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Quantum computing for chemical and biomolecular

product design
Martin P Andersson1, Mark N Jones1,2, Kurt V Mikkelsen3,
Fengqi You4 and Seyed Soheil Mansouri1

Chemical process design has for long been benefiting from Introduction
computer-aided methods and tools to develop new processes Chemical product design involves generation of numer-
and services that can meet the needs of society. Chemical and ous candidates and their evaluation and screening to
biomolecular product design could also benefit from the use of fulfill consumer, service and/or process needs. Com-
computer-aided solution strategies and computational power to puter-aided product and process design has been for
efficiently solve the problems at various scales as the complexity many years, the focus of many scholarly works, predomi-
and size of problems grow. In this context, new modes of nantly within the process systems engineering discipline
computation such as quantum computing are receiving since it requires the integrated use of different tools and
increasing attention. While quantum computing has been in data (predicted or experimental). Gani [1] has illus-
development for quite some time, the development of the trated the requirements for computer-aided product
technology to the point of making commercial use of such design, the associated processes to develop products
resources is quite recent, and still quite limited in scope. and challenges and opportunities that they provide. It
However, projections point to a rapid development of quantum is emphasized, that the challenges and opportunities are
computing resources becoming available to academia and in terms of the needs for multi-scale modeling with focus
industry, which opens potential application areas in chemical and on property models that are suitable for computer-aided
biomolecular product design. With the advent of hybrid applications, solution strategies that can solve a large
algorithms that are able to take advantage of both classical range of chemical product design problems and, a chemi-
computing and quantum computing resources, as quantum cal product design framework with the overall objective
computing grows, more and more problems relevant for to reduce the time and cost to market a new or improved
chemical product design will become solvable. In this paper, product. Furthermore, the search for novel, innovative,
some perspectives are given by identifying a set of needs and and sustainable solutions need to consider issues related
challenges for a selected set of opportunities, such as quantum to the multidisciplinary nature of problems, the lack of
chemistry-based property prediction, protein folding, complex data (knowledge) needed for model development, solu-
multi-step chemical reactions, and molecular reaction dynamics. tion strategies that incorporate multiscale options, and
reliability versus predictive power [2]. One crucial aspect
Addresses needed to enable product and/or process design is the
Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Technical Uni-
availability of relevant chemical and physical properties
versity of Denmark, Denmark
of the involved materials and molecules. These proper-
Molecular Quantum Solutions ApS, Denmark
3 ties range from the molecular scale (such as catalyst
Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell activity of a material) up to macroscopic scale (such as
University, USA vapor pressure of a molecule). In many instances, espe-
cially in novel designs, the necessary high-quality experi-
Corresponding author: Mansouri, Seyed Soheil (seso@kt.dtu.dk) mental data might not be available. Therefore, to manage
the complexity associated with solution strategies to
Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 2022, 36:100754 design novel products, there have been efforts to take
This review comes from a themed issue on Frontiers in chemical
advantage of molecular scale modeling, and computa-
engineering; chemical product design — II tional chemistry approaches for product design as listed
Edited by Rafiqul Gani, Lei Zhang and Chrysanthos Gounaris
in Table 1. An elaborate discussion on the use of
approaches such as COSMO-RS for fluid phase thermo-
For complete overview of the section, please refer to the article col-
dynamics and drug design has been reported by Klamt
lection, “Frontiers in Chemical Engineering; Chemical Product
Design — II” [3]. As listed in Table 1, it is important to note that
application of quantum chemistry in product and process
Available online 6th November 2021
design is currently already being explored by the process
systems engineering community. With the development
2211-3398/ã 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an of classical computers over many decades, computational
open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons. theoretical predictions of several molecular scale proper-
ties have become possible, including use of first-princi-
ples calculations in quantum chemistry. Examples of

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2 Frontiers in chemical engineering; chemical product design – II

