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Level : 3MS Teacher:

Sequence four: Me and my Lesson: Initial situation


Learning Objective (s): By the end of the lesson, pps will have a general idea about the whole sequence and
get involved in the global problem-solving situation.

Competency (ies) targeted: interact – interpret – produce.

Domain: Oral and written.

Language tools (target structures): lexis related to environment.

Material (s): WB/ pictures.

Cross-curricular Competencies: Core Values:

 Intel Comp: The learner can understand and interpret verbal  Valuing and respecting green
and non and verbal messages. spaces
 Meth Comp: He can work in pairs or in groups.  Being aware and conscious
 Com Comp: He can play roles to communicate appropriately. towards the protection of the
 Personal n Social Comp: He can socialize through oral or environment.
written exchanges.

Time Framework Procedure Focus L.Objectives Materials VAKT

10mns Warm up T greets the pps and establishes a good T/L WB A

atmosphere to start the session.

T writes the word: environment on the

board then interacts with the pps about it. g ideas
about the
The sticks the following pictures on the
20mns board then and starts a short discussion ( to L/T
Step one
lead them to the situation)

- What is the man doing? Where is he?

Is it a good thing?

Now, look at this animal? Pictures AV

- Do you know its name?

10ms - What about pic3 ? And what about
pic4 ?
To present the

Clean environment polluted environment

T goes gradually through interpreting and

Step two explanation to the title of the new V/A/K

T presents the new sequence

Sequence two: Me and my environment


T the presents the initial situation.
Step two


T reads the situation then asks some pps.

T interacts with the pps about the topics

that will be seen in the sequence.
Step three T draws a spider diagram on the board and
fills it with the pps.

T invites the pps to copy down the topic in

their copybooks

The teacher’scomments:

What worked What hindered Action points

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-......................... -......................... -.........................
-......................... -......................... -.........................
Level : 3MS Teacher:

Sequence: 04 Lesson 01: I listen and do. Lesson focus: Language learning /

Learning Objective (s): By the end of the lesson, pps will be able to identify the different National Parks in
Algeria and their importance to preserve the biodiversity.

Competency (ies) targeted : interact – interpret – produce.

Domain: Oral and written.

Language tools (target structures) : lexis related to environment.

Material (s): WB/ textbook/ audio script/ maps.

Cross-curricular Competencies: Core Values:

 Intel Comp: The learner can understand and interpret verbal  Valuing and respecting green
and non and verbal messages. spaces
 Meth Comp: He can work in pairs or in groups.  Valuing the biodiversity in
 Com Comp: He can play roles to communicate appropriately. Algeria.
He can talk about the geographical characteristics of Algeria.  Being aware and conscious
 Personal n Social Comp: He can socialize through oral or towards the protection of the
written exchanges. environment.

Time Framework Procedure Focus L. Objectives Materials VAKT

5mns Warm up T interacts with the pps about the

previous session.
T/L Leading in WB V/A
T sticks on the board the following
picture and asks: L/T

Pre listening

5mns Maps

 What do the pictures represent? To lead in

 Where is it located?
 Can you give me more data about
Algeria? AV
T invites the pps to open their books on T/L To familiarize
p 113 pupils with
T gives the instructions: Now, you’re vocabulary
going to listen to the UNESCO L/T related to the
representative) and you’re going to deal topic.
with these tasks.

Tasks 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 p 113
Task 02 oral: I write True or False:

1. Algeria is a South African country.

2. It’s Africa’s largest country.
3. Algeria contains many parks.
Task 03: :(written): Lexis:(written) To interpret
a- I find in the text words that are messages and
closest in meaning to: collect more
30mns During
listening Large =…………… Protect data
=…………. T/L

b- I find in the text words that are L/T

To collect
opposite in meaning to:
more lexis to
South ≠…… International ≠……
reinforce peer WB-
Task 4: I answer my partner’s questions correction and
about Algeria. L/L
learning WB
My partner: Where is Algeria located?
My partner: What are its main borders?
Me:………………………………… Pps’
My partner: Is it a large country?
My partner: How many national parks
are there in Algeria?? To explore V
Me:………………………………… previous
My partner: Can you name some of knowledge A
Post listening them? and transform
Me:………………………………… T/L K
it into to short
My partner: Have you ever visited one
20mns of them? L/L dialogue
T corrects with the pps then invites them
to copy down the topic in their

The teacher’scomments:

What worked What hindered Action points

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- ........................................... - ............................................. - .........................................
- ........................................... - ............................................. - .........................................

Level : 3MS Teacher:

Sequence: 04 Lesson: 2 Lesson focus: Language learning / Listening

Learning Objective (s): By the end of the lesson, pps will be able to gather information about the National
parks and the endangered species in Algeria.

Competency (ies) targeted : interact – interpret – produce.

Domain: Oral and written.

