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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical

Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile


Vehicle Dynamics−−Theory into Practice

D A Crolla
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 1996 210: 83
DOI: 10.1243/PIME_PROC_1996_210_250_02

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Automobile Division Chairman's Address

Vehicle dynamics-theory into practice

D A Crola, BTech, DTech, CEng, FIAgrE, FIMechE
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds

The paper reviews the contributions of vehicle dynamics theory to practical vehicle design. I n particular, it focuses on actively con-
trolled components, for example active suspension, four wheel steering, and their impact on vehicle performance and safety.
K e y words: vehicle dynamics, ride, handling, suspensions, active control

1 HISTORICAL OVERVIEW 'watershed' in the development of vehicle dynamics. The

Vehicle dynamics is a relatively young subject. The first Institution of Mechanical Engineers organized a meet-
notable attempts to understand ride vibration were in ing in London on 'Research in automobile stability and
the 1920s, but it was not until the 1930s that published control and in tyre performance'. The papers given then
work on steering, stability and suspensions began to (see Fig. 1) are now regarded as seminal in vehicle
appear. No review of the development of vehicle dynamics and they are still widely referred to in the
dynamics would be complete without recognizing the United States simply as 'The IME Papers'. Two key fea-
contributions of Frederick W. Lanchester during these tures were instrumental in enabling this step forward in
early years. Arguably the most outstanding engineer of understanding to occur-one theoretical and one prac-
his generation, his deliberations on vehicle design were tical. First, it was recognized that theory developed to
both perceptive and profound despite the lack of formal study aircraft stability and control could profitably be
theory at that time and they still make fascinating applied to the automobile. Second, the huge importance
reading today. Another of the key figures in the devel- of the main force-generating element-the tyre-had
opment of the subject, Maurice Olley (l), later sum- been recognized and experimental rigs had been com-
marized the situation in the early 1930s as follows: missioned to measure the force and moment properties
of tyres. This work provided for the first time a com-
'There had been sporadic attempts to make the vehicle prehensive understanding of both the theory and prac-
ride decently, but little had been done. The rear pass- tice of the linear handling response regime-up to
enger still functioned as ballast, stuck out behind the rear lateral accelerations of around 0.3 g - o f the automobile.
wheels. Steering was frequently unstable and the front The interested student of vehicle dynamics should
axle with front brakes made shimmy almost inevitable.
The engineers had made all the parts function excellently, refer to Segel's Keynote Address to the 1993 Institution
but when put together the whole was seldom satisfac- of Mechanical Engineers Conference on 'Vehicle Ride
tory.' and Handling'. This paper (4) provides probably the
Progress on understanding the ride motions of vehi-
cles was made by applying the principles of engineering AUTOMOBILE DIVISION

vibration theory. However, putting this theory into T H E INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS
practice was not so straightforward since it involved , K O I I Y X " n Y C 7°F ,YSIII"T!OH OF ""m"0II'I

lots of suspension design issues. It was probably during

this period that the importance of compromise between
ride comfort and handling behaviour was first recog-
nized. In 1932, Olley built his famous K2 rig-a car
frame with movable masses-and coined the phrase 'flat
ride' as he tried to put theory into practice. In 1936,
Lanchester (2) read his magnum opus at the Institution
of Automobile Engineers, summarizing his understand- A N D IN TYRE PERFORMANCE
ing of vehicle dynamics developed over the previous 30
years and leading to arguments in favour of indepen- GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO A PROGRAMME OF
dent suspension. DYNAMIC RESEARCH
B, U i l l l s i F. MYlllum. jmn., SB.,nmd Lhvid W. WUcnnb. M.S.L. S.M.
The analysis of handling and steering, however, was
not so straightforward. Although various authors had OF THE RESPONSE OF THE AUTOMOBILE TO STEERING CONTROL
tried to develop simple mechanistic views to explain the 0, Len8dsacl,M&lw.

turning motion of automobiles, it was not really until A DEVICE FOR MEASURING MECHANICAL
the mid-1950s that a sound theoretical groundwork s.6
By WiIItm Clm, mnd Cllnoord L MY~UY.

was laid. Milliken (3) refers to an event in 1956 as a TYRE TESTS AND INTERPRETATION OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA
By *ILut C. F a M E . , MA


