M02-Prepare Bill of Quantities level 3

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Level – III
Learning Guide - # 1
Unit of Competence: Prepare Bill of Quantities
Module Title: Preparing Bill of Quantities
LG Code: EIS SCW3 02 0322 LG 1- LO1
TTLM Code: EIS SCW3 M02 TTLM 0322 v1

LO1. Plan and prepare for work



Before commencement of any project, the first thing that we need to do is project planning. Any
reasonable project manager certainly understands importance of planning a project well. Carefully
planned project takes into account necessary aspects of a project (e.g. tasks, milestone, schedule,
risks, communication, quality, etc.) and provide a plan which project team can refer during execution

Construction in the project consist the process of planning, designing, financing, constructing and
operating physical facilities has a different perspective on project management. Specialized
knowledge can be very beneficial; particularly in large and complicated companies since experts in
various specialties can provide valuable services. However, it is advantageous to understand how the
different parts of the process fit

together. Waste, excessive cost and delays can result from poor coordination and communication
among specialists. It is particularly in the interest of owners to insure that such problems do not
occur. And it behooves (responsibility) all participants in the process to heed the interests of owners
because, in the end, it is the owners who provide the resources and call the shots. Consider these
following beneficial quotes about planning:

“If you don’t plan for the project, you are planning for failure”
“Plans act as a road map of complicated process to manage project”
“Fail to Plan . . . and You Plan to Fail! “
The task of coming up with a sequence of actions that will achieve a goal is called planning.
Planning is a general term that sets a clear road map that should be followed to reach a destination.
The term, therefore, has been used at different levels to mean different Planning involves the
breakdown of the project into definable, measurable, and identifiable tasks/activities, and then
establishes the logical interdependences among them. Generally, planning answers four main
 What is to be done?

 How to do it?

 Who does it?

 When to do?

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In construction, for example, plans may exist at several levels: corporate strategic plans, pre-tender
plans, pre-contract plans, short-term construction plans, and long-term construction plans.
These plans are different from each other; however, all these plans involve four main steps:
 Performing breakdown of work items involved in the project into activities.

 Identifying the proper sequence by which the activities should be executed.

 Activities representation.

 Estimating the resources, time, and cost of individual activities.

Construction project planning is a method of determining the following:

 “What” is going to be done?

 “How’’ things are going to be done?

 ‘’Who” will be doing activities?

 “How much” activities will cost?

 “When” things to be done?

Concepts in the Development of Construction Plans

Construction planning is a fundamental and challenging activity in the management and
execution of construction projects which involves:
1. Choice of technology
2. Definition of work tasks
3. Estimation of the required resources
4. Durations for individual tasks
5. Identification of any interactions among the different work tasks.
Project planning is a logical process to ensure that the work of the project is carried out
• In an organized and structured manner
• Reducing uncertainties to a minimum
• Reducing risk to a minimum
• Establishing quality standards
• Achieving results within budget and scheduled time

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Prior to the start of execution of a project or immediately after the actual project starts, the contractor
prepares the project construction plans based on the contracted time schedule of the project. Detailed
planning is needed at the start of construction to decide how to use resources such as laborers, plant,
materials, finance, and subcontractors economically and safely to achieve the specified objectives.
The plan shows the periods for all sections of the works and activities, indicating that everything can
be completed by the date specified in the contract and ready for use or for installation of equipment
by other contractors.
A good construction plan is the basis for developing the budget and the schedule for work.
Developing the construction plan is a critical task in the management of construction, even if the
plan is not written or otherwise formally recorded. In addition to these technical aspects of
construction planning, it may also be necessary to make organizational decisions about the
relationships between project participants and even which organizations to include in a project.

A Bill of Quantities should make it easier for a contractor to price a particular project since all the
materials and work to be carried out is listed. Each contractor should be working from the same
information therefore a fairer system is employed when pricing competitively. Less mistakes should
be made compared to an estimator taking quantities off drawings since is this procedure the
estimator is effectively making up his own bill of quantities.

1.1 Identify the work to be performed in Building Construction work

All works in the building construction project have two main categories
A. Sub structure
B. Supper structure

Any structure below the ground floor slab level including the basement, retaining walls, ground slab,
grade beam, and foundation is called a substructure. In most of the cases, substructure work can be
categorized as follows:

1. Excavation and earthworks

2. Concrete works ( form works , bar bending, pouring of concrete)
3. Masonry works
4. Sanitary installation work (Installing Different size of PVC pipe for drainage system)


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1.1 Site clearance and removing top 20cm thick soil.

Before starting any work you should have to clean your working area from unnecessary materials
and lose soil .These elements are not good for different construction materials such as; concrete,
steel and timber works. Therefore, these materials (including trees, bushes and the top 20 to 30 cm
soil), termite hills, any other obstruction, have to be cleared. A working space of 1m is required both

Eg. Site clearing and removing of the top 200mm thick soil

1.2 Bulk excavation

Excavation to get reduced levels of every structural element below the ground level is called bulk
excavation. They are subdivided as follows depending on the subsurface condition.

A. Ordinary soil - With boulders and without boulders and can easily be removed by shovel
without problem.

B. Soft rock – it can be divided easily without blasting.

C. Hard Rock- bedded rocks that cannot be dug without blasting (requires using

Note: - Working space for bulk excavation is 25 cm (Not used for shallow masonry). Depth of
excavation less than 30 cm measured per m2, if depth > 30 cm per m3.

1.3 Trench excavation

Trench excavation is one of excavation and earth work which excavated for foundation wall with
25cm working space both side. The dimension of trench excavation is read from detail working
drawing. it shall be measured by M3

Eg. Excavate in ordinary soil for trench foundation to a depth not exceeding 1500mm from reduced

1.4 Pit Excavation

Pit excavation is one of excavation and earth work which excavated for Footing either isolated nor
combined footing in ordinary soil or soft and hard rock. The dimension of pit excavation is read
from detail working drawing and sectional drawing. With 25cm working space both side trench
excavation shall be measured by M3.

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Eg. Excavate in soft rock for isolated footing to a depth not exceeding 1500mm from reduced level.

1.5 Back fill

Fill around footings and foundation column Stone masonry foundation wall and under hard core to
maintain the desired level with selected material and compact in layers. Back fill shall be measured
in M3 of net volume to be filled. Fill is required because the reduced level of every structural element
above the structure has to be covered. Excavation and embankment should not be added at a time in
computing their volume, because their costs are different. The major consideration under
embankment is compaction. Compaction is usually done at 20 cm lift thickness.
The subdivisions under fill are:
 Backfill - filling of the excavated soil onto its excavated place but by removing coarse
particles. Back filling materials are taken from construction site.

 Borrow fill: - filling of soil by bringing the fill from another place when there is shortage
of fill or when better quality material is required get from outside of construction site

Eg. Back fill around footings and foundation column to maintain the desired level with selected
borrowed non expansive material and compact in layers not exceeding 200mm.

1.6 Cart away

Unnecessary excavated material and other construction waste should be removed from construction
site (working space). If we are using the excavated material for back fill it is not too much but if we
cannot us it all excavated material has been removed from you working site at which the Engineers
recommend area.it can be measured by M3.
Eg. Cart away surplus excavated material to a distance not exceeding 5kms.


Concrete is mainly used for structures, like bridges, box culverts and drifts but it is also used for the
fabrication of culvert rings. In order to achieve the required structural strength and specified quality,
it is important to adopt the correct procedures when working with concrete. Concrete is a mixture
of Mineral Aggregates (stone/gravel/sand). Cement and Water. After mixing these ingredients in
controlled proportions, the concrete begins to harden after 1/2 to 1 hour due to the chemical reaction

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of the cement with the water. The hardening time takes 12 hours but continues gaining strength.
After 28 days approximately 90% of the final strength is achieved (the usual period after which
strength testing is carried out). The strength of the concrete depends on factors such as:

 the amount of cement used,

 the amount of water used,

 the type and quality of sand, aggregate cement and water

 The quality of workmanship and etc.

Concrete is strong in compression but weak in tension. Because concrete is used to withstand various
stresses, there is a need to introduce steel in to its mass to fulfill such functions. Steel combines very
well with concrete to act against forces. The steel resists tensile forces while the concrete resists
compressive forces. The reinforcement in concrete may be simple bars, welded mesh fabric or a
serious of rod bent and tied to a given schedule with wire stirrups. The purpose of bending and the
use of stirrups to enable the concrete to resist shear stresses and to keep the bar in their correct
position until the concrete are laid.
There are two types of concrete
A. plain Concrete

B. Reinforced Concrete

Relation between Reinforcement and Concrete

A) Tensile Stress: - Stress between two parts of a body exists when each draws the other towards
itself. The simplest example of material subject to tensile stress is that of a bar sustaining a pull. If
the pull on the bar is say P, and we consider any imaginary plane of section x perpendicular to the
axis of the bar divides the bar in two parts A and B, the material of the section x is under a tensile
stress. The portion of B, say, exerts a pull on portion A which just balances P, and is therefore equal
and opposite of it. Basically it is this stress that reinforcement is expected to racist in R.C.C

B). Compressive Stress:- stress between two parts of body exists when each pulls the other from it.
If a bar sustains an axial thrust of p at each end at a transverse section of x, dividing the bar into two
part A and B, the material is under compression stress. The portion A, say exerts a push on the
portion B equal and opposite to that in the far end of B. It is this stress that concrete is expected to
resist in R.C.C. structure.

Factors to be considered

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 The quality of ingredients of concrete must fulfill the requirements, concrete trial mixes shall
be done and certified by laboratory test results before casting of structural elements. During
concrete casting samples should be taken for laboratory tests.

 The specified concrete strength must be confirmed by laboratory test.

 The specified yield strength and other related properties of reinforcement bar must be certified
either by manufacturer's catalogue/manual or/and by laboratory test.

