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The Journal of Pain, Vol 16, No 12 (December), 2015: pp 1221-1232

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Critical Review
Inhaled Cannabis for Chronic Neuropathic Pain: A Meta-analysis
of Individual Patient Data
Michael H. Andreae,* George M. Carter,y Naum Shaparin,* Kathryn Suslov,z
Ronald J. Ellis,x Mark A. Ware,{ Donald I. Abrams,k Hannah Prasad,** Barth Wilsey,**
Debbie Indyk,z Matthew Johnson,yy and Henry S. Sacksz
*Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York.
Foundation for Integrative AIDS Research, Brooklyn, New York.
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York.
Department of Neurosciences, University of California, San Diego, California.
Department of Anesthesia and Family Medicine, McGill University, Montre al, Que
bec, Canada.
AIDS Program, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California, San Francisco, California.
**Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, VA Northern California and University of California Davis
Medical Center, Sacramento, California.
Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, New York.

Abstract: Chronic neuropathic pain, the most frequent condition affecting the peripheral nervous sys-
tem, remains underdiagnosed and difficult to treat. Inhaled cannabis may alleviate chronic neuropathic
pain. Our objective was to synthesize the evidence on the use of inhaled cannabis for chronic neuro-
pathic pain. We performed a systematic review and a meta-analysis of individual patient data. We regis-
tered our protocol with PROSPERO CRD42011001182. We searched in Cochrane Central, PubMed,
EMBASE, and AMED. We considered all randomized controlled trials investigating chronic painful neu-
ropathy and comparing inhaled cannabis with placebo. We pooled treatment effects following a hier-
archical random-effects Bayesian responder model for the population-averaged subject-specific effect.
Our evidence synthesis of individual patient data from 178 participants with 405 observed responses in
5 randomized controlled trials following patients for days to weeks provides evidence that inhaled
cannabis results in short-term reductions in chronic neuropathic pain for 1 in every 5 to 6 patients
treated (number needed to treat = 5.6 with a Bayesian 95% credible interval ranging between 3.4
and 14). Our inferences were insensitive to model assumptions, priors, and parameter choices. We
caution that the small number of studies and participants, the short follow-up, shortcomings in alloca-
tion concealment, and considerable attrition limit the conclusions that can be drawn from the review.
The Bayes factor is 332, corresponding to a posterior probability of effect of 99.7%.
Perspective: This novel Bayesian meta-analysis of individual patient data from 5 randomized trials
suggests that inhaled cannabis may provide short-term relief for 1 in 5 to 6 patients with neuropathic
pain. Pragmatic trials are needed to evaluate the long-term benefits and risks of this treatment.
ª 2015 by the American Pain Society
Key words: Cannabis, chronic pain, neuropathy, painful, polyneuropathy, meta-analysis, meta-analysis
of individual patient data, Bayesian analysis, human immunodeficiency virus.

This work was supported by the National Center for Advancing Transla- Supplementary data accompanying this article are available online at
tional Sciences (NCATS), a component of the National Institutes of Health and
(NIH), through CTSA grant numbers UL1TR000086, TL1RR000087, and Address reprint requests to Michael H. Andreae, MD, Department of
KL2TR000088), the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) Anesthesiology, Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of
through grant number R01-AT005824 and in part by Grant 5R01AT5824 Medicine, 111 E 210th St, Bronx, NY 10467. E-mail: mhandreae@gmail.
from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine com
(NCCAM). Supported by the University of California Center for Medicinal
Cannabis Research and NIH Grant 5-MO1-RR00083. Its contents are solely 1526-5900/$36.00
the responsibility of the authors and do not necessary represent the offi- ª 2015 by the American Pain Society
cial view of the NCCAM, NCRR or NIH. The authors have no conflicts of