This Address was presented at Divisional Centre Meetings ofthe Automobile Diui- AUTOMOBILE STABILITY AND CONTROL
sion held during the 1995-6 session. The M S was received on 28 June 1995 and
was accepted for publication on 25 July 1995. Fig. 1 Front cover of 'The IME Papers'
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best review written to date of the development of the turned out to be the practical designs of the actuators
subject written with the perspective of an engineer and associated control elements, for example electrohy-
whose own contribution between 1950 and 1990 was draulic valves. Even today, it is the cost-effectivenessof
of enormous significance. Table 1 provides a brief these components which remains the biggest challenge
summary of progress using the periods suggested by to the widespread introduction of active systems.
Segel. The subject of vehicle dynamics has, therefore, devel-
The following decades saw lots of vehicle dynamics oped enormously over the past 60 years. The fundamen-
activity as manufacturers recognized that ride and tals have been firmly established, the importance of tyre
handling behaviour were critical in making a competi- forces recognized and engineers now have at their dis-
tive product. Consumers in different countries took dif- posal powerful computing tools, for example MBS
ferent views of how the ride and handling compromises packages, which enable them to use hugely complicated
of their cars were set-a powerful reminder of the vehicle models involving tens or even hundreds of
importance of subjective evaluation in vehicle dynamics. degrees of freedom. And now, to add to that, they have
Computer codes were developed to enable ever- control design software which facilitates the design of
increasing levels of complexity to be modelled. In par- actively controlled elements within the vehicle system
ticular, the use of multibody system (MBS) dynamics model.
codes (for example ADAMS, DADS) became com- But the big question remains ‘Is this wealth of theory
monplace, allowing the formulation of equations of being exploited in practice? Opinion is somewhat
motion for complex models which could never have divided. It is an undisputed fact that one cannot design
been tackled by hand. complicated vehicle dynamics systems without a funda-
In the practical world, testing using ride meters, mental understanding of their behaviour. In this sense,
special surfaces, steering pads, lane change, J turn therefore, there is nothing as practical as theory. Yet it
manoeuvres etc. become more sophisticated and an is equally true that the vast majority of practical vehicle
understanding of non-linear, limit handling behaviour dynamics development of new model ranges is done in
was developed. practice by subjective assessment. All major vehicle
The next landmark, however, in vehicle dynamics was manufacturers still rely on teams of test engineers with
the development of active suspension control. Again, highly developed skills in subjective assessment. So
this was a classic example of theory into practice; the despite all the developments in theory, there is not a
fundamental ideas and laws were probably first brought vehicle manufacturer in the world for whom theory has
together best by Thomson (5) although much of the replaced their elaborate programmes of practical testing
basic work had occurred in the early 1960s and Lotus and subjective evaluation.
(6) are credited with the introduction of the first proto- This paper aims to contribute to the debate of how
type system on a vehicle in the early 1980s. The concept theoretical dynamics has contributed to practical
of using actively controlled elements to influence vehicle vehicle design and to review the recent advances in so-
dynamic behaviour opened up a vast new range of pos- called ‘intelligent’ systems which may ultimately lead to
sibilities; previously, all vehicle dynamics development further improvements in practical vehicle dynamics.
had relied on tuning of passive components, for
example springs, dampers, bushes, etc.
Once interest in controlled systems had been awak- 2 SCOPE
ened, a vast range of ideas flourished-particularly in
theoretical studies aimed at developing sophisticated Vehicle dynamics covers a vast range of subject material
control laws and predicting the potential benefits since strictly it refers to the study of anything that moves
offered. The key to implementing these ideas, however, relating t o vehicle systems. The scope will, however, be
restricted in this paper to concentrate on just two areas;
ride and handling. These two subjects have largely
Table 1 Summary of progress during the early years of developed separately and the first dynamics question to
vehicle dynamics using the periods suggested by address is a rather fundamental one, ‘How can this be
justified when it is clear in the real world that vehicles
Period I (up to the early 1930s) are subject to ride and handling inputs simultaneously?
Empirical observations about vehicle dynamic behaviour
Concerns about wheel shimmy The answer lies in a combination of theory and prag-
Ride comfort recognized as an important aspect of vehicle matism. Firstly, it can be argued that the vehicle modes
performance which dominate ride (bounce, pitch, roll, wheel vertical
Period I1 (from the early 1930s to 1952) motions) are weakly coupled in a dynamics sense with
Simple tyre mechanics/slip angle understood those which dominate handling (lateral, yaw, forward
Understeer/oversteer defined speed, roll). In practical terms, this theoretical idea sug-
Steady concerning understood gests that the forcing inputs in the vertical direction
