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J Food Sci Technol


Effect of enzyme pretreatment on dehulling, cooking time

and protein content of pigeon pea (variety BDN2)
M. N. Dabhi1 • V. P. Sangani1 • P. J. Rathod1

Revised: 6 July 2019 / Accepted: 9 July 2019

Ó Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India) 2019

Abstract This study was carried out to investigate the Introduction

effect of enzymatic pretreatment at different enzyme con-
centration, incubation time, incubation temperature and Pigeon pea is generally dehulled to improve their cooking
tempering water pH on the hulling efficiency, cooking and nutritional qualities. Dehulling of pigeon pea also helps
quality and protein content of pigeon pea (variety BDN2). to remove antinutritional compounds such as polyphenols
Response surface methodology based on a four-factor, five- located in the seed coat. Pre-dehulling treatment for loos-
level, central composite design was employed to study the ening the husk from the cotyledons is one of the important
effect of the independent variables and optimize processing steps in dehulling of pigeon pea. The pigeon pea is usually
conditions. A quadratic model satisfactorily described the pre-treated to loosen the hulls before it can be separated
hulling efficiency, cooking time and protein content with using mechanical means. Kernel preconditioning is gen-
high value for the coefficient of determination R2 (0.95, erally designed to toughen the hull and loosen the gummy
0.92 and 0.97 respectively). It predicted a maximum hul- bond between the hull and the cotyledon and to harden the
ling efficiency of 84.35%, minimum cooking time cotyledon to reduce damage. Loosening the hulls during
13.06 min and maximum protein content 22.60% at dehulling is traditionally achieved either by wet or dry
enzyme concentration, and 31.34 mg/100 g dry matter, methods (Kurien 1981). Pre-treatments may heat treatment
incubation time, 8.72 h, incubation temperature, 43.47 °C only or soaking in water, chemical solutions, tempering
and tempering water, pH 5.99. Results were also compared followed by hot dehulling (Phirke and Bhole 2000; Phirke
with hulling efficiency, cooking time and protein content et al. 1992; Ramkrishnaiah and Kurien 1983; Srivastva
obtained with traditional oil pretreated method 78.30%, et al. 1988). The limitations of these treatments were either
14.30 min and 18.53% respectively. It revealed that hulling a shape deformation or poor cooking quality of dehulled
efficiency and protein content of enzyme pretreated pigeon splits. These treatments are also labour-intensive and time-
pea could be increased 2.44% and 6.77% respectively, consuming.
whereas cooking time could be reduced 1.50 min com- It was also reported that due to the presence of calac-
pared to the oil pretreated method. tomonus disaccharide, glucoronai acid and glycol protein
bonds husk with cotyledons (Kurien and Parpia 1968).
Keywords Enzyme  Pigeon pea  Hulling efficiency  Even arabinogalactan type polysaccharide was found
Cooking time  Protein content responsible, which is gummy and hygroscopic in nature for
binding husk with cotyledons (Swamy et al. 1991). This
binding of husk and cotyledons makes the dehulling of
pigeonpea a difficult process. Therefore, it is important to
& M. N. Dabhi dissolve the gum layer from between husk and cotyledon with pretreatment to result in higher dhal recovery (Saxena
1 1999).
Processing and Food Engineering Department, College of
Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Junagadh It was reported that pigeon pea is hard-to dehull because
Agricultural University, Junagadh, India of the presence of mucilage and gum forming a strong bond

J Food Sci Technol

between the hulls and cotyledons. The chemical nature of pectin to pectic acid, respectively. Thus, the xylanase,
the mucilage and gums present in the interface between the cellulase and pectinase are the key enzymes which rupture
husk and cotyledons play an important role in the dehulling the binding materials leading to increase the dehulling
of pigeon pea grains (Ramkrishnaiah and Kurien 1983). efficiency. The xylanase (12.5 l/mg) was procured from
These mucilages and gums of pigeon pea seeds are network Advanced Enzyme Technologies Ltd., Thane (Maharash-
of cellulosic microfibrils embedded in a matrix of non- tra) while cellulase (C 10 l/mg) and pectinase were
starch polysaccharides (NSP) and proteins (Cosgrove obtained from HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
1997). Partial hydrolysis of these NSP and/or proteins by (Maharashtra).
enzymatic pretreatment results in easy dehulling of
legumes (Arora et al. 2007; Verma et al. 1993). It was Standardization of ratio of enzymes
reported that, xylanase mediated degradation of cell wall
polysaccharides of horse gram resulted in expansion of the Preliminary trials were undertaken to arrive at standard
grain with improved nutritional and functional properties proportions of enzymes, i.e., xylanase: pectinase: cellulase
upon thermal treatment (Sreerama et al. 2008). Further, for maximizing the husk removal. Initially, the proportion
improvement in the physical and expansion properties of was selected arbitrarily. The effect of selected enzyme
pigeon pea and horse gram was also achieved by protease combination on husk removal of pigeon pea grain was
or sodium bicarbonate pre-treatments (Sreerama et al. evaluated keeping the enzyme concentration, incubation
2009a). time, incubation temperature and tempering water pH
Keeping in view of above most favoured variety of constant based on the technical specifications of the prod-
pigeon pea i.e. BDN2 was selected for the study with an ucts provided by manufacturer.
objective to standardize the enzymatic pre-treatments to Following equations were used to calculate husk
increase the dhal recovery and protein content as well as to removal and hulling efficiency (Shanta et al. 1978).
reduce the cooking time. Husk Removed during dehusking
Husk removed ðHRÞ; % ¼
Total husk content
Materials and methods ð1Þ

