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SITXCCS008 Develop and manage quality customer service

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions


1. List five principles of quality customer service.

1. Physical Access

Give spotless, open workplaces that guarantee protection, follow word related and security principles
and, as a component of this, encourage access for individuals with inabilities and others with explicit

2. Quality Service Standards

Distribute an explanation that plots the nature and nature of administration which clients can expect,
and show it noticeably at the purpose of administration conveyance.

3. Balance/Diversity

Guarantee the rights to rise to treatment built up by fairness enactment, and suit assorted variety, in
order to add to correspondence for the gatherings secured by the equity enactment (under the grounds
of sex, conjugal status, family status, sexual direction, strict conviction, age, incapacity, race and
participation of the Traveller Community).

Distinguish and work to kill obstructions to access to administrations for individuals encountering
destitution and social rejection, and for those confronting geographic hindrances to administrations.

4. Data

Adopt a proactive strategy in giving data that is clear, opportune and exact, is accessible at all purposes
of contact, and meets the prerequisites of individuals with explicit necessities.

Guarantee that the potential offered by Information Technology is completely profited of and that the
data accessible on open assistance sites follows the rules on web production.

Proceed with the drive for rearrangements of rules, guidelines, structures, data pamphlets and

5. Practicality and Courtesy

Convey quality administrations with politeness, affectability and the base postponement, cultivating an
atmosphere of common regard among supplier and client.
Give contact names in all correspondences to guarantee simplicity of progressing exchanges.

2. Thinking about the qualification you are studying and the industry you would like to work in, answer
each of the following questions:
a. Describe at least three examples of professional service standard topics service industry staff
may need to comply with.

 Speak with inside and outer clients.

• Communicate with clients in an obliging, proficient and neighbourly way inside assigned
reaction times.
• Use proper language and tone in both composed and spoken correspondence.
• Use fitting non-verbal correspondence.
• Observe and react to non-verbal correspondence of clients.
• Use undivided attention and addressing to encourage successful two way
• Select a vehicle of correspondence proper for the crowd and circumstance.

 Convey administration as indicated by characterized principles.

• Practise elevated requirements of individual introduction and cleanliness as per

authoritative prerequisites.
• Follow authoritative client care arrangements and techniques.
• Adhere to proficient principles expected of administration industry faculty.

 Offer support to clients.

• Establish affinity with the client to advance generosity and trust during administration
• Identify client needs and desires, including clients with unique needs.
• Promptly meet all sensible client needs and demands.
• Identify and envision operational issues and make a move to limit the impact on
consumer loyalty.
• Recognise and follow up on chances to convey extra levels of administration past the client's
quick solicitation
b. Describe at least three industry expectations of attitudes and attributes that staff who work with
customers in a service business.

 Convincing Speaking Skills

Think about the most convincing speaker in your association. It is safe to say that he is or she a sales
rep? Odds are the appropriate response is yes. Influence has for quite some time been perceived as a
significant deals ability, however it can likewise be important for your client assistance. Consistently,
your reps transform issues into arrangements and reasonable climate clients into faithful brand

 Compassion

No rundown of good client assistance aptitudes is finished without compassion. Compassion is the
capacity to comprehend someone else's feelings and to comprehend their perspective. How is
compassion a significant assistance ability? Consider that 70% of purchasing encounters depend on
how the client feels they are being dealt with. It's not about whether the issue was comprehended, if
there was a discount, or how much time was spent — in any event, it's not so much, or even for the
most part, about those issues. Specialists are so used to pondering the main concern, yet the primary
concern in many clients' psyches isn't money related; it's passionate. Feelings are a higher priority than
realities, straightforward.

 Versatility

At the point when you work legitimately with the general population, your days are never precisely the
equivalent. Individuals aren't the equivalent. Did you realize that 60% of clients change how they get in
touch with you relying upon where they are and what they're doing? That implies you'll have requests
coming in by means of telephone, email, online life, and possibly face to face — now and again all from
exactly the same clients. Fortunately, a great CRM is prepared to deal with this test by incorporating
ticket sources and making client data accessible regardless of what channel you're utilizing. Client
support reps need that equivalent mental adaptability to react to an assortment of circumstances in
however your clients favour right now.

3. Identify the roles and responsibilities of the listed people in providing quality customer service:

Classification of Person Their role and responsibility in providing quality customer service

a. Management. Answerable for guaranteeing that clients are fulfilled

Obligations incorporate regulating and dealing with the client
assistance group, preparing staff individuals to give the best
expectations of client support and guaranteeing that all
organization strategies are followed.

b. Supervisors. Guide and direct client care group towards accomplishing

operational objectives.
Guarantee that client assistance group has phenomenal
correspondence, critical thinking and expert telephone
behaviour abilities for accomplishing consumer loyalty.
Classification of Person Their role and responsibility in providing quality customer service

Guarantee that client grievances are settled in an expert


Give management and specialized help to client assistance

group to achieve departmental and hierarchical objectives.

c. Operational
Set the case of what top notch client care is over the

Manage everyday front work area tasks and staff.

Know about and drive towards accomplishing day by day,

week after week, month to month, quarterly and yearly
deals objectives.

Cutting edge administration group support.

Office arrangement and pack down.

Client contact and observing of clients, including those

necessary clients have booked and paid recruit charges.

4. Answer the following questions.

a. List three sources of information on current service trends in the hospitality industry.

 Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence plays various jobs inside the friendliness business, yet the primary one is to
improve client care. One case of this is AI-fuelled catboats, which can be utilized for online client
communications, expelling protracted holding up times and giving quick, savvy reactions to questions.

 Personalisation

Across practically all enterprises, the requirement for personalisation is a significant pattern, and the
cordiality business is the same. This is fundamentally determined by the ascent of huge information. In
the interim, a developing number of inn visitors need to be treated as people, instead of simply one
more mysterious client.

 Manageability
Progressively, clients are worried about ecological issues and need to realize that the organizations
they manage are carrying on morally. Consequently, manageability has been one of the most
observable accommodation patterns of ongoing occasions, with a developing number of
neighbourliness organizations advancing their eco-benevolence.

b. List three sources of information on changes that affect service delivery in the hospitality

Inward Marketing Activities

The current help condition has gotten profoundly serious and dynamic, and hence, associations centre
on having high-performing bleeding edge workers to accomplish their goal of development,
achievement and endurance. The idea of inner showcasing takes a shot at the way of thinking
of overseeing inside connections in the association or keeping up a system of interrelated
associations and an efficient method of creating and upgrading administration direction.

