666473436 Lower Secondary Science 9 Learner Book Answers

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Ue aki tse eel ee Ter eh el ed > Learner's Book answers Unit 1 Photosynthesis and the carbon cycle Getting started ‘Learners should soe thatthe plant that has light is taller and greener than the one kept in the dark. They may also see that leaves of the plant in the light are broader and more numerous, and the stems are thicker. Learners may remember that plants make food by photosynthesis, and cannot do this in the dark, so they do not have enough food” to beable to grow well. They may also know th chlorophyll is what makes plants look green, and that this is used to absorb energy from light. With no light, the plant does not make chlorophyll Questions carbon dioxide and water glucose and oxygen Photosynthesis transfers energy from sunlight into chemical energy in glucose. The plant ccan use the glucose to make other substances. ‘When the grasshopper eats grass, it takes in some of this energy. The lizard gets some of the energy when it eats the grasshopper. Plants release oxygen into the air when they photosynthesise, Animals such as lizards need ‘oxygen for respiration. Activity: Words beginning with photo- Easy words include: photograph, photography. photographer, photographing. photocopier, photocopying and photocopy. A few learners may also know photostat and photogenic. Other less likely words for them to think of include photon, photophobia, photocell and photofinish Think like a scientist: Collecting the gas produced in photosynthesis So that the gas could be collected over water. So that the water plant could get energy for photosynthesis. Think like a scientist: Investigating how light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis ‘This will depend on the results that learners obtain. They are likely to find that the mean number of bubbles is greatest when the lamp is closest to the test tube Check that + the axes are the right way round, with distance of lamp on the x-axis and mean number of bubbles on the y-axis ‘both axes are fully labelled, including units there are good seales on both axes the points are plotted neaily as small crosses, in exactly the right places neat line has been drawn; this could be a best ft ine, or learners could use a ruler to join each point to the next. decreases Activity: Photosynthesis and respiration Similarities: They are both chemical reactions. ‘They both happen inside cells. They both involve ‘energy changes (energy transfers). They both involve glucose, oxygen, carbon dioxide und water Differences: Respiration happens in all living cells, but photosynthesis only huppens in some plant cells (Some learners may also know that photosynthesis ‘can happen in the cytoplasm in bacterial cells, but this knowledge isnot expected at this level.) Respiration happens in cytoplasm and mitochondria but photosynthesis happens in chloroplasts. Photosynthesis needs sun does not it, but respiration ‘The reactants in respiration are the products in photosynthesis, and vice versa. In photosynthesis, energy from sunlight is transferred to chemical energy in glucose In respiration, energy in glucose is released for the cell to use Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 Ue ake a ese Decale Getting started in the green partvin the leaves and stem because they contain chlorophyll because they are not green/do not receive light Think like a scientist: Planning an investigation into the effect of fertilisers on plant growth ‘The hypothesis should state a predicted effect ‘that changing one variable has on another variable, For example: ‘The more feruser the duckweed plants have the faster they wil grow ‘There are many other possible hypotheses Check thatthe hypothesis is gonuincly testable by experiment Answers will depend on the hypothesis being tested. It is advisable to have at least five different values of the variable, Learners are likely to suggest counting the number of Ieaves. They could either decide to count each set of duckweed just once, after a set period of time, or they could count each fone at regular intervals such as every two days. This will depend on which variables are being changed; any other variables that could affect the rate of growth, such as light intensity and temperature, should be kept the same. This will depend on the learner's experiment. ‘They are likely to need Petri dishes, some duckweed plants, some fertiliser and a way of ‘measuring it, and a timer. “There are few risks in this experiment, Ferlliser should be handled with care, as it ‘would not be good for it to be ingested, Clean Uup any spills quickly ‘The predictions should match the hypothesis. Answers to questions 1 and 2 in part 2 will vary from learner to learner, Activity: Which surface of a leaf has most stomata? Learners should sce more bubbles emerging from the lower surface of the leaf because this is where ‘most stomata are ‘The bubbles contain air. They are likely to contain a lot of oxygen if the leaf has been photosynthesising, ‘The warm water makes the gases inside the air spaces in the leaf expand, which makes them come out of the leaf Questions ‘The carbon dioxide particles have kinetic energy. ‘They are in constant, random motion. By chance, some of them will 0 into the leaf through the stomata, Some will also come out. But, overall, more will goin than out because there are more of them outside the leaf than inside it. Some of the oxygen diffuses out of the leaf Some of the oxygen is used in respiration, Plants get their protein by using the carbohydrates they make in photosynthesis and adding nitrogen to them to make proteins. Animals get their protein by feeding on plants and/or other animals. Nitrate and magnesium are both needed for making chlorophyll, so a shortage of either of them makes leaves go yellow. Nitrate is also needed for making proteins, but without magnesium the plant cannot photosynthesise, so it has fewer carbohydrates to make proteins from. A lack of either nitrate or magnesium reduces growth. Think like a scientist: Testing a leaf for starch Starch is stored in the chloroplasts, Boiling breaks down the cell membranes, so the iodine ean reach the starch. ‘This makes it easier to see the colour change when iodine solution is added. Most learners will get a positive test result, showing that the leaf does contain starch. This ‘was produced from the glucose that was made by photosynthesis in the chloroplasts. Only the green parts contained starch. The white parts have no chlorophyll. which is needed to absorb energy from sunlight and without which photosynthesis cannot happen. Getting started Tn carbon dioxide in the sir, the carbon atom is part of a compound: in photosynthesis it bocomes part of a glucose molccule, but i still carbon atom, Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 Ue ake a ese Decale Questions The food chain should have a correct sequence of organisms, with one plant aand three animals, Arrows should go in the correct direction. For example: fig tree — wasp — spider — lizard ‘Yes, the arrows could also indicate how carbon atoms are transferred. Carbon is contained in the food that animals eat, in the form of compounds such as. carbohydrates and proteins. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Learners could also suggest particular compounds, such as haemoglobin. (Note that animals do not contain starch.) ‘There would be no (or very little) combustion OF fossil fuels, ‘They take a very long time to form. We are ‘Tube F: Plant photosynthesises and respires, ‘but photosynthesises more than it respires, and therefore uses up carbon dioxide. Maggots respite, giving out carbon dioxide. ‘The two are likely to balance out ‘To make sure that having a platform in place did not cause the differences between the results in the different tubes. Activity: Modelling the carbon cycle. No, in the real carbon eyele only some carbon ‘atoms will move at any one point in time. Learners could suggest having only one or two ‘atoms moving on each occasion. Learners should find that stopping combustion results in fewer carbon atoms ending up in the air. Questions AXBIC3D2 Questions using them up much faster than they are being replenished. Think like a scientist: How do plants and animals affect carbon dioxide concentration? Learners will probably find these resulls: ‘Tube A: yellow, high carbon dioxide Tube B: purple, no carbon dioxide Tube C: yellow, high carbon dioxide Tube D: yellow, high carbon dioxide ‘Tube E: yellow, high carbon dioxide Tube F: red, some carbon dioxide Organisms were respiring in all the tubes. Plants were photosynthesising in tubes B and F. Carbon dioxide would be used up in tube B. Carbon dioxide would be given out in tubes A.C, D and E. Tube A: No photosynthesis because no light; plant respires, giving out carbon dioxide. ‘Tube B: Plant photosynthesises and respires, but photosynthesises more than it respires; carbon dioxide is used up, ‘Tube C: Maggots respire, giving out carbon dioxide ‘Tube D: Maggots respire, giving out carbon dioxide Tube E: No photosynthesis because no light: plant respires, giving out carbon dioxide. Maggots respire, giving out carbon dioxide. An asteroid is a rock, smaller than a planet, which orbits the Sun It produced a lot of heat, which killed plants and animals close to the collision site. I produced a huge tsunami, which killed plants and animals on land that were swamped by sea water. It sent dust high into the atmosphere, so plants died because they could not photosynthesise Animals then died because there was no food for them to eat 13°C The temperature fell by 0.3°C between 1880 and 1910. It rose by 1.6°C between 1910 and 2016. Multiply the number of years until the end of the century by 3mm, As the mean global temperature increases, more land ice melts and adds extra water to the oceans. Also, higher temperatures cause sea water to expand, Think like a scientist: How do rising temperatures affect sea level? Learners should find that melting ice on land and increasing water temperature both increase the water level. Melting ice inthe sea does not increase the water level ‘They indicate how sea level is expected to rise. Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 Ue ake a ese Decale Activity: The carbon cycle and climate change Respiration and combustion increase the level of carbon dioxide inthe atmosphere, Photosynthesis decreases it Learners could suggest Plant more tees, because they will pPhotosynthesise and take carbon dioxide out of the air Stop deforestation (same reason), Stop burning fossil fuels, to reduce combustion, Stop using so much energy, so that we do not ced to use us much fuel Learners may also be aware of other issues not covered here, such as eating ess meat (because production and transport of meat uses lot of energy and produces a lot of earbon dioxide) or reducing ar travel carbon dioxide oxygen soil chlorophyll stomata the type of seaweed Any three from: the temperature the light intensity; the size of the piece of seaweed: the time for which the apparatus is le the volume of gas collected (alter a set period of time). 