs. 300. What will be the cost of 12 Kg of rice?

Always write unknown quantity on the right side of the page.

Here, two quantities vary directly
Rice (Kg) Cost (Rs)
5 300
30 x

Here, we can see more quantity so more cost. It is direct proportion. In this case direction of
arrow heads will be same. Now take tail as numerator and head as denominator.

30 x
5 300
Take cross mul plica on
x ´ 5 = 300 ´ 30
300 ´ 30
x= By simplifying, we get
x = Rs. 1800

Activity 2 10 minutes

Ÿ Take example: 10 masons completed a wall in 4 days. In how many days will 20 masons complete the
same wall?
The situation is an inverse proportion
Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 2
Statement 1 shows 10 masons complete a wall in 4 days
Suppose the wall
Masons Day
10 4
20 x
But 20 masons complete the same wall in less days now.
Masons Day
10 4
20 x
Now take tail as numerator and head as denominator.

x 10
4 20
10 ´ 4
Now, x =
x = 2 days

As number of persons increased, me will decrease. So it is inverse propor on

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

We have learnt:
Ÿ Real life problems related to direct proportion and inverse proportions.

Assessment 12 minutes

Ask students to:

Ÿ Solve and find value of m
¦ 13 : 3 = m:6
¦ 1.1 : m = 0.55 : 0.27

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 2

Homework 1 minute

i. Find the value of “m”

9 : m = 54 : 42
ii. Find mean proportional of 4 and 16


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 7, MATHEMATICS, WORKSHEET # 2, Lesson Plan # 2 Unit # 1).
Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and every
student is given a worksheet before you finish lesson. Please also make sure that explain the instructions of
attempting the worksheet to the students.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Unit 1 Grade 7
Lesson 3

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Solve real life problems related to time and work using proportion.

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes /1 period

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

The teacher should revise the concepts of the following terms:

Ÿ Ratio · Continued Ratio · Common Member
Ÿ Corresponding Elements · Proportion · Means
Ÿ Extremes · Product of Means · Product of Extremes
Ÿ Unitary Method · Direct Proportion · Inverse Proportion
Ÿ Time, Work and Distance relation
Ÿ Note: Time is directly proportion to work. More work takes more time and less work takes less
Ÿ Note: Number of workers is inverse proportion to the time because more working hands take
less time to complete a work. Whereas more time given for a work needs less working hands.

Material/Resources Required

Textbook, writing board, marker, duster

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 3

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ The teacher will define and elaborate the concept of ratio, common ratio, proportion, direct and
inverse proportion.
Ÿ The teacher will divide the whole class into pairs and will ask them to discuss with each other
the following terms.
¦ Ratio
¦ Common Ratio
¦ Proportion
¦ Direct and Inverse Proportion

Development 20 minutes

Activity 1 10 minutes

Ÿ Take an example from the textbook

¦ If 36 men can build a wall in 21 days, then how many men can build the same wall in 14 days?
Here, we can see
36 men build a wall in 21 days
x men build a wall in 14 days
The question shows number of days decrease but have same work
Days Men
21 36

14 x
No. of days decrease, require more men to complete the task.
It is inverse propor on
x 21 3 21 ´ 36
So, = =
36 14 14 2
3 ´ 36
Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 3
= 3 ´18
= 54
It means = 54 - 36
= 18 more men are required to complete the task.
So, total required men is 54

Activity 2 10 minutes

Ÿ Take an example from the textbook

¦ If the heart of a human being beats 72 times in 1 minute. Find, in what time will the heart beat
be in 204 times?
Heart beating is directly proportional to the time
The situation can be written as:
Time Heart beat
60 72

x 204 (1 Minute = 60 Seconds)

x 204
So, =
60 72
204 ´ 60
Hence, x = 170 seconds or 2 minutes and 50 seconds

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

Ÿ The teacher will solve real life problems related to time and work using proportions.

Assessment 12 minutes

Ÿ Solve
¦ If a man can weave 450 m cloth in 6 hours, then how many metres of cloth can be weaved in
14 hours?
Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 3

Homework 1 minute

Ask students to solve:

Ÿ Exercise 6.3 , Q : 3 and Q : 4


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 7, MATHEMATICS, WORKSHEET # 3, Lesson Plan # 3 Unit # 1).
Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and every
student is given a worksheet before you finish lesson. Please also make sure that explain the instructions of
attempting the worksheet to the students.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Unit 1 Grade 7
Lesson 4

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Find relation (i.e. speed) between time and distance.

Ÿ Convert units of speed (kilometres per hour into metre per second and vice versa).

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes /1 period

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

The teacher should revise the concepts of the following terms:

Ÿ An interval between two happening is called time.
Ÿ Second, minute and hour etc are its units.
Ÿ The distance covered per unit time is called speed.
Ÿ Speed =
Ÿ Speed is measured in different units that is kilometres per hour, metres per second.
Ÿ The units of speed are mutually convertible.

Material/Resources Required

Textbook, writing board, marker, duster, watch, meter tap

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 4

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will ask from the students:

Ÿ have you seen something moving in your surrounding?
Ÿ give some names of the objects which move,

Ÿ do these moving objects cover some distance?

Ÿ do these all moving things, cover the same distance in a certain time?

Development 30 minutes

Activity 1 10 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask the students if time is increased what is the effect on the distance?
Ÿ ask the students if time is decreased, what is the effect on the distance?
Ÿ tell students distance is directly proportional to time. (A car with same speed will cover more
distance in more time as compared in less time)
Ÿ tell students that in the same way distance covered is also directly proportional to the speed. (In the
same interval of time a car with higher speed will cover more distance as compared with low speed
car for same interval of time).
Ÿ tell students if the distance is same the time is inversely proportional to the speed.
This may be written as:
Distance = Speed × Time
Speed =
So, the unit of speed is calculated by dividing the unit of distance by the unit of time.

Activity 2 10 minutes

The teacher will ask:

Ÿ How many metres are in a kilometres?

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 4
Ÿ How many minutes are in an hour?
Ÿ How many seconds are in a minute?
1km = 1000 m
1 hour = 60 minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds

Activity 3 10 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell that the units of distance are km & m and the units of time are hour, min and second.
Speed =
unitof distance
Unitof Speed =
unitof time
The units of speed are mutually conver ble.

Q : 1. Convert the unit of speed into metre per second

360 km/hour
Speed = 360 km/hour
Distance = 360 km
= 360 × 1000 m (As we know 1 km = 1000 m)
Time = 1 Hour
= 60 × 60 seconds (As we know 1 hour = 60 min, 1 min= 60 sec)
360 ´1000
Speed =
60 ´ 60
= 100 metre / second

Q : 2. Convert the 20 m/sec into kilometres per hour.

Speed = 20 m/sec
Distance = 20 metres

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 4
= km
Time = 1 sec
= hours (3600 seconds = 1 hour)
Speed =
= 1000
20 3600
= ´
1000 1
= 72 km/hour

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

Ÿ The unit of speed may be converted from km / hour to metre/sec by putting 1 km = 1000 m and
1 hour = 3600 second.
Ÿ The unit of speed may be converted from metre/sec to km/hour by putting 1 metre = km
and 1 second = hours
Ÿ An interval between two happening is time
Ÿ The distance covered per unit time is called speed.

