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Country: Republic of Chile

Committee: United Nations Security Council

Agenda: Preventive Diplomacy, Peace making and Peace keeping

Chile a beautiful country located in the extreme south of America between Andes mountain
range the backbone of the continent and the majestic breathtaking pacific ocean a country
with a diverse Geography and stunning landscapes where side by side we have the clearest
skies and the stormiest seas, driest deserts alongside cities made of rain . The people of
Chile as you may know are very hard working and caring thanks to our efforts in just over
two centuries we have gone from being the coldest rather poorest colony of Spain on the
continent to a thriving , independent free sovereign country. A country with enormous

United Nations want to concentrate no longer just on structural prevention, but also on
operational prevention. Against the backdrop of a global going through the very best
variety of violent conflicts considering that 1945 — and an remarkable stage of
humanitarian need over the equal length — the major organs of the United nations should
coordinate to effect preventive diplomacy. A success prevention is not accomplished
without a doubt via the willingness of parties; as a substitute, it relies upon on, inter alia,
adequate early-warning systems, the ability to evolve available resources to changing
varieties of violence and sufficient human and economic sources.

All through the second one week of may additionally, the senate accepted Chile's
peacemaking troops to remain in Haiti for any other 11 months. Chile's peacekeepers take
part inside the United international locations Stabilization undertaking in Haiti (MINUSTAH).
It's far Chile's maximum good sized dedication in terms of deploying peacemaking troops
around the arena: considering the fact that 2004, Chile has often fielded round 500
uniformed peacemakers such as 8,000 army, police and civilian personnel in general.

Moreover, Chile´s choice to install army peacekeepers has appreciably multiplied due to the
fact 1990 with awesome consistency. It is really worth noting that Chile's military presently
take part within the Multidimensional included Stabilization project within the relevant
African Republic (MINUSCA).

Earlier than the go back to democracy, Chile had participated modestly in international
peacekeeping missions such as the impartial commission of the Chaco Boreal among 1935
and 1939, the army Observer mission to El Salvador and Honduras in 1975 and the Demining
help software in Nicaragua in 1993. However, in the beginning of the Nineteen Nineties,
Chile contributed to several UN missions in nations like Cambodia, Nicaragua, Guatemala,
Ecuador-Peru and Iraq. Chile's determined diplomatic effort to implement a countrywide
peacemaking coverage is likewise exemplified through our contribution to the eu Union's
Operation ALTHEA in Bosnia & Herzegovina.
Chile´s defense force contribution to the UN Multidimensional incorporated venture in the
valuable African Republic (MINUSCA) which consists of three officers: military essential
Fernando Mella Spuler, navy Lieutenant Colonel Commander César Gajardo Blu, and Air
force Lieutenant Colonel Jorge Bustos Oakley. These 3 officials started out assisting the
effort on February twenty sixth.

However, Chile's maximum vital mission thus far is in Haiti (MINUSTAH). On this regard, it is
worth recalling that the Chilean countrywide police, Carabineros, carried out the program
schooling foreign Police. As a end result, Carabineros have trained over 200 new Haitian
police cadets on the country wide Police Academy in Chile.

It's far really worth citing that in 2008, the law allowed civilian manage of the military
concerning the usage of military and police forces the world over. On the equal time,
numerous officers were appointed to high-level international diplomatic positions, inclusive
of present day President Bachelet who become appointed the first govt director of the
United international locations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of girls. In
this context, Chile's present day Minister of overseas Affairs Heraldo Muñoz.Was the
primary Latin American president of the UN's Peace building commission. Chile has two
times fielded MINUSTAH's unique consultant and Head of project with renowned diplomats
like Juan Gabriel Valdes (2004-2006) and Mario Fernandez Amunátegui (2011-2013).


Chile’s stance ,retrieved from

other sources ,

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