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Project Thesis
Submitted In Partial fulfillment of requirement for the award
Diploma in Computer Engineering


Agasya Butolia Madhav Rohankar

Bhakti Dhankecha Dakshata Borkar

Ms. Roshani.k.Dharme
Head Of Department

Department of Computer Engineering

G.H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Technology , Nagpur.

(Approved by AICTE New Delhi & DTE, Affiliated to MSBTE Mumbai)

We, hereby declare that the project thesis titled "MINI COMPUTER WITH
IMPLEMENTATION OF IOT" submitted here in have been carried out by us
in the Department of Computer Engineering G. H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering &
Technology, Nagpur. This work is original and has not been submitted earlier as a
whole or in part for the award of any degree/diploma at this or any other

Agasya Butolia

Madhav Rohankar

Bhakti Dhankecha

Dakshata Borkar


This is to certify that a project entitled "Mini Computer With

Implementation Of IOT” is bonafide work of Agasya Butolia, Madhav
Rohankar , Bhakti Dhankecha , Dakshata Borkar during the academic year 2023-24
in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of "Diploma in Computer
Engineering", Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai.


Ms.Roshani.k.Dharme Ms.Roshani.k.Dharme

Head of Department Head of Department

Diploma in ComputerEngineering Diploma in Computer Engineering
G.H.R.I.E.T Nagpur G.H.R.I.E.T Nagpur

Dr. G.N.Akhade

Dean Polytechnic
G.H.R.I.E.T Nagpur
It is a proud privilege to present a project report on " Mini Computer With
Implementation Of IOT ". We take this opportunity to express our deep sense
of gratitude and whole hearted thanks to our revered guide Mrs. Roshani Dharme,
HOD, Department of Computer Engineering, G. H. Raisoni Institute of
Engineering & Technology (Polytechnic), Nagpur for her valuable guidance,
inspiration and encouragement that has lead to successful completion of this work.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Ms. R. K. Dharme, Head of

Department of Computer Engineering, G. H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering
& Technology (Polytechnic), Nagpur for making all facilities available in the
department those were necessary for the completion of this work.

A special word of thanks goes to Entire Department of Computer Engineering,

G. H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Technology (Polytechnic), Nagpur
for their encouragement and their cooperation to accomplish our work on time.

We would also express our heartfelt thanks and sense of gratitude to Dr.
G. N. Akhade, Dean, G. H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Technology
(Polytechnic), Nagpur for being a constant great source of inspiration.

Agasya Butolia

Madhav Rohankar

Bhakti Dhankecha

Dakshata Borkar
In this project, we have implemented the concept of IOT by creating a computer
without traditional boards and cables and building it using five small units and
combining them to form a mini computer. This project focuses on building a
computer with a minimum requirement of resources and a low cost of manufacture.
The Mini computer can carry out several normal and external operations efficiently.
This computer is based on the Raspbian operating system, which can carry out all the
necessary functionalities of a modern computer. This computer is based on the
Raspberry Pi, which is used in many applications to support IOT.

and the IOT board is based on 4 GB of RAM and customizable memory carried out
by a secure digital card. This computer supports the boot loop of multiple operating
systems by just swooping a secure digital card. The computer is focused on carrying
out learning outcomes for the students working on IOT devices as well as for the
coders who want their coding environment to use multiple integrated development
environments in it, which are Vs Code, PyCharm, C-lion, etc. This computer is as
efficient as any computer in its category.


1. Introduction 1

2. Review of Literature 3

3. Objective of Project 6

4. H/W and S/W Requirement of project 7

5. Planning 8

6. Methodology 9

7. Advantages 13

8. Frame design 15

9. Output 16

10. Conclusion 17

11. Reference 18

12. Certification 19

In the contemporary landscape of computing, minicomputers have emerged as versatile
and essential components, finding applications across various industries and
technological domains. The mini computer is basically a small hardware formfactor
enclosed inside an Arm V8 clip used to perform input and output operations in a way
that a high-end processor or a graphics card does in a small formfactor. The mini
computer maintains low latency and processor operation. There are several key
operations, such as data processing, operating system interaction, mini-user support,
multitasking, storage operations, peripheral interaction, security operations, etc. It can
be further used in manufacturing and programming robots, and then the industries
incorporate minicomputers so that they have a smaller formfactor and a smaller scale,
which can provide a huge amount of work.