Assessment 2 minutes

The teacher will ask to solve:

Ÿ Convert 360 km/hours into metre/per second.
Ÿ Convert the speed of 20m/sec into kilometres per hour

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 4

Homework 1 minute

Ask students to solve:

Ÿ Exercise 6.4 , Q : 3. (iv), Q : 4. (vi)


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 7, MATHEMATICS, WORKSHEET # 4, Lesson Plan # 4 Unit # 1).
Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and every
student is given a worksheet before you finish lesson. Please also make sure that explain the instructions of
attempting the worksheet to the students.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Unit 1 Grade 7
Lesson 5

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Solve variation related problems involving time and distance.

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes /1 period

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ An interval between two happening is called time.

Ÿ Second, minute and hour etc are its units.
Ÿ The distance covered per unit time is called speed
Speed =
Ÿ Speed is measured in different units that is kilometres per hour, metres per second
Ÿ The units of speed are mutually convertible.

Material/Resources Required

Textbook, writing board, marker, duster, watch, metre Tape

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will ask from the students:

Ÿ what is relationship between distance, speed and time?

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 5
Ÿ what are the units of speed?
Ÿ Teacher will take answers from the students and will guide them.

Development 30 minutes

Activity 1 30 minutes

The teacher will tell that:

Ÿ distance = Speed × Time
Ÿ time may be written as: Time =
Ÿ Speed =
Ÿ by this formula, we can solve real life problems about time and distance.
Ÿ The teacher will write a question on the writing board.
¦ Question: A bus leaves Islamabad at 11:00 A.M and reaches Lahore at 03:00 PM. If the
distance between Lahore, Islamabad is 380 km. Find the speed of the bus.
Ÿ The teacher will solve the problem with the help of students.
Ÿ The teacher will ask /tell
¦ What we have to find? ¦ For speed, distance and time be known
¦ The distance is given. ¦ So we have to find time first
¦ Leaving and reaching time are given
Calculate time
Bus leaves Islamabad = 11:00 A.M.
Bus reaches Lahore = 03:00 P.M.
Time of travelling = 03:00 P.M – 11:00 A.M
= 4 hours
Distance = 380 Km
Speed =
= 95 km/h

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 5

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

Ÿ The unit of speed may be converted from km / hour to metre/sec by putting 1km = 1000 m and
1 hour = 3600 seconds.
Ÿ The unit of speed may be converted from metre/sec to km/hour by putting 1 metre = km
and 1 second = hours.
Ÿ An interval between two happening is time.
Ÿ The distance covered per unit time is called speed.

Assessment 2 minutes

The teacher will ask that:

¦ solve the world problem on your notebook.
Q: A bus leaves Peshawar at 10:30 AM and reaches Lahore at 5:00 PM. If the distance
between Peshawar and Lahore is 450 km. Find the speed of the bus.

Homework 1 minute

Ask students to solve:

Ÿ Exercise 6.4 , Q:8


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 7, MATHEMATICS, WORKSHEET # 5, Lesson Plan # 5 Unit # 1).
Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and every
student is given a worksheet before you finish lesson. Please also make sure that explain the instructions of
attempting the worksheet to the students.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Unit 2 Grade 7
Lesson 1

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Solve tax related problems.

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes /1 period

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Tax: Government needs money to run a state. For this purpose, government collects an amount
from the public and provides them facilities like security, hospitals, education, defense, roads, parks
etc. This amount is called tax. There are several kinds of taxes like property tax, General Sales Tax,
Income Tax and Wealth Tax etc.
Ÿ Property Tax: The tax which is received on property is called property tax.
Ÿ General Sales Tax: General Sales Tax is imposed by government on the percentage of selling prices
of things. In Pakistan its varies from 0% to 25%, depending upon exemptions and types of industry.

Material/Resources Required

Textbook, writing board, marker, chart, duster.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 1

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask the students what they remember about percentage.
Ÿ ask students to solve problems from daily life,
¦ Akram got 825 marks out of 1100 marks, what is the percentage of marks Akram has
¦ Ahmed has 200 ruppees, he bought candies for Rs. 50, what percent of his money he spent
on candies?

Development 30 minutes

Activity 1 20 minutes

The teacher will explain the definitions and concept of tax and property tax as given below. The teacher will
tell the students that we calculate tax by using percentage formulae
Ÿ Tax: Government needs money to run a state. For this purpose, government collects an amount
from the public and provides them facilities like security, hospitals, education, defense, roads, parks
etc. This amount is called tax. Two types of taxes are as follows:
1. Property Tax 2. General Sales Tax
Ÿ Property Tax: The tax which is received on property is called property tax. The person who buys the
property is liable to pay tax against property value at the rate according to government tax rules.
Ÿ Teacher will solve question on writing board. Find the property tax on a property worth
Rs. 6,200,000 at rate of 0.8%
Worth of the property = Rs. 6,200,000
Tax Rate = 0.8%
Property Tax = ?
Property Tax = 0.8% × 6,200,000

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 1
8 0
= 0 ´ 6, 200, 000
8 1
= ´ ´ 6, 200, 000
10 100
= ´ 6, 200, 000
= Rs. 49600
· The teacher will explain to the students, Haris paid the property tax of Rs. 2068 at the rate of 0.8%.
Find the worth of property

Property Tax = Rs. 2,068

Tax = 0.8%
Worth of Property = ?
By using the unitary method
0.8% of the worth of property = Rs. 2,068
1% of the worth of property =
2068 ´10 ´100
100% of the worth of property =
The worth of Haris's property is = Rs. 258,500

Activity 2 10 minutes

Ÿ The teacher will explain the concept of General Sales Tax.

Ÿ General Sales Tax: General Sales Tax is imposed by government on the percentage of selling prices
of things. In Pakistan, its rate varies from 0% to 25%, depending on exemptions and types of
Ÿ The teacher will ask the students to solve the question. Saleem bought a car for Rs. 875,000 and
paid 17% as GST. How much tax did he pay?
Price of the Car = Rs. 875,000
Tax = 17%

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 1
General Sales Tax = ?
General Sales Tax = 17% of Rs. 875,000
= ´ 875, 000
= Rs. 148,750

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

Ÿ The teacher will summarize the lesson by revision of definition of Tax, Property Tax and General
Sales Tax.

Assessment 2 minutes

Ÿ Ask students to find property tax on property worth Rs. 948,000 at the rate 1.5%.
Ÿ Assess students at random and guide where required.

Homework 1 minute

Ask students to solve:

Ÿ Exercise 7.1 , Q : 1 (i)
Ÿ Exercise 7.1 , Q:8


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 7, MATHEMATICS, WORKSHEET # 6, Lesson Plan # 1,
Unit # 2). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lesson. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the worksheet to the students.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Unit 2 Grade 7
Lesson 2

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Find the rate of profit/markup per annum

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes /1 period

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Gain: Generally goods are bought at certain price and sold at a higher price the difference of sale
price and cost is called gain
i.e., Sale Price – Cost = Gain
Ÿ Profit: A profit means what we have earned after selling a thing. It is calculated as a percentage of
the cost as shown below:
Profit % = ´ 100
Cost Price
Ÿ Markup: “A markup is an amount added to cost to calculate the sale price”.
Ÿ Suppose “P” is principal, “T” is the time period and “R” is the markup rate
Markup amount =
Ÿ Markup Rate: The percentage of the actual amount paid extra as markup for a thing is called markup
Ÿ Principal: Actual amount excluding markup is called principal and denoted by “P'.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 2

Material/Resources Required

Textbook, writing board, marker, chart, paper chits having examples of profit and markup written before

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell the students that we have already talked about percentage
Ÿ ask the students what they remember about percentage
Ÿ tell students a problem in daily life
¦ Aslam bought a book worth Rs. 70 and sold it for Rs. 85, what amount did Aslam get more?
As we know that Aslam get Rs. 15 more than his purchase price so Rs. 15 is the Gain

