Ezmeralda d'Avenir

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Ezmerelda d'Avenir is a tall and slender woman, standing at around 6 feet tall.

has a striking appearance with long, curly, dark hair that falls in cascading waves
down her back and is often tied back with a bandana, giving her a fierce look. Her
piercing green eyes are sharp and intense, giving her a charismatic gaze. She has an
angular jawline and high cheekbones that give her an air of refinement and elegance.
Her skin is a warm, rich olive tone, and her hands are adorned with various intricate
tattoos and scarifications.

She carries herself with a sense of confidence and grace, and her movements are fluid
and precise. Her clothing is typically a long, flowing dress made of rich, dark fabrics.
The dress is adorned with intricate patterns and embroidery, and it is cinched at the
waist with a thick, braided belt. The dress is also trimmed with fur and has long,
billowing sleeves that are decorated with intricate beading.

She carries a number of trinkets and charms on her person, including a small crystal
ball, a deck of tarot cards, and a silver-handled knife. She also wears a necklace that
holds a small vial of holy water and a small pouch filled with garlic cloves. she is also
equipped with a sabre, which she wields with great skill and precision during battle.
Her right leg, just below the knee, is entirely prosthetic, but she does not let that
hinder her movements and abilities. She also uses her magic to enhance her fighting
skills and to protect herself. All these details make her look like a fierce and powerful
vampire hunter who is well-prepared to blow shit up.
Ezmerelda d'Avenir is a strong-willed and independent woman who is not afraid to
speak her mind. She is fiercely loyal to her people and will go to great lengths to
protect them. She is also a skilled fortune teller and can use her abilities to help guide
the players in their quests.

On the other hand, she has a quirky and dorky side, she loves to make puns, tell jokes,
and is always up for a good laugh. She is also a bit of a nerd, she is passionate about
history, legends and myths and loves to share her knowledge with others.

She is a natural leader and is respected by her people for her wisdom and insight. She
is also deeply empathetic and compassionate, and will often go out of her way to help
those in need. She is a good listener and is able to diffuse tense situations, but
sometimes she acts more on her instincts, as they never failed her.

When it comes to her behavior, she has a tendency to act like a male, and she is not
ashamed of it, she is very comfortable in her own skin. She is also an extrovert, once
you are her friend, she is always up for a good conversation, a round of drinks and a
good laugh.

In battle, she is fierce and relentless, using her sabre and magic to great effect. She is
not afraid to take risks and is always looking for ways to turn the tide in her favor.

She is very skeptical and cautious of outsiders, but once she trusts someone, she
becomes a loyal and dependable ally. With this mix of traits, she is an awe-inspiring
and unique character that can be both dorky and badass at the same time.
• Ezmerelda is a veteran monster hunter who was trained by the legendary
monster hunter, Rudolph van Richten. As a result, she is really, really good at
killing monsters. She is looking for her Mentor in Barovia, Ezmeralda swears
that he is lurking somwhere in the valley.

• Ezmeralda says that she has explored castle Ravenloft but was then found out,
she fought and was wounded, forcing her to flee to the Abbey of Saint
Markovia in Krezk to escape Strahd's wrath.

• Ezmeralda tells the party that when she was younger a pack of werewolves
almost killed her, she survived thanks to Rudolf van Richten's help, but not
before losing her right leg to the werewolf pack leader. She has now a metal
prostetic leg in place of it.

• Ezmeralda tells the party she has left some of her things near the old tower on
lake Baratok. Before infiltrating inside Castle Ravenloft she tried to enter
inside the tower to no avail.

• Ezmeralda has the standard Vistani free-pass to move through the Mists of
Ravenloft and, in fact, has control over where they take her. She can come and
go from Barovia at will, using the mists to travel pretty much anywhere she
wants to go. She can't safely take anyone else with her without Strahd's
blessing, though.

• Ezmerelda is able to perform the Vistana Ritual: "The Tarokka reading".

• Vistani are particularly gifted at laying curses on people and can do so without
the need of casting spells. They have to be in a hostile enough state of mind,
but they can curse with nearly any doom they can think of.

• The party have seen her Curse the Gulthias Tree with a really powerful curse
at the cost of het losing her left eye.

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