Simple two degree of freedom equations developed dominate motions in that direction (ride) and have little
Ride experiments begun, KZrig and ‘flat ride’ ideas proposed
Independent front suspensions introduced influence on lateral or yaw motions. Equally, lateral
forces generated at the tyres completely dominate the
Period HI (1952 onwards) handling response and have little effect on ride vibra-
Understanding of tyre behaviour developed through rig results
and modelling tion. Of course, this decoupling argument is not per-
Three degree of freedom equations developed fectly true and most vehicle engineers recognize that roll
Analysis extended to include stability and directional response motion is a significant factor in coupling ride and hand-
properties ling motions together. Also, the two motions are inextri-
Ride predictions using random vibration theory initiated
cably linked in another practical sense; there is an
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inevitable compromise or trade-off in vehicle design Despite the apparent simplicity of this model, the
between the ride and handling behaviour. Secondly, the interpretation of predicted results which leads to useful
pragmatic influence is simply that it is too difficult to design information is not straightforward. For example,
analyse all the vehicle dynamics at once. There are also take the situation in Fig. 4 in which this model is
some missing bits of tyre dynamics data which preclude excited by a realistic, random road input. There are
this anyway. Hence, if the studies are concerned with three performance criteria and these may be sum-
gaining some understanding and insight into vehicle marized by their root mean square values in response to
dynamic response in order ultimately to influence prac- the random road input. However, a designer will imme-
tical design features, then it is justifiable to deal with diately wish to repeat such calculations for lots of alter-
ride and handling separately. native values of spring stiffness and damping. Typical
results are shown in Fig. 5 for the rear wheel station of
3 RIDE DYNAMICS a luxury car on a typical minor road at 20 m/s. The
compromise between, for example, body acceleration
The important performance properties associated with and suspension working space can be conveniently
ride dynamics are shown in Fig. 2. The designer has to quantified, and through the study of such theoretically
achieve good ride comfort for driver and passengers, generated information, an insight into the performance
acceptable control of the body attitude and adequate implications of various design choices can be obtained.
control of the dynamic tyre loads within the constraint These issues are normally classified as ‘primary ride’
of only having a restricted amount of suspension and this example can be proposed as a successful case of
working space available. The simplest mathematical theory into practice. Of course, such studies do not
model to analyse these issues appears to be the seven provide the complete picture of the ride vibration
degree of freedom system shown in Fig. 3. However, for environment in a real vehicle. A host of other aspects
various subtle dynamics reasons, it transpires that the influence the occupant’s subjective assessments of ride,
fundamental features which dominate suspension design for example, higher frequency response ( > 15 Hz),
are actually captured in the apparently trivial single harshness, effect of suspension bushes, response to lon-
wheel station or ‘quarter car’ model (Fig. 4), which has gitudinal inputs from bumps, potholes, human response
two degrees of freedom. to vibration, etc. These are often referred to as ‘second-
ary ride’ effects and mathematical modelling is nowhere
Ride comfort of Control of body near as successful in predicting these effects accurately.
occupants attitude - pitch, roll To take one example, the perceived harshness rating of
a suspension in response to a discrete input such as a
pothole involves the dynamic response of the tyre as it
deforms around the input, both the longitudinal and
vertical (non-linear) dynamics of the suspension and the
response properties of the driver. There are so many
uncertainties surrounding each of these three areas that
manufacturers must rely on subjectively-based develop-
ment using experienced test drivers. However, that is
not to suggest that modelling does not have its place; it
Control of dynamic
can still be used to provide designers with insight into
tyre loads trends of behaviour. A classic example related to
responses to discrete events would be to pursue non-
Fig. 2 The main performance criteria for vehicle ride linear modelling of a short, stiff bumpstop design versus
dynamics a longer, more flexible version to try to understand the
relationships between their energy absorption charac-
teristics and driver ratings.
The subtlety of some of the effects which are per-
ceived subjectively can be illustrated by another
example. Currently, the best quantitative measure of
ride performance is obtained using a ridemeter in which
information from a range of accelerometers and rate
gyroscopes is processed with each translational and
rotational motion being filtered and summed according
to empirical expressions derived from human response
to vibration tests. However, recent results show that
vehicles assessed by this relatively sophisticated objec-
tive test would not typically be ranked in the same
order by subjective assessments of a group of experi-
enced ride engineers. Clearly, there is still a future
research need to investigate the correlation between
theoretical predictions, objective measurements and