Development 30 minutes

Activity 1 10 minutes

The teacher will explain the following concepts to the students:

Ÿ Gain: Generally goods are bought at certain price and sold at a higher price, the difference between
sale price and cost is called gain.
i.e., Sale Price – Cost = Gain
e.g. A shopkeeper buys a uniform for Rs. 200 and sale it for Rs. 250. Find his gain.
Cost = 200, Sale Price = 250
Gain = Sale Price – Cost
Gain = 250 – 200 = Rs. 50 (Rs. 50 is the Gain)
Ÿ Profit: A profit means what we have earned after selling a thing. It is calculated as a percentage of
the cost as shown below
Profit % = ´ 100

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 2

Putting values from above example

Profit % = ´ 100 = 25%
Ÿ Markup: “A markup is an amount added to cost to calculate the sale price”.
Suppose “P” is principal, “T” is the time period and “R” is the markup rate
Markup amount =
Let us understand it by an example
Aleem bought a television for Rs. 15000 on 3 years installments at the markup rate of 12% per
annum. Find the markup amount
12 ×1500 × 3
Markup amount =
= Rs. 5400 (Rs. 5400 is the markup amount)
Ÿ Markup Rate: The percentage of the actual amount paid extra as markup for a thing is called
markup rate

Markup amount ´ 100

Putting values from above example
5400 ´ 100
R= = 12% (Markup rate is 12%)
15000 ´ 3
Ÿ Principal: Paid amount itself is called principal and denoted by “P'
Suppose “P” is principal, “T” is the time period and “R” is the markup rate

Markup ´ 100
Putting values from above example
5400 ´ 100
P= (Principal amount is Rs. 15000)
12 ´ 3

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 2
Activity 2 10 minutes

Ÿ The teacher will solve the following question on writing board:

¦ Abid brought a jewelry set for Rs. 84,000 and sold for Rs. 85,500. Find the percentage of
Solution: Cost (C.P) = Rs. 84,000
Sale Price (S.P) = Rs. 85,500
Gain = Sale Price – Cost
= 85,500 – 84,000
= Rs. 1,500
% Profit = ´ 100
Cost Price

æ 1500 ö
= ç ×100 ÷
è 84000 ø
= 1.79% (The percentage of profit is 1.79%)

Activity 3 5 minutes

Ÿ The teacher will solve the following question on the writing board:
¦ Find the markup on a thing whose price is Rs. 45,000 for 73 days at the rate of 10% per
Principal (P) = Rs. 45,000
Markup Rate (R) = 10%
73 1
Time Period = 73 days = year = year
365 5
Markup =
10 × 45,000 ×
= 5
10 × 45,000 × 1
100 × 5
= Rs. 900 (Markup is Rs. 900)

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 2
Activity 4 5 minutes

Ÿ The teacher will solve the following question on writing board:

¦ The markup on a principal amount is Rs. 820 for 6 months at the rate of 12.5% per annum.
Calculate the principal.
Markup = Rs. 820
Markup Rate (R) = 12.5%
6 1
Time Period = 6 months = year = year
12 2
Markup =

820 = 2 ×P

820 ×100 × 2
Principal = 12.5×1

= Rs. 13,120 (Principal amount is Rs. 13,120)

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

Ÿ The teacher will summarize the lesson and will explain the definition of Gain, Profit, markup,
Markup Rate and Principal.

Assessment 2 minutes

Ÿ Ask the students to solve the question, if 16% profit on a mobile set is Rs. 832. Find the cost
Ÿ Assess students at random and guide where required

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 2

Homework 1 minute

Ask students to solve:

Ÿ Exercise 7.2 , Q : 1 (i), (iv)


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 7, MATHEMATICS, WORKSHEET # 7, Lesson Plan # 2,
Unit # 2). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lesson. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the worksheet to the students.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Unit 2 Grade 7
Lesson 3

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Solve problems related to Zakat.

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes /1 period

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Zakat: Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam ordered by Almighty ALLAH which is paid on the wealth
which remains with a person for a whole year. Islam has fixed its rate at 2.5% of wealth.
Ÿ Nisab: Minimum limit of wealth that attracts liability of zakat is called Nisab in case of gold Nisab is
7.5 tolas and in case of silver nisab is 52.5 tolas.

Material/Resources Required

Textbook, writing board, marker, chart, paper chits having examples related to Zakat written before

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell the students that we have already talked about the percentage.
Ÿ tell students a problem in daily life.
¦ Ali bought a bicycle for Rs. 4,000 and sold for Rs. 5,000 Find the percentage of profit.
Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 3

Development 30 minutes

Activity 1 10 minutes

The teacher will explain the following concepts to the students:

Ÿ The teacher will solve the following question on the writing board to make students understand
the calculation of zakat.
¦ Usman has saved Rs. 2050000. This amount remains with Usman for a whole year. What is
payable amount of zakat for Usman?
¦ Solution:
Total amount saved for a whole year = 2050000
Zakat rate = 2.5%
Payable zakat amount = 2.5% of 2050000
= × 2050000
= × 2050000
= 25 × 2050
= Rs. 51250
The payable amount of zakat for Usman is Rs. 51250.
Activity 2 10 minutes

Ÿ The teacher will ask the students to find the wealth of Ibrahim if he paid Rs. 7,500 as Zakat?
2.5% of Ibrahim’s wealth = Rs. 7,500
1% of Ibrahim’s Wealth = Rs.
= Rs. × 100 × 10

= Rs. 300,000
The wealth of Ibrahim was Rs. 300,000.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 3
Activity 3 10 minutes

Ÿ The teacher will calculate zakat for the following case:

¦ Salma has 15 tola of gold. This gold remained with her for a whole year. Rate of gold is Rs.
70000/tola. Find payable zakat for Salma.
Weight of gold = 15 tola
Rate of gold = 70000 per tola
Price of gold = 15 × 70000
= Rs. 1050000
Zakat rate = 2.5%
Payable zakat amount = 2.5% of 1050000
= ´ 1050000
= ´ 1050000
= 25 × 1050
= Rs. 26250
The payable zakat for Salma is Rs. 262250

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

Ÿ The teacher will summarize the definition of zakat, nisab and how to find zakat amount.

Assessment 2 minutes

Ÿ Ask the students to solve the question, an amount of Rs. 62,48000 remained with Nosheen for
complete year. How much zakat will she pay?
Ÿ Assess students at random and guide where required.

Homework 1 minute

Ask students to solve:

Ÿ Exercise 7.3, Q : 6, 7
Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 3

This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 7, MATHEMATICS, WORKSHEET # 8, Lesson Plan # .3,
Unit # 2). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lesson. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the worksheet to the students.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Unit 3 Grade 7
Lesson 1

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Define a constant as symbol having a fixed numerical value.

Ÿ Recall variable as a quantity, which can take various numerical values.
Ÿ Recall literal as an unknown number represented by alphabet.
Ÿ Recall algebraic expressions as combination of constant and variables connected by the signs of
fundamental operations.

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes /1 period

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Teacher will know about algebra, algebraic expressions, literals, constant, variable and algebraic
Ÿ Constant: A symbol having a fixed numerical value is called a constant. For example 2, 7, 11, etc
Ÿ Variable: A symbol represented by literal and take various numerical values is called a variable i.e.
in x + 1, x is variable and 1 constant.
Ÿ Literals: The letters or alphabets that we use to represent unknowns are called literal numbers for
example, area of rectangle can be calculated by multiplying its length and breadth i.e.,
Area = l × b where, l = length and b = breath
Clearly l and b represent the unknowns. So, these are called literal number.
Ÿ Algebraic Expression: A combination of constant and varibles connected by sign of fundamental
2 2 2 2
operations (+, –, ÷, ×) is called an algebraic expression i.e., 4x + y, x + y , a – 22ab + b etc.,

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 1

Material/Resources Required

Textbook, Writing Board, Marker, Chart, Paper chits having examples of polynomial with respect to one
variable written before class.

