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AnsIntrodu ctfon &

Annexican vil the

CI86l-h5) between theosthh stato
41 th AOutheuntat! that
Nted tads and 1g
secedadom the unon and fod the
Conkdsa e itats Amica 1hA
sa als0_ Called Wa betten thi tats
Qndt is fOut be Guje has
dainsdhot kind Naton Ameiaia
Th corlt sas the met expensiue Qnd
doadl 9ax even hamendd fn Aneuca
St Coused the dath o 620,000 o Q4
mlons mau fnuste ard
lon sodiesu, nWions
much the Sadth tewttoes suinsduinn
Aesican also
Conside the mot teible
laslilee the uo0d usatI
Cevo couses

Amoion Civt o
alaveyy]he Noxth opposed alaey,
Jaliel haaily
wlave Iabca fon the agtltsa
eCOnomyThi conptit betlueen the tuo
beben to el calate fn thh Hutd -1g4e
entuy, th th pawge the hugitive
slaveWÁt shich sDgtyao Ckiges to
sést in the Captune and sActsn
uunaucyAlave Thia dd to fnclasel
tension betuseun w Narth cud soutt
ard utately the Seceston deveal
lOuthusn tatu

Anathr elomnt that covtibuted to the

Sinte thL the Revoluion

quatu lotih ouguh ahd Utbse
douthn ato, belloved in twSo,concept
tats the Sooe to Aave fra ufdual
olaciaions Bake thuir ousn
whlle theNosth uch as lavey
cental belioed in a
Ove Xfatis guts Jed to
tensios betoein th Noh ondUsnceaase
Qnd uttimodely ,the secesAlon
uthHn tats dovesal

tonec olipaultics betuoan th Noth and

South alo' centibuted eto the Quei
dvioeTue NOMh embuaad
deoding to the s-ne go fatosules, cttie
and 9e-baAed
CQntosty ogaslan tuanon the
Sasth sued tavy
My NoteBook
uthn ptotls Sign.
DolRele tht could thsin thuir eLoron
iuteust Dips 0ver is and
eLOnome potics usdh
Ugonaf densiowneflh the Sou
petceu Nythen poltles as uauoobke
to t

Polétal shuglsi
pozfiad system to econcile
th Ucacdate ases contibuted auns
eleion o Abuahon Lfndln as the
psuafdat nVl860, supsusehyg the
lavt alaegy Repllleah Post tgead
outhesn conehs os ost thd poktal
eesiob g0 th eenlme ahd otal
Aunalatioa SoLtheh tats began
seudig faam the niony ctnnabug
Statsth Amutea the Conpcdeka

fatled corMmes g he
My NoteBook

united aaiu ould pmt lavey

paSsage the kansas- Nebsaka Ast in (854

olaclda -the slaey gution thnngh popla

betusoh and Anti slavay
lAtieu 'in "Bíneding
iimtely, the Amotan Gutl usa ulas a
Culminbtion dacades
eanamt diyosttiesy Atatu, iputh and
heacell ioution to thuslu
the Paamensort the ertng
palihical sysam elte in a devdtattag
and tanamatlue coyit that p

My NoteBook Sign.
865 uas ån the
hnost hoosh, csuel nd blooy tod
tht AmesG hos evex aAn
A the end the wsae th Untted stat
On ais the Conleosot Stata
gthe them usas the
abolibion th
ard Vellyal, the
Btack peopl

aoHh th vthuy tth unted ttats, th

Conleoesato Vt 92 Amesa Cesed to
er avd all the tats uee cyain
nited wwd the ame goVeshmot Jhe
nesocfy polittol and eU0neme chage
My Note3ook Sign.
a n fad, hu weu
om, hr
davelepod and the ar hod pourd

ngd a

aial COONNaiAane.
he foustial eonny înuastdy avd thiá event
fuplred th heshamiAXtion agcutba, the
nunbex tatsJot the
DONA oEyto uselave onal the eeanory

h end al the Amsan

AmBÍ On CRl ase fimpliel
thu untation g the Southn statis
the Nosthn OnJ wndle the
nledtatsJhe nited atts fntooued
all mun
OhictrtRslal goveonrmeutjon
oheA t has bascd ht polly
ha fn the
testtosues Sobth 9 enmess and
otteseminoted the dethucton g2
sas Cn ash
fetd- Ih las a bË9 poroblerm becouse the
maintylBase dn the aguË cuta
plantatons anol fox thue acthtte, ta
lqutt Aundlarmlntal have fescl fetds- WjA
tat fmplied a dot to the backuansmess
Jhe lConstuchon wsho es auut tock
Hen Cams Out from
thi, teuialesthuotton ouvataon
ard naesyp sfth tihsuee pnapastat apet
y polbtaN menapoty p the oemotstc
astysputende goactolseoton.
socfaloenoleenome batksatdns
hese QApectebe Vold -fo9 many