Association Personality

The 'character' recognizes one association from another. Association's character the qualities, attributes
and suffering reaction to nature are disguised by the workers.

Requirement for consistent innovation

Consistent availability across stages and gadgets is developing progressively significant. Numerous
lodging bunches are offering portable registration and computerized attendant services. At Aria Resort
and Casino in Las Vegas, visitors are given cutting edge cards that recognize their essence and
open the entryway before they even arrive at it.

5. Explain how the following internal and external environmental changes within the hospitality industry
might impact planning for quality customer service.

Change Impact on customer service planning

a. Changes in the competitive Rivalry has radically influenced our reality.

environment. Rivalry will associate with us regardless of what
we do. Before, present, and future it has affected
our exercises and how we depend on one
another. Regardless of whether rivalry identifies
with sports, wagering, business, or some other
viewpoint, it influences our day by day lives.
Rivalry is the apex of what makes us what we

b. Economic climate. Consistently, promoting supervisors face a blast

of monetary news. They should process it,
survey its effect, and adjust showcasing plans in
like manner. In some cases (yet not as of late),
the news is cause for hopefulness—the
economy's improving, joblessness' declining,
customer certainty is up. At different occasions
Change Impact on customer service planning

such as (today), the news makes them anxious

—our economy is frail, mechanical creation is
down, jobless cases are rising, customer
certainty has dove, credit is difficult to get.
Normally, business flourishes when the economy
is developing, work is full, and costs are steady.
Advertising items is simpler in light of the fact that
purchasers are happy to purchase. Then again,
when the economy is easing back (or slowed
down) and joblessness is rising, individuals have
less cash to spend, and the advertiser's activity is
more enthusiastically.

New advancements additionally change the

c. Introduction of new technologies
showcasing blend in another significant manner:
or equipment.
they modify the manner in which organizations
advertise their items.
Consider the progressive changes realized by
the Internet, which offers advertisers another
vehicle for advancing and selling an immense
scope of merchandise and enterprises.
Advertisers must stay informed concerning
mechanical advances and adjust their
methodologies, both to make the most of the
chances and to avoid dangers.

d. Management changes and Organizations and associations might be

organisational restructures. blocked by their structure, constitution or
potentially types of administration. Association
structure is basically the way that the work
expected to do the crucial the association is
separated among its workforce.

e. Recruitment practices. The information, experience and ability of an

association's workforce is a deciding component
of achievement. Therefore, associations give
specific consideration to the enlistment of staff
and furthermore to take part in the preparation of
staff and volunteers to fabricate the association's

f. Trends in customer service There is steady switch in the make-up of the

preferences. populace. A portion of these progressions
incorporate an expanding extent of older
residents, expanding number of two-pay
families, the age at which individuals wed is
expanding, expanding ethnic decent variety,
rural areas which were once commanded by
youthful families currently have not many.
6. Describe the following methods of formal and informal customer research.

Methods of formal and informal

customer research Your description

a. Analysis of competitive A contender examination is an appraisal the

environment and industry service situation of potential contenders. It is a typical
trends. statistical surveying movement that is
performed to recognize openings and dangers
related with techniques, for example, another

b. Customer service surveys. Building up a valuable client overview might be

more testing than you might suspect. There are
a huge amount of inquiries you could pose to
clients. The uplifting news: you can pick
between short slider studies (which assist you
with focusing on explicit issues) that spring up
on your site or more, conventional overviews.

c. Customer focus groups. Center gatherings are an exploration strategy

used to assemble criticism and suppositions
from clients. Every individual in the gathering is
urged to take part in a conversation which is
pre-arranged by a scientist and is guided by a
facilitator. Center gatherings are normally used
to measure assessment and assemble data
from clients about items, administrations, and
highlights before they have been created.

d. Qualitative research. Qualitative research is to some degree

Utilizations an issue or open-finished, free
reaction arrangement to examine the
estimation of projects or test different inquiries
(normally casual)

e. Quantitative research. Quantitative research is characterized as an

efficient examination of wonders by social
occasion quantifiable information and
performing measurable, scientific, or
computational procedures.

f. Seeking feedback from service Input that is helpful is crucial to workers'

delivery colleagues. continuous turn of events. Input explains
desires, assists individuals with gaining from
their errors and fabricates certainty.

g. Questioning customers. Posing inquiries encourages you step inside

your customers' and clients' shoes to all the
more likely comprehend what they truly need.
You may have a general thought of what your
customers need from you and your business,
what objectives they're attempting to
accomplish, or what need they are attempting
to fulfil.

7. Identify the elements involved in the following customer service activities.

Customer service activity Elements involved

a. Developing customer service policies Forecasting

and procedures.
• Indicating which switches and
arrangements will take into consideration
• Determining the results of existing or
proposed arrangements and reporting
their effect on wellbeing and its
determinants (utilizing, for instance,
instruments, for example, wellbeing sway
• Detailing the effects of every choice.
• Documenting and indicating the future
expenses and advantages of every single
vital situation utilizing data created by

b. Implementing customer service Checking

policies and procedures.

• Documenting the results of recently

embraced arrangements and partaking in
their execution.
• Producing examinations, yet additionally
applying specialized abilities, master
information and reasonable experience,
with an accentuation on the chance of
applying the proof assembled across
various settings.

c. Monitoring customer service policies Assessment

and procedures.

• Developing observing systems.

• Revealing errors between the
arrangement's normal and real outcomes.
• Performing complex assessments.
8. Identify three ways you might involve staff in the development of customer service practices as part of
your quality service provision.

1. Strengthen your client support abilities

To begin with, it's critical to ensure that your client care group has the correct abilities for your dealing
with clients' needs. No measure of CRM programming can make up for deficiencies here. In any case,
what abilities would it be a good idea for you to be searching for in a client support rep?

Sympathy, persistence and consistency- A few clients will be angry. Others will be loaded with
questions. What's more, others will simply be loquacious. You should realize how to deal with every
one of them and give a similar degree of administration inevitably.

Versatility- Each client is extraordinary, and some may even appear to change week-to-week. You
ought to have the option to deal with shocks, sense the client's state of mind and adjust as needs be.
This additionally incorporates a readiness to get the hang of giving great client assistance is a
constant learning process.