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell the students that we have already talked about the terms, constant and variable.
Ÿ ask the students what they remember about constant and variable.
Ÿ define and give examples of the following terms:
¦ Constant: A symbol having a fixed numerical value is called a constant. For example 2, 7, 11,
¦ Variable: A symbol represented by literal and take various numerical values is called a variable
i.e. in x + 1, x is variable and 1 constant.
¦ Literals: The letters or alphabets that we use to represent unknowns are called literal numbers
for example, area of rectangle can be calculated by multiplying its length and breadth i.e.
Area = l × b where, l = length and b = breath
Clearly l and b represent the unknowns. So, these are called literal number.
¦ Algebraic Expression: A combination of constant and varibles connected by sign of
fundamental operations (+, –, ÷, ×) is called an algebraic expression i.e.,
4x + y, x2 + y2 , a2 – 22ab + b2 etc.,

Development 20 minutes

Activity 1 10 minutes

The teacher will discuss the following statements for clarity of the students:
Ÿ Add the terms to write an algebraic expression 2ab, 3bc, ca
2ab + 3bc + ca.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 1
Ÿ Write constants and variable used in each expression.
x is variable and 3 is constant.
Ÿ Teacher will ask students to write at least 3 algebraic expressions and will check and guide
students to know algebraic expressions.

Activity 2 10 minutes

The teacher will ask the students to respond the following statement:
Ÿ Write constants and variable used in the expression, 2x2 – 1.
Variable = x
Constant = –1 and 2
Ÿ The teacher will write algebraic expressions and will ask students randomly about variables and
¦ 5y + 4m
¦ 37q – 76p
¦ 64n + 9m

Conclusion/Sum Up 10 minutes

Ÿ The teacher will summarize the lesson with recap of constant, variable, algebraic expressions.

Assessment 4 minutes

Ask the students to solve the question:

Ÿ Add the terms to write an algebraic expression:
5xyz, 2yz, –8xy
Ÿ Assess students at random and guide where required.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 1

Homework 1 minute

Ask students to solve:

Ÿ Exercise 7.4, Q : 1, 2


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 7, MATHEMATICS, WORKSHEET # 9, Lesson Plan # 1,
Unit # 3). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lesson. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the worksheet to the students.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Unit 3 Grade 7
Lesson 2

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Identify a monomial, a binomial and a trinomial

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes /1 period

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Teacher will know about the polynomial, monomial, binomial and trinomial as one term, two
terms and three terms algebraic expressions respectively.
Ÿ Polynomial: Normally, the word poly is used for more than one thing but in algebra, polynomial
represents an algebraic expression containing a single term as well as two or more than two
2 3
Ÿ For example a, 3x, x + 2, x + 2x + 1 etc., are polynomials.
æ 1ö
Ÿ x –2 + x 2 + 3 x + 2 is not a polynomial because the exponent ç –2, ÷ are not whole numbers.
è 2ø

Material/Resources Required

Textbook, Writing Board, Marker, Chart, Paper chits having examples of polynomial, monomial,
binomial, trinomial one term, two term, and three term respectively written before class.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 2

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell the students that we have already talked about the algebraic expressions.
Ÿ ask the students what they remember about algebraic expressions.
Ÿ separate constants and variables in expression
2 2 2
¦ 6l + 7m + 9n

Development 30 minutes

Activity 1 10 minutes

The teacher will explain the following terms to the students:

Ÿ Polynomial: “An algebraic expression in which the exponents of variable are all whole numbers
is called a polynomial.
Ÿ Identifications: Identification of a monomial, binomial and trinomial.
¦ Monomial: A polynomial having one term is called a monomial i.e., 5, 3x, 2ab etc.
¦ Binomial: A polynomial having two terms is called a binomial i.e., 6a + a, a – 3b, etc.
¦ Trinomial: A polynomial having three terms is called a trinomial i.e., x2 + 3x + 5, 2a + 3b + c
etc are trinomials.

Activity 2 10 minutes

Teacher will ask the students to identify, monomial, binomial and trinomial

Example 1: Example 2:
(i) x+y–z (i) 5m
(ii) –6l (ii) 3p2 + 6q2
2 2 2 2
(iii) 2m – 3n (iii) 9x + 10y – 8
Solution: Solution:
(i) x + y – z is a trinomial (i) 5m is a monomial
(ii) –6l is a monomial (ii) 3p2 + 6q2 is a binomial
2 2 2 2
(iii) 2m – 3n is a binomial (iii) 9x + 10y – 8 is a trinomial
Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 2
Activity 3 10 minutes

The teacher will ask the students to identify monomial, binomial and trinomial and write answers
against their number;
Example 1: Example 2:
(i) (–a) (i) z4
lm + mn + nl
2 3
(ii) (ii) 4m – 11n
(iii) 7a2 – b2 (iii) 5a5 + 3b 2 – 9c 6
Solution: Solution:
(i) Mononomial (i) Monomial
(ii) Trinomial (ii) Binomial
(iii) Binomial (iii) Trinomial

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

Ÿ The teacher will summarize the lesson by recapping monomial, binomial and trinomial as one term,
two terms and three terms algebraic expressions respectively

Assessment 2 minutes

Ÿ Ask the students to find monomial, binomial and trinomial

¦ 3x
¦ 3x – 4y
¦ 4x2 + 3x + 1
Ÿ Assess students at random and guide where required.

Homework 1 minute

Ask students to solve:

Ÿ Exercise 8.1, Q : 3. (i), (vi)

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 2

This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 7, MATHEMATICS, WORKSHEET # 10, Lesson Plan # 2,
Unit # 3). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lesson. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the worksheet to the students.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Unit 3 Grade 7
Lesson 3

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Add two or more polynomials

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes /1 period

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Polynomials method for Addition:

¦ We can arrange the polynomials in any order but we usually arrange terms in descending
order and write the like terms vertically in a single column for adding
Ÿ Add the polynomials
2 x 4 y 2 + x3 y + x 2 y – 5, 2 x 2 y – x 4 y 2 + x3 y + 1, 2 – x 4 y 2 + x3 y – 7 x 2 y
Arrange the polynomial in descending order and write as like terms in a single column

2x4 y 2 + x3 y + x2 y - 5
4 2 3 2
–x y + x y + 2x y + 1
4 2
–x y + x3 y - 7 x 2 y + 2
0 x4 y 2 + 3 x3 y - 4 x 2 y - 2
3 2
Thus, 3x y – 4x y – 2 is the required polynomial

Material/Resources Required

Textbook, Writing Board, Marker, Chart, Duster, Paper chits having examples of addition two or more
polynomials written before class
Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 3

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell the students that we have already discussed and understood polynomials and we have learnt
to identify monomial, binomial and trinomial
Ÿ ask students to give examples of monomial, binomial and trinomial
Ÿ tell the students that now we will learn about addition of polynomials

Development 30 minutes

Activity 1 15 minutes
Ÿ Polynomials' Method of Addition: We use the method for adding polynomials by adding like
terms individually which is given below.
¦ We can arrange the polynomials in any order but usually we arrange them in descending
order and write the like terms vertically in a single column for adding
Ÿ Teacher will add the following polynomials as an example:
x3 + 3 x 2 y – 2 xy 2 + y 3 , 2 x3 – 5 x 2 y – 3 xy 2 – 2 y 3
x3 + 3 x 2 y - 2 xy 2 + y3
2 x3 - 5 x 2 y - 3 xy 2 - 2 y3
3x3 - 2 x 2 y - 5 xy 2 - y3

Thus, 3x3 – 2x2y – 5xy2 – y3 is the required sum.