The customization of a minicomputer involves tailoring its hardware and software

components to meet specific requirements, preferences, or applications. This process
allows users to optimize the performance, functionality, and capabilities of the
minicomputer based on their unique needs. Here are key aspects of customization for
mini computers: As an example, we can use multiple operating systems with the help
of a SD card, which means you can install different operating system configurations
on the SD card, such as Raspbian OS (which is the default OS of the Raspberry) and
Ubuntu, which provides more features than Raspbian OS, such as ease of use,
encrypted security code, community support, regular updates, etc. The purpose of this
conceptual mini-computer is to utilize it as it requires less hardware than a particular
normal laptop.

Within the small form factor, it can provide basic and normal functionality as a
normal laptop does. Using these features, we can implement our project for
educational purposes as students who cannot afford high specs and an overbudget
laptop. This small form factor and a budget computer can be affordable to every
single student who can avail of features and a use of mini- computers, such as
basic programming languages such as C, C++, Python, etc.
and web development with the help of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

The Raspberry Pi, a popular example of a mini computer, has revolutionized the
landscape of computing with its affordability, versatility, and compact form factor. Its
applications span across various domains, making it a valuable tool for hobbyists,
educators, professionals, and enthusiasts alike. Here's a detailed exploration of some of
the key applications of the Raspberry Pi:

Education: One of the primary goals behind the creation of the Raspberry Pi was to
promote computer science education and programming skills among students. Its low
cost and accessibility have made it an ideal platform for teaching coding, electronics,
and STEM subjects in schools and educational institutions worldwide. Students can
learn programming languages such as Python, Scratch, and C/C++, and gain hands-on
experience with hardware interfacing and prototyping. Home Automation and IoT
(Internet of Things): The Raspberry Pi serves as a central hub for home automation
projects, allowing users to control and monitor various smart devices and appliances
remotely. With the addition of sensors, actuators, and communication modules, it can
automate tasks such as lighting control, temperature regulation, security surveillance,
and energy management. Its compatibility with popular IoT platforms like Home
Assistant and OpenHAB further expands its capabilities in this domain. Media Center:
The Raspberry Pi can transform into a versatile media center with the help of media
player software like Kodi (formerly XBMC). By connecting it to a TV or monitor and
configuring the appropriate software, users can stream and playback multimedia content
from local storage or online sources. This turns the Raspberry Pi into an affordable
alternative to commercial media players, suitable for streaming movies, music, and
videos in a home entertainment setup.
Gaming Console: Retro gaming enthusiasts often use the Raspberry Pi to build DIY
gaming consoles capable of emulating classic video game systems like NES, SNES,
Sega Genesis, and more. RetroPie, a popular gaming-oriented operating system for the
Raspberry Pi, provides a user-friendly interface and a vast library of emulators and
game ROMs. Combined with USB controllers or custom-built arcade cabinets, these
Raspberry Pi-powered gaming consoles offer a nostalgic gaming experience at a
fraction of the cost of modern consoles. the Raspberry Pi's versatility, affordability, and
community support have made it a go-to platform for a wide range of applications,
spanning from educational projects to commercial products. Its ability to empower users
to explore and innovate in various domains makes it a valuable asset in the world of
computing and technology.





In this section, we will be working over the aspects of business that are implemented
by referring to the literature-based documentation of all the hardware components and
their work on each phase. The primary hardware component we are referring to in this
section is the Raspberry Pi. As it remains constant during each use case. and other
component usage may vary with different applications.

[1] Reviews From Broad-scale applications of the Raspberry Pi: A

review & guide for biologists

The business aspect of the referral of literature documentation for Raspberry


Mini computer:

This device can be built using a Raspberry Pi, power supply, speakers, charging
supply, heat sink, and display as the primary components. The business purpose of the
is based on the education sector. It is said in a report by the Union Education Ministry
of India that over 29 million school students do not have access to digital devices,
which was collected from 24 states across the country. Hence, they do not gain
knowledge regarding computer utilization and variety of usage. By using this device,
the students are able to learn the computer hardware and computer software at a
minimal cost—nearly 16–17k INR in manufacturing and distributing costs for the
government. We would also be able to sponsor these students with this computer by
basically replacing the traditional assembled computers. The students will gain
knowledge about not only the hardware but also the software. They can choose their
path in multiple sectors where they will be able to opt out of hardware or software
fields as their carriers and future interests.

[2] Reviews From

Reviews on this technology:

The mini computer is another growing sector that is changing the minds of developers
from buying a high-end computer to developing their own computer with custom
configuration. This industry will surely revolutionize the IOT industry as it gives
outcomes with less cost to manufacture. Many IT companies, like Vodafone, are
developing their standards according to mini computers in the UK.