Clear correspondence- Guarantee you pass on to clients precisely what you mean. You don't need
your client to believe he's getting half off when he's really getting half more item. Utilize genuinely
positive language, remain chipper regardless and never end a discussion without affirming the client is

Hard working attitude- Clients welcome a rep who will oversee their concern to its goals.
Simultaneously, you should have great time the executive abilities and not invest an excess of energy
taking care of one client while others are pausing. Remain concentrated on your objectives to
accomplish the correct parity.

Information- Eventually your clients depend on you for their insight into your item. Remain sufficiently
educated to react to most requests and realize where to turn if the inquiries become excessively point
by point or specialized for you to reply. Be that as it may, don't be hesitant to state "I don't have the
foggiest idea" either. Clients will value the genuineness and your endeavors to locate the correct

Toughness- The client's in every case right… isn't that so? The capacity to bite the bullet and
acknowledge fault or negative criticism is significant. Regardless of whether your group works
legitimately with clients or searching for criticism via web-based networking media, they must
remember the client's bliss.

An expert on location with a customer with an end goal to improve client assistance-

Not certain if your reps have the correct client care abilities? Overview or meeting your clients to
comprehend whether your administration group is indicating every one of these characteristics;
Running a client input review through your CRM program, at the retail location, or when you send
clients a receipt is an extraordinary method to see where your group's aptitudes do and don't have the
right stuff.

2. Take a gander at each touchpoint

A terrible client involvement with any point in the client lifecycle can destroy your relationship.
Notwithstanding ensuring the correct aptitudes are illustrated, you should be certain they're being
shown reliably. Give the most consideration to key touchpoints, yet ensure you have a full perspective
on the client experience, or you hazard passes in administration that can truly hurt business.
3. Improve client communications

In the event that your staff has the essential range of abilities, that is a decent beginning. Be that as it
may, they despite everything need to identify with your clients. Here are a few hints for ensuring client
support is both careful and generally welcomed:

Request that reps attempt to recognize a shared belief like imparted interests–to the individuals they
help. Having this purpose of understanding makes struggle simpler to defeat by adapting the
relationship, and it charms clients to your rep (and at last your organization).

Practice undivided attention so your clients feel heard. Explain and rethink what the clients state to
guarantee you get them. Relate to and mirror their emotions by making statements like, "That more
likely than not irritated you" or "I can perceive any reason why you feel insulted."

Concede your errors, regardless of whether you find them before your clients do. This constructs trust
and re-establishes certainty. It additionally permits you to control the circumstance, re-centre the
client's consideration and resolve the issue. Follow-up after an issue is settled. Ensure the issue
remains fixed and that your clients were happy with the administration. Sending an email, or even a
criticism overview is an astounding method to tell the client you're still on their side.

9. Explain how evaluating staff and customer feedback can be used as a method to help you implement
quality service provision.

Today, not exclusively is input just an email away, however clients effectively come to you with
proposals and thoughts. Actually, they love offering their experiences to you since they comprehend
that the more input they give, the better your item becomes.

Be that as it may, the majority of this input just winds up cooling its heels in hard drives, which is, well,
lamentable, considering all the great it can do. An inspirational apparatus, a mass of affection, the
thoughts are restricted uniquely by your creative mind. Some tips of customer feedback are as below,

1. Drive item guide with criticism.

Take it from the specialists: Your clients are the stars just in light of the fact that they utilize your item
all day every day. Regardless of how enthusiastically you attempt to understand come at the situation
from their perspective, you'll never concoct a portion of the energizing thoughts that happen to your
"capacity clients."

Along these lines, quit conceptualizing and begin following client conversations on discussions. Peruse
bolster tickets, tune in to input and, generally significant of all, record all the thoughts you hear. Not
exclusively will your clients value your readiness to tune in and execute their thoughts, however you will
separate yourself from your rivals, as a business that really minds.

2. Make a 'mass of affection.'

There's a huge improvement between realizing that your clients love you and really observing
evidence of it. Make a mass of affection containing all the stunning things your clients have said
about you, your item and your administration. Put it online to show your workers that what they do
really matters; it transforms people to improve things. You can even make a report with these
tributes and distribute it online for potential clients to see exactly how reliable you are, the amount
you truly care about them and their input. It likewise makes for brilliant deals insurance.

A physical mass of affection at your working environment won't hurt either. Indeed, we can't think
about a superior inspiration instrument. Having the option to stroll by a divider and perceive how
what you do matters: There can't be a superior inspiration apparatus in presence.

3. Use input as references or tributes.

I don't intend to be Captain Obvious here, yet one of the most helpful things you can do with client
criticism is to make a tribute out of it. It won't just assistance support your shining notoriety yet
additionally offer the additional favorable position of filling in as a source of perspective to different
clients in a similar space. Furthermore, your clients can get a ton of convenient tips and deceives, hacks
that can assist them with bettering utilize your item and assist you with enlarging your own procedures
to all the more likely serve your clients, also.

4. Inspire your representatives with client criticism.

In the event that a mass of adoration appears to be more difficulty than it's worth, go the basic course
and pipe all that client criticism through a device that your group uses to keep in contact, similar to
Slack. Your clients will most likely never realize exactly the amount you care about their proposals and
thoughts; however a device like Slack will fill in as a truly necessary inspirational instrument and
thought generator for your group.

5. Grant your clients.

Give some great karma back; go the additional mile for those clients who give you important criticism.
Give them a sneak-look of what's going on in your kitchen. Suffocate them in loot. Keep in touch with
them love letters. Give them grants.

10. List and explain four methods of assessing the effectiveness of customer service practices.

Methods of assessing the effectiveness of

customer service practices Explanation

a. Examining overall business To quantify your organization's exhibition

performance. organization in a compelling manner, you
have to build up pointers that permit you
to realize the outcomes and how to make
the appropriate changes when it is
fundamental. Every territory inside the
organization has its own systems, needs
and assets. It is critical to have an
examination of how each different
territory is performing to accomplish its
particular targets.

b. Monitoring the ongoing effectiveness It's dependent upon HR to realize how to

of staff in complying with performance get representatives to follow techniques
standards and of protocols in while understanding that workers need
explaining required staff practices. the opportunity to carry out their
responsibilities without somebody
breathing down their necks. For a few,
after arrangements and systems each
time can be oppressive, yet it's gotta be
Methods of assessing the effectiveness of
customer service practices Explanation

As a chief, establishing new strategies
can be a Herculean errand. Particularly in
a working environment where techniques
haven't been utilized previously, it's
difficult to present new advances or

• Record your systems.