Activity 2 15 minutes

Ÿ The teacher will add the given polynomials on writing board for students as revision of addition
of polynomials:
2 x 4 y – 4 x3 y 2 + 3 x 2 y 3 – 7 xy 4 , x 4 y – 4 x3 y 2 – 3 x 2 y 3 + 8 xy 4
2 x 4 y - 4 x 3 y 2 + 3 x 2 y 3 - 7 xy 4
x 4 y - 4 x 3 y 2 - 3 x 2 y 3 + 8 xy 4
3x 4 y - 8 x3 y 2 + 0 x2 y3 + xy 4
4 3 2 4
Thus, 3x y – 8x y + xy is the required sum.
Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 3

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

Ÿ The teacher will summarize the lesson by briefly discussing the steps for adding polynomials, i. e.,
arranging terms in descending order, writing like terms in the same column and actual addition of
like terms

Assessment 2 minutes

Ÿ Ask the students to add the polynomial

(i) x 2 + y 2 + 2 xy
(ii) y 2 + z 2 + 2 xy
(iii) 2 x 2 + 3 y 2 + z 2
(iv) z 2 – 2 xy – 2 yz
Ÿ Assess students at random and guide where required

Homework 1 minute

Ask students to solve:

Ÿ Exercise 8.2, Q : 1. (i), (v)


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 7, MATHEMATICS, WORKSHEET # 11, Lesson Plan # 3,
Unit # 3). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lesson. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the worksheet to the students.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Unit 3 Grade 7
Lesson 4

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Subtract a polynomial from another polynomial

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes /1 period

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Polynomials Method for Subtraction

We just need to change the sign of terms of the polynomial which are to be subtracted and
simply add them. Given A and B, we have to subtract B from A.
A = x – 2y + z
B = –2x + y + z
Subtract B from A i.e., A – B
A = x – 2y + z
± B = m 2x ± y ± z
A – B = 3x – 3y + 0z

Hence, A – B = 3x – 3y

Material/Resources Required

Textbook, writing board, marker, chart, duster, paper chits having examples of subtraction from one
polynomial to another polynomial

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 4

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell the students that we have already talked about the addition of polynomials.
Ÿ ask the students what they remember about the addition of polynomials.
Ÿ ask the students to add the given below polynomials.
3x2 + 4y2 + 3z2, 4x2 – 2y2 – 2z2

Development 30 minutes

Activity 1 15 minutes
Ÿ Teacher will solve the question on board as an example:
7 6 5 4 3 2 7 5 3
What must be added to x – x + x – x + x – x + x + 1 to get x + x + x – 1?
Arrange the polynomial in descending order
7 5 3
First Polynomial = x +x +x –1
7 6 5 4 3 2
Second Polynomial = x –x +x –x +x –x +x+1
If we subtract the second polynomial from first polynomial, we can get the required polynomial:

x7 + 0 x6 + x5 + 0x4 + x3 + 0 x2 + 0x - 1
±x 7
m x6
± x m 5
x 4
± x m 3
x 2
± x ± 1
0 x7 + x6 + 0 x5 + x4 + 0 x3 + x2 - x - 2

Thus, x6 + x4 + x2 – x – 2 is the required polynomial.

Activity 2 15 minutes
Ÿ The teacher will solve another example:
What must be subtracted from 5x5y5 – 3x3y3 + 10xy – 9 to get 3x5y5 – 7x3y3 – 11xy + 19?
First Polynomial = 5x5y5 – 3x3y3 + 10xy – 9
Second Polynomial = 3x5y5 – 7x3y3 – 11xy + 19

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 4
If we subtract the second polynomial from first polynomial, we can get the required
5 x5 y 5 - 3 x3 y 3 + 10 xy - 9
± 3 x5 y 5 m 7 x3 y 3 m 11xy ± 19
2 x5 y 5 + 4 x3 y 3 + 21xy - 28
5 5 3 3
Thus, 2x y + 4x y + 21xy – 28 is the required polynomial.

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

Ÿ The teacher will summarize the lesson by elaborating subtraction of polynomials.

Assessment 2 minutes

Ÿ Ask the students subtract the second polynomial from first polynomial
3x + 5y + 6z, 2x + 3y – 4z
Ÿ Assess students at random and guide where required

Homework 1 minute

Ask students to solve:

Ÿ Exercise 8.2, Q : 2. (iv), Q : 4.


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 7, MATHEMATICS, WORKSHEET # 12, Lesson Plan # 4,
Unit # 3). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lesson. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the worksheet to the students.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Unit 3 Grade 7
Lesson 5

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Find the product of

¦ Monomial with monomial
¦ Monomial with binomial / trinomial
¦ Binomial with trinomial

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes /1 period

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ While multiplying two Polynomials we add exponents of like terms and take the product of
constant terms that can be seen in the given example. Find the product of 4a2 and 5a3.
4a2 × 5a3 = (4 × 5) (a2 × a3) By Product Law a m × a n = a m + n

= (20) (a2 + 3)

= 20a5

Material/Resources Required

Textbook, writing board, marker, chart, duster, paper chits having examples of multiplications of
polynomial written before the class

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 5

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell the students that we have already talked about the addition and subtraction of a polynomial
Ÿ ask the students what they remember about the addition of polynomials
Ÿ add the polynomials
2 2 2 2 2 2
3x + 4y + 3z , 4x – 2y – 2z
Ÿ Ask students that we will learn in this lesson how to multiply polynomials

Development 30 minutes

Activity 1 10 minutes
Ÿ Teacher will solve the question on the writing board to make students understand multiplication
of polynomials (monomial with monomial).
Ÿ Find product of given monomial
2 2
5x and 3y
5x2 × 3y2 = (5 × 3) (x2 × y2)
= (15) (x2y2)
2 2
= 15x y
Ÿ Explain to the students that if there is no like term in the polynomials to be multiplied, then we
write the terms in their actual form as in the above example.

Activity 2 10 minutes
Ÿ Multiply monomial with binomial/trinomial examples:
Simplify 3x2(x2 + y2)
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3x (x + y ) = (3x × x ) + (3x × y )

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 5
= 3(x2 + 2) + 3(x2 × y2)
4 2 2
= 3x + 3x y
Simplify 2l2m2n2 ( 3lm – 2mn + 5nl)
2l 2 m 2 n 2 (3lm – 2mn + 5nl ) = (2l 2 m 2 n 2 ´ 3lm) – (2l 2 m 2 n 2 ´ 2mn) + (2l 2 m 2 n 2 ´ 5nl)

= (2 ´ 3)(l 2 m 2 n 2 ´ lm) – (2 ´ 2)(l 2 m 2 n 2 ´ mn) + (2 ´ 5)(l 2 m 2 n 2 ´ nl)

= 6(l 2 + 1m 2 + 1n 2 ) – (4)(l 2 m 2+1n 2+1 ) + 10(l 2+1m 2 n 2+1 )
= 6l3 m3 n 2 – 4l 2 m3 n3 + 10l3 m 2 n3

Activity 3 10 minutes
Ÿ Multiply binomial with binomial / trinomial examples:
i. (x + 3) (x – 1) (ii) (m + 2) (m – 2m + 3)
Solution: Solution:
x + 3 m2 - 2m + 3
´ x - 1 ´ m + 2
x 2 + 3x m3 - 2m 2 + 3m
- x - 3 2m 2 - 4m + 6
x + 2x - 3 m3 - m + 6

Thus, (x + 3) (x – 1) = x2 + 2x – 3 Thus, (m + 2) (m2 – 2m + 3) = m3 – m + 6

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

Ÿ The teacher will summarize the lesson by explaining the product of:
¦ Monomial with monomial
¦ Monomial with binomial / trinomial
¦ Binomial with binomial / trinomial .