Grades of concrete

 C5 –C7 - lean concrete, to protect the structural concrete from damage, which is usually
caused by dust. Thus dust blinding is required.

 C15 - for totally supported structural elements

 C20 - used for slabs;

 C25 - commonly used grade of structural Concrete

 C30 - used for chemical stores and nuclear plants.

Note: The number indicated in the grade of concrete represent for comprehensive strength of
concrete in Mpa per MM2. The mix ratio for different grades of concrete has been decided after
conducting different laboratory test based on current situation b/c there are alots of factor affecting
the comprehensive strength of concrete.

a. Lean Concrete (measured by M2)

Eg. 5cm thick lean concrete in C-5 with minimum cement content of 150kg/ m3 of concrete

a. Footing pad

b. stone masonry foundation wall

c. Grade beam and etc.

b. Reinforced concrete (measured by M3)

Eg. Reinforced concrete quality C-25,360 kg of cement/m3 filled in to form work and vibrated
around rod reinforcement (Formwork and reinforcement measured separately)

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a. footing pad

b. footing column

c. grade beam

d. ground slab

c. Form work (measured by m2)

Form work: - is temporary casing to fresh concrete. It is also called shuttering small form
works called mold.

 Supporting the reinforcement before concrete concreting & providing the nominal cover.

 Supporting the workman while concreting & curing water after concreting.

Types of Formwork based on materials used

1) Steel form work

2) Wood or timber form work

Requirements for formwork

 Strong & stable enough to support, weight of concrete, man & working
vibrations etc.

 Tight joints

 With standing vibrations

 Smooth & non sticky internal surface

 Easily removable & reusability

 Timber formworks should be well seasoned / water content 20%)

Eg. Provide, cut & fix in position sawn seasoned Zigba wood or steel formwork whichever is
a. footing

b. Footing column

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c. Grade beam

d. ground slab

d. Reinforcing bar (measured by Kg)

Differentiation is made as to the diameters and where used (sub and super structure) and weight
per unit length for Ф6 is 0.222 kg/m; for any other diameter d2, with weight per unit length w2:

w = 0.222( )

In other way weight per unit length of bar is calculated from following direct formula
W= Ф2 / 162
Where W is weight per unit length of respected diameter of bar, Ф is diameter of the bar Cutting
and bending mild steel reinforcement according to structural drawings. Price shall include
cutting, bending, placing in position, tying wire and concrete spacers.

a. 6mm plain bar

b. 8mm deformed bar

c. 10mm deformed bar

d. 12mm deformed bar and etc.

3. Masonry work

Masonry foundation (M: Most of the time stone masonry is one of the most important foundation wall,
advantages of stonewalls: stone is Very common in Ethiopia and by nature it is:

 More durable under normal conditions:

 Less likely to develop cracks:

 Greater load-bearing capacity:

 Do not require further external surface treatment if they are semi or fully dressed:

 More attractive due to natural surface finish.

Terminologies in stone masonry

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There are many terms relating to stone masonry work. But a few technical terms of common use are
described below:
1. Natural bed of stone: the original surface occupied by a stone during its formation is called
natural bed of the stone.
2. Bedding plane: the plane along which the stone can be separated into different layers is
called bedding plane.
3. Stringcourse: a horizontal course of masonry provided at different levels projecting outside
the wall to drain out water.
4. Corbel: a projecting stone which is usually provided to serve as support for roofs, weather
sheds, joists … etc.
5. Cornice: a large molded course of stone masonry provided at ceiling level of a roof which
projects outside a wall surface of a building.
6. Blocking course: it is another course of stone placed immediately above the cornice to hold
down and to prevent the cornice from overturning.
7. Dripstone: a projecting molded stone having its undersurface throated. It is provided on the
inside of parapet wall to throw rain water off the parapet wall.
8. Parapet: it is a projected wall constructed round the terrace of a building above roofline. It is
mainly provided to act as a fancy wall for persons moving on the roof.
9. Throating: the process of cutting grooves in the soffit or underside of a stone to give drip
10. Molding: ornamental features given to construction members to improve their appearance.
11. Grouting: The process of spreading and working of mortar or cement slurry over stones or
bricks to fill up their joints.
12. Through stone: The stone extending through the entire thickness of a wall to increase its
lateral stability is called through stone or bond stone.
13. Coping: a molded stone covering the top of a masonry wall to prevent rainwater from
entering the wall.

14. Frieze: Stone course provided below the cornice.

15. Spalls: Chips of stones used for packing up and filling hollow spaces in stone masonry.
16. Buttresses: a stepped masonry projections, which intend to provide lateral strength to a wall.
17. Lacing course: a horizontal regular course of stone blocks provided to strengthen a wall
made of irregular courses of small stones.

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18. Abutment: Massive vertical structural element of masonry or concrete provided at ends of
arches or bridges to support against movement.
Eg2. Ditto but well-dressed stone masonry above ground line (price shall include pointing in cement mortar

Eg1. 500mm thick Semi dressed stone masonry foundation below ground level bedded in cement mortar (1:3)
in full joints.
Classification and types of stone masonry
Depending upon the arrangement of stones in the construction, degree of refinement used in shaping
the stone and finishing adopted, stone masonry can be classified as:
1. Rubble masonry
2. Ashlar masonry

1. Rubble masonry

The stone masonry in which either undressed or roughly dressed stones are laid in a suitable mortar
is called rubble masonry. In this masonry, the joints of mortar are wider and also not of uniform
thickness. Rubble masonry is further divided into the following four types:

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I. Un coursed rubble masonry

II. Random rubble masonry

III. Coursed rubble masonry

2. Ashlar Masonry

The stone masonry in which finely dressed stones are laid in cement or lime mortar is known as
ashlar masonry. In this masonry, all the courses are of uniform height; all the joints are regular, thin
and uniform thickness. This type of masonry is costlier in construction since it involves cost of
dressing. This masonry is used for heavy structures, architectural buildings, piers and abutments of
high bridges and arches.

Ashlar masonry is further sub-divided into the following types.

 Ashlar fine or coursed ashlar masonry;

 Random coursed ashlar masonry;

 Rough tooled or bastard ashlar masonry;

 Rock or quarry faced ashlar masonry;

 Chamfered ashlar masonry;

 Block -in-course masonry;

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 Ashlar Facing

Principles in stone masonry construction

1. The stones to be used for stone masonry should be hard, tough and durable.

2. The pressure acting on stones should be vertical. The pressure acting along the direction of
bedding planes causes splitting of stones.

3. The stone should be properly dressed as per the requirements.

4. The headers and bond stones should not be of a dumbbell shape.

5. In order to obtain uniform distribution of load, large flat stones should be used under the ends of
girders, roof trusses, etc.

6. Wood boxing should be fitted in to walls having fine dressed stonework to protect it during
further construction.

7. The mortar to be used should be good quality and in the specified proportion.

8. The construction work of stone masonry should be raised uniformly.

9. Plumb bob should be used to check the verticality of erected wall. Also wooden template should
be used to check the battered faces.

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10. The stone masonry section should always be designed to take compression and not the tensile

11 The stone masonry work should be properly cured after the completion of work for a period of 2
to 3 weeks.

12 As much as possible broken stones or small stone chips should not be used.

13 Double scaffolding should be used for working at higher levels.

14 The hearting should be properly packed with mortar and chips of stone if necessary to avoid

15 The properly wetted stones should be used to avoid mortar moisture being sucked.

Mortars for stone masonry

Generally 1:3 cement sand mortar is used for stone masonry work. In order to increase the
workability of mortar 15% of cement should be replaced by lime. In order to protect limestone's
mortar from getting them stained white Portland cement mortar should be used. Generally 1:12:6
(non - staining cement, hydrated lime six parts of clean sand) should be used for stones liable to be
stained by cement mortar alone. Non - staining special waterproof cements are also available. Rich
mortar is used for pointing work of stone masonry.
3.1 Hard core (measured by M2)
Eg. 25cm basaltic or equivalent hard core well blind with crushed stone

4. Sanitary work

House Drain is that portion of the plumbing system which receives discharges of all soil and waste
pipe lines within the building and conveys the same to the House Sewer. House Drain is sometimes
referred to as the Collection Line of a Plumbing System. It can be installed underground, or maybe
suspended below the floor or inside the ceiling. In large buildings, house drains are usually suspended
from basement ceiling to avail of gravity flow of waste to the Main Sewer.

The Waste Pipe:

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Waste Pipe is any pipe in a drainage installation which receives the discharge of any fixture except
water closet and conveys the same to the soil branch, soil pipe or house drain.

The drainage installation of a plumbing system is subdivided into three components parts namely
Drainage, Waste and Vent or simply called DWV.

1. The Drainage Pipe refers to the installation which receives and conveys water closet
discharges with or without waste coming from other fixtures.

2. The Waste Pipe refers to that installation which conveys discharges of fixtures other
than water closet such as lavatories, slop sinks, urinals, bathtubs and other similar
fixtures to soil branch, soil stack or house drain.

3. The Vent Pipe of a plumbing system functions as air passage or conduit to ventilate the
drainage and waste pipe installation.

Solid human waste is discharged by water closet only to either the soil pipe, soil branch, soil stack or
house drain. Categorically, any pipe which receives and convey human waste is affixed by the word
“ Soil “ such as soil branch or soil stack.

Slope of sanitary drain:- The ideal position of the horizontal waste pipe line are those intalled at
2% slope. Meaning, the pipe is installed with an inclination ratio of 2 centimeters per meter length
run. For instance, a 3 meter pipe line installed as a waste line will have a an inclination of 6
centimeters. Latest scientific tests and experiments revealed that trap seal loss occurs when the grade
or slope is increase from 2% to 4%. Trap Seal Loss means the loss of the water seal inside the trap.
This is usually caused by siphonage induced by rapid flow of waste inside the pipe. It is also referred
to as Water Seal Escape due to the suction of waste rapidly flowing inside the pipe.

