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We are experiencing a breakneck growth in the interconnection of personal

computers, terminals and telephones in the business environment. T1 technology is
proving to be a cost-effective means of linking voice and data, both inter-office and
intra-office, and serves as an alternative to high speed modems for data transport.
There is significant discussion these days about "T1 Gateways" and "T1 trunks" as the
cost from the various phone companies of these services goes down. Users are
discovering that it costs less to have a T1 trunk than a series of leased telephone lines
in a point-to-point topology. This increase in the use of T1 requires a fundamental
understanding of the technology.

We provide a diverse line of telco quality products ranging from simple T-1 extenders to
complex OC-48 and SONET access devices including T1 integrated access devices,
DSU/CSUs, multiplexers, encrytption, and voice&data equipment. Full data sheets for
these products are avaible here.


T1 is a high speed digital network (1.544 mbps) developed by AT&T in 1957 and
implemented in the early 1960's to support long-haul pulse-code modulation (PCM)
voice transmission. The primary innovation of T1 was to introduce "digitized" voice
and to create a network fully capable of digitally representing what was up until then,
a fully analog telephone system.

Perhaps the way to really begin this discussion is to discuss the AT&T Digital Carrier
System referred to as "ACCUNET T1.5". It is described as a "two-point, dedicated,
high capacity, digital service provided on terrestrial digital facilities capable of
transmitting 1.544 Mb/s. The interface to the customer can be either a T1 carrier or a
higher order multiplexed facility such as those used to provide access from (fiber
optic) and radio systems."

So in the basic definition there is the discussion that there is a "higher order" or
hierarchy of T1. There is T1 which is, as we have discussed, a network that has a
speed of 1.544 Mbps and was designed for voice circuits or "channels" (24 per each
T1 line or "trunk"). In addition, there is T1-C which operates at 3.152 Mbps. There is
also T-2, operating at 6.312 Mbps, which was implemented in the early 1970's to
carry one Picturephone channel or 96 voice channels.
There is T-3, operating at 44.736 Mbps and T-4, operating at 274.176 Mbps. These
are known as "supergroups" and their operating speeds are generally referred to as 45
Mbps and 274 Mbps respectively.

The general T-Carrier hierarchy appears in Figure 1 and is detailed in Chart 1.

Figure 1 - T-Carrier Hierarchy

DS0 64Kbps 1/24 of T-1 1 Channel

DS1 1.544Mbps 1 T-1 24 Channels
DS1C 3.152 Mbps 2 T-1 48 Channels
DS2 6.312 Mbps 4 T-1 96 Channels
DS3 44.736 Mbps 28 T-1 672 Channels
DS3C 89.472 Mbps 56 T-1 1344 Channels
DS4 274.176 Mbps 168 T-1 4032 Channels

Chart 1 - T1 Hierarchy

For mathematical reasons, a voice channel was selected to be at 64 Kbps. 24 of these

channels is a composite of 1.536 Mbps, not 1.544 Mbps! Why is there a difference?
The reason is that after a byte (8 bits) of data is sent from each channel (24 * 8 = 192
bits) there is an extra bit used for synchronizing called a Frame bit - hence 193 bits are
sent and this increase of 1 bit per 192 causes the speed to increase to 1.544 Mbps.
The fundamental frame of T1 is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Frame Organization

Well, you might ask, 1.544*2 = 3.088 Mbps and not 3.152 Mbps for T1C, how come?
Well, the answer is that the T1C frame is made up of 1272 bits and is quite different
from the 193 bit frame of the T1 data stream. It should be pointed out that the frame
length of T1C and higher signals are not related in any technical way to the T1 stream
which is treated simply as a string of bits. The simplistic diagram in Figure 1 is
correct from an organizational point of view and does not show the relationship of the
formatted data.

