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By: Othman ELgebaly 1

“Final Exam for Patient Safety (Lite)”

Column A Column B
Preventing of Medication Errors Double Check High Alert Medicines
Hazards demanding attention to maintain Hand washing-related dermatitis
safe workplaces
Slips and Falls
Stages of Team development Forming
Root Cause Analysis tools Root Cause - Five whys
Analysis tools
- Cause-effect (Fishbone) Diagram
keys to improving quality through patient Patient centered
Dimensions of Quality Safety
Causes of Medication Errors Distraction
How can you avoid nursing burnout? No long shifts
Causes of nurse’s burnout Long shifts
Types of Medication Errors Prescribing errors
Causes of Splits and falls Bad lighting.
Prevention of Slips and Falls Dry floors
Common Medical Mistakes Cross Contamination
Documentation Signed by the author
Individual factors that predispose to error Limited memory capacity
Team leader rules Build a star team , not a team star
Why Medical Mistakes Occur Miscommunication
Characteristics of successful teams Balanced participation
International goals of patient safety Identify patient correctly
National goals of patient safety Prevention of patient's risk for developing
pressure ulcers
Knowledge and Expertise 1- Knowledge(Patients – Experience of
illness - Social circumstances - Attitude to
2- Expertise( Clinicians - Diagnosis disease –
Etiology - prognosis)
By: Othman ELgebaly 2
By: Othman ELgebaly 3

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