4 tonnes per hectare Adding more than 60 kg per ha gives only a very small increase in yield. It is likely that the cost of the extra fertiliser ‘would outweigh the small increase in income from selling the grain, ‘The wheat plants use the nitrate to make proteins. The proteins can be used to make new cells, some of which will be used to produce the grains Ina different place, there might be a different concentration of nitrate in the soil before the fertiliser is added. There ‘might be & lack of other minerals in the soil. The soil might be better or worse al holding water. There might be more shade in one place than another. The temperature might be different. Magnesium is needed for making chlorophyll glucose, starch, carbohydrate, protein, fat, cellulose or chlorophyll -allow any other correct organic compound. Seat level will rise, There will be more extreme weather events, such us typhoons and hurricanes, Many species of organisms are completely destroyed Look for the idea of long-term reduction in photosynthesis, because of dust thrown up into the atmosphere, which reduces light penetration This in turn reduces food for animals Other reasons are the immediate results of the impact, including the heat and pressure wave in the vicinity oF the impact, and a massive tsunami Unit 2 Properties of materials may be able to give facts such as the charges on the particles: protons — positive, neutrons — no charge Getting started Answers will depend on what learners can recall You should usc this as a form of assessment for earning. Learners should manage to name electrons ncutrons, protons and the nucleus. Some and electrons ~ negative. They may be able to recall the relative masses of the particles: protons and neutrons having more mass than electrons, ‘They may be able to recall the arrangement of the particles as in the Rutherford model Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 Ue aki tse eel ee Ter eh el ed Questions 6 4 6 Diagram should have three shells, with cloctrons structure 2:8:2, and a nucleus with 2p and 12n in the centre. Aluminium Diagram should have two shells, with electrons structure 2,7, and a nucleus with 9p and 10a in the centre, The nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons in both models. In the Rutherford ‘model, the electrons are all shown in one cloud around the nucleus. In the model we use today. the electrons are shown arranged in different shells or energy levels around the nucleus, In the model we use today, each shell can contain up to particular number of electrons Getting started Metals in the same group as magnesium: beryllium of calcium. (Accept other metals in this group if you are using a full Periodic Table.) Metals in the same period as magnesium: sodium or aluminium, Non-metallic solid in the same period as ‘magnesium: silicon, phosphorus or sulfur. Gas in the same period as magnesium: chlorine or argon. non-metals Melting points inerease as you go down the group, ‘The colour gets darker as you go down this group. Boiling points increase as you go down the group, ‘The melting point of iodine would be higher than ~7°C and boiling point higher than 59°C odine would be less reactive than bromine, 7 ‘The size of the atoms inereases as you go down this group. ‘The atoms are similar in that they all have 7 electrons in their outer shell Because the atoms of each element has 7 electrons in its outer shell, ‘The melting points increase as you go down this group. ‘The size of the atoms inereases as you go down this group. ‘The outer electron shells are all full and have 8 electrons (other than helium, which only has 2 electrons). ‘The atoms of each element have 8 electrons in their outer shell ‘The melting- and boiling points of krypton will be higher than those of argon, Questions Think like a scientist: Observation of “The metals (except Aluminium) are foundon _the reactions of Group 1 metals with the left sie of the table. water ‘The boiling points decrease as you go down, the group. Itis lower than 777°C. eight more electrons ‘The size of the atoms inereases as you go down this group. All have an outer shell containing one electron and an inner shell containing two electrons. This group of metals could be called Group 1 because there is one electron in the outer shell ‘The atoms get larger and the reaction with water gets more violent as the size of the atoms increase. ‘These might include the use of safety glasses and a safety screen; handling the metals with Forceps: using only a small piece of metal, and warning students about their position in the room, Descriptions should include any movement across the Water: change in the solid metal: fizzing, any Name and colour of the flame. lithium + water —» lithium + hydrogen hydroxide sodium hydroxide sodium + water + hydrogen potassium hydroxide * PYSreee" potassium + water —> Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 DMO ck Pisco ge eters ea ol a ‘This might include the reaction producing heat; a gas is released, and the metal moves ‘around the water surface. ‘The differences may include the amount of movement on the water and the intensity Of the violence of the reactions, Accept any observed differences, ‘These may include the colour; the fact that they are soft and can be cut; they are all light sand float on water and they react to form an hydroxide with water. Accept any observed similarities ‘The reaction increases in intensity as you g0 down Group 1. This would suggest that rubidium reacts extremely violently and would not be safe to use in schools When these Group 1 metals react with water, they produce the alkalis lithium-, sodium- and potassium hydroxide, Getting started The learners’ drawings should match those in the Learners’ Book in Topic 2.2, The point here is to focus the learners on getting the details correct by discussing their drawings with their partner Questions 28.1 28 a co Diagram should have three shells, with electron structure 2.8,8, and a nucleus Diagram should have two shells, with electron structure 2,8, and a nucleus, Potassium can lose an electron more easily because the outer electron isa long way from the nucleus and the positive electrostatic charges on the protons, so itis easier for the electron to escape from the potassium atom. ‘The outer electron in the lithium atom is closer to the positive electrostatic forces, so it is more difficult for it to escape. Fluorine is more reactive than chlorine because it can gain an electron more easily because the outer shell of electrons is further from the electrostatic charges between the electrons and the protons, Diagram of calcium atom should have four shells, with electron structure 2,8,8,2, and a nucleus. Diagram of cal should have three shells, with electron structure 2.8.8, and a nucleus (Students may or may not write 2+ to the top right of the calcium ion diagram.) 2 cal, cao carbon dioxide, methane, water, hydrogen chloride and ammonia. An ionic compound, because the compound is formed from a metal and a non-metal. methane CH, carbon dioxide CO,; nitrogen N, Getting started Learners should be able to describe the structure of sodium and chlorine atoms. They might be able to discuss the stability of the two atoms. They should be able to describe the formation of the ions of these two elements and the formation of aan ionic bond between them, Suitable diagrams such as those shown in Topi¢ 2.2 could be drawn, This should not be used simply as a rightwrong answer but the idea is to provoke discussion between learners to help them improve their understanding. Questions An ionic bond is formed when atoms lose or gain an electron (or electrons) but a covalent bond is formed when atoms share electrons. ionic bond A molecule is the name given to a particle with more than one atom where the atoms. share at least one electron in a covalent bond. Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 Ue aki tse eel ee Ter eh el ed A macromolecule is a giant molecule. Examples are silicon dioxide, diamond or graphite Tonic, because it has high melting- and boiling points and it is a compound formed from a metal and a non-metal A simple molecule with covalent bonds. It has low melting- and boiling points, Also credit the fact that itis formed from two non-metal so must have covalent bonds. Agas ‘They have high melting points because they are ionic compounds, The electrostatic forces between the ions in these compounds are very strong so, in order to melt the solids, a great deal of energy is need to break these bonds. ‘They are composed of simple molecules: the forces within the molecules are strong, but the forces between the molecules are weak, so less energy is needed to melt them. Copper sulfate has ionic bonds. It has formed a giant structure of crystals and is made from ‘a metal and a a non-metal ‘This substance has ionic bonds because it has very high melting- and boiling points. Silicon dioxide is hard and has a very high melting point; these are not properties that are expected of a substance with covalent bonds. We know that silicon dioxide must have covalent bonds because itis formed from two non-metals so the only explanation can be that silicon dioxide has a giant covalent structure, Think like a scientist: lonic compounds conducting electricity ‘The expected answer would be yes, but credit answers based on the learners findings When ionic compounds dissolve in water, the ions are free to move about in the solution ‘and can carry the electric charge and so the solution can conduct the electricity The expected answer would be no, but credit answers where learners may have found some conduction if they are based on their results. ‘The ions are held in a strong lattice so they fare not free to move to carry the charge and conduct electricity. Learners should explain any conduction they did observe, for example the electrodes were touching or the erystal was wet Ifa covalent substance were used, there would. be no conduction of electricity because the forces inside the molecules are strong and there are no charged particles to carry the electricity. Below 180°C and above 63°C Below 883°C and above 688°C hydrogen More bubbles of gas and more heat will be generated than with lithium, but less than with potassium. Lithium 7; sodium 23; potassium 39: rubidium 85 The number of protons plus the number of neutrons Diagram should have a nucleus, three shells, and the electron structure 2.8.1 Diagram should be the same as in the question, but with one additional cross in the outer shell A fluorine ion is more stable than a fluorine atom because the outer (highest cenergy level) shell of electrons is full, rE ionic covalent covalent ionic ionic cH, ‘The strong electrostatic forces between the positive sodium ions and the negative chlorine ions. ‘The melting- and boiling points of sodium chloride will be high because the electrostatic forces are strong. Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 Ue aki tse eel ee Ter eh el ed Unit 3 Forces and energy Getting started the (dimensional) space occupied by an object / length x width x height of an object 1 kg feathers Tem’ of iron Questions pine wood polyearbonate The density of polycarbonate is greater than the density of water. ‘volume mass__ 13.5 volume ~ 5 It ill sink because its density is greater than that of water 4x3x6=72cm' mass__ 54 lensty = SS = 4 = 0.75 plem’ density Volume 72" ce It will float because its density is less than that of water. density 27 lem! _mass__ 10300 volume 10 ‘The material will float because its density is less than that of sea water. ‘The material will sink because its density is greater than that of pure water. density 1030 g/em* mass density = Same so mass = density x volume = 8.96 x 20= 179.28 mass density density = Shame = OR Any two from: plastic is less dense than steel / the result from part b is the avei density of all the materials the toy is hollow OR contains air. A= kerosene; B= water: C = mereury ‘The gas must be less dense than air; the gas must have a density low enough so that the average density of the balloon, the string and the gas is less than that of air. Itis cooler at those times, so the surrounding air will be denser, the difference in density between the balloon and the surrounding air will be greater; the balloon will float more easily Activity: Densities of some regular objects Those objects with calculated densities greater than 1.0 g/em’ should be predictedto sink; those that are less, to oat If the balance is not at zero, then the (recorded / measured) mass of the object will be too large of too small ‘There is material missing from the ‘corners, so if measured to where the corner should be, then the ealeulated volume will be 100 large. ‘The mass should be correct because damage to the object will not affect the reading on the balance. If the calculated volume is too small, then the density value will be too large / vice versa: if the recorded mass is too small then the density value will be too small / Think like a scientist: Densities of some irregular objects ‘The volume is read correctly from the bottom of the meniscus. Either place a heavier object of known volume on top to make the less dense object sink, measure the total volume of the two objects by displacement, subtract the volume of the denser object. (Or tie a denser object with string to the less dense object, submerge them both in water, measure the total volume of the two objects by displacement, subtract the volume of the denser object and the string (hat can also be measured by displacement) Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 DMO ck Pisco ge eters ea ol a Use a larger container filled to the very top, submerge object, collect water that overtlows, ‘measure the volume of the water collected using several measuring cylinders. ‘The result is likely to be anomalous because ‘wood floats on water, therefore the density of ‘wood is expected to be less than the density of water, which is 1.0 gfem Getting started Any heat source, such as aflame, a hot plate or an immersion heater: iis also acceptable to add more water that is ata higher temperature The water in the swimming pool. The temperature inereases are the same, so the larger mass of water requires more thermal energy. Questions J °c The temperatures are the same. ‘The thermal energy in the larger block, B, is greater, so B has more heat. ‘Thermal energy contained within that object: the total energy of all the particles in the object The average energy of the p an object. A Band A> Cand BoC ‘The statement will be true only if the substances are the same and have the same ‘mass or same number of particles. It is possible for an object with a small mass to have a higher temperature than an object with larger mass, yet the object with larger mass ‘may have more thermal energy, so has more heat Activity: The Mpemba effect The table should have a column for starting temperature of the water in °C (normally be on the left), There should be a column for time taken to freeze in minutes or scconds, or minutes and sovonds. Each temperature difference correctly calculated by subtracting ~18°C from each, temperature, ‘The greater the temperature difference, the ‘greater the rate of thermal energy transfer. ‘The trend in the learner's result is correctly described: this should be a trend rather than ‘only quoting results. Think like a scientist: Measuring heat and temperature The table should have u column for energy in joules and a column for temperature in °C ‘The graph should be drawn with linear scales and cover half the grid in both directions. Ideally, the graph should be a straight line. As the energy supplied to the water increases, the temperature of the water increases. Any three from: volume or mass of water type of container / starting temperature of the water / same temperature increase / same quantity of thermal energy from the immersion heater. Any throe from: transferred to the cup / to the air above the water / to the surface below the cup / to evaporate some of the water / to the area around the top of the heater (if the ‘heater was not completely submerged). Any three from: insulation around the cup / insulation under the eup / ensure the heater is completely submerged (iF it was not) / puta lid ‘on the cup. Getting started Mest should be able to recall at least some from: kinetic, chemical, gravitational potential, elastic potential, electrical, thermal For example, chemical can be changed to electrical in a cell or battery ‘Where energy spreads out and becomes less useful. Questions Energy cannot be created or destroyed ‘energy can be changed or transferred (statements can be in either order) false false true 1000 ~ 500 = 500 100 - 80 = 205 Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 Ue ake a ese Decale 1300 +700) 100-70 55 + 10 = 65: 100 ~ 65 = 35% Sofia is not correct. The useful energy output and the wasted energy cannot add up to more than the energy input. 12 +7 = 19, whereas energy input is 18 J. $o 18 ~ 7 = 11 J of the electrical energy is changed to light. Activity: Conservation of energy ‘The frst bottle swings through a smaller distance as the sovond bottle swings through 4 greater distance, The second bottle then swings through a smaller distance as the first bottle swings through a greater distance. The cycle repeats. Kinetic energy from one bottle is transferred to the other bottle. Energy cannot be guined (as no additional energy is input), so as one bottle swings more, the other must swing less Energy is used (0 overcome friction and air resistance: energy is dissipated. Activity: Bottle racers the (twisted) elastic band clastic potential kinetic ‘The bottle racer moves faster / further (depending on their observation) as there is ‘more elastic potential energy to change to kinetic energy: Getting started Thermal energy from the room is transferred out through the open window; cold air may enter the room but thermal energy moves from the warm air into the cold air. Questions ‘Thermal energy moves from warmer / hotter / higher temperature places to cooler / colder / ower temperature places. The temperature will decrease The food is at a higher temperature than the surroundings; thermal energy will move from the food to the surroundings: hicat will be dissipated from the food. ‘The temperature will increase: the surroundings are at a higher temperature than the ice cream: thermal energy will move from the surroundings to the ice cream. Zarais correct; heat, or thermal energy. ‘moves but cold does not move, and the gloves keep the cold air from contacting the skin; the gloves keep the heat of the hands from escaping to the colder surroundings. ‘The water is at lower temperature /is ccolder than the engine; thermal energy from the engine moves to the water; heat from the engine is dissipated into the water. ‘Thermal energy from the water is dissipated into the air around the radiator (or dissipated into the radiator); the air at the front of the radiator is at lower temperature than the water. Activity: Hot coffee method B Adding the cold milk to the coffee lowers the temperature of the coffee. ‘This lowers the temperature difference between the coffee and the surroundings. ‘The rate of thermal energy transfer (and therefore cooling) is lower when the temperature difference is lower. Same cups; same volume (or mass) of coffee: me Volume (or mass) of milk; same starting temperature of coffee; same temperature of milk: same room temperature: same exposure to draughts / moving air. Think like a scientist: Temperature change from heat dissipation “Tuble should have a column for time in seconds oF minutes and a column for temperature of water in °C, Axes should be scaled in a linear way with temperature on the y-axis. Line graph should be drawn either with a best fit straight line or a smooth curve. ‘The results may show a lag before temperature starts to increase and may also show a decrease in rate of temperature change as time progresses. Learners should describe the trend shown in their graph. ‘The temperature of the water will stop increasing either when the lamp is switched off or when the water reaches the same ‘temperature as the lamp. Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 Ue ake a ese Decale ‘The temperature increase of the water will be slower with the LED; the water will not reach as high a temperature with the LED as it did with the lamp. Getting started In a solid, the particles are regularly arranged and in contact In aliquid, the particles are randomly arranged and in contact. Ina gas, the particks are randomly arranged and not in contact Particles vibrate more vigorously, taking up more space; the solid expands. Particles vibrate more vigorously, taking up more space; the liquid expands. Particles move faster and collide with each other and the walls with more force; the gas expands. Questions conduction, convection and radiation conduction and convection; both of these methods require particle movement and there are no particles in a vacuum. Conduction because the particles in solid are close topether/touching to transfer the energy from vibrations; convection cannot occur in a solid because the particles are not free to move. The black T-shirt will absorb thermal radiation faster, so Arun will feel hotter sooner, The ‘white T-shirt will reflect more thermal radiation, so Marcus will el cooler for longer. conduction radiation The electric heater gets hot (changes electrical energy to thermal energy), heat is ansferred from the heater to the water by conduction, particles in water around the heater vibrate more vigorously and {ake up more space, water around the heater expands and becomes less dense, this hotter water floats to the top of the ink, cooler water moves to the bottom of the heater to replace the water that has risen: this sets up a convection current ‘that heats all the water. Bocause of convection; hotter water will beat the top, hotter water is less dense and will float / rise above cooler water (which will be at the bottom) Higher up than the first heater: because of convection, the water below the heater will not be heated. Think like a scientist: Conduction of thermal energy in different materials ‘The risk assessment should include keeping paper savay from the lame; not touching the hot metal rod: making sure the candle will not fall over, and allowing everything o cool at the end of the investigation, ‘Thickness / diameter of rod: distance of rod from flame; mass of wax; distances between aperelips: mass of paperelips. ‘This will vary according to available equipment and design of the investigation, ‘The paperelips closer to the heat source should fall first, Some of the more distant paperclips ‘may not fall within the allocated time. If different materials have been used, then some ‘comparison should be made, For example, the paperclips started to falloff faster from a copper rod than from an iron rod. ‘The heat source makes particles in the rod vibrate more vigorously; the vibration is, transferred to neighbouring particles by collisions: this carries on along the rod: if different materials have been used then a comparison should be made ~ for example, the vibrations are transfered faster in the copper than in the iron; transferring thermal energy along the rod, the wax is heated by conduction from the rod and will melt when it reaches its melting point; particles in the solid wax vibrate more vigorously until they can move further apart and turn to a liquid. Some materials such as wood will burn: other ‘materials such as plastie will melt Activity: Observing convection ‘The drawings should, at the very least, show arrows for the direction of the convection current. Arrows should point up from the heat source (Which is clearly shown at one side of the base of the beaker). then across the upper part of the water, then down the other side and back across the bottom to the heat souree. Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 DMO ck Pisco ge eters ea ol a Explanations should refer to particles vibrating more vigorously due to being heated. These particles then take up more space, expanding the liquid, decreasing the density of the heated liquid and this heated liquid. floating or rising through the denser surrounding liquid. Think like a scientist: Emitting thermal energy by radiation ‘The prediction should be that the water in the cans will cool at different rates and that this is linked to the colours; the black can should cool quickest and the shiny silver can should cool slowest. This should be linked to the relative ability of each colour to emit thermal radiation, The table should have one column (at the ef) for time in minutes, or in minutes and seconds. There should then be columns for the temperature in °C for each colour. ‘The graph should have temperature on the y-axis and time on the x-axis. All three (or more) lines should be drawn on the same grid; each line should be clearly identified using a key for the colour of the can. The lines should be curves if the results have been recorded correctly ‘The trend for all cans should be described as the temperature decreasing with time. More detail can be added, such as the decrease in temperature was faster at the start / when the ‘water was hotter. A comparison should be ‘made between the rates of cooling of each colour of can. ‘The answer should fink the original prediction with the observations. Reference to the graph; any point that are further from the line or does not appear to fit with the others. Volume (or mass) of water in each ean: material / {ype of can; starting temperature of water: location of cans; none stirred or shaken, Use of radiant heat source or placing in direct sunlight; if a radiant heater is used then all cans to be equal distance from the heat source: same volume of water in each; water at same starting temperature in each; cans let for the same time; temperature measured at equal regular intervals which should be specified, eg. every | minute (details of the cans need not be given as question asks about shese cans, i.e, the ones that were used in the frst part of the investigation), Getting started In evaporation, some particles have sufficient energy to leave the surface of the liquid and enter the gas state, so evaporation only occurs atthe surface. In boiling, all particles have suficient energy to turn to ‘215, so boiling occurs at all positions in the iquid at once. Evaporation can occur at any temperature whereas boiling only oecurs at ‘one temperature Particles in a liquid all have different energies. ‘Those at the surface that have suflicient energy cean leave the liquid and enter the gas state Questions ‘The energies of the particles in water at 25°C are different. Particles with the least energy stay in the liquid. Particles with the most energy can leave the liquid, ‘When liquid water turns to gas, the water is said o evaporate, c ‘The average energy of the particles decreases because the particles with more / the most energy leave the liquid; slower moving particles are left behind in the liquid, ‘The temperature decreases: temperature is the average energy of the particles in a substance, so as the average energy decreases, the temperature decreases Evaporation causes cooling: thermal ‘energy from skin is used to evaporate the sweat ‘There is no loss of thermal energy due to evaporation. When isopropanol contacts the skin, the liquid evaporates; evaporation lowers the average energy of the particles in the liquid, so the temperature of the liquid decreases; thermal energy from the skin is used to evaporate the liquid, Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 Ue ake a ese Decale Think like a scientist: Making an air cooler ‘Thermal energy from your hand will affect the thermometer reading / the thermometer will measure the temperature of your hand rather than the temperature of the air. (Answer should be specific and not just refer to getting. better results) ‘There should not be a significant difference between the temperatures measured in steps 2 and 3. This is because the air has not ‘been heated or cooked: the only difference is movement. The temperature from step 7 should be lower, this is because the water from the towel has evaporated, lowering its temperature. ‘Thermal energy from the air around the wet towel is used to evaporate the water, ‘The three temperatures from steps 2, 3. and 7 should be the same if a dry towel is used: this is because there is no cooling by evaporation. Activity: Feeling the effects of evaporation ‘To increase the rate of evaporation. The aleohol should feel coldest, the water next and the soap the least cold. Blowing makes each of the liquids (perhaps with the exception of the soap) fel even colder. alcohol soap There are no numerical resus /no measurements Either repeat the experiment using a skin thermometer or perform an experiment similar to that in Main Teaching Activity How does sweating work Band D 0 = ahem S12 vem’ 1t will sink because its density is greater than that of water. ‘The average energy is the same because the temperatures are the same. ‘The heat in beaker Y is greater because there are more particles (with the same average energy) [the total energy of all the particles is greater °C or degrees Celsius Jor joules Energy is always conserved, meaning that cenergy cannot be created or destroyed. S50 -5=455 ‘The temperature of the ball decreases because thermal energy is transferred to the water, The temperature of the water increases because thermal energy is transferred from the ball c ‘conduction; thermal energy is transferred from the tea to the spoon: metal is a good conductor of heat air is heated: the air becomes less dense: the air floats / rises air cools; the air becomes denser; the air sinks / falls the black car is hotter inside: black is a good absorber of radiation: white is a good reflector / poor absorber of radiation evaporation; thermal energy is removed from the skin: the most energetic particles leave the sweat, lowering the average energy of the remaining particles Unit 4 Maintaining life Questions The long extension from the cell increases its surface area. This increases the surface across which it can take up water and mineral salts, so this uptake happens faster. Nitrate ions are needed to make proteins. Magnesium ions are noeded to make chlorophyll Think like a scientist: Investigating transport in a celery stalk ‘The drawing should show an outline of the ut stalk, and coloured spots in the correct, positions. This will depend on the type of stalk that has been used in the experiment xylem cells Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 Ue ake a ese Decale ‘To make sure that the coloured areas in the stalk had appeared because dye had been carried up through the stalk, not leaked in from the side. To remove any dye from the outside of the stalk, so we could be sure that the coloured spots were caused only by dye that had been carried up the stalk. ‘The water would move from the soil into the root hairs, then across the root to its centre. ‘There it would enter the xylem vessels, which carry it up through the stalk. Think like a scientist: Planning an experiment Questions The water will move up faster, because higher temperatures give more kinetic energy to particles. As temperature increases, the speed at which ‘water moves up the stem increases. The plan should include the idea of changing the temperature, and measuring how fast the dye moves up the stem at different temperatures, “The apparatus is ikely to include a container, some coloured water, several stalks, timer and ruler, Learners may need other apparatus or materials, depending on their plan ‘The independent variable is temperature ‘The dependent variable i the rate at which the coloured water moves up the stalk. This involves measuring time and distance. Variables to keep the same inelude depth of coloured water, size of the stalk and light intensity. Risk assessment: Cutting the stalk carries a risk of harm from the sharp blade. Cut on a firm, non-slip surface and move the blade away from the body. Getting started The particles in the liquid should be randomly arranged, but with each particle touching at least ‘wo other particles. The particles in the gas should not be touching at all, and should be far apart When liquid water turns to a gas, the particles move faster and spread further apart, Questions ‘The parts are identified in the diagram in Topic 1.2, ‘The upper surface is covered with a layer of ‘wax that stops water passing through. The underside has stomata, which are openings leading to the air spaces inside a leaf. Water ‘vapour can diffuse out from the air spaces, through the stomata, Think like a scientist: Investigating transpiration Whether the leaves were exposed to the air or not ‘The soil was covered in both. Learners should also have tried to keop the temperature the same for both plants and to use two plants of the ssame size. They should have ensured there was the same quantity of water in the sil in each pot ‘and that the light intensity was the same. Answers will depend on the learners’ results, ‘They are likely to find that the loss of mass was much greater in the plant that did not have a bag covering its leaves, Water vapour was lost from the leaves of the plant that did not have its leaves covered, by transpiration. The water vapour that was lost from the leaves of the other plant was trapped inside the bag and could not escape. Think like a scientist: Which side of a leaf loses most water? ‘This will depend on the learners’ results. The most likely sequence (in increasing ability to conserve water) is: leaf with no petroleum jelly with petroleum jelly on upper surface only; ‘with petroleum jelly on lower surface only: with Petroleum jelly on both surfaces. ‘The upper surface has few (or no) stomata, but the underside has stomata, through which water ‘vapour can diffuse out from the air spaces. tis unlikely that the two leaves would lose exactly the same mass. The leaves were probably different masses to start with and contained different quantities of water. One leaf may have been in a slightly draughtier place than another. Learners may make other suggestions, depending on what happened in their experiment Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 DMO ck Pisco ge eters ea ol a Using two leaves gives more reliable results, as you can avoid the possibility that the one leaf You test might be unusuall. Using even more leaves would be much better, as this would then give you the opportunity to identify any anomalous results. It would increase the likelihood of obtaining reliable data This will depend on the learners’ experiences as they did their experiment. Do not give credit to answers that involving changing another variable, Activity: Conserving water in the desert Answers will vary. depending on the desert plants studied in Stage 8, and cach learner's own experience. Posible suggestions could include: small eaves with a thick layer of wax to reduce transpiration: very deep or wide-spreading roots to imerease access to water Getting started Yes: they both need water for transport and cooling, We also need water for getting rid of waste materials in urine. Plants use water for support and photosynthesis. Questions renal system Carbon dioxide diffuses into the blood and is carried to the lungs. There, it diffuses from the blood capillaries into the alveoli. It is removed from the body in expired air. Plants make their own proteins, using carbohydrates that they have made in photosynthesis and nitrates that they absorb from the soil. So they are unlikely 10 have excess proteins that they need to get rid of. Getting started Description of the nutrients and their functions are detailed in Stage 8, Topic 7.1. Learners may suggest a range of ideas about particular requirements in the diet of a pregnant woman accept all at this stage, and perhaps ask learners to revisit them when they have carried out the activity in Topic 44: Display about diet during pregnancy. Questions ‘oxygen and any nutrients, sueh as w elucose, vitamins, minerals carbon dioxide and urea Vitamin A for good vision for the mother and the fetus, and for their white blood cells to nt pathogens. Vitamin C for strong skin and blood vessels, for both the mother and the fetus. ‘Vitamin D for strong bones and teeth for both the mother and the fetus. protein: meat, fish, pulses, mill and other dairy products carbohydrate: bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, cereal grains iron: meat, dark green vegetables, fish and shellfish, nuts and seeds. calcium: dairy products, nuts and seeds vitamin A: green vegetables, carrots, squash, fruit, dairy products, fish vitamin C: citrus fruits, potatoes, colourful berries Vitamin Ds ily fish kidney ureter bladder urethra urine Plants take up water from the soil into their root hairs ‘The water flows through xylem vessels which ‘carry it to the plants leaves. In the leaves, a lot of the water changes from liquid to gas. It difuses out of the leaf through the stomata. balance 38 945 — 808 = 1378. 