f/ subjective assessments of ride dynamics.
Turning to the potential for actively controlled ele-
Fig. 3 Schematic seven degree of freedom ride model (body ments in ride vibration, the first theoretical work dates
bounce, lateral, roll and four vertical wheel motions) back to the early 1960s (5). This proved the potential for
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Fig. 4 The single wheel station model which captures the primary suspen-
sion issues

the so-called ‘fully active’ system (Fig. 6) in which the undoubtedly significant improvements but they can
passive suspension components are replaced by a high- only be achieved at significant costs-both in hardware
bandwidth actuator. In practice, this would typically be as shown in Fig. 8 (7)and power consumption. After
a hydraulic actuator and servohydraulic valve system their brief but high-profile introduction into racing and
with a frequency response up to perhaps 100 Hz.The after a huge volume of prototype testing and develop-
theoretical challenge was to derive a control law which ment by the world’s vehicle manufacturers, fully active
controlled the demand force across the actuator in such systems have been dropped-a case of theory not
a way that the suspension delivered better performance coming into practice.
than was possible with the passive components. The However, following further theoretical work looking
solution now looks rather simple though it represented at the fundamental mechanisms (8) by which improve-
a significant achievement at the time. The control force ments were obtained with controlled systems, a much
is simply a function of the system state variables more promising alternative system was proposed-the
limited bandwidth active system (commonly, but some-
u = klx, + k 2 21 + k , i, + k 4 Z z + k , 2 2 what misleadingly referred to as ‘slow active’ in the
where kl to k , are constants which were first calculated literature) shown in Fig. 9. In simplistic terms, this
using linear optimal control theory in order to minimize system operates by using active control in the low-
a performance index which, not surprisingly, contained frequency range (up to 5 or 6 Hz)and reverting to a
the three parameters already discussed in Fig. 4. Note conventional passive system above this frequency when
that this is a more generalized form of the force gener- the valve can no longer respond. Thus, it retains the
ated by a passive system benefits of controlling body attitude and primary ride
around body resonances, without attempting to provide
u = k(2, - z 2 ) + c(i, - 52) control at higher frequencies, for which it transpires
and note also that the active control force involves the that passive systems are optimal anyway. Such systems
difficulty of measuring the road input, xo . still have major cost, power and reliability implications
However, it was clear from the wealth of popular but are now accepted as being the preferred technical
technical literature at the time that misconceptions were solution from a theoretical viewpoint and likely to be
rife and all sorts of extreme performance claims were engineered using hydropneumatic components (9) from
made which the systems could never deliver. The key a practical viewpoint as illustrated in Fig. 10.
point is that because the actuator must still be con- 4 HANDLING DYNAMICS
nected between the body and the wheel, the design
problem still involves a compromise between the three Coincidentally, the simplest model which leads to a fun-
performance parameters. Realistically with such damental understanding of vehicle handling also has
systems, improvements of around 35 per cent (Fig. 7) in two degrees of freedom. In this case (Fig. ll), they are
ride comfort plus control of the body attitude during the lateral and yaw velocities with the forward speed
cornering and braking are achievable. These are assumed constant.
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Damping ratio,d = 0.1 -

=0,3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
= 0.5 ........... .
d=o.7 z2 t
d = 0.9 -

z' t
xo t
Fig. 6 Principle of a fully active suspension system in which
a controllable actuator replaces the passive suspen-

0 1 2 3 4 cussion of vehicle handling behaviour. The analysis

shows that this important under/oversteer balance
depends on the stability margin, which is defined as
bC, - aC,
in which a and b define the centre of gravity (c.g.)
position and Cf and C, are the front and rear tyre
cornering stiffnesses. If this term is positive the vehicle

01 I I I
0 1 2 3 4

Sprung mass natural frequency -

Fig. 5 Comprehensive set of root mean square (r.m.s.) results
from a single wheel station model, fn = (spring
stiffness/body mass)'''

