Us Dominance in World Politics

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Connect the dots Cold War → End of Bipolarity Growth of unilateralism [U.

S Dominance]

Beginning of the ‘New World Order’

● US emerged as a global player after the Soviet Union disintegration as it is

present in all sectors of the world economy and in all areas of technology
● Iraq invasion of Kuwait [Aug 1990] → attempts failed at convincing Iraq to quit
its aggression, the United Nations mandated the liberation of Kuwait by force.
● Us president George H.W Bush hailed the emergence of “New World Order”
The attack on the twin towers of the World Trade Centre in
New York on 11 September 2001 has been seen as a
watershed event in contemporary history.

First Gulf War “Operation Desert Storm” [U.S Domination, smart bombs and computer war]
(Aug 1990 to Feb 1991)

The Clinton Years ● US military action during the Bill Clinton in

Presidential election of 1992.
Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam,
Focused on soft issues Tanzania in 1998.
like democracy ● In 1999, US action in Yugoslavia.
George H.W Bush
promotions, climate ● Operation infinite reach (1998) : A series
change and world trade William Jefferson (Bill) Clinton of cruise missile strikes on Al-Qaeda
rather than of military terrorist targets in Sudan and Afghanistan.
power and security.
CUET 2023 Shift 1 Political Science

Who hailed the emergence of ‘The New World Order’.

(A) George Bush
(B) Bill Clinton
(C) Donald Trump
(D) Jimmy Carter

Contemporary World Politics

CUET 2022 Shift 1 Political Science

The first Gulf war was also called a video game war because of:
(A) Usage of smart bombs
(B) Live and widespread television coverage
(C) Precision attacks
(D) Widespread and massive destruction

Contemporary World Politics

The attacks killed nearly three thousand persons. It was most
9/11 and the Global War on Terror Story
server attack on U.S. soil since the founding of the country in 1776.
The US response to 9/11 was swift and ferocious. As a part of its 'Global War on Terror',
Response the US launched Operation Enduring Freedom against all those suspected to be behind
this attack, mainly Al-Qaeda and the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

The Iraq Invasion

On 19 March 2003, the US launched 'Operation

Iraqi Freedom' to prevent Iraq from developing ‘Coalition of willing’ [Us led + 40 other countries]
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in the
ostensible purpose to control oil fields and Full-fledged insurgency against Us occupation was ignited in Iraq.
installing a regime in Iraq friendly to US.

Middle East Crisis Afghanistan

● Soviet invasion of 1979
Connect with “Operation enduring freedom” ● Soviet withdraw by 1989
● U.S. Invasion in 2001 [operation enduring freedom]

A part of the “Global war on the terror”

Afghanistan war = Series of war on the soil of Afghanistan after the invasion of U.S. [2001 - 2021]
CUET 2022 Official Mock Paper Political Science

The US response to the 9/11 attack was launching of:

(A) Operation Enduring Freedom
(B) Operation Desert Storm
(C) Operation Infinite Reach
(D) Operation Iraqi Freedom

Contemporary World Politics

CUET 2023 Shift 3 Political Science

Read the statements given below.

A. On 19 March 2003, the US launched its invasion of Iraq.
B. US has lost over 3000 military personnel in the war
C. The ostensible purpose of the invasion was to destroy Iraq from developing weapons at mass
D. More than forty other countries joined in the US led coalition of the willing after the UN
refused to give its mandate to the invasion
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
1. A. C. D only
2. A, B, C only
3. A. B, D only
4. C. D. A only

Contemporary World Politics

CUET 2022 Shift 2 Political Science

Match List I with List II.