Now I have been using the term "T1 data stream". To be consistent with AT&T
parlance, a "T1 data stream" is called a "DS1". Equally, a T1C stream is referred to as
"DS1C", etc. Another summary chart to show the relationship is in Figure 3:

Sig. Lvl Carrier # of T1's # Voice Ckts Speed Mbps

DS-0 -- 1/24 1 .064
DS-1 T1 1 24 1.544
DS-1C T1C 2 24 3.152
DS-2 T2 4 96 6.312
DS-3 T3 28 672 44.736
DS-4 T4 168 4032 274.760

Figure 3 - T1 Hierarchy Summary Chart

A convenient way to think of T1 is from the first two layers of the ISO (International
Standards Organization) OSI(Open System Interconnect) model: the Physical and
Logical layers. The Physical layer focuses on the electrical characteristics such as
signal shape, voltage levels, etc. The logical layer deals primarily with the format
issue - how is the data extracted from the low-level protocol?

The designation "DS" in Figure 3 refers to "Digital Signals" and describes the
physical layer. The designation "T" refers to the type of carrier that is being used.
Often these are used interchangeably but that technically is not correct.

On the topic of standards, T1 has been specified first by AT&T and second, by ANSI
(American National Standards Institute). The European equivalent of T1 is called
CEPT and is a CCITT standard. As a point of interest, the CEPT standard is at 2.048
Mbps and does not use a "master clock". In the U.S., the three major carriers each
have a single "master T1 clock" from which all the others are derived. In the U.S., all
T1 clocks are "slave" to this master clock. The problem that occurs is when someone
wants to interconnect a T1 network provided by MCI to a T1 network provided by
Sprint. This requires what is known as an elastic buffer and this is built into most T1

When someone says they are running T1, they may be saying several different things:
The may mean that they have a network that is passing data at 1.544 Mbps; they may
mean that they have a network that conforms to the T1 electrical interface
specification (DSX-1), or that they have a network that passes data that conforms to
one of the several framing formats (D4, ESF, etc.). More likely than not, they mean all
three but their concentration may be on only one of these items. The confusion in the
user community is a result of the interchangeability of words and the confusing
requirements for connection to the AT&T system.

Services and Quality

AT&T through ACCUNET T1.5 offers several services besides the already mentioned
point-to-point service. There are four "transfer arrangements" that can be purchased:
1. Customer ability to change terminating location of T1 link with AT&T assistance
(either signal or dial)

2. M24 Multiplexing allowing the user to connect up to 24 channels to individual

switched and non-switched services offered by AT&T.

3. M44 Multiplexing allowing the user the capability to combine 2 T-1 lines, each
carrying up to 22 channels to 1 T1 line using Bit Compression Multiplexing (BCM).

4. Customer Controlled Reconfiguration (CCR) allowing the customer to dynamically

allocate circuits without AT&T assistance.

These services allow the user to have T1 trunks in several cities and allow data
transfer to each. This along with the T1-Mux (to be discussed later) forms the modern
T-1 network.

Associated with the lower costs of T1, the guaranteed quality of the network is also
superior to leased lines. By specification, AT&T states that the performance objective
is 95% Error Free Seconds (EFS) on a daily basis and the availability objective is
99.7% on a yearly basis.

Channel Banks and Formats

A digital source, or terminal, is the equipment that generates digital signals for
transmission through the digital network. The large majority of digital sources now
produce a DS-1 signal. The D4 Channel Bank is an example, although it can produce
signals at other rates as well.

The reference to the term "Channel Bank" is made quite often in the T-1 language.
The type of Channel Bank is important since it defines the type of formatting that is
required. For example, a D4 Channel Bank must have a DS-1 signal with data
formatted in accordance with the D4 format.
The purpose of a Channel Bank in the telephone company is to form the foundation of
multiplexing and demultiplexing the 24 voice channels (DS0). The D-type Channel
Bank is used for digital signals. There are five kinds of Channel Banks that are used in
the System: D1, D2, D3, D4, and DCT (Digital Carrier Trunk).

