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TechTrends (2024) 68:47–57


Prompting Change: Exploring Prompt Engineering in Large Language

Model AI and Its Potential to Transform Education
William Cain1

Accepted: 4 October 2023 / Published online: 18 October 2023

© Association for Educational Communications & Technology 2023

This paper explores the transformative potential of Large Language Models Artificial Intelligence (LLM AI) in educational
contexts, particularly focusing on the innovative practice of prompt engineering. Prompt engineering, characterized by three
essential components of content knowledge, critical thinking, and iterative design, emerges as a key mechanism to access
the transformative capabilities of LLM AI in the learning process. This paper charts the evolving trajectory of LLM AI as a
tool poised to reshape educational practices and assumptions. In particular, this paper breaks down the potential of prompt
engineering practices to enhance learning by fostering personalized, engaging, and equitable educational experiences. The
paper underscores how the natural language capabilities of LLM AI tools can help students and educators transition from
passive recipients to active co-creators of their learning experiences. Critical thinking skills, particularly information literacy,
media literacy, and digital citizenship, are identified as crucial for using LLM AI tools effectively and responsibly. Looking
forward, the paper advocates for continued research to validate the benefits of prompt engineering practices across diverse
learning contexts while simultaneously promoting potential defects, biases, and ethical concerns related to LLM AI use in
education. It calls upon practitioners to explore and train educational stakeholders in best practices around prompt engineer-
ing for LLM AI, fostering progress towards a more engaging and equitable educational future.

Keywords Large language models (LLM AI) · Education · Prompt engineering · Educational transformation · ChatGPT

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is a powerful, emerg- et al., 2023; Carvalho et al., 2022; Heaven, 2023; Kovanovic,
ing technology with the potential to disrupt and transform 2023; Moore et al., 2022; OpenAI, 2023; Srinivasan, 2022;
numerous sectors, including education. Generative AI Zawacki-Richter et al., 2019). The present article looks at
refers to a subset of artificial intelligence systems that use the natural language processing capabilities of LLM AI with
machine learning techniques to generate novel outputs, such an eye towards aligning these capabilities with potential
as images, text, or sound, based on learned patterns in input applications of LLM AI tools within the sphere of educa-
data. These systems offer the ability to create content that is tion. In particular, the article aims to explore prompts and
original, personalized, and contextually relevant, enhancing prompt engineering (in relation to natural language pro-
various applications such as content creation, design, and cessing) as an emergent, critical skill set that educators and
simulation. learners must acquire to optimally harness the transforma-
One type of generative AI, Large Language Model AI tive attributes of LLM AI in educational contexts. In doing
(LLM AI), is increasingly recognized for exceptional capa- so, the text explores the role and functionality of prompts in
bilities in natural language generation, positioning it as a LLM AI tools, outlines the criteria for effective prompts, and
promising new tool for learning and instruction in educa- introduces three foundational pillars of prompt engineering:
tional contexts (Brown et al., 2020; Cain, 2023a; Cardona content knowledge, critical thinking, and iterative design.

* William Cain
Learning, Design, and Technology, College of Education,
University of Wyoming, 1000 E. University Ave., Education
337, Laramie, WY 82071, USA

