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Procedure for Area Reliability Committee

Function: TSD Dept.: Engineering Section/Area: Reliability

Doc. No.: P03-TSD-REL Rev: 00 Date: Apr12’ 20 Page 1 of 7
Preparation: Russell MANLUCU, Review: Menno HOFSTRA, Review: Shakthisena THIRU,
Sr. Reliability Engineer Reliability Team Lead Engineering Manager

Review: Humaid AL SAWAFI, Review: Pappu SUNDARAMOORTHY, Approval: Christiaan VANDERWOUDEN,

Operations Manager Aromatics GM-TSD COO

1. Purpose:
The document provides the general requirements for Area Reliability Committee (ARC) in OQ on how to manage a
threat/risk from identification to closing of actions until risk is reduced to an acceptable level. The intent is to
progress from a reactive mode of Reliability Management to a proactive mode with anticipation of threats to
Availability and Reliability being identified proactively and mitigated before they become an issue, incident or loss.
The ARC is a multidisciplinary team that will operate in different functions/plant areas to provide strategic direction
and ensure proper actions plan are in place to manage the risk to ALARP.

2. Scope:
The document covers the composition of ARC, roles and responsibilities of focal points, meeting frequency and how
ARC manages risk through 4 basic process; (1) identify (2) assess, prioritize and develop action, (3) execution, and (4)
monitor, evaluate and close action.

3. Definitions:
Term Definition
As low as reasonably practicable. Refer to W04 PM-TSD-PSM Orpic Risk
Management Guideline
Area Reliability Committee is a multidiscipline team that meets every month
(once or twice) to assess area Process Safety & Reliability Risks, near misses
and threats to Availability and responsible for developing action plans and
tracking its implementation on a regular basis
Area Reliability Plans are actions either Consequence Control Plan or Risk
Mitigation Plan agreed by the ARC in order to reduce the risk to ALARP
Consequence Control Plan Short term plan or interim solution to prevent the risk from escalating
Integrity Operating Window; operational envelope which assures safe and
reliable operations of equipment
Refer to W01 (PM-HSE-HSE 1.8) Incident Reporting Investigation Learning
Process Safety Incident
Reliability incidents can be defined as failures of plant and equipment that
Reliability Incident
lead to any kind of function loss, or increased risk to the business.
Risk Refer to W04 PM-TSD-PSM Orpic Risk Management Guideline
Long term plan to mitigate the risk level and prevent the risk from
Risk Mitigation Plan
Threat Refer to W04 PM-TSD-PSM Orpic Risk Management Guideline

4. Responsibilities:
• GM-TSD is overall responsible for implementation of this procedure.
• Engineering Manager is responsible to execution of activities of this procedure.
• Reliability Team Leader is responsible for day to day coordination of activities related to this procedure.
Procedure for Area Reliability Committee

Doc. No.: P03-TSD-REL Rev: 00 Date: Apr12’ 20 Page 2 of 7

Individual responsibilities for specific activities are elaborated below & under description.
Details of each member of ARCs roles and responsibilities are listed below:

4.1 Operation Area Manager:

The Committee Chairman shall be the relevant Operations Area Manager. In some committees there may be
more than one Area represented so, the Areas Operation Manager, Chairman role will be on an alternate basis.
Chairman will be the focal point for liaison for Reliability improvement journey.
Each Area Manager is accountable for Reliable operations of his respective area. He is responsible to ensure
Process Safety and achieve high Reliability for his area and should act as listed below but not limited to;
• Motivate and encourage the ARC members to participate in proactively identifying risks as part of
continuous improvement
• Provide direction/steer on development and progress of ARP including decision making.
• Support ARC members in resources needed to progress with ARP.
• Ensure availability of updated Orpic Risk Matrix and ARP.
• Ensure implementation of agreed action items
• Ensure actions requiring budget (typically CAPEX) are included in Asset Master Plan (AMP).
• Appoint an Investigation/RCA leader for incidents requiring further investigation.
• Identify new risks for assessment based on plant/site performance.
• Provide inputs during risk assessment and re-ranking.

4.2 Operation’s Engineer Focal Point:

Operation Engineer is responsible to ensure the required support to the ARC is available from the operation
function, in collaboration with ARC member, within agreed timelines. The support is as listed below but not
limited to;
• Follow up and update the ARP before each meeting for relevant actions.
• Identify new risks for assessment based on plant/site performance.
• Helps in implementing control measures for IOW violations.
• Initiates the MOCs related to Area Reliability Plans.
• Provide inputs during risk assessment and re-ranking.
• Propose mitigation measures for the Risks.
• Update the status of recommendations generated from Process Safety Incidents, Reliability RCA and other
technical studies.