A transmitting portion of a Channel Bank digitally encodes the 24 analog channels,

adds signalling information into each channel, and multiplexes the digital stream onto
the transmission medium. The receiving portion reverses the process. As these were
designed as voice circuits, the assumption is that the digital data is PCM voice and
that the voice is companded and expanded through the use of CODECs. D1 banks
(later called D1A) were first installed in 1962 and their success led to modifications of
D1B and D1C. The original D1A,B, and C banks used 7 bits for each voice sample
and one bit in each code word for carrying the signalling (off hook, ring, etc). When it
became desirable to connect several T1 transmission spans together, the performance
was not too good. In addition, it was realized that providing signaling information in
every code word was wasteful since 8,000 bits per second was not required to provide
the signaling information for a channel; the signalling information simply did not
change that quickly.

As a result of these conditions, another modification to the D1 series (D1D) and the
new D2 channel bank were developed. The D2 bank uses all eight bits of every
time slot to encode the analog signal except for selected frames. Supervisory and
signalling information is sent by using the least significant bit from the code word in
each channel every sixth frame. The companding characteristic also was changed to
give better performance. The D2 bank increased the packing density to 96 channels in
the same space as the 72 channels for a D1 bank.

D3 and D4 banks were motivated by advances in ICs, allowing packaging of 144

channels in a single bay. Following the D4 bank, advances in technology resulted in
the development of the Digital Carrier Trunk unit, or DCT. It was developed by the
Bell System to be smaller, lower cost, and easier to maintain than the D4 channel
The D1 type channel bank (D1A,B,C) placed alternate 1's and 0's in the 193rd bit
position. It was assumed that random data would not contain this pattern, in bits
spaced exactly 193 bits apart, for any significant length of time. The receiving device
would find the 193rd bit by using a simple search technique. This algorithm had the
advantages of circuit simplicity and speed. In the early 1960's, there were few
commercially available ICs for building complex logic functions, and elementary
designs cost less. The disadvantages of this technique were rapidly uncovered when
equipment was installed in actual customer sites. Certain standard analog tones, such
as the 1000 Hz test tone, applied to one or more voice channels and digitized by
Channel Bank, created an alternating one and zero pattern every 193 bits in one or
more voice channels. It was possible for the terminal to lock up on the incorrect
pattern. This condition, affecting all 24 channels, could last until the test tone was
removed. The 1000 Hz tone has been changed to a 1004 Hz test tone.

By the time this problem became apparent, it had been decided to use T-carrier for toll
quality telephony, which required more precise coding techniques. D1 channel banks
used seven bit encoding for voice signals, and an eighth bit for signalling. The new
format provided for eight bit coding most of the time (5/6 frames) and seven bits only
in one frame out of six. This is known as 7 5/6 coding with "robbed bit" signaling and
was first implemented in the D2 channel bank (D1D is a retrofit of D1 channel banks
with D2 capability).

Besides the "false frame" problem, D2 bank designers were faced with a new set of
problems. The new format required two steps; first, find the 193rd bit, and second,
find the sixth and 12th frame in a 12-frame sequence. The time required to find the
proper bit sequence rises exponentially as the number of bit positions between frame
bits increases. Although we still use every 193rd bit, it is time-shared between the
terminal framing pattern (odd numbered frame bits) and the superframe alignment
pattern (even numbered frame bits). Finding the 193rd bit position was still based on
an alternating 1's and 0's pattern, but now it only appeared in every other 193rd bit.

The new technique provided for increased "false frame" protection. The downside of
the technique was that the time to reframe was much longer. With the D2 format the
maximum average reframe time (MART) would be about 200 milliseconds. This was
too much time to be out of service so new algorithms were developed that decreased
the time to 50 msec which is now the specification standard. Succeeding channel bank
equipment (D3 and D4) used the same framing sequence as D2. In fact, the
Superframe Format is most often referred to as the D4 frame format even though it
began with D2. This sequence defines a "superframe" consisting of two interleaved
patterns. The terminal framing pattern ("F" bit) is a repeating ones and zeros in odd
numbered frames and the superframe alignment pattern ("S" bit) is "001110" in the
even numbered frames. This results in a 12-bit superframe pattern of:

Odd Six Bits Even Six Bits Combined Twelve Bits

101010 001110 100011011100

The D4 Format is shown in Figure 4 below. Notice that the "F" bit and the "S" bit are
all called "S bits". While this is confusing, it is a terminology remnant of the time
when there were only "S" bits (vis-a-vis D1 format).

