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Sample Company

AP Payments & Cash Balance Analysis - Short Term

Ending Balance
$ -

As of: 3/5/2017

Current Available Funds

Bank Account 1 - Bank Balance
Less: Uncleared Transactions
Available Funds $ -

Expected Collections This Week

Customer 1
Customer 2
All Other Combined
Total Expected Collections $ -

Cash Available After Collections $ -

Outflows - Automatic/Non-AP
Payroll (clears ____date____)
Credit Card 1
Credit Card 2
Total Non-AP Payments $ -

Available After Direct Payments $ -

Authorized Accounts Payable

See separate AP list with approvals

Forecasted Balance - End of Week $ -

Keep In Mind
The Following Payroll Clears 3/23
Loan Payments Due 3/20
Health Insurance Due 3/30

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Managing Short Term Cash From The Numbers Edge

Here is how the accounts payable list of outstanding payments owed relates to the CF forecast:

You should:
● Export your list of accounts payable DETAIL to Excel. One line per BILL, not one line per vendor.
● Sort your list of bills owed by due date. This will give a general sense of priority order.
● Manually arrange the order of your list according to what YOU think the priority order should be.
● Most important at the top. Second most important below that, etc…. Lower importance farther down.
● In a column to the right of the data, create a column called "Cumulative".
● In the CUMULATIVE column, create a formula that adds up the total owed from top to current row.
● For example, if your "Amount Owed" is in column E, and your CUMULATIVE column is column F,
and if your data starts on Row 2, you might use this formula starting in cell F2: =sum(F$2:F2)
If you copy and paste that to the next cell below, it will read: =sum(F$2:F3)
Paste that down to the rest of your rows in Column F.
● Then, back on your cash flow forecast tab, you have a decision to make about how much you can afford to pay
in Accounts Payable. Consider the amount of cash you are comfortable paying vs the CUMULATIVE column
in your accounts payable list.


Vendor Name Invoice Date Due Date Amount OwedCUMULATIVE

Vendor 2 5/1/2017 5/31/2017 2,600 2,600
Vendor 7 5/5/2017 6/4/2017 2,385 4,985
Vendor 5 5/10/2017 6/9/2017 2,800 7,785
Vendor 3 5/15/2017 6/14/2017 1,350 9,135
Vendor 4 5/20/2017 6/19/2017 21,000 30,135
Vendor 10 5/23/2017 6/22/2017 125 30,260
Vendor 11 5/24/2017 6/23/2017 873 31,133
Vendor 8 5/25/2017 6/24/2017 2,600 33,733
Vendor 9 5/30/2017 6/29/2017 8,400 42,133
Vendor 1 6/1/2017 7/1/2017 1,500 43,633
Vendor 6 6/2/2017 7/2/2017 1,548 45,181

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