Language tools (target structures) : lexis related to environment.

Material (s): WB/ script/ pictures.

Cross-curricular Competencies: Core Values:

 Intel Comp: The learner can understand and interpret verbal  Valuing and respecting green
and non-verbal messages. spaces.
 Meth Comp: He can work in pairs or in groups.  Valuing the biodiversity in
 Com Comp: He can communicate appropriately. Algeria.
- He can talk about the national parks and the endangered  Being aware and conscious
species in Algeria. towards the protection of the
 Personal n Social Comp: He can socialize through oral or
written exchanges.

Time Framework Procedure Focus Objectives Aids VAKT

5mns Warm up T makes a brief revision about the previous T/L To activate WB
lesson. schemata
and pave the
T displays a video about Theniet al-had way to the
National Park then asks the pps: Video
new lesson.
 What is the video about?
Pps replay: Thneiet al-had National Park. L/T
 Where is it located? To lead in
 What’s the main reason for establishing
such National Parks?
Pps replay: to preserve/ conserve
biodiversity. To
T sticks pictures of some endangered animals pupils with
and plants and invites the pps to match the new
picture of each animal or plant with its name. vocabulary
related to the

To prepare
10mn Pre- the pps for WB
s listening the listening
T says: Now you’re going to listen and get
more information about the National Parks s in V
Algeria and the endangered animal and plant
species. L/T To interpret
T explains the instructions of task 01 then messages Pictures
invites the pps to listen and do it. and
complete the
Task 01: I listen and complete the table.
During table.

20mn T/L


T invites the pps to give their answers and

corrects with them. A

Task 02: I put a tick in the right box:

To save the endangered species we must:

- Plant native plants, flowers and trees.

- Throw trash in the forests.
- Stop hunting animals. K
- Cut trees.
- Burn forests.
- Pour sewage into rivers, seas and
Task 03: I answer my partner’s questions: To use the
My partner: Can you name three endangered
animals in our country?
Me: ………………………………………… transform
pieces of
My partner: And endangered plants? information
listening into a short Pps’
Me: ………………………………………….
dialogue. copybook
My partner: What we must do to save them? L/L s
s Me: ……………………………………….
T invites the pps to give their answers and
corrects with them.

T invites some pps to perform the dialogues.

The teacher’s comments:

What worked What hindered Action points

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- ........................................... - ............................................... - ...........................................

Level: 3MS Teacher:

Sequence 04 Lesson: 03 Lesson focus: language learning and use

Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pps will be able to express obligation and prohibition using
the modal verbs must and mustn’t when talking about protecting the endangered species.
Targeted Competences: Domain (s): Oral-Written (Both) Materials: WB - PPs’ book
Interact .Interpret .Produce

Target Structures: The modal verbs: must / mustn’t.

Cross Curricular Competencies Core values

 Intellectual comp: He can understand and interpret verbal and  Raising teenagers’ awareness of
non-verbal texts. the global, international
 Methodological comp: He can work in pair or in group work. environment issues.
 Communicative comp: He can use a role-play to communicate
 Personal and Social: He can socialize through oral and written

Time Framework Procedure Focus L.Objectives Materials VAKT

5mns Warm up T makes a general quick view about WB V/A

what have been seen in the previous
lessons. To brainstorm
and elicit key
T asks the pps to give some examples structural
about the endangered species in lexis.
T interacts with the pps about some
15mn ways to save the endangered species.
s To introduce V/A
the target
structure in

T explains for the pps and guide them

to the rule:
Must and mustn’t are modal verbs:
To elicit the
- We use must to express
rule of
obligation /
Affirmative: S+ must + v(stem)
- We use must not (the negative forms.
form of “must”) to express
Negative: S + must + not+ v(stem)
Interrogative: Must + s + v (stem)

T explains the instructions of the task

then invites the pps to work.
Task01: I reorder these words to get Pps’copyb
To focus on
correct sentences; ooks
the form.
1. mustn’t / we / pollute / our
Practice environment
2. electricity/ must / we /?/ save
3. my city / keep / must / I / clean
15mn V/A
s Task 2: I put must or mustn’t:
1. We ……. protect all animal and
plant species.
To complete
2. I ………. throw trash everywhere.
with the right
3. You .............. save water.
modal verb.
4. I .................. pick flowers.
5. We……………. put the rubbish
in the bin.

Pps work individually then do

collective correction on the board.

“In order to raise awareness, your

teacher of English asked you to To use
Use suggest some solutions to protect the obligation and
15mn environment.” prohibition to
s Look at the pictures and use write
obligation, prohibition to write some sentences.

Here are some cues to help you:

Nouns Verbs
trees- litter- - plant- throw -
flowers- forests. pick- put –
Bins hunt - conserve

T invites the pps to give their answers

then copy down on their copybooks.

