A09-3841-001_Temp Rev_4_TCAS 2000_SDIM

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Aviation Communication Surveillance Systems

19810 North 7th Ave.

Phoenix, AZ 85027


34-43-10 (PUB. NO. A09-3841-001)
REVISION 3 DATED 15 Oct 2002


The attached pages contain Temporary Revision No. 4 to TCAS 2000 System Description and
Installation Manual 34-43-10 (Pub. No. A09-3841-001). There are instructions on every page to tell you
where to put the pages in your copy of the manual.

Use the information below to update the Record of Temporary Revisions page in your manual. If your
manual does not have a Record of Temporary Revisions page, retain this cover letter in the front of the
manual. A permanent Record of Temporary Revisions page will be issued at the next revision to the

Table of Temporary Revisions for

34-43-10 (Pub. No. A09-3841-001)

Temporary Temporary Temporary Removed
Revision Revision Revision Date Put From
Number Date* Status In Manual By Manual By
1 01 Sep 2000 Inactive 01 Sep 2000 H 15 Nov 2000 H

2 20 Sep 2000 Inactive 20 Sep 2000 H 15 Nov 2000 H

3 03 Dec 2009 Active
4 15 Dec 2009 Active

* Manuals released after the date of the Temporary Revision will include the Temporary
TCAS 2000/Part No. 7517900


FILING INSTRUCTIONS: Put this sheet facing page 1-20 in the TCAS 2000, System Description and
Installation Manual, Pub. No. A09-3841-001, (ATA No. 34-43-10), revision 003, dated 15 NOV 2002.
The following bolded information has been added or changed:

 . Extended Range Reception Capability (Optional -82 +- 2 dBm (+-90% Mode S squitter
Mode) replies decoded)
 . Low Level Receiver Signal Rejection (Normal -81 dBm (+-10% Mode S and ATCRBS
Operation) replies decoded)
 . Receiver Signal Processing Amplitude Mono-pulse
 . System Bearing Accuracy Error less than 9 degrees RMS, 27
degrees peak from -10 to +10 degrees

The TCAS 2000 unit has 6 FAA approved deviations. These do not affect the installation or
performance of the system. The details of the deviations are found below:

(a) Deviation No. 1: UNDER TSO C119a/b/c.

In addition to using the power programming of MOPS paragraph, the TCAS
System described herein also used a formula for determining the transmit power from the
last received reply (Transmit Power = -10 dB - Last Received Reply Power Level). The
lowest power level of the two computations is used for the initial interrogation in each
surveillance update period to each intruder. Thus this deviation waiver permits, lower
power interrogations based on actual radar range path loss (Transmit Power = -10 dB - Last
Received Reply Power Level) instead of the higher theoretical power MOPS required
interrogations, and if a reply is not received then the MOPS interrogation power level are
No negative impact on TCAS performance. The intent is to conserve the power budget and
therefore enhance surveillance capabilities. If the lower power interrogations are not
answered, the intruder is re-interrogated at or above the power specified.

(b) Deviation No. 2: UNDER TSO C119a/b.

The TCAS System described herein exceeds the target tracking capacity of MOPS
paragraph of 30 aircraft by 20 aircraft making a total capacity of 50 aircraft under
active surveillance. This surveillance tracking capacity allows a maximum of 35 aircraft of
any one type (ATCRBS, Mode S) before any aircraft are dropped thus ensuring that all
threatening intruders will be tracked. When the total Mode S (or ATCRBS) target capacity of
35 (as opposed to the MOPS limit of 30 tracked aircraft) is exceeded and additional
intruders are added, intruders of the same type will be dropped from active surveillance in
order of decreasing range. Non-MOPS tests HD6P and HD6Q demonstrate compliance.
MOPS requirements are met or exceeded for all aircraft densities specified in the MOPS.

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Pub. No. A09-3841-001, 03T4 34-43-10 15 Dec 2009
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TCAS 2000/Part No. 7517900

(c) Deviation No. 3: UNDER TSO C119a

The TCAS system should cease reporting active resolution advisories in response to Mode
S sensor UF-20 interrogations within 2 seconds of advisory termination. Deviation
Description: MOPS test case scenario H requires that the TCAS system quit
reporting active vertical resolution advisories in DF-20 replies to Mode S sensor
interrogations within 2 seconds of advisory termination. The ACSS TCAS II system
continues to report resolution advisories as active for 18+ 2 seconds in DF-20 REPLIES AS
REQUIRED BY Change 3 to RTCA/DO-181. This deviation represents a conflict between
RTCA/DO-185 and RTCA/DO-181 where RTCA/DO-185 has not been updated to reflect the
current status of RTCA/DO-181. System Impact: This deviation involves communication
between a TCAS II equipped aircraft and a Mode S ground station. Communication between
the TCAS II equipped aircraft and possible threat aircraft is not affected. There is no
negative impact on system safety.