Table 1 solution of a quantum mechanical system, but the nature

Recent works on the use and integration of molecular scale of the approximation is quite different. The most accurate
modeling for product or integrated product-process design quantum chemical methods scale very steeply with sys-
Work Product Molecular Tool Case studies
tem size, up to N7, where N is the number of atoms for
design scale which the Schrödinger equation needs to be solved.
problem modeling Therefore, approximations such as density functional
approach theory are used instead, which scale roughly as N3. For
Fleitmann Environmental COSMO- COSMO- Designing example, the number of bits required to describe the
et al. [11] assessment RS susCAMPD solvents in a caffeine molecule (C8H10N4O2, CAS 50-06-2) exactly is
and design of hybrid
1048, which is 1035 TB [18]. The number of qubits (a
solvents extraction-
distillation quantum bit) required to store that same data during
process computation is roughly 160 [18], which is on IBM’s
Gertig In-silico design COSMO- CAT- Catalytic roadmap to be reached already in 2022 [19]. While it
et al. [12] of catalysis RS COSMO- carbamate- sounds fantastic, it does not mean we know how to map
and process CAMPD cleavage
optimization process
the data onto the qubits. It merely shows that quantum
Liu et al. Reaction GC- OptCAMD Diels-Alder computers make it possible to store the data, which is why
[13] solvent and COSMO/ (ProCAPD) reaction, we say that quantum computers are better at solving
mixture design GC Menschutkin quantum mechanical problems, from a conceptual point
of view. A quantum computer’s inherently quantum
Kalakul Wide range of Wide ProCAPD Solid
et al. [14] problems range of solubility, fuel mechanical behavior can provide the exact solution to
models blends, the Schrödinger equation mapped onto the qubits, with-
solvents out resorting to approximate methods. On the other hand,
Pudi et al. Phase transfer COSMO- – H2S recovery a quantum computer can still only approximate the exact
[15,16] catalysis RS and
design conversion
solution because of inherent uncertainties in the hard-
from an ware, like noise. While noise is a property of any computer
aqueous hardware, the technology of classical computing is mature
alkanolamine enough for it not to be an issue for normal users. In
solution to quantum computing, this is not yet the case, which is why
the noise is something that currently needs to be carefully
Liu et al. Ionic liquids COSMO- ICAS — Ionic liquid- considered also for users at this stage.
[17] RS and ILPro based gas
UNIFAC separation Quantum computing in relation to computer-aided prod-
uct design is discussed in this work. First, an overview of
evolution of computations and status of quantum com-
puting (QC) is given. Next, the needs and challenges of
using QC in chemical product design are highlighted.
computational product and/or process design include Next, perspectives of QC in relation to specific chemical
solid catalyst design [4], novel solvent design [5,6] and product design applications such as, property prediction,
surfactant properties for formulation design [7,8]. Any protein structure prediction, micellar chemo-catalysis
quantum chemical calculation requires the molecular and/or bio-catalysis, and, molecular reaction dynamics,
wave function, the Schrödinger equation, to be solved are given before concluding statements on QC and its
to predict associated molecular properties. A thorough future.
discussion of computer-aided molecular and process
design based on quantum chemistry, its current status What is a quantum computer and how does it
and future perspectives is provided by Gertig et al. [9]. work?
Note also that the computation of properties are embed- Quantum computing, a new model of computation based
ded in the overall product-process design algorithms [10]. on properties of quantum physics, has been an active area
of research since the 1980s and has intensified greatly
The nature of quantum computers is better suited to with a) the discovery of QC algorithms providing expo-
solve the Schrödinger equation in quantum chemistry nential or quadratic speedups in computational times, and
than classical computers, at least from a conceptual point b) the advent of physical, operational QC devices in the
of view. A classical computer needs to use various approx- past decade [20].
imate methods to solve a real multi-electron molecular
system Schrödinger equation, as it cannot be solved To understand what makes a quantum computer so
analytically. That approximation is inherently limited special, it is important to understand how it differs from
in accuracy but can be solved exactly. A classical com- classical computers. Computer information technology is
puter and a quantum computer both approximate the real based on bits, a binary system which can store information

