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Ms3: Diagnostic Test

Full name;……………….. mark:…………../20

Task01; Reorder the words to get coherent sentences.

1. Father/ My/ slim/is/./ …………………………………………………………………….

2. works/ He/factory /in/a/./ ……………………………………………………………………

3. can’t / Sam/ play/ karate/./ ……………………………………………………………………

4. you/Why/do/tennis/play/?/ ……………………………………………………………………

Task 02; put the verbs between brackets in the present simple tense.

1. I ( to live) in a beautiful house.

2. Amel ( to like) reading short stories.

3. Ahmed (to be) tall and handsome.

4. Nadjib is my brother. He ( to be) 45 years old. He is tall and fat. He ( to like)

teaching maths.

Task 03; Place each word in the table according to the pronunciation of the final “s”.

Bedrooms- days- cats- edges-brushes-sentences.

/s/ /z/ /iz/

Task 04: fill in the gaps with the following words:

Visit – am- can-slim-like.


My name is Emma. I …………. Twelve years old. I am from Spain. I am a middle school pupil . I

am a tall and ………………… girl.i have got a long brown hair with big brown eyes.i often wear

dresses, skirts and sunglasses. I ………………. Speak four languages. I …………………..playing

basketball and tennis but I dislike handball. On weekends, I go to the park with my family or

I …………….my grand parents.

Ministry of education
School : Level :3MS……..
The First Exam of English

Dear Rachael,

Thank you for your letter of December 10th. I am very happy to know that you want to be my

pen friend. Now, I would like to tell you something about myself. I am 15 . I am quite tall and

slim for my age. I have got short curly hair and light brown eyes. I am cheerful. I always tell

funny jokes and I am with my friends. I am also friendly and sociable. I like meeting new

people. I am very helpful and thoughtful of others too. I mean I am not selfish. When people

have problems, I think about them, and i often try to do things to help them. One of the things

I like doing most when I am free is playing tennis. I am also fond of basketball, and I am quiet

keen on playing handball. I am vey bad at swimming ;too. So, I hate going to the seaside or the

swimming pool.

Could you please, tell me something about yourself ?

I look forward to hearing from you again.

Best wishes


Part one, Reading Comprehension (14 pts)

Task01 ;read the text carefully and write if the sentences are ‘true’, « false » or « not
mentioned » (3pts)

1. Farid is thin ;…………………..

2. He is from England ;…………………….
3. He likes swimming ;…………………………

Task 02 : Read the text again and answer the questions (2pts)

1. What kind of person is Farid ?

2. Does he like handball ?

Task 03 ; a)find in the text words that are closest in meaning to ; (1pt)

Outgoing =…………. Dislike =………………………………….

a)find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to ; (1pt)

unfriendly ≠……………….. busy ≠………………………….

Part two ; Mastery of the language (7pts)

Task 01 ; put the adverbs of frequency at their place (2pts)

1. I visit my grand parents at the weekend (always)

2. She reads mangas ( never)

Task 02 ; write the correct form of the verbs between brackets. (4pts)

1. She cab ( to do) many tasks.

2. She is fond of ( to ride ) horses.
3. Emily and Rachael always ( to play) together.
4. They ( to be) never rude.

Task 03 ; Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final « s ».

Classes – sisters- parents- horses (1pt)

/s/ /z/ /iz/

Part three ; situation of integration (6pts)

Emily is the best friend of Rachael ; she wants to describe herself. Help Emma to write a
short paragraph abourt herself , abilities, inabilities, interests and her personality. Make
sure to use the following information ;

Full name : Emily Bedford.

Age :12.

Interests ; mangas – basketball- handball.

Inabilities ; swimming.

Personality features ; active, friendly, outgoing ; smart, organized.

Hello ; i am Emily……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………




Ministry of education
School : Level :3MS……..
The First Exam of English

Hello, I am Rachael Smith. I am a middle school pupil. I live with my parents in

Manchester, England . I don’t have any brother or sister.

At the weekend, I go to the local pool to swim. I love being in the water. I love also

animals, horses are my favorite ones . I always go horse riding in my free time. At school, we

have music classes on Mondays. We learn to play piano and guitar. I can play piano, but I can’t

play the piano, it is difficult.

My best friend is Ann, he is polite , friendly and smart. Ann loves chatting, when I am

with her I let her to do the whole talking. I only listen and smile because I am a calm girl. I

love Ann, we have so much fun together. I wish that we stay friends forever.

Adapted from the net.