(d) Deviation No. 4: UNDER TSO C119a

MOPS paragraph states: If the time-to-endanger is less than 42 seconds, one or
more interrogations shall be transmitted to the target within two surveillances update
intervals from the time that the range determination is made, and periodic surveillance
interrogations (designated as „tracking‟ interrogation) shall be initiated for the target unless
the altitude information received indicates that this is not necessary. If the time-to-
endanger of a Mode S target is greater than or equal to 42 seconds, the equipment shall not
transmit additional interrogations to the target until a time equal to the “time-to-endanger”
minus 42 seconds has elapsed. (Such a target is referred to as dormant.) When a target
ceases to be dormant, its address shall be treated as a new address as described in
subparagraph; that is, it must be initiated again is squitters continue to be
received. Note: Mode S targets may be exempted from dormancy provided that the
requirements of paragraph 2.26 and subparagraphs, and are
satisfied. Deviation Description: The MOPS test cases listed above specify the timing
and/or existence of interrogations to individual intruders. In each of these test (except, the ACSS TCAS transmits acquisition interrogations that are not in accordance
with the test scenario pass criteria given in RTCA/DO-185. However, MOPS paragraph, partially quoted above, indicates that exceptions can be made. The ACSS TCAS II
computer satisfies all the conditions required for these exceptions. The conditions
described above exist for test but the expected results are still achieved. The test
success conditions require that the TCAS computer send an acquisition interrogation to
only one of the simulated intruders. Under previous releases, two of the intruders were
interrogated. In release 5, no interrogation is sent to the second of the two intruders
because it falls outside of the + 8,000 foot relative altitude window for Mode S surveillance.
This altitude window was implemented in release 5 per ATC Project Memorandum No.
42PM-TCAS-0064. System impact: The ACSS TCAS computer provides full volume
surveillance for intruders within 60 nmi (acquisition)/ 40 nmi (tracking) in the absence of
interference limiting or graceful degradation conditions. When traffic density conditions
merit reduction of the surveillance volume, the TCAS system reverts to a smaller volume
under which the conditions specified in MOPS paragraph are satisfied. In addition,
the Mode S surveillance volume is limited to a + 8,000 foot relative altitude window per ATC
Project Memorandum No. 42PM-TCAS-0064.

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Pub. No. A09-3841-001, 03T4 34-43-10 15 Dec 2009
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TCAS 2000/Part No. 7517900

(e) Deviation No. 5: UNDER TSO C119a

The ACSS TCAS II system implements CAS logic changes not specified in TSO C119a and
not reflected in RTCA/DO-185 Change 6. These TCAS CAS logic changes include those
specified in the following Mitre letters as industry recommended and FAA required (ref.
Docket No. 94-NM-68-AD; Amendment 39-8788; AD 94-01-04); (1) F046-L-0500, dated 27
March 1992. (2) F046-L-0546, dated 13 July 1992. (3) F046-L-0601, dated 30 October 1992.
(4) F046-L-0056, dated 20 July 1993. (5) F046-L-0069, dated 21 September 1993. These TCAS
CAS logic changes have been tested to the requirements specified in these Mitre letters.
System Impact: The ACSS TCAS computer provides full compliance to all CAS changes
specified in the above Mitre letters.

(f) Deviation No. 6: UNDER TSO C119a

The ACSS TCAS II incorporates the RVSM changes incorporated into DO-185A, paragraph, Table 2-13, between 20, 000 and 42, 000 feet. The DO-185A parameters of ZTHRTA
of 850 feet and ZTHR of 700 feet are incorporated for altitudes between 20,000 to 42,000
feet. These TCAS CAS logic changes have been tested to the requirements specified in
these Mitre letters. System Impact: The ACSS TCAS computer provides full compliance to
all CAS changes specified in the above Mitre letters.

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Pub. No. A09-3841-001, 03T4 34-43-10 15 Dec 2009
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