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Quantum computing for product design Andersson et al. 3

in one of two states, ‘0’ or ‘1’. These are the so-called Mandra et al. [26]. In 2016, IBM launched their quantum
logical bits and are represented by transistors in a com- experience program, allowing public to use their Quan-
puter. The transistors can be seen as a light switching on tum Cloud Services to run their algorithms on IBM’s
and off, hence ‘0’ and ‘1’. Many calculations can be done quantum processor from their own computers.
very quickly on existing computers and supercomputers,
but they still have their limitations with respect to the Also in 2016, Google successfully simulated the energy
binary state space calculations they can perform. This levels of the H2 molecule, demonstrating the enormous
entails a limitation in speed, as the time required for large potential of QC in the field of quantum chemistry [27].
calculations becomes infeasible on classical computers. Smaller quantum systems have been developed since
2016, with IBM developing both 5-qubit and 27-qubit
A quantum bit, commonly known as a qubit, is repre- processors and in 2019 and Google announcing the devel-
sented by a physical system in between two states. Some opment of a 53-qubit system. Accordingly, the currently
examples are the spin of an electron, the two different available quantum computers should be able to solve a
polarizations of a photon and the energy states of an atom problem that would take a supercomputer 10 000 years in
in its ground state and its excited state. Considering the only 3 min [28]. The competition in this emerging field is
spin of an electron, the qubit can therefore be either spin strong and just in September 2020, IBM also released the
up or spin down, or a linear combination of the two. This 65-qubit IBM Quantum Hummingbird processor. With
physical phenomenon is called superposition, and it is the IBM’s promises of a 127-qubit processor in 2021, a 433-
expanded state space of performing calculations on a qubit processor in 2022 and a 1121-qubit processor in
quantum computer that makes it different than a classical 2023, quantum computing is a field that may grow signifi-
computer. According to Aaronson [21] ‘What superposi- cantly in the next few years [19].
tion really means is ‘complex linear combination’’. Here,
the term ‘complex’ is not used in the sense of Needs and challenges for using QC in product
‘complicated’ but in the sense of a real plus an imaginary design
number, while ‘linear combination’ means addition of If the goal of the calculation in each product design
different multiples of states. Therefore, a qubit is a bit problem is to capture major trends or to produce semi-
that has a complex number called an amplitude attached quantitative results, then even rather simple approximate
to the possibility that, it is 0, and a different amplitude solutions to the Schrödinger equation tend to give results
attached to the possibility that, it is 1. These amplitudes with acceptable accuracy. This is especially true for well-
are closely related to probabilities, in that the further behaved systems, from a quantum mechanical point of
some outcome’s amplitude is from zero, the larger the view. Examples include non-transition metal containing
chance of seeing that outcome; more precisely, ‘the insulating materials, simple organic molecules, and sys-
probability equals the distance squared’. tems without unpaired d-electrons. A frequently used
method for approximating a quantum mechanical system
Amongst the first ideas of a quantum computer is that of for such systems is density functional theory, which
Richard Feynman [22] who pointed out that QC was not favorably balances accuracy with computational effort.
able to extend the computational model of classical Even rather large systems can be studied, which has
computers, but could potentially run simulations in prac- enabled prediction of catalytic activity [29] as well as
tical time that would be impractical (but not impossible) material electrical and mechanical properties [30], all of
by classical computers. Over the next twenty years, which can be relevant properties for optimal product and/
different quantum computer technology concepts were or process design. In the text below, chemical product
explored, both physical requirements and how they could design problems involving different types of systems are
be used. In 2001, the Shor algorithm [24] was realized highlighted together with their design methods.
with the help of a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
system and over the next 15 years, quantum computing Chemical and biological products
technology developed and improved to the point where (Bio)catalysts
commercial availability of resources began to emerge [23]. Organic synthesis using enzyme catalysis offers some
D-Wave started producing quantum annealing computers distinct advantages over conventional transition metal
in 2010; however, until today these kinds of hardware catalysis, such as high activity, superb selectivity and
cannot implement most quantum algorithms, including increased sustainability using aqueous solvent systems
Shor’s algorithm [24]. In 2013, Google claimed that when [31]. The use of water as solvent for enzyme catalysis is
QC was used to test a specific algorithm, it could solve the also the source of some drawbacks preventing widespread
problem 100 million times faster than a classical com- industrial implementation. Drawbacks include low total
puter. Note however, it was compared against a single turnovers because of low reactant and/or product solubil-
algorithm (simulated annealing) using a single thread ity in water as well as the much more limited scope of
[25]. In fact, such speedups are deceiving and have been chemical transformations that can be achieved, as
speculated ever since in the literature, see, for example, enzymes for the desired reaction may not yet exist.