4.3 Process Optimization Service (POS) Focal Point:

POS member is responsible to ensure the required support to the ARC is available from the TSD function, in
collaboration with Asset Integrity member, within agreed timelines. The support is as listed below but not
limited to;
• Follow up and update the ARP before each meeting for relevant actions.
• Facilitate the licensor’s support as required (if any).
• Troubleshooting / Analysis / Identification of process parameters that could lead to the failure.
• Track process shutdowns and incidents.
• Identify new risks for assessment based on plant/site performance.
• Provide inputs during risk assessment and re-ranking.
• Propose mitigation measures for the Risks.
• Update the status of recommendations generated from Process Safety Incidents, Reliability RCA and other
technical studies.

4.4 Inspection Focal Point:

Asset Integrity/Inspection member is responsible to make sure required support from TSD function in
collaboration with POS member of ARC, within agreed timelines. The support as listed below but not limited to;
• Follow up and update the ARP before each meeting for relevant actions.
Procedure for Area Reliability Committee

Doc. No.: P03-TSD-REL Rev: 00 Date: Apr12’ 20 Page 3 of 7

• Analysis of incidents/failures of equipment & suggest remedial measures to prevent recurrences within the
agreed timelines.
• Ensure agreed inspection plan, results and recommendations available for review.
• Provide justification on gaps in KPIs such as Inspection Plan Compliance and IOW compliance.
• Identify new risks for assessment based on plant/site performance.
• Provide inputs during risk assessment and re-ranking.
• Propose mitigation measures for the Risks.
• Update the status of recommendations generated from Process Safety Incidents, Reliability RCA and other
technical studies.

4.5 Maintenance Focal Point:

Maintenance member is responsible to make sure required support from various disciplines of maintenance
towards execution of the recommendations of ARC within the agreed timelines. The support as listed below but
not limited to;
• Follow up and update the ARP before each meeting for relevant actions.
• Carry out assessments to find Reliability threats in Machinery (Rotating), Instrumentation, Static, Civil and
Electrical equipment of this area.
• Propose mitigation measures for the Risks.
• Execute agreed actions.
• Ensuring required maintenance resources available and quality repair.
• Expediting the procurement of required spares, vendor services and planning the maintenance services for
• Identify new risks for assessment based on plant/site performance.
• Provide inputs during risk assessment and re-ranking.
• Provide justification on gaps in KPIs such as PM Plan Compliance, Safety Critical Equipment (SCE)
Compliance, and Inspection Recommendation Compliance
• Update the status of recommendations generated from Process Safety Incidents, Reliability RCA and other
technical studies.

4.6 Engineering Focal Point:

Engineering member is responsible to make sure required support from various disciplines of Engineering
towards execution of the recommendations of ARC within the agreed timelines. The support as listed below but
not limited to;
• Follow up and update the ARP before each meeting for relevant actions.
• Carry out assessments to find Reliability threats in Machinery (Rotating), Instrumentation, Static, Civil and
Electrical equipment of this area.
• Carry out assessments to find improvements in Reliability and robustness of systems by for example
identifying gaps with the ORPIC engineering standards and industry best practices against actual
• Propose mitigation measures for Risks.
• Identify new risks for assessment based on plant/site performance.
• Provide inputs during risk assessment and re-ranking.
• Update the status of recommendations generated from Process Safety Incidents, Reliability RCA and other
technical studies.

4.7 Process Safety Focal Point:

The Process Safety engineer for the Area is responsible to ensure the ARC is using the correct Process Safety
standards, processes, methods and tools to drive standardization and apply lessons learned across the ARCs. The
support as listed below but not limited to;
• Facilitate and lead discussion on Process Safety Incidents and MOC preliminary review.
• Tracks the Process Safety Incidents registration, investigation status and recommendation status.
• Provide justification on gaps in KPI for Process Safety Incidents overdue recommendation.
Procedure for Area Reliability Committee

Doc. No.: P03-TSD-REL Rev: 00 Date: Apr12’ 20 Page 4 of 7

• Share lessons learned from other ARCs.

• Drive for continual improvement in Tier-3/4 Process Safety KPIs particularly repeated/recurring incidents.
• Support the Root Cause Analysis of Process Safety incidents or High Potential near misses.
• Identify new risks for assessment based on plant/site performance.
• Provide inputs during risk assessment and re-ranking.
• Support the ARC members on requirements related to Process Safety procedures (e.g. MOC, HAZOPs).

