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Selection of sustainable material for the construction of UAV aerodynamic

wing using MCDM technique
Ritu Maity a, Ruby Mishra a, *, Prasant Kumar Pattnaik b, Anish Pandey a
School of Mechanical Engineering, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, India
School of Computer Engineering, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, India


Keywords: Flying robots and drones are gaining popularity in various sectors worldwide. In such a scenario, the design and
Carbon fiber reinforced plastics development of these aerial vehicles are very crucial. One of the most challenging parts is the selection of
Flying robot materials for different parts of flying robots. Our main focus is on wings various engineering materials are used
for the development of the wing structure of the flying robot. The challenging part in the design and development
Balsa wood
of a flying robot is its material selection which plays a crucial role. The major requirement of materials selected
Aluminium alloy should be resistance to deformation, high tensile strength, low thermal gradient, vibration resistance, and high
MCDM strength-to-weight ratio. In this paper, we have taken the five most widely used materials for the development of
UAV drones ie Carbon fiber reinforced plastics, Kevlar, Balsa wood, Polystyrene, and aluminum alloy, and have made
comparisons among them using the MCDM technique to select the best one out of the five for development of
wing structure of flying robots. We have also carried out structural and vibration analysis to check the resistance
for deformation and vibration for the wing of a flying robot in the case of different categories of materials used
for its wing structure. This will help new researchers select the most efficient material by comparing the widely
used materials and taking into account the important material properties based on a survey conducted by key
experts in the domain of material engineering. This paper gives a comparative study using the MCDM technique
for the selection of material for the wing design of flying robots.

1. Introduction for a UAV is crucial because it directly impacts the vehicle’s perfor­
mance, durability, weight, and overall functionality. The most chal­
In recent years the domain of aerial vehicles has gained importance lenging work is to identify the suitable material from existing materials
worldwide. As the demand for autonomous systems has been increasing, being already used for UAV designs. In our previous work, we designed a
the area of unmanned aerial vehicles is receiving a breakthrough. Flying hybrid fixed-wing type flying robot [4] for indoor application in the
robots or aerial vehicles or UAVs can be used in various sectors starting healthcare sector, here we have tried to study which material can be the
from the retail sector, agricultural sector, industries, medical sector, most suitable material for the wing structure of our flying robot. In the
search and rescue missions, the military sector, etc[1,2]. Taking into last few years, various works have been carried out in the area of flying
account the wide usage of flying robots or UAVs it is important to focus robots, and some of the well-known and experimentally proved mate­
on the area of design and development of these flying robots. One of the rials are available for manufacturing aerial vehicles. After reviewing
most important elements in the design and development of flying robots various research papers, we found the five most used materials for flying
is material selection [3]. The choice of materials for a UAV is a multi- robots ie Carbon fiber-reinforced plastics, Kevlar, Balsa wood, Poly­
faceted decision that impacts its performance, reliability, and overall styrene, and aluminum alloy. However, there was very little compara­
suitability for its intended purpose. Selecting suitable materials for tive analysis done for the selection of the best-suited material for the
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is a critical decision in the design and design and development of flying robots. We have tried to apply the
construction process. UAVs are versatile, remote-controlled aircraft that MCDM technique to find the best material out of the five most commonly
serve a wide range of applications, from surveillance and reconnaissance used materials based on its important physical and mechanical proper­
to agricultural monitoring and package delivery. The choice of materials ties like resistance to deformation, high tensile strength, low thermal

* Corresponding author at: Campus 8, SME, Kiit deemed to be University, India.

E-mail addresses: (R. Mishra), (P. Kumar Pattnaik), (A. Pandey).
Received 7 August 2023; Received in revised form 28 October 2023; Accepted 8 December 2023
2214-7853/Copyright © 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 4th International
Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering Research and Development.

Please cite this article as: Ritu Maity et al., Materials Today: Proceedings,
R. Maity et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1 structures in small-size fixed-wing drones used for indoor applications.