The vehicle is subject to a force system which is

dominated by the tyre forces (Fig. 12). The only other
forces are due to aerodynamic effects; these are nor-
mally of secondary importance but can easily be added
as the analysis becomes more elaborate. When the tyres
operate at slip angles, that is with a combination of L

forward and sideslip velocities, they generate lateral

forces which are responsible for guiding, controlling and 1.6 -
stabilizing the vehicle. Note interestingly from Fig. 13
that the driver does not have direct control over these
forces! The driver only has indirect control by varying
the steer angle applied at the front wheels. Note also 1.4 -
that the complete system involves the dynamics of the
driver who is physically present in the feedback control , , , I , 1 , , , , , , , 1 , , , , , , , , ,
loop. This raises some interesting control issues but 1.2 1.4 1.6
since engineers cannot become involved in the 'design' R.m.s. tyre load variation
of human properties, they have understandably focused kN
on the design of the vehicle. Fig. 7 Predicted r.m.s. results for various controllable sus-
The equations of motion and subsequent analysis pension systems assuming same conditions as for Fig.
lead to the fundamental idea of understeer and ouersteer, 5 and-a constant maximum r.m.s. workspace usage of
terms which are synonymous with any technical dis- 30 mm
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Sensors: pressure sensors, height


radiator, filter
Fig. 8 Typical implementation of an active suspension control system (7)

is understeer; if it is negative the vehicle is oversteer. All these design parameters can be used to tune the
This result appears to be fairly trivial since it derives under/oversteer balance and their qualitative effects can
from such a simple model. However, it incorporates a be established from the simple two degree of freedom
crucial notion which enables it to be applied powerfully model. Theory provides a crucial important insight into
outside the strict terms of the reference of the model. practical issues at this level and further explanation is
The first term is proportional to the ‘force generation provided in reference (10).
capacity at the rear wheels’ (more strictly, it is the This analysis provides a building block which leads
moment of that force around the c.g.) and the second on to more elaborate models. The appropriateness of
term to the ‘force generation capacity at the front any model is not simply linked to the level of detail
wheels’. The designer can, therefore, use and extrapolate
this term to understand the effects of
(a) c.g. positions, vehicle loading conditions;
(b) tyre cornering stiffnesses, effect of tyre size and pres-
(c) camber angles front and rear;
(d) load transfer across each axle;
(e) roll steer effects;
(f) compliance steer effects.

Body acceleration
Body mass

Fig. 9 Principle of the limited bandwidth (slow active) Fig. 10 Two potential implementations of the limited band-
control system width active system
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involved, but also to the particular aspect of handling

under investigation. There are three regimes of interest :
(a) linear, low lateral acceleration ( < 0.39);
Axis system A, (b) non-linear, up to limiting lateral acceleration ( z0.8s
moving with the typically);
(c) non-linear, combined cornering and braking/
accelerating manoeuvres.
The first of these can usefully be investigated with a
model of moderate complexity-using perhaps up to
seven degrees of freedom for which the equations can be
developed manually. To be useful in a practical design
context it would need to include body lateral, yaw and
roll motions, suspension kinematic effects, main suspen-
Ground-fixed sion compliance effects, steering system, etc. and aero-
axis system, G dynamic force and moment data would be needed for
high-speed straight running studies. Such models have
Y been used successfully in practice to quantify the effects
Fig. 11 Plan view of the two degree of freedom vehicle of the design parameters mentioned earlier (see for
model showing the lateral velocity u and yaw veloc- example Table 2). For the second and third regimes, the
ity r variables and constant forward speed u derivation of non-linear equations is generally too com-
plicated to do manually and it is now commonplace to
use one of the MBS codes.
Front tyre cornering stiffness = Cf
The question then arises of what potential benefits
can active systems offer to handling dynamics. There
are two types of system; active suspension control and
active steering control. The first type has already been
introduced in the ride dynamics section. Controlling the
Front tyre vertical suspension motion has at least three potential
lateral force
handling advantages:
(a) no roll cornering;
(b) control of the balance of load transfer distribution
between front and rear axles;
(c) better dynamic tyre load control.
Experience suggests that the first of these is rated
very highly from subjective evaluations. The quantitat-
ive benefits would not appear to be so dramatic; there is
slightly less load transfer as a result of eliminating roll
Rear tyre angle, suspension kinematic effects are removed and, in
lateral force transient manoeuvres, no energy is ‘wasted‘ in exciting
the vehicle roll mode. Simpler methods of achieving roll
control during cornering have been studied in prototype
Rear tyre cornering stiffness = C, form over the last few years. Most of them rely on intro-
Fig. 12 Tyre forces acting on the vehicle during turning ducing an additional moment into the anti-roll bar in
(forces for two wheels assumed to be summed order to counteract body roll. This can be done, for
together) example, with a rotary actuator in the middle of the bar

