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Network Adjustment
(c) 1993-2012 Grontmij
Licensed to Leica Geosystems AG

Created: 06/11/2024 15:39:35

Project Information

Project name: ST B1
Date created: 06/11/2024 15:19:58
Time zone: 1h 00'
Coordinate system name: MAROC Z1
Projection: LAMBERT
Projection type: Lambert
Application software: LEICA Geo Office 8.4
Processing kernel: MOVE3 4.1

General Information

Type: Constrained
Dimension: 3D
Coordinate system: WGS 1984
Height mode: Ellipsoidal

Number of iterations: 1
Maximum coord correction in last iteration: 0.0000 m (tolerance is met)

Number of (partly) known stations: 2
Number of unknown stations: 1
Total: 3

GPS coordinate differences: 9 (3 baselines)
Known coordinates: 6
Total: 15

Coordinates: 9
Total: 9

Degrees of freedom: 6

Alfa (multi dimensional): 0.2222
Alfa 0 (one dimensional): 5.0 %
Beta: 80.0 %
Sigma a-priori (GPS): 10.0

Critical value W-test: 1.96

Critical value T-test (2-dimensional): 2.42
Critical value T-test (3-dimensional): 1.89
Critical value F-test: 1.37
F-test: 279.99 (rejected)

Results based on a-posteriori variance factor

Adjustment Results


Station Coordinate Corr Sd

SGT2 Easting 135735.6140 m 0.0000 m - fixed
Northing 181623.4550 m 0.0000 m - fixed

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Height 18.0500 m 0.0000 m - fixed

ST-BASE Easting 135362.3424 m 0.0057 m 0.0136 m
Northing 181744.3069 m 0.0041 m 0.0164 m
Height 13.8317 m 0.0044 m 0.0402 m
STB1 Easting 135916.5600 m 0.0000 m - fixed
Northing 182688.0430 m 0.0000 m - fixed
Height 77.3330 m 0.0000 m - fixed

Observations and Residuals

Station Target Adj obs Resid Resid (ENH) Sd

DX SGT2 STB1 -490.4817 m -0.0009 m -0.0058 m 0.0072 m
DY 223.3091 m -0.0057 m -0.0043 m 0.0029 m
DZ 937.8695 m -0.0051 m -0.0027 m 0.0047 m
DX SGT2 ST-BASE -120.5290 m -0.0021 m -0.0030 m 0.0372 m
DY -362.8917 m -0.0027 m -0.0023 m 0.0149 m
DZ 88.2921 m -0.0037 m -0.0034 m 0.0220 m
DX STB1 ST-BASE 369.9527 m 0.0020 m 0.0029 m 0.0372 m
DY -586.2008 m 0.0026 m 0.0022 m 0.0149 m
DZ -849.5774 m 0.0036 m 0.0032 m 0.0220 m

GPS Baseline Vector Residuals

Station Target Adj vector [m] Resid [m] Resid [ppm]

DV SGT2 STB1 1081.6831 0.0077 7.1
DV SGT2 ST-BASE 392.4450 0.0050 12.8
DV STB1 ST-BASE 1096.4844 0.0049 4.5

Absolute Error Ellipses (2D - 39.4% 1D - 68.3%)

Station A [m] B [m] A/B Phi Sd Hgt [m]

SGT2 0.0000 0.0000 1.0 -89° 0.0000
ST-BASE 0.0165 0.0134 1.2 14° 0.0402
STB1 0.0000 0.0000 1.0 90° 0.0000

Testing and Estimated Errors

Coordinate Tests

Station MDB BNR W-Test T-Test

SGT2 Latitude 0.0182 m 2.8 -1.29 2.00
Longitude 0.0152 m 2.9 -1.95
Height 0.0447 m 2.8 -0.72
STB1 Latitude 0.0182 m 999.9 0.00 0.00
Longitude 0.0152 m 999.9 0.00
Height 0.0447 m 999.9 0.00

Observation Tests

Station Target MDB Red BNR W-Test T-Test

DX SGT2 STB1 0.0294 m 59 2.5 0.09 1.91
DY 0.0154 m 52 2.7 -1.96
DZ 0.0201 m 41 3.1 -1.34
DX SGT2 ST-BASE 0.1505 m 50 2.8 0.00 0.03
DY 0.0773 m 49 2.8 -0.21
DZ 0.0940 m 49 2.8 -0.16
DX STB1 ST-BASE 0.1505 m 48 2.9 0.00 0.03
DY 0.0773 m 49 2.8 0.21
DZ 0.0940 m 49 2.9 0.16


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T-Test (3-dimensional):

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Estimated Errors For Stations With Rejected T-Tests (max 10)

Station T-Test Fact Est err

SGT2 Latitude 2.00 1.0 -0.0085 m
Longitude -0.0110 m
Height -0.0086 m

Estimated Errors (Observations)

Estimated Errors For Observations With Rejected W-Tests (max 10)

Station Target W-Test Fact Est err

DY SGT2 STB1 -1.96 1.0 -0.0108 m

Estimated Errors For Observations With Rejected T-Tests (max 10)

Station Target T-Test Fact Est err

DX SGT2 STB1 1.91 1.0 -0.0041 m
DY -0.0102 m
DZ -0.0114 m

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