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 5

Assessment 2 minutes

Ÿ Ask the students to solve the question.

2 3
3x × 9x
Ÿ Assess students at random and guide where required.

Homework 1 minute

Ask students to solve:

Ÿ Exercise 8.3, Q : 1 and Q : 2. (i) to (ix)


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 7, MATHEMATICS, WORKSHEET # 13, Lesson Plan # 5,
Unit # 3). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lesson. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the worksheet to the students.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Unit 3 Grade 7
Lesson 6

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Find the product of binomial with binomial / trinomial

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes /1 period

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Binomial: A polynomial having two terms is called a binomial i.e., bx + a, a – 3b etc.

Ÿ Trinomial: A polynomial having three terms is called a trinomial i.e., x + 3x + 5, 2a + 3b + c etc.
Ÿ Also know operations on polynomials

Material/Resources Required

Textbook, writing board, marker, chart, duster

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell the students that we have already talked about product of monomials with monomials,
monomials with binomials / trinomials.
Ÿ ask the students what they remember about product of monomials with monomials, monomials
with binomial / trinomial.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 6

Development 30 minutes

Activity 1 10 minutes

The teacher will solve the below question on the writing board:
· Multiplying binomial with binomial / trinomial
¦ Multiply (a + b) (a – b) ¦ Multiply ( p – q )( p 2 + pq + q 2 )
Solution: Solution:
a + b p2 + pq + q 2
× a – b ´ p - q
a + ab
p3 + p2q + pq 2
– ab – b
2 2
- p2q - pq 2 - q3
a – b
p3 - q3
2 2
Thus, (a + b)(a - b) = a - b
2 2 3 3
Thus, ( p – q )( p + pq + q ) = p – q

Activity 2 10 minutes

Teacher will solve the given question:

Ÿ Multiply (1 – 2c)(1 + 2c)
1 - 2c
´ 1 + 2c
1 - 2c
+ 2c - 4c 2
1 - 4c 2

Thus, (1 – 2c)(1 + 2c) = 1 – 4c2

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 6
Activity 3 10 minutes
The teacher will solve the given question:
Ÿ Multiply binomial with binomial / trinomial
(2 x - 1)(4 x 2 + 2 x + 1)
4x2 + 2x + 1
´ 2x - 1
8 x3 + 4 x 2 + 2x
- 4x 2 - 2x - 1
8 x3 - 1

Thus, (2 x - 1)(4 x 2 + 2 x + 1) = 8 x3 - 1

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

Ÿ The teacher will summarize lesson by brief summary of multiplication of binomial with binomial /

Assessment 2 minutes

Ÿ Ask the students to solve the question:

Multiply (3x + 4) (5x + 6)
Ÿ Assess students at random and guide where required

Homework 1 minute

Ask students to solve:

Ÿ Exercise 8.4, Q : 1. (ii) and (xii)

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 6

This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 7, MATHEMATICS, WORKSHEET # 14, Lesson Plan # 6,
Unit # 3). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lesson. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the worksheet to the students.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Unit 3 Grade 7
Lesson 7

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Simplify algebraic expressions involving addition, subtraction and multiplication

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes /1 period

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers


Monomial Binomial Trinomial

Ÿ Addition, subtraction and multiplication of polynomials.

¦ Monomial with monomial
¦ Monomial with binomial
¦ Monomials with trinomial.

Material/Resources Required

Textbook, writing board, marker, chart

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 7

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ divide the class into pairs.
Ÿ ask them to write one example of each monomial, binomial and trinomial
Ÿ now, take monomial and binomial.
Ÿ multiply monomial with binomial.
Ÿ now, take monomial and trinomial.
Ÿ multiply monomial with trinomial.
Ÿ ask them to share the answers with the whole class.

Development 30 minutes

Activity 1 10 minutes
The teacher will find the product of polynomials in the given example:
Ÿ tell the students that today we will learn how to multiply binomial with binomial and binomial
with trinomial.
Ÿ First, we multiply binomial with binomial. Take an example, multiply (x + 3), (x – 1).
Ÿ Multiply each of two terms in the first binomial by each of the two terms in the second binomial
and always remember to add like terms in the product.
Ÿ Multiply (x + 3)(x – 1)
x + 3 ( x + 3)( x –1)
´ x - 1 = ( x + 3)( x –1)
x + 3x
= x 2 – x + 3x – 3
- x - 3
x2 + 2x - 3 = x2 + 2x – 3

st nd
1 terms × 2 terms = Product
(x + 3) × (x – 1) = (x + 2x – 3)

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 7
Activity 2 10 minutes

The teacher will find the product of polynomials in the given example:
Ÿ Multiply binomial with trinomial
Ÿ Take an example i.e., Multiply (2 x –1)( x 2 – 5 x + 6)
Ÿ Multiply each of two terms in the first binomial by each of the three terms in the second
Ÿ and always remember to add like terms in the product.
x2 - 5x + 6 Mul ply (2 x –1)( x 2 – 5 x + 6)

´ 2x - 1 = 2 x 3 –10 x 2 +12 x – x 2 + 5 x – 6
2 x3 - 10 x 2 + 12 x = 2 x 3 –10 x 2 – x 2 +12 x + 5 x – 6
- x2 + 5x - 6
= 2 x 3 –11x 2 +17 x – 6
3 2
2x - 11x + 17 x - 6

1st terms × 2nd terms = Product

(2 x –1)( x 2 – 5 x + 6) = (2 x3 –11x 2 +17 x – 6)

Activity 3 10 minutes

Ÿ The teacher will simplify the given expression:

(4 x + 3 y )(2 x – y ) + xy ( x – 2 y )
(4 x + 3 y )(2 x – y ) + xy ( x – 2 y )

= (4 x × 2 x) + (4 x × (– y )) + (3 y × 2 x) – (3 y × y ) + ( xy × x) – ( xy × 2 y )

= (8 x 2 – 4 xy + 6 xy – 3 y 2 ) + ( x 2 y – 2 xy 2 )

= (8 x 2 + 2 xy – 3 y 2 ) + ( x 2 y – 2 xy 2 )

= 8 x 2 + 2 xy – 3 y 2 + x 2 y – 2 xy 2

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 7

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

We have learnt:
Ÿ how to multiply binomial with binomial.
Ÿ how to multiply binomial with trinomial.
Ÿ simplify the algebraic expressions involving addition, subtraction and multiplication.

Assessment 2 minutes

Ÿ Divide the class in groups (Group of 5 students)

Ÿ Ask them to simplify the following algebraic expression
(4x + 3y) (2x – y) – (3x – 2y)(x + y)

Homework 1 minute

Ask students to solve:

Ÿ Exercise 8.4, Q : 2. (i)


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 7, MATHEMATICS, WORKSHEET # 15, Lesson Plan # 7,
Unit # 3). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lesson. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the worksheet to the students.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Unit 3 Grade 7
Lesson 8

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Recognize and verify the algebraic identities.