Selection of variety Coefficient of hulling ðChÞ

Weight of unhulled grain after milling ð2Þ
Amongst different varieties of pigeon pea being cultivated Weight of unhulled grain used for milling
in Gujarat, the BDN2 variety was purchased from Juna-
gadh Agricultural University. Care was taken to purchase Coefficient of wholeness of kernel ðCwkÞ ¼
Wf þ Wb þ Wp
all the seeds from a single batch. The seeds were then taken
to the laboratory in jute bags. ð3Þ
where Wf, weight of finished product; Wb, weight of bro-
Dehusking machine kens; Wp, weight of powder

The laboratory scale dehusking machine based on CIAE Hulling efficiency ¼ Ch  Cwk  100 ð4Þ
dhal mill design and fabricated at Department (Salve et al.
2008) with overall dimensions of 600 mm 9 620 mm 9 Enzymatic pre-treatment
935 mm, capacity of 85 kg/h and power unit of 1 hp
electric motor was used for all the milling studies. The The enzyme solution was prepared at the standardized
optimum operating speed and feed rate of the dehusking proportion of all three selected enzymes. In this enzymatic
machine were 1420 rpm and 64 kg/h, respectively. pre-treatment, the degumming might be due to the action of
different enzymes used for pre-treatment, i.e., xylanase,
Selection of enzymes pectinase and cellulase.

The selection of enzymes was made on the basis of the Dry milling method followed as control
chemical composition and binding substances present
between husk and cotyledon of pigeon pea grain. The Generally, the dry milling method is followed throughout
xylanase enzyme is widely used as bio-bleaching agent for the Indian subcontinent for milling of pigeon pea. Hence,
lignin isolation (Saxena and Srivastava 1998). Cellulase for the comparison of enzymatic pre-treatment, the dry
and pectinase break down cellulose to beta-glucose and

J Food Sci Technol

milling method was taken as control. The cleaned and size as X1, X2, X3 and X4 respectively. The levels of parameter
graded grains were pitted through dehusking roller values were carefully chosen based on the literature
machine. Then, mustard oil was used for oil treatment @ available on the enzymatic hydrolysis of pigeon pea grain.
0.5 kg oil per 100 kg pigeon pea grains (Saxena and Sri- Response variable, i.e., hulling efficney, cooking time and
vastava, 1998). For 2 kg pigeon pea grains 10 g mustard oil protein content were determined for optimization of the
was mixed and kept in a glass bottle (5 L) for 36 h for process. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used
diffusion of oil. After 36 h, the distilled water was sprayed for designing the experiments. A Central Composite
@ 100 g/2 kg grain, on the grains and heaped for 12 h. Rotatable Design (CCRD) of 4 variables at 5 levels each
Subsequently, after tempering, the grains were dried in tray with 6 centre point combinations was used (Khuri and
dryer (Khera Instruments Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi) at 60 °C up Cornell 1987). Altogether, 30 combinations (including 6
to a moisture content of 10% ± 0.5% (w.b.). This sequence replications at the centre point and single observation at
of operation was repeated three to four times. other points) were chosen to accord to a central composite
rotatable design.
Milling of sample For data analysis and optimization, the CCRD design
was used to conduct experiments and the Response Surface
Enzyme and oil treated samples of 1 kg weight having Methodology (RSM) was applied to the experimental data
about 10% ± 0.5% moisture content (w.b.) were milled using a commercial statistical package, Design Expert-
using laboratory scale dehusking machine. After milling, version (State-Ease Inc 2009). Analysis of variance
all obtained fractions were collected in polyethylene bag. (ANOVA) was calculated for fitting the model represented
Each of the samples was milled separately and care was by Eq. (5) to examine the statistical significance of the
taken to obtain all the fractions without any loss, using a model terms. Model analysis with respect to lack-of fit test
cleaning brush. and R2 (co-efficient of determination) was done for deter-
mining adequacy of model. The coefficient of variance
Dehulled sample separation (CV) was calculated to find the relative dispersion of the
experimental points from the prediction of the model.
The different fractions of the milled product such as whole Response surfaces were generated and by using the same
dehulled grains, split dehulled grains, partly dehulled and software, numerical optimization was done. The most
unhulled grains, broken, husk and powder were separated commonly used model for optimization using response
by suitable sieves (BS sieves no. 4, 6, 18). A grain was surface methodology is a second order polynomial equa-
considered completely dehulled when there was no husk tion (Bas and Boyaci 2007). The model is of the form:
adhering to it. X
3 X
3 X
Yk ¼ bk0 þ bki Xi þ bkij Xi Xj þ bkii Xi2
Cooking time i¼1 i6¼j¼1 i¼1
þ eðk ¼ 0; 1; 2; 3. . .Þ ð5Þ
Pigeon pea dhal samples obtained through various enzymatic
where Yk is the response; bk0, bki, bkij, bkii and e are the
treatments were cooked in a stainless steel pan having a ratio
constant, linear, and quadratic cross-product regression
of dhal: distilled water as 1:10. For determination of cooking
coefficients, random error respectively and Xis are the
time, distilled water was heated to boiling point in a 150 mL
coded independent variables.
beaker and then 15 g dhal was added. During boiling, the
level of water was maintained by regular addition of boiled
Validity test
water. Boiling was continued and samples were drawn at
1 min interval to check the cooking time by pressing
The optimum conditions obtained through statistical anal-
between the thumb and the forefinger till no hard core is left
ysis was verified by conducting the experiment in tripli-
as described by Singh et al. (1984). Full cooking time was
cates. The average value of hulling efficiency, cooking
recorded as the time when 90% of the dhal became soft
time and protein content was considered for the validation.
enough to masticate (Williams et al. 1983).