motion Steer Slip 5re - Vehicle Vehicle motion
angle - angles - forces dynamics F

Feedback information, e.g. visual, lateral acceleration

Fig. 13 Block diagram of the driver-vehicle system indicating the driver’s
indirect control over the tyre force system
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Table 2 Typical range of steady state results from a four degree of freedom vehicle handling model
Understeer parameter contribution
Ford On-off-road vehicle Volvo
Term Description Pinto Granada Laden Unladen 264 760
~~ ~~ ~

1 Tyre cornering stiffness 0.6 1 0.43 -0.51 0.08 0.3 1 0.99

2 Front tyre camber stiffness 1.61 0.05 -0.64 -0.40 0.12 0.13
3 Front roll steer 0.34 -0.17 0.79 0.48 0.30 0.20
4 Steering system compliance 2.68 0.93 1.02 0.74 3.25 1.54
4 Front camber and steering system 0.53 0 - 0.10 -0.05 0 0
6 Rear roll steer 0.81 0.10 0 0 0.08 -0.08
Total understeer parameter (deg/g) 6.58 1.33 0.56 0.84 4.06 2.79
Roll gain (deg/g) 8.6 4.8 20 12 3.8 4.1

or with an additional actuator at the end of the bar as trolled independently of the front. This is another
shown in Fig. 14. The first system to be introduced classic example of theory being put into practice. From
commercially by Citroen is of this latter type and adds the mid-1980s until the present day, a large number of
approximately E10o0 to the cost of a mid-range pass- theoretical studies aimed at deriving control strategies
enger car. for rear steering were published and a number of com-
The second advantage would be predicted to be sig- mercial systems have now appeared, particularly on
nificant; the limit handling behaviour of a vehicle is Japanese cars. For low-speed manoeuvring (up to
largely dictated by the way in which load transfer is around 20 mile/h) the rear wheels steer in the opposite
distributed across front and rear axles and hence which direction to those at the front, thus assisting with
tyres reach saturation first. At present, this has to be parking manoeuvres at the expense of allowing the rear
achieved with passive elements, for example anti-roll end to swing out or 'off-track'. For high speeds, the rear
bars, with a certain degree of subtlety arising from the wheels are arranged to steer in the same sense as those
judicious choice of non-linear effects. Active systems at the front. The control unit which controls the steer
allow complete freedom to adjust the distribution as a angle demand to the rear steering actuator typically has
function of, for example, lateral acceleration and inputs of vehicle speed and front wheel steer angle and
achieve an optimum handling balance right up to the uses either a law or an empirically derived map to select
limit. an appropriate rear steer angle which will typically be
The third potential advantage is probably of least in the range 0-2". Safety checks are of paramount
importance, though a sound theoretical understanding importance for a control that intervenes in the vehicle's
is somewhat hampered by the shortage of tyre dynamic steering system, and some systems incorporate a model
response data, that is lateral force and moment gener- reference calculation using the classic two degree of
ation when both the vertical load and slip angle are freedom model as a parallel safety check.
fluctuating. The primary advantages of four wheel steer (4WS)
Active steering systems offer the possibility of indi- systems are:
rectly controlling the forces generated at the rear of the
(a) improved transient response;
vehicle in addition to the conventional driver control of
(b) improved yaw damping following a transient
the front wheel steer angle (11). In fact, control over the
rear wheels can also be achieved passively; the rear
(c) reduced peak yaw rates;
steering can be mechanically or hydraulically linked
(d) reduced lateral acceleration phase lag; and
directly to the front wheel or alternatively the rear
(e) reduced body sideslip angles (see Fig. 15).
wheels can be allowed to steer in response to lateral
forces arising from cornering. The potential benefit of These advantages arise in principle from the ability to
active control is that it allows the rear wheels to be con- influence the rear tyre forces independently. For