S-bit S-bit
Frame terminal signal Information Signalling Signalling
# Framing Framing bits bit Channel
(Ft) (Fs)
1 1 - 1-8 -
2 - 0 1-8 -
3 0 - 1-8 -
4 - 0 1-8 -
5 1 - 1-8 -
6 - 1 1-7 8 A
7 0 - 1-8 -
8 - 1 1-8 -
9 1 - 1-8 -
10 - 1 1-8 -
11 0 - 1-8 -
12 - 0 1-7 8 B

Figure 4 - The D4 Format

As early as 1979, AT&T proposed the Extended Superframe Format be implemented
on its T1 circuits in order to provide in-service diagnostic capabilities as well as
improved false frame protection. With ESF, the 193rd bit is now time shared by three
functions: frame synchronization bits; CRC-6 bits; and Facility Data Link (FDL) bits.
Frame synchronization bits are carried in six of the 24 bit positions provided by the
193rd bit. These are in the 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th, and 24th positions and the pattern
is "001011". This simple six-bit pattern performs both the "F bit" and "S bit" functions
of the D4 superframe. "False frame" sensitivity is eliminated by using the CRC-6
error checking bits to determine which of several "candidates" for the frame bit are the
actual 193rd bit. CRC-6 uses a mathematical algorithm to check the contents of the
entire superframe (all 4632 bits) and obtains a 6-bit (hence its name) coded
"signature" for those data bits. The FDL may be used for any purpose, but is ideally
suited for communicating ESF performance information from local, remote, and
intermediate equipment along a facility and for sending control commands for
protection switching, network and remote equipment configuration, etc. In essence it
is a 4 Kbps channel embedded in the T1 format. Bellcore documement TR-TSY-
000194 (Extended Superframe Format Interface Specification - December 1987),
ANSI T1.403-1989, and AT&T Publication 54016 describes how this channel may be
used. This includes the format of the messages , commands, and responses. Most
CSU's today interpret these commands and execute the appropriate responses. The
ESF Format is shown is Figure 5.

Frame Fe DL CRC- Info Signalling Signalling

# bit bit 6 bits bit channel
1 - m 1-8 -
2 - - C1 1-8 -
3 - m 1-8 -
4 0 - 1-8 -
5 - m 1-8 -
6 - - C2 1-7 8 A
7 - m 1-8 -
8 0 - 1-8 -
9 - m 1-8 -
10 - - C3 1-8 -
11 - m 1-8 -
12 1 - 1-7 8 B
13 - m 1-8 -
14 - - C4 1-8 -
15 - m 1-8 -
16 0 - 1-8 -
17 - m 1-8 -
18 - - C5 1-7 8 C
19 - m 1-8 -
20 1 - 1-8 -
21 - m 1-8 -
22 - - C6 1-8 -
23 - m 1-8 -
24 1 - 1-7 8 D

Figure 5 - The ESF Format

The chart shown in Figure 6 shows the differences between D1 through ESF formats.
As most equipment today is either D4 or ESF, the data for D1 and D2 is displayed
only for completeness.

Time Slots D1D D2 D3,D4,ESF

1 1 12 1
2 13 13 2
3 2 1 3
4 14 17 4
5 3 5 5
6 15 21 6
7 4 9 7
8 16 15 8
9 5 3 9
10 17 19 10
11 6 7 11
12 18 23 12
13 7 11 13
14 19 14 14
15 8 2 15
16 20 18 16
17 9 6 17
18 21 22 18
19 10 10 19
20 22 16 20
21 11 4 21
22 23 20 22
23 12 8 23
24 24 24 24
Figure 6 - Channel & Time Slot Number Assignments

Signal Shapes and Codes

A Digital Cross-connect (DSX) consists of equipment frames (patch panels) where

cabling between system components is connected. Each digital signal is defined for
and handled by its own cross-connect. Thus, for example, DSX-1 is used to
interconnect equipment operating with DS1 signals.