Experimental design
Results and discussion
The effects of four independent variables’ viz., enzyme
The observation of different enzyme pretreatment for all
concentration, incubation time, incubation temperature and
thirty experiments were recorded. The best combination of
tempering water pH value on hulling efficiency, cooking
enzyme concentration, incubation temperature, incubation
time and protein content were studied with variables coded

J Food Sci Technol

time and pH was selected with respect to hulling efficiency, and statistical significance of linear, quadratic and inter-
cooking time and protein content. The data obtained were action effects were calculated for each response.
tabulated in Table 1. It was observed that hulling effi- The regression analysis and ANOVA results for differ-
ciency, cooking time and protein content were influenced ent dependent parameters of pigeon pea dhal are presented
significantly by enzyme concentration, incubation temper- in Table 2.
ature, incubation time and tempering water pH.
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted on Effect of enzymatic pre-treatment on hulling
experimental data and the significance of enzyme con- efficiency
centration, incubation temperature, incubation period and
tempering water pH as well as their interactions on hulling Results showed that among linear effects of incubation
efficiency, cooing time and protein content were calcu- temperature had significant effect on hulling efficiency
lated. The quadratic model was fitted to experimental data (p \ 0.001) (Table 2). This finding was confirmed by San-
gani et al. (2014a) and Murumkar et al. (2016). Linear effects

Table 1 Effect of enzymatic treatment variables on hulling efficiency, cooking time and protein content
Treat Enzymatic treatment variables Responses
Enzyme concentration (mg/ Incubation Incubation Tempering Hulling Cooking time Protein
100 g dry sample) time (h) temperature (°C) water pH efficiency (%) (min) content (%)

Control 78.30 14.30 18.53

1 42.5 10 50 5.5 80.13 13.36 21.40
2 27.5 10 50 5.5 82.93 13.84 22.04
3 42.5 6 50 5.5 82.29 14.33 22.51
4 27.5 6 50 5.5 82.59 14.82 22.74
5 42.5 10 40 5.5 81.57 12.85 21.34
6 27.5 10 40 5.5 84.02 13.87 21.91
7 42.5 6 40 5.5 83.72 13.81 21.68
8 27.5 6 40 5.5 85.65 13.83 22.63
9 42.5 10 50 4.5 75.87 13.89 19.97
10 27.5 10 50 4.5 78.61 14.86 21.74
11 42.5 6 50 4.5 77.17 14.36 21.45
12 27.5 6 50 4.5 79.33 14.86 21.88
13 42.5 10 40 4.5 79.85 14.36 21.14
14 27.5 10 40 4.5 80.45 15.36 21.56
15 42.5 6 40 4.5 80.80 14.86 21.63
16 27.5 6 40 4.5 81.15 14.39 22.68
17 50.0 8 45 5.0 74.90 13.86 19.43
18 20.0 8 45 5.0 78.15 14.86 21.98
19 35.0 12 45 5.0 79.95 13.37 21.00
20 35.0 4 45 5.0 81.10 15.86 22.44
21 35.0 8 55 5.0 75.40 14.82 21.36
22 35.0 8 35 5.0 78.05 14.33 22.56
23 35.0 8 45 6.0 79.82 13.81 22.06
24 35.0 8 45 4.0 77.35 13.80 22.24
25 35.0 8 45 5.0 83.31 13.35 22.35
26 35.0 8 45 5.0 84.09 12.86 22.39
27 35.0 8 45 5.0 82.17 13.30 22.31
28 35.0 8 45 5.0 84.35 13.35 22.53
29 35.0 8 45 5.0 81.60 13.80 22.56
30 35.0 8 45 5.0 82.15 13.36 21.83

J Food Sci Technol

Table 2 Analysis of variance

Source Hulling efficiency (%) Cooking time (min) Protein content (%)
table and regression coefficients
for response surface quadratic b0 (intercept) 83.26*** 13.32*** 22.44***
model of different dependent
parameters of pigeon pea dhal b1 (X1) - 0.61** - 0.24*** - 0.50***
b2 (X2) - 0.51** - 0.29*** - 0.36***
b3 (X3) - 1.00*** 0.11 - 0.16**
b4 (X4) 1.67*** - 0.27*** 0.20***
b12 (X1X2) - 0.27 - 0.16** - 0.023
b13 (X1X3) - 0.30 - 0.057 - 0.025
b14 (X1X4) 0.030 - 3.750E - 003 0.056
b23 (X2X3) 0.069 - 0.12 - 0.076
b24 (X2X4) - 0.090 - 0.18* 0.020
b34 (X3X4) 0.40 0.16 0.20**
b11 (X21) - 0.51* 0.25*** - 0.39***
b22 (X22) - 0.43* 0.24*** - 0.19***
b33 (X23) - 1.30*** 0.31*** - 0.091*
b44 (X24) - 0.51** 0.096 - 0.030
R2 0.9471 0.9155 0.9652
Adj-R2 0.8977 0.8366 0.9327
Pred-R2 0.7153 0.5568 0.8927
Adeq. precision 15.705 10.293 21.148
F-value 19.17 11.60 29.70
Lack of fit NS NS NS
C.V. (%) 0.96 1.92 0.91
X1, enzyme concentration; X2, incubation time; X3, incubation temperature; X4, pH
***Significant at p \ 0.001; **significant at p \ 0.01; *significant at p \ 0.05

