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ELU- College of Education

English 142
Gerunds and Infinitive - Worksheet

1- Gerunds as Subjects
Gerund is the base form of the verb + ing (ex. eating – walking- dancing ...)
A sentence can start with a gerund as a subject.

Running is my favorite sport.

Smoking is bad for your health.
Not having enough food was very difficult.

2- Gerunds & Infinitives After Verbs

 Some verbs can be followed by a gerund:

avoid discuss enjoy finish include keep practice suggest

I avoid using my phone at bedtime.

She practices swimming at the gym.
He doesn’t enjoy watching sports.

 Some verbs can be followed by an infinitive:

agree ask choose. decide hope learn need plan want

I plan to visit China.

He asked to leave the class early.
We agreed not to buy a new TV.

 Some verbs can be followed by either a gerund or an infinitive. The meaning is usually the same:

begin continue hate like love prefer start try

I try to write longer sentences.

I try writing longer sentences.

Complete the sentence with a gerund or an infinitive:

1) Keep _________________ (walk) on the road for another mile.
2) __________________(drive) in a rainy day could be risky.
3) My friend suggests ___________________ (not / have) dinner at the new place.
4) The children want __________________ (play) all day long.
5) I didn’t finish ___________________ (write) my story.
6) I learned __________________ (speak) English when I was a child.
7) ___________________ (cook) is her favorite part of the day.
8) I hope __________________ (graduate) very soon.
9) Sara enjoys ___________________ (shop) with her friend.
10) ___________________(swim) can make you very strong.

Choose the correct answer:

11) The doctor discussed ____________ problems with his patient.
a- to smoke
b- smoking
c- smokes

12) He decided ______________ to Egypt instead of Kuwait.

a- flying
b- fly
c- to fly

13) Dalal avoids ____________ sweets to her kids.

a- to give
b- giving
c- give

14) I need _____________ my boss today.

a- to see
b- seeing
c- see

15) My little brother likes _____________ bubble baths.

a- to take
b- takes
c- take

16) We agreed not _____________ any books from this store.

a- take
b- taking
c- to take

17) The trip includes _____________ the history museum.

a- visiting
b- to visit
c- visit
18) Let’s practice ______________ English!
a- to speak
b- speaking
c- speak

19) Sara plans ______________ a successful Science teacher.

a- being
b- to be
c- be

20) ______________ bikes on the mountains is very dangerous.

a- To ride
b- Riding
c- Ride

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