The table shows the details of the material properties of five different materials. iv) Carbon fiber-reinforced plastics
Material Density Modulus UTS Poisson’s Thermal Carbon fiber-reinforced plastics are composites that are widely used
of Ratio expansion in both the aerospace and automobile industries. It has exceptional
Elasticity coefficient strength, and low density, and provides better stiffness and rigidity
Polystyrene 0.96 g/ 3.4 Gpa 53 0.34 17e-6/degC compared to traditional materials. It is a composite material that is a
cc Mpa combination of carbon and reinforced plastics which provides high
Balsa Wood 0.14 g/ 0.175 Gpa 73 0.2 28e-6/degC tensile strength, and rigidity. It is resistant to UV rays, chemicals, etc. It
cc Mpa
Kevlar 1.4 g/cc 30 Gpa 480 0.2 1.2e-6/degC
has been extensively used for the construction of small, medium, and
MPa large types of drones, and unmanned aerial vehicles.[10,11].
Carbon Fiber 1.6 g/cc 70 Gpa 600 0.1 1.2e-6/degC v) Aluminium Alloys
Reinforced Mpa Aluminium is the most common metal available. Alloying elements
like magnesium are used with aluminium mostly in aerospace industries
Aluminium 2.7 g/cc 70 GPa 290 0.31 1.28e-5/degC
Alloy MPa for wing structures and body parts of aerial vehicles. These alloys have
good strength, light in weight as compared to other metals. They have
good machinability. They are mostly used for large types of drones or
gradient, resistance to vibration, high strength to weight ratio and cost aircraft [12,13].
which we had finalized after surveying important material properties After reviewing various work done in the area of drones and un­
required in drone industries from key experts in the domain of material manned aerial vehicles we found that the above five materials are
engineering. We have also tried to perform structural analysis on a widely in use in the current scenario. Nuriddin Abdujabarov [14] has
hybrid-type fixed-wing flying robot using different materials in ANSYS discussed recent and future technologies and materials used for the
software and the results were also considered while modeling a multi- development of UAVs. Many composite materials were also proposed
criteria decision-making model (see Table 1). which can provide better performance and efficiency for UAV devel­
opment [15,16]. C. James [17] discussed the development and use of Ti
1.1. Objective alloy in aerial vehicles. They have their own set of advantages like
lightweight, high temperature bearing capacity, etc. Different grades of
The objective of the manuscript is to propose such a model that can Ti alloy were discussed. Girolamo Costanza[18] discussed about shape
help researchers compare different popularly used materials in the memory alloys and their use in aerospace and UAV industries. Vikrant
design and development of flying robots and select the suitable one as Krishna Suryawanshi [19] demonstrated the use of low-weight
per their requirements. We have used a meta-heuristic optimization al­ aluminum material and its alloys for drone design and development.
gorithm to compare different materials based on some of their important Several research work [20] has been carried out to develop efficient
features like density, modulus of elasticity, UTS, deformation, and stress materials to be used in aerospace and aerial vehicles. For our developed
developed by conducting FEA analysis. After conducting a literature fixed-wing type flying robot which will be used for indoor applications
review on different materials used we have found that there is a lack of [4], it was challenging to choose the most efficient material. Very few
comparison of different materials used in the development of UAVs for research paper gives a comparative study between different materials
which we have proposed the MCDM technique to rank the materials. used in drone manufacturing. Here we have used a multi-criteria deci­
sion-making process to choose the most suitable material for the wing
2. Materials used in UAV structure of the drone.

Material selection is one of the most important parts of the design 3. MCDM technique
and development of UAVs or flying robots[5]. UAV’s important
requirement is to have a high strength-to-weight ratio. The material It is a technique in which multiple criteria are taken into consider­
should take into account aerodynamic consideration and also the ma­ ation for deciding the favorable condition for a particular application.
terial should be easily formable or shapeable. Here we have taken into [21,22] First, the criteria are classified into beneficiary and non-
consideration wing design and suitable material for the wing of the UAV. beneficiary categories. Those criteria lie in the non-beneficiary cate­
After reviewing various research papers we have found the five most gory we calculate the ratio of the minimum value of those criteria to the
widely used materials in the domain of aerial vehicles. summation of all the values in the non-beneficiary category to form the
i)Polystyrene normalized decision matrix. Then weightage for different criteria is set
It is a polymer made from monomer styrene and it is one of the most and multiplied with a normalized decision matrix to get the final per­
commonly used polymers. It has good stability, is light in weight, is cost- formance score.
effective, low melting point. It can be manufactured easily by injection
molding process as it has a good forming ability. Polystyrene is used for 4. Methodology
wing design of a medium and small range of aerial vehicles or drones
due to its affordable price, low weight, and good rigidity [6]. The flowchart below shows the steps followed in this paper to find
ii)Balsa wood the most suitable material for flying robot design and its use in indoor
Balsa wood is also known as hardwood, it is high-quality wood with applications.
excellent durability, rigidity, and stability. It is light in weight and
successfully used in various drones for small and medium-range sizes 4.1. Selection of materials using the MCDM technique
[7]. It can withstand the aerodynamic force effects on the wing structure
at the same time provide stability to the system. For the selection of material using the MCDM technique, we have
iii)Kevlar taken five different materials polystyrene, balsa wood, Kevlar, Carbon
Kevlar is a synthetic fiber that has a high strength-to-weight ratio. It fiber reinforced plastics, and aluminum alloy and the criteria based on
is light in weight, has good heat-resistant properties, high strength. It is which decision will be taken for selection of material are density,
also used in various composite materials for a wide range of applica­ modulus of elasticity, Ultimate tensile strength, thermal expansion co­
tions. Few of the research papers have mentioned [8,9] the use of Kevlar efficient, and cost.
as a composite material for propellers in rotary-type drones and wing We have also performed structural analysis on our previously

R. Maity et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. Figure shows the flowchart of steps followed for carrying out the work.