of tempering water pH had also significant effect on hulling incubation period 8 h and tempering water pH 5.00 while,
efficiency (p \ 0.001). Sangani et al. (2014a) also reported maximum hulling efficiency was found in the treatment
significant (p \ 0.05) effects of pH on hulling efficiency. number 8 having the combination of enzyme concentration
However, linear effects of enzyme concentration was found 27.5 mg/100 g, incubation temperature 40 °C, incubation
significant effect on hulling efficiency (p \ 0.01) (Mu- period 6 h and pH 5.50. This showed that enzyme con-
rumkar et al. 2016; Sreerama et al. 2009b; Chandini et al. centration, incubation time, incubation temperature and pH
2016) but Sangani et al. (2014a) reported the non-significant played prominent role on hulling efficiency.
effect of enzyme concentration on hulling efficiency. Linear R2 and CV percent value for hulling efficiency was 0.95
effects of incubation time were found significant effect on and 0.96% respectively. The response surface equation of
hulling efficiency (p \ 0.01) (Sangani et al. 2014a; Mur- second order was obtained in terms of coded factors to
umkar et al. 2016). Opoku et al. (2003) reported tempering is predict the variation in hulling efficiency due to enzyme
necessary for achieving better dehulling results after soaking pretreatment on pigeon pea processing with varying levels
and drying or steaming and drying. Interaction effect were of processing parameters under,
found to be non-significant (Sangani et al. 2014a). Quadratic Hulling efficiency ð%Þ ¼ 83:26  0:61X1  0:51X2
effect of enzyme concentration and incubation time had  1:00X3 þ 1:67X4  0:27X1 X2
significant effect on hulling efficiency (p \ 0.05) while that  0:30X1 X3 þ 0:03X1 X4
of incubation temperature had extremely significant effect þ 0:069X2 X3  0:09X2 X4
on hulling efficiency (p \ 0.001) and tempering water pH þ 0:40X3 X4  0:51X12  0:43X22
had highly significant effect on hulling efficiency (p \ 0.01)  1:30X32  0:51X42
(Table 2).
The hulling efficiency varied from 74.90 to 85.65%. ð6Þ
(Table 1). The minimum hulling efficiency was found in where X1, X2, X3 and X4 are the coded factors of enzyme
treatment number 17 having the combination of enzyme concentration, incubation time, incubation temperature and
concentration 50 mg/100 g, incubation temperature 45 °C, pH, respectively.