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4 Frontiers in chemical engineering; chemical product design – II

Enzymes are complex biomolecules which are ‘difficult’ NP-hard (non-deterministic polynomial-time) problem
systems, with many atoms and often with a transition [39,40], meaning that under standard hypotheses, no
metal in the active site. Transition metal containing polynomial-time classical algorithm for this problem
systems often require advanced approximate methods exists. Furthermore, it is currently believed that quantum
for treating electron correlation on a classical computer computers cannot offer an exponential speedup to NP-
and choosing inappropriate computational methods can complete and harder problems [41], although they can
lead to large and significant errors. This is particularly true offer scaling advantages that have been known in the
for open shell systems that contain unpaired electrons at literature as ‘limited quantum speedup’ [41].
the metal site. Quantum computing could potentially
help solving such difficult systems [32]. At the heart Product design approaches
of biomanufacturing are entities such as enzymes to One application that is being heavily investigated for use
catalyze the required chemical couplings in manufactur- with QC is mathematical programming optimization. Opti-
ing processes. To better understand and optimize such mization is required in a wide variety of fields, such as
processes, the quantum chemical properties (if known process systems (synthesis, design, intensification, and
well enough) can facilitate process and product design. supply chain), chemical and biochemical product design,
Full quantum chemical calculations for whole enzymes and environmental modelling. There have been works in
are not likely to come within reach even for quantum developing optimization-based frameworks for product
computers in the coming years. The scaling of computa- design such as in the works of Liu et al. [13] where an
tional time with system size is very unfavorable for MINLP (mixed-integer non-linear program) model for
classical computers (except particular properties achiev- computer-aided molecular design is established to design
able using linear scaling density functional theory meth- different kinds of chemical products simultaneously. More-
ods, e.g. Ref. [33].) and the number of qubits in quantum over, an overview of computer-aided product design
computers is still insufficient. Various forms of hybrid approaches are given and perspectives on hybrid knowl-
implementations can at least partially overcome this edge-based and data-driven approaches are provided by
limitation. Hybrid methods are standard for quantum Alshehri et al. [42]. The promise of exponential speedups is
chemical calculations on enzymes, using different meth- related to complexity classes (binary quadratic problems)
ods for different parts of the system. One example is the that have been proved are subcases of NP (nondeterminis-
combined use of quantum mechanics (QM) for the active tic polynomial). Many such problems are so-called NP-hard
site and molecular mechanics (MM) using simple analytic problems, meaning that they scale very poorly on classical
force fields for the remainder of the biomolecule [34,35]. systems, making them prime targets for quantum advance-
New hybrid methods for combining classical computers ments [43]. Apart from being very practical, certain phe-
and quantum computers to different aspects of the overall nomena of quantum physics apply well to some common
quantum chemical calculation are emerging. aspects of many optimization problems. For example, one
of the hallmarks of optimization problems is the presence of
For solid catalyst design, QC is expected to become highly interconnected decision variables. Entanglement,
beneficial for solving the Schrödinger equation for mate- the phenomenon in which the state of two quantum par-
rials with complex electronic structures, where conven- ticles can be connected, can give quantum devices an edge
tional methods like density functional theory have diffi- on heavily connected problems [44]. In this work, we point
culties. Examples include strongly correlated materials, out a few emerging application areas where we see QC as an
like metal oxides. upcoming useful technology for chemical and biomolecular
product and process design.
Protein folding
Protein structure prediction is currently a major problem Perspectives
in computational biology [36]. Solving this problem can Property prediction using quantum chemistry
provide many benefits in molecular engineering and drug Quantum chemistry has been used as a key component in
discovery. That is, better understanding of these struc- many aspects of product design, where data acquisition by
tures would both serve to develop new products as well as experiments is too expensive, difficult and/or impossible
efficient processes for their purification. According to the to predict for properties required in product design. Two
funnel hypothesis of protein folding, the native structure examples are catalyst design and solvent design.
of a protein is believed to be the global minimum of its
free energy [37,38]. Given the vast conformational space For computational catalyst design, the correct molecular
available to even small peptides, exhaustive classical scale properties need to be known and predicted with
simulations are intractable. However, many have won- reasonable accuracy. In principle, this means that for a
dered if quantum computing may be able to assist this given catalyzed reaction, all stable reaction intermediates
problem. Therefore, the main aspect in designing pro- and transition states along the reaction coordinate(s) need
teins and solving protein structure problems is finding the to be known or estimated. Computational design of both
lowest-energy conformation of a lattice model, which is an molecular scale catalysts [45,46] and heterogeneous

