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(Please wrl.te gour Exarn"RoII ffo./ Exam Roll No. \u1

Enp Tpnnn Ex*nTINATIoN
Sxtn SBupstPn Mev-Juwo-2O18
Paper Code: LLB-iOZ Subiect: Jurlspntdence

Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75

Note: Attemptfiae questions ln all lncluding Q,No 7 of Part A ushich is
Select one from each unit of Part B,
Q 1 Write short notes on the foliowing: (5x5=25)
(a) Natural Justice
(b) Primary and Secondary Rules brv H.L.A Hart
{c) Legal Person
(d) Realist School of Jurisprudence
(e) Utilitarianism


e2 "The aim of Jurisprudence is to de','eiop those fundamental principles, the
knorvledge of r.vhich is essential for the application of law". Explain and justify
the statement, by discussing the meaning, nature, scope and significance of
jurisprudence. (12'5)

/14 "Analyliczri positivism emerged as a reaction to the vagueness of Natural law"

Analy'se the statement b-v theorizing Austin's concept of sovereignty and disucss
its relevance in Indian lega1 system. (12.5)

Q4 Critically analye rhe distinctive characteristics of historical schooi of
jurisprudence. t12.5)

Q5 'Latu is sacial engineering uthich means a balance between tlte competing interests
in societg, in which ctppliea science are used for resoluing indiuidual and social
problerrti'- Do you agree with Roscoe Pound? Rationalize your view. (12.5)

Q6 Discuss the conceptual framework of Hohfeld's classification of rights and duties.(12.5)

Q7 Explain the concepts of possession & ownership and highlight the differences
beiween them with the help of relevant illustrations. (12.5)

QB (a) Define justice and discuss different forms of justice. (61
(b) Analyse the Rawls's theory of justice. (6.5)

Qe How far Amartys Sens's 1dea of Justice' is relevant to the Indian lega1 system?
Explain. (12.s}

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