48 TechTrends (2024) 68:47–57

Natural Language Processing in LLM AI learning prioritizes understanding and knowledge acquisi-
tion through student-driven exploration, inquiry, and col-
LLM AI is a type of machine learning model specifically laboration. The ability to converse with LLM AI tools in
designed to understand and generate human language. everyday language not only demystifies the technology but
These models are “large” in that they consist of hundreds also elevates it to a vital instrument for enhancing learn-
of billions of parameters—essentially, internal variables ing experiences and project outcomes (Bowman, 2022;
that the AI learns from its training data to generate mean- Kelley, 2023).
ingful output (response) (Brown et al., 2020; OpenAI, The versatility of LLM AI tools, thanks to their natural
2023). The “language model” part of the name refers to language processing capabilities, could potentially usher
their purpose: to model, or understand, human language in in an array of innovative teaching strategies. Without any
a way that allows them to generate coherent and contextu- prescribed interaction methods, students can utilize LLM
ally appropriate responses (Bender et al., 2021). LLM AI AI as study guides, partners in creative writing, simulators
operates based on a massive amount of text data it has been for various scenarios, platforms for thought experiments,
trained on, learning patterns, relationships, and structures content creators, and much more. As active participants, stu-
within the language (OpenAI, 2023; Raffel et al., 2020). dents could be empowered to ask questions and seek insights
When presented with an input (prompt), the model uses in language tailored to their learning stage and cognitive
these learned patterns to generate a response that aligns depth (Cain, 2023b; Cardona et al., 2023; Dwivedi et al.,
with the context provided by the prompt. Importantly, 2023; Ji et al., 2022; Nouhan et al., 2021). In response, these
the model does not “understand” language or context in tools could generate detailed and context-sensitive answers
the human sense. Instead, it makes statistically informed that resonate with a student’s current level of comprehension
predictions about what text should come next, based on (Carvalho et al., 2022). Thus, LLM AI’s natural language
the prompt and the patterns it has learned during training capabilities can champion personalized learning dynamics,
(OpenAI, 2023; Sutskever et al., 2014). where students remain at the helm of their learning trajec-
tory, maintaining steady engagement and pacing (Kim et al.,
Ease of Use and Accessibility
Potential LLM AI Uses in Education
LLM AI tools, including platforms like ChatGPT, are
designed to comprehend and generate human language LLM AI tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard
through straightforward text-based user interfaces. This are entering educational contexts with diverse learning and
means LLM AI end-users do not require advanced or spe- instructional applications, signifying a transformative but as
cialized coding skills to interact with these tools; rather yet ill-researched potential for traditional education practices
they can simply use everyday words and phrases (Coy, (Abdous, 2023; Brown et al., 2020; Coy, 2023; Dwivedi
2023; Ekin, 2023; Harwell, 2023). This ease of use is in et al., 2023; Floridi & Cowls, 2019; Thongprasit & Wanna-
many ways similar to the ubiquity and ease with which piroon, 2022). LLM AI’s proficiency in content generation
people use key terms and phrases in search engines to offers teachers unique new capabilities in creating learning
access information across the internet. As such, LLM AI’s materials and learning experience designs. At the same time,
ease of use for non-technical users could translate into these tools could offer new pathways for highly personal-
wide accessibility that could have transformative impacts ized student learning experiences by catering to individual
in educational settings. Furthermore, the fluency and learners’ needs, providing immediate feedback, and tailoring
sophistication of a user’s language can directly influence learning outcomes.
the effectiveness of their interaction with LLM AI tools. The eventual integration of LLM AI capabilities into
Essentially, by using natural language, both educators and educational practices will most likely result in shifts in tra-
learners bypass the need for deep technical knowledge. ditional pedagogical methodologies. LLM AI tools, with
This straightforward accessibility paves the way for LLM enhanced capabilities for content creation and for their
AI’s broader integration into educational frameworks uncanny mimicking of human engagement, could enrich
(Bates et al., 2020). the teaching and learning process (Abdous, 2023; Bates et
Interactions with LLM AI tools are facilitated through al., 2020; Cardona et al., 2023; Heilweil, 2022; Fourtané,
well-designed prompts that employ natural human lan- 2022; Shapiro, 2023). However, the transformative impact of
guage queries and commands (Jiang et al., 2022). Such these tools would not be confined to their advanced abilities
adaptability is invaluable when paired with pedagogical alone if they were too expensive or technologically com-
approaches such as active learning (Cain, 2023a). Active plex to use. The natural language processing capabilities of
these systems, available through the internet or commercial

