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A man is known by the book he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a
companionship of books as well as of men and one should always live in the best
company, whether it be of books or of men.

A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was,
and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not
turn its back upon in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same
kindness; amusing and interesting us in youth, comforting and consoling us in age.

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain
words/phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the
1. According to the passage, A man may usually be known by the books he reads
a. His reading habits shows that he is a scholar.
b. The books he reads affect his thinking
c. Books provide him a lot of knowledge
d. His selection of books generally reveals his temperament and character- Ans

2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true?

a. Good books as well as good men always provide the finest company.
b. A good book never betrays us
c. We have sometimes to be patient with a book as it may bore us. -Ans
d. A good book serves as a permanent friend.
e. None of these

3. The statement, ‘’ a good book may be among best of friends,’’ in the passage means
a. there cannot be a better friend than a good book
b. books may be good friends, but not better than good men
c. a good book can be included among the best of friends of mankind. - Ans
d. our best friends read the same good books.
e. None of these

4. Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the given passage?
a. Books show the reader’s character
b. Books as man’s abiding friends - Ans
c. Books are useful in the youth
d. The importance of books in old age.

Passage 2:
“Uncle” said Luke to the old Sean “You seem to be well fed, though I know no one looks after
you. Nor have I seen you leave your residence at any time. Tell me how you manage it?”
“Because” Sean replied, “I have a good feed every night at Emperor’s orchard. After dark, I go
there myself and pick out enough fruits to last a fortnight.”
Luke proposed to accompany his uncle to the orchard. Though reluctant because of Luke’s habit
of euphoric exhibition of extreme excitement, Sean agreed to take him along. At the orchard
while Sean hurriedly collected the fruits and left, Luke on the other hand at the sight of
unlimited supply of fruits was excited and lifted his voice which brought Emperor’s men
immediately to his side. They seized him and mistook him as the sole cause of damage to the
orchard. Although Luke reiterated that he was a bird of passage, they pounded him mercilessly
before setting him free.

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
You must choose your answers out of the four given choices.

5. Why did Sean leave after collecting the fruits?

a. He feared that the bird’s song would awaken the Emperor
b. To avoid getting caught by Emperor’s men - Ans
c. He saw the Emperor’s men approaching
d. He was afraid of the dark
e. He wanted to leave Luke alone.

6. Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word “Reluctant”
used in the passage.
a. Against
b. Resistant
c. Opposed
d. Disinclined - Ans

7. How often did Sean visit the orchard?

a. Daily
b. Weekly
c. Once in a month
d. Every day after midnight -Ans

8. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

a. Luke did not take good care of his uncle
b. Emperor was a wicked man
c. Lack of self-control had put Luke into trouble - Ans
d. Luke had a habit of speaking loudly

9. What does “bird of passage”; mean in the context of the given passage?
a. There was a bird in the orchard
b. Other people stole from the orchard
c. Emperor knew him personally
d. He did not visit orchard regularly – Ans

10. Choose the appropriate meaning of the idiom/phrase

Caught between two stools
a. met with an accident
b. difficulty in choosing between two alternatives - Ans
c. struck in a calamity
d. none of these

11. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom/ phrase.

A man of straw
a. a worthy fellow
b. a man of no substance - Ans
c. a very active man
d. a selfish person

12. Select the option which gives correct meaning of the given idiom/phrase.

To weather the storm

a. survive a difficult situation - Ans
b. create difficulty for others
c. victim of crisis
d. unsuccessful attempt

13. Choose the correct alternative which can be substituted for the below given word/
To hold one's tongue
a. to support
b. to interfere in one's work
c. to insult someone
d. to keep quite - Ans.

14. Choose the appropriate meaning of the idiom:

Make up one's mind

a. to be prepared
b. to make someone happy
c. make a decision -Ans
d. To criticize someone

15. Choose the appropriate meaning of the phrase:

To read between the lines

a. understand the hidden meaning - Ans
b. to have good sight
c. to learn quickly
d. none of these

16. In the sentence given below, replace the phrase underlined to make the sentence
grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (d) i.e. “No correction
required” as the answer.

Whether I stay in Mumbai or Pune, it is all and one to me.

a. all but one
b. all one -Ans
c. one and all
d. No correction required.

17. In the sentence given below, replace the phrase underlined to make the sentence
grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (e) i.e. “No error” as
the answer.

She has been working off and on for several months to complete the project.
a. regularly
b. on and off
c. on or off
d. on and of
e. No error – ans

18. In the sentence given below, replace the underlined phrase to make the sentence
grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (d) i.e. “No correction
required” as the answer.