1222 The Journal of Pain Inhaled Cannabis for Chronic Neuropathy
bout 1 in 40 adults in the general population has
chronic neuropathic pain, making it the most
We registered our protocol with PROSPERO.5 We identi-
frequent condition affecting the peripheral ner-
fied studies by a combination of electronic and manual
vous system.52 Chronic neuropathic pain presents a het-
searches (Fig 1) (Supplementary Appendix 1). We followed
erogeneous burden with a large prevalence12 in certain
the recommendations of the QUORUM and PRISMA state-
susceptible subpopulations, for example in people living
ments,59 including the PRISMA checklist (Supplementary
with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).30 HIV-related
Appendix 2). We searched in Cochrane Central, PubMed,
distal sensory neuropathy affects every third patient.30
EMBASE, and AMED without any language restriction
Chronic neuropathic pain may result from diverse insults,
with a combination of free text and controlled vocabulary,
including diabetes, HIV, trauma, and certain medica-
using the highly sensitive search strategy.44 We conducted
tions.86,87 Chronic neuropathic pain remains
a hand search in the conference abstracts from the Confer-
underdiagnosed and difficult to treat.33 Regardless of
ence on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections 2011,
the cause, chronic neuropathic pain persists despite at-
the International AIDS Conference, and the World
tempts at management with opioids, nonsteroidal anti-
Congress of Pain 2010 and reference lists.
inflammatory drugs, anticonvulsants (gabapentin),
We considered RCTs investigating chronic painful neu-
anti-inflammatory agents, antidepressants, and comple-
ropathy. We included diabetic, traumatic, and HIV-
mentary medicines.33
related causes. We excluded multiple sclerosis, a central
A recent systematic review concluded that cannabis is
rather than a peripheral pain condition. The nature of
effective in selected neurological disorders, including
the intervention likely interfered with effective partici-
multiple sclerosis, but did not address chronic neuro-
pant blinding,3 which was therefore not required for
pathic pain.50 Considering the recent wave of cannabis
study inclusion. We only included studies comparing
legalization,76 continued legal wrangling,65 its wide-
inhaled Cannabis sativa with placebo, because inhaled
spread medicinal and recreational use,80,88 and
whole-herb cannabis differs significantly in composition,
additional randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
bioavailability, and pharmacodynamics from synthetic
published on cannabis recently, we performed a meta-
analysis to investigate if inhaled cannabis alleviates
Three review authors (M.H.A., G.C., K.S.) screened the
chronic neuropathic pain.8,81,84 Previous (systematic)
citations using explicit criteria for study exclusion. Using
reviews did not investigate inhaled cannabis for
a standard data collection form, 2 authors (M.H.A. and
chronic neuropathic pain or were unable to synthesize
G.C.) extracted the data independently, reconciling any
all available data, did not include recently published
differences by consensus. Study authors provided indi-
RCTs, and varied considerably in their inclusion criteria,
vidual patient data.2,31,81,84,85 We recorded details of
study selection, and data synthesis, leading to
trial design, conflict of interests, sponsors, participant
conflicting and outdated conclusions.13,19,23,47,50,54-
As cannabis should undergo the same
evidence-based review39 as other potent prescription
medications,83 an update is needed.81,84
In cooperation with all primary study authors, we per-
formed an individual patient data Bayesian35 meta-
analysis of RCTs71 (Supplementary Box 1). Although
classic meta-analysis pools aggregate data extracted
from published study reports, meta-analysis of individual
patient data synthesizes the original data of the individ-
ual participants obtained from the primary study au-
thors.75 This often gives meta-analysis of individual
patient data more power.75 We selected Bayesian evi-
dence synthesis for the analysis, anticipating that incom-
plete outcome reporting, varied endpoints, limited
availability of aggregate or individual patient data, and
diversity of study designs with varied statistical analysis
approaches would pose a formidable challenge to the
classic (frequentist) methods of meta-analysis.74 Classic
meta-analysis may also underestimate the between-
study variability for small numbers of trials,24,73 leading
to inaccurate inferences; Bayesian methods provide
more robust estimates of between-study variance.
Figure 1. The QUORUM flow chart details our search in a di-
agram. We selected 165 articles for full review from 1738 hits
Objectives in multiple electronic databases; 5 RCTs met the inclusion
criteria (Abrams 2007,2 Ellis 2009,31 Ware 2010,81 Wilsey
We performed a Bayesian responder meta-analysis of
2008,85 Wilsey 201384). Excluded studies are double counted
individual patient data to study whether inhaled if they met more than 1 exclusion criterion, eg disease and
cannabis provides relief for chronic neuropathic pain. mode of administration.
Andreae et al The Journal of Pain 1223
characteristics, interventions and outcome measures,
inclusion and exclusion criteria, comorbidity and HIV
status, cannabis provenance, dose, and mode of
administration. We extracted data on attrition and on
adverse effects.
We compared the proportion of patients experiencing
more than 30% clinical improvement in chronic neuro-
pathic pain assessed with a continuous patient-reported
instrument (eg, the visual analog scale) at baseline and af-
ter treatment with inhaled cannabis. In essence, we
dichotomized the outcome in a responder analysis,
emerging as the preferred method for pain outcomes
research.28,32 We chose this patient-centered concept of
minimally clinically important difference,58 because
chronic neuropathic pain, our primary outcome, is patient
reported and may have a skewed distribution, with no
more than 40 to 60% of patients obtaining even partial
relief of their pain.27 A statistically significant change in
the population mean of a continuous pain outcome
may not correspond to a clinically meaningful improve-
ment for many individual patients.60 In other words, large
studies may detect population differences too small for
individual patients to appreciate. However, responder
analysis converts continuous pain outcomes to dichoto-
mous responder data allowing a more meaningful com-
parison between interventions.61,72 By convention, we
classified participants as ‘‘responders’’ if their reduction