1374 6= 22.82 From the plant. The plant with no covering over either the plant or the soil lost a total of 137 g, whereas the plant with the plant covered lost a total of 31 g Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 DMO ck Pisco ge eters ea ol a Water vapour diffused out of the leaves of the plant, through its stomata. The ‘water vapour condensed to a liquid on Accept any correct responses. For example, fish for protein; yoghurt for cealeium: meat for iron, the inside surface of the bag. Most people's diets contain more fat “There isa wide range of correct answers than they need, so her ermal diet is Credit any answer that includes a correct likely to Contain enough fat for herself function of that nutrient, For example: and her fetus, Too much fat ea ead to She needs more protein because protein obesity and heart disease. is needed for growth, and the fetus is Any to of: Carbon monoxide from growing the cigarette smoke gets into the fetus’s blood and reduces how much oxygen it can carry. Nicotine also gets into the fetus’ blood: itis an addictive substance and can damage the blood vessels. She needs more calcium to help the fetus form strong bones and teeth, as well as keeping her own bones and teeth strong and healthy. Babies born to mothers who smoke She needs more iron so that the fetus can during pregnancy are at increased risk of produce haemoglobin for its red blood having a low birthweight. cells as well as increasing the number of her own red blood cells Unit 5 Reactivity Magnesium + oxygen — magnesium oxide Getting started yes The point of this task isto provoke discussion magnesium rather than to focus on right or wrong answers. Learners may recall colour changes, new products such as gases being formed, changes in pH when Think like a scientist: Displacing metals chemical reactions take place. They should be If there has been a change in the colour of the able to discuss relevant examples from their solution or the metal, that would show that previous experience such as reactions of Group 1 ‘one metal had displaced another. metals with water, burning magnesium ribbon or neutralisation reactions. This will depend on what you have been able to provide, but it is likely to be magnesium, no Questions This will depend on what you have been able Lithium should be placed below sodium to provide, but it is likely to be copper. and above calcium, Lithium reacts with water more vigorously than caleium but less vigorously than sodium. Platinum should be placed below gold Think like a scientist: Identifying Credit a plausible position, such as near Mystery metal ~ planning the sold, investigation Platinum is very unreactive, it does not Credit: logical plan that includes basie react with oxygen at all (it does not observations of the metal burning in air, with tarnish). water and with dilute acids displacement reactions; «an equipment lis; safety considerations; a way of recording results: an indication of what might be expected in each observation/test and how this vine + sulfuric acid — zine sulfate + hydrogen would help to identify the metal Metal B is the most reactive, You can tell because the most bubbles are given off, Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 Ue ake a ese Decale Think like a scientist: Identifying a mystery metal - carrying out the investigation ‘This will depend on which metal you provide Credit comments on the various reactions that have boon used to suggest a metal ‘This will depend on what results they found but they may want to use different salt solutions once they have an idea of which ‘metal it might be. Questions No, because iron is less reactive than aluminium, ‘The thermite reaction can be carried out a Jong way from a workshop or laboratory: molten iron is produced so that it ean be used to join the two rails together. So that the raw materials for the process, iron ore and coal, did not have to be transported very far. This reduced the costs of production. Think like a scientist: Extracting metals using carbon ‘There willbe a reaction Between the copper oxide and carbon. There should be copper at the of the two powders. The copper can be COpPEE 5 carbon —» OO” 5. coppe oxide” SP" oxide * S°PPET It indicates that carbon is more reactive than copper. Carbon should be placed below magnesium and above zine. The reason given should be that carbon can displace a number of different metals, including zine, which is the most reactive of the metals given in the list in the text, Credit any ideas that involve placing carbon above the metals iron and copper. Questions Credit any properties of acids, such as turning litmus red, turning universal indicator solution yellow oF red, having pH of less than 7, tasting sour and that strong acids are corrosive. Credit anything suitable, such as vinegar, fruit juices, lemonade, fizzy drinks, citrus Think like a scient copper sulfate fruits, tomato and other savoury sauces, pickled vegetables hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen hydrogen, sulfur and oxygen; two atoms of hydrogen, one atom of sulfur and four atoms of oxygen, Both formulae contain chlorine, Cl. The hydrochloric acid contains hydrogen, H, but the sodium chloride contains sodium, Na. sodium citrate Adding sodium citrate to foods such as orange jam helps to maintain its tangy taste and reduces the risk of the product decaying. (Leaners may refer to buffering, which appears in many articles, on the internet; only credit this if they hhave explained what it means. Learners should demonstrate engaging with the information, not just copy and paste it.) zinc chloride sulfuric acid hydrochloric _, iron acid chloride Sodium is very reactive and the reaction ‘would be explosive, iron + + hydrogen Think like a scientist: Making the salt zinc sulfate zine + sulfuric acid — zine sulfate + hydrogen ‘The solution may spit when heated, which could cause burns, Larger erystals will be produced when the liquid is Teft to evaporate slowly, so that is the better way. Credit any sensible suggestions, such as using the same mass and volume of zinc and acid for two reactions; using two identical evaporating basins; heating one evaporating basin with a Bunsen burner as in the experiment in the Learner's Book, leaving the other evaporating basin so that the water evaporates very slowly, and then comparing the size of the crystals. : Making the salt Safety glasses, 250 cm* beaker, glass stirring. rod, copper oxide powder, ditute sulfuric acid, measuring cylinder, filter funnel, filter paper, Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 DMO ck Pisco ge eters ea ol a conical flask, evaporating basin, tripod, gauze, pipeclay triangle, heatproof mat, Bunsen ‘burner, tongs. ‘The risk assessment should feature each process, for example Step I: Measuring acid and adding copper oxide: risk of gotting acid in your eye, so wear safety glasses Step 2: Heating the eopper oxide and sulfurie acid: general risks of heating and not touching hot items, wearing eye protection when using acids, not boiling the mixture as harmful fumes can be given off. Learners should ‘mention both the risks and how they can attempt to overcome them. Step 3: Allowing the mixture to cool: general risks of heuting and not touching hot items, ‘wearing eye protection when using acids Step 4: Filtering: risk of splashes of the solution getting into the eves, so wear safety lasses Step 5: Evaporating: risk of solution spitting and general risk of heating and not touching hot items, using tongs to move the evaporating sin, wearing safety glasses, taking care about how close you get to the apparatus. To remove any unreacted copper oxide powder Use hydrochloric acid instead of sulfuric acid. copper , hydrochloric _, copper. water oxide acid chloride copper , nitric, copper oxide * acid ~ nitrate * ***" Questions magnesimy ntric, magesiim MgCO, + H,S0, > MgSO, + H,0 + CO, By bubbling the gas through limewater, which will go cloudy if the gas is carbon dioxide. You could add an indicator such as universal indicator solution. If the test solution is an acid, ‘universal indicator solution will turn yellow orred. Ifthe solution isan alkali, universal indicator solution will turn biue or purple A neutral solution Credit properties, such as soapy feel, turns litmus blue, turns universal indicator solution blue or purple, has a pH greater than 7. A base isa metal oxide, Ifa metal oxide dissolves in water, it makes and alkaline solution ‘magnesium , sulfuric _, magnesium , water oxide acid sulfate MgO + H,SO, > MgSO, + H,0 Iron oxide could be reacted with hydrochloric acid to form iron chloride. Think like a scientist: Preparing a salt from acid and a carbonate ‘This will vary depending on what equipment you have available but is likely to include ‘safety glasses, copper carbonate, hydrochloric acid, measuring cylinder, beaker, spatula filter funnel, filter paper. conical flask, evaporating basin, tripod, pipeclay triangle, Bunsen burner, heatproof mat, tongs, The risk assessment should feature each process, for example: Step L: Measuring acid: risk of getting acid in {Your eye, so protect yourself by wearing safety lasses, Step 2: Adding the copper carbonate to the hydrochloric acid: wear eye protection when using acids. The risk assessment should feature each process and learners should mention the risks and also how they ean attempt to overcome them. Step 3: Adding excess copper carbonate: wear eye protection when using acids. Step 4: Filtering: risk of splashes getting into the eyes, protection by wearing safety glasses. Step 5: Evaporating: risk of solution spitting and general risk of heating and not touching hot items, using tongs to move the evaporating basin, wearing eye protection, taking care about how close you get to the apparatus, Steps 6 and 7: low risk Credit any sensible observations: the most obvious will be bubbling as a gas is given off. carbon dioxide copper, hydrochloric carbonate * acid carbon sioxide copper OP water Any description should include colour (pale green) and the nature of copper chloride (crystals/powder). Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 Ue aki tse eel ee Ter eh el ed copper carbonate and copper chloride Copper carbonate is not soluble as it is left behind in the filter paper. Copper chloride is soluble as it passes through the filter paper as a solution, ‘To make copper sulfate from copper carbonate, the experiment could be repeated but this time using sulfuric acid instead of hydrochloric acid, Think like a scientist: Preparing a salt by neutralisation “This will vary depending on what equipment you have available but is likely to include safety plasses; dilute hydrochloric acd, dilute sodium hydroxide solution, universal indicator solution, charcoal powder, burette, burette stand, small funnel (to fill burette), measuring, cylinder, two conical flasks, beaker, glass stirring rod, filter funnel, filter paper, tripod, pipeclay triangle, evaporating basin, tongs, heatproof mat. “The risk assessment should feature cach process for example: Step |: Filling burete with acid: risk of siting acid in your eye, s0 protect yourself by ‘wearing safety glasses risk of spilling acid, 30 use a smal funnel and place burette at a level lower than the bench to fill it; general risk of breaking glassware Step 2: Measuring sodium hydroxide: risk of splishing itin eyes so wear sarety glasses Step 3: Low risk Step 4: Swirling acd around: risk of spilling acid so take care, wear safety gasses Step S and 6: Low risk Step 7: Filtering: isk of splashes ofthe mixture getting into the eyes, protection by wearing safety glasses Step 8: Evaporating: risk of solution spitting and general risk of heating and not touching hot items using tongs to move the evaporating basin; wearing safety lasses, taking care about how close you get to the apparatus Steps 9 and 10: low risk blue green So that they mix together and react before you add more acid. You could add a little more alkali until the universal indicator solution turns green, sodium chloride sodium _, hydrochloric _ sodium 49,4 carbon hdonide eid ehtoride * *** doxide ‘The description should include the colour (white) and the shape of the erystals obtained (cubic), Questions copper chloride hydrochloric acid water ‘copper carbonate carbon dioxide ‘copper, oxygen, hydrogen and sulfur ‘copper I atom, oxygen $ atoms, hydrogen 2 atoms, sulfur 1 atom ‘copper, oxygen, hydrogen and sulfur ‘copper I atom, oxygen 5 atoms, hydrogen 2atoms, sulfur | atom Ise 10 g of magnesium will be present in the ‘magnesium sulfate. calcium carbonate carbon dioxide and water from the hydrochloric acid He should have used a stopper in the flask to stop the gas escaping. Think like a scientist: Burning magnesium in air “The mass afer heating has inereased. Credit any answer that is in line with the learners practical findings. ‘The magnesium has reacted with the oxygen in the air and this has added to the mass. magnesium oxide ‘The safety risks are to do with the heating of the crucible. It will get very hot and, since the lid has to be raised during the experiment. the tongs or spatula must be used with care. Before re-weighing the crucible after heating, it must be left to stand for quite a long time before itis cool enough to touch. Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 Ue aki tse eel ee Ter eh el ed So that the air can reach the magnesium and the oxygen in the air can react with i. ‘When you lit the lid of the crucible during the heating, you must be careful not to allow any Of the product to escape, As you lift the lid you should be careful not to knock the erucible and cause the product to spill out Think like a scientist: The law of conservation of mass Accept any sensible observations, which are likely to include that there were bubbles produced showing that a gas was given off. cakium , Iydrochloniccakium , | carbon carbonate * acid chloride * "=" dioxide caleium chloride Accept any sensible answers. You should be looking for an understanding that the practical steps in doing this investigation may lead to inaccuracies. The sum of the masses Of the individual items is likely to be a litte higher than the total mass at the end because some gas is likely to be lost as there will be a delay in getting the stopper firmly fixed in the flask. If there has been a colour change in the solution or the metal ‘The more reactive aluminium has “pushed! the less reactive copper out of ils compound. The aluminium has combined with the sulfate to form aluminium sulfate, lewing copper. zine + lead nitrate ~ zine nitrate + lead Copper is less reactive than sodium, 0 it cannot displace the sodium in the compound sodium chloride Aluminium is the most reactive ‘There will not be a reaction as ‘magnesium is more reactive than lead, so lead cannot displace magnesium. ‘There wil be a reaction: ead _, iron nitrate ~ nitrate hydrogen Place a lighted splint in the neck of the test tube; if the gas is hydrogen it will burn with a squeaky pop. zine sulfate Allof the acid has reacted when the fizzing stops. sulfuric, Zine py zine acid sulfate idrogen Aisa burewe hydrochloric acid Add charcoal to remove the colour from the universal indicator solution: filter to remove the charcoal and then pour the solution into an evaporating basin and heat gently. Leave the solution to evaporate and to form the crystals, Unit 6 Sound and space Getting started Vibration of particles; particles vibrate backwards and forwards when the wave moves forwards. vibration Questions As amplitude increases, loudness increases, or As loudness increases, amplitude increases. (Can also be written in terms of both quantities decreasing.) As frequency inereases, ‘or As pitch increases, frequency inet (Can also be written in terms of both quantities decreasing.) A c B CorD increases increases, decreases stays the same decreases Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 DMO ck Pisco ge eters ea ol a Pitch and frequency in music ‘The frequency doubles each time Taller waves should be identified as having larger amplitude. ‘Waves with peaks closer together have Pitch increases from left to right on the keyboard. higher frequencies A, = 880Hz: A, = 1760Hz: A, = 3520 Hz Questions decreases the amplitude B docs not affect the frequency A Think like a scientist: Vibrations in a ruler Table should have column headers as stated in the Learner's Book: units should be in column headers; independent variable should be in the Jef column with values in ascending order. 0.25mm peak to peak peak to trough frequency 450 (Hz), amplitude 1.0 (mm) Frequencies and averages should be correctly zero / 0mm calelated from the results. Activity: Reinforcing and mass cancelling waves frequency / number of complete Tt makes it casier to get the frequency the same vibrations in 10 seconds / number of for both makes it easier to gct the amplitude complete vibrations in | second the same for both. Any two from: same (mass of / material of) metre rule/ same length re to vibrate) ‘masses attached to same position on metre rule / end of metre rule pulled down (or up) by same distance cach time. In the areas where there is larger amplitude, the two waves are suid to reinforce. In the areas where there is zero amplitude, the two waves are said to cancel ‘two loudspeakers (or any named device with a loudspaker)/ two tuning forks / two musical instruments because of sound waves reflecting off objects / walls / furniture Graph should have linear scales, points covering at east half the grid, axes labelled with units, all points plotted correctly, line of best fit or smooth curve drawn. Learners correctly describe the trend in their ‘own graph: ideally, as the mass increases, the frequency decreases, Think like a scientist: Listening to sound waves reinforcing As the mass increases, the frequency Frequencies recorded correctly. decreases ‘The table should have a column for frequency in Hizat the lef, and values should be As the mass inereases, the piteh decreases. recorded in ascending order; another column The independent variable is length that is, free to vibrate. The dependent variable is. frequency. Control variables include: same (mass of / material of) metre rule / same (or more if repeats have been done) for length inmm /em /m, As the frequency increases the length decreases. ‘mass (or no extra mass) attached each time / masses attached to same position on metre rule /end of metre rule pulled down (or up) by same distance each time. Prediction should be as length increases, frequency decreases, Longer wind instruments are capable of producing lower pitch notes, Getting started Discussion should refer to a cloud of dust and gas being pulled together by gravity Getting started Questions Learners should draw waves on plain paper A Tis assumed that the scale of each drawing is the same. c Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 Ue ake a ese Decale ‘The composition of the rocks on the two moons would be different from that of Mars, and possibly different from each, other. The composition of the rocks on the two moons would be very similar to that of Mars, and very similar to each other. Most of the objects that were travelling in paths close to those of planets have already collided with planets; soon after the Solar ‘System was formed, there would still be many left-over objects; the Solar System was still developing for quite some time after the planets were first formed: idea that the Solar ‘System has become more stable over time, Activity: Evidence for the collision theory Evidence that supports the collision theory includes faets such as ‘The Moon is less dense than the Earth, Samples of rock from the Moon show that its surface was once molten The Moon has small iron core, similar to the Earth. There is evidence outside the Solar System of similar collisions causing rings of rock and dust. The collision theory fits with the theory of how the Solar System was formed. The composition of rocks on the Barth and the Moon are the same. Evidence that sooms to contradict the collision theory includes facts such as: + The surface of the Earth does not appear ever {o have been molten, A collision that formed the Moon would have caused the surface of the Earth to melt. The surface would have later solidified. ‘Venus has no moon; collisions in the early years of the Solar System would have been common and scientists would have expected Venus to hhave a moon formed in the same way. The composition of rocks on the Moon would be expected to be more similar to rocks on Theia than rocks on Earth, In fact, the composition of the Moon is more similar to Earth, Other theories for the formation of the Moon include: + Another passing object was captured by Earth's gravity The Moon split away from the Earth soon after formation. + The Earth and Moon formed at the same time in the same way as the rest of the Solar System, + The Moon formed from asteroids that were pulled together soon after the formation of the Solar System. Getting started ‘The planets in the Solar System formed from a disc of dust and gas. Particles attracted each other by gravity and gradually gained mass, so attracting more dust and gas to grow still bigger. Stars give out their own light, planets refleet the light of stars: stars are much bigger than planets: star is usually at the centre of a solar system with planets orbiting the star. Both objects are round / spherical / same shape; both are formed in a similar way. Questions They are clouds of dust and gas in space. Galaxies are larger: galaxies may contain nebulae but not the other way around: galaxies contain older stars and planet systems that formed many millions of years ago; galaxies contain other objects such as comets and asteroids, hydrogen and helium A place in a nebula where stars are formed, B Dust and gas particles are pulled together by wravity: as the object grows, the force of gravity increases: the increasing force of gravity attracts more material; as the object ‘grows larger the pressure inside increases: high pressure inside the object can start reactions that give out heat and light 4 .o01 400 Activity: Virtual tour of nebulae Learners may find out about: planetary nebulae, reflection nebulae, emission nebulae, dark nebulae and supernova remnants. ‘The information sheet should contain some facts about each type of nebula that has been researched. Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 DMO ck Pisco ge eters ea ol a ‘The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) w launched into Earth orbit in 1990. The HST differs from other telescopes in that itis outside the Earth's atmosphere; being outside the atmosphere means much higher quality images are available (some images of nebulae taken with the HST should be included). Getting started ‘The Earth consists of an inner core, an ‘outer core, a mantle and a crust in order of increasing distance from the centre. This, ‘would be best shown on a labelled diagram. The crust is not just one solid layer but has parts that move independently ~ these are the toctonic plates. The tectonic plates are supported by, and move on, the mantle Volcanoes, earthquakes and the formation of fold mountains are all more likely at tectonic plate boundaries. Questions ‘The mantle is heated by the core: molten, rock in contact with the core is heated (by conduction): this expands, becomes less dense and rises through the mantle; cooling occurs next to the crust (which is cooler) and the molten roek sinks again. A tectonic plate is part of the Earth’s erust that can move; iis supported on the mantle and moves on the mantle, ‘The continents were originally one lange mass of land: this split apart, so the continental coastlines that we see today are the lines made by the splitting. The movement was caused by the movement of tectonic plates: in theory, the continents could be pushed back together to fit again, Some fossils of the same species are found in continents that appear as if they could fit {ogether, such as South America and Africa. This suggests that these continents were ‘once joined. Tectonic plate theory explains hhow the continents have moved «part. Magnetic materials in molten rocks line up with the Earth's magnetic field and remain in this alignment when the rock solidifies; the Earth's magnetic field reverses over periods of millions of years. Rocks either side of mid-ovean ridges (where new rock forms) show symmetrical patterns of opposing alignments; this suggests the new rock forms and pushes the tectonic plates apart at these places. 000.000 TES = 454000 years ‘The map supports this statement because most of the earthquakes and volcanoes occur al, or close to, plate boundaries, but a few earthquakes and voleanoes have been recorded tar from plate boundaries. Activity: Pangaea Attica and South America, but learners may suggest others, Pangaea could have been made from one tectonic plate that then broke up into smaller plates, or it could have been made from the ‘many teetonie plates that we see today ‘This isan open question that allows learners to be creative within the limits of tectonic plate theory; some earners may see thatthe Continents could come back together to form another Pangaea, but ina different way. 5000 km x 1000 = 5000000 m 5000000 x 100 = 500000 00cm distance time 500000 000 140 000000, 3.6m per year the loudness increases the pitch increases the pitch increases B c If squared paper is not used then apply reasonable tolerance on measurements and alignment. “Two waves drawn with the peaksaligned and the troughs aligned; two waves have ‘same amplitude; resulting wave shown with same frequency and double the amplitude, ‘Two waves drawn with the peaks of ‘one aligned to troughs of the other, ‘ovo waves have same amplitude: result, shown as a horizontal line. Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 DMO ck Pisco ge eters ea ol a Mars-sized object collided with Earth: ‘The place where stars are formed in dise of dust and debris resulted from some nebulse. collision; dust and debris came together ‘Any two from: because of gravity to form the Moon. Any two from: ‘The Moon is less dense than the Barth, ‘Samples of rock from the Moon show that its surface was once molten. ‘The Moon has. small iron core, ‘The continents look like they could fit similar to the Earth, together because they were originally ‘There is evidence outside the Solar part of one larger continent that ‘System of similar collisions causing broke apart rings of rock and dust Similar / same type of fossils are found. The collision theory fits with the in different continents suggesting they theory of how the Solar System ‘were once joined. was formed. ‘The composition of rocks on the Earth and the Moon are the same. + The newly formed stars are smaller + Newly formed stars emit less light + Light is (partly) blocked by dust in nebula ‘The alignment is different in newer rocks than older rocks / suggests that tectonic plates are pushed apart by new rock A cloud of dust and gas in space. being pushed upward Unit 7 Genes and inheritance ‘The fruit flies have different versions of the gene for wing shape. The DNA in the different versions of the genesis slightly different. Getting started Both are in the centre of a large structure. ‘The nucleus of a cell is much, much larger . than the nucleus of an atom. Getting started Learners might think of red and white blood The nucleus of a cell controls the activities of Gal nerve calls andson calls etmetes) the eel . ‘They all have a nucleus, a cell membrane Questions and cytoplasm. Chromosomes do not usually become visible until just before a cell divides, so unless you are looking ata cell that is going to divide you will not be able to see them. Also, they need tobe Questions coloured with a stain before they are visible Full descriptions ean be found in Topic 1.3 in the Stage 7 Learner's Book A gamete is a sex cell one of two cells that Red blood cells do not contain any fuse together at fertilisation to begin a new lie chromosomes. Chromosomes are only found in a nucleus. (Red blood cells do have a Forexamples nucleus when they are first formed, but they __ lose tas they bocome Fully functioning red ‘amale gamete | 2 female gamete blood cells, full of haemoglobin.) smaller than egg | larger than sperm cell cell A chromosome is a long thread of DNA. A gene is part of a chromosome that helps to control a particular characteristic. Each chromosome contains many genes. Swi doss not contain | contains food many food reserves | reserves hasatailand can | does not have a tail and cannot move Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 OU ake a eee Deseo Yes, the sex of a baby is determined by the sperm cell, which can carry either an X chromosome or iY chromosome. ‘There are equal numbers of sperm cells with an X chromosome and a Y chromosome. If X sperm fuses with an egg, the baby will have chromosomes XX and will be a girl. Ifa Y sperm fuses with an egg, the baby will have chromosomes XY and be a boy. The chances of these two events happening are equal. Activity: Modelling sex inheritance Question Learners should find that there is an equal chance of a baby being a boy or a git. Getting started This is an open-ended question that could elicit ‘many different answers. Learners should be able to state that a species is a particular kind of organism, but they may also be able to suggest ‘more focussed ideas such as a group of organisms that are able to reproduce with cach other to produce fertile offspring. Questions For example, they all have four legs, two ears. Differences include size, age, coat colour, presence of horns, size of horns. S42434943=20 yellow This will depend on the learner's perception of which form is easier to understand. Reasons should be given, Answers will depend on the features that learners chose to investigate. For the examples aiven in the sample table: natural hair colour is determined mostly by genes; however, it can also be affected by hair products such as hair dye eye colour is determined by genes alone shoe size is determined mostly by genes but also partly by environment, such as how much food the person ate as they were ‘growing up and how their feet were treated height is determined partly by genes und parlly by environment such as diet during the growing years. Rater teh areola Think like a scientist: Investigating variation in leaves ‘and 3 depend on the learners results All the leaves on the same tree must have the ume genes. So any differences between them ceannot be caused by genes Getting started Accept any reasonable suggestion that describes «feature of the frog.and how this might help it to survive. For example. the colour of its skin helps to camouflage it, so that it can hide from predators Questions ‘The bacteria are not killed by the antibiotic. When an antibiotic is used, bacteria with varieties of genes that make it resistant to the antibiotic are more likely to survive and reproduce. Over many generations, this variety of the gene becomes more common. resulting in whole populations of bacteria that are not killed by the antibiot ‘Whenever an antibiotic is used we give an advantage to bacteria that are resistant to it. The gene for resistance becomes more common in the ulation. If we do not use the antibiotic then there is no advantage for the resistant bacteria, so natural selection docs not produce a resistant population. By not using antibiotics we can help to stop resistance developing, meaning that when we really do niced to use an antibiotic to cure a serious infection, the antibiotic works. Event I Most peppered moths were pale, but some were dark, Event 2: ‘The differences in colour were caused by having different varieties of the gene that determines wing colour. Event 3 Bofore the industrial revolution, pale moths ‘were most likely to survive, because they ‘were better camouflaged from birds. After the industrial revolution, dark moths were most likely to survive because the pale lichens on the tree trunks were killed or covered in soot. Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 DMO ck Pisco ge eters ea ol a Event 4: Sum = 112; 12 During the industrial revolution, dark ‘moths were more likely to reproduce, passing on their genes for dark wings to the next generation, Event 5: In each generation the variety of the gene that produced dark wings became more common and the variety of the gene producing pale wings became rarer. 2|3}s5 suitable scale on x-axis; suitable scale on y-axis; all bars correctly drawn A substance that kills bacteria (but does not harm humans). The nucleus of every cell contains several ‘The percentage of cases of penicillin long threads, called chromosomes, resistant pneumonia has increased. In most cells, there are two copies of Any two from: each thread, + This happened because penicillin was Each thread contains many genes, used to treat infections. + Any bacteria that happened to be resistant to penicillin survived and reproduced. ‘Their offspring inherited the genes that made them resistant contain a nucleus If penicillin continues to be used over time, are gametes the proportion of bacteria that are resistant to penicillin increases. can swim in humans, contain 23 chromosomes. contain either an X chromosome or a¥ chromosome Unit 8 Rates of reaction Because there is no further increase in the Volume of the gas given off after 270 seconds. it ‘The syringe plunger might shoot out of the Getting started end of the easing and break or hurt someone, You should watch the experiment very carefully and open the top of the flask if the volume of gas produced gets close to 100cm. You could tie the syringe plunger to the barrel with string so that it cannot move very far if it is foreed out of the casing ‘The point ofthe first part of this task isa recap and discussion, The examples are likely to include colour changes, pH changes, gases being given off or other new products being formed. The suggestions as to how the rate of reaction could bbe measured are not about the “right answer” but rather the discussion as to what the learners think they could do. “The result at 90 seconds is anomalous. You can soc this because it does not fit the pattern Questions of the graph, sulfuric _ magnesium 4 drogen ‘The experiment should be repeated and if you acid sulfate *'™ continue to get a result that does not fit the Mg + H,SO, — MgSO, +H, pattern, it might help you decide that there ‘magnesium + Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 Ue aki tse eel ee Ter eh el ed ‘was a change in pattern, If you get a