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(Please urtte gour Exq,m Roll No.) Exantno a aro . J.*l-tJ9.S. t ts

Erup Tpnnn ExennrNATroN
Apnrr.-Me,y 2O!9
Subject: ?annitg Law-II
{Bateh 2014
Tlme: 3 Hours
Note: Attempt flae questlons in o.tt lncludlng
0, No. i par"t A "rhtch rs
compul"sory. Select one questlon from each Unti"fcf pant B.


Q1 Write short notes on the following: (5x5=25|

(a) Concept of rvaqf under Muslim Law.
(b) Daughter as a Coparcener.
(c) Alienation by Coparcener.
{d) Hindu Women's Estate
(e) Validity of hiba made during Marz-ul-maut.

Q2 Differentiate between Mitakshara and Dayabhaga Joint Farnily systems.{l2.S}

Q3 pxarline the legal status of a Karta of a Joint Hindu Family. can a

female be a karta of tlee Joint Hindu Family? Discuss with the help
relevant case laws - of
Q4 What is partition? Briefly discuss the persons entitled to demand
partition in a Mitakshara Coparcenar5r. (12.5)
Qs what do you understand by Re-opening of a partition? what are the
circumstances under which reopening of Irre prrtition is possible? (lz.sl

Q6 w, o female Hindu a:.a irt"ItfJ-ir1 ,.*rr.s behind. her spouse H, son

sl, illegitimateson s2, unmarried daughter D1 and marrled daughter
D2. Ascertain the shares of aforesaid heirs in w,s property.
Q7 A had two sons X and y and a daughte r z. y died during lifetime
f3ther leaving behind his son G. Examine the extent of the share of his
of the
descendants of A, dying intestate, under the sunni Law. (12,s1

Q8 Explain the essenriar eleme"YlT-ywi11. what do you understand by

revocation of a will? (12.5,
Qe How is the delivery of possession of an immovable property
made under
Muslim Law of Gifts? Is tJe delivery of possession essential for the
validity of gift under Muslim Law?

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