J Food Sci Technol

Three dimensional response surface plot for hulling Effect of enzyme pretreatment parameters
efficiency of enzyme pretreated samples were generated on cooking time
with center point of two parameters central and another two
parameters as variables. The response surface quadratic model implied the signifi-
Figure 1 shows that at central value of incubation tem- cant effect of selected enzymatic pre-treatments on cooking
perature and tempering water pH. Hulling efficiency was time of pigeon pea dhal. It was observed that among linear
increased (up to 83.53%) with an increase of enzyme effects of enzyme concentration, incubation time and
concentration up to 31.39 mg/100 g sample and incubation tempering water pH had significant effect on cooking time
time up to 7.11 h, respectively (Fig. 1a). However, with (p \ 0.001). However, linear effects of incubation tem-
further increase in enzyme concentration and incubation perature was found non-significant effect on cooking time
time, the hulling efficiency was decreased. Similarly, at (Table 2). Sangani et al. (2014b) confirmed the significant
central value of incubation time and tempering water pH effect (p \ 0.05) of enzyme concentration and tempering
that there was an increase in hulling efficiency (up to water pH, and they observed highly significant effect
83.58%) with an increase in enzyme concentration up to (p \ 0.01) of incubation time. Interaction effect of enzyme
31.26 mg/100 g sample and incubation temperature up to concentration and incubation time was found significant on
43.36 °C (Fig. 1b). For central value of incubation period cooking time (p \ 0.01) and interaction of incubation time
and incubation temperature there was an increase in hulling and tempering water pH was found significant on cooking
efficiency (up to 84.79%) with an increase in enzyme time (p \ 0.05). Other interactions were found to be non-
concentration up to 30.95 mg/100 g sample and tempering significant effect on cooking time (Table 2). Sangani et al.
water pH up to 5.82 (Fig. 1c). Similarly, at central value of (2014b) observed non-significant effect of all the interac-
enzyme concentration and tempering water pH there was tion on cooking time. Quadratic effect of enzyme con-
an increase in hulling efficiency (up to 83.62%) with an centration, incubation temperature and incubation time had
increase in incubation time up to 6.71 h and incubation significant effect on cooking time (p \ 0.001) (Table 2).
temperature up to 43.05 °C (Fig. 1d). At central value of Sangani et al. (2014b) also observed the significant effect
enzyme concentration and incubation temperature there (p \ 0.05) of enzyme concentration and significant effect
was an increase in hulling efficiency (84.88%) with an (p \ 0.01) of incubation time and incubation temperature.
increase in incubation time up to 6.44 h and tempering However, quadratic effect of tempering water pH had non-
water pH up to 5.86 (Fig. 1e). For central value of enzyme significant effect on cooking time (Table 2). Tiwari et al.
concentration and incubation period there was an increase (2008) also reported significant effect (p \ 0.05) of con-
in hulling efficiency (84.65%) with an increase in incuba- ditioning on cooking time. Bhokre and Joshi (2015) also
tion temperature up to 44.26 °C and tempering water pH up reported that soaking of cowpea reduces the cooking time.
to 5.79 (Fig. 1f). Coskuner and Karababa (2003) also supported the results
This may indicate the existence of optimum levels of for chickpea. Murumkar et al. (2016) also reported the
hydrolysis parameters within the selected range. Higher reduction of cooking time by enzymatic pretreatment to
than optimum enzyme concentration reduces the enzymatic pigeon pea. No significant change in the cooking times of
activity due to saturation of active sites of enzymes with dehulled splits was observed for control and enzyme (xy-
substrate leading to lower hulling efficiency. Prolonged lanase and protease) pre-treated legumes (Sreerama et al.
exposure of grain to enzymes may have decreased the 2009b).
hulling efficiency because of hardening effect due to The cooking time varied from 12.86 to 15.86 min.
combined effect of temperature and moisture (Sangani (Table 1). The minimum cooking time was found in
et al. 2014a; Murumkar et al. 2016). The reduction in treatment number 26 having the combination of enzyme
enzymatic activity at above optimum incubation tempera- concentration 35%, incubation temperature 45 °C, incu-
ture was due to denaturing of enzyme, resulting in the bation period 8 h and tempering water pH 5.00 while,
reduction in hulling efficiency. It also confirmed the facts maximum cooking time was found in the treatment number
that maximum enzymatic reaction occurred at optimum 20 having the combination of enzyme concentration 35%,
enzyme concentration and temperature levels. It could be incubation temperature 45 °C, incubation period 4 h and
observed that with increase in tempering water pH, the tempering water pH 5.00. This showed that incubation time
hulling efficiency increased at a particular enzyme con- played prominent role on cooking time.
centration. The reduction in enzyme activity at above R2 and CV percent value for cooking time was 0.92 and
optimum tempering water pH was due to denaturing of 1.92% respectively. The response surface equation of
enzymes, resulting in a decrease in the hulling efficiency. second order was obtained in terms of coded factors to
predict the variation in cooking time due to enzyme

J Food Sci Technol

Design-Expert® Software
Design-Expert® Software
Hulling efficiency (%)
Hulling efficiency (%)
75.4 84.35
X1 = A: Enzyme concentration 75.4
X2 = B: Incubation time

Actual Factors X1 = A: Enzyme concentration

C: Incubation temp. = 45.00 84
X2 = C: Incubation temp.

H ulling efficiency ( %)
D: pH = 5.00
Hulling efficiency (%)
Actual Factors 80.75
81.725 B: Incubation time = 8.00
D: pH = 5.00 77.5

77.975 74.25

12.00 50.00

20.00 55.00
10.00 42.50

27.50 50.00
8.00 35.00
35.00 45.00
6.00 27.50
B: Incubation time A: Enzyme concentration
42.50 40.00
A: Enzyme concentration C: Incubation temp.
4.00 20.00
50.00 35.00

(a) Effect of enzyme concentration and (b) Effect of enzyme concentration and
incubation time. incubation temperature

Design-Expert® Software
Design-Expert® Software
Hulling efficiency (%)
Hulling efficiency (%)
84.35 75.4

75.4 X1 = B: Incubation time

X2 = C: Incubation temp.

X1 = A: Enzyme concentration Actual Factors

85 A: Enzyme concentration = 35.00
X2 = D: pH
D: pH = 5.00
H ulling efficiency ( %)

Hulling efficiency (%)

Actual Factors 82.25
B: Incubation time = 8.00 81.25

C: Incubation temp. = 45.00 79.5 78.5

76.75 75.75

55.00 12.00

20.00 6.00
50.00 10.00

27.50 5.50
45.00 8.00
35.00 5.00
40.00 6.00
42.50 4.50 C: Incubation temp. B: Incubation time
A: Enzyme concentration D: pH
35.00 4.00
50.00 4.00

(d) Effect of incubation time and incubation

(c) Effect of enzyme concentration and
tempering water pH

Design-Expert® Software Design-Expert® Software

Hulling efficiency (%) Hulling efficiency (%)

84.35 84.35

75.4 75.4

X1 = B: Incubation time X1 = C: Incubation temp.

