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The World Population

The people in any country its real wealth There information is important

“Asia has many places where people are few and few place where people are very many” - George B. Cressey

Patterns of population distribution in the world

● The way people are spaced over the earth’s surface
● 90% population X lives in 10% of its land area.
It is usually measured in
Density of population
persons per sq km

Factors influencing the distribution of population

Geographical factors Economic Factors Social and Cultural Factors

(i) Availability of water (i) Minerals (i) Places with Religious and cultural significance are populated.
(ii) Landforms (ii) Urbanisation (ii) People tend to move away from places where there is social and
(iii) Climate (iii) Industrialisation political unrest
(iv) Soils
CUET 2022 Shift 2 Geography

Arrange the following regions from low to high population density.

A. Oceania
B. Africa
C. North America
D. Europe
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. A, C, D, B
2. A, C, B, D
3. C, A, D, B
4. C, A, B, D
Fundamentals of Human Geography
CUET Official Mock Paper 2022

Choose the region which is sparsely populated:

(A) Equatorial Region
(B) South-East Asia
(C) North-Eastern USA
(D) North-Western Europe

Fundamentals of Human Geography

The population growth or population change refers to the change in
Population Growth
number of inhabitants of a territory during a specific period of time.
● Can be positive or negative Components of population change
● Absolute or percentage
● Birth rate
● Death rate
● Migration.

Migration Movement of people

Place of origin (-) Place of destination (+)

● Effort to achieve balance between population and resources.

● Permanent, temporary or seasonal.
● Rural to rural, rural to urban or urban to rural.
● Immigration V/S Emigration
➢ Two sets of factor that influence migration: Push & Pull
CUET Official Mock Paper 2022

Which of the following is not a pull factor of migration?

1. Better job opportunity
2. Better living conditions
3. Security of life & property
4. None of these

Fundamentals of Human Geography

CUET 2022 Shift 1 Geography

Identify the push factors of migration from the following:

I. Unemployment
II. Political Turmoil
III. Peace and Stability
IV. Socio-economic Backwardness
V. Security of life and property
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(A) I, II and III Only
(B) III, IV and V Only
(C) I, III and IV Only
(D) I, II and IV Only

Fundamentals of Human Geography

CUET 2023 Shift 3 Geography

The population increase by difference between births and death in a particular region between
two points of time is referred to as
(A) Actual Growth of Population
(B) Natural Growth of Population
(C) Ageing of Population Growth
(D) Negative Growth of Population

Fundamentals of Human Geography

CUET 2023 Shift 3 Geography

Which of the following points about push factors of people migration are correct?
I. Political turmoil
II. Better job opportunities.
III. Unemployment
IV. Economic backwardness.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(A) I, II, III only
(B) I, II, IV only
(C) I, III, IV only
(D) II, III, IV only
Fundamentals of Human Geography
CUET 2023 Shift 2 Geography

Which one of the following is the main cause of immigration in developed countries?
(1) The climate is pleasant
(2) No interference from government
(3) The people are helpful
(4) Better job opportunities and better quality of life

Fundamentals of Human Geography

Trends in population growth Analyse
Doubling Time of World Population

1 billion = 1 Million year

(+) 1 billion = 12 Years
[5 to 6]
Developed V/S Developing countries

Spatial pattern of population change

● There is a negative correlation between economic development and population growth.

● Small annual rate of population change [1.4 percent] leads to large change.
● Even the growth rate declines, total population grows.

Impact of population change

Population change

Developed V/S Developing Countries

[Better health] [HIV/AIDS]
CUET Official Mock Paper 2022

Which of the following assertions is false?

1. In the last 500 years, the human population has increased by more than tenfold.
2. In 100 years, the human population increased from 5 billion to 6 billion.
3. It took almost a million years for humanity’s population to reach one billion.
4. The human population has expanded fourfold in the twentieth century alone.

Fundamentals of Human Geography

Demographic transition Theory used to predict and describe future population of an area.

Demographic cycle
Rural agrarian Urban Industrial
[High birth rate and [Low Birth rate and
high death rate] low death rate]

Population control measures

Family planning, free availability of contraceptives, tax disincentives etc.

Thomas Malthus Theory of 1798

Number of people would increase faster than the food supply.

Population crash caused by famine, diseases and war.

CUET 2022 Shift 1 Geography

Identify the push factors of migration from the following:

I. Unemployment
II. Political Turmoil
III. Peace and Stability
IV. Socio-economic Backwardness
V. Security of life and property
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(A) I, II and III Only
(B) III, IV and V Only
(C) I, III and IV Only
(D) I, II and IV Only
Fundamentals of Human Geography
CUET 2023 Shift 2 Geography

The Demographic Transition Theory is used to

(1) Measure birth rate of any area
(2) Describe and predict the future population of any area
(3) Measure death rate of any area
(4) Explain emigration of any area

Fundamentals of Human Geography

CUET 2022 Shift 2 Geography

Who among the following is the author of "The Population Bomb"?

(A) Peter Hagget
(B) Ehrlich
(C) A. N. Strahler
(D) Thomas Malthus

Fundamentals of Human Geography

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