TechTrends (2024) 68:47–57 49

applications, make them accessible to students across vari- with subject matter knowledge and critical thinking skills
ous learning levels. This accessibility would be a pivotal (Cain, 2023a; Short & Short, 2023).
factor in their widespread use (Brown et al., 2020; Cardona
et al., 2023; Dwivedi et al., 2023) and some schools, dis-
tricts, and other institutions may be reluctant to integrate Exploring the Role of Prompt Engineering
LLM AI fully throughout their operations due to concerns in LLM AI
over student plagiarism or other perceived negative out-
comes. Table 1 provides a broad summary of potential Prompt engineering, in the context of LLM AI, is an integral
capabilities and limitation of integrating LLM AI systems part of shaping the AI’s responses by designing and refin-
in educational contexts. ing the initial input (Bender et al., 2021; Brown et al., 2020;
In summary, ease of use and accessibility of LLM AI Sutskever et al., 2014). Defined as natural language-based
via natural language processing capabilities are key attrib- sentences or fragments, prompts encompass descriptions,
utes that can make these systems both desirable and pos- commands, inquiries, and requests that trigger AI responses
sibly inevitable as prominent and transformative learning based on patterns learned during model training (OpenAI,
technologies. The natural language capabilities of LLM AI n.d.). The strategic role of prompts in directing the LLM
enhance their user-friendliness and versatility, transforming AI’s output cannot be understated, as precise and well-struc-
them into powerful yet widely available educational tools tured prompts assist in accurate AI response generation (Lo,
in a way that few educational technologies have done pre- 2023; Short & Short, 2023; White et al., 2023).
viously (Ortiz, 2023; Webb et al., 2021; Zhang & Aslan, The essence of prompt engineering lies in its impact on
2021). But accessibility and ease of use does not necessarily the relevance and usefulness of LLM AI-produced responses
translate into effective and meaningful use, especially for (Bender et al., 2021; Brown et al., 2020; OpenAI, n.d.; Raf-
learning and instruction. LLM AI, like many other digital fel et al., 2020). While the power of LLM AI is significant,
tools, depends on skillful usage and that is where the prac- its effectiveness relies heavily on the quality of the prompts
tice of prompt engineering comes into play. The follow- they receive (Attiah, 2023; Dwivedi et al., 2023; Ekin, 2023;
ing sections describe what prompt engineering is, how it Zhou et al., 2023). Thus, mastering the process of engineer-
functions in conjunction with LLM AI, and its potential to ing effective prompts is crucial in fully utilizing the potential
enhance learning engagement and outcomes when integrated of these tools.

Table 1  Potential Capabilities and Limitations of Integrating LLM AI in Educational Contexts

Aspect Capabilities Limitations

Ease of use and accessibility Easy-to-use, intuitive text-based interfaces acces- Need for a stable internet connection.
sible to users with minimal technical skills (Coy, Accessibility issues for users with disabilities.
2023; Ekin, 2023; Harwell, 2023).
Accessible to a broad audience, potentially trans-
forming educational frameworks (Bates et al.,
Interactivity (prompt engineering) Flexible, customizable interaction through well- Learning curve for crafting effective prompts.
crafted prompts (Jiang et al., 2022).
Complements student-centered pedagogical meth-
ods such as active learning (Cain, 2023a).
Broadens content engagement via technology, mak-
ing it a vital tool for learning (Bowman, 2022).
Advanced personalization features Enables a range of student-driven applications such Potential biases in generated content.
as study guides and content creation (Cardona Limitations in understanding complex topics.
et al., 2023; Dwivedi et al., 2023; Ji et al., 2022;
Nouhan et al., 2021).
Allows personalized learning paths and immediate
feedback (Kim et al., 2022).
Content creation and pedagogical shifts Empowers educators with novel content creation Prohibitive costs (e.g., subscriptions).
capabilities. Schools and districts limiting access and inte-
Induces shifts in learning and instructional gration.
paradigms, potentially enriching educational pro-
cesses (Abdous, 2023; Bates et al., 2020; Cardona
et al., 2023; Fourtané, 2022).

