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Prepare a Bill of engineering Measurement and Evaluation including take-off sheets for a

125MMSCFD Gas Processing Plant.

Creating a detailed Bill of Engineering Measurement and Evaluation (BEME) for a 125MMSCFD Gas
Processing Plant is a complex task that requires extensive information on the specific equipment,
materials, labor, and quantities involved. Below, I provide a simplified example of a BEME with take-
off sheets for key components. Please note that this is a generic example, and actual BEME
documents should be customized based on the project's unique requirements and specifications.

Bill of Engineering Measurement and Evaluation (BEME) - 125MMSCFD Gas Processing Plant

Project Information:

 Project Name: 125MMSCFD Gas Processing Plant

 Project Location: [Specify Location]
 Project Date: [Specify Date]
 Prepared By: [Your Name]
 Approved By: [Project Manager]

Take-off Sheet - Equipment

Item Description Quantity Unit Price ($) Total Cost ($)

Gas Compressor (Model X) 3 units 250,000 750,000

Heat Exchangers 8 units 50,000 400,000

Separators 4 units 80,000 320,000

Storage Tanks 6 units 150,000 900,000

Item Description Quantity Unit Price ($) Total Cost ($)

Pumps 10 units 20,000 200,000

Control Systems - 300,000 300,000

Electrical Panels - 50,000 50,000

Instrumentation - 80,000 80,000

Total Equipment Cost - - $2,700,000

Take-off Sheet - Piping

Item Description Length (meters) Diameter (inches) Unit Price ($/meter) Total Cost ($)

Process Piping (Carbon Steel) 5000 meters 12 inches 50 250,000

Utility Piping (Stainless Steel) 2000 meters 6 inches 80 160,000

Item Description Length (meters) Diameter (inches) Unit Price ($/meter) Total Cost ($)

Insulation (Pipes) - - 20 20,000

Total Piping Cost - - - $430,000

Take-off Sheet - Civil and Structural

Item Description Quantity Unit Price ($) Total Cost ($)

Site Preparation - 300,000 300,000

Foundations - 150,000 150,000

Structural Steel - 200,000 200,000

Concrete Work - 100,000 100,000

Total Civil/Structural Cost - - $750,000

Take-off Sheet - Labor

Labor Category Hours/Person Number of Personnel Hourly Rate ($) Total Cost ($)

Engineering - 15 100 150,000

Skilled Labor - 50 50 250,000

Unskilled Labor - 30 30 90,000

Total Labor Cost - - - $490,000

Grand Total Project Cost: $4,370,000

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