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Quantum computing for product design Andersson et al. 5

catalysts (see, for example, Refs. [4,29,47]) have been challenge in computational biology, as a hard combinato-
successful, demonstrating the viability and power of rial optimization problem, it has been studied as a poten-
computer-aided design. The design of molecular organo- tial target problem for quantum annealing. Although
metallic catalysts to desired yield, rate and selectivity several experimental implementations have been dis-
requires the proper combination of metal ion and organic cussed in the literature, the computational scaling of
ligands to tune reactivity and selectivity (steric and elec- these approaches has not been elucidated [55].
tronic effects dominate) [48]. In heterogeneous catalysis,
solid materials structure and chemistry are the main
contributors to catalyst activity and selectivity. The bi-annual ‘Critical Assessment of protein Structure
Prediction’ (CASP) competition has been won by the com-
These molecular scale properties can be combined with pany DeepMind at CASP13 (2018) and CASP14 (2020) with
other system parameters such as concentrations in solu- the submitted algorithm AlphaFold [56], benchmarking
tion or solid catalyst area to obtain the desired macro- against the competition with a score of 58.9 % for the global
scopic properties including catalyst activity and selectiv- distance test (GDT), which depicts the degree of similarity
ity as function of temperature and pressure, that is, to the set of experimentally analyzed protein structures.
parameters that are controllable during the process. In With a score of 92.4%, AlphaFold 2 [57] achieved an
this respect, tailor-made computer-aided design of sol- impressive improvement to the GDT score. It is evident
vents to enhance the reaction rate can play an important that the predictive capabilities of deep neural networks have
role. One example of solvent design from quantum advanced the efforts to tackle protein folding significantly.
chemistry is that BASF designed a solvent using One open question we find worthwhile to ask is whether
COSMO-RS to optimize a polymerization process quantum computing can even enhance deep neural net-
[49]. Improved design of solvents is possible by apply- works by combining quantum hardware with the use of
ing an integrated solvent and process design, as opposed graphical processing units (GPUs), field programmable gate
to separate optimizations [50]. arrays (FPGAs) or application-specific integrated circuits
(ASICs) such as Alphabet’s proprietary TPU architecture.
Any relevant application towards product design using The trained AlphaFold 2 network relied on large computing
quantum chemistry requires that the quality of the predic- power (16 TPUv3s equivalent to 128 TPUv3 cores and
tions is high enough, and as is often the case with any approximately comparable to the power of 100–200 GPUs