Recommended Waste Pipe Size: For a particular fixture, either served by a direct or indirect
waste recommended the following sizes.

1. Sink Waste – The minimum waste pipe size for a sink waste is 38 mm Ø ( 1 1/2” ) but
because of the nature of the materials suspended in it, the practice is to use 50 mm Ø
( 2” ) . The waste pipe must be short, direct free from offsets and provided with ample
cleanouts accessible for repair.

2. Slop Sink – is tapped either on a floor or to the wall of buildings for janitorial services.
Traps that are insatalled on the floor requires a 75 mm Ø ( 3” ) or 100 mm Ø ( 4” ) ,
while those that are insatalled on walls uses 50 mm Ø ( 2” ) with cleanout plug.

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3. Scullary sink - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 mm Ø

4. Pantry sink - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 38 mm Ø

5. Factory wash up sink - - - - - - - - - - 50 mm Ø

6. Bathtub - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 38 mm Ø minimum to 50 mm

7. Lavatories - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 mm Ø

8. Shower bath - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 mm Ø

9. Urinal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 mm Ø

10. Laundry tub - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 38 mm Ø to 50 mm Ø

11. Drinking fountain - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32 mm Ø

12. Lavatory waste - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 mm Ø

13. Hospital fixtures - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 mm Ø

14. water closet --------------------------------110mm Ø

It is interesting to note that some fixtures could be served well by using waste pipe of smaller
diameter based on the volume of water it discharge in one minute interval. The Plumbing Code
however, issued limitations on the use and sizes of pipes to regulate and maintain sanitation through
an efficient drainage system. One example is the urinal wherein large amount of foreign materials
such as gum, cigar and cigarette butts and filters, matches and other waste are dumped and
subsequently lodged in the short run of the pipe.Likewise, the chemical action of uric acid produces
a gelatinous substance which settle and become objectionable sediments which are difficult and
extremely hard to remove.

Eg. Supply and fix PVC pipe for drainage system according to sanitary drawing, with 2% slope
A. 50mm Diameter

B. 75mm Diameter

C. 110mm Diameter

D. 160mm Diameter


1. Concrete work

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1.1 Reinforced concrete

Concrete is strong in compression but weak in tension. Because concrete is used to withstand various
stresses, there is a need to introduce steel in to its mass to fulfill such functions. Steel combines very
well with concrete to act against forces. The steel resists tensile forces while the concrete resists
compressive forces. The reinforcement in concrete may be simple bars, welded mesh fabric or a
serious of rod bent and tied to a given schedule with wire stirrups. The purpose of bending and the
use of stirrups to enable the concrete to resist shear stresses and to keep the bar in their correct
position until the concrete is laid.

Properties of Reinforcement

Tensile Strength Steel is mainly compared of iron, but the iron can be alloyed or associated with,
various other materials. It is upon the nature and relative amounts of these special ingredients that
the physical properties of steel depend.

A substance which plays an important part in the type of steel used for construction is the element of
carbon. The percentage of carbon in steel directly influences its essential structural properties. An
increase in carbon content results in an increase in strength, but this is accompanied by a marked
decrease in ductility. When steel is planned in a testing machine and a tensile load is applied steadily

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until the supermen fractured, the stress strain graph would have general character given in figure

The graph may be divided into three parts, indicated in the figure by AB, BC and CD.

I. A to B: the graph is straight line complying that stress and strain are proportional in this
portion. The point B fixes the upper limit of practicality between stress and strain. No
destination is made here between elastic and plastic limit.

II. B to C: when the stress has reached a value slightly higher than elastic limit, a definite
yield take place in the specimen. The strain value increases without corresponding increase
in the stress. The stress at this point is known as the yield point stress.

III. C to D; throughout the test lateral strain accompanies the longitudinal strain. There will be
marked contraction between of the cross-sectional area, easily visible to the marked eye. In
actual the stress increases up to the point of fracture D.

Tensile stress = Failure load


Yield stress = yield load


Strain = Change in length x 100

Original length

Relation between Reinforcement and Concrete

A) Tensile Stress: - Stress between two parts of a body exists when each draws the other towards
itself. The simplest example of material subject to tensile stress is that of a bar sustaining a pull. If
the pull on the bar is say P, and we consider any imaginary plane of section x perpendicular to the
axis of the bar divides the bar in two parts A and B, the material of the section x is under a tensile
stress. The portion of B, say, exerts a pull on portion A which just balances P, and is therefore equal
and opposite to it. Basically it is this stress that reinforcement is expected to racist in R.C.C

Compressive Stress:-

Stress between two parts of a body exists when each pulls the other from it. If a bar sustains an
axial thrust of p at each end at a transverse section of x, dividing the bar into two part A and B,
the material is under compression stress. The portion A, say exerts a push on the portion B
equal and opposite to that in the far end of B. It is this stress that concrete is expected to resist
in R.C.C. structure.

B. Reinforcement and Concrete in R.C.C Structure

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Fig. 9.1 Reinforced concrete E.C

Though plain cement concrete has high compressive

strength, its tensile strength is relatively low. Normally,
the tensile strength of concrete is about 10 to 15 % of
its compressive strength. Hence if a beam is made of
plain cement concrete, it has a very low load carrying
capacity since it is low tensile strength limits its overall
strength. It is therefore, reinforced by placing steel bars
in the tensile zone of the concrete beam so that the
compressive bending stress is carried by concrete and
tensile bending is carried entirely by steel reinforcing

Figure (a) shows simply supported reinforced concrete beam subjected to transverse loads, bending
it drown wards. The reinforcement, consisting of steel bars, is placed at a suitable depth below the
neutral axis, similarly in figure (b) shows a cantilever bending downwards. Since the tensile zone is
above the neutral axis in this case, the steel bars are provided at some suitable height above the
neutral axis. In both the cases steel reinforcement is provided in the tensile zone only.

The concrete, reinforced by steel bars is called reinforced cement concrete is abbreviated as R.C.C.
Reinforced concrete is thus a rational union of concrete and steel combined to act jointly. This joint
action of steel and concrete in a reinforced concrete section is dependent on

(i) Bond between concrete and steel bar

(ii) Absence of carrion of steel bars embedded in the concrete

(iii) Practically equal thermal expansion of both concrete and steel.

1.3 Effects of Corrosion

Rusting is just the oxidation of iron at the surface. This proves is activated by the presence of
moisture and carbon dioxide. On oxidation initially iron changes to rearms - bicarbonate, them to
ferried bicarbonates and finally to hydrated ferried oxide.

Corrosion is slow but study eating away of the metal and is consequence of rusting. The action of
corrosion of steel in concrete is very slow and except under exceptional circumstance, such
corrosion does not decrease the life of the concrete member. It should, however, be remembered that
the action of corrosion becomes more intensive when it is combined with adverse effect of internal
and external stresses. One important effect of corrosion is the formation of cracks and these cracks
usually progress or advance most rapidly where shearing stresses are greater and where slipping
occurs due to loss of bond.

Causes of Corrosion

a) Congested reinforcement in small concrete sections

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b) Excessive water-cement ratio

c) Improper construction methods

d) Incompetent supervising staff or contractor

e) Initially rusted reinforcement before placing concrete

f) Insufficient cover to steel from exposed concrete surface

g) Permeability of concrete

h) Presence of moisture

i) Presence of salt

j) Poor workmanship

Prevent of Corrosion

a) Avoid the steel in contact with bricks soil, wood and other porous material

b) Cleaning the reinforcement with wire brush to remove the rust scale before placing

c) Providing surface crating with points tans, asphalts, etc.

d) Using correct water-cement ratio

e) Take correct measure for causes of corrosion during construction of concrete

Reinforcement bar has be catted and bent according to structural drawing the structural drawing
always deal with the strength of the structure or building that is why we are study It properly and

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refer structural detailsEg. Reinforced concrete C-25 ,360 kg cement /cu.m filled in to formwork and
vibrated around the reinforcement (measured by Cu.m)

a. Elevated column

b. Top tie beams

c. stair

d. For slab and etc.

1.2 Mild steel Reinforced bar according to structural drawing, price shall include cutting,
bending and fixing. Measured by kg by using reinforcement bar schedule

A. 6mm plain bar

B. 8mm deformed bar

C. 10mm deformed bar and etc.

1.3 Provide ,cut and fix sawn zigba wood or steel form work which is very appropriate

A. for elevated column

B. For top tie beam

C. For Slab

2. Masonry work

Masonry is the building of structures from individual units laid in and bound together by mortar; the
term masonry can also refer to the units themselves. The common materials of masonry construction
are brick, stone, granite, travertine, limestone, cast stone, concrete block, glass block, stucco and tile.
Masonry is generally a highly durable form of construction. However, the materials used, the quality
of the mortar and workmanship, and the pattern in which the units are assembled can significantly
affect the durability of the overall masonry construction.
Masonry is commonly used for the walls of buildings, retaining walls and buildings. Brick and
concrete block are the most common types of masonry in use in industrialized nations and maybe

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either weight-bearing or a veneer. Concrete blocks, especially those with hollow cores, offer
various possibilities in masonry construction. They generally provide great compressive strength,
and are best suited to structures with light transverse loading when the cores remain unfilled. Filling
some or all of the cores with concrete or concrete with steel reinforcement offers much greater
tensile and lateral strength to structures.