Fig. 2. Figure shows the meshing of the proposed flying robot using the FEA tool.

Fig. 3. The figure shows the equivalent stress developed in a flying robot with carbon fiber reinforced plastic material.

R. Maity et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 4. Figure shows the deformation developed with carbon fiber-reinforced plastic.

Fig. 5. Figure shows the equivalent stress developed in a flying robot with Kevlar.

Fig. 6. Figure shows the deformation developed in a flying robot with Kevlar.

designed hybrid type fixed wing flying robot using ANSYS software and imported to the ansys environment and its material properties were set.
tried to find out deformation and stress developed in the case of different Then meshing of the flying robot was done using global meshing op­
materials assigned to the flying robot. First, the CAD model was tions. Fig. 1 shows the meshing of the flying robot done using ANSYS

R. Maity et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 7. Figure shows the equivalent stress developed in a flying robot with Balsa wood.

Fig. 8. Figure shows the deformation developed in a flying robot with Balsa wood material.

Fig. 9. Figure shows the equivalent stress developed in a flying robot with Polystyrene material.

software. Further, the boundary conditions and loading conditions were equivalent stress developed in the hybrid-type fixed-wing flying robot
defined to check the equivalent stress developed and deformation in the with carbon fiber using analysis software. Similarly, Figs. 4 and 5 show
proposed structure. The figure below shows the analysis results obtained analysis results with Kevlar material, Figs. 6 and 7 show analysis results
from ANSYS software. Figs. 2 and 3 shows the deformation and with Balsa wood, Figs. 8 and 9 show results with polystyrene, and

R. Maity et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 10. The figure shows the deformation developed in a flying robot with Polystyrene material.

Fig. 11. Figure shows the equivalent stress developed in a flying robot with Aluminium material.

Fig. 12. Figure shows the deformation developed with Aluminium material.

Figs. 10 and 11 show results with aluminum alloy (see Fig. 12). criteria whose value needs to be low are categorized into the non-
The summary of all deformation values and equivalent stress beneficiary category and criteria whose value needs to be high are
developed by the use of different materials is shown in Table 2. categorized into the beneficiary category. Table 3 shows the criteria
For applying multi-criteria decision-making to our project we have under the beneficiary and non-beneficiary categories (see Table 4).
taken five important parameters ie Density, modulus of elasticity, UTS, The next step is to form a normalized decision matrix. For the non-
deformation obtained from analysis software, and cost. The criteria are beneficiary category equation, 1 is to be used and for the beneficiary
split into two categories ie beneficiary and non-beneficiary. Those category equation (2) is to be used, D and D1 refers to normalized values

R. Maity et al. Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 2 [23]
Table 2 shows the equivalent stress and deformation generated by carrying out
structural analysis in ANSYS software.
min(xab )
D= (1)
Material used Equivalent stress Deformation

Carbon Fibre 59891 Pa 0.0013 mm xab

D1 = (2)
Kevlar 58125 Pa 0.0035 mm max(xab)
Balsa wood 58125 Pa 0.6 mm
Polystyrene 49216 Pa 0.1 mm The next step is to calculate the weighted normalized decision
Aluminum Alloy 54219 Pa 0.0016 mm matrix.

W=w×D (3)

Table 3 Where w = weight.

