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New Era Global School

Curiosity | Creativity | Compassion



Std.: 1 Subject. : English
Chapter - 9 - Wonderful Vegetables
(The Enormous Turnip)
New Words
1. daughter
2. vegetables
3. field
4. cabbage
5. beetroot
6. favourite
7. turnip
8. waters
9. meal
10. goodness
11. enormous
12. easily
13. might
14. budge
15. pull
16. moving
17. please
18. burrow
19. tumble down
20. hooray
21. fresh

Unseen passage

Read the passage and answer the following questions:

She is Lily. She has an umbrella. It is red

and white in colour. Her friend Emily gave her the
umbrella. Lily shares her umbrella with everyone. Other
kids think her umbrella is really good. She loves to walk
school from home with her umbrella.

(A) Answer the following questions:

1. Who has big umbrella ?
A. ___________________________________________

2. Who gave umbrella to Lily?

A. ____________________________________________

3. What Lily shares with everyone?

A. ____________________________________________

(B) Write describing words from the passage :


(C) Write doing words from the passage :


Think and Answer

1. Do you think vegetables are good for our health?
What is the meaning of the saying "An apple a
day keeps the doctor away" ?
A. ___________________________________________

Seen passage
Read the passage and answer the following questions:

The old man plants the turnip seeds. He waters them

and cares for them. Soon the seeds begin to grow. After
a few days,
The old man said " today, we will have turnip for our
meal. The turnips are fully grown and ready to pull out
now." He and his wife reach the field.

(A) Answer the following questions:

1. Who plants the turnip seeds?
A. ___________________________________________

2. What are fully grown?

A. ____________________________________________

(B) Fill in the blanks:

1. He __________________ them and cares for them.

2. Soon the ____________ begin to grow.

(C) Write doing words from the passage:



Look at the picture and write few lines about it.


Chapter - 11 - Was/Were
(A) Fill in the
blanks with 'was'
or 'were' :
1. I ________________ at home.
2. We ________________ in the garden.
3. He ________________ very tall.
4. I ________________ sleepy.
5. My friends ________________ happy.
6. Her dress ________________ white and red.
7. ________________ she at home?
8. ________________ you on the beach?
9. I ________________ sleepy.
10. They ________________ small.

Chapter - 12 - Talking About The Past

(A) Colour the pictures which tells us about yesterday:

(B) Work with a partner. Complete the questions and
[ Helping hand :- watch, wake, open, ride, like, help ]

1. Did you ____________ the door? Yes, I


2. Did you _____________ the game? No, I

_____________ not.

3. Did you ________ swimming? No, I _________


4. Did you __________ a bicycle ? Yes,I


5. Did she _________ you? Yes, she _________.

6. Did Rohan _________up at eight o'clock?

Yes, he _________.

Chapter - 10 - The Wonderful Rain
( Drippy and Drizzly )
New Words
1. Drippy
2. Drizzly
3. above
4. still
5. lighter
6. began
7. afraid
8. crying
9. worry
10. towards
11. stopped
12. thanked
13. drops
14. dragging
15. replied
16. gather
17. heavy
18. drip
19. raindrops
20. drizzle
21. hugged
22. promised
23. obey

Unseen passage
Read the passage and
answer the following

Rita went to a birthday party on Saturday. There were

many children. They played a lot of games at the
party.Then they had dinner and ice - cream. All the
children got balloons. Rita loved her blue balloon.

(A) Answer the following questions:

1. Who went to a birthday party ?

A. ___________________________________________

2. Birthday party was on which day?
A. ___________________________________________

3. What the children got?

A. ___________________________________________

(B) Fill in the blanks:

1. They had dinner and ___________________.

2. They played a lot of _________________ at the


3. Rita loved her ________________ balloon.

(C) Write describing word from the passage:


Seen passage
Read the passage and answer the
following questions:

Drippy and Drizzly were happy. They held each other's

hands and gathered near the clouds with the other
drops.Soon the clouds became heavy with drops of
water and it started to drizzle and rain. Drippy and
Drizzly drizzled as little raindrops and fell into the sea.

(A) Answer the following questions:

1. Who were happy?

A. ____________________________________________

2. Where did Drippy and Drizzly gather?
A. ____________________________________________

(B) Write true or false:

1. Drippy and Drizzly were sad. [ ]

2. As little raindrops they fell into the sea. [ ]
3. The clouds became heavy with drops of [ ]

Think and Answer

1. Why rainy season is important for us?

A. ___________________________________________

Chapter - 13
Joining Words
(A) Join the sentences using and.
1. The clouds are big. The clouds are white.
2. She likes apples. She likes oranges.
3. Anu can read. Anu can write.
4. My dress is red. My dress is white.
5. I have a brother. I have a sister.
(B) Join the sentences using but .
1. I am happy. She is sad.
2. Sia wants juice. Jia wants milk.
3. There are clouds. It did not rain.
4. This is right. That is wrong.
5. The elephant is big. The rat is small.

(B) Tick the correct words in the bracket:-

1.I have a big bat (and,but)a small ball.

2.I like burger (but, and) I do not like frenchfries.

3.Reema sang (and ,or) dance on my birthday.

4.We can see Sun (and ,but) Moon in the sky.
5. The goat eat grass (or ,but) the tiger eat other animals
Chapter - 15
(A) Complete the story with the words given below.
The pictures will help you.
[ sandcastle | birds | beach | bucket | fish |
seashells ]

Pihu and her friends are playing on the


Raj is making

Aarav is collecting _______________

in a ______________.

There are many __________in the sea.

_______________ are flying.

(B) Look at the pictures given below. Write

what you see in the pictures to form a story.

● Name of my dog is Jack. He is ____________

in colour.(brown)
He is four years old.
● He ____________ _____________ away.

(keep; cat )
● He _____________ ___________

____________. ( run; after)

● He ______________ everything my

mother ____________
( eat ; give )
● I and Jack ___________
(play ; together) He ____________ and
_______________ after me. (run; jump)

Questions - Answers
1. Why are the old man and his wife amazed when
they reach the field?
A. _________________________________________

2. What makes everybody tumble down?

A. __________________________________________

3. What happened when Drippy and Drizzly went up to

the surface of the sea?
A. __________________________________________

4. What did Drippy and Drizzly find near the clouds?

A. __________________________________________


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