The pulse shape of a DS1 pulse is defined at the DSX-1 cross connect. AT&T
Publication 43801 describes the requirement of this pulse to drive from 0 to 655 feet
of 22 gauge ABAM cable between the channel bank and the DSX-1. The maximum
time of reframe time is defined at 50 msec. Actually the DS-1 pulse is a slightly
relaxed version the DSX-1 pulse mask. Figure 7 shows the specification (less
template) of the DSX-1 signal and how it compares to the DS-1 signal specification.

Functions DSX-1 DS-1

Line Rate 1.54 Mhz +/- 200 Hz 1.544 Mhz +/- 75 Hz
Cable Length at DSX point ABAM/655 ft. 6000 ft.
Pulse Amplitude 2.4 to 3.6 v. 2.7 to 3.3 v.
Receive Attenuation <10 dB 15 to 22.5 dB
Line Build Out Yes 0.0, 7.5, 15 dB
Max Successive Zeros 15 (or B8ZS) 15 (or B8ZS)

Figure 7 - Comparison of DSX-1 Signals and DS-1 Signals

The ANSI standard T1.403-1989 is different yet again. Fundamentally the signals and
the templates (signal shapes) are pretty much the same. Modern IC manufacturers
have insured that their products meet all of the specs. When we are communicating to
the CO or to the carrier we are using DS-1; when we are regenerating the signal after
the demarc, we are using DSX-1.
It is important to note that the template of the DS-1 signal is bipolar. This means that a
plus voltage, a zero voltage, and a minus voltage are important to the coding of the
signal. The code which is used in T1 is call AMI for Alternate Mark Inversion. This
means that if a "1" or Mark is coded as a positive voltage, the very next "1" must be a
minus voltage or the result will be a Bipolar Violation (BPV).

Figure 8 shows a valid AMI sequence and a sequence with a BPV.

Figure 8 - Two AMI sequences

Notice that in the specification in Figure 7, there is reference to the "Maximum

Successive Zeros". One of the requirements of the coding sequence and hence the
signal shape of the DS-1 is that a "1" bit is sent in order to maintain the timing
synchronization. For example, a signal that was sending all 0's would be a constant
zero voltage line. Eventually the timing of the system would be lost.

The requirement is that no more than 15 0's can be sent before a "1" must be
transmitted. In telephone applications that was accomplished with bit 7. Remember,
bit 8 is sometimes used for signalling so it couldn't be universally used. The human
ear would never detect these slight variances in the lower order bits. In the case of
sending data, using bit 7 and bit 8 for other than faithfully representing the data being
presented for transport yields disastrous consequences. Thus a mechanism had to be
developed for data only applications.

The easiest approach and a technique still in use in DDS is to make every bit 8 a 1 and
to use only the lower 7 bits. This 7/8 mode yields 56Kbps instead of the standard DS0
rate of 64 Kbps. This technique also disallowed the use of signalling bits.
An improvement to this technique was developed known as B8ZS with stands for
Binary Eight Zero Substitution. This technique takes advantage of BPV's in the data
stream to be decoded as a signal.

With B8ZS coding, each block of 8 consecutive zeros is replaced with the B8ZS code
word. If the pulse preceding the inserted code is transmitted as a positive pulse (+),
the inserted code is 000+-0-+ (BPV's in position 4 and 7). If the pulse preceding the
inserted code is transmitted as a negative pulse (-), the inserted code is 000-+0+-
(again BPV's in position 4 and 7).

Figure 9 shows how B8ZS works.

Figure 9 - B8ZS

This is the standard for "Clear Channel Capability". AT&T references it in Publication
62411 in Appendix B as CB144. It is part of the ANSI T1.403-1989 standard as well.