• Assist workers with

understanding the why.

• Make your
effectively open.

• Prize representatives who

go along.

c. Reviewing targeted customer service Knowing how the various territories of

indicators. your business are performing is
significant data in its own right, yet a
decent estimation framework will likewise
let you inspect the triggers for any
adjustments in execution. This places you
in a superior situation to deal with your
exhibition proactively.
One of the key difficulties with execution
the board is choosing what to quantify.
The need here is to concentrate on
quantifiable components that are
unmistakably connected to the drivers of
accomplishment in your business and
your division.

d. Reviewing customer satisfaction Effective entrepreneurs and supervisors

survey statistics. rapidly understand that keeping clients
costs not as much as finding new ones.
On the off chance that specific practices
drive clients away, a business more than
once invests energy and cash on
promoting and different endeavours to
enlist more. These entrepreneurs realize
that shortcomings in the creation or
conveyance of merchandise lead to
troubled clients, so they utilize online
overviews to gather criticism. Consumer
loyalty reviews can become basic
Methods of assessing the effectiveness of
customer service practices Explanation

instruments for improving your business

and guaranteeing your clients are
cheerful and faithful.

11. Describe the four methods of obtaining customer feedback about the organisation’s service delivery
listed below.

Methods of obtaining customer feedback

about service delivery Description

a. Customer service discussions with Discussion with representative conveys

employees during the course of each drew in client encounters. How do your
business day. colleagues react to clients? Is it accurate to
say that they were eager to chat with your
clients? Or on the other hand, were they
unresponsive. With clients, if
representatives don't feel it, clients won't
feel it, either.

To support worker commitment, offer

significant motivating forces empowering
explicit practices. Gamification and training
programs are incredible approaches to do it.
Likewise, delineate the client's excursion and
afterward diagram the means representatives
need to assist them with arriving.

b. Discussions with customers. Discussion with customers is a little

gathering of individuals whose responses
are concentrated in guided or open
conversations. Gatherings ought to be
demographically assorted to guarantee
impartial information. The objective of the
conversation is to decide the responses that
will be normal from a bigger populace.
Average centre gatherings comprise of
meetings in which clients are gotten some
information about their recognitions,
assessments, or mentalities towards your item
or administration. During the meeting,
questions are asked in an intelligent liberating
where clients are to talk straightforwardly with
different members.

c. Formal customer interviews. Does coordinate effort mean useful input

from clients? Completely! Contacting
clients legitimately opens up discussions
that in any case wouldn't occur.
Methods of obtaining customer feedback
about service delivery Description

Subjective stories from clients carry

shading and subtlety to quantitative
criticism (information). These individual
encounters help a group comprehend the
sentiments behind client choices and the
network reaction to an organization's image
or choices. At the point when you lead
client interviews, you make the chance to
challenge bogus suppositions that created
after some time.

d. Regular staff meetings that involve Extraordinary client support associations are
service discussions. comprised of a blend of incredible
individuals, culture, the board, and
correspondence. These meet up to keep
clients' needs in center to convey
extraordinary help. You need your clients to
be glad and the way in to that objective is the
joy of your own staff. In the event that they're
cheerful and connected with, there's a
superior possibility that your clients will be
also. That is the reason putting a similar
accentuation on representative improvement
is as significant as being client centered. It
just bodes well to construct the best
connections you can—with clients and

Making a steady culture, giving chances to

worker advancement, allowing your
colleagues to investigate premiums, to lead,
and to be innovative can assist you with
building group quality and develop your
association and friends. These all
additionally help to characterize your work
culture and what you esteem as an
association and having clear definition about
those things assists with pulling in and holds
top ability.

12. List three types of people who may be surveyed to obtain feedback on customer service delivered by
the organisation.
1. Live Chat

Live chat is one of the most well-known methods of getting input from your clients. It is basic and
effectively open. On the off chance that your client needs a quick method of reaction from you bolster
group, the most effortless path for the person in question to speak with it with no over intricacies is by
utilizing live visit. On account of it you can realize what are the most widely recognized issues your
customers have with the item. Additionally, they are bound to remain on your site when they converse
with your group on live talk as your group can enable them to discover what they need.

2. Social Channels

Presumably the most well-known channel for getting some answers concerning client criticism is online
networking. Utilize those generally famous to discover people's opinion of your organization, item or
administration. The most widely recognized and utilized by most of clients are those, for example, web
based life sites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn), gatherings (Reddit, Quora).

It is imperative to take part in conversations with individuals who talk about your item. On account of
that your clients realize that you care about them and worth their feeling.

3. Surveys and Polls

Making surveys and overviews is perhaps the most effortless approaches to get client input. Also, on
the off chance that you feel like it's excessively exhausting, you can utilize Survey Anyplace and make
drawing in and fun substance. Reviews for the most part take only a couple of moments and aren't
tedious. On account of them you can without much of a stretch accumulate data and criticism from
your clients, which might be urgent to your item improvement.

13. Explain why the following sources of suggestions for improvements to customer service delivery can
be useful.

Sources of suggestions Explanation of their usefulness

a. Customers involved in complaints This is significant in light of the fact that it

about the business or who have been will assist the business with satisfying the
in some sort of dispute with the disappointed clients. At the point when they
organisation. whine and you take care of their issues they
become upbeat. The business will have the
option to hold these clients. This is on the
grounds that they are certain that at
whatever point they have issues there would
be an answer.

b. Organisations that supply the Suppliers give the materials an

business with goods and services. organization uses to create its own
merchandise and additionally benefits.
Suppliers give the transportation of those
materials. Suppliers give an organization
the administrations it utilizes in giving
products and administration to its client.
Sources of suggestions Explanation of their usefulness

c. Workers within the business. Entrepreneurs need representatives that

can take care of business, since worker
execution is basic to the general
accomplishment of the organization.

Workers play out a useful job for the

organization inside those offices. The
representatives are individuals from a
group who cooperate to encourage the
objectives of the association utilizing their
specific abilities and gifts.

d. Supervisors and managers in the Supervisor goes about as a significant

organisation. connection among labourers and the
executives. Supervisor not just clarifies the
goal/thoughts of the administration to the
labourers yet additionally clarifies the
issues/complaints of the labourers to the

Manager ensures that each piece of the

organization progresses in the direction of
accomplishing a shared objective without
disorder. Manager really designs, executes
and balances the assets of an organization
so that there is greatest work yield to
accomplish the objectives of association
quickly, while holding work quality.

