SITHCCC043 Student Assessment Tasks

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work effectively as a cook

First published 2022

Version 1.0

RTO Works

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Hospitality Works is a series of training and assessment resources developed for qualifications within the Tourism,
Travel and Hospitality Training Package.
Introduction 4
Assessment for this unit 4
Assessment Task 1: Project 5
Information for students 5
Activities 7
Assessment Task 1: Checklist 11
Assessment Task 2: Student Logbook 13
Information for students 13
Activities 14
Assessment Task 2: Checklist 17
Final results record 19

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

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Welcome to the Student Assessment Tasks for SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook. These
tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you have learnt
during your course.
Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also
follow the advice provided in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide
provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:

 Assessment Task 1: Project – You must plan and prepare a breakfast, lunch or dinner service.
This will count as Service Period 1 of Assessment Task 2.

 Assessment Task 2: Student Logbook – You must submit a logbook with supporting evidence
for 48 service periods.

Kitchen time required

You will require time in the kitchen to complete these assessment tasks. You will find more
information about the requirements for training/commercial kitchens in the Hospitality Works
Student User Guide.

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

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Assessment Task 1: Project
Information for students
In this task, you will work together to organise, cook for and host a lunch or dinner service within
their RTO.
You will need access to:

 your learning resources and other information for reference

 your Debrief Template

 your Dietary Requirements Template

 your Feedback Template

 your Planning Meeting Template

 your Workflow Template

 your Observation Checklist Template

 classmates to form cooking teams

 two recipes

 a special request or dietary requirement of a customer.

Ensure that you:

 review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the Hospitality Works
Student User Guide

 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

 adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

 answer all questions completely and correctly

 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

 submit a completed cover sheet with your work

 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

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i Assessment information

Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the
Hospitality Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:

 where this task should be completed

 how your assessment should be submitted.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is
provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with
an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

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Complete the following activities.

1. Carefully read the following scenario.

Your task for this assessment is to work with your classmates to organise, plan,
prepare and cook for a breakfast, lunch or dinner service at your RTO.
As this unit requires you to complete 48 complete service periods this assessment
task will count as Service Period 1 in your Student Logbook for this unit that forms
part of Assessment Task 2.
Your trainer or assessor will work with you to identify the type of service that you
will host.
Regardless of the type of service, there are some criteria that the service must

 It must be a complete service period.

 It may be for either an à la carte, set menu, buffet or cyclical

 Your assessor will break the class into at least three groups. Each group will
be responsible for one course (for example, entrée, main or dessert).

 Every person within each group will be responsible for planning and preparing
or cooking at least two dishes. One of the dishes must address the dietary
requirements or special needs of a customer (there is more information about
this requirement below).

 You must work cooperatively with the other members of your team throughout
this assessment to coordinate the service and respect individual personal
values and beliefs as well as any cultural or linguistic differences.

 Throughout this assessment, you will need to demonstrate effective

communication skills including:
o speaking clearly and concisely

o using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding

o asking questions to identify required information

o responding to questions as required

o using culinary terms commonly used in commercial kitchens.

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

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ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

2. Meet with your assessor and the other members of your team.

Meet with your assessor and the other members of your team to discuss the menu
for your service, the dishes that each of you will be preparing and the roles of each
person in the team.
During meetings you may have disagreements within the workgroup. Your trainer
will observe and also ask you ways of how you would manage and deal with conflict
situations that arise or they may provide you with scenarios if none present.

Record the outcomes of your meeting by completing the Planning Meeting


3. Adjusting for special requests or dietary requirements of customers.

Your assessor has provided you with a special request or dietary requirement of a
customer that you must adjust one of the recipes that you are preparing to meet.
Complete the Dietary Requirements Template to explain what the dietary
requirement is that you will be addressing and to provide an overview of how you
will be adjusting your recipe.

4. Organise and prepare for food service.

To ensure that you are properly prepared for food service, you will need to
complete the following tasks:

 Interpret the recipes and specifications that you have been provided with to
calculate the quantities of commodities that you will require.

 Identify the equipment that you will require to produce the menu items which
you will be responsible for.

 Prepare a workflow schedule.

A Workflow Template has been provided to help you.

You should also rely on your completed Planning Meeting Template, and the
information that you gathered in the planning meeting.

5. Final planning meeting.

Get together with your team and your assessor to go over your plans ahead of
service. How will you all work together to ensure that your menu items meet
customer expectations of quality and timeliness? Do your Workflow Templates
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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

need review so that you can all work cooperatively and efficiently?

Update your Workflow Template to reflect the decisions made in the meeting.

6. Submit documents to your assessor.

Finalise your documents ensuring they are clear and complete. Send or submit the
following documents to your assessor:

 A completed Planning Meeting Template.

 A completed Dietary Requirements Template.

 A completed Workflow Template.