Figure 2. This summary of bias graph shows that the studies
in continuous spontaneous pain outcome (eg, VAS included were mostly of good quality in the domains of
score) was larger than 30% after treatment.28,32 sequence generation, concealed allocation, incomplete
Two authors (G.C. and M.H.A.) independently assessed outcome data, and selective reporting, and with regard to con-
the risk of bias of the studies included according to the flict of interest. However, the nature of the intervention likely
interfered with effective blinding, possibly resulting in a high
Cochrane Collaboration44 on the basis of a checklist of risk of performance bias in all studies and detection bias due
design components and they contacted authors for to a lack of blinding of outcome observers. (Abrams 2007,2 Ellis
missing information. We summarized this in a risk of 2009,31 Ware 2010,81 Wilsey 2008,85 Wilsey 201384).
bias graph (Fig 2) and provide detailed information in
Supplementary Table 1. This comprised randomization, detailed in the statistical supplement (Supplementary
allocation concealment, observer blinding, intention- Appendix 3). We pooled the treatment effects following
to-treat analysis, selective reporting, and conflict of in- a hierarchical random-effects Bayesian responder model.
terests. We achieved consensus by informal discussion. Kruschke51 provided an accessible introduction to
With inhaled cannabis interventions, blinding of pa- Bayesian methods in health sciences. Ashby6 recently
tients and providers can be difficult and hence they offered a chronological outline of applications in medi-
received less weight in the evaluation of performance cine, and Spiegelhalter et al74 compiled the first concise
bias but not with regard to detection bias. overview. Gelman et al35 described Bayesian hierarchical
Our results are based on individual patient data obtained modeling approaches more formally. Supplementary
from primary authors who helped resolve data inconsis- boxes explain the basic concepts of Bayesian inference
tencies when evident. We estimated the content and the (Supplementary Boxes 1–3). The prior for the between-
dose administered following published methods10,57 in study variability (Cauchy) and the pooled effect estimate
cooperation with the primary study authors. (normal distribution) were centered at zero with a stan-
We compared the reported primary outcome with the dard deviation of 100. We preferred the Cauchy distribu-
planned primary outcome in the study protocols to assess tion over the closely related t-distribution, because the
reporting bias. We explored undue sponsor influence.44 Cauchy is more robust in accommodating outliers34,35;
We considered an examination of publication bias using these priors for our meta-analysis were uninformative
graphical and statistical tests.29 We investigated study and served to ensure computational convergence of
heterogeneity using a c2 test and calculation of an I2 the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. Our priors
analog Bayesian statistic.44 were subsequently subjected to sensitivity analysis. Infer-
ence was implemented using a Gibbs sampling scheme to
generate a computer simulation of a Monte Carlo sample
Data Synthesis, Statistical Modeling, and
from the posterior distribution in OpenBugs.53 Our
Sensitivity Analysis OpenBugs program code is provided in Supplementary
We performed full Bayesian probability modeling20 of Appendix 4. We have uploaded details on Monte Carlo
the population-averaged subject-specific effect90 as Markov chain convergence, including graphs
1224 The Journal of Pain Inhaled Cannabis for Chronic Neuropathy
demonstrating mixing, as supplementary material RCTs investigating inhaled cannabis, and updated the
(Supplementary Figs 1 and 2). Differences in the design protocol accordingly.
and quality of the studies were the focus of a sensitivity
analysis. We tested the sensitivity of our results for our
Bayesian model and its assumptions. We investigated
our choice of prior and model parameters and reana- Our search (Fig 1) was completed in April 2014 and
lyzed the individual patient responder data 1) in a fre- yielded 1738 references (1236 in MEDLINE, 359 in EM-
quentist random-effects meta-analysis and 2) BASE, 123 in Cochrane Central, and 65 in AMED) matching
controlling for cannabis dose as an explanatory variable the predefined search parameters. We excluded 118 du-
of the between-study variability in a meta-regression plicates and 1573 references for which we could clearly
(methods and data not shown but available on request). discern from the title or abstract that they were not ran-
domized trials or did not investigate cannabis for a pain-
Reporting ful condition. Our hand search yielded no additional
We estimated the number needed to treat (NNT) and references. Except for the 5 studies included,2,31,81,84,85
calculated the Bayes factor,36 compared with the classic the remaining 163 publications studied different modes
P values in Supplementary Box 3. We provided forest of cannabis administration or included participants with
plots for the individual trials broken down by dose for other painful conditions. No study investigated
the period level data (Fig 3). The reported pooled outcomes beyond 2 weeks. The characteristics of the 5
Bayesian estimate is the population-averaged subject- RCTs meeting our inclusion criteria are summarized in
specific odds ratio comparing inhaled cannabis versus Table 1 and detailed characteristics are presented in
placebo for chronic painful neuropathy and their 95% Table 2. Important studies that were excluded are listed
Bayesian credible intervals (CRI95%), displayed as the in Supplementary Table 2 with reasons for their exclusion.
standard diamond used for synthesized effects.43
Descriptive Characteristics of the Studies
Differences From the Initial Protocol Included and the Participants
In our initial Prospero protocol registration, we consid- One hundred and seventy-eight middle-aged partici-
ered including all types of studies, populations, and pants (approximately equal numbers of men and
cannabis interventions. We intended to do a network women) with painful neuropathy of at least 3 months
analysis in 1 coherent Bayesian model. We found pub- duration (pain scores at least about 3/10) were enrolled
lished aggregate data insufficient for evidence synthesis in 5 RCTs executed across North America. Two trials re-
and therefore we decided to attempt an individual pa- cruited only HIV-positive individuals with HIV-related
tient data meta-analysis, but limiting ourselves to only chronic painful neuropathy1,2,31; sexual orientation and

