Inv RF (105)

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Lot 1-2, Floor 2, Mile 4, No. 1, Jalan USJ 14/1M,
Jalan Penampang, USJ 14, 47630 Subang Jaya,
Rolmas Industrial Centre, Selangor Darul Ehsan,
88300 Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.
Sabah, Malaysia
Line 1: +60169531885

Attn : Mr. Satiswaran Date : 02 September 2022

Re : Prposed construction and completion of subgrade Ref : inv/ 105/xecta/ECRL/22
earthwrok and culvert works from CH 238 = 322
to CH 241=460 and from CH 244 = 744 to CH248 = 539
at East Cost Railway Link section 5
Proj : East Cost Railway Link Project
To : Kijal, Terengganu
No. Description Qty. Unit Price Amount
(RM) (RM)

1 Contract Sum
The acceptance is based on an amount of Rm 1,500,000.00 ( Ringgit Malaysia : One Million five hundred
thousand only)
1.1 Contract sum mention will be adjusted due to actual quantity of works complition on site.
1.2 Work complition on site will be calculate base on the rate listed below:

Culvert works RM Unit

1.2.1 concrete blinding (C20) 60.00 per m3
1.2.2 foundation concrete (C40) 70.00 per m3
Culvert body, inlet and outlet
1.2.3 Base slab concrete (C40) 70.00 per m3
1.2.4 Base slab reinforcement 530.00 per ton
1.2.5 Side wall & Top slab concrete (C40) 90.00 per m3
1.2.6 Side wall & Top Slab reinforcement 530.00 per ton
1.2.7 Culvert inlet and outlet concrete 90.00 per m3
1.2.8 Culvert inlet and outlet reinforcement 530.00 per ton
1.2.9 Installing of settelement joint 13.50 per m3
Waterproof layer
1.2.10 Water proof coating 8.00 per m2
1.2.11 Waterproof coll 6.50 per m2
1.2.12 Installing of mid-buried waterstop aa.5 per m
1.2.13 Installing of back sticking waterstop 8.00 per m
1.2.14 Lay C40 agregate concrete 70.00 per m3
1.2.15 Supply and lay M10 cement mortar to culvert 70.00 per m3

2 Site possesing and complition date

The date of possesing of site as referred to in the condition of contract shall be as follows:-
2.1 The date for site processing is on 1st of July 2022
2.2 Complition date shall be 30th april 2024

3 Insurance
In the line with the above, you are requested to obtain and deliver to us within forteen days (14) days of the
date of the letter of award the following:-
3.1 The policies of insurance together wit evidence of payment of the premium
3.2 Contractors all risk insurance baring full value of the works
Workmen compensation

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No. Description Qty. Unit Price Amount
4 Work programme
You shall submit to the architech within (14) days from the date of the date site possesion of the following:-
4.1 You are required to submit your comprehensive work programme for approval and monitor the whole
works shall be completed in full and compliance with the work programme including specifications,
drawing testing and approval by the architech and the relevant authorise.

5 Progress Payment
5.1 Payment shall be stage payment and monthly basis. You are required to submit claim form by
monthly stage claim together with the neccesary supporting documents on 15th and 30th of the
5.2 Payment will be release to you within (10) days upon Architech certificate or payment release
after concrete done on site.
5.3 The amount due shall be subjected to 5% retension sum of the contarct sum
2.5% will be release six months upon the issuance of certificate of practical coplition (CPC). The balance
of 2.5% retention sum will be release upon the issuance of certificate of making good defect (CMGD)

6 Site staff
Only legal workers with permit are allowed to work at site, failing which the contract may be
terminated and or any penalty/ summons cost shall be borne by you.

7 Other damage matter

The contactor shall be responsible for any damages to the provided machinaries, to the existing road
footpath, turfs, slopes and other servies,

The letter is issued to you in Triplicate. Kindly endorse all the copies on your acceptance of this 4
offer and including the terms and conditions stipulated herein and return the ORIGINAL duly signed
and withnessed to us within (7 days). You are to retain the other copy for your reffernce.

Invoice amount : Rm 44,000.00 (RINGGIT MALAYSIA FORTY FOUR THOUSAND)
Terms : 45 days

Please call us if you have any concerning about this invoice

Bank details : Kejuruteraan Richfield
Account num : 562115533227
Bank : Maybank

I/ we the undersigned, hereby confirm

on your acceptance of the above
offer at the terms and conditions
Thank you contain herein.

Your faithfully, Acknowledge by:

Finance and Admin Name
Kejuruteraan Richfield Date :

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