Part one, Reading Comprehension (14 pts)

Task01 ;Read the text carefully and write ‘true’, « false » or « not mentioned » (2pts)

1. Rachael is an architect ;…………………..

2. Rachael goes swimming after school ;…………………….
3. She is interested in reading ;…………………………

Task 02 : Fill in the profile from the text. (3pts)

First name ; ……………………………………………………………………

Last name ; …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Age ;………………………………………..

City ;…………………………………………….

Nationality ;………………………………………………….

Personality ;…………………………………………………….

Task 03 ; a)find in the text words that are closest in meaning to ; (1pt)

fond of =…………. quiet =………………………………….

a)find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to ; (1pt)

dislike ≠……………….. unfriendly ≠………………………….

Part two ; Mastery of the language (7pts)

Task 01 ; Supply the punctuation and capitalisation where necessary(2pts)

nourcine is a british student. She lives in london


Task 02 ; Write the correct form of the verbs between brackets. (2pts)

1.My mother always ( to wake) ………….me up early.

2. i can ( to play)……… musical instruments ; but i can’t ( to sing)…………

3. i am not keen on ( to watch) football matches.

Task 03 ; Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final « s ».

Eyes – jokes- watches- helps-friends-wishes (1pt)

/s/ /z/ /iz/

Part three ; situation of integration (6pts)

Imagine your epal Rachael addressed a letter to you. Write a reply of about 8 lines to your

Follow the plan below ;

- Say thank you.

- Give information about your age, your physical appearance, your personality, likes and
- -mention three thi,gs you can do and three things you can’t do.

Dear ………… ;





Mastery of the language ;
Activity 01 :Read the following sentences and correct the mistakes (2pts)

1. I paint always in my free time.

2. I fond of read.

Activity 02 : Fill in the gaps using the following words. (3pts)

Have – can-do- are

When you read, you ……………… knowledge. You ………………. strong.So, you ……………….. be better.

Activity 03 : classify the following words according to the final pronunciation of « es » (2pts)

Minds- Prises – Names- Journalists.

/s/ /z/ /iz/

Part two : situation of integration (6pts)

You have got a pen friend on facebook who asked you to write a short article about « Afaf
Rayad Sherif » the winner of the « Arab Reading Challenge » in the second version 2017. Use
the following information to write it.

Full name : Afaf Cherif.

Age ; 21 years old.

Nationality ; palestinian

Main interests ; Read and learn new things.

Dream ; to become a scholar and study Medicine.

Personality : clever, ambitious and outgoing.

Ministry of education
School : Level :3MS……..
The Second Exam of English

People today, have more leisure time than before. They no longer work very long hours as

grandparents. Since my grandparents were farmers, they had to work in the rice field all day

long even without resting at weekend. In contrast, many people today, including my parents,

simply work from nine to five on weekdays and take weekends off. They therefore, have much

free time than grandparents. So, they can spend more time on leisure activities . they go to

the gym, they go to the movies, or make trips, all these activities have positive effects on the

quality of life.

This of course, the result of technological and scientific development and the extra

leisure time available.These factors will make our lives even much more comfortable in the


Teacher’s personal writing

Part one, Reading Comprehension (14 pts)

Task01 ;Read the text carefully and write ‘true’ or « false » .(3pts)

1. Farming was the most important activity people used to practice;…………………..

2. Today people work less than in the past ;…………………….
3. In the past,people had various leisure activities ;…………………………

Task 02 : Read the text and answer the questions (2pts)

1. Can people spend more time leisure activities ?

2. Where did writer’s grandparents use to work ?

Task 03 ; a)find in the text words that are closest in meaning to ; (1pt)

Cinema =…………. Relaxing =………………………………….

a)find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to ; (1pt)

short ≠……………….. with ≠………………………….

Part two ; Mastery of the language (7pts)

Task 01 ; order the words to get coherent sentences (2pts)

1/ grandmother/lived/small/a/./ my/in /housefarm/

2/ classical/ my/likes/John/music/friend/./

Task 02 ; Choose the correct form of the verbs between brackets. (2pts)

1.I am ( interested/interesting) in reading mangas.

2. My father( work/works) in an office.

3. In the past, people ( travel/travelled) on foot.

Task 03 ; Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final « s ».

hates- watches-plays-returns (1pt)

/s/ /z/ /iz/

Part three ; situation of integration (6pts)

- I answer my partner questions about childhood memories.

My partner ; in which primary school did you use to study ?

Me ;……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

My partner ; Did you use to study Spanish there ?

Me ;…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

My partner ; Who used to be your teacher of french ?

Me ;……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

My partner ;What games did you use to play when you were a child ?

Me ;……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

My partner ; Who used to be your best friend in primary school ?

Me ; …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Good luck

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