Study Dose Placebo Treat Est. OR (CI)

Abrams 07 96 6/25 13/25 3.43 (1.00,11.8)

Ellis 09 96 5/28 13/28 5.00 (1.10,22.9)

Ware 10 2.5 3/22 4/21 1.50 (0.25,8.98)

Ware 10 6.3 5/22 3.00 (0.31,28.8)
Ware 10 9.4 7/21 5.00 (0.58,42.8)

Wilsey 08 19 18/33 24/36 2.67 (0.71,10.1)

Wilsey 08 34 22/33 3.50 (0.73,16.8)

Wilsey 13 9 11/38 17/37 2.50 (0.78,7.97)

Wilsey 13 18 18/36 3.67 (1.02,13.1)

Bayesian 3.22 (1.59,7.24)

0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 20.0 40.0

Odds Ratio

Figure 3. The forest plot displays odds ratios (with the 95% CRI indicated by horizontal bars on the log scale) to indicate their contri-
bution to the Bayesian pooled effect estimate shown below as a diamond with the Bayesian 95% CRI. The table on the left lists the raw
responder data at the study level. For Ware 2010,81 Wilsey 200885 and Wilsey 2013,84 the responder data are broken down by dose,
listing the number of observed responses for each crossover period and the corresponding cannabis dose. The increased effect with
increased cannabis content (evident in the period level data of Ware 2010,81 Wilsey 2008,85 and Wilsey 201384) is additional evidence
in support of the effect of cannabis on chronic painful neuropathy.
Andreae et al The Journal of Pain 1225
Table 1. Summary of the 5 RCTs on Inhaled Cannabis for Chronic Neuropathic Pain
Neuropathy HIV-DSPN HIV-DSPN Posttraumatic Sensory Mixed
Participants 50 34 23 38 39
Allocation <-------------------------------------------------------------- Randomized --------------------------------------------------------------->
Intervention <-------------------------------------------------- Inhaled cannabis versus placebo -------------------------------------------------->
Follow-up <----------------------- 5 days ---------------------> 2 weeks <------------------ 5–6 h ---------------->
Design Parallel <------------------------------------------------ Crossover ------------------------------------------------>
Statistics Mann-Whitney Wilcoxon rank sum <------------- General and linear mixed models ------------->

Abbreviations: HIV-DSPN, HIV-related distal sensory polyneuropathy; DDS, Descriptor Differential Scale; NRS, Numerical Rating Scale.
NOTE. The cause of chronic neuropathic pain varied (including traumatic, central, diabetic, and HIV-related). Study authors used several patient-reported pain outcome