Programming with the Raspberry Pi One can get the most out of the Raspberry Pi by
writing custom scripts to help control and automate tasks. Although the Raspberry Pi
OS provides an easy-to-use Desktop interface, one will likely do most with their
Raspberry Pi using the terminal. Although it is trickier to use, it gives much more
control over the Raspberry Pi and its capabilities (for an overview of the essential
commands, see Table S2). The Raspberry Pi OS also comes with a variety of
programming and scripting languages such as Python, allowing for easy automated
control of a wide range of sensors and devices. Users can thereby have scripts start
automatically upon boot and run in the background (for tutorial, see Table S2). The
Raspberry Pi can also be programmed to send automatic email, text, twitter and slack
messages (for tutorials, seeTableS2), which can be very helpful to get daily updates or
specifi c warning messages, such asin the case of system failures. With a bit of
programming knowledge, it is also possible to create a graphical user interface (GUI) to
create custom control over the Raspberry Pi and connected electronics. This can range
from very simple interfaces, such as to turn lights on or off or start a timer, to more
advanced options, such as to configure recording parameters, show sensor data, or
control experiments The best place to start is to use Python and one of the TKinter,
PyQt and OpenCV libraries.Storing and transferring data The microSD card holding the
Raspberry Pi operating system also stores all user data. At the time of writing, microSD
cards up of 256 GB are already available for less than €50. This makes it a simple
solution for data storage, such as for fi eld solutions. To read the data from the SDcard,
however, requires some extra steps on Mac and Windows operating systems.
TheRaspberry Pi can also write data to an external hard drive or USB stick connected to
the USB port (for tutorials see TableS2). Note, however, that this will draw current,
which is not ideal for battery-powered solutions. When on the same network, you can
also access the data of the Raspberry Pi by mounting it as a network drive (for a fi le
sharing tutorial, see TableS2). As a matter of fact, in the same way, the Raspberry Pi can
be set up as a NAS server, providing acheap alternative to commercial products. The
Raspberry Pi can also mount a network drive,which can be a dedicated NAS server or a
folder on another networked computer, that can beused for automatic storage and
backup solutions. Such a central storage unit is especially helpful when working with an
array of connected Raspberry Pi's. Rsync is a great tool to help the automatic transfer of
fi les over the network via SSH, while rclone ( makes it possible to interact
with cloud storage services (e.g. Google drive, Dropbox) from the commandline and
automatically send data using custom scripts (for a tutorial, see Table S2). This can
alsobe very beneficial for remote recording units that still have internet access, such as
those connected by means of a mobile network dongle.

[3] and [4] Reviews From and Raspberry Pi forums

Other considerations
Someone starting to work with Raspberry Pi's should consider the potential dangers that
existwhen working with electronics. This is especially the case when building custom

electroniccircuits and using relays, in particular with higher voltage devices. The
Raspberry Pi itself isquite rugged for a bare circuit board, both electronically and
mechanically, but is still easy todamage or short circuit. It is therefore highly
recommended to protect it with a suitable case.Also, always make sure that the
Raspberry Pi can dissipate its heat. This is especially importantfor the newer, more
powerful models, but also external conditions should be considered. Forexample, the
Raspberry Pi should not be kept in a protective housing or box that retains theheat and
receives a lot of direct sunlight. Dedicated heat sinks and small fan modules areavailable
to help prevent overheating. The Raspberry Pi may still work after water exposure,
especially when not plugged-in and the unit is thoroughly dried afterwards. Silica gel
bags inthe housing may also help reduce potential water damage, such as may also be
caused bycondensation. A Raspberry Pi can be left to run continuously 24/7, just always
make sure that whenconnected to the internet. A RTC module is therefore recommended
for projects without aninternet connection (for tutorial, see TableS2). Instructions and
code for applications can beeasily shared, which will greatly enhance their accessibility
and also help improve therepeatability and reproducibility of research. Over the years,
the Raspberry Pi foundation put alot of eff ort in making the Raspberry Pi accessible to
anyone, including people without anycoding or electronics experience. But users should
be ready to put in some eff ort and trial anderror learning to set up their system properly.
Luckily a large number of online tutorials areavailable to get started, including 30+ on
the website associated with this paper (; see TableS2). When
stuck, there is a large, dedicated online community ofeducators, hobbyists and other
researchers that can be called upon for troubleshooting. Thebest way to start is to search
your specifi c issue online to see if others have also encounteredand solved it, or post a and Finally, mishaps can
alwayshappen, especially in the fi eld. Therefore, before the actual experiment or fi eld
study, makesure the device is thoroughly tested, including exposing it to realistic
environmental conditions,and incorporate enough time to fi x potential technical issues
or replace parts.