50 TechTrends (2024) 68:47–57

Mechanisms of Effective Prompt Engineering but a necessity. It involves evaluating, verifying, and ques-
tioning the AI’s outputs. Detecting hallucinations, biases,
Prompt engineering for LLM AI is a deliberate process inaccuracies, or unsuitable content in the responses, and pos-
that is most effective when there are clear objectives and sessing the skills to adjust prompts accordingly, is funda-
parameters for success. The foundational step is defining the mental. Given the known imperfections in LLM AI outputs,
specific response a user seeks from the AI. Once this goal especially in educational settings, critical thinking offers a
is defined, it guides the crafting of prompts aimed at elicit- shield against potential pitfalls. Discrepancies between AI
ing that specific response. Yet, arriving at the ideal prompt outputs and educational objectives can muddle comprehen-
often isn’t straightforward; it frequently requires an itera- sion, but with critical thinking, such issues can be pinpointed
tive approach, as supported by findings from Brown et al. and rectified. Methods for scrutinizing the AI’s responses—
(2020) and Reynolds and McDonell (2021). Initial prompts ranging from bias detection to relevance assessment—play
undergo testing, with the resulting AI responses assessed a pivotal role. Such strategies not only augment the quality
against the user’s objectives. In cases where the AI’s output of AI responses but also foster essential cognitive and social
falls short, the prompt is revised and retested, continuing aptitudes.
until the desired outcome is met. This cycle highlights the
essence of prompt engineering: a synergy of understanding Iterative Design This process mirrors many principles from
the user’s goals, the LLM AI’s strengths and weaknesses, design thinking, where prompt engineering starts with a
and the nuances of language. vision, undergoes planning, design, testing, and subsequent
LLM AI systems are trained to produce outputs refinement. An initial prompt, once created, is the precursor
(responses) that are most likely given their input (prompts), to an AI-generated response. Upon evaluating this response
but they are far from infallible. Depending on the nature of for its precision, relevance, and suitability, refinements to the
the prompts they receive, LLM AI may produce responses prompt are made, thus restarting the cycle. The iterative pro-
that feature made up facts, incorrect dates, and fictional cess is more than a methodology; it’s the roadmap to attain-
sources. These incorrect or erroneous responses are referred ing optimal LLM AI outputs. Continuous refinement enables
to as “hallucinations” in LLM AI contexts (Weise & Metz, LLM AI to inch closer to the envisaged response. Further-
2023) and can be hard to detect for novice users, as well as more, this iterative approach offers learners and educators
users who do not have deep content knowledge or use critical a deeper insight into the LLM AI’s operational patterns,
thinking to evaluate outputs. enhancing their efficacy in future LLM AI interactions.
Effective prompt engineering goes beyond a user’s profi-
Prompt Engineering Essentials: Content Knowledge, Critical ciency in natural language. It requires a balanced integration
Thinking, and Iterative Design of clear objectives, content knowledge, critical thinking, and
iterative design. By adeptly combining these elements, users
Three pivotal components underpin effective prompt engi- can obtain precise, pertinent, and valuable responses from
neering: comprehensive content knowledge, critical think- language models, enhancing their interactions and meeting
ing, and an iterative design approach. their goals. Figure 1 visually illustrates the prompt engi-
neering process, emphasizing content knowledge, critical
Content Knowledge A deep understanding of the subject thinking, and iterative design.
matter is often essential in guiding an LLM AI’s responses,
ensuring alignment between the user’s objectives and the
LLM AI’s potential outputs. This isn’t merely about grasping Impact of Prompt Engineering on LLM AI
facts but comprehending their implications and contexts. The Performance
depth and breadth of this understanding can significantly
influence the specificity of a prompt and, by extension, the The implementation of well-designed prompts influences
relevance and accuracy of the AI’s response. Consequently, the performance of LLM AI. The quality and specificity of
prompt crafting encourages not only a nuanced use of lan- the input prompts significantly determine the coherence and
guage but also an innovative engagement with the content, depth of the LLM AI-generated responses (OpenAI, n.d.).
transforming traditional assessment paradigms. Students, for Thus, the careful crafting of prompts considerably contrib-
instance, can articulate prompts that reflect their grasp of a utes to the overall effectiveness of the LLM AI system in
subject, showcasing their profound content comprehension. fulfilling its intended purpose.
For instance, if an LLM AI, employed to provide expla-
Critical Thinking This component acts as a bridge between nations of scientific concepts, is given the prompt “Explain
content knowledge and iterative design. In the world of gravity,” it might generate a basic explanation appropriate
prompt engineering, critical thinking isn’t a mere accessory for a non-specialist audience. However, if the prompt is

