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As I continue working on my capstone project, which aims to enhance the pre-project

strategies for ERP implementations, my experience has blended challenge and discovery.

Researching, interviewing, and analyzing the data collected has proven some of my

preconceptions, while other notions have been displaced regarding their role in contributing to

the problem. When I think about the project plan in Module 3, I have noticed several

confirmations and modifications that must be made to augment the project's success.

Research, Interviews, and Analysis Findings:

Validation of Initial Assumptions: Interviews show that with some variation, many of

the hypotheses I formulated at the initial stage of the research were true about the sources of

timeline and cost overruns in ERP implementations. It is important to note that more emphasis

has been placed on the significance of strategic planning and pre-project activities in managing

risks. The work of Archana et al. (2022) and Flores (2019) can support the opinion that pre-

project planning, specifically scenario planning and stakeholder management, can reduce risks

that may prevent transition.

Insights from Interviews: Case interviews with ERP program managers and other

professionals helped to gain practical suggestions. Most respondents reported unexpected

problems in ERP implementation, including integration problems and confusion in managing

stakeholder expectations. Such discussions only underlined the necessity of having effective

change management plans and the need for communication at every phase of the project.

Redirected Understanding: Some findings have entirely altered my perspective in some

ways, especially regarding the flexibility required for planning. One of the critical lessons I

learned was that given that ERP projects are dynamic due to technological advancements and a

constantly changing market environment, some measure of flexibility that I had yet to expect is

necessary. Flanding and Grabman’s (2022) articles on change management have helped develop

frameworks to integrate the following approaches into my change strategies: The importance of

engaging all stakeholders and the significance of cyclical planning.

Project Plan Status:

Reflecting on my project plan from Module 3, I realize that while the core objectives remain

unchanged, several adjustments were necessary:

Extended Analysis Phase: Due to the mass production of the data collected via interviews,

surveys, and documentary review, an extra period on the analysis stage has been deemed

prudent. This additional time balances and smoothes the integration and interpretation processes

crucial for formulating a recommendations section.

Incorporation of Feedback: Stakeholder feedback has been more ongoing and impactful than

expected. These board meetings have been conducted regularly, and the points raised have

brought in new ideas and highlighted areas more critical for focus, like user training and

technical readiness.

Adapting to Challenges: Dealing with emergent factors like changing organizational

departments' objectives or shifting trends in information technology implies the need for specific

flexibility on the job. For example, the adoption of SaaS ERP solutions, as outlined by Walko et

al. (2020), created the need further to understand the peculiarities of their benefits and risks to

prepare my recommendations.

Engagement with Cohort:

Sharing with my fellow cohorts has been highly beneficial, as has reading posts from

other students. Some of the hot topics that several members have put forward are ERP

implementation, especially change management and stakeholder management. The best part of

this common ground has been mutual access and solution-sharing of available resources. For

instance, the direct knowledge that a cohort member had of SaaS ERP systems helped identify

fresh perspectives for examining reconfigurability and potential cost-savings, which is the kind

of information my project aimed at.

Resources and Support:

Webinars and Workshops: IT managers should attend webinars on recent ERP trends and

implementations that have been impactful. These sessions gave me state-of-the-art information

and strategies from key players in the industry that I deemed 'best practice'; they sharpened my

knowledge and use of modern ERP systems.

Collaborative Tools: The adoption of shared blog spaces, messaging, and other avenues

within the cohort has helped with information and feedback sharing. I have used these tools to

facilitate real-time discussions and collaborate on ideas, which in turn has been helpful in fine-

tuning my projects.


Therefore, from my research, interviews, and cohorts, I clearly understand the ERP pre-

project preparations. It is important to note that adjustments to my project plan have been

necessary and helpful for consolidating and creating a clear connection to real-life scenarios.

Learning throughout my ERP implementation and employing the help of my cohort and the vast

resources available to me have been critical elements in successfully developing a framework.

As a result, in the future, I will keep using this in all project objectives in the best possible



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