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Exam Anxiety: Finding Out the Causes,

Effects, and Coping Strategies

Exam Anxiety is a common but underrated issue that millions of students face
worldwide. This problem can appear days before the exam or on the exam day itself.
And what’s the outcome of this trouble? Significant stress and degradation in test
performance. So, it’s important to get introduced to the major exam anxiety symptoms
first so that you can attempt to resolve them.
Besides, understanding how to deal with exam anxiety is crucial for achieving
academic success. After identifying its causes and effects, students can implement the
necessary steps to manage their stress levels.
However, this article aims to help students to ensure they are well-prepared and
confident on exam day. Let’s explore something useful and practical.

Common Test Anxiety Symptoms

Test anxiety is a common psychological condition that decreases many student’s test
scores. It can cause both physical and emotional symptoms. Due to this problem, it
becomes difficult to perform well during exams.
A study found that between 40 to 60% of students face any of the exam anxiety
symptoms. Recognizing these symptoms is the first step to dealing with test anxiety.
However, some common symptoms include:
● Sweating
● Rapid heartbeat
● Stomach problems
● Headaches
● Restlessness
● Negative thoughts
● Difficulty concentrating
● Sleep issues, and so on.
Why Does Exam Anxiety Appear?
Many scientific reasons support exam anxiety as a natural phobia for human beings.
The University of Melbourne defined it as a “common and natural response” for
But, have you ever wondered why this terrible thing happened to you? Let’s find out
some open secrets about test anxiety causes.

Fear of Failure
Students often worry about disappointing their parents or teachers with their scores.
They fear that failing will affect their future opportunities.
Primarily, this intense pressure can lead to anxiety. After all, it becomes harder to
concentrate and perform as per expectation during exams.

High Expectations
High expectations from parents, teachers, or even themselves can generate significant
stress. Most students tend to achieve the highest grades to meet these expectations.
The fear of not being "good enough" can overwhelm and hinder their exam

Lack of Preparation
When students haven't studied enough, they feel unprepared and insecure about their
knowledge. This uncertainty can lead to extreme levels of stress.
For example, someone with bad memorizing power discovers on the morning of an
exam that he or she is unable to write down all the points of a topic.
Isn’t it enough to bring exam anxiety in students?

Past Negative Experiences

If a student has performed poorly in previous tests, they might fear it will happen
again. These bad memories can create a cycle of worry and stress.
The fear of repeating past failures can make them anxious, even if they are
well-prepared this time.
This is a very common cause for those who are habituated to frequent reminiscing.
Perceived Importance of the Exam
When students believe an exam is extremely important, their anxiety levels can
increase. They might think their entire future depends on this one test.
This perception can create immense pressure. Ultimately, it leads to stress and fear.
The more important they think the exam is, the more anxious they can become about
doing well.

Poor Time Management Skills

Time management is significant in every stage of human life. It’s naturally seen that
students fail to plan their study time effectively and end up cramming at the last
This rushed preparation can cause stress and panic. Not managing time well can
make them feel overwhelmed and unprepared, increasing their anxiety levels during

Does Test Anxiety Cause Poorer Performance on

One of the recognized exam anxiety effects is poorer performance on exams. The
ability to think clearly and remember necessary information can be hindered due to
exam anxiety.
Some physical symptoms, such as sweating, rapid heartbeat, and stomach problems,
can distract them from the exam questions. Gradually, students find it difficult to
concentrate to their fullest potential.
Additionally, anxiety can interfere with their decision-making abilities. Anxious
students easily get driven by various negative thoughts instead of focusing on the task
at hand.
Furthermore, exam anxiety can disrupt their sleep patterns. This is enough to make
them fatigued and less able to perform at their best.
The pressure to perform better can also cause students to experience a phenomenon
known as "choking under pressure”. Students underperform despite possessing the
necessary skills and knowledge in this case.
Moreover, students with test anxiety may engage in avoidance behaviors. It includes
skipping questions or rushing through the exam session.
Unfortunately, these strategies often backfire and result in lower scores.

Efficient Coping Strategies to Control Exam Anxiety

It’s time to find out how to overcome exam anxiety efficiently. It’s all about following
some techniques related to the study and lifestyle.

Proper Study Planning

Creating a proper study plan can help reduce exam anxiety effectively. All you need to
do is plan your study time into suitable segments and set clear goals.
Your study plan should align with your capabilities and realistic desires. If you plan a
dedicated study plan but can’t execute it, it’s just a waste of time.

Relaxation Techniques
You are the only one who can help yourself in overcoming test anxiety and improve
your exam performance. So, what’s the most efficient way that comes after proper
Exercises! You can try exercises like deep breathing, meditation, and progressive
muscle relaxation to calm the mind, as well as the body.

Positive Thinking and Affirmations

Remind yourself of your strengths and past successes. Repeating positive affirmations
helps shift your mindset and makes you feel more capable and prepared.
This practice can significantly help in managing exam-related stress. Positive thinking
always brings something great, isn’t it?

Healthy Lifestyle
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is unavoidable for managing exam anxiety. Along with
regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep can improve your overall health.
These habits can be an effective part of test anxiety treatment to keep your mind and
body in perfect condition.
Time Management Practice
Create a study schedule that balances work and relaxation. Divide your tasks into
smaller, easy steps and set neither tight nor easy deadlines.
Effective time management not only helps you stay organized but also builds
confidence. Therefore, you can give some mock tests with your friends to reduce the
fear of time management.

Seeking Support from Peers and Educators

Talking to peers and educators can greatly help eliminate exam anxiety. Friends can
offer mental support and share study tips, while teachers can clarify doubts and
provide guidance.
This support network can enhance your confidence and make you feel less isolated.
You’ll find it easy to handle exam-related stress at the end of the day.

Last Words
The moment you figure out any symptom of exam anxiety, such as sweating, rapid
heartbeat, and negative thoughts, you are in the red zone. And, how you’ll end up is
totally up to you.
If you take proper steps after finding the causes, you can overcome the situation soon.
However, developing effective coping techniques for managing exam anxiety can vary
from person to person.
Techniques like proper study planning, relaxation, positive thinking, and taking
support from the comfort zone are vital components of exam anxiety management.
Remember, students need to prioritize their mental well-being and adopt healthy
habits to overcome exam anxiety effectively.

Relevant Content:
1. Test Anxiety in Students: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
2. What Are The Causes of Test Anxiety and How To Overcome
3. The Relationship Between Test Anxiety and Exam Performance
4. Strategies to Reduce Test Anxiety (
5. Exam Anxiety: How To Manage It Better - 300Hours

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