7. Cook and prepare the menu items for the meal service.

Now it’s time to put all of that planning and organising to work. The lunch or dinner
service has arrived. You will work with your team to prepare and serve your dishes
and to complete the related end of shift requirements.
Before the service period begins, ensure that you have everything that you need

 Organisational policies and procedures


 Workflow plans

 Checklists.

Throughout the service period, your assessor (or a number of assessors) will be
observing you against the following criteria, so it is important that you:

 work safely and hygienically

 work efficiently

 work cooperatively with the other members of your team

 work professionally

 follow the kitchen’s policies and procedures

 follow your work-flow plan

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

 remain calm and systematic

 multi-task by integrating a range of technical and other skills

 maintain a clean and tidy work environment

 prepare menu items which meet quality standards

 produce menu items which are appealing in presentation

 produce menu items which meet your customers’ expectations of time

 adjust your cooking process/methods as required

 support others in workgroup

 promote cooperation

 delegate tasks appropriately

 develop and maintain positive relationships

 demonstrate respect for others’ differences

 identify and resolve conflict issues (if applicable)

 seek assistance from others (when required)

 if unable to rectify issues referred to relevant personnel (if applicable)

 prepare your dishes within the kitchen’s normal time constraints

 respond appropriately to the dietary or special need that you were allocated

 adhere to your legislative requirements

 consider and act on feedback on quality from customers, colleagues and


 store food items correctly.

8. Gather feedback.

At the end of the meal, use the Feedback Template to gather feedback on the two
dishes which you prepared from at least two guests.

Submit your completed Feedback Template to your assessor.

9. Post-shift debrief.

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

At the end of the service, meet with all members of the three cooking teams and
your assessor/s to participate in a post-shift debrief.

Record the outcomes of the post-shift debrief from your perspective in the Debrief

Submit your completed Feedback Template to your assessor.

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

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ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

Assessment Task 1: Checklist
Student’s name:


Has the following been completed? Yes No Comments

The student has satisfactorily

determined and calculated commodity

The student has satisfactorily

determined requirements for quality and

The student has satisfactorily prepared a

workflow schedule and checklist.

The student has satisfactorily liaised with

other team members about menu
requirements, workgroup and job roles.

The student has satisfactorily developed

and followed a work schedule.

The student has satisfactorily completed

mise en place tasks.

The student has satisfactorily selected

and used appropriate commercial
equipment to produce menu items.

The student has satisfactorily cooked

menu items according to menu type and
service style.

The student has satisfactorily adjusted

menu items to meet special requests or
dietary requirements.

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

The student has satisfactorily worked
cooperatively as part of a kitchen team.

The student has satisfactorily worked

safely and hygienically.

The student has satisfactorily followed

organisational and legislative

The student has satisfactorily maintained

a clean and tidy work environment.

The student has satisfactorily completed

end of shift procedures.

The student has satisfactorily stored

food items appropriately.

The student has satisfactorily

communicated in a respectful manner
that promotes good relationships.

The student has satisfactorily shown

respect for individual personal values
and beliefs as well as any cultural or
linguistic differences.

The student has satisfactorily identified

and resolved conflict issues.

The student has satisfactorily sought

assistance when required from others.

If unable to rectify issues, the student

has satisfactorily referred to relevant

The student has satisfactorily

participated in post-shift debrief.

The student has satisfactorily sought

feedback from others and acted on

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

constructive feedback.

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

Assessment Task 2: Student Logbook
Information for students

Tasks required for this unit

This unit of competency requires that you:

 safely and hygienically prepare, cook and serve menu items for a minimum of 47 complete
service periods in a commercial kitchen, that cover a combination of:

o breakfast o lunch.

o dinner

 during the above service periods, prepare, cook and present items for at least two of the
following different menu styles:

o à la carte o buffet

o set menu o cyclical.

 during the above service periods, prepare, cook and serve items from the following food
types that meet industry and organisational quality requirements:

o appetisers and salads o meat, poultry and game

o fish and shellfish o stocks, sauces and soups

o hot and cold desserts o vegetables, fruit, eggs and

farinaceous products.

 during the above service periods:

o multi-task and integrate technical and o respond to special customer requests

other skills to respond to multiple and dietary requirements
demands simultaneously
o prepare, plate and present dishes
o work professionally as part of a team within the typical time constraints of a
and coordinate team activities in line commercial kitchen.
with kitchen roles and
responsibilities, and organisational

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

Instructions for how you will complete these requirements are included below.

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

Complete the following activities.