Table shows the decision matrix for conducting the MCDM technique by cate­ W = weighted normalized values.
gorizing beneficiary and non-beneficiary categories. Based on the survey conducted to find the most important factor for
Materials Non-Beneficiary criteria Beneficiary Criteria the selection of suitable material among key experts in the field of ma­
Density Deformation Cost Modulus of UTS
terial engineering, we found five parameters that will be taken into
(per kg) Elasticity consideration ie density, deformation, cost, modulus of elasticity, and
UTS. Here we have taken the weightage value for each category as 0.2
Carbon Fiber 1.6 g/cc 0.0013 mm 1600/- 70 Gpa 600
Mpa which is equal for all categories as we have 5 categories. Table 5 shows
Kevlar 1.4 g/cc 0.0035 mm 1560/- 30 Gpa 480 the weighted normalized decision matrix obtained after multiplying the
MPa weight factor with the normalized decision matrix.
Balsa wood 0.14 g/ 0.6 mm 260/- 0.175 Gpa 73 After calculating the weighted normalized matrix further the sum­
cc Mpa
Polystyrene 0.96 g/ 0.1 mm 90/- 3.4 Gpa 53
mation of all the beneficiary and non-beneficiary categories’ normalized
cc Mpa values is done to find the performance score. The material with the
Aluminum 2.7 g/cc 0.0016 mm 250/- 70 GPa 290 highest performance score is ranked as the number 1 material. Table 6
Alloy MPa shows the performance score obtained and the final rank generated by
applying the MCDM technique (see Table 7).
By conducting multi-criteria decision making it was found that car­
Table 4 bon fiber ranked 1 among all five categories. So we can conclude that out
Table below shows the normalized decision matrix formed by applying equa­ of five materials carbon fiber is the best material for the design and
tions (1) and (2). development of drones. Also, carbon fiber material has good manufac­
Materials Non-Beneficiary criteria Beneficiary Criteria turability [24,25]which makes it a more suitable material for UAV
used manufacturing.
Density Deformation Cost Modulus of UTS
(per Elasticity
kg) 5. Result and discussion
Carbon Fiber 0.14/1.6 0.0013/ 90/ 70/70 600/
0.0013 1600 600 In this paper, we have tried to make a comparison between five
Kevlar 0.14/1.4 0.0013/ 90/ 30/70 480/ popularly used materials for the development of flying robots Carbon
0.0035 1560 600 fiber reinforced plastics, Kevlar, Balsa wood, Polystyrene, and
Balsa wood 0.14/ 0.0013/0.6 90/260 0.175/70 73/
Aluminum alloy and we have tried to minimize the non-beneficiary
0.14 600
Polystyrene 0.14/ 0.0013/0.1 90/90 3.4/70 53/ parameters like cost, density, deformation obtained in the body and
0.96 600 maximized the beneficiary parameters like UTS, Modulus of elasticity.
Aluminum 0.14/2.7 0.0013/ 90/250 70/70 290/ The table below shows the rank generated from the MCDM technique
Alloy 0.0016 600 and equivalent stress and deformation values for five different materials
that were obtained from the structural analysis carried out using ANSYS
Table 5 From the above results, it was found that carbon fiber ranked one as
Table shows the weighted normalized decision matrix. per the MCDM algorithm applied which had taken into consideration
Materials Non-Beneficiary criteria Beneficiary Criteria density, deformation, cost, modulus of elasticity, and UTS as per the
Density Deformation Cost Modulus of UTS
survey results obtained by taking the opinion of experts in the field of
(per kg) Elasticity material engineering. By applying the MCDM approach we have proved
that carbon fiber material can be the most suitable material for the
Carbon Fiber 0.875 × 1 × 0.2 0.0563 1 × 0.2 1 × 0.2
0.2 × 0.2 development of UAV. The next best can be Kevlar. As per our developed
Kevlar 1 × 0.2 0.37 × 0.2 0.057 × 0.428 × 0.2 0.8 × flying robot, we have also tried to check the deformation and stress
0.2 0.2 developed on the structure once we change the materials, and the
Balsa wood 0.1 × 0.0022 × 0.2 0.346 × 0.0025 × 0.12 × analysis of it was done using ANSYS software, and those parameters
0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Polystyrene 0.146 × 0.013 × 0.2 1 × 0.2 0.048 × 0.2 0.088
were also considered while calculating the rank of the materials. From
0.2 × 0.2 the above table, it is clear that carbon fiber has been ranked number one
Aluminium 0.052 × 0.813 × 0.2 0.36 × 1 × 0.2 0.48 × as well as has equivalent stress and deformation values within the
Alloy 0.2 0.2 0.2 desired limit for the development of UAVs or flying robots. Further next
best material can be considered as Kevlar and then aluminum as per the
rank generated.

6. Conclusion

In this paper, we have taken five different materials that are

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Table 6
The table shows the performance score and rank generation.
Materials used Non-Beneficiary criteria Beneficiary Criteria Score Rank

Density Deformation Cost (per kg) Modulus of Elasticity UTS

Carbon Fiber 0.175 0.2 0.0112 0.2 0.2 0.786 1

Kevlar 0.2 0.074 0.0114 0.086 0.16 0.54 2
Balsa wood 0.2 0.00044 0.069 0.0005 0.024 0.29 4
Polystyrene 0.029 0.0026 0.2 0.0096 0.0176 0.26 5
Aluminium Alloy 0.01 0.16 0.072 0.2 0.096 0.53 3

Declaration of Competing Interest

Table 7
Table shows a comparison of different materials concerning rank from MCDM The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
and results from structural analysis. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
Material used Rank Obtained from Equivalent Deformation the work reported in this paper.
MCDM technique stress

Carbon Fibre 1 59891 Pa 0.0013 mm Data availability

Kevlar 2 58125 Pa 0.0035 mm
Balsa wood 4 58125 Pa 0.6 mm
The data that has been used is confidential.
Polystyrene 5 49216 Pa 0.1 mm
Aluminum 3 54219 Pa 0.0016 mm
Alloy References

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