Character Analysis-G8-E.LIT

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English Literature Grade : VIII Session 2023-2024

Topic: Character Analysis The Strange Case of DR Teacher : Zarin Tashnim


Name: Date: 25.04.2024

Dr. Henry Jekyll

Dr. Henry Jekyll, a highly esteemed doctor, enjoys the respect and friendship of his
colleagues, Dr. Lanyon, a fellow physician, and Mr. Utterson, a lawyer renowned for his
integrity. Within the community, Dr. Jekyll is known for his compassionate nature and
dedication to charitable endeavors, which have endeared him to many.
Despite his outward success, he finds this darker side of himself increasingly burdensome,
causing him great inner turmoil. Driven by a desperate desire to rid himself of this internal
conflict, Dr. Jekyll embarks on a series of daring experiments. He aims to separate his
virtuous life from the dark, immoral one. These experiments lead to a remarkable
breakthrough—the creation of Mr. Hyde, a manifestation of Dr. Jekyll's repressed evil
inclinations. Initially, Dr. Jekyll views Mr. Hyde as a means of liberating himself from the
shackles of societal expectations, allowing him to indulge in his darker desires without
consequence. However, as Dr. Jekyll's transformation into Mr. Hyde becomes more frequent
and uncontrollable, he discovers the terrifying extent of his alter ego's depravity. Mr. Hyde's
heinous, mischievous acts started to take control over him. Thus, Dr. Jekyll's noble quest to
separate good from evil ultimately leads him down a path of self-destruction, as he grapples
with the consequences of unleashing his inner demons upon the world.

Edward Hyde
Mr. Edward Hyde is portrayed as a peculiar and repulsive figure, bearing an unsettling
resemblance to something primitive or subhuman. His appearance evokes feelings of
revulsion and fear in those who encounter him, yet his exact deformities remain ambiguous
and indescribable. This ambiguity contributes to the sense of unease and disquiet surrounding
his character. Mr. Hyde serves as the embodiment of Dr. Jekyll's dark impulses and repressed
desires, unleashed from the constraints of conscience by a mysterious potion. As the physical
manifestation of Dr. Jekyll's inner turmoil, Mr. Hyde embodies the darker aspects of human
nature—violence, cruelty, and moral decay. His emergence represents the unleashing of
primal instincts and desires that lurk beneath the surface of civilized society. Moreover, Mr.
Hyde's presence serves as a metaphor for the inherent duality of human existence,
highlighting the perpetual struggle between good and evil within each individual. His actions
reflect the consequences of unchecked hedonism and moral relativism, serving as a
cautionary tale about the dangers of succumbing to one's baser instincts. In essence, Mr.
Edward Hyde embodies the primal forces of darkness and chaos that lurk within the human
psyche, serving as a potent symbol of the inherent duality of human nature and the timeless
struggle between good and evil.

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