The teacher’scomments:

What worked What hindered Action points

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-......................... -......................... -.........................

Level : 3MS Teacher:

Sequence: 04 Lesson: 4 Lesson focus: Language learning / Listening

Learning Objective (s): By the end of the lesson, pps will be able to write a short report about an endangered

Competency (ies) targeted : interact – interpret – produce.

Domain: Oral and written.

Language tools (target structures) : lexis related to environment.

Material (s): WB/ audio script/ pictures.

Cross-curricular Competencies: Core Values:

 Intel Comp: The learner can understand and interpret verbal  Valuing and respecting green
and non-verbal messages. spaces.
 Meth Comp: He can work in pairs or in groups.  Being aware and conscious
 Com Comp: He can communicate appropriately. towards the protection of the
 Personal n Social Comp: He can socialize through oral or endangered species.
written exchanges.

Time Framework Procedure Focus Objectives Aids VAKT

5mns Warm up T makes a brief revision about the previous T/L To activate WB
lesson. schemata
and pave the
T sticks the following picture on the board way to the
then asks the pps: Video
new lesson.

To lead in

- What do the pictures represent?
- What we can say about these animals? To prepare
T sets the situation: the pps for
the listening
Now, you’ll listen to a report about the panda
phase. V/K
bear and do the following tasks.
T explains the instructions of task 01 then
10mn invites the pps to listen and do it. Pictures
s Task 01: I listen and complete the table.

Name To interpret
Description features verbal
messages V
Length L/T and
complete the
Habitat To listen for
Diet information.
During Lifespan

Pps work individually

Task 02 : I listen again and answer the

following questions :

1- Is panda an endangered animal?

2- What may cause its extinction?
T invites the pps to give their answers and
corrects with them.
Task 03: I use the information in the card to
write a short report about the Barbary sheep: T/L
Name: Barbary sheep WB
Physical features: sandy brown / it has long
hair on its throat, chest and upper part of its To transform
forelegs. Its horns sweep out back pieces of Pps’
information copybook
Length: 1.5 meters in a card to a s
Weight: 40 to 140 kilograms short
Habitat: The rocky mountains of North Africa

Diet: Herbivore ( grass, flowers, young plants

and tree leaves)
listening Life span: 10 years up to 20 years

Threats: hunting / forest fires / deforestation

( cutting trees)

T invites the pps to give their answers and

20mn corrects with them.
s Suggested report

T invites the pps to copy down on their copy


Name: Fennec

Physical features: a small fox with big ears, a

tiny face and a pointed snout

Length: about 30 to 41 centimeters long

Weight: 0.9 to 1.4 kilograms

Habitat: the deserts of North Africa

Diet: Omnivore (insects, fruits, birds and their


Life span: 10 years up to 14 years

Threats: hunting

The teacher’s comments:

What worked What hindered Action points

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The panda bear

The panda bear or the giant panda is one of the most attractive animals in the world. It is a
black and white bear. It is about 1.2 to 1.9 meters long. It weighs 70 to 120 kg. It lives in
bamboo forests in the mountains of central China.

This mammal feeds on bamboo roots and leaves but it sometimes eats small birds, fish,
and eggs. It lives 20 years up to 30 years.

The panda bear is in danger of extinction because of bamboo forests loss and the illegal

Level: 3MS Teacher:

Sequence : 4 Lesson: 5 Lesson focus: language learning and use

Learning Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, pps will be able to compare two different animals using
comparative adjectives.

Competency (ies) targeted : interact – interpret – produce.

Domain :Oral / Written – Both.

Language tools ( target structures): Comparative adjectives ( regular ( short and long adjs) and irregular adjectives

Material(s): WB / pictures / gestures

Cross-curricular Competencies: Core Values:

 Intellectual comp: Learner can understand, interpret verbal and  Valuing and respecting green spaces
non-verbal texts. and animals
 Methodological comp: He can work in pairs or in groups.  Being aware and conscious
 Communicative comp: He can communicate appropriately towards the protection of the
using the comparison. environment.
 Personal and Social comp: He can socialize through oral and
written messages.

Time Framework Procedure Focus L.Objectives Materials VAKT

Warm up T makes a brief revision about the previous T/L To create a WB V/A
lesson. good
5mns atmosphere
L/T and pave the
T sticks the following pictures on the board way to the
then asks: topic of the
Presentation Pictures

- What do the pictures represent?

15mn - Do they have the same physical
s features?
- Which is smaller Cuvier’s gazelle or
the Barbary sheep?
- Which one is more beautiful?

T writes the following sentences on the


 Cuvier’s gazelle is smaller than the

Barbary sheep.
 Cuvier’s gazelle is more beautiful
To introduce
than the Barbary sheep.
the target
structure in
T invites some pps to read the sentences context.
then asks:

- What did we do now? T/L

- What do we do to compare between L/T V/A
these two animals?