4.8 Reliability Focal Point:

The Reliability engineer for the Area is responsible to make sure the ARC is using the correct Reliability
processes, methods and tools to drive standardization and apply lessons learned across the ARCs. The support as
listed below but not limited to;
• Support the assigned Area Manager in overall implementation of this procedure and collaborate with ARC
members to ensure efficient progress of ARP.
• Facilitate bi-monthly meetings.
• Review updates of ARP prior to meeting.
• Update Reliability KPIs and other KPIs using inputs from different discipline.
• Support, facilitate and review the Root Cause Analysis of Reliability incidents.
• Share lessons learned from other ARCs.
• Facilitate the multi-disciplinary work in ARC.
• Identify new risks for assessment based on plant/site performance.
• Provide inputs during risk assessment and re-ranking.
• Update the status of recommendations generated from Process Safety Incidents, Reliability RCA and other
technical studies.
• Maintaining all records related to the committee.

RACI Matrix: R – Responsible; A – Accountable; C – Consulted; I – Informed.









Send recurring meeting invitations for 2 meetings per month. R A I I I I I I

Follow up after each meeting, send overdue/near overdue
action items and those with missing information to action R A I I I I I I
owners prior upcoming meeting.
Facilitate the ARC meeting and input changes introduced or
agreed during the meeting.
Record member’s updating and attendance. R A I I I I I I
Update KPI based on inputs from different discipline prior to
1st meeting.
Set the meeting schedule/agenda and send meeting
invitations if there are revisions in agenda and schedule.
Develop consequence control plan, risk mitigation plan and
input to ARC spreadsheet prior to meeting. Input bi-monthly I A R R R R R R
updates on plan and action dates prior to the meeting.
Provide justification for gaps on KPIs such as Inspection Plan
Compliance and IOW compliance.
Provide justification for gaps on KPIs such as PM Plan
Compliance, SCE Compliance, Inspection Recommendation I A I I I R I I
Provide justification for gaps on KPI on Process Safety I A I I I I R I
Procedure for Area Reliability Committee

Doc. No.: P03-TSD-REL Rev: 00 Date: Apr12’ 20 Page 5 of 7








Incidents overdue recommendation.

Identify new risks for assessment based on plant/site

Follow sequence and ask guide questions during risk
assessment and risk re-ranking.
Provide the inputs for describing new risks, worst case
credible scenario and justification for likelihood during risk I R R R R R R R
assessment and risk re-ranking.
Provide direction/steer on development and progress of ARP.
Make decisions on conflicts in resources needed, change of
action dates, if any additional risk mitigation R R I I I I I I
plan/consequence control plan is required, re-ranking and
categorizing as ALARP/Closed, etc.
Input the Reliability RCA recommendations in ARC
spreadsheet prior to meeting.
Update the status of Reliability RCA recommendations prior
to meeting.
Facilitate and lead discussion on Process Safety Incidents.
Track the Process Safety incidents registration, investigation I A I I I I R I
status and recommendation status.
Facilitate and lead discussion on MOC preliminary review I A I I I I R I

5. Activities/Description:
ARCs are grouped into different functions / plant area as shown in the following table.
ARC Function Plant Area
1 AP Operation Area (2/3), (4/5/6) &Utilities
2 MAF Operation Area 1,2,3,4,5
3 SR Operation SR1 & SR2 Area 1, 2
4 SR Operation SR1 & SR2 Area (3/5), 4
5 SR Operation SR1 & SR2 Area 6, 7
6 PP and PE Operation PP, PE
Terminals (Jifnain, Raysut and Sohar gantry) and
7 Logistics Operation
Pipelines (MSCP and MSPP)
8 SR Operation SR2 Area 8, 9
9 Steam Cracker Operation Steam Cracker, Utilities, MTBE, Pygas

Each ARC will be composed of the following focal point members including the Chairman:
• Chairman – Operations Manager
• Operations Focal Point – Operations Engineer
• POS Focal Point – Process Engineer
• Inspection Focal Point – Asset Integrity Engineer
• Maintenance Focal Point – Maintenance Team Lead or Engineer of any discipline
• Engineering Focal Point – Engineering Team Lead or any Discipline Engineer
• Process Safety Focal Point – Process Safety Engineer assigned to each ARC
• Reliability Focal Point – Reliability Engineer assigned to each ARC
Procedure for Area Reliability Committee

Doc. No.: P03-TSD-REL Rev: 00 Date: Apr12’ 20 Page 6 of 7

The ARC manages the risk through 4 basic steps below. ARC meetings serve as collaboration for decision making.