In the world of technology, the requirement for computer devices is enlarging day-by-
day. With this requirement, the mini computer plays a major role in the education
industry regarding the need for small-scale computers with minimal cost that provide
a huge pace of excellence in the learning sector. To make the learning medium
affordable, especially for the organizations that take care of orphanages and try to
provide education about technology, they can afford this type of computer device,
learn about their software configuration and hardware integration with the required
specifications, and build a small form-factor IoT device itself with minimal hardware
spare parts and a price margin. From a business point of view, it has a major impact
over other devices, providing the same features and functionality as a minicomputer,
along with the same basic tasks like daily usage, web surfing, content watching,
coding, web development, etc.






Hardware Requirements

Processor: Arm V8 Clip

Speed: 100-200Mbps


Secure Digital Card: 128 GB

Speaker: 3 Ω Integrated Circuit-Based Audio Board with +5V Power Supply through
supported Connectivity 2 Speakers.

Software Requirements

Operating System: Raspbian OS

Programming: Web Development and Application Development

Language: C, C++, C#, Python, Java, HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, MongoDB, etc.




1 January Deciding Project Aim Deciding which project to


2 January Gathering resources To gather hardware


3 February Project Testing Testing and finding bugs in

operating system

4 March Project completion Project completed with all

performance testing


Step 1: Researching IoT (internet of things) devices for our project planning based on
their required resources and searching for availability and prices for each and every
hardware component

for the project resources and requirements, such as

i) Power bank

ii) Raspberry Pi 4B 4GB

iii) 7-inch LCD Display with Touchscreen Functionality

iv) Heat Sink with Protective Case

v) Memory Card: 128GB

vi) Bluetooth wireless keyboard

Step 2: Design a customized frame with wooden material by taking the respective
measurements of all hardware spare parts to be fitted inside the frame.

Step 3: Installation of Operating System with the help of Raspberry Pi Imager,

through inserting a 128 GB memory card, which is sufficient to run the OS smoothly,
so for the software OS, we have used Raspbian OS, which is a default OS and an
initial OS for the Raspberry Pi and more user-friendly and suitable for mini
computers, although we can customize the OS with different types such as Ubuntu
OS, Linux OS, RecalBox, Retro-pie ,etc.

Step 4: After the software configuration and gathering hardware spare parts, it is time
for testing of all components in order to achieve the scope of the project and sense the
actual functionality based on its working principles.

Step 5: Now it's time to place all the hardware components in their respective
measured places to achieve a better and more systematic computer design for our

By interacting the hardware with software in order to deliver the required milestone
for the fully functional minicomputer concept.

The implementation of Raspberry-Pi used in Mini Computer

RaspberryPi The 5G network on a Raspberry Pi is also portable and no bigger than a

home Wi-Fi router, meaning a User could instantly set up their very own, private

network in a public place such as a coffee shop, or extend the coverage of the public

network to a remote location like a basement.

Raspberry Pi 4 with a small SG-compatible embeddable software-defined radio (SDR)

circuit board, made by UK-based specialist Lime Microsystems. This SDR board can
turn any computing platform into a miniature 5G base station. The resulting system can
then be used either as part of a dedicated private network, an extension of a larger

MPN, or connected to the network provider's public network like any other base

station. The board design is fully compliant with Open Radio Access Network (RAN)

standards, which means it can be used with any computing machine capable of running

Open RAN- compatible software.

Working Principle

with the implementation of IOT the mini computer can do a lot of operations that normal
industry normed laptop does it is suitable for data maintenance ,learning core principles
of Linux , and managing files and documents that are necessary for the individual
person or an organization through this we can manage Input and output resources very
efficiently we can do real time streaming , browsing, watching content as well making
working outcomes viable.

The coding part in raspberry pi setup is to remove orca a text to speech engine that
invokes on each and every user command. the orca is built in functionality built in
raspberry pi for the people who are vision impaired it helps them recognize each and
every operation over the operating system


With the evolving and emerging IOT trends, the mini computer provides different
practical and proven advantages, such as

1. Budget-Friendly: It is the first and most prominent key aspect as it provides the
basic functionality and working of an IoT device that normally a computer does but
with a minimal cost, specifying and fulfilling the user’s requirements and needs who
can avail themselves of the normal use of a mini computer, which can be surfing the
web browser, watching the contents, programming, etc.

