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MAYO 2023
Step 1: Check and develop all content related to eBook B1 level, Modules 9, 10,
11 and 12 as a prior revision. Then, post your practice on the forum.
Step 2: Reading in context Then, make a conscious reading of the story “A fable
for tomorrow” By Rachel Carson. You can start your reading it by clicking the
following link: .
Step 3: Checking what you got
After reading the story, answer the following suggested questions, in English. Then,
publish them on the forum:

a. How was the town at the beginning of the story? It was a harmonious town
with its surroundings, it was in the middle of prosperous farms, in much of the way,
there is a diversity of flowers and clear streams.
b. How is it currently? Due to the actions of man and the contamination, the
animals began to get sick and soon died, new types of diseases appeared that
caused death in the inhabitants, even the children who played and accidentally hit
each other, minutes later they died.
c. How is it predicted to be in the future? Being clear about the great
contamination that occurred and what it caused, perhaps with time and work a
large part of what was once a magical place will be recovered.
d. In your opinion, does the story give any message for us? Which one?
Explain it on your own words. Yes, history is a living reflection of what is
currently happening to the planet, it shows us with a small example what can
happen in a short time if an action is not stopped or implemented to stop global
warming due to high pollution caused by man.
NOTE 1: For Answering the questions, consider doing it directly on the forum’s
body text, please, do not attach any .doc or .pdf files.
NOTE 2: you must interact and give opinion to your partners’ answers. This is part
of the evaluation of the first item from rubrics.

Step 4: Brainstorming

“A fable of tomorrow” is a story that shows how people’s intervention or settlements

caused irremediable consequences in a town. Nowadays, the overpopulation and
consumerismhas allowed the increase of factories and enterprises that pollute and
overexploit nonrenewablenatural resources, causing irreparable damages to the
To be conscious about this issue, you are going to brainstorm some ideas for
creating your own story which the main topic is the problem related in the “Fable of
tomorrow”, for that, youhave to complete the brainstorming chart. After doing it, you
must post it on the forum.
NOTE: you must interact and give opinion to your partners’ ideas in the chart. This
is part ofthe evaluation of the first item from rubrics.
The chart is the following:

Title of your story Up to heaven intoxicated

Characters of your story Cesar Viatela (Brickyard Owner)
Claudia Aguilar (environmental leader)
Javier Bambagüé (Civil engineer)
Place that takes place your story Municipality of Pitalito
Conflict in your story Greenhouse effect
Description of the place before the One of the best municipalities to live for
conflict its particular climate and pure oxygen.
Description of the place after the Respiratory diseases increased due to
conflict climate changes in a single day, rains
for long seasons, magnify the problem
in crop losses.
Description of the place in the future A place with peace of mind to breathe,
to go for a walk, a prosperous and
pollution-free municipality.
Conclusion of your story It is time to evaluate our actions and
seek to innovate correctly to reverse
climate change.

This is a magical place located in the department of Huila, Pitalito is a unique

municipality due to its biodiversity, Mr. Cesar Viatela lives here, a man who,
inherited from his father, wanted to continue the tradition of his family but this time
no longer carrying out crafts but strengthening his new company called Laboyos
brickyard. On the other hand, Claudia Aguilar, Chocoana and environmental leader,
tired of living abandoned by the state and in the midst of a society that values
water little, chose Pitalito as the perfect place to start her new life. Lastly, Javier
Bambagüé, recently graduated from Civil Engineering, who proposed the
implementation of eco-bricks in structures of different sizes as a degree project.

After the death of Cesar's father, he takes control of his home and invests in his
new brickyard project, with a great reception throughout the department,
generating a monthly production of 10,000 bricks. All this produced and the
emission of carbon dioxide began to trigger an accelerated climate change in the
municipality, air pollution increased significantly and respiratory diseases were the
main reason for consultation in the hospital.
With all this situation, Claudia as an environmental leader, intervened directly and
filed a complaint with the mayor's office for not controlling this type of company that
generates a high level of contamination. After some time and insisting that it was
necessary to intervene in these types of companies, Claudia met the engineer
Javier, who presented himself with his degree project, asking that a way to
implement the eco-brick be found.

With all the evidence and support of the facts presented by Claudia, Cesar
recognizes the flaws in his company and changes the brick manufacturing process.
With the help of Claudia and Javier, they start a project together, where they buy
from recyclers in the department, a large amount of plastic (bottles) is massively
recycled, climate change is reversed in the town and the municipality is
empowered as the first in implementing this new construction method.

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