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Science [2023-24]

Ch-6: Tissues (Notes)

Name: _____________________ Std. IX / Sec.: _____ Roll No.: _____ Date: _____

TISSUE: A group of cells that are similar in structure and/or work together to achieve a function is
defined as a tissue.
Types of Tissues:
Meristematic tissue: Tissues that are capable of division and are responsible for the
growth of the plants are termed as meristematic tissues.
Permanent tissue: The tissues that have lost the capability to divide and attain permanent
shape, size and perform a certain function are termed as permanent tissues.
Living/dead Cells are living Cells may be living or non-living
Ability of cell Able to divide throughout plant Do not have power of cell division
division life
Arrangement of Compactly arranged May be loosely or compactly arranged
Inter cellular Absent Often present
Cell wall Thin, formed of cellulose only May be thin in some tissues but thick in
Shape & size Small, spherical, round, oval, Large, they are of different shapes
rectangular, polygonal according to the type of permanent
Vacuole Absent/small Large central vacuole is usually present
Cytoplasm Cells are filled with cytoplasm Cytoplasm forms a thin layer between
cell wall and vacuole or may be absent
Nucleus Large and central Small, lies in the peripheral cytoplasm
Location Growing tip of stems and roots, Cortex of roots, below epidermis in
base of node, internode, leaf, stems, hard covering of seeds, nuts, root,
beneath the bark of the tree, stem, leaf of higher plants
vascular bundle
Function Elongation of root and stem, Supporting and conducting tissues,
increase in the length of the protection of internal tissues against
branches, increase in the mechanical injury, prevents desiccation
diameter and girth of the plant of plant.


FUNCTION Elongation Elongation of Increase in the
of root & nodes & thickness of
stem internodes stem & root

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LOCATION Tips of root Near the node Sides of stem
& stem & root



They consist of only one type of cells They consist of more than one type of cells
Cells are similar in structure and perform Different types of cells perform different function
similar function
3 simple tissues- parenchyma, collenchyma, 2 permanent tissues- xylem, phloem
Present in soft parts of the plant, between Root, stem, veins of leaves
different tissues, base of leaves and branches,
hard parts of the plant
Packing tissues, storage of food, Transportation of water, minerals and food
photosynthesis, provides buoyancy, flexibility,
mechanical support



Arrangement Loosely arranged Closely arranged Tightly packed
of cells
Intercellular Large spaces Small spaces Absent
Shape Oval, polygonal, round Elongated Long, narrow
Cell wall Thin Thick Very thick, hard
Cell wall No thickening, made up Thickened at the corners Cell wall is thickened due
thickening of cellulose due to deposition of to deposition of lignin
Nucleus Present Present Absent
Living/dead Living tissue Living tissue Dead tissue
Vacuole Single, large Single, large Absent
Cytoplasm Dense Peripheral Absent
Location Soft parts of plant, Base of leaves and Stem, veins of leaves, hard
between different branches covering of seeds, nuts
Function Packing tissue, storage Flexibility and Mechanical support
of food, buoyancy, mechanical support

1. Chlorenchyma- Parenchyma that contains chlorophyll and performs photosynthesis.

2. Aerenchyma- Parenchyma that has large air cavities to give buoyancy to the aquatic plants
to help them float.



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Transports water and minerals in the plants Transports food in the plants from the leaves to
from the roots to the stem and leaves all the other parts of the plant
Made up of 3 dead components- trachieds, Made up of 3 living components- sieve
vessels, xylem fibres and 1 living component- elements, companion cells, phloem parenchyma
xylem parenchyma and 1 dead component- phloem fibres
Transportation of water and minerals takes Transportation of food takes place from leaves
place only in upward direction through xylem to all directions through phloem


Xylem vessels and tracheids transport water and minerals vertically in the plants
Xylem fibres provide mechanical support
Xylem parenchyma stores food and helps in sideways conduction of