TechTrends (2024) 68:47–57 51

Fig. 1  Prompt engineering process featuring content knowledge, critical thinking, and iterative design

refined to “Explain Einstein’s theory of general relativity,” a broad overview. Conversely, overly general prompts may
the LLM AI might produce a more in-depth explanation, result in vague responses that may not meet the user’s spe-
suitable for an individual with more advanced knowledge. cific needs or interests (Mollick, 2023; OpenAI, n.d.; Terry,
These examples demonstrate the directive impact of prompts 2023).
on the AI’s output, even when discussing the same subject When going for meaningful LLM AI responses, effective
matter (gravity). prompt engineering often involves a compromise between
In addition to influencing content, prompts can also man- complexity and simplicity. Complex prompts may allow for
age the level of detail in LLM AI responses. Skillful prompt more nuanced outputs, but they could increase the likelihood
engineering can steer the AI to provide either broad over- of misunderstanding the user’s intent and make it harder for
views or detailed analyses, responding with either brevity the AI to generate a coherent response. Conversely, simple
or elaboration, and focusing on various aspects of the topic. prompts, though easier for the AI to interpret, might lead to
Grasping this dynamic is essential in effective prompt engi- more generic outputs. Understanding these trade-offs is vital
neering, allowing the potential of LLM AI to be harnessed for designing prompts that effectively guide LLM AI in pro-
for an emerging array of tasks and applications in education ducing desired responses (Brown et al., 2020; OpenAI, n.d.).
and beyond (Heaven, 2023; Kovanovic, 2023; Moore et al.,
2022; OpenAI, 2023; Ramer, 2023). Summary of Prompt Engineering in LLM AI

Prompt Engineering as a New Interactive Prompt engineering holds a vital role in LLM AI as it directly
Programming Paradigm impacts the quality and relevance of the model’s output. The
effectiveness of an LLM AI model is determined by its ability
Effective prompt engineering for LLM AI can be a creative to produce coherent and contextually appropriate responses.
endeavor but it also involves rhetorical skill, organization, However, without carefully designed prompts, the outputs
and precision. Ideally, the goal is to get the LLM AI to gen- may not be as precise or valuable as they could be. As the
erate meaningful responses and this often requires an under- steering mechanism guiding the AI’s responses, prompt engi-
standing of language mechanics, the AI model’s strengths neering is thus a fundamental component of effective AI sys-
and weaknesses, and the context in which the prompt will tem deployment and operation (OpenAI, n.d.).
be used (Bender et al., 2021; White et al., 2023). One of Effective prompt engineering plays a critical role in
the main challenges is striking the right balance between fully utilizing the capabilities of LLM AI. By refining
specificity and generality; while specific prompts can yield prompts, we can control the specificity or generality of the
detailed responses, they may restrict the AI’s ability to give AI’s responses, tailor its tone or style, or guide it towards