Upper mount reacted

on the suspension Top of connecting link
reacted on suspension
anti-roll bar 0

Connecting link
replaced by small hydraulic
Fig. 14 An active roll control scheme of the type pioneered by Citroen
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6.0 example, consider the response of a front wheel steer

(FWS) car to a step steer input. The front steer angle
results in a front slip angle; thus a front lateral force is
generated and the vehicle begins to respond in the side-
4.5 slip and yaw directions. Only when the vehicle has
actually responded and the rear wheels are, therefore,
constrained to operate at a sideslip angle can force be
generated at the rear tyres. In contrast, for the 4WS car,
3.0 front and rear slip angles are generated simultaneously,
the rear tyre forces are generated at the same time as
those at the front and the transient response of the
vehicle is consequently improved. Also, the effective yaw
moment is reduced so that in a lane change manoeuvre
for example, the peak yaw rate response of the vehicle
Vehicle 2 might be reduced by up to 50 per cent compared with
the FWS performing an equivalent manoeuvre.
0 1.25 2.5
The past decade has seen a lot of activity in developing
actively controlled systems and integrating them with
the dynamics of the passive vehicle system. Future work
is likely to occur in both these active and passive areas.

5.1 Active controls

From a theoretical viewpoint, there are several tech-
niques which may be used to derive satisfactory control
laws for actively suspended vehicles. However, most
studies are based on a restricted set of assumptions for
the vehicle's operating conditions whereas, in the real
world, vehicles may be subject to a vast range of surface
roughnesses, road input events, speeds, braking/
accelerating forces, etc. This raises questions about the
robustness of the controller design and about the bene-
fits of adaptation in which the controller learns with
Time time or tunes itself to the particular operating condi-
S tions. This requires further fundamental work to apply
advanced control theory to vehicle dynamics design.
It has been shown that 'wheelbase preview' informa-
tion, that is the knowledge that the rear wheel inputs
are precisely a delayed version of those at the front, can
be exploited to offer improved suspension performance
at the rear wheel stations. This notion could be
extended further if a look-ahead preview sensor were
available to provide reliable information about the road
inputs ahead of the front wheels. The potential benefits
of this preview information should be further investi-
gated in order to judge the motivation for developing
practical sensor systems. There are already indications
that a sensor mounted on the front bumper, approx-
imately 0.8-1 m ahead of the front wheels, offers worth-
while performance gains (12).
The practical constraints which are restricting the
commercial development of limited bandwidth systems,
ranked in approximate order of importance, are;
S (a) cost;
Fig. 15 Predicted results of the advantages offered by four (b) power consumption;
wheel steering in lane change manoeuvres at a speed (c) added weight; and
of 40 m/s and steering wheel input amplitude of 40" (d) safety/reliability concerns.
(vehicle 1: front wheel steer; vehicle 2: four wheel
steer with yaw rate feedback control; vehicle 3: four A consensus view has emerged that hydropneumatic
wheel steer with zero sideslip control) technology holds the most commercial promise, but a
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Table 3 Comparison of some of the key features of the software packages available for vehicle dynamics studies
Software package For Against
Purpose-designed Relatively cheap Cannot change model
simulation codes Models already proven May include details which are irrelevant to a
Good for specific problems rather than particular problem
investigation of design issues
Multibody system dynamics Industry standard, e.g. ADAMS Very expensive
packages (numerical) Powerful for complex systems, e.g. full Extravagant on computer time
vehicle handling model with all compliant Limited value for investigating design
suspension details issues
Impressive animation capabilities
Pre-processors linked to CAD packages
Multibody system dynamics Efficient use of computer time Less developed than numerically based
packages (algebraic) Relatively inexpensive packages
PC versions, e.g. AUTOSIM Fewer features than numerically based
Powerful for complex problems packages
Toolkits Inexpensive Model must first be developed if it does
Good for investigating design issues not already exist
Tailored to particular applications, e.g. vehicles Inappropriate for complex systems, e.g.
Range of generic models already exists greater than 50 degrees of freedom