computer aided design problem, the main limitation is the [57]) and would cost research groups a considerable financial
computing power. Therefore, density functional theory has budget (with 2.64 USD/hour pre-emptile price per TPUv3
completely overtaken theoretical heterogeneous catalysis resulting in 2.64 USD/hour  16  128  21 days  24 hour/
— no other method can provide enough accuracy for a large day = 2 724 986 USD) to implement and perform such neural
enough system to be relevant. That is also the reason why network training algorithms. Also, researchers would proba-
scaling relations between adsorbed reaction intermediates bly re-train the model several times to explore new ideas,
have been introduced to reduce time for screening for new debug the code, and so on. This means that such kind of
materials [47,51]. While in principle molecular scale details research would cost millions of USD. Thus, we believe that
are required, with proper assumptions some can be quantum machine learning (QML) can provide a way to
replaced with descriptors like the scaling relations, and circumvent such large-scale computing power issues and
in some cases even estimated via data-driven machine QML is also an active area of research where for example
learning-based methods. Thereby, the following are poten- feed-forward neural networks have been trained via a quan-
tially focus areas for QC in relation to property prediction: tum algorithm and achieved exponential speedup over
gradient-descent [58]. Other approaches to solving the
 Combining molecular scale properties with process protein folding problem with quantum devices have been
scale models in an integrated product-process design applied with different kinds of variational quantum eigen-
problem [52]. solvers [59], such as the Conditional Value-at-Risk Varia-
 Obtaining high quality data by solving selected, diffi- tional Quantum Eigensolver (CVaR-VQE) [60], or with
cult quantum chemistry problems with quantum quantum walks [61]. The question here is, whether quan-
computing. tum computers will be able to solve this problem more
 Integration of machine-learning and data-driven efficiently than classical AI implementations. Whether any
approaches to combine the abilities of QC for faster of these hybrid classical-quantum computing algorithms will
and more efficient property model development. be able to outperform classical deep neural networks still
needs to be studied. Thereby, the following are potentially
focus areas for QC in relation to protein structure property
Protein structure prediction prediction:
Protein folding has been regarded as one of the most
difficult problems to solve within the biotech domain for  There have been efforts in solving problems to predict
more than 50 years [53,54]. Protein folding is a central protein structures with QC. However, work needs to be

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6 Frontiers in chemical engineering; chemical product design – II