My NoteBook Sign.
wollkon ,caderpy Nosthun
th southem 3ecessiOn oU mn
dodicted to he Cause o) the
advanemut oq alaveoy , ozoordlop the
haun to t set Ho thoton

that the nsas wQs not a menal conbit

ovey the issue oe Alavey, but the 'base
Cause g the en usas the uncontt
ard ggsasue acs g thL nosth htth
wsed poiser
ond afnsthtons Aceording to them
alovegy as not the stal Veauwse bet thu
occatoral couise 9p the' user
ACoadiy to Eousasd Apollad Cso.thbu
Puitan Noth ofth k coase Qnd matexialitie
Cfvilizaton and the Cavalex South
Ôn'he thiy hand , HOs0ce eeley,
NOthesn4,n Aa Amealcon cohpict
My NoteBook Sign.
DELTA/y ho

the Upootaboud chiey y tha destsu on
alavy, h A belleved to be moaly
Hlexards HStephns(south esunJ pouopaunod
Occasfonsdby 'opposig dduek
Jobak a to the
Natusu o nshot knoon as ine heneal
hovesnmtut he centest uses betueeh these
who hud t to be sticty fealal n
chasa cto and those uho maftaid et
to be thgeaheroughy Nation al
usas mesuly th pak that
the "artegoniati 'hslineijpls "fato
col'aOn on te frbidl the
Jalleron Davja also g94eed uoth the
lephus Acorig t Aim, th gution.
lavegy doved as an occaysion Qnol
the Couse
the conpit
My NoteBook Sign.
Atcoxdrg to Jams f Rhodu CNOthml,
the cohut emvgc as a sEsut
clashio ideas ato the moal
fndany olvegud eonohjes
Acuofdng to &authtwn Cowov otte
Geaoge Vp Miton , th outbuak y the
ASa usas megly an fneidaut fn te
phtloophtcaf coit all Amntan histo
tht bate betteen otioral and myst
dinmocay He ditngaFhes a'mnoal
and conmmenclal' tpe g lavey H uses
dlendJoutb's pecultasi fnsthutions bettes.
Arosidtyg to Fdueod channlsg (sQuthusnls
been vable to eakuat cioHL dty
unglosnty applie whlt tanaaala <to
the actukes
dwelepnot H doo wat duned the
My NoteBook

2 the canplid uss that the ar toot plare

fon -ihe ixtarpordn southens
Lbeval Bougge oja tonfal schoolt
Chasles A bead ui the Mest inpotaut
tun shaol- Bead dacoos
Hh tin henoLUd ideallste ftespotatone
the cil hoa qud Bubatihts fo thse
matestallebe ezplanatiays AcLoaing to
hin the ca/lit sas a style betoen
ctoo divenget eonantes and goclal
system, on a nono-agjulthyxal
he othen Q
dieufedsysten qnal
dabo noductiy, bksc on
He'shaoedthat tano oee
Cvel wsa nsas th fnevlabu outcome
thse.clashisg fortes av hao supsot
sUchhtin occusounte
Anothun inpordant porapouut thi scheot
is Asthun C C" cote.'HiA stinga cadais
My NoteBooH
eutdence ushich demonat the

dustyg th donde ptesthe

tfme spft avodp noth at tho
QOnciouses 'andthe devolutoragy
porhbtted by the
supesenatNes g the
the fosthn bousgeoe advanted
at the outbulak the lae
he usost g Bensd ond cale ,theugh
Contafning much Valuoble matvial bt olou

The the hos came fox Amsufcan

Mamijt Htoxlons toconetete th
unftnahed tasky g the tibenal bougeaj
htocalAehoolh met frpotaut
alet fresustk Ergels Aeondty
do thend' the math ofechve gpuspse
alave poueN Thay thexfon d-the
OxlatSign. the
Aty NoteBk
decisve Nlegon- the emoncpaion ths
Jlaves Mgr ond Egels eu gatly
frteousted h the mtllay ayect'
Upublie tst Mhe ave
Max om t
ha H thot the notthn
Cause 0as the Quon Cause
lhws, thh stin Masa and Tirgds orn
the cil nsaeve
indespsatatlo. &that
cafid. hy suvedl the shlloonos
the toadhioral eaplanatio the
nsan by ahaing'that the styal
usas occabioned nat founces o
abhioct pxndiplu statis
the but the
ineconcilabhle Qntagoan diamettaly,
he witati bns inhount in the beal
bouygoo gp suoach sto the cnit hey
erghaalze4 ondthe the
miltasy apta gfh
My N Sign.
ubondintl fottios.
Conc hustans
The AmgouCon CM as
C186l-1885). Conchte
wh the Vnion Victoy, moskig th
p3UeUntbn g the Ynteod ttes Ihe
and slaty asoeattd-The Emoncpata
Pootamakth (s63) by 'Busidod Iholoh
Khotion'9 slaeye ho sa's_atesmath
Ao the Acontubion ea, addsess iry
Post na challenges 9nd ottengtn t

Vcantith pat ligaud
fndlsbl h enghaized
the Uhn onAet the th

nationk! faerty
My NotsBook Sign.

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