major breakthrough in electrohydraulic valve tech- (12). The general approach of the multibody system
nology will be required leading to reduced costs if sig- dynamics codes is to start with a system of masses and
nificant further developments are to occur over the next geometrical information and apply various types of con-
five years. necting elements as indicated in Fig. 16 (14). The
Substantial commercial interest will continue in con- package automatically derives the resulting set of non-
trolled sub-systems which offer less functionality but at linear equations ready for solutions in the time domain.
much lower costs, for example, continuously variable However, some notes of caution must be sounded.
dampers, roll control and self-levelling systems. In fact, No matter how complex the actual equations are,
if these three sub-systems could be implemented and they are of the general form:
integrated satisfactorily, they would together offer most
of the functionality of a limited bandwidth system with
potentially much lower costs and power requirements.
Finally, this raises the wider issue of integration of
controlled systems. Little reference has been made in in which M represents a matrix of parameters such as
the paper to other systems which fall in the domain of masses, inertias, stiffnesses, geometry, etc. The vector of
the vehicle dynamicist, for example antilock brakes system variables which may run into several hundred is
(ABS) and traction control scheme (TCS). However, it is denoted x. F is the matrix representing all the external
clear that these will, in general, interact with the other forcing information. The general point is that it is not
chassis control schemes discussed here. For example, sound to put an ever-increasing amount of effort into
the ABS/TCS system would inevitably interact with an the accuracy of the [Ml[x] part of the equations if
active suspension control through the vertical wheel uncertainties remain about the [F] side. For example,
load dynamics. Another example is braking under split in a handling model the [Fl matrix contains details of
friction conditions; control of the longitudinal forces the tyre forces and aerodynamic forces. The tyre forces
through the ABS can be coupled with control of the in particular will remain the weakest link in the equa-
lateral forces using the 4WS to maintain yaw moment tions and so continued efforts to measure, refine and
stability as a safety feature. model tyre behaviour (15) will be central to the future of
vehicle dynamics.
Finally, in reviewing both ride and handling it has
become clear that some of the more subtle features of
vehicle dynamics cannot be confidently predicted
5.2 Vehicle dynamics through modelling but are easily and reliably picked up
by experienced test engineers during subjective evalu-
Considerable reference has been made to the develop- ation. Hence, while it is clear that theoretical predic-
ment of sophisticated vehicle models, the associated tions and objective measurements will always play an
powerful software packages and the widespread use of important role in vehicle development, it is equally true
them throughout the automotive industry (13). The that currently there is no chance of them superseding
main features of the various types of packages available subjectively-based tuning and assessment procedures.
are summarized in Table 3; they will not be discussed in Clear gaps in our understanding of the interrela-
detail and further information can be found in reference tionships between predicted, objective and subjective
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XF , YF, ZF Guide system
X. Y.Z Vehicle fixed Vehicle model
reference system
XI Y,,Z, Body fixed

reference system
6,d, b Pitch-, roll-,

Front wheel suspension Rear wheel suspension

Rigid bodies: Couplings:

1 Body structure 0, @ Helical springldamper
2, 3 Suspension link left, right
4.7 Spring strut left, right
0 ,@ Helical spring left, right
5 , 6 Semi-trailing arms left, right 0, @ Damper left, right
8 . 9 Stabilizer front, rear <-? vres
10, 11 Track rod
12 Gear rack
@ Stabilizer
Strut guide left, right
@,@ Suspension link bearing left, right
Steering gear-bearing and hardy disc
Fig. 16 Typical example of system of masses and connecting elements ready
for input to a multibody systems dynamics package (14)

measures of vehicle behaviour exist and future research of knowledge; it also provides the technical language,
to tackle these must be high on the priority list for the structure and definitions which enable ride and
vehicle dynamicists. handling engineers to communicate effectively. Over
recent years, for example, the enormous developments in
actively controlled systems would not have taken place
without the theoretical studies which preceded them.
The paper has examined the extent to which theory has Yet despite all this clear evidence of theory being put
been put into practice in vehicle ride and handling into practice, there is still universal recognition that a
dynamics. Undoubtedly, the theoretical developments vehicle’s ride and handling behaviour will be developed,
over the past 60 years have led to a fundamental under- tuned and finally signed-off largely on the basis of sub-
standing of the principles governing vehicle dynamic jective assessments. If the hugely powerful computer
behaviour. It would be futile to embark on any practical codes used to simulate increasingly sophisticated vehicle
aspect of vehicle dynamics without this building block models are so good, why do we still have to rely on the
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