A. Hollow and solid concrete blocks,

Blocks shall be manufactured from cement, aggregates, red ash, or pumice with no fine
volcanic dust. Trial mixes shall be prepared to attain the average minimum compressive
strength after casting and curing for 28 days.
Grades of concrete hallow block
Concrete hallow block

Class A = 42 kg/ cm2 for light loads

Class B = 35 kg / cm2 for external walls

Class C = 20 kg/ cm2 for partition walls

Class AA 70 kg/ cm2 for load bearing sub

structural works

Class A-AA 50 kg/ cm2 for load bearing super

structural works

B. Bricks masonry:- Bricks are fire resistant, watertight and can also resist compressive
action of up to 50 MPa. They can be used for external, internal, retaining and load bearing
walls. Bricks shall be well made and adequately burnt, free from cracks and particles of lime.
Bricks exposed to weathering shall be selected for least in absorption, high durability,
uniform in color and texture. The thicknesses of bricks are 25 cm (for double layer) and 12
cm (for single layer).

Laying out area of Brick and Block masonry

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Sufficient working area and circulation access is very essential in any type of construction, i.e., to
depose materials tools etc. Therefore, working area or space for a mason should have enough space
to accommodate materials, tools, and suitable stands for the working people including sufficient
circulation space and accesses for the whole process. And this helps to carry out the work without
delay, and to the desired quality. In general well-organized working area avoids accident, saves time
and money.

As described above, in order to provide the mason with a set up which allow him to carry out the
process required efficiently, effectively and economically, the site should organize in proper manner.
Under this organization of site, a working space arrangement or layout is important to carry out the
work smoothly.

It is essential to arrange the layout of masons working area properly, i.e.

 Should be free of obstructions, which impede the masons and their helper.

 Supplies of mortar mixing materials (sand, cement and lime) and masonry units (brick,
blocks, stones etc.) should be placed near the mix site.

 The Supply of masonry units when delivered to the job site should not be placed too close to
the mortar mixing area as splashes of mortar during mixing can discolor the unit blocks.

 The mortarboard or pan whichever used must be placed approximately 60-70cm from the
wall. This provides a clear passage or access along the wall.

 Bricks should be staked in a position on each side of the mortarboard that it will be
convenient for the mason to reach building blocks/units/ and mortar at the same time.

 However, do not place the building blocks/units/ too close to the mortarboard in order to
keep them clean.

 In general, the materials should be paced in a way that the mason may work with the fewest
possible movements of the feet, hands or body in getting the materials to the wall.

 Use scaffolding for height 1.25 m.

Eg.1. Class 'A' 200x200x400mm HCB wall bedded with cement mortar 1:4 mix ratio. Left for
plastering both side (measured by m2)

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Eg.2. Ditto but 150*200*400 for parapet wall.

3. Finishing work

Plastering and pointing works

Mortars are composed of a cementinious material (bonding materials, fine aggregate, sand, and
water. They are used for bedding unit masonry, for plasters and stuccoes, and with the addition of
coarse aggregate, for concrete. Here consideration is given primarily to those mortars used for unit
masonry and plasters. Properties of mortars vary greatly, being dependent on the properties of the
cementitious material used, ratio of cementitious material to sand, characteristics and grading of the
sand, and ratio of water to solids.

The ingredients are:

 Cement (ordinary Portland cement), Lime

 Gypsum (such as plaster of Paris )

 Aggregate (fine or crushed aggregates), water

Surfaces to receive plaster, pointing or screed shall be thoroughly cleaned and wetted. The surface
should be raked out to a minimum depth 10 mm to form proper key (If the thickness of plastering is
greater than 2.5cm, it may crack) and the surface should be rubbed with cement slurry (cement +
 First coat: mix proportion 1:2.5 (cement: aggregate by volume) Minimum thickness of 5 mm
Spread by trowel, stretched off level and allowed to cure for 24 hours before applying the second
coat. Function of first coat acts as a bondage between the masonry wall and the second coat

 Second coat: - mix proportion 1: 1: 6 (cement: lime: aggregate by volume) or 1: 4 (cement:

aggregate by volume) max thickness of 12 mm dried for 21 days. The second coat is for minor
adjustments on plumb (level) and receiver surface for the smooth Finish (fine coat ).

 Fine finish or fine coat cement plaster mix proportion 1: 2 ( cement + fine sand max thickness of
3 mm shall be finished truly and level, use fine sand for smooth finish as final coat Function of
fine finish is for aesthetical value and preparation for painting. The fine finish coat shall be cured
for seven days and allowed for 28 days before further finishes applied.

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Floor and wall finish

Terrazzo tiles: -
 used for floor finish and skirting

 Shall be precast or cast in situ elements.

 Shall have a minimum topping of two parts of marble or granite chipping from an
approved quality with one part cement.

 the minimum grading of the chip shall be 5mm

 Usually have a thickness of 2 cm

 Shall be applied onto 3 cm thick cement screed bedding (specified thickness)

Precast cement tiles

 Produced from crushed aggregates (0.1 mm gravel) and sand mix

 Minimum thickness shall be 20mm

 Shall be applied on 3 cm cement screed bedding

 Cheaper than terrazzo tile

Marble tiles
 Shall be in accordance with quality, color and texture as shown (specified )

 Shall be straight edged and smooth surfaced

 Cement mortar backing for walls and cement screed bedding for floors

 Recently techniques of binding the marble with wall leaving space between them (for
expansion) are practiced.

Marble chips
 Flooring thickness shall not be less than 20 mm and does not exceed 50 mm

 Chips shall be irregular shape and the smallest dimension shall not be less than 100 mm

 The exposed surface of mortar finish to marble chip shall not exceed 1:3 proportion

Ceramic and mosaic tiles

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 Ceramic tiles shall be glazed type of approved color, texture and size

 Ceramic tiles shall be 6mm thick for walls and not less than 15mm for floors

 Mosaic tiles shall be in regular square or hexagonal sizes not exceeding 25mm in dimension
of each size.

PVC tiles
 Usually thermoplastic.

 The tiles and skirting shall be resistant to household oil and acids.

 The glue (adhesive) for fixing PVC tiles and skirting shall be in accordance with

 Manufacturer’s instruction.

 Usually 2mm thick PVC tiles and 48 mm cement screed is used

Ex. Apply three coats of internal wall plastering with cement mortar 1:3 mix ratio.
Apply three coats of external wall plastering with cement mortar 1:3 mix ratio.
20mm thick terrazzo flooring on and including 30mm cement sand screed (1:3) mix price including
grinding and polishing for circulation area.

4. Roof work

Before preparing the materials of installation of roof, the builder must first comprehend the roof
working plan. It helps us to prepare the estimated materials, time frame, and the procedure of
installation. The architect or designer will typically design the basic shape of the roof as the floor
plan and elevations are drawn in the preliminary design stage. By examining the roof structure in
working drawing, it indicates the specifications of the installation of roof. Often the roof can present
a larger visible surface area than the walls. To ensure that the roof will meet the designer’s criteria, a
roof plan is usually drawn by the drafter to provide construction information. In order for us the
builder comprehend the working drawings of roof plan, we should understand types of roof plans,
various pitches, common roof shapes, and its specifications.

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Types of Roof Plans

1. Roof Plan

A roof plan is used to show the shape of the roof. Materials such as the roofing material, vents and
their location, and the type of underlayment are also typically specified on the roof plan. A roof plan
is typically drawn on the same sheet as the exterior elevations.

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1. Roof Framing Plan ( Truss lay out )

Roof framing plans are usually required for complicated residential roof shapes and for most
commercial projects. A roof framing plan shows the size and direction of the construction members
that are required to frame the roof.

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1. Wooden truss of top chord and bottom chord member must be 2” x 8”double solid lumber
and diagonal and vertical member must be 2” x 6”.

2. Wooden Rafter must be 2” x 8”.

3. Installation of Trusses and Rafters in their specified location in roof framing plan.

4. Placing of Purlins that is 2” x 4” s4s solid lumber space at 40 cm on center.

5. Marine Plywood must be ½” thickness and be placed after the purlins.

6. Plastic Polyurethane must be placed after the marine plywood for prevention of moisture

7. Installation of Lipping and battens ½” x 1-1/2” x 1-1/2” solid lumber.

8. Roof Tiles installation from bottom to top direction with right & left cloak verge tiles,
conical tiles, and pennine tiles.

Suspended Ceilings: - these can be defined as ceilings which are fixed to a framework suspended
from main structure thus forming a void between the two components. The basic functional
requirements of suspended ceilings are:
1. They should be easy to construct, repair, maintain and clean.
2. So designed that an adequate means of access is provided to the void space for the
maintenance of the suspension system, concealed services and/or light fittings.
3. Provide any required sound and/or thermal insulation.
4. Provide any required acoustic control in terms of absorption and reverberation.
5. Provide if required structural fire protection to structural steel beams supporting a
concrete floor and contain fire stop cavity barriers within the void at defined intervals.
6. Conform to the minimum requirements set out in the Building Regulations governing the
restriction of spread of flame over surfaces of ceilings and the exemptions permitting the
use of certain plastic materials.
7. Flexural design strength in varying humidity and temperature.
8. Resistance to impact.

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9. Designed on a planning module, preferably a 300 mm dimensional coordinated system.

Classification of Suspended Ceiling ~ there is no standard method of classification since some are
classified by their function such as illuminated and acoustic suspended ceilings, others are classified
by the materials used and classification by method of construction is also very popular. The latter
method is simple since most suspended ceiling types can be placed in one of three groups:-
a. Joint less suspended ceilings.
b. Panelled suspended ceilings
c. Decorative and open suspended ceilings

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joint less suspended


B. Paneled suspended ceilings

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Decorative and open suspended ceilings

5. Electrical installation work


The Ethiopian Building Code Standard (EBCS-10) must be followed at all times concerning every
electrical design, installation and repair; whether in commercial, industrial or residential buildings.

Lighting Requirements (EBCS under Sec 3. Illumination)

The recommended luminance for different types of interiors, tasks and workspaces are given in
Table 3.5 and Table 3.6 shall be taken as the recommended minimum values on which the design
and assessment of lighting installations are to be based.

