1.Automata Basics

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=} Aomedet ( Mathematica Moclel) — Automatie tnrachine [cell Candyalled #4 Computer | aim, any machine ted ies automatic ——_mechonismn —__—_—_—— SANDY Ao stucly me ee _— Eb allous us to think systematically about Lint machine obo without going [nto Worcuare clelails = Lemming oF Langunages 4 conoputational Ha dechniques— — —Desiqning of theoretical senadels for mochi nes i Funclamental 4 Cove subject of computer sclewe __ [4+ 1s an area of computer science thet cleals with — Study of abshact machines (mathematic nodes Vas | well as Computational problems that Coun Sélivec! USiho. Them Computer [ne ProLes. Toute | “ S z Commputev notations j n_cudommata , bof 2 3 neh = | lengtn | : as eS - @lying thod= 15 peinisinle | in nla i a a =a sabe, {el 3 2 a e qelstg cd eli 2 Any Nurnber of loneliny Symbol ss ? Rett = ab ae a then prefin= EC, 4, db, abe eo Proper prefix c- cxceph & Piakieg | i aaa Proper prefix = cl, ah eg suffix dosculs symbols Weabe suffix = GC; SNA) os apes) C= To.) oleaj ete, ah ain ons Numbev of Zevas 60) 000. i Wot y Ke leern Closuse tov Closuss (5% ) = E,0, 00, 000- --. ps fo GPa GG) ado, = i on at YouvA luction +0, Finite. Awornala - | tne werd crtomada 15 £04 auwonntion A.system — wnere energy 4 jp formation are tayalomed, Goa used fax performing some functions uoitnout clixect — jnvohement of Kuman 15 callecl automation -|A Finite ciate wuchine ov finile state awlomaton 15 __mathernatice) model of cornputation ___— : } 4415 an _absivact machine Hach canbe 1a _| ewactly one of the finite nundoey of states at any f SSeQNeM erin i | oe a The F£5M caw clange from one state to_anothey _ Lin response +0 some inputs | The change from one state to anothevstabe 1s Called transition __-| Finite automate crve Used 1D salving seveval types lof computer algersithms. some at them are |. Communication protocols fox informedion ewcha | Ese Ginite State Automotas axe of Tas types: — 4 Lewicol Analyzes of Typical compiler 5. Tet ecliting 6. File Compression J. Stving Aceptor fe = 4 Delerninistic Finite Automata 2 Non Deterministic Finite Autometzt. ape bl bla [ojo Ja lbs) vhs Reading neal ae ial — ytial Sale V4 ie i aL sla =e * ag Fite [qs 4 | 92 ae Cowre) | Final 4 peg vere S \ : 4 6 Ue eae ee aa | Zeput + ating isd eo ne at a onal. Tape 1 eg i into cells4 ) & — yuwbol ed 4 Vast iaie ee coulel he iWany of the internal Stab wa BI 040141 42,453,944, 4 ) fall 4 be Ao) Reccling eacl_is ine atthe leftronst Ce of trek _ At Regular i ntewals,roachine ‘reac 5 ope sywodl la from tne tape 4 then enitys a new Stade | esi noha) 0 wiia Sioke +1 mys) just vead fl 4; P24 D Machine transits Tron 4) to dj Aute on inpulf — 1 | 4 ia “Unis process -sepeats Again + cqa)p i.e + = © 4 IA_Sumboi is Rend ma . ” FD State of mnecnine CANOES ita a iD Reacting necial move to He aight: as +8 Eventually the seaclin a aN We shyin : oe +2) Now Automaton has fo Say “Yyes" or" fot __ See monrining ends Do fini pre nl cheb oa ueeieelie | States (4243) then answer {5 “yes” othenwise I Onswey 15 * Nol an 4 head “ceaches the endo Finiie automate mn woxk as an algenitnin fox | Strimg Wel, wineve Lys wequlas iangunge I OFA = peters to deterministic finite cuudornecta o Delevmunistic xefers to the _wniqueness of the compudetion. Tn PFA machine aves