84.9 85
H ulling efficiency ( %)

H ulling efficiency ( %)

X2 = D: pH X2 = D: pH

Actual Factors 82.525 Actual Factors 81

A: Enzyme concentration = 35.00 A: Enzyme concentration = 35.00
C: Incubation temp. = 45.00 80.15 B: Incubation time = 8.00 77

77.775 73

75.4 69

4.00 35.00

6.00 6.00
6.00 40.00
5.50 5.50
8.00 45.00
5.00 5.00

B: Incubation time 10.00

4.50 C: Incubation temp. 50.00 4.50
D: pH D: pH
12.00 4.00 55.00 4.00

(e) Effect of incubation time and (f) Effect of incubation temperature and
tempering water pH tempering water pH

Fig. 1 Response surface and contour plots for hulling efficiency of pigeon pea as a function of enzyme concentration, incubation time,
incubation temperature and tempering water pH. For each plot, the two parameter are at central point

J Food Sci Technol

pretreatment on pigeon pea processing with varying levels to be increased with further increase in incubation tem-
of processing parameters under, perature and tempering water pH.
Cooking time ðminÞ ¼ 13:32  0:24X1  0:29X2 þ 0:11X3
 0:27X4  0:16X1 X2 Effect of enzyme pretreatment parameters
  on protein content
 0:057X1 X3  3:750E003 X1 X4
 0:12X2 X3  0:18X2 X4
During dehulling, outer layers of cotyledons are scarified
þ 0:16X3 X4 þ 0:25X12 þ 0:24X22
resulting in 12% yield loss as powder fraction (Singh and
þ 0:31X32 þ 0:096X42
Jambunathan 1990). The outer portion of cotyledons is a
ð7Þ rich source of protein, sugar, fiber, and ash but poor in
where X1, X2, X3 and X4 are the coded factors of enzyme starch. It was observed that linear effects of enzyme con-
concentration, incubation time, incubation temperature and centration, incubation time and tempering water pH had
tempering water pH, respectively. significant effect on protein content (p \ 0.001) at 0.1%
Three dimensional response surface plot for cooking level of significance. However, linear effects of incubation
time of enzyme pretreated samples were generated with temperature had significant effect on protein content
center point of two parameters central and another two (p \ 0.01) at 1% level of significance (Table 2). Chandini
parameters as variables. et al., 2016 also reported the effect of higher soaking time
Figure 2 shows that at central value of incubation tem- in reduction of crude protein in pigeon pea. This may be
perature and tempering water pH. Cooking time was due to the hydrophilic property its crude protein exhibits
decreased (up to 13.10 min) with an increase of enzyme which could have leached out while soaking in water.
concentration up to 40.58 mg/100 g sample and incubation Murumkar et al., 2016 reported increase of 2.96% protein
time up to 9.63 min, respectively (Fig. 2a). However, with content due to enzyme pretreatment to pigeon pea. Inter-
further increase in enzyme concentration and incubation action effect of incubation temperature and tempering
time, the cooking time was increased. Similarly, at central water pH was found significant on protein content
value of incubation time and tempering water pH there was (p \ 0.01) at 1% level. Other interactions were found to be
a decrease in cooking time (up to 13.25 min) with an non-significant effect on protein content. Quadratic effect
increase in enzyme concentration up to 38.52 mg/100 g of enzyme concentration and incubation time had signifi-
sample and incubation temperature up to 44.36 °C cant effect on protein content (p \ 0.001) at 0.1% level of
(Fig. 2b). The cooking time was found to be increased with significance whereas quadratic effect of incubation tem-
further increase in enzyme concentration and temperature. perature had significant effect on protein content
For central value of incubation time and incubation tem- (p \ 0.05) at 5% level of significance. However, quadratic
perature cooking time decreased (up to 13.06 min) with an effect of tempering water pH had non-significant effect on
increase in enzyme concentration up to 38.67 mg/100 g protein content (Table 2). Tiwari et al. (2008) also reported
sample and tempering water pH up to 5.70 (Fig. 2c). The pretreatment increases the protein content. The pectinase
cooking time was found to be increased with further preparation (Pectinex) containing high polygalacturonase
increase in enzyme concentration and tempering water pH. activity and a b-glucanase side activity was the most
Whereas for central value of enzyme concentration and effective preparation in terms of carbohydrate hydrolysis
tempering water pH there was decrease in cooking time (up and protein release. Enzymatic carbohydrate hydrolysis
to 9.17 min) with an increase in incubation time up to correlated with increased protein extractability during
9.17 h and incubation temperature up to 44.65 °C water extraction or saline extraction at tempering water pH
(Fig. 2d). The cooking time was found to be increased with 6 (Rommi et al. 2014). Das et al. (2008) reported cellulase
further increase in incubation time and incubation tem- mediated treatment resulted in increase in antioxidant
perature. For central value of enzyme concentration and activity, reducing power, free amino acids, proteins, crude
incubation temperature cooking time decreases (up to fiber, ash, oil, and phenolic content in the order of brown
12.73 min) with an increase in incubation time up to rice [ enzyme treated rice [ milled rice.
10.64 h and tempering water pH up to 6.0 (Fig. 2e). The The protein content varied from 19.43 to 22.74 min.
cooking time was found to be increased with further (Table 1). The minimum protein content was found in
incubation time and tempering water pH. Similarly, at treatment number 17 having the combination of enzyme
central value of enzyme concentration and incubation time concentration 50%, incubation temperature 45 °C, incu-
cooking time decreases (up to 13.00 min) with an increase bation period 8 h and tempering water pH 5.00 while,
in incubation temperature up to 41.52 °C and tempering maximum protein content was found in the treatment
water pH up to 5.98 (Fig. 2f). The cooking time was found number 4 having the combination of enzyme concentration
27.5%, incubation temperature 50 °C, incubation period

J Food Sci Technol

Design-Expert® Software Design-Expert® Software

Cooking time (min) Cooking time (min)

15.26 15.26

12.85 12.85

X1 = A: Enzyme concentration 16.1 X1 = A: Enzyme concentration

X2 = B: Incubation time X2 = C: Incubation temp.