14. Explain how industry schemes and accreditation schemes improve customer service.

• Decides whether a foundation satisfies or surpasses least guidelines of value.

• Assists understudies with deciding adequate organizations for enlistment.

• Help organizations in deciding agreeableness of move credits.

• Assists businesses with deciding the legitimacy of projects of study and whether an alumni
is qualified.
• Managers frequently require proof that candidates have gotten a degree from a licensed
school or program.

• Assists bosses with deciding qualification for representative educational cost repayment
• Empowers graduates to sit for affirmation assessments.

• Includes staff, personnel, understudies, graduates, and warning sheets in institutional

assessment and arranging.
• Makes objectives for institutional personal growth.

• Gives a self-administrative choice to state oversight capacities.

• Gives a premise to deciding qualification for government understudy help

15. Explain how an organisation or industry Code of Conduct improves customer service identifying three
possible inclusions in such a Code.

Client care Code of Practice will help associations to:

• Build up compelling client care components

• Improve seriousness

• Separate their contribution through inventive client administrations

• Manufacture client reliability through positive client assistance experience

• Increment client maintenance

• Pull in new clients by means of informal exchange

• Diminish promoting costs

• Increment administration productivity

• Lessen grievances and protests dealing with assets and expenses

• Improve consistence with shopper exchanging laws

• Improve administrations and responsibility (particularly for open area associations)

• Create and support association wide spotlight on clients and quality

• Improve simplicity of managing association for clients

16. Explain how the following organisational policies and procedures can assist in ensuring quality
customer service.
Organisational policies and procedures Explanation

a. Acknowledging and greeting The manner in which you welcome your

customers. client goes far toward establishing the
pace for the client's involvement in you
and your business. A warm, true welcome
will establish a positive first connection
and disperse the client's misgiving.

b. Complaint and dispute management. Objection the executives should decrease

client disappointment and in a perfect
world even reinforce client dependability.
Quality confirmation: Through objection
the board, client criticism arrives at the
correct offices and adds to the
improvement of the item or administration

c. Authority for different level personnel Managers are answerable for guaranteeing
to resolve complaints, disputes, that clients are fulfilled consistently.
service issues and customer Obligations incorporate overseeing and
compensation. dealing with the client care group,
preparing staff individuals to give the best
expectations of client support and
guaranteeing that all organization
approaches are followed

Supervisor Responsibilities are directing

and surveying client care staff exercises,
and giving them ordinary execution related
criticism. Planning and checking every day
exercises of client support activity

A client assistance delegate bolsters

clients by giving supportive data,
addressing questions, and reacting to
grievances. They're the forefront of help
for customers and clients and they help
guarantee that clients are happy with
items, administrations, and highlights

d. Loyalty programs. Loyalty programs arrange a few of these

components to enable a business to
distinguish, keep in touch with, and reward
visit clients.
Organisational policies and procedures Explanation

e. Presentation standards for customer Authoritative norms are benchmarks with

environment and customer service which your association can think about
personnel. client commitment with your item or
administration. It encourages
organizations to oversee client
cooperation to expand consumer loyalty.

f. Pricing and service guarantees. Pricing strategy alludes how an

organization sets the costs of its items and
administrations dependent on costs, worth,
request, and rivalry.
Assurances require administration
associations to comprehend reasons of
disappointment and inspire them to
recognize and oversee potential bomb
focuses. Guarantees help clients to lessen
hazard in settling on buy choices and to
strengthen their drawn out dependability.

g. Product quality. Product quality strategy should go about

as a driver for ceaseless improvement.
You will be required to guarantee that you
ceaselessly improve how much the
association's items and administrations
meet client prerequisites and to quantify
viability of the procedures mindful.

h. Refunds and cancellation fees. Among the top highlights of top class
administration, a discount arrangement for
clients is a main factor of whether a client
would decide to purchase the results of an
organization. A clear, composed, and
featured discount approach furnishes
clients with the certainty, security, and trust
that they would get precisely what they
requested, and in the event that they were
not satisfied with the item, they would have
the option to return it bother free.
Organizations need to concentrate on
giving the most ideal client support, and
should recollect that serving clients doesn't
end once they have made a buy. An
unmistakable and powerful discount
arrangement for clients is a piece of
administration, as referenced, and despite
the fact that organizations detest when
clients use it, organizations must respect
the client's desires. A client could need to
restore an item for an assortment of
Organisational policies and procedures Explanation

reasons including showing signs of

improvement rate from somewhere else,
and it is the activity of an organization to
acknowledge that. Numerous organizations
in any case, frequently fizzle at permitting
returns or making the arrival bother free –
prompting clients feeling aggravated,
cheated, and vowing never to shop with
the organization again.

i. Response times. Less than ideal reaction to client demands

is one of the signs of poor client support.
Clients need to feel esteemed; they need
to realize their business is valued. In this
manner, clients are probably going to take
their business somewhere else on the off
chance that they feel ignored, in the event
that they have a prompt requirement for a
help that you are neglecting to convey, or
on the off chance that they basically don't
value your hard working attitudes.

Poor reaction time, particularly whenever

done over and again, brings about loss of
clients and income. The way to producing
faithful clients is to give them proficient
help by the necessary time allotment. For
instance, in the event that you give in-
house electronic fix administrations, show
up on schedule for arrangements and
keep the lines of correspondence open
among you and the client.

j. Staff training.

Expanded staff inspiration and

Improved information and range of
abilities. ...
Lifts certainty and assurance.
More client dependability.
Expanded consumer loyalty levels. ...
Improved buying choices - upselling and
strategically pitching items and
administrations to build benefits and
connect all the more by and by with

17. Describe the obligation on businesses under Australian Consumer Law in relation to nominating and
charging cancellation fees.
At the point when a business takes a booking from a client, they go into an agreement which
incorporates terms and conditions. Organizations ought to guarantee that these are reasonable, on the
grounds that the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) disallows out of line contract terms. For instance, if
an agreement lets the business drop a client's settlement booking in any conditions without notice, it
could be viewed as uncalled for.