52 TechTrends (2024) 68:47–57

particular types of information (Ekin, 2023; Harwell, Examining the nuances of prompt engineering and
2023; Lo, 2023). For example, a well-designed prompt understanding its potential impact within the realm of edu-
can guide an LLM AI to generate a detailed explanation cation is crucial. As modern education systems rapidly
of a complex scientific concept, a creative story, or a suc- evolve with technology playing an increasingly significant
cinct summary of a lengthy text. With this level of control role, the exploration of prompt engineering in LLM AI and
and adaptability, the potential applications of LLM AI are its potential applications in education becomes highly rel-
significantly expanded. evant and timely. Language, being a unifying and universal
Despite its potential, prompt engineering is not without construct, offers a promising starting point from which to
its complexities and challenges. Crafting effective prompts examine these potential implications.
often requires a deep understanding of language, subject
matter, and the capabilities and limitations of the LLM AI.
Moreover, it often involves an iterative process of refining Transforming Education through Natural Language
and testing the prompts based on the AI’s responses. These Capabilities of LLM AI
complexities and challenges matter because they influence
the effectiveness of LLM AI. For example, if the prompts Language, far from being a simple tool for communica-
are too vague, the AI’s responses might be too broad or off- tion, profoundly shapes our understanding and perception
topic. If they are too specific, the AI might not generate a of the world (Chomsky et al., 2023). It not only influences
diverse range of responses. Striking the right balance is key our cognitive abilities such as problem-solving, abstract
to harnessing the full potential of LLM AI, and this balance thinking, and memory, but also contributes to the forma-
is better achieved through effective prompt engineering. tion of societal constructs and norms. Language’s power to
As we anticipate the role of content knowledge, critical categorize and label experiences creates shared meanings
thinking, and iterative design in leveraging prompt engi- that have a direct impact on how we interact with societal
neering practices for LLM AI in education, it is possible to roles, norms, and values.
reasonably speculate on the transformative impact it could In education systems, language takes on an even more
have on traditional learning experiences and pedagogical crucial role. It serves as the primary medium for content
practices. Students and instructors will actively participate delivery, facilitating discussions and providing feedback.
in iterative design processes, shaping and reshaping the very Furthermore, it aids in self-directed and online learning
nature of knowledge exploration and acquisition. Students by assisting learners in setting goals, monitoring progress,
will engage in designing, testing, and refining prompts, using and engaging in virtual interactions. With the integration
them as simulations, prototyping, and thought experiments of LLM AI, these aspects of the learning experience are
enhanced by LLM AI capabilities that not only immerse significantly enhanced.
them in their subject matter but also cultivates critical think- LLM AI, equipped with the capability to understand
ing, problem-solving, and creativity skills. Crafting effective and generate natural language, could bring dramatic,
prompts will become central to the educative experience, transformative changes to educational practices and
reinforcing concepts and theories from traditional sources, assumptions about learning behaviors and strategies.
while promoting a deeper curiosity and understanding. These changes could extend beyond mere transmission of
Looking ahead, effective prompt engineering with LLM information, reshaping how learners perceive, interpret,
AI could become an essential skill, hinging on harmonious and engage with knowledge. The practice of prompt
alignment of content knowledge, critical thinking, and itera- engineering stands central to this shift, with the choice
tive design with AI capabilities. This development could of words, phrases, and sentence structures directly
lead to a change in basic assumptions in the way we teach influencing the AI-generated responses, thereby offering
and learn, empowering students and instructors alike to a tailored educational experience.
navigate and leverage AI technology for enriched learning Given the potential of LLM AI, the implications
experiences. The future of education could see a shift from are vast, including possibilities for AI-enhanced
passive knowledge consumption into an active, immersive collaborative cognitive partnerships (Cain, 2023a), with
process of co-creation. By harnessing the power of AI, we unique AI-generated content and AI-mediated tutoring
would not just be learning about the world, but we would be and assessments. These types of developments could
actively participating in the process of knowledge creation revolutionize traditional pedagogical strategies, making
and dissemination. This transformative vision of education, education more inclusive, personalized, and effective.
where students and instructors co-create the learning pro- Prompt engineering can play a crucial role in this context,
cess, might well be the next major step in our educational leveraging language’s subtleties to cater to individual
evolution. learners’ needs.