1. Lux can be used as a measure of the brightness of a light source. Lamp illumination and design in
any indoor and outdoor workplaces are expressed in lux. One lux is equal to one lumen per square
meter: 1 lux = 1 lumen/m2

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2. Lumen is a measure of the total amount of visible light emitted by a source. It is the SI derived
unit of luminous flux. A flux of 1,000 lumens, concentrated into an area of one square meter, lights
up that square meter with an illuminance of 1,000 lux. However, the same 1,000 lumens, spread out
over ten square meters, produce a dimmer illuminance of only 100 lux. Therefore, the difference
between unit’s lumen and lux is that the lux takes into account the area over which the luminous flux
is spread.
Common Fluorescent lamp and their average Lumen output
Type of Fluorescent lamp Lumen Output Average Lumen per watt

4 feet Linear 25 Watt T8 2209 lumens 88 lumens per watt

4 feet Linear 28 Watt T5 2900 lumens 104 lumens per watt

4 feet Linear 32 Watt T8 2850-3100 lumens 93 lumens per watt

4 feet Linear 34 Watt T12 1930-2800 lumens 70 lumens per watt

4 feet Linear 40 Watt T12 1980-3300 lumens 66 lumens per watt

4 feet Linear 54 Watt T5 5000 lumens 93 lumens per watt

Achieving an luminance of 500 lux might be possible in a 24m 2 house area with four fluorescent
light fixture with a combined output of 12,000 lumens. To light a factory floor with dozens of times
the area of the house would require dozens of such fixtures. Thus, lighting a larger area to the same
level of lux requires a greater number of lumens. The ordinary four feet Linear Fluorescent Bulbs,
40-watt, 220V, T12 has an output average of 2600 lumens.
Eg: Floor/Surface mounted Main Distribution Board MDB in sheet steel enclosure, lockable door,
4-pole Bus Bar of rating 500amps, separate earth terminal complete with all fixing accessories,
mounting rails, plates etc. consisting of :-
 20% reserve pitches

 1 pc ABB of 80A/3P

 8 pc ABB of 63A/3P


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It includes all works on building in connection with supply of potable water and removal of solid
and liquid wastes.
Classification of Sanitary Installations work
 _Galvanized steel pipes(GSP) - used for distribution of water (pipes for cold and hot potable
water internally and externally installed having plain or threaded ends.

 Pipes are measured by length stating diameter taken along the centerline over all fittings

 Flanges used to connect pipes and for controlling

 Check valves, gate valve, service valves

 shall be in specified material and size at positions indicated in drawings

 Enumerated stating diameter.

UPVC ( un plasticized Poly vinyl chloride VC) - rigid thermoplastic conduit can be used for cold
water distribution usually used for solid waste & surface drainage with vent pipe in horizontal &
vertical stacks shall be measured in length stating diameter and understood to include accessory joint
fitting like Y, T, joints.
Precast concrete pipes: - for solid waste and surface drainage
Solid pipes: - surface drainage and sewage
Perforated pipes: - subsurface drainage
Manholes: - shall be in precast concrete C-20 quality or class A hollow brick as indicated and
detailed in the drawings. Shall be laid on a minimum concrete bed of 150mm Enumerated stating
size and depth including all related earthwork Manholes are used for inspection, reduction of number
of pipes, change of directions at angles

Planning the water distribution system in buildings for a satisfactory chemical and bacteriological

1. The system must provide adequate supply of water with adequate pressure up to the extremities
of the system.

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2. The safety and quality of the water should not be impaired by defects in the system. It should
be provided with sufficient valves and blow off’s to allow repairs without undue interruption to
some areas and to allow the flushing of the system.

3. There should be no unprotected open reservoir or cross connections with inferior water system
to enter the distribution system.

4. The water system must be tight against leakage. Its main and branches should not be
submerged in surface water or subjected to any source of contamination.

5. The water system design shall afford effective circulation of water with a minimum number of
dead end mains.

6. The system should be guarded against contamination in any parts of it as the result of repairs,
replacement or extension of the mains.

7. When new mains are installed or old mains repaired, they should be filled with strong chlorine
solution ( 40 to 60 mg. per liter ) for at least 24 hours the flushed with water supplied normally
by the main.

8. As much as possible, the water main should be laid above the elevation of concrete sanitary
sewers or cross over points and at least 3 meters horizontally from such sanitary sewer when
they are parallel. Should this be impossible for some reasons, the sewer main must be encased
in concrete.

Public Water Distribution is Classified into Two Types:

1. Direct Pressure Distribution

2. Indirect Pressure Distribution

Direct Pressure Distribution.

This type of water distribution obtains its supply of water through a large intake installed on the lake
basin and extended into deep water. Water is taken from a lake to a receiving well by gravity then it
passes through the filtration plant. The water is then pumped from the storage reservoir by a pump
into the water main under pressure sufficient to serve specific needs.

Indirect Pressure Distribution is when water taken from a drilled well distribution is done by
indirect pressure. For this type, a type of pump is used and mounted on the top of the stand pipe
which extends into the well below the water table.

The Overhead Feed System

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The Overhead Feed System supplies water to the plumbing fixtures by means of gravity. The water
is pumped to a large tank on top of the building, which finally distribute the water to the different
fixtures. This type of water distribution is considered as one of the oldest type. However, many
planners and builders still favor its use because of the following advantages it offers:
1. Because of the water stored inside the tank, water supply is not affected by the peak load hour
even if the pressure at the water main becomes considerably low.
2. Power interruptions does not affect the water supply inside the building.
3. When the pumping unit breaks down, time involved to replace parts does not affect the supply
of water.

This type of water distribution however, is fast becoming obsolete because of the following

1. The water inside the tank is exposed to the natural elements and is subject to contamination.
2. The water distribution unit has many working parts. Thus, it involves higher maintenance
3. The pumping unit including the entire installation throughout the building occupies valuable
4. It requires stronger foundation and other structure to sustain the heavy load of the tank and the
water content.

Ex. supply and fix European type water closet with all accessory and sealed type


Metal door window frames and steel profiles produced from standard grade of steel. Black steel to
be primed during fabrication and surface treated after installation.
Aluminum profiles:-wrought aluminum and alloys are used. Nuts, bolts, screws and fasteners
Are coated or produced from non-oxidizing metal. The detailed of window and door must be read
from window and door schedule.
Method of measurement
 Doors and windows enumerated stating sizes (the glazing work shall be measured separately)

 Curtain walls by area

 Balustrade rails, corner protection by length stating development length

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 Security grills fixed to windows and doors by area or pcs

 Louvers enumerated in size stating number of blades (louver jamb sets)

 The following shall be understood as included: chiseling, cutting, welding, riveting, shaping,

 grinding, drilling, assembling, fixing, protective treatment , decorative paint , frames, beads,
lining, anchors, hard wares, etc. (hard ware’s include hinge, lock, handle).


A. Transparent glass
 Sheet glass (clear glass)

 Transparent glass shall be clear or tinted, transmitting light and capable of showing

B. Figured glass
 Has sufficient imprinting of texture or pattern totally or substantially obscure

C. Opal glass
 Vision from inside but not from outside

D. Wired glass
 Shall be in wire mesh, transparent, translucent or figured

E. Putty: Used for fixing the glass to the frame shall be quick, hard setting, tropical putty
specially manufactured for glazing works
Method of Measurement
 Glazing shall be measured by area (m2

 Glazing to louvers and special fixing may be enumerated by stating size and thickness. The
following shall be understood as included: Bedding, mastic, fixing, beading, cleaning etc.


Oil based priming paints

 Priming coat – initial or preparatory coats

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 Applied to surfaces readily mixed or base paints

Aluminum priming paints

 For wood work

 Shall be for brush application

Metallic zinc rich priming paints

 Shall be applied to iron and steel surfaces

Oil Paints
 Water proof

 Shall be applied in accordance with manufacturers instruction

 Can be applied for walls, wood work , metals

Plaster Emulsion Paints

 Normal and usual type of painting

 Shall be selected for interior and exterior works

Synthetic Enamel Paints

 Used for metals with manufacturers instruction

Method of measurement
Painting shall be measured by area. Special application to edges shall be measured in
length stating the girth. Internal and external surfaces shall be measured separately. The
following shall be understood as included: trimming, cutting, matching patterns, cleaning,
and priming.

Dimensions and quantities are scaled or read from drawings and entered in a
recognized form on a specially ruled paper called 'dimension paper'.

A typical form of dimension paper is shown below.

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The timesing column is used when there are several similar items having the same
measurements, and to indicate that the measurement is to be multiplied it will be
'timesed' as shown in the example below.

Measurements taken from drawings are set down in the dimension column.

The calculated volumes, areas, etc., of the measurements in the dimension column are
set out in the squaring column.

The description of the work to which the dimensions apply is written in the
description column.

There are two sets of columns in the width of a single A4 sheet as shown above. No
written work should be carried across the central vertical division. There is usually a
narrow binding margin (not shown) on the left of the sheets.

Plumbing and engineering services are taken as part of the Finishings section and
Drainage as part of the External Works section of the Take-off.

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A typical example of part of a take-off is shown below:

The descriptions should be clear and concise and include variables such as:

Physical dimensions, capacity, output, duty, pressure rating, material used, form of
construction (e.g. sectional boiler), accessories, manufacturer's catalogue reference,
British standard reference, other standard references, local agent, etc.

Some items are measured as 'extra over', that is they are not to be priced at the full
value of all their labour and materials, as these have to a certain extent already been
measured. For example fittings such as bends and junctions to drain pipes are
measured as 'extra over'. This means that the pipe is measured along its full length
including the fittings length and the estimator when pricing the item assesses the extra
cost for the fittings as 'extra over' the pipe length.


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This comprises the squaring of dimensions, as shown previously and transferring the
resultant lengths, areas and volumes to an Abstract Sheet.