transgender data were not reported. Three trials ical changes (such as increases in heart rate) were
recruited patients with neuropathy secondary to observed in one study31 but not in another study.81
trauma,81 spinal cord injury, diabetes mellitus, and com- Reports of euphoria or ‘‘high’’ were rare.81 Psychoactive
plex regional pain syndrome.84,85 Psychiatric disease, effects (such as feeling ‘‘high’’) were statistically signifi-
substance abuse, and significant cardiopulmonary cantly associated with treatment allocation in 2
disease were explicit exclusion criteria. Although studies2,31 and increased in frequency with increasing
previous cannabis experience was a prerequisite for dose81,85; they were mostly mild. The studies included
inclusion for some studies,1,2,84,85 current use was an followed patients only for days to weeks and hence did
exclusion criterion in all. Prescribed opioid use was not not report long-term adverse effects.
specified among the inclusion or exclusion criteria.
Study Design
Characteristics of Interventions and All 5 studies were randomized, placebo-controlled,
Comparators and double-blind; 4 used a crossover design31,81,84,85
All studies investigated inhaled cannabis. The 5 studies and 1 study used a parallel design.1 Duration of follow-
used different doses, estimated as detailed in the up varied from hours84,85 to days2,31 or weeks.81
Supplementary Table 3. All 5 studies used whole Cannabis
plant provided by the US National Institute of Drug Abuse Risk of Bias in the Studies Included
(NIDA). Cannabis was administered as prerolled cigarettes We characterized the risk of bias of the studies (Fig 2
in 3 studies,1,2,31,85 through a Volcano vaporizer in 1 and Supplementary Table 1). Randomization and alloca-
study,84 and as gelatin capsules smoked through a pipe tion concealment were well described and suggested a
at home in 1 study.81 All 5 studies used identical-looking low risk of bias. Ineffective participant blinding might
placebo as comparator. Concomitant nonstudy analgesics have possibly resulted in performance bias in all studies;
were permitted and continued in both arms. placebo effects are likely, when participants guessed
their allocation, possibly leading them to overestimate
Clinical Outcomes and Adverse Effects the effect of inhaled cannabis on pain. Blinding of
All 5 RCTs reported continuous patient-reported spon- outcome observer was well described in 1 study,84 and
taneous pain intensity scales as primary outcomes. We the use of patient diaries as an outcome instrument led
report the study level observed odds ratio (with 95% us to estimate the risk of detection bias as unclear in
CRI indicted by vertical bars on the log scale) as a measure the remaining studies. Incomplete outcome data were
of their contribution to the Bayesian pooled effect esti- well described in all studies and are detailed in Table 2.
mate (shown as a diamond with 95% CRIs below) (Fig Withdrawals potentially related to treatment effects
3). The breakdown of responder data by dose suggested led to a high risk of bias in 1 study81 but did not seem
an increased effect with increased cannabis content. to be associated with group allocation in all
Withdrawals due to adverse effects were rare. One others.2,31,84,85 All the trials included reported their
case of serious adverse effects leading to withdrawal primary outcome as specified in the protocol. We
occurred in the placebo group (a case of psychosis) and investigated publication bias in a funnel plot proposed
2 others in active treatment groups (hypertension and by Egger et al,29 because with fewer studies than 10
increased pain). Subjective side effects included anxiety, studies, the power of the tests is insufficient to distin-
disorientation, difficulty concentrating, headache, dry guish chance from real asymmetry.44 Studies received
eyes, burning sensation, dizziness, and numbness and only public funding; all authors provided detailed con-
were reported as being mild. Wilsey et al85 reported flicts of interest statements.
short-term declines in attention, psychomotor perfor-
mance, and learning and memory in the highest dose Evidence Synthesis of Effects
(7% tetrahydrocannabinol) group. Memory impairment Based on data from 178 patients with a total of 405
was also seen in the placebo group and at lower doses, observed responses, we estimated the odds ratio for
albeit at lower levels. Statistically significant physiolog- more than 30% reduction in pain scores in response to
1226 The Journal of Pain Inhaled Cannabis for Chronic Neuropathy
Table 2.Detailed Characteristics of the 5 RCTs Investigating Smoked or Inhaled Cannabis for
Painful Neuropathy
Abrams 2007 2007 Neurology 17296917 NCT00046722
Population 55 HIV-positive adults with symptomatic HIV-DSPN and at least 30/100 VAS, on stable pain regimen for 8 weeks before
enrolment, with previous experience of smoking cannabis randomized in 2 groups of size 27/28. Our Bayesian analysis
is based on 50 participants with 1 observation per patient, as provided by the primary study authors.
Age (experimental, control): 50 y (SD 6 6 y), 47 y (SD 6 7 y)
Gender (male/female/other): experimental 22/5/0, control 26/2/0
Intervention Experimental: patient smoked 1 cigarette 3 times per d as tolerated
Prerolled, whole-herb Cannabis cigarettes were provided by NIDA and contained 3.56% D-9-THC.
Control: identical prerolled cigarettes with the active ingredient extracted.
Dose estimate: 32 mg THC per session; 96 mg THC per d
Primary outcome Daily pain diary recording the VAS at 8 AM for average pain during the previous 24 h
Study methods Randomized, double-blind (patient, outcome assessor), parallel design, placebo-controlled, single-center (university) clinical
trial in San Francisco, California, starting in 2003
Notes Also published as an abstract at the 2nd Annual Meeting of the International Association for Cannabis as Medicine, 2005
Secondary outcomes: acute analgesic effects; long thermal stimulation
Anti-hyperalgesic effects: heat-capsaicin model; profile of mood states
Ellis 200931 2008 Neuropsychopharmacology 18688212 NCT00255580
Population 34 HIV-positive adults with symptomatic HIV-DSPN and pain score >5/20 on DDS, most participants were previously
exposed to potentially neurotoxic deoxy-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors; 16 started control/experimental, 18
started experimental/control. 28 participants with a total of 56 observed responses were included in the Bayesian analysis
Age (all): 49.1 y (SD 6 6.9 y)
Gender (male/female/other): 33/1/0
Intervention Experimental: patient smoked cannabis, titrating dose up or down to obtain effective pain control/tolerable adverse effects,
starting at 4% and ranging between 1 and 8% D-9-THC concentration by weight. Prerolled, whole-herb Cannabis
cigarettes were provided by NIDA
Control: identical prerolled cigarettes with the active ingredient extracted
Dose estimate: average 96 mg THC per d
Primary outcome Crossover difference in change of DDS 0–20 scale ‘‘a ratio scale containing 24 words describing pain intensity and
unpleasantness’’ comparing baseline with after treatment
Study methods Randomized, double-blind (patient, outcome assessor), crossover design, placebo-controlled, single-center (university)
clinical trial at the University of California, San Diego, California, in 2006
Notes Secondary outcomes: McGill questionnaire, VAS, Sickness Impact Profile, Brief Symptom Inventory, UKU side effect rating,
Highness/Sedation Scale, HIV load
Ware 201081 2010 Canadian Medical 20805210 ISRCTN68314063
Association Journal
Population 23 adults with non-HIV neuropathy pain of at least 3 mo duration caused by trauma or surgery defined by pain intensity
score greater than 40/100 VAS, on a stable analgesic regimen, not having smoked cannabis in the preceding year. 23
participants with a total of 86 observed responses were included in the Bayesian analysis
Age (all): 45.4 y (SD 6 12.3 y)
Gender (male/female/other): 11/12/0
Intervention Experimental: NIDA and Prairie plant systems prepared 3 different potencies of THC (2.5%, 6%, 9.4%) from whole herb
in gelatin capsules inhaled through a pipe
Control: ethanolic extraction was used to prepare the placebo
Dose estimate: 0, 1.625, 3.9, and 5.85 mg/d (average) THC per period
Primary outcome Average daily pain intensity on the 11-item NRS averaged over 5 treatment d (least pain value, average pain value, and
worst pain value) during 4 consecutive crossover periods of 14 d each (5 treatment d and 9 washout d afterwards)
Study methods Randomized, double-blind (patient, outcome assessor), 4-period crossover Latin square design, placebo-controlled,
single-center (university) clinical trial in McGill University, Montreal, Canada, starting in 2003
Notes The linear model did not consider interparticipant effects
Secondary outcomes: pain quality, McGill questionnaire, sleep (Leeds Sleep Evaluation Questionnaire); mood effects,
short-form Profile of Mood States; quality of life: EQ-5D health outcomes
Wilsey 200885 2008 The Journal of Pain 18403272 NCT00254761
Population 38 adults with non-HIV neuropathy (complex regional pain syndrome (type I), spinal cord injury, peripheral neuropathy, or
nerve injury) with previous cannabis experience and a VAS >30/100. 38 participants with 102 observed responses were
included in the Bayesian analysis
Age (all): 46 y (range 21–71 y)
Gender (male/female/other): 20/18/0
Andreae et al The Journal of Pain 1227
Table 2. Continued
Intervention Experimental participants inhaled a total of 9 standardized cued puffs. Cannabis was harvested from whole plant and
rolled into cigarettes at the University of Mississippi under supervision of NIDA ranging in strength from 0% to 3.5–7%.
Control: placebo cigarettes were made from whole plant with extraction of Cannabis
Dose estimate: 0 placebo, 19.25 (low dose, range 7–30.45), 34.3 (high dose, range 18.9–60.9) mg THC/d (session)
Primary outcome VAS measuring spontaneous pain relief; time effects were studied with a linear model
Study methods Randomized, double-blind (patient, outcome assessor), parallel design, placebo-controlled, single-center (university) clinical
trial at University of California Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, California, started in November 2003
Notes Secondary outcomes: pain unpleasantness (VAS), heat pain threshold, Neuropathic Pain Scale, neurocognitive assessment,
and plasma Cannabis concentration
Wilsey 201384 2013 The Journal of Pain 23237736 NCT01037088
Population 39 adults with non-HIV neuropathy due to reflex sympathetic dystrophy, peripheral neuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia,
poststroke pain, multiple sclerosis, or spinal cord injury with previous cannabis exposure (16 current, 23 ex-users) and a
VAS pain intensity greater than 30/100. 39 participants with 111 observed responses were included in the Bayesian
Age (all): 50 y (SD 6 11 y)
Gender (male/female/other): 28/11/0
Intervention Experimental: participants used a volcano vaporizer under the flexible-dose design of Wilsey 2008. The minimum and
maximum cumulative doses for each visit were 8 and 12 puffs. Cannabis was harvested at the University of Mississippi
under the supervision of NIDA
Control: placebo was made from whole plant with removal of cannabinoids
Dose estimate: maximum of 0, 10.32, 28 mg THC/d (session), presuming they were administered the entire 800 mg dose
Primary outcome VAS before and after consuming vaporized cannabis
Study methods Randomized, double-blind (patient, outcome assessor), crossover design, placebo-controlled, single-center (university)
clinical trial at the University of California, Davis, California, started December 2009
Notes Secondary outcomes: Patient Global Impression of Change; Neuropathic Pain Scale; WAIS-III, Hopkins Verbal Learning Test
(revised), Grooved Pegboard Test