done to develop more efficient solution strategies as An aqueous micellar solution is a multi-component sys-
quantum computers scaleup. tem in which co-location of reactants is required for the
reaction to run. In order to satisfy the design requirements
for separation/recycling and control over unwanted phys-
Sustainable micellar chemo-catalysis and bio-catalysis ical phenomena, preferential control over partitioning of
With the emerging use of designer surfactants in water, the various components is required, including potential
which can act as reaction medium for simultaneous physical transformations, such as solid precipitation. Ide-
enzyme catalysis and chemo-catalysis [62] a more sus- ally, both the kinetic parameters from transition state
tainable process for fine chemicals production can begin calculations for catalysts as well as physicochemical prop-
to be designed. Biocatalysis can then be naturally phased erties of the surfactants and all components in the system
into multistep synthesis routes whenever a reaction step should be available.
using an enzyme is superior to a conventional catalyst.
Ideally, such combinations should be possible even with- To fully design processes for sustainable micelle-based
out extraction and change of solvent. synthetic routes, the ability to predict certain key prop-
erties are required, which could benefit from QC:
While computational chemistry has been successfully
utilized to better understand conventional chemo-cataly-  Catalyst activity, selectivity, and compatibility with the
sis (for example, see Ref. [63]), only some work has been micellar environment. This would require molecular
done on chemo-catalysis in micelles [64], and none on property prediction for formulations, enzymes and
enzyme catalysis in micelles. With many new opportu- organometallic catalysts.
nities opening when combining the biocatalysis and che-  Efficient recovery and purification of the product —
mocatalysis, any optimization and fundamental under- essentially an integrated surfactant, catalyst, solvent,
standing becomes combinatorically more difficult than and process optimization.
either case on its own. The complexity is simply too great
in a system with transition metal catalysts, surfactant
micelles, enzyme catalyst, reactants, and products, some Quantum computers and molecular reaction dynamics
of which can change along the multiple reaction steps. The optimization of chemical processes to yield desired
The vast number of computations necessary to products often requires knowing the reaction dynamics
completely describe such a complex system is beyond and finding energy efficient reaction routes, for example,
classical computers and the associated solution strategies, by using proper catalysts. The core of reaction dynamics is
but the use of quantum computing holds a potential key the dynamics of processes involving breaking and forma-
to success, not least because of the possibility to hold tion of chemical bonds, transfer of electrons and protons
more data during the computations. The discussions in along with photoinduced processes involving the inter-
previous examples hint at possibilities to optimize reac- actions between electromagnetic radiation and molecular
tion activity and selectivity across multiple steps via more systems [67,68].
accurate activation energies, also considering the neces-
sary conformational degrees of freedom of both surfactant Several of these processes involve nonadiabatic opera-
micelles and enzymes. A conceptual visualization of such tions that involve investigations of the electron-nuclear
an integrated approach is shown in Figure 1. The real dynamics that goes beyond the Born-Oppenheimer
experimental system is shown in the central tank, and approximation. This is a very difficult problem to solve
property predictions for key molecular and process prop- using conventional methods and it could be a problem
erties are done using an appropriate hybrid approach that is efficiently solved using quantum computers and
between a quantum computer and a ‘normal’ finding new methods using quantum algorithms for the
supercomputer. description of nonadiabatic phenomena involved in pho-
toinduced reactions. One key aspect for why quantum
Using micelles as reaction media has numerous benefits. computers could help solve the problem is the conceptual
Chemo-catalysis becomes more efficient, uses less cata- advantage of using qubits as opposed to bits, with the
lyst, requires little to no organic solvent, and often capability of storing a much larger amount of data during
requires only mild heating, if any [65,66]. The biocata- the computations. The dynamics of the chemical pro-
lytic reaction has a higher yield and becomes less suscepti- cesses involve the determination of thermal and vibra-
ble both to pH and temperature effects [62]. The use of tional relaxation rates of the ground and electronically
designer surfactants in water thus has strong synergistic excited states, and accurate assessments of these rates will
effects on both processes, allowing them to run simulta- provide an unprecedented understanding of how to con-
neously in the same reaction vessel. The potential gains trol and exploit the chemical processes. Reaction dynam-
are tremendous, but the main hurdle is that the added ics involving nuclear tunneling would be an attractive
complexity makes progress difficult, particularly any undertaking for quantum computer algorithms since this
attempts at rational product and reaction design. problem can be investigating using boson algebra for the

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Quantum computing for product design Andersson et al. 7

