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Roll No. ..

poo o 2 Total Pages: 3

August/September 2022
Computer Networks (EC-602)

Time 3 Hours] (Max. Marks 75

I. t is compulsory to answer all the questions (1.5 marks
each) of Part-A in short.
2 Answer any four questions from Part-B in detail

3. Different sub-parts of a question are to be atempted

adjacent to each other.

1. (a) Differentiate between time division switching and space
division switching. (1.5)
(b) What do you mean by statistical multiplexing? Write
its one application. (1.5)
(C Draw the format of user datagram used as a packet for

switching (1.5)
(d) How network congestion occurs and what are the
solutions for it? (1.5)
(e) Define Ethernet, Hub and Switch. (1.5)

349 P.T.O.
( How the function of Network layer is differ from
transport layer for a virtual network?
(g) List various file formats available on internet.
Which information is available in the header of the
files. (1.5)
(h) Give the comparison between multicast and broadcast
routing? (1.5)
() What is the difference between congestion control and
congestion avoidance? (1.5)
What is the use of an IP address in networking? Also
write its classifications. (1.5)

2 (a) Discuss various service provided by network layer in
detail. (7.5)
b) Explain socket programming and layering concept in
detail. (7.5)

3. (a) Compare TCP header and UDP header. List the fields
in the TCP header that are missing from UDP header.
Give the reason for their absence. (7.5)
b) Which one has the highest probability of error
connectionless and connection oriented mechanism?

Explain Go Back N ARQ protocol for the sender as

well as receiver side in detail. (7.5)

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4. Explain OSI reference model in detail. Also differentiate
between OSI and TCP/IP model. (15)

5 . (a) What are the basic network topologies? Explain them

in detail and also give the advantages of each type.
(6) What do you mean by packet switching and circuit
switching? Explain the issue of blocking in both of
the switching techniques? (7.5)

6. (a) Discuss about network performance measures. What

are the approaches used to provide a range of Quality
of Service(QoS). (7.5)
(b) Discuss about distance vector routing in detail with an

example. Explain two node loop instability problem

of it and how it can be rectified. (7.5)

7. Write short note on:

(a) Remote Procedure call.

b) ALOHA. (15)

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