Abbreviations: HIV-DSPN, HIV-related distal sensory polyneuropathy; SD, standard deviation; DDS, Descriptor Differential Scale; NRS, Numerical Rating Scale.
NOTE. Two trials recruited patients with HIV-DSPN, 3 included participants with neuropathies due to other causes.

inhaled cannabis versus placebo for chronic painful neu- priors (between-study variance) in our Bayesian model
ropathy as 3.2 with a Bayesian CRI (subsequently de- (Supplementary Box 2). Reanalyzing the data in a fre-
noted with the subscript CRI95%) [1.59, 7.24]CRI 95%, and quentist random-effects meta-analysis did not change
the NNT as 5.55 [3.35, 13.7]CRI 95%. We estimated the pos- the results.
terior probability of the effect of Cannabis for chronic
painful neuropathy to be 99.7% and the Bayes factor
as 332 (Fig 3). The Bayesian analog I2 statistic was 0. Discussion
The posterior probability that the between-study vari- Our evidence synthesis of individual patient data from
ability in effects was greater than what would be ex- 178 participants with 405 observations in 5 RCTs with a
pected by chance is .45. Effects seemed to increase with follow-up ranging from days to weeks (Fig 3) provides
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content supporting the ef- evidence that inhaled cannabis results in short-term re-
fect of cannabis for chronic painful neuropathy as seen ductions in chronic neuropathic pain for 1 in every 5 to
in the forest plot (Fig 3). Specifically, the increased effect 6 patients treated (NNT 5.6 with a Bayesian 95% CRI
with increased cannabis content (evident in the period ranging between 3.4 and 14); based on the Initiative
level data of Ware 2010,81 Wilsey 200885 and Wilsey on Methods, Measurement, and Pain Assessment in Clin-
201384) is additional evidence consistent with the effect ical Trials (IMMPACT) definition of at least moderate
of cannabis for chronic painful neuropathy. However, a benefit,28 inhaled cannabis improved pain by an odds ra-
meta-regression of cannabis dose (data not shown but tios of 3.2 (Bayesian 95% CRI of [1.6, 7.2]CRI 95% (Fig 3).
available on request) did not change our estimates or in- The Bayes factor was 332, corresponding to a posterior
ferences. The aggregate and individual data on adverse probability of effect of 99.7%.
effects were too sparse to be pooled. Model convergence We infer that this effect applies equally across chronic
is documented in the supplementary material painful neuropathies of different causes (eg, diabetic
(Supplementary Figs 1 and 2). and traumatic chronic painful neuropathy or HIV-
related distal sensory neuropathy). The effects are
Sensitivity Analysis remarkably homogeneous across studies (Bayesian I2
When we performed a sensitivity analysis (available on analog = 0%) (Table 1). Dose dependency further sup-
request) with regard to differences in the quality of ports the notion of a cannabis effect on neuropathy
studies, we found effect estimates and credible intervals (Fig 3 and Supplementary Table 3). Our results (NNT 5.6
to be robust regarding the inclusion or exclusion of any [3.4, 14]CRI 95%) suggest that inhaled cannabis may be
single study. Our inferences were rather insensitive to about as potent as gabapentin (Cochrane Review
1228 The Journal of Pain Inhaled Cannabis for Chronic Neuropathy
update: NNT 5.9 [4.6, 8.3]CI 95% for diabetic neuropathy, The meta-analysis of individual patient data and the
Moore 201462). The NNT of inhaled cannabis could inclusion of additional recently published RCTs increased
potentially rival currently available therapeutics for the power of our evidence synthesis and greatly
chronic neuropathic pain,82 whose NNT typically range increased the confidence in the effect of inhaled
well above 8, if there is any evidence at all.15,21,25 cannabis for chronic neuropathy compared with previ-
However, we caution that our findings await ous reviews.46,54,55,67 The Bayesian posterior probability
confirmation in long-term pragmatic community-based of more than 99.7% indicates the very high likelihood
trials. Our findings are remarkable considering the that inhaled cannabis is effective in the short term for 1
dearth of effective treatment options for chronic painful in 5 or 6 patients with chronic neuropathic pain
neuropathies or chronic pain in general.49 (Supplementary Box 1), unlike the classic P value, which
indicates how unlikely the observed outcomes data are
Our Review Enhances the Existing given a null hypothesis of no effect. To our knowledge,
Literature on Treatment for Chronic this is the first Bayesian meta-analysis of individual pa-
tient data in medicine.6
Neuropathic Pain
Our evidence synthesis contradicts, updates, or com- The Observed Short-Term Effect of Inhaled
plements the finding of several older and more recent re- Cannabis Is Meaningful for 1 in 5 or 6 Patients
views on cannabis by providing a meta-analysis for
With Chronic Neuropathy
chronic neuropathic pain,13,14,85 by updating
evidence, 13-16
or by broadening the scope. We were Our responder analysis is showing a statistically signif-
able to include recent RCTs, not published or accessible icant and minimal clinically important difference for 1 in
to the previous reviews by Campbell, Phillips, Iskedjian, 5 to 6 patients, an effect measure easily understood by
Lutge, or Lynch.19,47,54,55,67 Compared with previous patients, payers, and providers alike.58 Responder anal-
studies,67 our meta-analysis of individual patient data ysis has been advocated for patient-reported outcomes
and the inclusion of additional and recent clinical trials, in chronic pain trials to distinguish a minimal but statisti-
which augmented the power to detect an effect, if it ex- cally significant difference between groups on a popula-
isted, and amplified the confidence in the pooled effect tion basis from a clinically meaningful effect for the
estimate (NNT = 5.6) by shrinking the 95% CRI,2,3,12 our individual participant.28,60,61 Our cutoff for a
posterior probability of the short-term effects of inhaled meaningful response (>30%) is 1) grounded in what
cannabis is now very high (99.7%). Our analysis comple- patients themselves judge to be important
ments the recent evidence synthesis of cannabis for improvement32 and 2) based on expert consensus (IM-
certain other neurological conditions by the American MPACT).58 Based solely on frequentist hypothesis
Academy of Neurology, which did not investigate testing, responder analysis may miss the goal, while
cannabis for chronic neuropathic pain,49 and supports losing power.72 Our Bayesian meta-analysis of individual
another narrative review (published after submission of patient data allowed us to calculate a posterior probabil-
this manuscript) with a meta-analysis of individual pa- ity of effect larger than 99.7%.
tient data,45 which concluded that ‘‘Use of marijuana
for chronic pain, neuropathic pain, and spasticity due to Limitations
multiple sclerosis is supported by high-quality evidence.’’
Effects Are Consistent Across Different Causes
Strength and Populations
We pooled data from populations with chronic painful
Meta-analysis of Individual Patient Data neuropathy of different causes and in different popula-