List-I List-II
1. Operation Enduring Freedom I. March, 2003
2. Global War on Terror II. George W. Bush
3. Operation Iraqi Freedom III. September, 2001
4. The First Gulf IV. The War Computer War
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(A) 1-III, 2-II, 3-I, 4-IV
(B) 1-III, 2-II, 3-IV, 4-I
(C) 1-II, 2-I, 3-III, 4-IV
(D) 1-I, 2-II, 3-III, 4-IV

Contemporary World Politics

Hegemony is an international system with only one centre of power to be gained and
What does Hegemony mean ? retained in the form of military domination, economic political chart and central
superiority, which was enjoyed only by the US after disintegration of Soviet Union.
● Hegemony as hard power
➢ Military capabilities of a country, and the US has proved it.
➢ The US today spends more on its military than the next 12 powers and even technologically
no other power can match with the US
● Hegemony as structural power
➢ Structural power must sustain global structure in economic sense.
➢ The US has provided global public goods as sea lanes of communications (SLOCs) as well as
accounts for 15 percent of world trade if EU is included and 20 per cent in world economy.
➢ World Wide Web [WWW], MBA [Masters in Business Administration]
● Hegemony as soft power
➢ Hegemony as soft power implies class ascendency in social, political and ideological spheres which is more
effective than coercion to move hand in hand and the US was proved ultimately triumphant in it.

Constrains on American Power Three constraints

● Institutional architecture (division of power).
● Open nature of American society.
● The presence of only one organisation in international system to moderate the exercise of American Power i.e. NATO.
India’s Relationship with US
Before Cold War After
India's closest friendship Indo- US Relation is Influenced by two factors After the collapse of Soviet
during those years was with Union, India decided to liberalise
the Soviet Union. its economy and integrate it with
● Technology dimensions global economy.
● Indian - American diaspora.
Positive V/S Negative

How can Hegemony be Overcome?

In international politics, very few factors formally curtail the exercise of military power by any country.

International Politics = “Politics without government.”

● “Bandwagon” Strategy : Extract benefit by operating within the hegemonic system.

Strategy ● “Hide” Strategy : Staying as far removed from dominant power as possible.

→ Role of non-state actors in checking hegemony

CUET 2022 Official Mock Paper Political Science

Which of the following does not act as a constraint to the hegemonic power of the US?
I. Its institutional architecture
II. The open nature of the American society
III. Influence of Regional Organisation such as SAARC or ASEAN
IV. Support of NATO members
V. The sanctions from the United Nations

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(A) III and V Only
(B) I and II Only
(C) II and V Only
(D) III and IV Only
Contemporary World Politics
CUET 2022 Shift 2 Political Science

Which of the statements given below explains the 'Bandwagon Strategy"?

(A) Challenge the Super Power and become the hegemon.
(B) Indulge in a full-fledged war.
(C) Instead of opposing the hegemonic power, take advantage of the Hegemon.
(D) Fear the hegemonic country and stay away from the radar.

Contemporary World Politics

CUET 2022 Shift 2 Political Science

Match List I with List - II.

List - I List - II
(A) Operation Desert Storm (I) 1998
(B) Operation Infinite Reach (II) 1990
(C) Operation Enduring Freedom (III) 2003
(D) Operation Iraqi Freedom (IV) 2001

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(1) (A) - (II) (B) - (III) (C) - (I) (D) - (IV)
(2) (A) - (I) (B) - (II) (C) - (III) (D) - (IV)
(3) (A) - (IV) (B) - (III) (C) - (II) (D) - (I)
(4) (A) -(II) (B) - (I) (C) - (IV) (D) - (III)
Contemporary World Politics
CUET 2023 Shift 1 Political Science

Match List I with List II U.S. Dominance in world Politics

A. New World Order I. George H.W. Bush
B. Global war on Terror II. 11 September 2001
C. Taliban regime III. Afghanistan
D. Operation Iraqi freedom IV. 19th March 2003
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A-II. B-III. C-IV, D-I
2. A-I. B-II. C-III, D-IV
3. A-III, B-IV, C-II, D-I
4. A-IV, B-I, C-II, D-III
Contemporary World Politics
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