Cooking time (min)

Cooking time (min)

15.35 16.5
Actual Factors Actual Factors
C: Incubation temp. = 45.00 B: Incubation time = 8.00 15.675
D: pH = 5.00 14.6 D: pH = 5.00 14.85

12.00 40.00
10.00 35.00
A: Enzyme concentration 42.50 A: Enzyme concentration 50.00
B: Incubation time C: Incubation temp.
20.00 55.00
50.00 4.00

(a) Effect of enzyme concentration and (b) Effect of enzyme concentration and
incubation time. incubation temperature.

Design-Expert® Software Design-Expert® Software

Cooking time (min) Cooking time (min)

15.26 15.26

12.85 12.85

X1 = A: Enzyme concentration X1 = B: Incubation time

X2 = D: pH X2 = C: Incubation temp. 16.8

Cooking time (min)

Actual Factors Actual Factors
Cooking time (min)

B: Incubation time = 8.00 15.8 A: Enzyme concentration = 35.00

C: Incubation temp. = 45.00 D: pH = 5.00
13 13.2

50.00 4.50 35.00

42.50 40.00
5.00 10.00
35.00 45.00
5.50 D: pH
27.50 50.00
B: Incubation time 6.00
C: Incubation temp.
A: Enzyme concentration 20.00 6.00 4.00 55.00

(c) Effect of enzyme concentration and (d) Effect of incubation time and
tempering water pH incubation temperature
Design-Expert® Software Design-Expert® Software

Cooking time (min) Cooking time (min)

15.26 15.26

12.85 12.85
15.5 16
Cooking time (min)

X1 = B: Incubation time X1 = C: Incubation temp.

Cooking time (min)

X2 = D: pH X2 = D: pH
Actual Factors Actual Factors
A: Enzyme concentration = 35.00 A: Enzyme concentration = 35.00 14.5
C: Incubation temp. = 45.00 B: Incubation time = 8.00



4.50 4.00 50.00

6.00 4.50
5.00 45.00
8.00 5.00
D: pH 5.50 40.00
10.00 C: Incubation temp. 5.50

6.00 12.00
B: Incubation time 35.00 6.00 D: pH

(e) Effect of incubation time and (f) Effect of incubation temperature and
tempering water pH tempering water pH

Fig. 2 Response surface and contour plots for cooking time of pigeon pea as a function of enzyme concentration, incubation time, incubation
temperature and tempering water pH. For each plot, the two parameter are at central point

6 h and tempering water pH 5.50. This showed that time and tempering water pH played prominent role on
enzyme concentration, incubation temperature, incubation protein content.

J Food Sci Technol

Design-Expert® Software Design-Expert® Software

Protein Content (%) Protein Content (%)

22.88 22.88

19.87 19.87

X1 = A: Enzyme concentration X1 = A: Enzyme concentration

X2 = B: Incubation time X2 = C: Incubation temp.

Actual Factors Actual Factors

C: Incubation temp. = 45.00 B: Incubation time = 8.00 22.8
Protein Content (%) 22.8

Protein Content (%)

D: pH = 5.00 D: pH = 5.00
21.625 21.85

20.45 20.9
12.00 55.00
19.275 19.95
10.00 50.00
18.1 19

8.00 45.00
20.00 B: Incubation time 20.00
27.50 27.50 C: Incubation temp.
6.00 40.00
35.00 35.00
42.50 42.50
50.00 4.00 50.00 35.00

A: Enzyme concentration A: Enzyme concentration

(a) Effect of enzyme concentration and (b) Effect of enzyme concentration and
incubation time. incubation temperature.

Design-Expert® Software Design-Expert® Software

Protein Content (%) Protein Content (%)

22.88 22.88

19.87 19.87

X1 = A: Enzyme concentration X1 = B: Incubation time 22.8

X2 = D: pH X2 = C: Incubation temp.

Protein Content (%)

Actual Factors Actual Factors 22.075
B: Incubation time = 8.00 22.9 A: Enzyme concentration = 35.00
Protein Content (%)

C: Incubation temp. = 45.00 D: pH = 5.00 21.35


6.00 19.9

5.50 4.00
19.1 55.00

5.00 50.00
D: pH 8.00
27.50 45.00
42.50 B: Incubation time 40.00 C: Incubation temp.
50.00 4.00
A: Enzyme concentration 12.00 35.00

(c) Effect of enzyme concentration and (d) Effect of incubation time and
tempering water pH incubation temperature

Design-Expert® Software Design-Expert® Software

Protein Content (%) Protein Content (%)

22.88 22.88

19.87 19.87

X1 = B: Incubation time X1 = C: Incubation temp. 22.9

X2 = D: pH X2 = D: pH
Protein Content (%)

22.9 22.275
Actual Factors Actual Factors
A: Enzyme concentration = 35.00 A: Enzyme concentration = 35.00
Protein Content (%)

C: Incubation temp. = 45.00 22.25 B: Incubation time = 8.00 21.65

21.6 21.025

20.95 20.4
5.50 6.00

4.00 40.00
45.00 5.00
8.00 D: pH
10.00 C: Incubation temp. 50.00 4.50
D: pH
12.00 4.00
B: Incubation time 55.00 4.00