T deduces the rule with the pps.

T says: To compare two animals, persons

or objects, I use comparative adjectives.

To elicit the
Regular Irregular rule about
Short Long (short / long
Adj + er + more + good →
than adj + better
Tall → bad → worse
far → farther
Clean → Beautiful
cleaner than → more
Large →
larger T/L

Big →
bigger L/T
Happy →

T invites the pps to do the following tasks

Task 1 : I classify the following


high – expensive - young – intelligent -

dirty - dangerous – hot – polluted – wide –
strong - possible To
between short
Short adjectives Long adjectives and long

Task 2: I compare:
To compare
1. Giraffe / gazelle / tall s
between two
Practice 2. Crocodile / wolf / aggressive
animals using
3. Cow / sheep / big
4. Monkeys / beavers / intelligent the learnt
5. Elephant / bear / heavy structure.
6. Spring / autumn / good T/L

Task 3: The giraffe vs the gazelle.

I write sentences comparing the giraffe and

20mn Use the gazelle using the following chart. To use the
s leant
Adjectives The giraffe The gazelle L/T structure to
write Pps’copyb
Fast 60 km/h 100kl/h
sentences ooks
Heavy 800 kg 30 kg comparing
Beautiful ++ +++++

Pps read their sentences then copy down

on their copybooks.

The teacher’scomments:

What worked What hindered Action points

-......................... -......................... -.........................
-......................... -......................... -.........................

Level : 3MS Teacher:

Sequence: 04 Lesson: 6 Lesson focus: Language learning / Listening

Learning Objective (s): By the end of the lesson, pps will be able interpret an oral passage about pollution and
its types, causes and effects and suggest some solutions to reduce this environmental problem.

Competency (ies) targeted : interact – interpret – produce.

Domain: Oral and written.

Language tools (target structures) : lexis related to environment.

Material (s): WB/ script/ pictures.

Cross-curricular Competencies: Core Values:

 Intel Comp: The learner can understand and interpret verbal  Valuing and respecting green
and non-verbal messages. spaces.
 Meth Comp: He can work in pairs or in groups.  Being aware and conscious
 Com Comp: He can communicate appropriately. towards the protection of the
 Personal n Social Comp: He can socialize through oral or environment.
written exchanges.

Time Framework Procedure Focus Objectives Aids VAKT

5mns Warm up T interacts with the pps about the following T/L To activate WB
picture. schemata
and pave the
way to the Picture

- What does the picture represent?
- Is it happy?
- Why?
Pre- T interacts with the pps about the types of
listening pollution.

T writes different expressions on the board

then invites the pps to classify them in the
To lead in
table below:

Car smoke – food waste – factory sewage -

plastic bags and bottles – burning trash – ship
oil spill – factory smoke

10mn Land Air pollution Water To prepare WB

s pollution pollution the pps for
the listening
T/L phase.
T sets the situation:
Now, you’ll listen to a passage about pollution
and know more about its types, causes and L/T
T invites the pps to do the following tasks.
Task 01: I listen and answer the questions.

- What is pollution?
- Who cause it?
20mn During Pps work individually. T/L
s listening
Task 02 : I listen again and complete the To interpret
following table: verbal
messages and
Types of pollution Causes Effects collect data.

Land pollution

Air pollution

Water pollution To listen for

T invites the pps to give their answers and specific
corrects with them. T/L information.

Task 03: I suggest some solutions to reduce L/T


Post Suggested answer:

Pollution is a dangerous environmental
problem. To reduce it: T/L

- We must not throw trash everywhere.

20mn - We must put trash in the bins. To explore
s - We must reduce the use of plastic. L/T WBPps’
previous copybook
- We mustn’t use too much chemical
knowledge s
- We must recycle paper, plastic and and
glass. transform it
- We must plant more plants, flowers into short
and trees. passage.
- We must stop polluting water.
- We must use less chemical products.
T invites the pps to copy down on their copy

The teacher’s comments:

What worked What hindered Action points

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Pollution is defined as the contamination of the environment. This dangerous
environmental problem is cause by humans’ irresponsible activities.

The main types of pollution are: land ( soil) pollution air pollution and water pollution.

Land pollution is causes humans and their litter. People throw trash like plastic, glass
bottles and food waste everywhere. This leads to soil pollution and many health problem like
cholera, diarrhea and cancer.

Air pollution is more dangerous than land pollution. The causes of air pollution are; the
cars smoke, the factories’ smoke and the open burning of trash. Air pollution has bad effects on
both the health and the environment. It causes breathing problems and other environmental
problems like the global warming.

Water pollution is caused by throwing garbage in water, the ships oil spill and the
factories’ waste. The effects of this type are the contamination of water and the death of sea
animals like fish and whales.

We must all work together seriously to stop this problem and save our planet earth because
it is dying.

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