to one Stake Only fox cl pasticulay “input chare | | SSVEamolbes nat arcept the null move q % PX_Janqurcice si = z an be used fox ctr Chinon tpinethes= } ml“ dletovministic” weders jena he Yxansition 15 cletesministic — penne = Moy” cnecafe 1 ice-aulomoley — ansit froma curmxend sta e ow each inp = woondl Finite jenplies taat alate finite Se e =e Tp deterministic finite autamodan ta..is—aleéined|g —__|o_5- tupie olenstecl a , UDYAR ree AW pee b | @- Gepresents. Peete = clenotes fine nor ot, set of input SYN coe race caepresents + “Ayansition function wich WABY pe _chefi'nedl C16 4 STK KET EG = Aas = 40EQ cetined 6 intial stete 5 EG =A, {5 Now- =e Fite sel of Steches Bs caw oe specified ev fox. given input theve wi always _ ‘one final site itian Function @egresentecl by 4o"Taransitian Talo\e v2 stale Transition Diagsam ® GREsa ya other Haan Stenting 4 final eS SEs cancion e£.4- — —(4o a) Fig- Stabe ssaneitian clicigvelm 0 Let moacinrine Ts Finite Adomaton ee CR 6.906 {a4} Be Si Pransition fuwction 13 mu) “3/1 Stalk wsitt able eneyy state 4,EA 1 Ke hansitian ‘Up le Were 1 0 ro OAP Nc 4 Ar C= i Stowting sterte is moxked by >" Final State mnonixeol 01s ae” Leingtin aa ‘Possible state © —— \ — 3 = 2 _ lem aa a \00, \\0 + 4 3 000 ,\ 010.1 110 Me 5 \90000 10100, \1o00 cl 50 on : : iD = [Ao oo N0,1000, Lolo, loo, io - -- (90,0) 4 © J (4o,1)> 41 meee ee 2 L(m)= 41), 01M BOLL OL, tow oooll:-- ae a : a A [Desig DEA that contains sel_p{ oll stings __f ending twitn 3 Consecutive 05. ¢ fat) 2 SS ee [ i _o= inital Shute i) wees z | i 2 oe i ee ign EE Eee oe —__ is SP osaib ie aie | ee + z — = —— ] 3 OOD L 4 0000, \000 5 11,000, _00.000,01000.1 6 as 000, 0000, 1006, 00000, 01000, 10008, \16 Construct OFA “Ahad cxccepls. lang oD Lem) Se ae : Lomd={w) twimods +0 pm dab3— >| Givens F ie Slob Sd Qo= initial stabe ss ___| Nesigin. sei bie St Hr. pais 9 Lengto ie ee - 0. “a,b | od aab. ha.k aaa. aah. abo ob [= utm)= fa. b,aaah, ba. Sa =O O Conedruct OFA Frc acrepis seh 0 TASTE oh ea Sorings. Steotinoy. SL Oa 4 l= faaa, dio, aaa, Cine String. eng SA nen nat shales ave sp equdycol. p—1-e if lengtin ts denen 2 states required Shaina Shaatin ane ANS eae il p= 4 On, Cuba, CUpl Caro... G a ; ae by 2 oe \b | ah Qabb, bab ot ; Qs Le -Supstyim “app? ee pase be i a “Ae ai __@ | Consiwuct OF A that accepts sepof ob ty with Ol —_ = over dab} of string end ofa. bas DB Liab dah bab, aaab bbababaak; SS 4 i ends with ‘ao” So fo Me, = L016 000,100 0100 ip q sign OFA which accepls set o- HOuey 2 = fob} iuitn exactly ome ta? ——— |< = foe) Ge Pb = 8 @,ob ba bab, bba, alo. bhatt al) staings./ A E (ete) 76 5 €si4n 1c ¢ 5 ON) Sti ONES = €orby coitn atleast one a poverty t earcep the savoir PS 04 contol ning O12. oe eb Oy < a ae ee ae El —— Convert Non-tinal Stube to oe Ea Noe ae > Ei pal {Al construed OFA PRN ‘Aurshey of Ancl pven Wurshey of hs. = Iwo = a Ola ee even An of A's + even No of jb: iets de: Q gt 1) Eve nurnbey af a! 4 ocd wo of b's 1d) oct oh =o 4. ode = 4 = — sit cabes a= : E eS @_|OFA fox sting onth_3 consecutive 05 (0004) noo, |-O.00l11000.0, oo fo, SEs Fg ao ae [A DFA for SHA poy wai Wouw DB _Conse ecuhsve o's ean. ss convert Won-Final stad to tmal ¢ ———Finaksratesto Non-Fine| A wih ch e ocep follow) 4, eoge SI OMA Seconcl sys a and Fifth sywhol \ is 04 sik - — Alp hanes a as =| NEA ha: Page Ne: in Delevministic Finiie Automata | jOelerministic finite awamala have only one possible — es ON given input sy mbsl, whil® @pon deleuminism in Finite arom, tox +he ithe cdc! allows rnany possible sia Curent stede on any input _syinbo! 