(f) Effect of incubation temperature and

(e) Effect of incubation time and
tempering water pH
tempering water pH

Fig. 3 Response surface for protein content of pigeon pea as a function of enzyme concentration, incubation time, incubation temperature and
tempering water pH. For each plot, the two parameter are at central point

R2 and CV percent value for protein content was 0.96 pretreatment on pigeon pea processing with varying levels
and 0.91% respectively. The response surface equation of of processing parameters under,
second order was obtained in terms of coded factors to
predict the variation in protein content due to enzyme

J Food Sci Technol

Table 3 Constraints, criteria

Constraint Goal Importance Optimum value
and output for numerical
optimization of pigeon pea dhal Variables
Enzyme concentration (mg/100 g sample) Minimize 3 31.34
Incubation time (h) In the range 3 8.72
Incubation temperature (°C) In the range 3 43.47
Tempering water pH In the range 3 5.99

Constraint Goal Importance Predicted value Experimental value Deviation

Hulling efficiency (%) Maximize 5 84.35 80.74 3.61
Cooking time (min) Minimize 5 13.06 12.80 0.26
Protein content (%) Maximize 5 22.60 25.30 2.7

Protein Content ð%Þ ¼ 22:44  0:50X1  0:36X2  0:16X3 up to 22.85% in incubation time up to 6.30 h and tem-
þ 0:20X4  0:023X1 X2 pering water pH up to 5.98 (Fig. 3e). Similarly, for central
 0:025X1 X3 þ 0:056X1 X4 value of enzyme concentration and incubation period
 0:076X2 X3 þ 0:02X2 X4 highest protein content (22.87%) could be obtained for the
þ 0:20X3 X4  0:39X12  0:19X22 interaction of incubation temperature of 51.39 °C and
 0:091X32  0:03X42 tempering water pH of 5.99 (Fig. 3f). It was also observed
that above optimum value of variable parameters there is
decrease in protein content. The increase in protein content
where X1, X2, X3 and X4 are the coded factors of enzyme up to optimum value of variable parameters is directly
concentration, incubation time, incubation temperature and related to increase in hulling efficiency. It was reported that
tempering water pH, respectively. outer layer of cotyledon have more protein (Singh and
Three dimensional response surface plot for protein Jambunathan 1990). This enzymatic process produces less
content of enzyme pretreated samples were generated with powder and more recovery of dhal hence outer layer of
center point of two parameters central and another two cotyledon remains intact.
parameters as variables.
Figure 3 shows that at constant central value of incu- Optimization of process variables
bation temperature and tempering water pH. Protein con-
tent was increased (up to 22.75%) with an increase of The optimum condition for the production of pigeon pea
enzyme concentration up to 30.45 mg/100 g sample and dhal was determined by the numerical optimization tech-
incubation time up to 6.14 h respectively (Fig. 3a). Simi- nique, using Design Expert version (Trial version;
larly, for central value of incubation period and tempering State-Ease Inc., Minneapolis, MN, USA). The main criteria
water pH there was an increase in protein content up to applied for constraints optimization in the study were:
22.65% with an increase in enzyme concentration up to (a) enzyme concentration: minimum, (b) hulling efficiency:
30.31 mg/100 g sample and incubation temperature up to maximum, (c) cooking time: minimum, (d) protein content
40.87 °C (Fig. 3b). The protein content was expected to be of dhal: maximum. The constraints, criteria and output for
increased at this combination of enzyme concentration and numerical optimization of pigeon pea dhal production are
temperature. For central value of incubation period and given in Table 3. Under these constraints, the optimum
incubation temperature protein content increased up to treatment conditions were found to be, 31.34 mg/100 g
22.81% an increase in enzyme concentration up to enzyme concentration, 8.72 h incubation time, 43.47 °C
30.88 mg/100 g sample and tempering water pH up to 5.99 incubation temperature and 5.99 tempering water pH.
(Fig. 3c). Whereas central value of enzyme concentration It may be mentioned that the optimum values of dif-
and tempering water pH there was an increase in protein ferent variables for enzymatic pretreatment were within the
content up to 22.63% with an increase in incubation time range considered in the study.
up to 6.33 h and incubation temperature up to 42.13 °C The hulling efficiency, cooking time and protein content
(Fig. 3d). For central value of enzyme concentration and of oil treated (control) sample was found 78.30%,
incubation temperature protein content with an increased 14.30 min and 18.53% respectively while the observed

J Food Sci Technol

value of that of enzymatic treatment sample at optimum Murumkar RP, Borkar PA, Munje SS, Rathod PK, Rajput MR, Dhoke
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Phirke PS, Bhole NG (2000) Pre-treatments of pigeonpea grain for
improvement of dehulling characteristics. Int J Food Sci Technol
Conclusion 35(3):305–313
Phirke PS, Pumbarka S, Tapre AB (1992) Evaluation of chemical
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energy requirement for cooking in terms of cooking time 20(6):287–291
and increases most useful biochemical content in terms of Rommi K, Hakala TK, Holopainen-Mantila U, Nordlund E, Poutanen
K, Lantto R (2014) Effect of enzyme-aided cell wall disintegra-
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power requirement for dhal making will reduce. This will Salve VA, Phirke PS, Turbatmath PA, Rane SV (2008) Thermo-
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Acknowledgements Authors acknowledge the financial support Sangani VP, Patel NC, Bhatt VM, Davara PR, Antala DK (2014b)
received from Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis of pigeon pea for cooking
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