Uncalled for contract terms are void and can't be authorized against clients. Organizations might
need to incorporate explicit terms and conditions about expenses, stores or wiping out charges. On
the off chance that they do incorporate these, they should make clients mindful of them before they
book. Inability to unveil these conditions could likewise be viewed as uncalled for, because of an
absence of straightforwardness.

Ensure any expenses or charges reflect sensible expenses. Else, they might be viewed as
punishments, which by and large can't be upheld. Stores more noteworthy than 10 percent of the
complete expense of a booking might be viewed as prepayments, which visitors might not need to
relinquish in the event that they drop their booking. Organizations ought to think about whether they
need more than 10 percent as a store.

18. Explain the obligation on businesses under Australian Consumer Law in relation to providing
information to customers on potential price rises.

Organizations likewise have certain rights and insurances under the ACL. It is significant you know
about these and we need to get notification from you on the off chance that you know that your rivals,
providers or different organizations are violating the law. For instance:

• another business can't wrongly contrast their items with your items in a manner that
deceives shoppers
• you are qualified for set and raise your costs freely as you see fit

• as a rule, where your rivals show a value, it ought to be a complete cost of the products or
• your rivals can't post negative audits which are not founded on a certified assessment about
you on online item survey locales
• you have gone through cash to guarantee that your marking consents to the 'guarantee
against imperfections' necessities under the ACL however you notice your rival has not done
as such, see Warranties against deserts
• your rivals can't make erroneous premium or confidence cases to your weakness

• you are not obliged to give a client a discount on the off chance that they essentially alter their
perspective, or discover they can purchase the item less expensive somewhere else

19. Identify the legal obligations on businesses to provide a refund to their customers.
Here are a few conditions where business are qualified for get a full discount for products that penetrate
a legal condition.

A buyer is qualified for get a full discount at the point when they drop (or 'cancel') their
agreement of deal with the merchant.

The privilege under the Act to drop an agreement and get a discount is commonly restricted to
a sensible time after a buyer gets a decent – this is generally before the shopper has utilized
the merchandise a great deal.

The Act says that shoppers can drop a contract for products that penetrate a legal condition by:

• Returning the goods to the seller, or notifying the vender of the issue, inside a sensible time after
the shopper has had a sensible chance to review the products (for the most part, this implies before
the shopper has utilized the products a great deal)

• Not disposing of, losing or destroying the products.

To drop an agreement of offer, the shopper must moreover:

• have taken reasonable care of the goods

• Not have damaged the goods by using them in a way they were not intended to be utilized
• be able to prove they bought the goods from the vender
On the off chance that a customer drops their agreement of offer with the vender, they are qualified for
demand a full discount. A vender may not demand the customer get another type of cure, (for example,
fix or substitution products) or demand that the discount be given as store credit.

A buyer is commonly qualified for get any discount as their unique installment. For model, on the off
chance that they paid for a thing with a charge card, it is sensible for the vender to give the customer
a MasterCard discount.

On the off chance that merchandise were bought on a portion plan, customers are qualified for a
discount of any payments made and to have any outstanding balance on the merchandise dropped.

In the event that broken merchandise must be come back to the spot where they were gotten, it is
sensible for the merchant to pay proper cargo costs.

20. Describe the obligations on businesses under Australian Consumer Law regarding supplying goods
as described or substituting suitable products when unable to do so.

Under the Australian Consumer Law, when customer purchase items and administrations they
accompany programmed ensures that they will work and do what customer requested.

Items must be of worthy quality, that is:

• Sheltered, enduring, without any deficiencies.

• Look adequate.
• Do all the things somebody would regularly anticipate that they should do.

21. Identify formats for and generic headings for contents in organisational consumer protection policies
and procedures.

There are a set-up of government strategies that manage the buy and utilization of buyer products and
enterprises. These look to legitimately advance better results for buyers by making a system that:

• Shields them from unconscionable or beguiling behaviour, and from perilous or deficient products
and enterprises;

• Gives them cures when they experience the ill effects of such direct or items; and
• Helps them in settling on better buying choices by guaranteeing that they get suitable item data, or
now and again by changing the terms and states of exchanges, (for example, chilling periods).

By making shoppers increasingly certain about partaking in business sectors, and punishing improper
business direct, these measures likewise help trustworthy providers. Put just, compelling rivalry is
invigorated by engaged buyers and responsive providers that exchange decently.

Key components of the shopper arrangement structure are the conventional arrangements in the

Exchange Practices Act (TPA), State and Territory Fair Trading Acts (FTAs) and Sale of Goods Acts.
There are likewise numerous particular industry guidelines ensuring customers, just as ombudsman
plans, some co-and self-guideline and different customer instruction activities.

22. Identify generic headings for contents in organisational consumer protection policies and procedures.

The conventional customer arrangements in the TPA and State and Territory FTAs structure the
essential structure for shopper approach in Australia. These arrangements fall into three primary

• Disallowances on particular kinds of lead, including misdirecting or misleading and

unconscionable direct.

• Inconvenience of non-excludable conditions and guarantees into shopper including that:

– The provider has the privilege to sell the great, and the customer has the option to own the
great by and large;

– Merchandise will agree to their depiction or, whenever gave, their example;
– Merchandise will be of merchantable quality (that is, meet an essential degree of value what's more,
execution) and be sensibly fit for reason; and
– Makers will make sensible move to guarantee that a decent can be fixed and that extra parts are

1 Complementing the general denial on deceiving or misleading behaviour is a rundown of explicit

precluded works on, including bogus portrayals and badgering and pressure.

2 In certain States and Territories, these arrangements are remembered for Sale of Goods Acts as
opposed to the Fair Trading Acts.

• Arrangements identifying with item security and item data, including those which empower
governments to:

– Boycott or review dangerous products;

– Expect merchandise to be delivered with a specific goal in mind or have data set apart on or then
again included with merchandise (wellbeing and data norms); and

– Issue sees about conceivably hazardous merchandise (cautioning takes note).

Other nonexclusive purchaser insurance measures incorporate enactment controlling exchange

estimation, business names enrolment, and offer of products and valuing conduct. The Partnerships
Act 2001 likewise has a few arrangements comparable to those in the TPA
Assessment Task 2: Develop customer services policies and
1. Carefully read the following scenario

2. Develop a customer survey – 1 hour

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Please give your assessment of the Company on the following matters by circling one the numbers from
one to ten where one is for awful and then for being great.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Were the hotel staff fulfilling your needs while you are
at Blue Healer?