TechTrends (2024) 68:47–57 53

Prompt Engineering and the Disruption learning experiences, enabling them to learn at their own
of Traditional Education Systems pace and style. For teachers, it could serve as a tool to
enhance instruction and student engagement by guiding
The possibilities of using human-AI cognitive partnerships LLM AI to provide individualized support to students.
like prompt engineering with LLM AI could challenge and For administrators and policymakers, prompt engineer-
disrupt the limitations of traditional education, potentially ing could potentially lead to improved learning outcomes
providing uniquely personalized learning experiences that and increased efficiencies. In this future, the integration of
cater to each learner’s specific needs and preferences. LLM AI into educational programs could offer personal-
These traditional limitations often include one-size- ized, engaging, and effective learning experiences at scale.
fits-all approaches, limited resources, and high student- Moreover, the data generated through interactions with
to-teacher ratios. Imagining a future where LLM AI is LLM AI might provide valuable insights to inform policy
expertly guided to align with specific learning objectives, decisions and instructional strategies. Administrators and
we could see enhanced engagement, improved comprehen- policymakers could support prompt engineering by provid-
sion, and higher retention, making personalized learning ing resources for training and implementation, integrating
more widely accessible. Table 2 illustrates stakeholder LLM AI into educational programs, and establishing poli-
domains where prompt engineering practices with LLM cies that promote equitable and ethical use of LLM AI.
AI stand to disrupt traditional educational systems.
Effective prompt engineering could significantly boost
learning outcomes through personalized interactions facil- Anticipated Future Implications
itated by meticulously crafted prompts. These prompts from Incorporating LLM AI in Education
could scaffold the learning process, break down complex
concepts, provide timely feedback, and challenge learners As we look forward, the incorporation of prompt engineer-
to think more deeply. They could even be designed to elicit ing in educational frameworks heralds an innovative era that
emotions, stimulate curiosity, or prompt reflection, thereby rejuvenates interest in subject-matter knowledge and bolsters
further facilitating deeper learning. opportunities for critical thinking. This dynamic interaction
Envisioning the evolution of prompt engineering prac- gives a glimpse into the transformative potential of LLM
tices, they could potentially act as a catalyst for transfor- AI’s practical implementation, particularly in domains such
mation in education by impacting teaching methods, cur- as education, where the technology’s offerings need to be
riculum design, and assessment practices. An envisioned channeled strategically to deliver optimal outcomes.
shift from conventional, didactic teaching methods to more Future advancements in LLM AI technology are antici-
interactive, student-centered learning experiences could pated to yield even more refined models, characterized by an
result in more engaging teaching and the development of enhanced understanding of context and the ability to gener-
higher-order cognitive skills (Mollick & Mollick, 2022). ate nuanced responses. These sophisticated LLM AI tools,
Curriculum design could become more flexible and adapt- paired with effective prompt engineering, could potentially
able, allowing for personalization at scale, and prompt- revolutionize the dynamics of learning experience design.
engineered assessments could potentially provide real-time In this evolving landscape, educators would transition from
feedback, facilitate self-assessment, and support continu- being sole knowledge providers to facilitators of LLM AI-
ous learning. integrated learning experiences. This shift could signifi-
Both students and instructors could play essential roles cantly empower students, enhancing their autonomy and
in this transformation as prompt engineers. Students, guid- encouraging an active, immersive learning process.
ing their own learning, could engage as active learners, Moreover, the strategic use of prompt engineering could
creators, and critical thinkers, promoting autonomy, cul- usher in a new era of equitable education. By enabling per-
tivating curiosity, and fostering a deeper, more personal sonalized learning on a large scale, this innovative approach
connection with the learning content. Instructors, on the has the potential to bridge educational disparities and pro-
other hand, might use prompt engineering to diversify vide individualized support to learners, catering to a wide
and personalize their teaching methods. By guiding and spectrum of needs and abilities.
facilitating students in their prompt creation, they could However, unlocking these potential benefits and turn-
enhance the learning process and elevate their roles from ing them into tangible realities requires relentless research,
mere content deliverers to learning experience designers. experimentation, and refinement of our prompt engineering
Extending these optimistic projections, prompt engi- strategies. As we step into this new frontier, the need for
neering could have profound impacts on all education engagement among all stakeholders - educators, students,
stakeholders. For students, it might offer personalized developers, policymakers - becomes more crucial than ever.


Table 2  Educational stakeholder domains potentially disrupted by LLM AI prompt engineering practices
LLM AI affordances Students Teachers Administrators and policymakers

Personalized learning experiences LLM AI allows students to learn at their own pace Prompt engineering guides LLM AI to provide The integration of LLM AI into educational
and style, and enables meaningful interactions individualized support to students, supplement programs can offer personalized, engaging, and
tailored to their specific needs and preferences. classroom instruction, and facilitate interactive effective learning experiences at scale.
learning activities.
Enhanced learning outcomes Effective prompt engineering can significantly Prompt engineering is a tool that enhances Administrators and policymakers can witness
enhance learning outcomes for students, includ- instruction and student engagement, leading to improved learning outcomes and increased effi-
ing engagement, comprehension, and retention. improved learning outcomes. ciencies due to the use of prompt engineering.
Innovative teaching methods and Prompt engineering transforms students’ role, It allows teachers to diversify and personalize The data generated from interactions with LLM AI
curriculum design making them active learners, creators, and criti- their teaching methods, enabling them to create can inform policy decisions, instructional strate-
cal thinkers. diverse, flexible, and individualized learning gies, and lead to innovative curriculum design.
Role transformation Students are able to guide their own learning, Teachers are elevated from mere content deliverers Administrators and policymakers can support the
fostering autonomy and deeper connection with to learning experience designers, making educa- transformation by providing resources for training
the learning content. tion a more creative and fulfilling profession. and implementation, integrating LLM AI into
educational programs, and establishing policies
promoting equitable and ethical use.
Data-driven insights Students can learn to craft their own prompts, a Teachers are able to use the data produced by Administrators and policymakers can use the data
powerful exercise in metacognition, producing LLM AI for real-time feedback and continuous generated through prompt-engineered interactions
valuable data. improvement in instruction. to inform decisions and drive continuous improve-
ment in educational programs.
TechTrends (2024) 68:47–57
TechTrends (2024) 68:47–57 55