Increased the Power of our Meta-analysis tions. We included HIV-related distal sensory polyneurop-
We performed an individual patient meta-analysis. Un- athy, posttraumatic, complex regional pain syndrome,
like conventional meta-analysis based on published peripheral and diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and pa-
aggregate data, meta-analysis of individual patient tients with and without previous exposure to cannabis.
data synthesizes the individual participants’ original Similar approaches were also taken by authors of previ-
data obtained from the studies’ principal investigators.43 ous reviews on cannabis for chronic painful neuropa-
Meta-analysis of individual patient data is arguably the thy.13-16 Evidence synthesis across distinct but closely
gold-standard of evidence synthesis,71,75 not just related painful neuropathies is reasonable because
because it allows for detailed data checking but their clinical course and pathological mechanism are
because meta-analysis is often not feasible using only considered similar and receive uniform treatment
summary data. Synthesizing the diversity of reported recommendations9,64; Indeed, the ‘‘etiological factors
outcomes of studies on inhaled cannabis for chronic responsible for driving the mechanisms are not disease
painful neuropathy was a significant challenge for previ- specific’’ and ‘‘disease diagnosis is not helpful in
ous reviews.13-16 In our review insufficient published selecting the optimal pain therapy’’.86,87 Even if the
outcome data and variations in design and outcome absence of evidence for heterogeneity constitutes no
reporting would have led to the exclusion of relevant evidence for clinical homogeneity,44 the consistency
trials, because the published aggregate data lacked the and uniformity of the effect of inhaled cannabis on
necessary detail for pooling in a meta-analysis.4,84,85 chronic neuropathic pain across different causes and
Andreae et al The Journal of Pain 1229
populations, further enhances our confidence in the analysis were uninformative in order to minimize
generalizability of our findings.48 Yet, our meta-analysis subjectivity and just served to ensure computational
can only be as strong as the underlying data (Tables 1 convergence. As detailed in the results and illustrated
and 2) and the methodological quality (Fig 2 and in Supplementary Box 2, when subjected to sensitivity
Supplementary Table 1); the small number of studies analysis, our findings were robust to the choice of pa-
included, their small number of participants, and short- rameters and models. Unsurprisingly, running a fre-
comings in allocation concealment42 and attrition quentist analysis resulted in similar estimates, except
(Table 2) limit our ability to draw firm conclusions. The that the CRIs of our Bayesian estimate were more con-
small numbers of studies found in each subgroup pre- servative because they were based on more cautious
cluded a formal study of publication bias. A graphical between-study variance estimates. Obviously, the
analysis or the test proposed by Egger et al29 should at Bayesian approach provides a posterior probability
least include 10 studies because, with fewer studies, the (99.7%; for the short-term benefits of inhaled cannabis
power of the tests is insufficient to distinguish chance for about 1 in 5 patients with chronic neuropathy), an
from real asymmetry.44 We find that the use of an active inference not possible in the frequentist paradigm.74
placebo to mimic the psychotropic effects of experi- The result of any meta-analysis will critically depend
mental treatments, although it improves blinding, does on this estimate of the between-study variance. Our
not necessarily improve the evidence regarding effective- between-study variability estimation was more conser-
ness in a pragmatic clinical setting, but it does acknowl- vative than the classic random-effects approach pro-
edge the risk of performance bias.70 Also meta-analyses moted by the Cochrane Collaboration,43 which itself is
of sparse data can be unstable38,66; however, our more conservative than the often employed fixed ef-
evidence synthesis is based on individual patient data fects model. Indeed, the continued debate on fixed
from all included trials, the best available source of versus random-effects models, concerns about assump-
evidence, short of a large RCT.44,76 tions, and underestimation of between-study vari-
ability24 demonstrate that the classic ‘‘frequentist’’
Cannabis Dose and Mode of Administration statistical approach is also not free of subjectivity.78
May Influence Pain Relief The use of subjective model parameters destroys the
Estimating bioavailable cannabis is difficult. Many fac- illusion of objectivity in ‘‘frequentist’’ as well as in
tors influence the amount of THC per cigarette, particu- meta-analysis.78 Our Bayesian approach transparently
larly whether the material is dry or freshly picked included any subjective choice explicitly in our model
(Supplementary Table 3). The dose delivered likely differs and subjected all to sensitivity analysis.22,66
from what is actually ingested69; we validated our dose
estimates with the primary authors of the studies Recommendations for Future Research
included. In the forest plot of the raw responder data, a We lack long-term pragmatic clinical trials to deter-
higher dose seems to be associated with a stronger effect mine if the effects of cannabis on chronic painful neurop-
(Fig 3). Our sensitivity analysis controlling for cannabis athy are sustained and durable, if cannabis use is feasible
dose only marginally improved the precision (data not in the community given the associated stigma,1,18 if
shown); hence, at the individual patient level, the dose cannabis can be safely prescribed in vulnerable and
differences did not explain the differences in effect. This young populations,26,77 and if long-term adverse effects
may effectively reflect the individual dose titration. outweigh the benefits of inhaled cannabis.11,40,47,68,77
We cannot comment on long-term adverse effects Although the cost of inhaled cannabis is likely to be
because the available trials followed their patients for low, medicinal cannabis continues to be controversial
a maximum of 2 weeks.3 Recently, several authors have (indeed illegal in many jurisdictions) and patients may
raised concerns about driving while intoxicated, with- vary in their preferences on inhaling cannabis,
drawal, addiction, adverse cardiovascular, pulmonary especially as long as it remains stigmatized. We need to
and cognitive effects, especially in the developing brain, investigate if individual titration allows for the best
although several of these misgivings remain conten- balance of beneficial to adverse effects. The effects of
tious.11,16,17,26,37,40,47,68,77,83,88 Extrapolating from cannabis for other conditions should equally be
recreational use is problematic and the risk-benefit bal- explored in publicly funded rigorous RCTs. Solid clinical
ance differs when pain is medically intractable. Clearly, evidence may facilitate selective prescribing, prevent
we need to learn more about the benefits and risk asso- misuse, and reduce opioid-related harms.41
ciated with long-term cannabis use.