How quickly did the hotel staff response to your

How responsive have we been to you questions or
How well does Blue Healer meets your needs?

How would you rate the quality facilities of Blue Healer

How satisfied are you with your stay at Blue Healer?

How would you rate the value for money of the

products of Blue Healer?

How would you rate Blue Healer customer services?

How likely are you return to Blue Healer?

Would you recommend Blue Healer to your friend or





3. Send an email to all Blue Healer Spa’s staff (your assessor) – 30 minutes

Blue Healer Spa’s staff

Subject: Asking feedback

Dear all,
We are conducting a survey on the service of Blue Healer Staff for improvement in the lacking areas. We
require feedbacks from the staff along with the feedback from the customers. Hence, we look forward to
the feedback on the resort’s products and services and the customer service practices you have
experienced. We acknowledge that the resort’s employees work a variety of shifts in a variety of areas, so
we want you to also include the area of the resort you work in as well as the shifts you usually work, in
your response.
We request you to send the feedback to the Administration Officer, who will anonymise and collate the

Best Regards,
Operation Manager

4. Participate in an informal meeting with a customer (your assessor) – 30 minutes including


Customer service manager: Hello ma’am.

Customer: Hello!
CS Manager: How was stay? Hope we could do justice to your expectations.
Customer: Oh Yes! I quite liked the service. Your staff is very friendly and helpful.
CS Manager: Thank you Ma’am, what areas did you like more?
Customer: Actually I liked the pampering I got. Most of the spas do not take respect their customers. They
take them as source of income only. Also, they have hygiene issues, they don’t look for spacious areas
but I liked how you treated customers and the cleanliness maintained here.
CS Manager: Thank You Ma’am. We appreciate it. Is there anything you want us to improve?
Customer: certainly, It would be better if you expand your services in food and drinks and add
complementary services. After all, it should be worth our money.
CS manager: Sure, Ma’am, we will surely look into that. Thank You Once again
Customer: No Problem.
5. Write a customer service practices briefing report – 1 hour

Blue Healer Spa

Customer service briefing report
Customer needs
 Overall feedback was that customers wanted the resort to provide modern clean facilities to run
the courses. They wanted comfortable rooms with a choice of pillows, nutritious food and be able
to relax at our facilities.
 Knowledgeable staff and a supportive learning environment were also a main feedback.

Customer expectations
 When customers go to resort like Blue Healer Spa they expected to be pampered and be treated
with respect. They felt they were just being used for money and didn’t receive value for their stay.
 The workshops received a poor review with only seven customers commenting on the quality of
the program.

Customer satisfaction

Area Average rating

Catering 6
Wellness 8
Meeting Rooms 6
Accommodation 7
Administration 8

Customer feedback
They think the service offered at the Blue Healer is of a very high standard. In the other hand, I think the
service at the blue Healer could still be improve as the customer service across the resort is not even and
some areas do it better than others also the service differs a lot depending on the personnel I am in
contact with.

Staff feedback
 The regular staff at AM Kitchen gave excellent customer service. With both casual and full-time
employees, the afternoon shift, which is supervised, delivers a significantly greater servicer. When
they were unsupervised, evening staff felt too busy to service clients as well as they should.

 Admin staff stated that they did not have a regular client welcome.

 Accommodation staff said they didn't know how to approach visitors because most of them were
laid-back and there was a lot of turnover.

 Wellness staff reported no issues; however they did seek standards for appropriate visitor


Internal changes
• A new training procedure for all staff
• The staff needs to attend seminar and training regarding the needs of standard
customer greetings
• For all the staff of accommodation need to attend the seminars and meeting regarding
on how to improve their service and communication.
• We must develop the standard of the service to protect our staff in our wellness area

External changes
 As we experienced Covid19 the sales and customer affected by it, we have a low customer and
loss huge amount of money. We have now several capacities people that is allowed inside our
 All the staff and customer need to scan our QR code and for those people who don’t have smart
phone needs to do manual signing of their details.

Propose a structure for the policy and procedures documents.

 Customer Service Standard

 Purpose
 Procedures
 Legal Requirements
 Role and Responsibilities
 Monitor and Feedback

6. Develop customer service policies and procedures – 2 hours

First Draft Reception Customer Service Policy and Procedures

 During office hours and other designated times; make sure the employees are available to the public.
 Treat customers with respect, courtesy, and understanding.
 Notify personnel right away if a customer is waiting for an appointment at the reception area
 Speak clearly and deal with visitors calmly, courteously, and patiently, especially when they are angry,
aggressive, or distressed
 When making appointments to visit a customer external to the BWA office, clearly identify themselves and
the aim of the visit at the beginning of any visit.

First Draft Catering Customer Service Policy and Procedures

 A final guaranteed guest count must be submitted five (5) business days prior to any big event.
 Cancellations will be accepted up to five (5) working days before to the event for a fee. Cancellation after
this time will be charged 50% of the proposed amount.
 Guests are not authorized to bring outside food to any of the events. Outside caterers are not permitted at
the Blue Healer Spa.
 Some training should be provided for the casual staff to treat the customers in the same, professional way
that the full-time staff do.

First Draft Wellness Customer Service Policy and Procedures

 Write down what is accepted behaviour with the customers and what is not during the massage and body
care to protect the staff from any trouble in this respect.
 Make sure that the clients and the therapist have a clear understanding of the Therapies Department
policies and procedures prior to the service.
 Inform the new and existing clients about the policies in order to provide informed consent prior to the
treatment session.
 Tailor each service and massages to the individual need of customers.

7. Provide an information and training session - 2 hours including preparation.

A meeting was held to give opportunity for staff members to participate in the development of the resort’s
customer service practices

Agenda: Information and training session on the role of Staff members

Attendees: Staff from various departments:
Manager: Hello participants! We are here to discuss on the Information and training session on the role of
Staff members. Lets start from the policies we have drafted.
Staff 1: Sure. Let us hear the procedures and information on training session.
Manager: We have drafted procedures and policies on three areas of our service.
They are reception, Wellness and Catering. The drafted policies are provided to each one of you for the
Staff 2: I feel we should include specific policies for the staff in the catering service.
For example, receiving guests lists, no of serves and their preference much prior to the service day.
Manager: Yes! We have conducted training sessions for the staffs in three areas: Catering, Wellness and
reception. Is there any particular areas in which you would appreciate more training?
Staff: I think we also need training on the areas of cleanliness and hygiene.
Oftentimes I have heard customers complaining on the poor hygiene too.
Manager: Sure. We will look into that as well.