The purpose of abstracting is to split up the building into its constituent parts for
measurement. Similar items are collected together and classified primarily into SMM

Abstract Sheets are ruled with a series of vertical lines which are spaced about 25mm
apart, and usually double foolscap width. A typical Abstract Sheet is shown below but
is reduced to A4 size.

For small building services projects it may be possible to avoid using the Abstract
Sheet since we don't use m3 of material . The linear lengths of pipework and materials
and square areas of materials may be measured from drawings and put onto the
dimension paper and transferred from this to a Bill of Quantities.

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Level – III
Learning Guide - # 2
Unit of Competence: Prepare Bill of Quantities
Module Title: Preparing Bill of Quantities
LG Code: EIS SCW3 02 0322 LG 2- LO2
TTLM Code: EIS SCW3 M02 TTLM 0322 v1

LO2. Measure quantities of work

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2.1. Basic Principles of preparing quantity of construction work

 Drawings shall be fully understood clearly and detailed.

 During discrepancies in detailing, dimensioning or if missing items exist obtain

clarification from the designer.

 The BOQ shall accurately represent the works to be executed.

 Works, which cannot be measured accurately, shall be expressed as provisional

quantity (PQ) and will result in provisional sum (PS) and lump sum (LS).

 Prepared in such a way that discrepancies or mistakes in taking off will not result in
excessive variation in the project cost which directly affect the budget allocation for the

 With the understanding that measurements are taken to the nearest cm.

 Built items shall generally include all possible entrants which will make labor,
materials (including storing, loading, unloading and handling), fixing, use of plant and
equipment, wastage of materials, equipment establishing charges and profit; otherwise
it shall be stated specifically.

 With the understanding that there is a standard paper format to carry out
measurements of civil works, namely take off sheet or dimension paper, bending
schedule and specification worksheet.

 Prior knowledge of the regulations is necessary (for e.g. roofing is measured in

horizontal projection).

 Measurements of civil works shall be carried out in such a way that it can be easily
checked and audited.

2.2. Bill of Quantity Preparation


Before starting any construction one has to have a thorough knowledge about the volume of
the work and the probable cost that may be required for the completion of the project.
Otherwise, the construction will be stopped before its completion due to shortage of money or

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Types of estimates

1. Approximate/Rough estimate

 To get an idea for the probable expenditure in a short time

 To prepare a preliminary estimate before drawing up a detailed estimate for a project

This is made after knowing the costs of similar projects.

2. A detailed estimate

This is the best method and includes the quantities and cost of everything required for the


 Drawings
 Specification

Therefore, quantity surveying may be defined as the process of calculating the quantities and
cost of various works required in connection with the project.

Purposes of quantity surveying

 To know the amount of money required

 To know the quantities of materials required
 To know the tools and equipment required for the construction
 To know the different workers to be employed
 To draw up the construction schedule and program
 To fix up the completion period
 To invite tenders
 To Obtain sanction of necessary funds from the concerned authority
 For valuation of an existing structure

4.2 Bill preparation

There are three processes in the preparation of the completed bill of quantities.

a) Taking-off quantities
b) Abstracting or ‘working-up’
c) Billing

4.2.1 Taking –off quantities

In the first instance quantities need to be extracted from drawings, together with an
appropriate description. This process - known as booking dimensions or taking-off quantities -
involves the measurer in either reading or scaling dimensions from the drawings. There are two
distinct parts to this. The first involves the recording of quantities, whilst the second required a
written description to accompany the quantity. The sequence adopted by measurers in this

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initial stage bears little relation to the eventual order of the finished bill of quantities. This is
because ‘taking-off’ has been devised in order to assist the measurer with both the speed and
accuracy of recording dimensions.

Dimensions are taken from a drawing and recorded on specially lined paper known as
dimension paper.

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

The format of standard dimension paper

The A4 page is divided vertically into two identical halves each comprising a set of four
columns. These are labeled for the purpose of identifications. The extra column on the extreme
left is called the binding margin and would not normally be used for recording dimensions.

The purpose of each column

Column 1 is called the ‘timesing column’ in which multiplying figures are entered when there is
more than one of the particular items being measured.

Column 2 is called the ‘dimension column’ in which the actual dimensions, as scaled or taken
direct from the drawings, are entered. There may be one, two or three lines of dimensions in
an item depending on whether it is linear, square or cubic.

Column 3 is called the ‘squaring column’ in which the length, area or volume obtained by
multiplying together the figures in columns 1 and 2 is recorded, ready for transfer to the
abstract or bill.

Column 4 is called the ‘description column’ in which the written description of each item is
entered. This column is frequently used to accommodate preliminary calculations and other
basic information.

General principles of taking-off

1. Entering dimensions
 Dimensions are entered in the dimension column in meters to two places of decimals.
The four principal units of measurement are:

 Enumeration (nr. or pcs.)

 Length (m)
 Area (m2)
 Volume (m3)

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For enumerated items whole numbers are entered in the dimension column, with a line drawn
horizontally beneath each single entry.

 The order of recording dimensions is:

 Length
 Width/breadth
 Vertical height/depth

2. Abbreviations

Many of the words entered in the description column are abbreviated in order to save space
and time in entering the item by highly skilled technical staff. Many abbreviations have become
almost standard and are of general application; for this reason there is a list of the more
common abbreviations.

3. Grouping of dimensions

Where more than one set of dimensions relate to the same description, the dimensions should
be suitably bracketed so that this shall be made clear.

Where the same dimensions apply to more than one item, the best procedure is to separate
each of the descriptions by an ampersand ‘&’ sign and to bracket the descriptions.

4. Adjustment of openings and voids

When measuring areas with openings or voids, the most convenient practice is usually to
measure the full area in the first instance, and to subsequently adjust for any voids or

5. Order of taking off

The order of taking off largely follows the order of construction to simplify the work and to
reduce the risk of items being missed.

4.2.2 Abstracting or ‘Working up’ bill of quantities

The sequence adopted by measurers follows construction operations as they occur on site.
However, once the take-off is complete, these measured items need to be collated, like items
must be merged and deduction adjustments made. This process, known as abstracting or
working-up quantities, is carried out on specially lined A3 size paper.

At the head of each abstract a work section heading is recorded. Each measured item is copied
from the dimension column and transferred to the abstract. In an effect to avoid double
transfer, or the omission of an item, each description is lined through on the dimension sheet
as it is transferred.

Descriptions are copied spanning two columns on the abstract and a horizontal line is drawn
below each transferred description. The squared quantity is entered below this line, additions
on the left and deductions on the right. To provide a cross-reference to the dimension page,
each squared quantity is labeled with its source (i.e., the dimension page number)

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Related work section items from different parts of the take-off will appear on the same
abstract. The abstracted items should be well spaced apart, allowing the later insertion of
omitted items. Once all measured items have been transferred to the abstract, the quantities
are totaled and rounded to the nearest whole unit.

Layout and spacing of a completed abstract

4.2.3 Billing

This is the final stage in the preparation of the completed bill of quantities. The effort of
assembling and ordering was completed at the abstracting stage and all that remains is for the
descriptions and quantities to be presented in a structured and consistent fashion.

There are three levels of heading and they have the following titles:

Level 1: Group (eg. Substructure)

Level 2: Sub-group (eg. Earthwork)
Level 3: work section (eg. Site clearance)

Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

1. Earthwork
1.1 Site clearance
Total carried to summary

2. Concrete Work
Total carried to summary

Draft bill of quantities with levels of heading

3. Mensuration in Quantities

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Mensuration is the term used by mathematicians to describe the measurement of lengths,

areas and volumes of different figures. It is necessary to understand the principles of
mensuration before dimensions can be correctly presented and recorded on dimension paper.


One of the most frequently used techniques when booking dimensions is ‘girthing’. Most
buildings are based on a square or rectangular plan shape and it is often necessary to establish
the perimeter of individual rooms or whole buildings either internally or externally. Whilst the
drawings will show plan dimensions, before these can be set down and recorded on dimension
paper it will be necessary to build up perimeter lengths as waste calculations. This length is
required for foundations, walls and associated items.

The length can be calculated by determining:

 The total internal length of the wall
 The total external length of the wall
 The center line length of the wall

Example: Determine the internal, external and centerline girths for the room plan shown




Plan of a room layout

External girth
Length 2/15000=30000
Width 2/6000 =12000

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Ext.gth. =42000

Internal girth
Ext.gth. =42000
Less 8/200 = 1600
Int.gth. =40400

Centerline girth
Ext.gth. =42000
Less 8/(½)/200 = 800
Centerline gth. =41200

Exercise. Determine the different girths for the buildings layout shown below.



11000 9000


8000 6000 8000




External girth
Length 2/20000=40000
Width 2/9000 =18000
Ext.gth. =58000

Internal girth
Ext.gth. =58000
Less 8/200 = 1600

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Int.gth. =56400

Centerline girth
Ext.gth. =58000
Less 8/(½)/200 = 800
Centerline gth. =57200


External girth
Length 2/22000=44000
Width 2/9000 =18000
Add 2/3000 =6000
Ext.gth. =68000

Internal girth
Ext.gth. =68000
Less 10/200 = 2000
Add 2/200 =400
Int.gth. =66400

Centerline girth
Ext.gth. =68000
Less 10/(½)/200 = 1000
Add 2/(½)/200 = 100
Centerline gth. =67100


It is about determining the average ground level of a sloping site.

Example: Determine the average ground level for the sloping site shown below.

2.500 2.750 3.000

3.000 3.250

6-meter grid

3.500 3.750 4.000

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Average ground level

2/2.75 5.50
2/3.00 6.00
2/3.50 7.00
2/3.75 7.50
4/3.25 13.00
Sum of wt. depth 52.00

Average depth = 52.00 =3.25


Pitched roofs

It is about the measurement of the roof structure and the roof covering. The actual, not the
projected, lengths and areas are measured.
Reinforcement bars
The steel bars are measured in kg. Quantities are taken from the structural drawing and recorded on
specially lined paper known as bar schedule.