50) _ gas = fii) i oa ra} i. =) fe Na) ys —1—_Fig- Nan-cekerminism P< Therefore tio term Won-dekeyminism } mplies ct Charce Hot maves fax an” outomatonCNEAd the Power +0 be in several states ad HOMAGE. The behavicue of Non-detexmini tic awomata i Noi _Preclictable because an Same inpuk symbol +he Audomaba MAY move in several chvection sn spite of this, tne ole iqaaiinoy of NFA eusiey a Ccompaved +6 DFA ¢ Usually NEA he Fewer state ran coves pond, = NEA Can per Cony eve iro cquivalend peg ” bh i n-Dekevminishic finile automala Mis delig fos a s-tuple C@,2d.40.F 4, —|tonerreig fli : Sal. elon 1s spe presents a Fine norernply set of Sta, __|é = denotes finite nonmemphy. set of inpul SYMp, | From wich ineud stiri is _mnade | te “Sepxesents a Axansition function ww __he clefined as og ae OxeE2* cS “weve 2 15. power sl ata. Rees AN ip tiaasiclaetines of al) passible ible states Hat is power ton tauncHan 's sepre senteal ast ceca ‘ x i) AvansiHan tcuble a TD) Nansition clagrame able, The numbey of vous fs Moet GC en in @ wile te t ral to the Wumbev c_| proclu (es — yaclu ce ae =SB= One Fig - ewmangle oF NEA —— eet AMR hs i _N AN Aut — nen ener) abate neal “Os __NFA is de finecl_cis_— ——— SAS oF) me (0.4,£40F J = ae xe G5 dn Cx aaa “ia — Olan case of DFA cuny any nose of NEB tang — —Hxansition Jernerares __qenevates_marve Haan oy Single State waitin a __dtdcome at He a particnly ——Paxticurow inpud sy pad) input A) = oa ae aa =p — QO} Every state must No neeck to_maintain Comtain ane tyansiHan +yaraition titan e LN 9 ey Yneut ¢ Ltultin every Z1p symbol tng in aiven alpholoet i Ole Us_clifficalt ta Zt {5 easy to cong constyuc ————— an OFA Bequiyes NFA -requixes less ——— Mowe 5 Pace Space 4 nap OE ; eu Joga —— Time ec ctea_ fa Time needed fox ercecuting fF LACEC abi gy ineud Sti no (neat sting 's_ more Pe ess a — — (NER We ynmples- 4 See poke aging zfo,14 Se SL ale Ol, O1O0, oral aos. = - —— rb =p es s 9| Ends with * ot! = "7ni, Col 191, ale hood 1 O01 oo eee NE a. eaten} Pos eee | [or 2° oS [tears a 24 stains. containing ‘ol on Jo pues Lon ss =e =F ay @) oe ame 0.1) aia somenC 0) 22,173 Doo 0 ea “| a, NEA \o OFA iNdante of OFA +NEA = HDvaw ssansitian table fos NEA ON2 ia | ee AD] fao,44 qy 4 £41,424 Gy 4o p HW conshuct fransition table fox PEA # Stade -ConFaiw ng_ q a | Same £91,924 oe Cansicleveol as £4.,404 RRC Tal states BL4o, 0) i410) = {90,45 Ud ____|tir_consixud DEA using txans! onsicley Head atate s i — = ———= a. | convert NEA to PEA — eS i 7 Given NEP = a r aoe | aib : a rey 4 D NEA Transition table S b £40,%4 Io =r ie o Qe 3 “ = le ¢ ¢ Z Heve A215 tne fiw State Go, The Stake Contain Ax wilY become fin i _s ey Danes ——— Equivatene ot 2 finite slate “aahints = — aes Check. wheather given 2-finidebeudorale' a GAR _eavivalent or not 2 ey be ras eee Ap- final state sp ap en Juriermecticte stale Po.l2— Sntevmediiate States — : OR pai £40 Ro 40, Po} £1,014 qa Pit $490 4 Coie faete} £91104 AL Te eoiv contains eitner final state ox Aner mediate stabe 2 fa Po4 => both intevmecltule State f * £914 > boty final state

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