8. Revise your policies and procedures – 1 hour

Reception Customer Service Policy and Procedures

 During office hours and other designated times; make sure the employees are available to the public.
 Attend to customers in a professional and helpful manner within 5 minutes of arriving at reception
 Offer training to the employees on how to approach customers professionally.
 Treat customers with respect, courtesy, and understanding.
 Notify personnel right away if a customer is waiting for an appointment at the reception area
 Speak clearly and deal with visitors calmly, courteously, and patiently, especially when they are angry,
aggressive, or distressed
 When making appointments to visit a customer external to the BWA office, clearly identify themselves and
the aim of the visit at the beginning of any visit.

Catering Customer Service Policy and Procedures

 A final guaranteed guest count must be submitted five (5) business days prior to any big event.
 The number of serves should be provided five business days prior to event.
 The time must be allocated for mise-en place should be created
 Cancellations will be accepted up to five (5) working days before to the event for a fee. Cancellation after
this time will be charged 50% of the proposed amount.
 Guests are not authorized to bring outside food to any of the events. Outside caterers are not permitted at
the Blue Healer Spa.
 Some training should be provided for the casual staff to treat the customers in the same, professional way
that the full-time staff do.

Wellness Customer Service Policy and Procedures

 Write down what is accepted behaviour with the customers and what is not during the massage and body
care to protect the staff from any trouble in this respect.
 Make sure that the clients and the therapist have a clear understanding of the Therapies Department
policies and procedures prior to the service.
 Inform the new and existing clients about the policies in order to provide informed consent prior to the
treatment session.
 Tailor each service and massages to the individual need of customers.
Assessment Task 3: Monitor customer service practices
Complete the following activities.

1. Carefully read the following:

2. Develop a customer survey – 1 hour

Follow-Up Customer Satisfaction Survey

Please give your assessment of the Company on the following matters by circling one the numbers from one to
ten where one is for awful and then for being great.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Was the hotel staff fulfilling your needs while you are at x
Blue Healer?

How quickly did the hotel staff response to your x

How responsive have we been to you questions or x
How well does Blue Healer meets your needs? x

How would you rate the quality facilities of Blue Healer x

How satisfied are you with your stay at Blue Healer? x

How would you rate the value for money of the x

products of Blue Healer?

How would you rate Blue Healer customer services? x

How likely are you return to Blue Healer? x

Would you recommend Blue Healer to your friend or x

The resort has improved in a few things since my last visit. They had upgraded new and clean facilities to run
the courses, they also add a healthy and nutritious food options which is great. I will definitely be back.

3. Send an email to all Blue Healer Spa’s staff (your assessor) – 1 hour

Subject: Feedback
Dear Staff
I would appreciate if you would complete the follow up survey on Blue Healer Spa
products and services. We wish to see whether you think that your customer
service standards have improved. Please indicate which department and shift
time you worked. This information will be anonymous and collated by the


Head of Administration

4. Assess the effectiveness of customer service outcomes – 2 hours

The email text should also make clear that you take personal responsibility
for the outcomes.

Subject: Follow up Briefing Report

Dear Andre
This is a follow up report on the change that was implemented in
the Blue Healer Spa Resort six months ago
Changes that were made include improved training of casual staff;
all shifts now have a supervisor. A new chef has been hired and
menu has been changed to include a greater range of healthy and
nutritious dishes. Restaurant staff was given extra training on
customer service. A greater input in making spa guests feel
special has resulted in a much-improved rating. Some spa
products and prices were included in the guests booking package
and other prices were discounted, as previously guests had
commented on the costs.
The training room has increased booking, we have hired some
new trainers amended the course and improved in our booking
There were still a few negative comments about customer service
being inconsistent across the resort. Staff will be rotated from each
department so they will all receive standardised training for each
Guests will be greeted upon arrival for reception. Guests to be
made aware: whether they have any dietary requirements in the
restaurant. Spa products will be actively promoted by staffs.

I will personally take responsibilities for the outcome.

Head of Administration

5. Resolve a dispute – 2 hours


Subject: Customer Service Standards

Dear John and Joe

It has come to my attention from the latest feedback from staff
survey that spa staffs are going to the restaurant with the guests.
The restaurant staff does not feel that this is appropriate. There
have been complaints from both departments, with spa staff saying
they have a special relationship with their guests.
As a result of this, spa staff is allowed in the Café part of the resort
with a guest but only Monday to Friday lunch. This should be
reasonable to both departments as we also have to respect guest
privacy and maintain a professional, standard of service to guests
at all times.

Head of Administration

6. Update the policies and procedures – 2 hours

Updated Reception Customer Service Policy and Procedures

 During office hours and other designated times; make sure the employees are available to the
 Attend to customers in a professional and helpful manner within 5 minutes of arriving at reception
 Offer training to the employees on how to approach customers professionally.
 Treat customers with respect, courtesy, and understanding.
 Notify personnel right away if a customer is waiting for an appointment at the reception area
 Speak clearly and deal with visitors calmly, courteously, and patiently, especially when they are
angry, aggressive, or distressed
 When making appointments to visit a customer external to the BWA office, clearly identify
themselves and the aim of the visit at the beginning of any visit.

Updated Dining Customer Service Policy and Procedures

 A final guaranteed guest count must be submitted five (5) business days prior to any big event.
 The number of serves should be provided five business days prior to event.
 The time must be allocated for mise-en place should be created
 Cancellations will be accepted up to five (5) working days before to the event for a fee.
Cancellation after this time will be charged 50% of the proposed amount.
 Guests are not authorized to bring outside food to any of the events. Outside caterers are not
permitted at the Blue Healer Spa.
 Some training should be provided for the casual staff to treat the customers in the same,
professional way that the full-time staff do.

Updated spa Customer Service Policy and Procedures

 Write down what is accepted behaviour with the customers and what is not during the massage
and body care to protect the staff from any trouble in this respect.
 Make sure that the clients and the therapist have a clear understanding of the Therapies
Department policies and procedures prior to the service.
 Inform the new and existing clients about the policies in order to provide informed consent prior to
the treatment session.
 Tailor each service and massages to the individual need of customers.

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