Bar schedule
Bar mark  Shape of bending Length
Total length
Weight (kg)
(mm) (Dimensions in cm) (m) (m)

Linear density for the determination of the quantity of bars (kg)

 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 20.0 22.0 25.0 28.0 32.0 36.0
0.22 0.39 0.62 0.89 1.21 1.58 2.47 2.98 3.85 4.85 6.31 7.99

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Level – III
Learning Guide - # 3
Unit of Competence: Prepare Bill of Quantities
Module Title: Preparing Bill of Quantities
LG Code: EIS SCW3 02 0322 LG 3- LO3
TTLM Code: EIS SCW3 M02 TTLM 0322 v1

LO3. Check and correct quantities

2.2 Preparing take off sheet

Estimating the quantity of materials, equipment and manpower requirement based on the plans and
specifications on a certain project. The quantity take off shall be based on the standard equipment

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and manpower capability. The labor cost shall be referred to these given standards but comparable
and dependent to the number of workers assigned.

The process of preparing / defining a detailed list of all labor and materials necessary for the work
and entering the items on properly dimensioned paper. The standard form used for entering the
dimensions taken or scaled from drawings to determine the accurate quantity in each trade of work,
except reinforcement steel, is called take off sheet or dimension paper. The dimension paper used
for taking off is usually double – ruled as shown below (A4 size).

In brief, take off sheet is a tabular standard format in which

dimensions of items from the blue print (working drawing) are
transferred for further calculations. The takeoff sheet consists of
four columns, namely, Timesing column, Dimension column,
Squaring column and Description column.
 Column 1 is used for stating the number of times an item occurs and is called the
timesing column. Forward slash is followed after the unit less number. It means ‘times’.
 Column 2 is called dimension column as it is used to enter the dimensions of the items
of works.The dimensions are entered in the order of Length, Width & Height or
 Column 3 is called squaring column. The stated dimensions in column 2 are multiplied
to determine the quantity of the work either in m, m2, m3 or in pcs. Or No.

 Column 4 is called description column and description of the work item in squaring
column is briefly stated

The A4 page is divided vertically into two identical halves each comprising a set of four columns.
These are labeled for the purpose of identifications. The extra column on the extreme left is called
the binding margin and would not normally be used for recording dimensions.



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1, Excavation and earth work

1.1 site clearance

C1. Timesing

C2: Dimensioning

C3: Squaring

C4: Description


Total length
No. of bars

No. Location Of Ø
Shape m
1 bar Ø6m Ø8 Ø10 Ø12 Ø14 Ø16 32
m mm mm mm mm mm m


Total length
0.22 0.3 0.61 0.88 1.2 1.5
Weight (kg/m
2 95 7 8 08 78
Total Weight

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 Dimensions are entered in the dimension column in meters to two places of decimals.
 Use the four principal units of measurements:
Enumeration or numbering (no. or pcs.)
Length (m)
Area (m )2

Volume (m ) 3

 Sometimes similar measurements are to be added, this could be done by dotting. The dot is placed either
in line with the top of the figures or half way down like a decimal point.
 Sometimes deductions have to be made from the main items as in the case of door or window openings,
thus a deduction item is entered immediately following the main item.
 When the dimension is written incorrectly and has to be canceled, then the word ‘nil’ should be written
against it in the squaring column or it may be neatly crossed out and correct figure written in. No attempt
should be made to alter the figure or to erase it.
 All dimensions and calculations should be written down, so as to have a check at a later date. Such
dimensions and calculations are written clearly on the extreme right hand side.
 A separate sheet (bending schedule) is used to prepare reinforcement quantities.
The format used to define quantity of reinforcement bars.

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1. Excavation and earth work
1.1 Clear the site to an average depth of 200 mm to remove the top
soil with 1m working area in all side
1.2 Pit excavation for isolated footing on ordinary soil to depth not
excavation 750mm from ground level

1.3 Trench excavation for 50cm thick stone foundation wall on

ordinary soil to a depth not exceeding 100cm use 10 cm working
space to each side. By referring the foundation plan calculate the
volume of trench excavation on different axis.

1.4 Bulk excavation in ordinary soil not exceeding 1000mm from


1.5 Back fill with selected material around footing and foundation by
watering and ramming with in 25cm layer Around stone masonry.
volume of trench excavation - volume of masonry foundation wall
1.5.1 Ditto but Around Footing pad. volume of pit excavation - Total
volume of footing pads
1.6 Disposal of surplus excavated material 5km away from the
construction site. Total excavate material (site clearance, pit
excavation, trench excavation and bulk excavation)

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2. Concrete work
2.1 5cm thick C-5 lean concrete with minimum cement content of
150 kg/m3 laid under footing pads
2.2 Ditto but under foundation wall

C-25 RC concrete for footing pad 2.3 C-25 concrete well vibrated
and compacted around rein cement bars (formwork and
reinforcement measured separately )

Ditto for footing (foundation column

Ditto for Grade beams. Calculate the volume of concrete for grade
beams by referring grade beam layout separately by their axis.

Ditto for ground slab 10cm tick

2.4 cut fix and assemble saw zigba wood form work

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2.4.1 For footing pad

2.4.2 for grade beam

2.4.3 for ground slab

2.5 Provide and fix high yield strength reinforcement bars.
2.5.1 DN 8mm
2.5.2 DN 10mm
2.5.3 DN 12mm
2.5.4 DN 14mm
2.5.5 DN 16mm
Masonry work
3.1 50 cm Thick basaltic or equivalent stone foundation wall bedded
in cement mortar of 1:4 ration below ground level

3.2 25cm thick basaltic or equivalent stone hard core crushed and

Deducted area of grade beams.

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net area
1.1 Reinforced concrete in class C-25 (with a 28-day 15cm cube
crushing (comprehensive) strength of 25MPa), cast into formworks
and vibrated around rod reinforcement bars.( formwork &
reinforcement bars are measured separately.) in: "Type of cement to
be ordinary Portland cement (OPC)"

a) Elevation columns

b) Top tie beam

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c) Gutter

1.2 Provide, Cut and Fix in position Sawn Zigba Wood Formwork for
a) elevation columns

b) top tie beam

c) Gutter


2.1 Construct class 'B' 200x200x400mm HCB wall with cement

mortar 1:4 mix ratio.

Deducted area of window and door opening

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Net area

2.2 Ditto, item 2.1, but 15cm

Deducted area of window and door opening

Net area

2.3 Ditto, item 2.1, but 15cm for parapet wall


3.1 Supply and fix G-28 corrugated sheet of iron with all accessories
(measurement taken in horizontal projection)

fix approve quality G 28 galvanized flat metal sheet gutter with

development length of 47cm spliced at joint and welded with
minimum slope of 0.5% towards down pipe.


4.1 supply and fix in position eucalyptus roof truss member
A. Ø12cm. For horizontal members
B. Ø12cm. For rafter
C. Ø12cm. For Vertical member
D. Ø12cm. For Diagonal
E. Ø12cm. For horizontal member
4.2 Celling

5.1 Wall finishing
Apply three coats of internal wall plastering with cement mortar 1:3
mix ratio. Including the column and beams

Deducted are of window and door opening.

Nate area of internal wall

Apply three coats of external wall rendering with cement mortar 1:3
mix ratio.

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Deducted area of window and door

Net area
Apply three coats of plastering with cement mortar 1:3 mix ratio to
concrete beams & columns.
Apply two coats of plastering with cement mortar 1:3 mix ratios to
external HCB parapet walls.
150x150x6mm white glazed ceramic wall tile for toilet stuck to wall
Cement mortar 1:3 to a height of 1500mm from finished floor level

Deducted area of opening

Net area
5.2. Floor finishing
30cmm *30cm Non-slippery ceramic floor tiles and not less than
7mm thickness. Ceramic floor tile finishing bedded and joined with
cement mortar 1:3 mixes.

A. Living room

B. Master bed room

C. Children’s and gust bed rooms

D. Verandah And other

Total Area

30cm *10cm skirting bedded and joined with cement mortar 1:3

280x30mm marble window sill bedded and jointed with cement

mortar 1:3.

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Metal doors and window fabricated from standard steel profiles LTZ
of 38mm (referring windows and door schedule) Supply and fix metal
window with all accessories, hinges, locks and handle.

Door 1 size (

Door 2 size (

Door 3 size (

Window 2 size(

window 1 size(

window 3 size (

4mm thick glazing quality clear glass sheet & glazed to metal
doors & window with approved beds & putty
8.1 Apply two coats of emulsion paint to the internal wall plastered
Surfaces. Including columns.