Now for some discussion on ABAM cable. This is the cable that is called out in the
DSX-1 spec and is a physical cable that was manufactured by AT&T. Generally it is a
cable that has unshielded twisted pairs with a wire size of 22 AWG. Some authorities
suggest that it is pulp insulated while others suggest that it is plastic insulated. In any
event, ABAM cabling, per se, is no longer available. Modern cable manufacturers,
however, especially those active in EIA-568, have developed cables with specific
categories or levels. Category/Level 2 cable is adequate for the T1 data rate and has
the following characteristics:

 24 AWG
 2 pairs
 100 ohms impedance @ .772 MHz
 7 dB attenuation/ 1000 ft @ .772 MHz
 41 dB crosst

all @ 1000 ft.

Several manufacturers make this cable type. A summary of the Category/Level types
per RS-568 is listed in Figure 10.


1 POTS (plain old telepnone service) n/a
RS-232/RS-562 19.2 to 115.2 Kbps
T1, Fractional T1 64 Kbps increments
ISDN Basic Rate 144 Kbps
RS-422 up to 1.0 Mbps
2 IEEE 802.3 1BaseT 1.0 Mbps
IBM System 3x/AS400 1.0 Mbps
T1 1.544 Mbps
ISDN Primary Rate 1.54 Mbps
IBM 370 2.36 Mbps
IEEE 802.5 4.0 Mbps
3 Wang 4.3 Mbps
IEEE 802.5 10BaseT 10.0 Mbps
IEEE 802.5 Token Ring 16.0 Mbps
4 IEEE 802.5 Token Ring 16.0 Mbps
New Arcnet 20.0 Mbps
5 X3T9.5 TPDDI 100.0 Mbps

Figure 10 - New Cable Types (Proposed EIA-568)

DCB Manufacturers the T-extender, a simple T1 repeater that allows the length of a
T1 line to be up to 5,000 ft. It's easy to install, having no switches or settings, and
inexpensive at $495.

The discussion of connectors sometimes becomes confusing as there is a difference

between "de facto" standards, things used in products, and specification. AT&T
specify that the Network Interface (NI) should be a subminiature 15-pin female
connector with the following pin-out:

1 Send Data (tip)

2 Reserved for network
3 Receive Data (tip)
4 Reserved for network
5 Not defined
6 Not defined
7 Not defined
8 Not Defined
9 Send Data (ring)
10 No connect
11 Receive Data (ring)
12 No connect
13 No connect
14 No connect
15 No connect

AT&T Publication 62411 further states that "in such cases where ISDN standards
need to be met, an 8 pin mini-modular connector is recommended" with the following

1 Transmit (ring)
2 Not Used
3 Not Used
4 Receive (ring)
5 Receive (tip)
6 Not Used
7 Not Used
8 Transmit (tip)

To complicate the matter, ANSI T1-403-1989 specification calls out for "one of four
Universal Service Ordering Code (USOC) connectors (RJ48C, RJ48X, RJ48M, and
RJ48H)" with pin assignments as follows:
1 Receive (ring)
2 Receive (tip)
3 Not Used
4 Transmit (ring)
5 Transmit (tip)
6 Not Used
7 Not Used
8 Not Used

As it goes, the above pin-out and connectors is also the "de facto" standard vis-a-vis
how currently available hardware is configured.


Well, then, what do we do with these DS-1/DSX-1/T-1 signals? There are several
applications and specific equipment that can be applied.

 D4 Channel Bank
 T1 Muxes
 SRDM (Subrate Data Mux)
 Fractional T1

The most important issue to see is that there can be T1 networks that are customer
owned and T1 networks that use the AT&T Accunet T1.5 system. The applications
will be the same but the constraints on the equipment are more stringent using the
AT&T connection.

DACS (Digital Access Cross-Connect)

There are three levels of DACS compatibility. The first level is DS-1 and is at the full
T1 rate. The second level is "bundled" or 1/4 T1 level. This allows the customer to
utilize Customer Controlled Reconfiguration or "fanout" at the CO (central office).
The third level is at the 64 Kbps or DS-0 level. What happens is a single T1 signal is
generated using channels a and b and goes to the CO. The CO splits this into two T1
trunks one carrying channel a and the other carrying channel b. The device the
performs this function is called a DACS. DACS may also be configured with a
topology such as a ring topology. If one of the trunks goes down, the data will be
reconfigured to go over the standby trunk. In the past, almost all DACS are owned by
the telcos; now, many communications users are using DAC functionality on their
own networks. DCB can supply a DACS or mini-DACS!

