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“Mallow Bliss”

Business Plan

BSN 4B - Group 2

May 2024
“Mallow Bliss” Business Plan

1. Abrillo, Maria Angelica Stephanie
2. Bautista, Emmanuel
3. Caido, Princess
4. Gaviola, Roimyhann Rose
5. Hilario, Nadine Luzadel
6. Jayoma, Gwynneth Alessandra Mae
7. Manarez, Ronna
8. Montevirgen, Lea
9. Navarro, Zsherreinne Faye
10. Panotes, Albert
11. Pery, Tyrese
12. Rogayan, Angela Nicole
13. Soriano, Wenna Ricci
14. Tan, Hazel Jasmine
15. Torres, Raven

The “Pastimallows” is a fluffy marshmallow coated in creamy pastillas with different
flavors, creating a delightful blend of sweet, chewy goodness, it’s a treat that combines the
familiar comfort of marshmallows with the rich flavor of pastillas, offering a uniquely
satisfying dessert experience. It's like taking a trip down memory lane, bringing back the
nostalgic joy of carefree childhood days with every delicious bite.
Our business, which focuses on producing the delectable delight of pastillas with
marshmallows, begins with the careful selection of high-quality ingredients. Through
efficient production, strategic distribution, and relentless dedication to quality, we aim to
bring the delicious joy of pastillas with marshmallows to eager customers everywhere.
Pastimallows is a Filipino dessert that has a chewy marshmallow inside and is
covered in sweet milk. They resemble the popular childhood pastillas and will satisfy
customers who yearn for a taste of tradition by combining affordability with authentic flavors
such as chocolate, matcha, nuts, and graham to create a nostalgic snack or dessert experience.
Our product line’s ideal target market is Gordon College students who we hope to
satisfy with our delicious and affordable Filipino desserts which offer comfort without
breaking the bank. Pastimallows are an appealing option for college students who want
comfort food with novelty as the nostalgic flavors and refined twists will remind them of
their childhood while satisfying their cravings.
Pastimallows are desserts that will give you a taste of perfection and bring you back
to your cherished childhood memories of eating pastillas. With a variety of flavors to choose
from, Pastimallows will serve students with a tasty, affordable, comforting snack that can
help them while studying, satisfy their cravings, reminisce about great stories with friends, or
provide a fast-acting treatment whenever they experience hypoglycemia.

Mallow Bliss accepts Cash or Online payment (Gcash & Paymaya) from customers.
To make money from this business, our group will offer and sell homemade
pastimallows in various flavors to the Gordon College community. Additionally, by
advertising and selling online, we can make our products more accessible to customers and
generate profit.

The marketing strategy will seek to first create customer awareness regarding the
products offered, develop that customer base, establish connections with targeted markets and
work toward building customer loyalty and referrals.
Pastimallows will market using the following mediums: social media, business
website, printed promotional materials, and promotional events. We will create a website for
our business that will allow users to contact the store and view our complete list of products.
We will also utilize print advertisements such as flyers and postcards to promote special sales
events. Furthermore, we'll partner with influential food bloggers and social media
personalities who appeal to our target market, creating genuine reviews and sponsored
content to expand our audience. Through well-placed ads and focused campaigns, we'll
ensure that Pastimallows are prominently showcased in online spaces frequented by our
potential customers, increasing brand exposure and arousing interest.

The project will be successful when it achieves these metrics:

 Number of customers
Our project's success depends on reaching many of the estimated Gordon College
students. By engaging with a significant portion of this demographic and consistently
meeting their demand for our product, we aim to not only generate substantial sales but also
build brand loyalty and establish ourselves as a staple in the college's snack market.

 Annual Net Income

With sales of 242 Pastimallows occurring every 1-2 days and each Pastimallow priced
at 10 pesos, generating a daily revenue of approximately 1613.3 pesos, and deducting the 500
pesos expense to create 242 Pastimallows, the daily net income amounts to roughly 1113.3
pesos. Multiplying this by 365 days, the annual net income totals approximately 406,624.5

 Specific Concern #1
Marketing and Branding: Building brand awareness and attracting customers can be
difficult, especially with limited resources as it is a crucial part in any start up business.

