ch 4 bio (2)

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Chapter 4 Test 2nd SEC.

1- Choose the correct answer (1: 20):

1. Which of the following excretory products can the body get rid of it them through
the two kidneys, lungs and skin?

2. On examining a urine sample of a person after eating a meal containing a lot of

meat in the previous day, which of the following will be found in the sample with a
large percentage?

3. From the opposite figure, which of the following can cause the changes occurred in
the plant after several days?

4. What is the difference between the means of excretion in the herbaceous plants
and perennial trees?

5. Which of the following isn’t produced due to the presence of a disturbance in the
action of Bowman's capsule?

6. A person whose body contains 5 liters of blood, how many times does the total
volume of blood pass through his two kidneys in 2 hours?

7. If you know that the concentration of glucose in the blood plasma is 0.1 g/100cm3,
when the selective reabsorption process is completed with an efficiency 100%,
which of the following choices represents its concentration in the renal filtrate and
urine of a healthy person respectively?
8. Which of the following characterizes the thick skin layer of an obese person from a
slim person?

9. Which of the following can be observed on examining two equal amounts of urine
and sweat for the same person?

10. If you know that the main function of loop of Henle is the reabsorption of water
again from the nephric tubules, in which of the following living organisms do you
expect that the loop of Henle is absent from the nephron structure ?

11. Which of the following characterizes sweat in human from the transpiration water
in plant?

12. The opposite graph illustrates the rate of fat glands

secretion in four people, which choice represents the
person whose hair is more exposed to splitting?

13. What is the blood vessel that contains the least percentage of urea?

14. when a student participated in a running competition for a distance of g00 meters,
he observed an increase in his skin temperature, which of the following may be the
reason for that ?
15. What is the resulted effect from practicing vigorous exercises on the amount of
lost water from the body through the skin and kidneys than the normal rate

16. Which choice in the following table represents the body response on feeling the
severe cold?

17. If we suppose that each collecting duct is connected to 10 nephrons. So, what is
the approximate number of collecting ducts in the two kidneys?

18. Which of the following isn't correct about the stomatal transpiration and guttation

19. Which of the following isn't from the benefits of excretion process in human?

20. Which of the following graphs expresses the relationship between the rate of
transpiration in the leaves and the rate of atmospheric humidity?
2- Give reason for: the trees with falling leaves can do the transpiration process in
winter, despite falling of their leaves.

3- The opposite figure illustrates a part from the structure of plant leaf :
a) What is the type of transpiration
that illustrated in the figure ?

b) What is the percentage of the lost water from

structure (A) with respect to the total water content that
lost from the plant?
4-Explain: the selective reabsorption process in the kidney includes active transport

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