result that fits the pattern, you would decide that the original result was an error. carbon copper hydrochloric _ copper dioxide carbonate * acid chloride 6cm' of carbon dioxide is produced in this 20 second period, so the average rate of reaction is 6=20= 0.3 em'ls, ‘This rate is less than one-third of the rate between 10 and 30 seconds. Think like a scientist: Measuring the rate of reaction This will depend on the method that learners use but will include: safety glasses caleium carbonate, hydrochloric acid. It may include a flask, a top pan balance, gas syringe with tubing and a rubber bung to fit the flask, a large beaker or trough. a beehive shelf and water-filled measuring eylinder. delivery tube and thistle funnel ‘This will depend on the method used. It should include safety measures for using acids, such as wearing safely glasses and being careful to avoid spills; issues relating to the syringe and the production of large volumes of gas that could cause the plunger to shoot out of the casing. This should allow for enough space for many results and have two columns as shown, This will depend on their results but credit «graph drawn with time on the x-axis and volume of gas on the p-axis; axes correctly labelled: suitable scale: ruler and pencil used: points plotted true to the results and a suitable line of best fit drawn ‘The description should fit the graph they present but should include an indication of the speed of the reaction at various points, The rate should be at is fastest at the beginning of the reaction (steepest slope) and then become slower until the reaction is complete (no slope). Credit specific time points mentioned when referring to the rates of reaction. ‘This will depend on which method they used and how well they were able to manage the practical work. The likely problems are difficulty in setting up the apparatus quickly enough to prevent gas being lost at the start of the reaction, and issues about being able to read the scale quickly enough. They may mention accuracy of results as an issue This will depend on the method used. Credit repeating the investigation several times and any suggestions about tightening up the method to avoid variation in the start time duc to not getting the measuring cylinder or syringe in place quickly at the start of the reaction, Getting started ‘The exact measurements are not very important, but learners should record the surface area fora six faces of the book in cm’ and add them together to find the total surface area. To place two books together with the minimum surface area, the largest surfaces ofthe two books should be placed together, thus losing these two surfaces from the total. To put the books together with maxinnum surface area, place the two smallest surfaces together. Think like a scientist: Burning iron ‘This will depend on what the learners see but should include: the nail just glows as it gets hot, the iron woo! burns and pieces fly off ‘whereas the iron filings burn brightly Increasing the total surface area inereases the rate of reaction Fora reaction to take place the atoms of iron must collide with the atoms of oxygen. The larger the surface area ofthe iron, the more iron atoms are in contact with the oxygen in the ai, so the faster the reaction Activity: Calculating the surface area This will depend on the size of the block. ‘The answer should be given in em 9 9x answer to 6 x answer to Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 Ue aki tse eel ee Ter eh el ed 78x answer to The shape in Part 2 has a larger surface area than the shape in Part 1, so the rate of reaction would be greater. 27x 6 x answer to ‘The shape in Part 3 has a larger surface area than the shape in Part 2, so the rate of reaction would be greater, ‘The greater the surface area, the more atoms are in contact with the other reactant and so the reaction is faster. Think like a scientist: The effect of surface area on the rate of reaction Learner's or teacher's choice, ‘The reaction with the smaller calcium carbonate (marble) chips will be faster. Itis important to keep all these variables ~ the volume, type and concentration of the acid the same as these factors could affect the rate of reaction. The investigation is to sce if the surface area affects the rate of reaction, so this, is the only variable that should change ‘The dependent variable is the time taken for the reaction to finish. The independent variable is the size (and therefore the surface area) of the marble chips, ‘This will depend on the method chosen. For the collection of gas method: 0 30. 0. For the change in mass method: 90, ‘This will depend on the results obtained, but is likely to be the one using the smaller chips. ‘The smaller size of marble chips reacted more quickly As the total surface area of the chips increases, the rate of reaction increases ‘This will depend on the results obtained and the prediction made in question 2. Credit an answer that aligns with the findings and the prediction ‘The prediction should be that the rate of reaction would be even faster if powdered calcium carbonate were used in the experiment, Think like a scientist: The effect of temperature on the rate of reaction ~ Part 1: The trial run The answer will depend on what the earners found out, but itis likely to be about organisation and being ready to start the timer as one of them pours in the acid. There may be issues over finding the end point. ‘This will depend on what the learners found out Think like a scientist: The effect of temperature on the rate of reaction - Part 2: Preliminary work ‘This will depend on what the learners decide to do, but is likely to include boiling tubes with stoppers, thermometer, timer, beaker (to act as a water bath), sodium thiosulfate solution, hydrochloric acid, measuring cylinders of suitable size (10 en), safety lasses, card with black cross. clamp stand. Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 DMO ck Pisco ge eters ea ol a This will depend on what the learners have decided to do. The answer is likely to include using two temperatures fairly close together to see how large an interval they need to use ‘and may inelude ideas about keeping the temperature ata sot level throughout the reaction. Likely answers will include the range and / or the interval of temperatures to use. However, it will depend on what the learners have done in their preliminary work. Credit ideas, such as keeping the tube in the water bath and some discussion of the practical aspects of insulation of the tube ‘while still being able to see the end point of the reaction. Credit a plan that mentions what the investigation is about; the independent and dependent variables; indicates what must be kept the same: has a safety comment; includes ‘an equipment list and outline method: mentions the need for repeats. ‘This will depend on what the learners found ‘out, but is likely to include the range J interval of temperatures to be used, and may involve ideas to improve the accuracy of their results. Answers should be specific here and based on their findings. Think like a scientist: The effect of temperature on the rate of reaction - Part 3: The investigation The plan should be detailed, specific and ‘modified from the answers given in question in light of findings in the preliminary work Credit any suitable comment that relates to what the learners did, This is likely to include the same volume of sodium thiosulfate used and the same volume and type of acid used. Do not accept repeating the experiment as part of a fair test ‘This will depend on the results obtained, but credit the following points: use of pencil and ruler; good use of the whole of the graph paper; temperature plotted on the horizontal axis; time taken for reaction to be completed on the vertical axis; suitable scale used; axes suitably labelled: points accurately plotted using small crosses; a line of best fit should be drawn Credit a statement to the effect that the higher the temperature, the greater the rate of reaction, Questions ‘The steeper line shows the faster reaction. If you did the same experiment at S0°C, the line on the graph would be steeper than at 40°C. Questions ‘The steeper line shows the faster reaction. ‘The line on the graph would be less steep than for a low concentration, but it would level off al the same volume. Think like a scientist: Investigating the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction ~ Part 1: Planning the investigation The plan should include a ist of equipment aceded, what the independent variable and dependent variables are, which variables should be kept the same, an outline of how the investigation should be carried out and ‘risk assessment and what should be done to avoid the risks. Think like a scientist: Investigating the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction — Part 2: Carrying out the investigation Points should include using the same mass of marble chips, the same volume of acid. carrying out the investigation at the same temperature. Do not eredit repeating the experiment as this does mot make the investigation far, but more reliable ‘This should include repeating the investigation. Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1 Ue aki tse eel ee Ter eh el ed Credit a table with sufficient readings, at least five different concentrations and repeated at least three times with the mean shown. Results, should be in order, ascending or descending. ‘Tables should also show the correct units, and concentration can be given as solution A to E. Credit: use of pencil and ruler 200d use of whole graph paper concentration along the horizontal axis time taken for the reaction along the vertical axis| + suitable scales used. ‘+ axes suitably labelled + points accurately plotted using a small eross points joined appropriately both lines labelled appropriately ‘This will depend on the results the students ‘obtained but itis likely to be solution E with ‘S0enr of the acid. ‘This will depend on the results obtained but it is likely (o be the more acid that was used to make the solution, ie, the more concentrated the acid, the faster the rate of reaction c ‘The smaller the picces of marble are, the larger their surface area. The powder has more surface area exposed to the acid and so more collisions between the acid particles and marble particles will happen more often. Thus, the reaction will happen more quickly. The test for carbon dioxide is to bubble it through limewater, If the gas is carbon dioxide, the limewater will turn milky. caleium chloride sulfuric __ magnesium ‘acid sulfate * MOE To test for hydrogen he could use a lighted splint. If the eas burns with a squeaky pop then the gas is hydrogen. ‘warming the acid and stirring the mixture Accept answers from 85 10 90 seconds, Accept answers from 230 to 250 seconds. ‘The rate of reaction is very fast up until about 150 seconds. Then the rate of reaction decreases between 150-and 240 seconds.. Eventually, the reaction stops at 240 seconds (accept their answer to question b here). If Zara increased the temperature of the acid, the rate of reaction would increase, The rate of reaction increases when the temperature inereases because the particles of acid move faster when they have more energy. This results in more collisions between the particles of acid and magnesium, The collisions have more energy and are ‘more likely to result in a reaction, Unit 9 Electricity The lamp will no longer be lit. The buzzer will stop making sounds. Getting started | Learners should draw the cell, lamp and Questions buzzer in scrcs (connceted end-to-end c im any order) using the correct circuit . nay one) sng A.Cand D ammeter 2A Cambridge Lower Secondary Scionce 9 Mary Jones, Diane Fellows Freeman & Michael Smyth reassess eee 1

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