Our Bayesian Meta-analysis Is Robust to Conclusions

Parameter Choices and Model Assumptions Our meta-analysis of individual patient data suggests
Bayesian methods are sometimes critiqued for their that inhaled cannabis results in short-term benefits for
presumed subjectivity, but the short-term effects of chronic neuropathic pain with an NNT of 5.6 [3.4,
inhaled cannabis for about 1 in 5 patients with chronic 13]CRI95% (Fig 3). We lack evidence regarding sustained
neuropathic pain are robust and independent of our long-term benefits and risks in the community setting.
mode of evidence synthesis. Our assumptions are The small number of studies and participants included
modeled explicitly and tested.14 Priors for our meta- in the analysis (Table 1) and the risk of detection and
1230 The Journal of Pain Inhaled Cannabis for Chronic Neuropathy
performance bias weaken our ability to draw firm con- variance in outcome reporting hampers the classic
clusions (Fig 2). In our responder analysis of the propor- approach to meta-analysis.6,7,78
tion of patients with at least 30% reduction in chronic
pain as the minimal clinically important difference, a Acknowledgments
meaningful improvement at the individual patient level
was found for about 1 in every 5 to 6 patients We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Maud
treated.27,58 This effect on chronic painful neuropathy Dupuy and Kirti Dasu.
is consistent across diverse causes, all hitherto resistant
to available treatments (Table 1). To our knowledge,
ours is the first Bayesian meta-analysis of individual pa- Supplementary Data
tient data. The Bayesian modeling approach may be flex- Supplementary data related to this article can be
ibly extended to other fields and questions where found at

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