5.1 Identify
The identification of threat/risk and incidents is done on a day to day basis. This may be either proactive based
on experience/predictive measures or reactive which is based on what has happened on site. Identifying risks
and incidents are supplemented by different work processes (such as but is not limited to) described in table
Proactive Reactive
• Asset Master Plan (AMP) • Bad Actor Management
• Risk Based Inspection (RBI) • Incident Reporting
• Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) • Plants Monthly Operational Performance
• Integrity Operating Window (IOW) (NTMADH, RPDT, etc)
• Hazard of Operation (HAZOP) studies • Learning from Incident (LFI)
• SIL / Layers of Protection (LOPA) Analysis • Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
• Site walkdowns
• Reliability or Asset Review, OEM Studies
Anyone can raise a threat and bring to the attention of any ARC focal point. The objective is to identify
threat/risk to Availability and Reliability of plant.

5.2 Assess, Prioritize and Develop Action

This step is managed through a discussion in ARC meeting. Risk Assessment is done in order to prioritize which
threats to focus. The ARC works together to develop actions which are classified as consequence control plan
(interim) or risk mitigation plan (long term) and documented in ARP with action owners and target dates to
complete. The discussion within ARC multidiscipline personnel aids in providing steers and decision making. The
ARC chairman is in control to make sure the right ARP is identified, there is resources to implement ARP, timely
implementation of ARP, conflicts are resolved, and right steers are provided.

5.3 Execute
The execution of actions is done on a day to day basis. There are many different work processes enabling
execution. These maybe done in simple ways through different studies and as simple as development of
Engineering Package for MOCs. The most common platform used in execution of action is in Work Order
management system where most of actions coming from ARP, notifications, RCA recommendations, MOCs, RCM
Plans, Inspection Plan and Recommendations, etc are organized, planned, scheduled and executed. Others are
implemented through a separate Project study and Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC).

5.4 Monitor, Evaluate and Close Action

This is another step that is also managed through a discussion in ARC meeting. The ARPs or important actions
coming from different work processes or inputs of ARC members are tracked and logged in this step. The ARC
decides whether an action has been completed and can be closed upon verification of evidence and a certain
period of evaluation. Risk Re-ranking is done to determine whether risk is reduced to ALARP. The development
and discussion of different KPIs also aid in strengthening this step. If agreed by ARC, tracking and closing of
actions for other work processes (e.g. RCA, IOW, Process Safety Incident, etc) can also be established.

• In addition to the cycle of 4 basic process of above, there will be a yearly review of ARC risks and
corresponding ARPs to identify which activities need to be added in AMP. This is to make sure that activities
requiring budget to execute are properly planned and coordinated to AMP and included in budget review
and approval. A separate procedure is to be used in annual review of AMP.
Procedure for Area Reliability Committee

Doc. No.: P03-TSD-REL Rev: 00 Date: Apr12’ 20 Page 7 of 7

• Meeting frequency is dependent on the size and complexity of ARC. The recommended meeting frequency
for each ARC is twice a month (suitable for larger ARC) but requirement is a minimum of once a month
meeting for each ARC to discuss the agenda on ARP. The Chairman has the option to choose frequency of
meeting, which week is preferred and if there are other agendas aside from ARP. The following timeline is an
example of twice a month meeting showing how 4 basic steps. Both steps 5.2 and 5.4 are implemented
through ARC Meeting with some examples of meeting agenda. A separate SOP is to be used for different
agenda in ARC meetings.
(5.1) Identify

(5.2) Assess, Prioritize (5.2) Assess, Prioritize

and Develop Action and Develop Action

(5.3) Execute

(5.4) Monitor, Evaluate (5.4) Monitor, Evaluate

and Close Action and Close Action


Send reminders to Action Send reminders to Action

Owners on open, near
overdue and overdue Area
ARC Meeting Owners on open, near
overdue and overdue Area
ARC Meeting
Reliability Plans
Example Agenda: Reliability Plans
Example Agenda:
(Reliability) Area Reliability Plan + KPIs (Reliability) Area Reliability Plan + KPIs
Risk Assessment Risk Assessment
Risk Re ranking Risk Re ranking
Reliability RCA Tracking Reliability RCA Tracking
MOC Preliminary Review MOC Preliminary Review
Process Incident Tracking Process Incident Tracking
(ARC Members) (ARC Members)

6. References:
6.1 P06-TSD-REL: SOP for Area Reliability Committee Meetings
6.2 W01 (PM-HSE-HSE 1.8): Incident Reporting Investigation Learning Procedure Rev 1
6.3 P13-TSD-PSM: Management of Change Procedure Rev 3
6.4 W04 PM-TSD-PSM: Orpic Risk Management Guideline
6.5 OP-50000050-151: Procedure for the treatment of identified Black Risks Rev 0

7. Records:
Refer to P06-TSD-REL: SOP for Area Reliability Committee Meetings

8. Annexures:

9. Amendment History:
Rev. No. Date Page Section Amendment Details Initiated By
00 12/04/2020 All All First Release Menno Hofstra

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