2. Portability with foldable design: As the project aims to create a mini computer with
a small scale form factor, the conceptual design is specially integrated and unified all
the hardware’s parts together to create a mini form factor for the user’s who can easily
carry this laptop anywhere according to their usage and comfortability. That’s why it
is also known to be a Pocket IoT device.

3. Software Switching Technique: With the implementation of the IoT concept, this
project aims to achieve true seamless interaction with hardware and software,
basically hardware associated with user interface interaction, so that the device can
perform the operations and basic tasks, which is possible with the help of a Sand Disc
Chip, a single chip responsible for generating the user interaction.

4. Consistency and regular updates: It provides regular firmware and security updates
to fix bugs and resolve patches in order to maintain stability, which can protect
against viruses and malware and provide a better immersive and seamless experience.

5. Customization within OS Installation: It allows the user to customize the software’s

and install multiple operating systems through SD cards, such as Raspbian OS,
Ubuntu OS, Linux, etc.

6. Supported 5G Integration:

1. Low Latency

Low latency can describe a wide range of use cases, such as smartphones,
minicomputers with their regular navigation, and environments where you are playing
games and watching videos with high-quality content. Basically, it is the reduction of
the delay between the sending and receiving of information or particular content to
make communication faster. For example, in online gaming, the lower the latency, the

greater and more enhanced the gaming experience. According to a study, latency
below 50 ms is very good for gaming and heavy-task activities. In short, low latency
is what ensures that

Actions occur according to your commands very smoothly.

2. Connectivity Density: Refers to the network's capability to handle or manage a

huge number of devices connected to the same network within a defined or given
area. It signifies how the network can support a significant number of connected
devices at the same time, ensuring network efficiency within a crowded environment
of connected devices without losing its original connectivity.

3. Speed and bandwidth: This is the most important and famous of the features in
which it can provide the speed of an internet connection up to 20 GB/s, which is
almost 100 times faster than the previous generation network, although the bandwidth
is of two different types, such as frequency bandwidth, in which there are two
supported frequency bands. Sub-6 GHz, which provides the consistency of coverage
and data up to 6 GHz seamlessly mmWave, namely known as the millimeter-wave
band; these are bands that provide faster and higher data speeds within the shortest
range by avoiding the blockage of a particulate object; and the second type is Data
Throughput Bandwidth, which refers to the maximum potential or capacity of a
network rather than its actual performance.

4. Instead of measuring the real rate at which data packets arrive at a recipient
successfully, bandwidth measures the rate at which a network could transport data
packets to recipients successfully.



For the selection of material for our project, we tried and figured out that wood would
be the best material because wood
Offers a unique, customizable appearance and is easy to work with for DIY projects.
And it also helps to enhance the look of our project. Because it's easy to paint and
makes customization possible. Also, it can be combined with other materials for the
best results.

Measurements: Designing the body of our project requires the exact dimensions of the
internal components... identified the form factor of our components, which dedicates
the minimum space according to each and every individual component. We had
measured the length, width, height, and depth of each component. We also provided
ventilation for the cooling system to prevent overheating issues.

Designing: by making use of Inkscape software, which is used to create designs

according to the measurements of components that have been used in our project. We
created designs using this software, which helped us in the further process.

Laser cutting: laser cutting is a technology that uses lasers to cut different materials
according to defined measurements and designs that are created in the software. The
design file is then sent to the laser cutter, and after that, the material is placed in the
machine, the laser beam is directed, and the process is done.









The mini computer project described above is a promising and innovative undertaking

that highlights the potential of mini computers and their applications in addressing

specific real-world challenges. Such projects offer numerous benefits, including

learning opportunities, practical problem-solving, and the development of custom

solutions tailored to unique needs minicomputers have become essential components

across various industries due to their versatility and compact form factor.

Customization options allow users to tailor both hardware and software to meet

specific needs, optimizing performance and functionality. For educational purposes,

these budget-friendly computers offer basic functionality comparable to traditional

laptops, making them accessible to students who may not afford higher-end devices.

With features supporting programming languages and web development, mini

computers provide a cost-effective solution for educational projects and beyond.



[1] Broad-scale applications of the Raspberry Pi: A review & guide

for biologists

Mini computer introduction
Business meaning for the mini computer

[2] www.

[2.1] reviews on this technology

[2.2] structure walkthrough on technological aspect


[3.1] consideration on development part-1


[4.1] consideration on development part -2



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