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Nicollo Machiavelli

Five city states of Italy (Florence, Milan, Venice, Naples, Pope controlled areas)
were constantly fighting among themselves.
Chaos & Lack of unity compelled Machiavelli- wanted to see Italy as a unified
nation like France & Britain. Impressed from Cesare Borgia
1469 Machiavelli born in Florence. At that time Medici family rule Florence.
1494 Medici family were driven out of city, ruled by Republic govt started.
1498  Machiavelli became secondary chancellor and secretary of rule of 10.
1506  Machiavelli proposes council for the formation of citizenry army.
1512 Medici returned to power.
1513  arrested and later sent back to his ancestral village.
1527 died
Wrote “The prince” & Discourses.
The prince Discourse
Absolute government Republic
End justify the means End justify the means
Cross references
To unite Italy.

The prince:
Classification of Despotism and Advices to Despot:
1. Hereditary despots: do not breach traditions, be intelligent. Easier as
already well-established state.
2. Ecclesiastical states: Acquired with power or good fortune  less effort
required  inherit stability due to ancient religious customs.
3. Conquered state: (Same language and traditions)
4. Conquered state: (Different language and traditions)

General advices to Prince:

1. Reliance on intelligence: Treachery and brutality doesn’t create a solid
foundation; The prince should rely on its intelligence and the skills in
order to win people. Continuous reign of terror will defeat the purpose of
the ruler.
2. Importance of Military power: Two things necessary for good state:
Good laws and the strength required to enforce them. Therefore, he must
have strong army with both practical and psychological training, which
consist of its citizens. Machiavelli does not prefer mercenary troops
because they are deprived of honor and only fight for money. He also
avoid reliance on foreign troops as even they provide momentary support,
in the long run the prisoner will end as a prisoner of those who supply
armed forces. Training at the time of peace.
3. Produce sentiments of fear and respect among subjects: A ruler prefer
to have affections and respect  only affection however leads to desertion
once the fear of punishment fade away among his subjects  hence, fear
and respect is compulsory so that on one dare to support anyone other
than him  But make sure not get hated for that don’t be malevolence
toward the property and women of his subjects.
“But above all he must abstain from taking the property of others,
for men forget more easily the death of their father than the loss of
their patrimony.”
4. Positive image among its subjects: Image of integrity, courage,
determination and strength of will  reliance during the time of
5. Choosing a weaker during war: Must take side with play the balance-of-
power by siding with the weaker. Don’t remain neutral, as both countries
will hate him.
6. Selection of officials: Extreme care while selecting officials as they will
advance their own cause rather than prince’s. Extreme punishment
/purging for those who don’t serve him well. Assiduous rewards for those
who serve him well.
7. General advice: Seek trustworthiness + everyone could able to give
sound advice no matter how unpalatable he may be + guard against
8. Farseeing ruler to control natural disasters: Only farseeing ruler, like
Prince, can only control the fatal impact to only damaging. Half of action
controller by nature, other half nature gives authority to men.
9. Appeal to Medici: to drive out foreign invaders and unite the Italy.

End Justify the means:

1. Never trust anyone & be ruthless: New Monarch who conquer despot if
same traditions and language than relatively easier, suppress opposition,
show some antagonism, eliminate malcontents with ruthlessness, don’t
take halfway measures, uplift suppressed class under previous regime to
gain foundation, cardinal rule never add power to someone who might
threaten later. If other language than really difficult.
2. Brutality towards republic and its institutions: New monarch who
conquered republic faces unique challenge. People in republic used to
liberty and freedom, will fight to restore their liberty at slightest
resentment. New monarch should destroy all institutions and the
customs of a free people. Reform is troublesome business as people resist
against it, ruler must be tough in order to reform the society. End justify
the means.
3. Nobility support vs People support: Prince because of class conflict 
Nobility support to suppress majority + People support to get relief from
oppressive nobility. At first, Prince should seek support from people than
he should try to maintain it. Only people can provide with him real
foundation to maintain his rule. On the other hand, nobility will compete
for power with the prince himself. End justify the means.
4. Securing Power (Machiavellianism): The prince must secure power
whatever tactic it require  wastage of time if they go for perfect
commonwealths and ideal lives as people are primarily motivated by self-
interest and egoism. End justify the means.
5. Pragmatic approach towards resource management: Generosity is
better than excessive parsimony as people will soon realize that its their
own property with which prince is too cautious. Economy will also be
strengthened, lead to welfare of society. End Justify the means.
6. Ruler’s relationship with his people: Greatest responsibility to hold the
state unit  If too lenient leads to anarchy therefore take those
measures which are cruel but comparatively less cruel as compared to
disintegration of state. End Justify the means.
7. Use of force when necessary: Two method to resolve conflicts by law
and by force  law way of men, force way of beast  too much beast in
nature of men  prince should use force whenever necessary act like a
beast combine with the cunning of fox. End justifies the mean.
8. A faithless prince: Doesn’t need to care of his words if the objective is
maintenance of state as people are easy to deceive  Shouldn’t appear
rogue  “a great feigner and dissembler”. End justify the means

Machiavelli: Apostle of Power Politics

Thesis: Known for giving tactics to achieve national goal i.e. is to achieve
national unity.
Counter argument: Admonish prince to safeguard property, women, rule
gently, increase wealth, let participation of people in republic.
Synthesis: The goal was never the free, or the democratic things. All good
things because they somehow contribute to national unity.

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