D4 Channel Bank

As we mentioned the T1 signal must somehow be split into the 24 separate and
distinct voice channels. When this is done, it is still in the digital form. The codecs
must then convert the digital signal (per channel) into analog signals to be sent on the
subscriber loops. Again, most Channel Banks tend to be owned and operated at the
CO's (Central Offices). Since deregulation in the 1980's, more T1's are owned by
users, as telephone carriers continue to reduce the cost of the local loop (the wires
from the central office to the customer premise).
DCB can supply a full featured channel bank or full-feature DSU/CSU for full or
fractional T1 termination.

PBX (Private Branch Exchange)

Clearly the intended use of T1 was to bring in as many telephone lines using voice as
possible through a digitized technique (PCM Pulse Code Modulation). Tie lines
between PBXs account for many private T-1 network applications. This is supported
through 2 and 4 wire E & M (Ear and Mouth) signalling techniques through the T1
Mux. A 2w FXS (Foreign Exchange Subscriber) function (dedicated line to a distant
CO) and 2w FXO (Foreign Exchange Office) function (the CO version) can also be
supported by the T1 trunk. In the latter mode, the T1 line acts as an "extension cord".
The primary way in which customers use this function is through the T1 Multiplexor.

CSU (Channel Service Unit)

This may be the easiest to explain. A DS-1 comes from the phone company to the
customer. This line must be given the proper termination, line protection (vis-a-vis
FCC Part 68), and message handling capability. In the old days, the phone company
supplied this equipment but today this probably will be CPE (Customer Premise
Equipment). The output of the CSU is the DSX-1 signal. The most common CSU is
found in a T1 Mux however they can stand alone with various added functionality.
The bipolar output of the CSU can be connected to a DSU (Digital Service Unit)
which converts the bipolar signals to unipolar and vice versa at the data rate gleaned
from the bipolar signals.

The DCB T-Driver, for example, is a DSU. It takes unipolar data from the terminal
and coverts it to a DS-1 signal. In many ways it also acts as a CSU and its transition to
a CSU/DSU is quite possible. AT&T Pub 62411 requires that a CSU perform the
following functions:

 regeneration
 loopback
 keep alive

The regeneration part is part of the T-Driver functionality. Loopback is commanded

from the Carrier in one of two ways:

 in line data pattern with D4 (SF) formatting

 using the FDL with ESF formatting

As the FDL is already being used in T-Driver, it would be rather straightforward to

incorporate the appropriate responses to the command structure of the loopback from
the carrier. The interface is already surge protected and meets FCC Part 68. The
conclusion is that we have with relatively small impact an "ESF CSU" in the T-Driver
product that can connect directly to the carrier. To incorporate an "SF CSU" which is
still quite prevalent in use with D4 channel banks, would be a more significant
undertaking requiring hardware and software changes.

As a matter of note, DDS (Digital Data Service) also requires a CSU but most units
are sold as a CSU/DSU with a V.35 or RS-530 connector right on the device.
DCB's T1 and fractional T1 CSU/DSUs are examples.


This is actually a family of devices dedicated for customer use. They are normally T1
or fractional T1 TDMs which comply with format constraints , DACS interfaces, and
often have an optional CSU. Their purpose, depending on the number of ports, is to
allow transmission of data, image, and voice form many different sources of a single
network link.
Many T1 Muxes are also Subrate Data Muxes (SRDMs). By this identification they
are able to accommodate synchronous data rates of 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, and 19.2 Kbps.
Asynchronous data rates are also allowed in some devices. SDRM operates per DS0.

Since T1 muxes are also DACS compatible at the DS0 level, Fractional T-1 service is
also compatible with the devices. They also comply with the D4 channel bank
requirements of bit density, zero density, and the provision of clear channel. FT1 is
like SRDM only at the DS1 level. Hence, data may be at multiples of 64Kbps.