Deduct for window and door opening

Net Area

8.2 Apply two coats of emulsion paint to the external wall plastered

Deduct for window opening

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Net Area
8.3 Apply two coats of emulsion paint to the external plastered
beam and column surfaces


Grade beam

Top tie beam

Net Area

8.3 Apply two coats of emulsion paint to the celling

Preparing bill of quantity

Before starting any construction one has to have a thorough knowledge about the volume of the work and
the probable cost that may be required for the completion of the project. Otherwise, the construction will
be stopped before its completion due to shortage of money or materials.
Types of estimates

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1. Approximate/Rough estimate
 To get an idea for the probable expenditure in a short time
 To prepare a preliminary estimate before drawing up a detailed estimate for a project. This
is made after knowing the costs of similar projects.
2. A detailed estimate
This is the best method and includes the quantities and cost of everything required for the work.
 Drawings
 Specification
Therefore, quantity surveying may be defined as the process of calculating the quantities and cost of
various works required in connection with the project.
Purposes of quantity surveying
 To know the amount of money required
 To know the quantities of materials required
 To know the tools and equipment required for the construction
 To know the different workers to be employed
 To draw up the construction schedule and program
 To fix up the completion period
 To invite tenders
 To Obtain sanction of necessary funds from the concerned authority
 For valuation of an existing structure

Item unit
Descriptions unit QNY Amount
No. rate
1Excavation and earth work
Clear the site to an average depth of 200 mm to
remove the top soil with 1m working area in all
1.1 side M2

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Pit excavation for isolated footing on ordinary soil
1.2 to depth not excavation 750mm from ground level M3
Trench excavation for 50cm thick stone
foundation wall on ordinary soil to a depth not
exceeding 100cm use 10 cm working space to each
1.3 side. M3
Bulk excavation in ordinary soil not exceeding
1.3 1500mm from NGL. M3
Back fill with selected material outside of the site
around footing and foundation by watering and
ramming with in 25cm layer Around stone
1.4 masonry. M3
Disposal of surplus excavated material 5km away
from the construction site. Total excavate material
(site clearance, pit excavation, trench excavation
1.5 and buck excavation) M3
2 Concrete work
5cm thick C-5 lean concrete with minimum cement
2.1 content of 150 kg/m3 laid.
A. under footing pads M2
B. under foundation wall M2
C-25 RCC concrete well vibrated and compacted
around reinforcement bars (formwork and
2.2 reinforcement measured separately )
A. for footing and footing column M3
B. for Grade beams. M3
C. for ground slab 10cm tick M3
2.3 cut fix and assembled saw zigba wood form work
A. For footing pad M2
B. For grade beam M2
C. For ground slab M2
Provide and fix high yield strength reinforcement
2.4 bars.
A. DN 8mm KG
B. DN 10mm KG
C. DN 12mm KG
D. DN 14mm KG
C. DN 16mm KG
3 3. Masonry work

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50 cm Thick basaltic or equivalent stone
foundation wall bedded in cement mortar of 1:4
3.1 ration below ground level M3
25cm thick basaltic or equivalent stone hard core
3.2 crushed and blinded. M2
Reinforced concrete in class C-25 (with a 28-day
15cm cube crushing (comprehensive) strength of
25MPa), cast into formworks and vibrated around
rod reinforcement bars.( formwork & reinforcement
bars are measured separately.) in: "Type of cement
to be ordinary Portland cement (OPC)"
a) Elevated columns M3
b) Top tie beam M3
c) Gutter M3
Provide, Cut and Fix in position Sawn Zigba Wood
Formwork for :
a) elevation columns M2
b) top tie beam M2
c) Gutter M2
Construct class 'B' 200x200x400mm HCB wall
2.1 with cement mortar 1:4 mix ratio. M2
Construct class 'B' 150x200x400mm HCB wall
2.1 with cement mortar 1:4 mix ratio. M2
2.3 Ditto, item 2.1, but 15cm for parapet wall M2
Supply and fix G-28 corrugated sheet of iron with
all accessories (measurement taken in horizontal
3.1 projection) M2
Supply fix approve quality G 28 galvanized flat
metal sheet gutter with development length of
47cm spliced at joint and welded with minimum
slope of 0.5% towards down pipe.
3.2 M2
Supply and fix in position eucalyptus roof truss
4.1 member
A. Ø12cm. For horizontal members ML

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B. Ø12cm. For rafter ML
C. Ø12cm. For Vertical member ML
D. Ø12cm. For Diagonal ML
E. Ø12cm. For horizontal member ML
5.1 5.1 Wall finishing
Apply three coats of internal wall plastering with
cement mortar 1:3 mix ratio. M2
Apply two coats of external wall plastering with
cement mortar 1:3 mix ratio and apply rendered . M2
Apply three coats of plastering with cement mortar
1:3 mix ratio to concrete beams & columns. M2
Apply two coats of plastering with cement mortar
1:3 mix ratio to HCB parapet walls. Both side
150x150x6mm white glazed ceramic wall tile for
toilet stuck to wall with cement mortar 1:3 to a
height of 1500mm from finished floor level. M2
5.2 5.2. Floor finishing
30cmm *30cm Non-slippery ceramic floor tiles and
not less than 7mm thickness. Ceramic floor tile
finishing bedded and joined with cement mortar
5.2.1 1:3 mix. M2
30cm *10cm skirting bedded and joined with
5.2.2 cement mortar 1:3 mix. ML
280x30mm marble window sill bedded and jointed
with cement mortar 1:3.
5.2.3 ML
20mm thick terrazzo flooring on and including
30mm cement sand screed (1:3) mix price
including grinding and polishing for circulation
5.2.4 M2
48mm thick cement screeding with cement mortar
of ratio 1:3 mix.
5.2.5 M2
Metal doors and window fabricated from standard
steel profiles LTZ of 38mm (referring windows and
door schedule)
Door 1 size PCS
Door 2 size PCS
Door 3 size PCS
window 1 size PCS
Window 2 size PCS
window 3 size PCS

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4mm thick glazing quality clear glass sheet &
glazed to metal doors & window with approved
beds & putty M2
8.1 Power intake
Identify the size and measure the length of PVC
conduit a)29 mm diameter for power Into ml
1500mm length diameter of 13.5mm bar earthing
rods (If earthing resistance is greater than 5 ohm,
additional earthing rods shall be buried, quantity
to be determined by contractor on site to get
earthing resistance less than 5ohm and distance
between rods should not be less than the length of
8.2 earthing rod). NO.
Main distribution board (MDB IP42 0 in sheet steel
enclosed wall hung lockable door including bus bar
of 40A, 1 phase rating, Neutral and earth bars.
8.3 Connection thermals complete and consist of NO.
1 PCS of 32A MC breaker , 1 phase
2 pcs of 16Acerciute breaker, 1 phase
1 pcs of 25 A breaker, 1 phase
Feeder Power Cables Multi-core power cable with
copper conductors, PVC insulated PVC sheathed,
color coded, type SIEMENS NYY 0.6/1KV or
equivalent to be drawn inside PVC conduit
connected and tested all as specified as shown on
8.4 the drawing. ML
Flush mounted light points fed through PVC
insulated conductors of 3x2.5 mm² inside PVC
conduits of 16mm diameter, including junction
8.5 boxes with covers insulating screw cap NO.
10-16A/1P flush mounted socket outlets point fed
through PVC insulated conductors of 3x2.5mm²
inside PVC conduits of 16mm diameter including
junction boxes with covers and insulating screw
cap connectors NO.
A. Ditto but twin NO.
B. ditto as 8.5 but for water heater NO.
C. ditto but for 3X4mm² inside PVC conduit of
8.6 29mm for Enjera mitad NO.

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Flush mounted TV points fed through coaxial cable
75 ohm diameter including junction boxes with
covers inside PVC conduit of 16mminsulating screw
8.7 cap connector Connectors. NO.
Telephone point fed through (category 5 UTP
8.8 cable) inside PVC conduit of 20mm diameter. NO.
Supply and connect EPP Socket out lets with all
8.9 accessory
Flush socket out lets 10A to 16 A (single) NO.
flush socket out lets 10A to 16 A (twin) NO.
Flush mounted socket for injera mitad 25A NO.
Flush mounted socket for water heater 16A NO.
8.1 Supply and fix lighting Switch with all accessories
Single pole switch NO.
Double pole switch NO.
two way switch NO.
supply , connect and test lamps with different
accessories all as specified or described in light
8.11 fitting as shown in the drawing
Type 1 RZB221040.96X + TC-D 18W NO.
Type2 RZB 45131.002 +1X40W NO.
Type 3. Philips TMS 012/118-1X18W NO.
TYPE 4. RZB 58131. 002+1X60W NO.
Supply and fix PPR for cold and hot water
distribution to all sanitary fixture according to
where shown on drawing complete with the
necessary connecting pipes such as bends/elbows,
unions, tees, etc. Unit price shall include all the
necessary assistance to the installation works such
as chiseling of walls, beams, slabs, floors, fixing
pipes with metal clips to beams etc... and closing
them with concrete or cement mortar to normal
conditions. The installation shall be tested at a
9.1 pressure of 10bar.
ø1/2" ML
ø3/4" ML
Supply and fix PPR gate valve of approved standard
complete with unions and elastic water proofing
9.2 ø1/2"
Ditto to 9.2 item but 3/4''DN
Supply and fix hand wash basin made of white
9.4 vitreous china equipped with concealed bracket NO.

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made of gray malleable cast iron white painted
complete with plug, Chains and traps. Size 500
Supply and fix crystal glass mirror where
appropriate including chrome plated bras mirrors,
clips and screws. Size 500 x 400mm necessary
9.5 accessories size150 x150m NO.
Supply and fix stainless steel kitchen sink with
double bowl and brass chrome plated trap,
complete with plug, chain holder, drain pipe and
9.6 mixing faucet. Size 150 x 60cm. NO.
Supply and fix electric water heater complete with
all water proofing, mounting and fastening
material, heat insulation, safety and non-return
9.7 valves complete with all the accessories. NO.
Supply and fix water closet made of white vitreous
china with plastic seat and cover including low
flush cistern and stop cock on the water supply line
9.8 complete with all accessories. NO.
Supply and fix toilet paper holder with metal roller
9.1 150 x 150 x25mm complete with fastening screws. NO.
Supply and install soil, waste and vent pipe in
horizontal branches and vertical stacks made of
rigid plastic pipes(PVC) of approved standard
including the necessary fittings such as bends, Y,T,
clean outs increasing and reducing pipes with tight
joints as shown on the drawing. All horizontal
branch pipes shall be laid in a slop of 2%.Supply
and install standard towel hanger made of chrome
plated tubular metal rollers including fastening
9.11 screws.
A. ø50 ML
B. ø110 ML
Supply and fix 70cm *70cm shower tray made of
enameled cast iron complete with all accessories.
9.12 Connectors NO.
9.13 Supply and fix PVC Pipe 110 mm dn for down pipe

Prepared By : - SURAFEL GEZAHGNE 2016 E.C

Prepared By : - SURAFEL GEZAHGNE 2016 E.C

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