( x + a )( x + b) = x 2 + (a + b) x + ab

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes /1 period

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Algebraic Identities: An algebraic identity is a simplified form consisting of the algebraic terms
that provide us a rule for solving long calculation in a short and easy way.
Ÿ In addition of Algebraic Expression, we add like terms and leave other terms.
Ÿ In multiplication of Algebraic Expression, constants are multiplied and power of same bases are
added up.

Material/Resources Required

·Chalk, marker, white/black board, duster, textbook.

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask the students about Square and Rectangle and get the answer.
Ÿ ask them how we can find area of rectangle and square, we will get answer:
Length × width = Area of Rectangle
Side × Side = Area of Square

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 8
Ÿ tell the students we will recognize and verify the algebraic expression
( x + a )( x + b) = x 2 + (a + b) x + ab

Development 25 minutes

Activity 1 25 minutes

Ÿ Take some coloured strips of rectangle and square shape. Take a square shape from red coloured
chart with each side x.

x x

Ÿ Take a rectangle shape/strip from blue coloured chart with “a” as width and x as length.

x x

Ÿ Take another rectangle shape/strip having width b and x as length like.

a a

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 8
Ÿ Take another rectangle shape/strip having width b and x as length like.

(x + a)
x a

(x + b)

(x + b)
x x

bx b
x a
(x + a)
Figure (A)

It forms a shape of (x + a) width and as (x + b) length.

Ÿ Tell the students that Area of above shape is: width× length.

= ( x + a )( x + b) ® L.H.S

Ÿ Tell the student we will calculate Area of the inner Rectangles and a square and then add the
area of all shapes to get the total area.
Ÿ Tell them to add the area of

(x + b)

(x + b)

x x
= x(x + b)

b bx b
Figure (B)

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 8
Ÿ Tell them area of Rectangle 1.

x x = a ( x + b)

Ÿ Tell the students to take the shapes from Figure (A) and add the
x a

x a
x x + b b + x x + b b
x a

x a

x 2 + bx + ax + ab
Ÿ Tell the students to add between terms and their shapes as follow:
x a b

x x + x x x x + b b

x a b

= x 2 + (a + b) x + ab ® R.H.S
Ÿ Now tell students that from step 1, step 2 and step 3 we get:

( x + a )( x + b) = x 2 + (a + b) x + ab

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 8

Conclusion/Sum Up 5 minutes

We have learnt:
Ÿ Summarize that we have recognized and verified the Algebraic expression.
Ÿ ( x + a )( x + b) = x 2 + (a + b) x + ab by using different geometrical shapes.
Ÿ We can verify it graphical by assembling different rectangles, square and then area and find a
definite rule.

Assessment 4 minutes

The teacher will ask the students randomly to solve the following questions:
(i) ( x + 1)( x + 2)

(ii) (2 y + 1)(2 y + 5)

Homework 1 minute

Simplify the following binomials by using the identity:

Ÿ (5y – 2)(5y + 6)
Ÿ (3b – 1)(3b – 7)


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 7, MATHEMATICS, WORKSHEET # 16, Lesson Plan # 8,
Unit # 3). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lesson. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the worksheet to the students.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Unit 3 Grade 7
Lesson 9

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Recognize and verify the algebraic identities.

2 2 2
(a+b) = (a+b)(a+b) = a + 2ab + b

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes /1 period

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Algebraic Identities: An algebraic identity is a simplified form consisting of the algebraic terms
that provide us a rule for solving long calculation in a short and easy way.

Material/Resources Required

Board, chalk/marker, duster, textbook.

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ tell the students that in mathematics to solve long calculation in easy and short way we need
Ÿ tell them that today we will recognize and verify some formulas or algebraic identities.
Ÿ tell the students that to find the area of a rectangle we use formula,
Area of a rectangle = length of one side x breadth of one side
This formula is an algebraic identity that can be used to find area of a rectangle with any size of
length and breadth.
Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 9

Development 30 minutes

Activity 1 15 minutes

Teacher will explain algebraic identities by use of variables:

Ÿ Draw a square having all sides equal in length. Now divide each side of a square in length “a”
and “b” so, a + b becomes total length of one side.
Ÿ Tell the student to colour length “a” with green and length “b” with blue marker.
a b



a b

Ÿ Now calculate the area of square by multiplying side × side i.e.

(a + b)(a + b) = (a + b) (1)
Ÿ Now cut the square from b to b and a to a in the way shown
a b

a a2 ab a

b ab b2 b

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 9
Ÿ We will get two squares a2 and b2, two rectangles ab and ab.
a b

a b

a a2 a + ab a + b ab + b b2 b

Ÿ By adding all results we see

(a + b)(a + b) = a2 + 2ab + b2 (2)
Combining 1 and 2
(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 (A)
Ÿ In algebraic expression (1) we get the area by applying side x side (multiplication) of a square.
Ÿ In algebraic expression (2) we get the area by adding two squares and two rectangles formed by
the same square inside
Ÿ Expression (A) is an identity which reflects equality on both sides.

Activity 2 15 minutes

Ÿ Tell the students to draw two squares having sides 3cm and 2cm respectively.

3 9 3 2 4 2


Ÿ Tell again to draw two rectangles having dimensions 2cm and 3cm like:

2 6 2 3 6 3

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 9
Ÿ Now arrange rectangles and squares in the way shown
3 2

3 9 6 3 A

2 6 4 2

3 2

Ÿ Tell the students we have length 3 + 2 from outward of all sides.

Ÿ Tell the students we have two squares having length 3cm and 2cm respectively.
Ÿ Tell the students inward we have two rectangles of dimensions 3 × 2.
Ÿ Now tell them:
Area of Square Outward = Area of Squares Inward + Area of Rectangle Inward
3 + 2

3 2
9 6 3 2

= 9 3 + 6 2 + 6 3 + 4 2

6 4

3 + 2

(3 + 2)(3 + 2) = 9+6+6+4
(5)(5) = 15 + 10
25 = 25
Prove the two sides are equal which proves the iden ty
(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
If we have a = 3, b = 2

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 9

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

Ÿ Summarize that in an algebraic identity involving whole square of two numbers under addition can
be proved by drawing squares and rectangles.

Assessment 1 minute
Ÿ Using identity, simplify the expression (2x+3y) = ?

Homework 3 minutes

Simplify the following by using identity

Ÿ (A + 5) (A + 3)
Ÿ (2y + 1) (y + 5)


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 7, MATHEMATICS, WORKSHEET # 17, Lesson Plan # 9,
Unit # 3). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lesson. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the worksheet to the students.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Unit 3 Grade 7
Lesson 10

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Recognize and verify the algebraic identities.

(a – b) 2 = (a – b)(a – b) = a 2 – 2ab + b 2

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes /1 period

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Algebraic Identities: An algebraic identity is a simplified form consisting of the algebraic terms
that provide us a rule for solving long calculation in a short and easy way.
Ÿ Whole square of difference of two numbers is equal to addition of squares of two number minus
twice the product of these two numbers.
i.e., (a – b) 2 = (a – b)(a – b) = a 2 – 2ab + b 2

Material/Resources Required

Coloured Charts, white board, board marker, pair of scissors, green stick

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ Ask the students to cut a squares of length “a” on all sides. From a coloured chart.
Ÿ Now tell the students that today we will recognize and prove the identity.
(a – b) 2 = (a – b)(a – b) = a 2 – 2ab + b 2

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 10

Development 30 minutes

Activity 1 15 minutes

Ÿ Teacher will get a square of length “a” which they have already cut from a coloured chart.
Ÿ Teacher will paste the squared shape chart piece on writing board like:

a a

Ÿ Tell the students to cut the length b from length and width side in such a way.
a–b b

ab a

b b(a – b)
a–b b

Ÿ Tell the students to colour “a” length with green and “b” with blue marker.