1. Carefully read the following information.

Successful completion of this unit requires that you demonstrate your skills and
knowledge in an operational commercial kitchen during 47 service periods. It is
important that you provide evidence that you completed each service period and we
have provided you with a Student Logbook Template to help you.
Your logbook will show that you need to complete 48 service periods but
Assessment Task 1 counts as one of these 48 therefore you only need to complete
another 47.
You will need to understand what a ‘service period’ is to ensure that you fulfil your
requirements. If you are still unsure, speak to your assessor before you get started.
What is a service period?
The SIT, Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package tells us that, for the
purpose of assessment Service periods do not necessarily align with shift periods
worked. For example a “service period” in a hospitality environment such as a
restaurant may be a breakfast service, lunch service or dinner service. A “shift”
worked in a restaurant may incorporate one or more of these service periods.
So, you may work a shift that incorporates a breakfast service and a lunch service
and although this is one “shift” worked, it may be used for two service periods.
However, the two service periods must be clearly defined and the start/set-up and
finish/close of each service period must be clearly identified.
What do I need to demonstrate?
During your service periods, you will be required to demonstrate a range of the
skills and knowledge that you have developed during your course. These include:

 working safely

 working hygienically

 maintaining a clean and tidy work environment

 completing food organisation and preparation tasks

 multi-tasking

 working professionally as part of a team

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

 working cooperatively with other team members

 combining your technical and other skills to meet a number a demands at the
same time

 preparing menu items to meet quality standards

 cooking menu items to meet quality standards

 adjusting your cooking process/method as required

 preparing dishes for customers within your organisation’s usual time


 responding to customers’ special requests or dietary needs

 participating in end of shift procedures

 storing food items correctly

 completing cleaning procedures.

During the 47 service periods, you must have covered at least one:

 breakfast

 lunch

 dinner.

During the 47 service periods, you must have prepared, cooked and presented
items for at least two of the following menu styles:

 a la carte

 set menu

 buffet

 cyclical.

During the 47 service periods, you must have prepared, cooked and served items
from the following food types to meet quality requirements:

 appetisers and salads

 fish and shellfish

 hot and cold desserts

 meat, poultry and game

 stocks, sauces and soups

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

 vegetables, fruit, eggs and farinaceous products.

Remember: some of the dishes which you prepared in Assessment 1 may cover
some of these requirements.
How will I provide evidence?
In your Student Logbook Template, you will find some detailed information about
providing evidence a logbook summary and a form for each service period. At the
completion of each service period you will need to:

 complete a reflective journal (a reflective journal provides an opportunity for

you to think about the service period – what went well? What would you do
differently next time? It also helps you to provide evidence for your

 ask your workplace supervisor to provide feedback by completing a brief

supervisor report. (A form is provided in the Student Logbook Template for
your supervisor.)
Your assessor will also observe some of your service periods and complete an
observation checklist.
Tips for completing your Student Logbook

 Read through your logbook before you get started and make sure that you
understand what you need to do. If you are unsure, speak to your assessor
and/or workplace supervisor.

 Stay up to date! Complete a logbook entry at the end of each service period
and ask your supervisor to do the same. Providing organised, complete
evidence forms part of your assessment.

 Stay in touch with your assessor. Ask questions, raise issues, check in,

 Most importantly, ask for help if you are having trouble!

2. Complete your service periods and Student Logbook.

Complete your 47 service periods and Student Logbook template.

3. Submit documents to your assessor.

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

Finalise your Student Logbook. Ensure all documents are clear and complete. It
should include the following completed documents for each time you complete a
service period of your assessment for this unit.

 Reflective journal (endorsed by your supervisor/assessor).

Send or submit the completed Student Logbook to your assessor.

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

Assessment Task 2: Checklist
Student’s name:


Has the following been completed? Yes No Comments

The student has satisfactorily completed

a Reflective journal for each of the 47
service periods and all of the following
types of service periods have been
 breakfast

 lunch

 dinner.

Assessor observations have been

completed and collectively across all
observations (either singular or on
multiple occasions) all boxes have been
checked as Yes and the student
demonstrated their competence as per
the quality indicators provided in the
Assessor Logbook.

The student’s workplace supervisor (or

the assessor if in a training kitchen) has
completed the Supervisor Declaration
Section in the student’s logbook and you
are satisfied that they have answered
Yes to each question, the supervisor has
provided comments/feedback and you
have followed up on any gaps or
concerns you have by discussing this
with the supervisor.
Provide details of any discussions that
took place in the Comments column.

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

Final results record
Student name:

Assessor name:


Unit name: SITHCCC043 Work effectively as a cook

Qualification name:

Final assessment results


Task Type Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Did not submit

Assessment Task 1 Project S U DNS

Assessment Task 2 Student Logbook S U DNS

Overall unit results C NYC


 My performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me.

 I would like to appeal this assessment decision.

Student signature: _________________________________________ Date: _________________

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

 I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been
carried out according to the required assessment procedures.

Assessor signature: _______________________________________ Date: _________________

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Rockford International College Pty Ltd T/A Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princes Highway, Rockdale, NSW 2216

ABN: 47636979667|RTO Code: 45650 | CRICOS Provider Code: 03882C

Phone: +61285935200 | Email: | Web:

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