 Specific Concern #2
Adapting to Change: Running a startup making pastimallows means things change a
lot. The market, what customers like, and even the tech we use are always changing. Being
able to switch gears fast when we need to is super important for making sure our business

 Specific Concern #3
Compliance and Legal Issues: Staying compliant with regulation and dealing with
legal matters such as lawsuit or intellectual property disputes.
 Specific Concern #4
Financial Management: Managing money in a start-up can be tough. Limited funds,
cash flow issues, and knowing where to spend are big challenges. If not handled well, it can
hurt growth. That's why planning, budgeting, and watching finances closely are super
important for start-ups like mallowbliss.

The Mallow Bliss is a small business that offers a new and developed pastillas with
marshmallows. The name "Mallow Bliss" refers to a tasty treat made in the Philippines called
“Pastimallows” that has a chewy, marshmallow-like center and is made with condensed and
skim milk. The "Pastimallows" are a delicious delicacy that combines the rich flavor of
pastillas with the familiar comfort of marshmallows, providing a distinctly satisfying dessert
experience. A fluffy marshmallow coated in creamy pastillas creates a lovely blend of sweet,
chewy pleasure. With each mouthwatering taste, it's like taking a trip down memory lane,
bringing back the nostalgic bliss of happy childhood days. The distinctive textures and
flavors of Filipino snacks and desserts include chocolate, matcha, almonds, and graham
crackers. The edge of our Pastimallows lies in its traditional recipe which often uses high-
quality but affordable ingredients and authentic flavors that is surely a hit to college students
as it brings back the nostalgic flavors from the past. Our business starts with a thorough
selection of high-quality components and focuses on creating the delicious joy of pastillas
with marshmallows. Our aim is to spread the delightful joy of patillas with marshmallows to
as many clients as possible by means of strategic distribution, efficient production, and
unwavering commitment to quality. Through pastimallows, Mallow Bliss hopes to maintain
the sentimental sense of nostalgia among Gordon College students and staff. A culture's
creative spirit can be fostered by the mallow bliss, which will make it easier for people to
form emotional bonds and improve career prospects. Furthermore, Pastimallows offers our
valued customers the following services. First up, a satisfying treat that may be eaten for
dessert or as a snack, giving off a burst of chewiness and sweetness. Second, eating
marshmallows can arouse feelings of nostalgia and coziness that brings out the memory of
childhood. The last factor is with a range of flavors and textures, marshmallows provide
customers a selection based on their personal preferences. Students at Gordon College are the
target market for our company. We created our product to provide an inexpensive enjoyment
since we recognize the financial struggles these students experience. Our goal is to give a
flavor of comfort without breaking the bank with our superior dessert experience.
We will manage our Pastimallows business in Olongapo City by prioritizing quality
control, efficient inventory management, and customer engagement as we aim to maintain
consistency in product standards and enhance customer satisfaction. Additionally, we will
implement targeted marketing strategies and invest in staff training to foster brand awareness
and ensure operational excellence. Our commitment to community engagement and sound
financial management will further support the sustainable growth of our business.

My target customer will learn about my product by leveraging digital marketing
channels such as social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok) where we will
showcase captivating images and videos of Pastimallows. We'll engage with our audience
through interactive content like polls, quizzes, and behind-the-scenes footage of our
production process. Additionally, we'll collaborate with popular food influencers and
bloggers who resonate with our target demographic to create authentic reviews and sponsored
content, amplifying our reach and credibility. Through strategic ad placements and targeted
campaigns, we'll ensure that Pastimallows are prominently featured in online spaces
frequented by our potential customers, maximizing brand visibility and generating curiosity.

Our business's market research focuses on determining the industry's existing size and
historical growth rate. Identify the main sources of growth, such as advancements in
technology, demographic shifts, and regulatory changes. Analyze current market trends, such
as increasing demand for sustainable products, changing customer preferences, and the rise of
e-commerce. Identify and evaluate market segmentation to determine which categories best
correspond with our business's strengths and goals. Researching our business's competitors,
both direct and indirect, and assessing their strengths, weaknesses, market share, and strategy.
Evaluate any gaps or possibilities that our business may benefit from. These are connected to
the SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). Improvements in
technology are also important factor to examine while conducting research since technology
improvements impact the market in ways that all business owners promote their products and

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