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S.6 IRE P235/1

- Attempt any four questions
- Quotes add value to your points and leads to accumulation of marks
- Example and illustrations where necessary can be of importance
- Good hand writing is also a mandate for success
1(a) the prophet never showed any need for compilation of the Quran, Why then was the Quran complied into
a book forms (12mks)
(b) What were the obstacles met by the compilers in the process of undertaking their noble duty? (13mks)
2(a) “The major and violent cause of domestic plunders is polygamy” Why then Islam legalized it (08mks)

(b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of polygamy? (17mks)

3 “The human soul had to undergo the same form of evolution under went by the human body”. Basing on the
above point justify the reasons why the Quran was revealed. (25mks)

4(a) With help of Quranic infuctions explain the Islamic teaching on life in hell (12mks)

(b) What lessons can a contemporary Muslim draw from the concept (13mks).

5(a) Describes the way how Earthly punishments differ from heavenly punishments. (15mks)

(b) Explain the different forms of punishment Allah extended to different disbelievers. (10mks)

6(a) Examine the different forms of Jihad. (10mks)

(b) When and why is Tihad allowed? (15mks)

7(a) Explains the Islamic teaching on the earning of wealth. (15mks)

(b) How have people violated the above teachings. (10mks)

8(a) Explain the meaning of surat Alfatiha (15mks)

(b) What are the themes of the surah? (10mks)

9 (a) Explain the background of surat Ikhlas (purity) 112. (15mks)

(b) Write down its content? (10mks)

10. Explain the Islamic teachings on the political system (25mks)


“QURAN 2:2” AND “QURAN 97: 1- 5”

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