Also many T1 Muxes allow for the integration of the AT&T Switched 56 service.
These are important month-end transfers, CAD/CAM files and teleconferencing.

DCB Products

Data sheets and application notes are available from the DCB web site for all DCB
products. Check the Product Index or the Education Section for direct links.

FT Series Fractional T1 DSU/CSU

The FT DSU/CSU's have a DS-1 output signal, and are FCC registered DSU's. They
take data at a configured speed via an RS-530/V.35 interface and convert the data to a
T-1 data stream. The format of the data is can be D-4 or ESF. The transmitter is
configured with a selectable signal attenuator (LBO) of 0, 7dB, and 15 dB per AT&T
spec. The FT series is available in a single channel units (FT-1), two channel unit (FT-
2) and a 4 channel unit (FT-4). Each port can be configured to use from 1 to 24 of the
DS-0's (56 or 64 Kbps each DS-0). The FT-2 and FT-4 units also have drop and insert


T-Extender is a T1 repeater designed to AT&T specifications. This device takes a DS-

1 signal and regenerates it as a DS-1 signal. T-Extender can have the DSX-1 output of
T-Lan as an input signal and T-Lan will also accept and decode the output of the T-
Extender. T-Extender, being a signal repeater, is not constrained by any formating.
For example, a BPV is passed through just a readily as a normal signal. The output of
T-Extender is -4 dBdsx and is fixed. This is -4db from the allowable power as defined
in the Repeater Specification, AT&T Publication TA24/CB113 and was done to
simplify the circuit. The product has a robust receiver and therefore should have no
difficulty in going repeater to repeater nearly 6000 feet on 22AWG solid, shielded
twisted pairs.

The V 4200 is a versatile 9 or 28 slot integrated T1/T3/OC-3 access device.

Depending on the plug-in cards selected, this unit can be configured (a) as a
CSU/DSU with drop and insert and voice capabilities, (b) as a multiple E1 to T1
converter or fractions of them, (c) as a digital cross-connect system (DACS), (d) as
sets of ICSU combined in one box, and (e) as a channel bank. As a CSU/DSU, data
from the V.35 or X.21 port can occupy any fraction of a E1 or T1 port As an E1 to T1
converter, A to law and signaling conversion are correctly handled. For both E1 and
T1 ports, continuous error checking, performance polling, and in-service diagnostics
are provided. In any of the above combinations, full time slot interchange (TSI)
among the ports are possible, making the V 4200 a small DACS (digital access cross-
connect system). The ports can further be used in pairs as ICSUs (intelligent CSU) at
lower cost and smaller space than individual ICSUs. Lastly, the V-4200 can be
configured as a channel bank. By using high speed cards, it can also interface to up to
two OC-3 lines.

Appendix A

Definition of dBdsx

A simplified equation for the definition of dBdsx is the following:

dBdsx = 20 X log (.167 Vp-p measured)

where "Vp-p measured" is the peak-to-peak measurement of the voltage between tip
and ring. For example...

If there is a 0.5 volt positive voltage on tip and a 0.5 volt negative voltage on ring...

The peak-to-peak voltage measurement is 1.0 volts. Using the equation,

dBdxs = 20 * log (.167 X 1.0)

= 20 * (-.777)
= -15.5
Notice that tip and ring signals are inverted. When a 1 is sent one line (tip, for
example) will be a positive voltage and the other (ring, for example) will be a negative
voltage. When 0's are begin sent, both lines are at 0 volts. Since T1 is AMI or
alternating, the next 1 will have the voltages reversed.

Many specifications give the "pulse amplitude" rather the dBdsx. This parameter is
the positive voltage, measured from zero, of a 1 being sent. In other words, it is half of
the peak-to-peak voltage. As a note of interest, the T1 pulse is not specified as
necessarily symetric. AT&T Pub 62411 states that the maximum + voltage is defined
as 3.0 +/- 0.3 volts while the maximum - voltage is its absolute value (without sign)
and must be within 0.20 volts of the + voltage but no less than 2.7 volts or greater than
3.3 volts.

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