European Union Being Used To Take Over The National Sovereignty of European Nations

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Is the European Union Lisbon Treaty being used to destroy the national sovereignty of European nations? In October, 2009, Irish voters voted to ratify the EUs Lisbon Treaty, leaving just Czechoslovakias and Polands governments to ratify the treaty. After the Irish vote, the Polish government pledged to sign the treaty and Czech President Vaclav Klaus signaled that he would pass the treaty once the Czech Constitutional Court had agreed. The Lisbon Treaty calls for European nations to subsume their national sovereignty and control under European Union control. Historically, the European Union in structure has been a European nation member organization which countries joined as sovereign nation states. However, the terms of the Lisbon Treaty call for decreased control, power and rights as sovereign and independent nations. As an organization, the European Union was structured with a rotating leadership fulfilled by the heads of the member nation leaders, in a time limited system. The European Union legislature was comprised of national representatives of each European Union member nation. Under the Lisbon Treaty, there will be only one fixed president of the European Union who represents not their individual nation, but all of Europe as a body. Instead of national legislative representatives in the European Union legislature, the representatives will be representing regions within the European member nations instead of the nations themselves, thus serving to completely disenfranchise the nations themselves in European Union decisionmaking. The Lisbon Treaty also calls for a newly created position of High Representative, a position that will be one fulfilling the duties of a foreign minister for the European Union and thus supplanting the foreign minister functions of the individual European nations who comprise the European Union. The Irish vote also calls into question the legitimacy of the European Union Lisbon Treaty vote and the legitimacy of the European Union and its electoral process altogether. The citizens of Ireland had originally voted on the treaty in 2008 and by a national vote of 53.4% had voted against the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty. The initial Irish vote was illegitimately disregarded as if it hadnt occurred and the Irish citizens forced to vote again in an election that they had already voted on and voted against. Ireland was not the only nations citizens who voted against increasing the power and control of the European Union at the expense of the national sovereignty of their individual European member nations. In 2005, an EU constitution vote failed after both French and Dutch voters rejected it. The European Union illegitimately disregarded the wishes of the French and Dutch voters, as did their elected politicians, when the French and Dutch government officials voted for the passage of the Lisbon Treaty which is a mirror image of the EU constitution vote that the citizens of France and the Netherlands had already voted against. As well, economic coercion, bullying and threats have been used to pressure nations to vote for the Lisbon Treaty. The recent economic downturn and proposed European Union economic aid swayed the Irish voters into voting for the treaty. At stake was a planned European Central Bank bailout of Irish banks, with an infusion of euro 54 billion ($80 billion) to bolster Irelands overstretched banks. Since the first vote, Irish unemployment has doubled and the national debt has soared. One prominent opponent, Irish businessman Declan Ganley said most voters still opposed the EUs lack of democratic accountability and resented being forced to vote twice, but said that voters didnt feel that they could lose the economic support being offered by the European Union. Ireland is not the only nation being economically coerced to ratify the Lisbon Treaty. It was reported earlier this month that if the Irish ratified the Lisbon Treaty, Czech President Klaus was expected to agree quickly, possibly after receiving a sweetener from Germany according to diplomatic sources. The question is, why and by what right would the German government be giving an economic sweetener to Czechoslovakia for the Czech governments signing of the Lisbon Treaty? As well the German government is using the combined national monies of the European Union and European Central Bank as a means of forcing nations to ratify the Lisbon Treaty. As reported in the German publication Handelsblatt, regarding the Polish governments possible opposition to the Lisbon Treaty, It would be good for Merkel to remind Germanys difficult partner east of the Oder River that important EU budget negotiations will begin in 2008. If the Poles continue to blockade any agreement (on the constitution) they will soon pay a high price for it. It also appears that the German government is even against other countries having national referendums to put the enactment of the Lisbon Treaty to a vote before their citizens. In a report earlier this month, it was reported that German Chancellor Merkel was furious with British Tory Party leader David Cameron who had angered German politicians when he stated that he was in favor of a British national referendum on the adoption of the EU Lisbon Treaty. The report noted that the Lisbon Treaty, was masterminded in Berlin. The government of Germany and the chancellor of Germany first had no right to write the Lisbon Treaty without the representation of other countries, nor does it have the right to try and pressure other countrys governments to not hold a democratic vote on the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty. These acts call into question the intentions of the German government in relation to the other nations of Europe and their use of the European Union with legislation and acts that serve to strip other European nations of their sovereign powers, rights and control and what their aims are in these actions.

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