Sieve elements Helps in translocation of food in the plants
(sieve cells, sieve tubes)
Companion cells Helps the sieve tubes to carry out their function
Phloem fibres. Provides mechanical strength to the plant body
Phloem parenchyma Store food materials

BBQ (Page 61)

Ans 2.
Tissues perform multiple functions in the body of multicellular organisms like providing
protection and mechanical strength and facilitating division of labour in the body. Since tissues
carry out only a particular function, they do it very efficiently.
E.g., In humans, muscle cells contract and relax to cause movement. In plants, vascular tissues
(xylem and phloem) conduct water and minerals, food from one part of the plant to another.

BBQ (Page 65)

Ans 3.
The sclerenchyma which is a permanent tissue makes up the husk of coconut.

End Exercise (Page 70)

Ans 5.
a. They allow exchange of gases (CO2 &O2) with the atmosphere.
b. Evaporation of water from the leaf surface occurs through the stomata. It helps in the process
of transpiration.
Ans 13.
a. Cells of the epidermis are water resistant, thus they prevent excess loss of water.
b. It is a protective tissue which protects the plant body against mechanical injury.
c. It allows exchange of gases through stomata.
d. Protection of the underlying cells and tissues.
e. Absorption of water and minerals through epidermis of the root and root hairs.
Ans 14.
Cork cells are dead and compactly arranged without intercellular spaces. They also have a
chemical called ‘suberin’ in their walls that make them impervious to gases and water.
a. Thus they provide strong mechanical strength to plants.
b. It protects the underlying tissues from excess loss of water and adverse external
environment, pathogens/infections.

Additional Question-

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The aerial parts of the plants have a waxy coating in their epidermis. What is it made up of?
Give its functions.
Ans. It is made up of cutin.
a. It protects the plant from dehydration, mechanical injury and attack of parasites.
b. It prevents wetting of leaves.
c. It prevents loss of water through transpiration.



Simple Extremely thin, Inner lining of 1. Protects the
squamous flat, irregular mouth cavity, underlying parts from
oesophagus, mechanical injury,
blood vessels germs, drying up etc.
and alveoli of 2. Helps in diffusion
lungs of gases and
Stratified Many layers of Skin To prevent wear and
squamous irregularly tear
shaped cells

Cuboidal Cube shaped Lining of kidney 1. Provides

cells, large, tubules, ducts of mechanical support
spherical and salivary glands 2. Helps in secretion
central nuclei and absorption of
Columnar(Pillar Tall pillar like Lines most 1. Absorption of
like) cells, elongated organs of the nutrients through
cells, large, digestive tract intestinal linings.
spherical and including the 2. Secretion of
nuclei at the stomach, small substances.
base of the cell intestine and
large intestine,
Ciliated Elongated cells, Inner lining of The lashing
columnar large, spherical nasal cavity, movement of cilia
and nuclei at oviduct or helps to move the
the base of the fallopian tube substances in a
cell, tiny hair direction.
like structure
called cilia on
the outer

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Glandular Some epithelial Forms the The gland cells
tissues fold covering of all secrete several
inward and their major glands substances
cells change like salivary
shape and glands (saliva),
function and sweat glands
form glands (sweat), testes
which are and ovaries
clusters of cells (hormones),
that are digestive glands
specialized to (enzymes)

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Connective Tissues
Characteristics Blood Bone (rigid, non-flexible tissue) Tendon Ligament

