Year 9-Biology Summer Break Homework

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Year 9 – Summer Break Homework

Title: Exploring Biodiversity: A Journal of Living Organisms


This project aims to develop your skills in observation, research, and scientific classification while enhancing your
understanding of the diversity and complexity of living organisms.


Journal documenting various living organisms you encounter. For each organism, include:

Observation: Note the date, location, and conditions where you found the organism.

Description: Describe the organism's physical characteristics, behavior, and habitat.

Classification: Classify the organism based on the characteristics of living things (movement, respiration, sensitivity,
growth, reproduction, excretion, and nutrition).

Research: Conduct additional research to learn more about each organism. Include information such as its scientific
name, role in the ecosystem, and any interesting facts.

Reflection: Reflect on the diversity of life you observed and the importance of biodiversity.

Format: Journal Entries: Create at least 10 detailed entries, each focusing on a different organism.

Presentation: Summarize your findings in a presentation or a report at the end of the project.


Needs Improvement
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Satisfactory (2) (1)
Observation Detailed notes on Clear notes on date, Basic notes on date, Incomplete or
date, location, and location, and location, and unclear notes on
conditions for all conditions for most conditions for some date, location, and
organisms. organisms. organisms. conditions.
Description Thorough and vivid Clear descriptions of Basic descriptions of Incomplete or
descriptions of physical physical unclear descriptions
physical characteristics, characteristics, of organisms
characteristics, behavior, and habitat behavior, and habitat
behavior, and habitat for most organisms. for some organisms.
for all organisms.
Classification Accurate Mostly accurate Basic classification Incorrect or
classification based classification based with some incomplete
on all characteristics on characteristics of inaccuracies. classification.
of living things for living things.
each organism.
Research In-depth research Good research with Basic research with Minimal or no
with scientific names, scientific names and limited additional additional research
ecosystem roles, and some additional information. provided.
interesting facts for information for most
all organisms. organisms.
Reflection Insightful reflection Clear reflection on Basic reflection on Minimal or no
on biodiversity and biodiversity and the biodiversity with reflection on
the importance of importance of the limited insight. biodiversity.
the organisms organisms observed.
Presentation/Report Well-organized, Clear and organized Basic summary of Disorganized or
engaging, and summary of findings findings with few or incomplete summary
thorough summary with some visuals. no visuals. of findings.
of findings with
Journal Entries At least 10 detailed 8-9 detailed and well- 6-7 entries with Fewer than 6 entries
and well- documented entries. some detail. or very little detail.
documented entries.

Total Points: __ / 28

Grading Scale:

25-28: Excellent

21-24: Good

17-20: Satisfactory

Below 17: Needs Improvement

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