The woman to who I sold my house was a criminal.

a. to whom I selled
b. to whom I sell
c. to whom I sold - Ans
d. No correction required

19. Rearrange the following parts (1, 2, 3 and 4) in proper sequence to obtain a correct

1. India is a
2. cannot be denied
3. and this fact
4. developing country
a. 3, 2, 4, 1
b. 1, 4, 3, 2 -Ans
c. 1, 2, 4, 3
d. 4, 3, 1, 2

20. Choose one word which can meaningfully replace the underlined words in both the
sentences without changing the meaning of original sentences.

I. The robber finally decided to end his silence and reveal the truth to the police.
II. The robber finally decided to end his silence and reveal the truth to the police.
a. terminate
b. finish
c. disclose
d. break -Ans

21. Choose one word which can meaningfully replace the underlined words in both the

I. Dr. John's fees as a general practitioner, are quite affordable.

II. Smith described his rival's accusations as baseless and malicious.
a. recrimination
b. attacks
c. prices
d. charges- Ans

22. In the sentence given below, replace the phrase underlined to make the sentence
grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (d) i.e. “No correction
required” as the answer.

At an early age, she had made her mark as a criminal lawyer.

a. made her mark - Ans
b. makes her mark
c. has been making her mark
d. No correction required

23. In the sentence given below a part is underlined and for that part options are given.
Choose the most suitable option that can replace the underlined part.

If he had time, he will refer you to the next doctor coming after his shift is over.
a. have
b. would have
c. has- Ans
d. No improvement

24. In the sentence given below a part is underlined and for that part options are given.
Choose the most suitable option that can replace the underlined part.

The poor villagers had said they did not know how to use the solar powered pump,
because of lack of knowledge right now.
a. have been saying - Ans
b. has said
c. has been saying
d. No improvement

25. Look at the underlined part of the sentence below with three possible replacements
for the underlined part given. If one of them (a), (b) or (c) is better than the
underlined part, indicate your response against the corresponding letter. If none of
these substitutions improve the sentence, choose (d) as your response.

Not a word did they speak to the others about the sad turn of events.
a. they spoke
b. they will speak
c. they have spoken
d. No improvement – Ans

26. In the sentence given below a part is underlined. Choose the most suitable option
that can replace the underlined part.

There is less need to prepare a presentation, as the clients will not be coming today.
a. hardly any -Ans
b. no
c. very little
d. somewhat

27. In the sentence given below a part is underlined and for that part options are given.
Choose the most suitable option that can replace the underlined part.

The meeting with the charismatic zonal manager as the annual performance day
approached, provided the salespeople with the so-needed boost
a. very-needed
b. needy
c. so-needful - Ans
d. much-needed.
e. no correction required.

28. In the sentence given below a part is underlined and for that part options are given.
Choose the most suitable option that can replace the underlined part.

A sharp fall in prices of jute have led the poor jute farmers to the brink of starvation.
a. has led the poor jute farmers -Ans
b. have lead the poor jute farmers
c. has lead the pure jute farmers
d. have lead the poor farmers of jute
e. no correction required.

29. In a following question, a part of the sentence has been underlined. Replace the
underlined part with the most appropriate choice from the four options provided
below. In case no improvement is required, choose the option marked ‘no
improvement needed’.

Your answer is different than mine.

a. (a) from mine - Ans
b. (b) no improvement needed.
c. (c) to mine
d. (d) of mine

30. In the question below, a part of the sentence has been underlined. Replace the
underlined part with the most appropriate choice from the four options provided
below. In case no improvement is required, choose the option d.) no improvement

Cancer claimed Kim Suozzi at age 23, but she chooses to preserve her brain with the
dream that neuroscience may one day claim her mind.
a. chose to preserve her brain with the dream that neuroscience may one day revive
her mind.
b. chose to have her brain preserved with the dream that neuroscience might one
day revive her mind. -Ans
c. chose neuroscience to preserve her brain with the hope that one day it might be
d. no improvement needed.

31. In the question below, a part of the sentence has been underlined. Replace the
underlined part with the most appropriate choice from the four options provided
below. In case no improvement is required, choose the option d.) no improvement

Poland’s new president, Andrzej Duda, has complained about “dictates” from the
European Union to accept migrants flowing onto the Continent from the Middle East
and Africa.

a. of the European Union to accept migrants flowing onto the Continent from the
Middle East and Africa.
b. of European Union for acceptance of migrants from Middle East and Africa.
c. from European Union to accept migrants from Middle East and Africa.
d. no improvement required. – Ans

32. Choose one word which can meaningfully replace the underlined words in both the
sentences without changing the meaning of original sentences.

I. In the last over, the cricketer managed to get his hands to the ball
and hold it.
II. She doubted that her new hairstyle would attract everyone's
a. garb
b. catch - Ans
c. pull
d. draw

32. Choose one word which can meaningfully replace the underlined words in both the
sentences without changing the meaning of original sentences.

I. As a fearless defender, he always inspired confidence in his goalkeeper.

II. The party shall win if you support my candidature.

a. prop
b. back - Ans
c. crutch
d. endorse

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