Ÿ We will get a Square

(a – b)2 = Area

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 10

Ÿ We will get a rectangle. ab a Area = ab

Ÿ We will get a rectangle b b(a – b) Area = b(a – b)

Ÿ Tell the students if we subtract rectangle having area ab and b(a – b) from the square having
sides a Area = a2, we will get (a – b)2.
Area of square having length a – b = Area of square having length a – area of rectangle area
ab – area of rectangle b (a – b).
a b


= a a – ab a – b b(a – b)

2 2
(a – b) = (a – b)(a – b) = a – ab – b(a – b)
2 2
= a – ab – ab + b
2 2
= a – 2ab + b
Ÿ Tell the students that both sides are equal proves the required identity.
Activity 2 15 minutes
Ÿ Draw a square of length 5cm


Area = 5 × 5 = 25cm
Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 10
Ÿ Tell the student to cut the length 2cm from length and width side in such a way
5–2 5–2

(5 – 2)2



2(5 – 2)


Ÿ Tell the students we will get from a square having a side 5cm after cutting 2cm a square of
length (5 – 2).
(5 – 2)
(5 – 2)

(5 – 2)

(5 – 2)
Area = (5 – 2) cm

Ÿ We also get a rectangle of


Area = 5 × 2 =10cm

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 10
Ÿ We will get a rectangle of

2(5 – 2)

Area = 2(5 – 2)cm
Ÿ Tell the students if we subtract rectangle having area 10cm and 2(5 – 2) from the square having
area 25 we will get (5 – 2) like
Area of Square having length (5.3) = area of square having length 5cm – area of rectangle 10cm –
area of rectangle 2(5 – 2)
5 2
(5 – 2)
(5 – 2)

(5 – 2)

= – – 2
5 5 5

(5 – 2)
2 2
(5 – 2) = (5 – 2)(5 – 2) = (5) – 5 × 2 – 2(5 – 2)
(5 – 2) = 25 – 10 – 2(3)
(5 – 2) = 25 – 10 – 6
(3) = 25 – 16
(3) = 9
9 = 9
It proves the identity.

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

Ÿ Summarize that we can solve problem of

(a – b)2 = (a – b) (a – b) = a2 – 2ab + b2
By applying geometrical fig of square and rectangle area through above identity.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 10

Assessment 2 minutes

Ÿ Find product of binomial by using identity

(3a – 8) (3a – 8)

Homework 1 minute

Factorize using identity

Ÿ 4a 2 – 25
2 2
Ÿ (a + b) – c


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 7, MATHEMATICS, WORKSHEET # 18, Lesson Plan # 10,
Unit # 3). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lesson. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the worksheet to the students.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Unit 3 Grade 7
Lesson 11

Student Learning Outcomes

Ÿ Recognize and verify the algebraic identities:

(x + a)(x + b) = x + (a + b)x + ab

Duration/Numbers of Period/s

40 minutes /1 period

Period 1: 40 minutes

Information for Teachers

Ÿ Algebraic Identities: An algebraic identity is a simplified form consisting of the algebraic terms
that provide us a rule for solving long calculation in a short and easy way.

Ÿ Algebraic identities i.e.,

¦ (a + b) 2 = (a + b)(a + b) = a 2 + 2ab + b 2
¦ (a – b) 2 = (a – b)(a – b) = a 2 – 2ab + b 2
¦ a 2 – b 2 = (a – b)(a + b)

Material/Resources Required

Coloured charts, writing board, board marker, pair of scissors, green Stick

Introduction 5 minutes

The teacher will:

Ÿ ask the students about whole square of
¦ addition of two numbers
¦ difference of two numbers
Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 11
Ÿ Now tell the students that today we will recognize and prove the identity.
¦ a2 – b2 = (a – b)(a + b)

Development 30 minutes

Activity 1 15 minutes
2 2
Teacher will tell the students that they are going to prove identity (a + a)(a – b) = a + b
Ÿ Draw a square of length “a” as shown below
D a C

a a

A a B

Tell the students to cut a length “b” from side AB and BC.
D a–b F b C

b2 b
A a–b E B

2 2
Tell the students we will subtract b from a
2 2
a –b = Area of ABCD – Area of OEBG

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 11
Ÿ Tell the students that after subtraction of b = Area of OEBG, we will get two rectangles in a
square ABCD
¦ A rectangle FCGO having Area = b (a – b)
¦ A rectangle DAEF having Area = a (a – b)
Ÿ Tell the students that after Step-III and Step-IV we get,
D a C

2 2
a a a – b

A a B

Area of ABCD – Area of OEBG = Area of FCGO + Area of DAEF

a2 – b2 = b(a – b) + a (a – b)
Ÿ Now cut FCGO rectangle and paste along AE in such a way

D a–b F


b b
G a–b C

Ÿ Tell the student we will get a rectangle DFCG having dimension (a – b)(a + b)
So, we have
Area of ABCD – Area of OEBG = Area of DFCG
2 2
a – b = (a – b)(a + b)
Ÿ Tell the student this is the required proof of identity.

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 11
Activity 2 15 minutes

Ÿ Draw a square ABCD of side 5cm as follows:

D 5 C

5 5

A 5 B

Tell the students to cut a length 3cm from side AB and BC in such a way

D 5 C

5 O

q 3


Ÿ Tell the students we will subtract
32 = Area of OEBG from 52 = Area of ABCD then, we will get
52 – 32 = Area of ABCD – Area of OEBG

Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 11
Ÿ Tell the students that after subtracting 32 = Area of OEBG we will get two rectangles in a square
¦ A rectangle FCGO having area = 3(5 – 3)
¦ A rectangle DAEF having area = 5(5 – 3)
Ÿ Tell the students that after Step-III and Step-IV we get
D 5 C
D 5–3 O

O 3 G F 3 C


5 5 – 3 32 3 = +
5 5

E 3 B O 3 G

A 5 B
A 5–3 E
Area of ABCD – Area of OEBG = Area of FCGO + Area of DAEF
2 2
5 – 3 = 3(5 – 3) + 5(5 – 3)
Ÿ Now cut FCGO rectangle and paste along AE in such a way:
D 5–3 F

5 5


3 3


Teachers’ Guide (Mathema cs) Lesson Plans

Grade 7
Lesson 11
Ÿ Tell the student we will get a rectangle DFCG having dimension
(5 – 3)(5 + 3)
So, we have
Area of ABCD – Area of OEBG = Area of DFGC
2 2
5 –3 = (5 – 3)(5 + 3)
25 – 9 = (2)(8)
16 = 16
Ÿ Tell the students that both sides proves equal.

Conclusion/Sum Up 2 minutes

Ÿ Summarize that to prove the identity

2 2
a – b = (a – b) (a + b)
we use the geometrical figure of square and rectangle involving areas.

Assessment 2 minutes

Ÿ Find product by using identity

(x + 3y)(x – 3y)

Homework 1 minute

Ÿ Choose two numbers of your own choice and prove the identity
a2 – b2 = (a – b)(a + b)


This lesson plan contains a worksheet (GRADE 7, MATHEMATICS, WORKSHEET # 19, Lesson Plan # 11,
Unit # 3). Please make sure that you obtain the required number of copies before the start of the class and
every student is given a worksheet before you finish lesson. Please also make sure that explain the
instructions of attempting the worksheet to the students.


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