Ongoing dialogue around the ethical application of LLM AI the integral role of critical thinking skills in the success-
in education, the necessity of human oversight, and the strat- ful deployment of LLM AI tools, suggesting that informa-
egies to ensure this powerful technology serves all learners tion literacy, media literacy, and digital citizenship skills
equitably, is integral to the responsible and effective use of are foundational to navigate the complex digital ecosystem
LLM AI in our learning institutions. effectively and responsibly.
Furthermore, incorporating content knowledge, critical Looking forward, the domain of prompt engineering as
thinking, and iterative design as vital components in this a central facet of LLM AI capabilities in education neces-
evolving process is expected to redefine the role of students sitates dedicated research and practice. This involves con-
and instructors alike. With an active part in shaping their ducting empirical studies to validate the benefits of prompt
learning experiences, students can foster critical thinking, engineering across diverse learning contexts, innovating
problem-solving, and creativity skills. Meanwhile, instruc- methodologies to uncover new best practices, and addressing
tors would offer guidance and feedback, deepening their potential biases, inaccuracies, and ethical concerns associ-
understanding of the LLM AI and ensuring the alignment ated with the use of LLM AI in education. Practitioners,
of prompts with learning objectives. including educators, AI developers, and policymakers, are
Taking a systems perspective, education could transform encouraged to investigate, integrate, and evaluate emerging
from a realm of passive knowledge consumption into an principles and best practices for prompt engineering into
active, immersive process of co-creation, marking a sig- the learning process, with a focus on enhancing learner
nificant step in our educational evolution. Embracing these experiences and outcomes. The need for a culture of criti-
shifts, we are embarking on a journey that could reshape cal evaluation and continuous learning via LLM AI is also
our understanding and approach towards education. Through underscored, with the goal of transitioning learners from
LLM AI’s power, we are not just recipients of knowledge, mere consumers to active shapers of AI-enhanced educa-
but active participants in the process of knowledge crea- tional experiences.
tion and dissemination. As we navigate this transformative In harnessing the full potential of LLM AI via effec-
phase, our ability to leverage LLM AI for enriched learning tive prompt engineering skills, practices, and techniques,
experiences will become an integral part of our educational the paper emphasizes the pivotal role of all stakeholders.
framework. Moving forward, the collective goal should be to explore
the myriad uses of LLM AI for students and instructors in
a manner that fosters inclusivity, encourages experimenta-
Conclusion tion, and places both firmly at the heart of emerging learning
processes, thus fostering a pedagogical evolution towards a
As stated at the beginning, this paper’s aim was to explore more engaging and equitable educational future.
the unique properties of prompt engineering to access the
powerful transformative potential capabilities of Large
Language Models (LLM AI) in educational contexts. This Declarations
encompassed an in-depth examination of the role of prompt Research Involving Human Participants and/or Animals This research
engineering in LLM AI, the characteristics of effective did not involve either human participants and/or animals.
prompts, and several essential components such as content
knowledge, critical thinking, and iterative design. Informed Consent This research did not contain any studies involving
animal or human participants. No requirement for consent to publish
The paper also discussed the influence of language on was required.
cognitive processes and societal constructs and traced the
potential trajectory of prompt engineering practices in rela- Conflict of Interest I declare I have no potential conflicts of interest in
tion to LLM AI use as a potent instrument poised to reshape relation to the publication of the manuscript.
the educational landscape. The transformative role of prompt
engineering in sculpting more effective and engaging learn-
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