Matrix Fluid matrix (Plasma- contains Tough, hard matrix of calcium Soft matrix Soft gel like matrix
proteins, salts & hormones) phosphate
Fibres(in matrix) No fibres Collagen Collagen Collagen
Cells Red Blood Corpuscles(Erythrocytes) Osteoblast, Osteocytes Tenocytes Fibrocytes
White Blood Corpuscle (Leukocytes)
Platelets (Thrombocytes)
Location Blood vessels- arteries, veins, Forms the internal skeleton Attach muscle to Attach bone to
capillaries bone bone
Function It transports gases, digested food, 1. It forms the framework that Helps to move the Helps in musculo-
hormones and waste materials to supports the body. bone skeletal
different parts of the body. 2. It anchors the muscles and movements
R.B.C. - supply of O2 to tissues supports the main organs of the
which bounds to hemoglobin. body.
W.B.C.- kill microbes by producing 3. Bones like skull and rib cage
antibodies protect internal organs from injury.
Platelets- help in clotting of blood

Connective Tissues

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Characteristics Cartilage (not as hard & rigid as Areolar Adipose
bone, flexible tissue)

Matrix Firm and strong, matrix of proteins Gelatinous matrix Jelly like matrix
and sugars
Fibres(in matrix) Collagen, elastin Collagen, elastin Few fibres (collagen)
Cells Chondrocytes Plasma cells, fibroblast, Adipocytes (large, oval, contain fat)
macrophage, mast cells
Location Ear pinna, nose tip, nasal septum, Between skin and muscles, around Below the skin, between internal
epiglottis, rings of trachea, ends of blood vessels and nerves and in organs, in bone marrow
long bones at the joints bone marrow
Function 1. It works like a cushion in the 1. It fills the space inside the organs. 1. It is a fat storing tissue, so it
joints and prevents rubbing of provides energy during starvation or
2. Supports internal organs
bones against each other. physical exertion.
3. Helps in repair of tissues
2. It provides flexibility to body 2. Provides insulation (prevents the
parts and prevents damage from 4. Kills the bacteria and viruses that body from becoming cold)
mechanical injury. enter the body

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Shape Long, cylindrical, Long, spindle shaped, Short, cylindrical,
unbranched fibres tapering ends branched fibres
No. of Nuclei Multinucleate Uninucleate Uninucleate
Position Of Nuclei Peripheral Central Central
Appearance Under Alternate dark and No transverse bands Fine criss-cross
Microscope light transverse striations
Type Of Control Voluntary, get Involuntary Involuntary
fatigued very soon
Location Hands and legs, Walls of stomach, intestine, Walls of heart
face, neck, tongue, iris of eye, bronchi of lungs,
diaphragm ureters, urinary bladder
Function Voluntary Peristaltic movement in the Rhythmic contraction
movements of body, wall of alimentary canal and and relaxation of the
responsible for help to push the food down, heart muscles help to
locomotion, tongue Produce fast contractions pump blood and
movement. and help to remove distribute it to the
contents of organs like different parts of the
ureters, urinary bladder, body.
uterus etc.

Muscles contain special proteins called contractile proteins (actin, myosin) which contract and
relax to cause movement.

The cells of this tissue are called nerve cells/neurons. The brain, spinal cord and nerves are all
composed of the nervous tissue.
The cell body or cyton, is the spherical part of the neuron that contains the nucleus and
cytoplasm. Dendrons are short hair like extensions arising from the cyton. Dendrons further
branch into thin dendrites and carry nerve impulses to the cyton. Axon is a large branch that
arises from the cyton of a nerve cell. It carries nerve impulse from the cyton and passes on
Function- It controls the body’s movements, sends and carries signals to and from the different
parts of the body to the brain and spinal cord and plays an important role in controlling bodily

BBQ (Page 69)

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Ans 1.
Muscular tissue and Nervous tissue are jointly responsible for the movement in our body.

End Exercise (Page 70)

Ans 10.

(a) Tissue that forms the inner lining of our mouth – The epithelial tissue, Squamous epithelium.

(b) Tissue that connects muscle to bone in humans – Tendon

(c) Tissue that transports food in plants – Phloem

(d) Tissue that stores fat in our body – Adipose tissue

(e) Connective tissue with a fluid matrix – Blood, it is a fluid connective tissue

(f) Tissue present in the brain – Nervous tissue

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