Figure 1  Quantum algorithms for simulating molecular vibra-

tional excitation would be a relevant avenue within the
Reactants Products
area of quantum computing [69–71].
Quantum Super
 Quantum algorithms would be able to provide crucial
Computer Computer
Micelles insight into the relevant mechanisms of delay times,
energy impact, pressure changes and how to prevent
Molecular scale
model Macro -scale model unsafe explosions [67,68].
Surface Process model
framework Conclusions
Quantum computing is already being realized across many
different fields, despite being an emerging technology in its
early stages of development and requiring far more devel-
Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering opment in terms of hardware capacity, adapting solution
strategies to exploit its capabilities, and solving real-world
A hybrid classic-quantum computing scheme. problems. In this work, the connection between chemical
and biomolecular product design and quantum computing
has been discussed. Chemical and biomolecular product
design has largely benefitted from computer-aided meth-
ods and tools using classical computers. However, some
nuclear tunneling dynamics and go beyond the conven- emerging applications towards developing novel products
tional semiclassical approximations [67–69]. associated with more sustainable processes (green solvents,
more efficient process design, integrated process-product
The understanding of chemical reactions in the atmo- design, and new drug developments or vaccines for a future
sphere is crucial for evaluating the future of climate pandemic) can benefit from emerging computational tools
change and how atmospheric pollution, for example, from such as quantum computing. There are prospects for its
use of chemical products and operation of industrial application in process design, process control and monitor-
chemical processes, affects human health. A full under- ing as well. Several needs and challenges have been iden-
standing of the complicated reaction mechanisms of tified and specific perspectives on how to utilize quantum
atmospheric chemical reactions involves determinations computing in this context have been provided. We foresee
of elementary rate constants along with the crucial and ample opportunities for taking advantage of quantum
relevant chemical mechanisms. This involves including computing for developing and designing more efficient,
spin-orbit, relativistic effects and nonadiabatic effects in economic, and sustainable products and chemical processes
the quantum calculations of relevant atmospheric chemi- in the not-too-distant future. To conclude we find the
cal rate constants [67]. following areas relevant for future use of quantum comput-
ing for applications related to chemical product-process
Furthermore, reaction dynamics investigations of thermal design:
reactions, such as involved in chemical weapons and/or
explosives, can be described by quantum-based reaction - Hybrid QC methods are likely to play an important role
molecular dynamics simulations. Based on these meth- also, as many multivariable problems will be optimally
ods, it is possible to provide data on impact sensitivity and solved through a combination of ‘expensive’ QC
safety handling of the explosives, both important aspects resources and ‘cheap’classical computing power.
of product design. Front-end applications that can optimize the ratio of
QC and classical computing resources that are applied
The dynamics and energy transfer undergoing the excita- for a given problem are likely also to be of utility.
tions of vibrational molecular modes are crucial for deter- Training and educational initiatives that can support
mining the products formed during chemical reactions, this will also play an important role.
either thermally activated or by interactions with electro- - Identifying relevant problems that can appropriately be
magnetic radiation fields. The mechanisms for vibrational formulated as optimization problems to solve with
dynamics are crucial for understanding the effects of quantum computers. Quantum computers are not sup-
vibrational excitations on selective bonds and how the posed to replace ‘all’ existing modes of computations.
dissociation processes evolve with time and surplus of - Using quantum computing (hybrid or stand-alone)
energy. Being able to predict photoinduced chemical combined with machine-learning approaches can pro-
reactions could help identify new and more efficient vide significant advantages through the development of
reaction routes, making production of key chemicals more multi-variate statistical process monitoring and fault-
energy efficient and enabling new target molecules to be diagnosis systems.
produced at scale. The following can be potentially - Computational modeling of quantum-mechanical sys-
achieved with quantum computing and algorithms: tems such as molecules, including predictions of their

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8 Frontiers in chemical engineering; chemical product design – II

properties, structure, and reactivity, is likely to be much assessment. Chem Eng Sci 2021, 245:116863 http://dx.doi.org/
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students in the Teknisk Kemisk og Biokemisk Fagprojekt course at the Eden MR, Gani R: Computer aided chemical product design –
Technical University of Denmark for the discussion around this work. ProCAPD and tailor-made blended products. Comput Chem
Financial support from the European Regional Development Fund through Eng 2018, 116:37-55 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/J.
Digitalisering Boost and the project Seymour Cray to DTU and MQS co- COMPCHEMENG.2018.03.029.
authors of this manuscript are acknowledged. 15. Pudi A, Karcz AP, Shadravan V, Andersson MP, Mansouri SS:
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